HomeMy WebLinkAbout08012006 EB OIY Of SE~~ ~ -c, 'C'.. . .-- ." . -~.. -""- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2006 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Members Present: Dale Simchick Larry Birchmeyer Pat Beckwith Trish Adams Linda DeSanctis Diane Powers Members Absent (excused): Jane Kresge Kristi Yanchis Jim Slattery 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 6, 2006 Meeting Ms. Adams requested the minutes be amended to reflect that she would not walk the property in her U.S. Fish and Wildlife position as noted in item #7A On a MOTION by Ms. Simchick with a SECOND by Ms. DeSanctis the minutes were approved as amended on a voice vote of 5-0. 5. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS Each member stated how long he or she has lived in Florida and their environmental interests. 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee August 1,2006 Page Two 6. MAYOR McCOLLUM The Mayor welcomed everyone and explained he was there on behalf of Council because the committee took action on a project in June. He went on to explain the reason they have not received instruction or direction at past Council meetings is because Council is not sure of what is involved or needs to be done with their concerns and they would look to the City Manager for guidance. He encouraged them to continue to come to Council and Council Member Neglia will assist with relaying their concerns. If you have recommendations, put into memo form and submit it to the City Manager for review. 7. CHAIRPERSON ADAMS Ms. Adams distributed PowerPoint slides to each member to review as she talked. These slides were of the Committee's past accomplishments and their future goals. (attached) Ms. Adams stated an impact fee for new-builds might be ideal when the City is trying go back to roll-back. (due to technical difficulties, the recording ends at this point). Ms. Simchick suggested setting a percentage aside at a home closing for a conservation fee and offered to look at other counties and report back to the committee. Ms. DeSanctis called for a break and upon return all members except for Mr. Birchmeyer returned. Ms. Adams pointed out one of the good things the Committee can do for Sebastian's environment is identify grants such as one currently available for the eradication of Brazilian pepper trees. She stated the City is a sure-win because the threatened pipefish breeds in the Indian River and two buffer preserves surround the City. She also stated the Exotic Plant Control Council has issued a 2006 Brazilian pepper treatment statement which may be reviewed by the City. Ms. Beckwith stated the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science is currently tracking air potato plant invasion within Indian River County and would like Sebastian to assist in their efforts. She requested a slide be shown on channel 25 and the web requesting citizens to report sightings of the plant to her. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee August 1, 2006 Page Three On a MOTION by Ms. DeSanctis and a SECOND by Ms. Simchick, Ms. Beckwith will get a slide to give to Council Member Neglia to take to the City Manager for the approval process. Discussion followed on setting the next agenda. The Committee decided on celebrating Earth Day on April 21st at Riverview Park with a rain date of April 22nd. Further discussion will happen at the September meeting. 8. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Approved at the q - {p -' 0 fc meeting, IrLLm L;JJlut~ J~ nette Williams, Recording Secretary 3 +City of Sebastian's Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee Overview and Update Trish Adams, Chair August 1, 2006 Resolution No. R-05-11 This temporary committee was formed on March 9 2005 and will be disbanded in 2 -years (March '1007) or earlier, if needed. . Purpose: Shall be to study issues, hear presentations, and provide recommendations to qty Counc l: — As to environmental best management practices to be employed by the City in its own operations; — As toDreservation and protection policies to be and and for development of future regulations; — As to initiatives and programs to be pursued on an intergovernmental basis. 2005 Committee Actions �. Interviewed department heads to gain a better understanding as to how the City addressed environmental issues. ■ Several guest speakers: Bob Day, S]RWMD; Janet Bargar, IFAS Extension; Tim Glover, Friends of the Sebastian River; and Beth Powell, IRC Lands Manager. . Developed a list of pals for 2005 and made several recommendations to Council. . Held a joint workshop with Tree and Landscape Committee. 2005 Goals 4 Strengthen the existing Sebastian tree and landscape ordinance (residential and commercial), including strengthening the tree replacement requirement for commercial and Industrial properties. . Strengthen the Sebastian waterfront Development Ordinances to promote conservation and avoid/minimize impacts to the IRL. . Investigate means within the Gty budget (e.g., building and land clearing permit fees) or other to hire a person to handle environmental code/rule enforcement. Goals continued Review and strengthen development ordinances (P&Z) with emphasis on environmental conservation. . Develop a program fortreatment of drainage swales, fill where possible to collect and treat stormwater centrally and provide suggested plant pallet relative to groundwater levels. . Reduce stormwater pollution from finding its way to the IRL through prohibiting chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc. on landscapes of properties built on the east side of IRL 2005 Achievements . Public outreach: information placed on the City's website and Channel 25. . Welcome flyer for new residents. . Storm drain markers will be installed with help from the Boy Scouts Troop 599. ■ Through IFAS, an integrated pest management workshop/training for City workers was held. . Helped to raise the City's, and hopefully the public's, awareness concerning environmental Issues. IRC Federally Listed Species Sebastian Area 1 aq Z, laa3 :sc -u,b aid �u-rye l 3 Issues identified �. Dedicated staff person to oversee environmental issues/conmins. . Tighten local laws/ordinances to protect Sebastian's resources (can't continue to rely on State or Federal laws). . lack of funds to address environmental needs or help to match grants. - Don't have updated location data of staWfederally threatened and endangered species (need GIs). . Increase public awareness and outreach, but the City should set the example. a Use the expertise of those on the Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee (e.g., work with other committees/boards). Here's what the City Itcould do: I n Hire an Environmental Planner: He/She would ensure that not only are the appropriate state and federal laws addressed, but will look closely to ensure resources that are Important to the City are protected (e.g., state/Fed species, wetlands, compliance with HCP/ITP). Person would be the primary POC for environmental issues. a Tighten local ordinances to increase conservation: We know our resources the best. The city has the authority to enact stricter regulations to protect those resources (e.g., gopher tortoise, scrub -jays, wetlands, etc.). ■ Implement an Environmental Impact Fee: Like other issues, there is a cost. Funds generated through an impact fee mould be used to match grants, conduct surveys,possibly purchase conservation land, and help with outreach. The City could possibly receive mitigation money. . SET THE EXAMPLE: City has made some good choices to improve water quality (Collier Creek Canal, Stormwater Park, etc.). But, let's raise the bar. Before the City asks its citizens to change their conservation ethics, the City should change theirs. We can do better: _ Incorporate more native plants on City property; . Plant the right plant in the right spot; ■ Control invasive exotics; . If new lights are needed, make sure they're wildlife friendly lights; ■ Avoid and minimize use of phosphorus based fertilizers; ■ Implement integrated pest control; ■ Use bio -diesel in City equipment (like Martin County); . Manage for wildlife on dormant city -owned lands; and ■ Develop a plan for wildlife conservation to be Included in the City's Comprehensive Plan which is currently under revision. Do Good Things for Wildlife Species specific +5c�o-�yy improve city'mmed scrub halatat for � iy residential landsoiPe'ordinance� '' �•� ramal feral cats, etc. y... ' �A. �r _ ,.p._.,_y;._: develop � •�' sla IO s of Pralertlon, Pran' bit entombment, etc. - Indim snake: Require Indigo snake protectlon measures (don't kill fir. Wyod 5tqkprotect wetlands and enhanm stem for mowing ponds birds. ,. Wetlands �. - This will minimize the need to , w. i' s. 'L purchase land for stommvater s[ora9e. Dixie Terrace Wetlands Do good things for wildlife. .! invasive Exotic Plant Control. - Apply for grants (Stone Crop, etc.). - Use seappropriate Xe and aa of herbitl es. • usenativevegetation in City's landscaping. x Implement integrated pest management. - limit herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizer use on City lands. Do good things for wildlife. ■ Consciously consider potential long term impacts to wildlife when proposing CIPS and in the permitting process. — Sebastian Harbor (through tougher regulations, impacts from projects such as this can be greatly minimized or avoided). — Barber Street realignment. —Fleming Street extension. Do good things for wildlife �. Require wildlife friendly lights - As lights need to be repiawd/pumlrased (Gly and wn ial). • www.darksky.om . mmstarrvnlohtliohts. com Task the Temporary Environmental Advisory +Committee . We can help investigate, evaluate, and make recommendations to Council regarding any of the issues just outlined. a Assist other committees/boards - Tree and Landscape Committee . Commemal landscape ordinance. — Park and Recreation Committee . Communlry Center sling. Thank You x