HomeMy WebLinkAbout10052006 PZ OCTOBER 5, 2006 en )> )> N "I.'') -'''0 '.0 V~ cg-o-o 0 m i>> a a :::I 0- ~ & l~.~ ", d:. 'c OS>> 0::1 3-0 -a 3 i>> c -.::s ~en::s ) - en _. CD --::s ~- gtC .,.I) go ~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Chmn. Allocco called the meeting to order at 7:00P.M, The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Allocco Mr. Morrison (a) Mr. Mahoney Mr. Simmons Mr. Paul EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan (a) Mr. Keough Mr. Cardinale Mr. Oakes ALSO PRESENT: Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Messrs. Buchanan, Keough, Cardinale and Oakes are excused and Mr. Morrison will be voting tonight. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: P&Z Special Meeting 8/31/06 Mr. Paul noted his name was not listed on the roll call for minutes when he did actually vote and was listed as present above. It was discovered the two alternate member's names were listed while they did not vote that meeting. Ms. Bosworth stated she had an e-mail from Mr. Oakes regarding a correction to the minutes and he requested the e-mail be read as part of the record since he could not attend the meeting. Ms. Bosworth read the e-mail (see attached), which requested a change under "Chairman Matters" on page three. He requested a deletion regarding an incorrect statement for something he verified he did not say. MOTION by Paul/Morrison to approve the minutes of August 31, 2006 with the noted corrections. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 5,2006 NONE NEW BUSINESS: 1. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE - NEW MODEL HOME PERMIT - 1089 BARBER STREET - MERCEDES HOMES, INC. Chmn. Allocco swore in staff, applicant and anyone wishing to speak. John Ludwig of Mercedes Homes, Palm Bay presented the application. Mr. Ludwig stated that they are planning to have the parking on the Rosebush Terrace side of the property to minimize the impact of cars backing out onto Barber Street. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the staff report. She also addressed the concerns of a neighbor on Rosebush regarding the decision on parking location at this model home, noting comments from the City Engineer and Chief of Police who are in agreement with parking on Rosebush. MOTION by Paul/Simmons to approve the conditional use permit for a new model home at 1089 Barber Street by Mercedes Homes. Inc. ROLL CALL: Chmn. Allocco Mr. Morrison Mr. Simmons yes yes yes Mr. Mahoney Mr. Paul yes yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. 2. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN - BRISTOL LAKES TOWNHOUSES - BARBER STREET & BRISTOL STREET - RM-8 ZONING DISTRICT Chmn. Allocco swore in staff, applicant and anyone intending to speak. Joseph Schulke of Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, Vero Beach represented Sebastian Landings, LLC and Emilio Suaya. Also present was Attorney Bruce Barkett. Mr. Schulke handed out 11 "X17" copies of the plan. He detailed the location of the site. The proposal consists of 84 town home units with the main access directly lined up with the access to Park Place on Barber Street. The secondary access point to the east was selected because there is an existing Indian River County Utility lift station driveway location. The county is requiring the developer to bring the lift station up to code. Tract B is an existing wetland area, which will be increased by the applicant. The oak hammock to the west of Tract B will not be disturbed. The proposal is for platting the lots, which means the homeowner owns the land fee simple as well as their unit. Parking consists of one-car garage and driveway, additional spaces around the units with an added thirteen spaces throughout the site. Ms. King reviewed the staff report. She reinforced that the secondary access point is for emergency and utility use. The applicant is providing 14 more parking spaces than is required by our minimum code requirements. She explained the landscape plan and tree requirement. Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the conditions listed on page 8 of the staff report. Further, staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission make a recommendation to city council to approve the preliminary plat. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 2006 Mr. Paul discussed traffic and the future of Barber Street. Mr. Simmons asked about total coverage and Ms. King said the site would be allowed up to 60% but will be 43.8%. Mr. Morrison inquired if the school board had reviewed this application for concurrency and Mr. Schulke said they did not and to his knowledge the school board had not adopted a standard as yet. Mr. Barkett said Mr. Schulke is correct. There is a system being considered to allow school board reviews but right now the county does them. Mr. Schulke added that within the impact fees paid, there is an allocation for schools. Mr. Mahoney inquired about sidewalks and Mr. Schulke said there are sidewalks throughout the development and there will be sidewalks constructed on Barber Street. The following people spoke on this application: Ken Burgess, 2401 Kelley Drive, traffic concerns. Shannon Smith, American Land Lease (owner of Park Place),1001 West Lakeview Drive, concerns with traffic, storm water flows and drainage. Mason LeVan (?), 135 Bristol Street, traffic and wildlife concerns. Harold Farrington, 143 Bristol Street, storm water runoff and traffic concerns. Diana Frederick, 145 Bristol Street, concerned about lights from parking area and road. Joe Piatti, Keystone Drive, traffic concerns. Cheryl LeVan (?), 135 Bristol Street, lighting and traffic concerns. There was discussion between the commission and Mr. Schulke regarding the concerns expressed by the public. Ms. King added that Ms. Grohall hired a traffic consultant to review the submitted traffic survey. Staff recommends approval of the Bristol Lakes Townhouses with the eight (8) conditions listed in the staff report, which are all landscape related, and staff would further recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission make a recommendation to city council on the preliminary plat to approve the preliminary plat. Chmn. Allocco added the light overflow that Joe Schulke agreed to on the west border and to ensure a sight distance at Bristol and Barber Street intersection. MOTION by Allocco/Morrison to approve the site plan for Bristol Lakes Townhouses at Barber and Bristol Streets with the conditions noted in the staff report as well as sight distance and light overflow. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mahoney Mr. Paul Chmn. Allocco yes yes yes Mr. Morrison (a) Mr. Simmons yes yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION by Morrison/Simmons to recommend city council approve the preliminary plat for Bristol Lakes Subdivision. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul Mr. Mahoney Chmn. Allocco yes yes yes Mr. Simmons Mr. Morrison (a) yes yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 2006 NONE MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Mahoney complimented Ms. King and Ms. Bosworth on their information for a newspaper article. Mr. Morrison would like to see city council pursue the realignment of Barber Street. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Bosworth informed the commission that effective October 151 a new state law required that if the board should deny a project, the record must show the specific code section(s) relating to the denial, and the office is to send a letter of denial to the applicant with the stated codes in writing. ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Allocco adjourned the meeting at 9:17 p.m. (1 0/06/06 sbl) 4 Page 1 of] Rebecca Grohall From: Sally Maio S~.,t: Monday, October 02, 2006 11 :41 AM "\ John Oakes; Sally Maio Cc: Rich Stringer; Rebecca Grohall Subject: RE: Error in minutes of special meeting for P&Z August 31st, 2006 (Typing error-Correction) -----Original Message----- From: John Oakes [mailto:dadjo7@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 02,2006 11:33 AM To: Sally Maio Cc: Rich Stringer Subject: Fwd: Error in minutes of special meeting for P&Z August 31st, 2006 (Typing error-Correction) Sally I was typing to fast: Please disregard the first email I sent in error. Here is the correct email. I left out did "NOT" .....my apologizes. Thanks, John Oakes Date: From: Subject: To: CC: Mon,2 Oct 200608:27:37 -0700 (PDT) "John Oakes" <dadj07@yahoo.com> !~Add to Address Book i Add Mobile Alert Error in minutes of special meeting for P&Z August 31 st, 2006 "Sally Maio" <smaio@cityofsebastian.org> "Rich Stringer" <rstringer@cityofsebastian.org> Monday October 2nd, 2006 Sally GoodMorning, I would like to identify an error in the P & Z minutes of Special Meeting on August 31 st, 2006. On page 3 of Chairman Matters sentence 6 at the end of the sentence is stated "or Mr. Morrison". This is incorrect. I did NOT include "or Mr. Morrison" in my statement that evening. I had no conversations at anytime prior, during or afterwards with Mr. Morrison about Mr. Gilliams project, and I stated that publicly that evening. What I did say is I had no recollection of any dissussions with any "staffmember" in reference to Mr. Gilliams project. There should be no doubt or question in anyone's mind that I had any conversation at anytime with Mr. Morrison about this project. I did not. Please correct this error in the minutes. I would also appreciate it if this e-mail could be presented publicly at our next P & Z meeting and read into the record. Sincerely, John Oakes How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. 10/4/2006 I