HomeMy WebLinkAbout04042006 EB HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, April 4,2006 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Pat Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Trish Adams Kristi Yanchis Jim Slattery Mr. Slattery requested excused absences from the June, July, August and Sept. meetings. The recording secretary announced that Therese Miller resigned. 4. PUBLIC INPUT - none. 5. OLD BUSINESS Chair Adams thanked everyone for attending last month's meeting with the guest speakers. She also announced that the City Manager is working with IFAS Ext. Agent Janet Bargar on the grant recently awarded relating to pesticide application. A. 2006 Itinerary (a.k. a. Environmental Committee Priorities) Chair Adams recounted the committee's priorities identified last May noting that some priorities have been completed. 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee April 4, 2006 Page Two Each member then identified his or her individual priorities as follows: Slattery-obtain environmental staff position; protect all waterfronts Yanchis-obtain environmental staff position; review development ordinances; increase public involvement Adams-obtain environmental staff position; review comp plan; Side II, Tape I, 6:46 pm in response to Council Member Neglia, hold workshop on herbicide/pesticide application; perhaps instigating a resource protection fee; apply next cycle for federal grant to obtain contiguous land to conservation land Krueger-obtain staff person; education/outreach; write letters to the editor; involve Eco-Troop with outreach activities; have booth at Pelican Island Festival Kidde-include integrated pest management in workshop (ex. installation of bat boxes); provide backyard wildlife habitation information for homeowners; partner with Tree and Landscape Committee on native plant commercial landscaping; incorporate green building standards into the LDC; partner with Environmental Learning Center to reach homeowners; stabilize the banks of the St. Sebastian River with filtration, aesthetics; develop wildlife sanctuaries (ex. increase habitat for songbirds) Beckwith-obtain staff position; strengthen waterfront protection; reduce pollution to waterways; increase outreach; set up website The Committee then identified the following: Side I, Tape II, 7:32 pm 2006 Goals & Objectives 1) obtain environmental staff position 2) strengthen waterfront ordinances 3) review and strengthen development ordinances and increase penalties 4) promote public awareness by: -workshop -backyard habitat information -promote wildlife friendly city -partner with ELC & Sebastian River High School Environmental Science Academy 5) stormwater pond management 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee April 4, 2006 Page Three 6) coordinate with other boards and committees as warranted 7) use native vegetation exclusively on city property 8) minimize runoff into IRL and St. Sebastian River 9) establish resource protection fund through impact fee On a MOTION by Ms. Adams and SECOND by Ms. Beckwith, these goals would be presented to City Council at their April 26th meeting in addition to permission will be requested to show environmental educational videos endorsed by the Committee on Channel 25. A voice vote carried unanimously. 6. NEW BUSINESS For the next agenda, it was suggested that a representative from the SJRWMD come to explain the importance of allowing a natural buffer to homeowner ponds, tips for swales/drainage and other pertinent homeowner information. The Committee also agreed to discuss outreach possibilities at the next meeting. Ms. Krueger asked about the installation of "scrub jay flight zone" signs throughout the city. Ms. Yanchis agreed to obtain example signs to review at the next meeting. 7. MEMBER'S MATTERS Ms. Krueger discussed a letter she received from a friend who requests the city to ask the Army Corp of Engineers to designate some property as wetlands. She stated she would mail a copy of the letter to the recording secretary so it can be passed onto the city manager for review. Ms. Krueger invited everyone to Arbor Day on Saturday. Ms. Beckwith announced that IFAS Agent Christine Kelly would like to speak to the Committee on "Florida Friendly Yards' in the fall. Ms. Adams announced that author, Carl Hiassen, has relocated from South Florida to Rio Mar and perhaps he may be of assistance to their public outreach endeavors in the future. 8. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:57. Approved at t~\ /0 h meeting. 3