HomeMy WebLinkAbout05022006 EB CITY OF ~ ."'~'::": '" " _"';':;';;;',' r'-";,,.- -- - --'7"';'~: ." . - -- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 2,2006 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Pat Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Trish Adams Kristi Yanchis Jim Slattery Jane Kresge Also Present: Council Member Sal Neglia Council Member AI Paternoster AV/MIS Systems Analyst Melanie Astle Recording Secretary Jeanette Williams 4. PUBLIC INPUT Robert Johnson, 741 Easy Street spoke a notice he received from the Army Corp of Engineers relating to a proposed neighboring subdivision to be called Sebastian Harbor. He expressed concern that an environmental impact statement was not required by the Army Corp of Engineers. Ms. Adams explained that the Army addresses the wetlands of the project, not the animals. She also stated the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is aware of the project and has requested more information on the endangered species from the developer. 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 2, 2006 Page Two Mr. Johnson said he had prepared dvd of the project's wildlife but would like to enhance it and bring it back to the next meeting. Ms. Krueger asked if citizens have a say in "take permits and mitigation". Ms. Adams explained that section seven of the Endangered Species Act provides for working with involved parties in the "permit process" not a "non-permit process." She also explained that if one's land is deemed to not be useable federal agencies would have to pay the land owner for the land at fair market value and the laws speak to saving the animal's habitat so they have a place to live. Ms. Yanchis pointed out that cities and counties can make stronger laws to protect the animals and concerned citizens should speak out. Ms. Krueger asked if the Sebastian Harbor project can be issued a stop action notice until all environmental concerns are addressed. Ms. Adams pointed out that is the case. Ms. Yanchis pointed out that a city environmental staff person would be the one assigned to these concerns and the project probably can't be stopped but maybe a conserve area could be made bigger. Ms. Adams said this a nice large piece of conserve and it would add to the conserve corridor efforts. Dale Simchick, 766 Easy Street offered any assistance with the Committee's environmental concerns. 5. OLD BUSINESS None. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. GUEST ENVIRONMENTAL SPEAKER Bob Day, Environmental Specialist with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) introduced himself and spoke on state and federal regulatory programs in place. He then described some of SJRWMD projects taking place in the City. Ms. Krueger asked about the regulation of private pond mowing. Mr. Day pointed out that overgrown ponds can prohibit water retention. Mr. Kidde asked about an oyster restoration project. Mr. Day described the project taking place in Mosquito Lagoon. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 2, 2006 Page Three Ms. Adams asked for a future speaker to address quarter round vs. swales. She also asked what is the Lagoon's biggest issue in the Sebastian area. Mr. Day replied pollutants which can be reduced by measures already underway by the City such as baffle boxes and the Filbert Street Park. Mr. Day said a new regulation called Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) will help in policing pollutants and identify impaired waterways. Ms. Yanchis commented that educating people not to use pesticides and herbicides will help. Ms. Krueger asked if it would help if impervious surfaces were prohibited and Mr. Day said the City could have dirt roads but that would bring new problems. Ms. Beckwith asked for a SJRWMD speaker to address Extension Office venues. Mr. Day said Ed Garland can help her with a speaker. B. DEVELOPMENT OF OUTREACH POSSIBILITIES Mr. Day said Lisa Soto from the University of Florida has recently received a Department of Environmental Protection grant to provide stormwater education and perhaps she could help the City reach citizens. Ms. Yanchis said she is still looking for scrub jay and tortoise crossing signs. Ms. Krueger would like the City to sponsor an Earth Day with each department providing a manned table describing their function in the City. She suggested the master gardeners, the Eco-Troop, the Refuge warden, perhaps a music ensemble attend, and the Chamber might sell their shirts. Ms. Adams stated this might be done with speakers, workshops and in conjunction with the Tree Board. Ms. Yanchis said the grand opening of the stormwater park might coincide with the first City of Sebastian Earth day. Ms. Krueger volunteered to write an article to be included in the next Pelican Brief. Ms. Yanchis suggested environmental 'movies on the lawn' for people of all ages to watch at Friendship Park. Ms. Beckwith suggested the library due to the summer heat. Mr. Slattery said the high school environmental academy should be contacted on building bat boxes and osprey platforms throughout the City. He said he would contact the academy to see how the Committee could work with them. 3 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 2,2006 Page Four Ms. Adams said Boy Scout Troop 599 will stall the drain markers and she has been appointed conservation badge advisor for the troop. Ms. Kresge asked how could citizens keep their yards going without the use of pesticides. Ms. Beckwith replied with soaps and oils. Ms. Yanchis said people could buy bugs on-line. Ms. Krueger pointed out that it should be researched why the bug is there and that they are cleaner-uppers. The Committee selected ''This Old Pond" by the SJRWMD to play on Channel 25. 7. MEMBER'S MATTERS Ms, Kresge introduced herself and explained that she had to redo her yard three times when she first moved here. She is also interested in educating children on the importance of saving our environment. Ms. Adams stated she was disappointed with the outcome of the Fish House at the last City Council meeting. At the same meeting she presented the Committee's goals and objectives and wished she received more comment from City Council because the committee is made of great expertise. She said the City Manager would provide future comment to the Committee by direction of the Mayor. Mr. Kidde resigned with heavy heart. He explained that his relocation is too good to pass up with his company. He hoped he made a contribution to the City. Ms. Krueger thanked Mr. Kidde for giving the City his time while maintaining a job and family. She also expressed concern for: -two eagles spotted near 126 Day Drive. -the City plans to buy trees with a recently awarded grant but still allows many people to chop trees down -development coming in at Alexis Drive and Schumann Drive -pointed out that Growth Management has a nice aerial map of Sebastian -thanked Council Members Neglia and Paternoster for their attendance -would like Riverview Park to look more natural with native plants and landscaping -displayed part of her Pelican Island Elementary School mural 8. SET NEXT AGENDA Ms. Adams stated that Mr. Johnson would return with his dvd on Sebastian Harbor and each member could report on their outreach efforts. 4 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 2, 2006 Page Five 9. Being no further business, the Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. meeting. 5