HomeMy WebLinkAbout10102006 CB Ch. Garland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING a- {It ~ ~vCHAIRMAN OCTOBER 10. 2006 Boafd ~O ~6~ )...cr, ~ u Approved \~ Date Approved Subject To Ch. Garland led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Ch. Garland V.c. Morris Mrs. Carbano Mr.. Conover Mr. Hosey Mr. Widup Mr. Dalessandro APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting held 9/12/06. MOTION: Conover/Dalessandro I make a motion we approve the minutes of meeting held 9/12/06 as written. A voice vote was taken - passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Thomson * Prometric Exam: All applicants were sworn in by Ch. Garland. Dube, Robert/Master Electrician MOTION: Hosey/Dalessandro I make a motion we approve Mr. Robert Dube to take the Master Eelectrician exam. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes Motion carries 7 - O. Shapiro, Josef/Hurricane Protection MOTION: ConoverlWidup I make a motion to approve Mr. Shapiro to take the Hurricane Protection exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - yes Mr. Widup - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Dehmer, Randall/Aluminum MOTION: Carbano/Conover Ch. Garland - yes V.c. Morris - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes I make a motion we allow Mr. Randall Dehmer to take the test for Specialty Contractor Aluminum. ROLL CALL: Mr. Hosey - no Mr. Widup - yes Mr Dalessandro - yes Ch. Garland - yes Motion carries 5 - 2. Moore, Alvin/Excavation MOTION: Hosey/Carbano V.c. Morris - no Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover yes I make a motion that we hear the violation hearing first and then the test approval. ROLL CALL: Mr. Widup - no Mr. Dalessandro - yes Ch. Garland - no V.C. Morris - yes VIOLATION HEARINGS: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - yes Alvin Moore, Micco Land & Tree Service 845 Robin Lane 26-171(a), unlawful to engage in contracting without a license. Mr. Moore told the Board that he did not know that when it was new construction you had to have an excavation license to do grubbing. Mr. Eseltine said that the owner had hired a consulting firm and they had obtained DEP and Army Corp. permits which were on site so they thought Mr. Moore was good to go. Since no grubbing permit was pulled the job was stopped. V.C. Morris asked Mr. Eseltine ifhe felt they had intentionally omitted the permit or that it was just a lack of know ledge. He said his feeling was lack of knowledge. MOTION: Carbano/Morris I make a motion we fine Mr. Moore a $100.00 for engaging in contracting without a license. ROLL CALL: Mr. Dalessandro - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes Mr. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - no Mr. Widup - yes Motion carries 6 - 1. Test approval for Alvin Moore/Excavation V. C. Morris noted that on page 3, line 5, "Been convicted of acting in the capacity of a contractor without a license" that in view of the findings of the Board that it should be changed to "yes". MOTION: CarbanolMorris I make a motion we allow Mr. Alvin Moore to take the Specialty Contractor Excavation exam contingent on page 3 being changed to reflect his conviction tonight of acting without a license and also payment of the $100.00 fine and receipt showing payment of fine before he takes the test. ROLL CALL: Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes Mr. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - yes Mr. Widup - no Mr. Dalesssandro - yes Motion carried 6 - 1. Violation Hearings con't David C. Becker, Aluminum Unlimited 513 Cross Creek Circle 26-172(1), willful disregard of the building codes MOTION: Garland/Conover I make a motion to fine Mr. David Becker dba Aluminum Unlimited, $500.00 for the violation of26-172(1), willful disregard of building codes and ifnot paid within 30 days that his license be suspended for 1 year. ROLL CALL: Ch. Garland - yes V. C. Morris - yes Mr. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - no Mr. Widup - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Motion carried 6 - I. Ken Lundy, Anchor Aluminum 1565 Quiescent Lane 26-172( 1), willful disregard of building codes. MOTION: Dalessandro/ I make a motion that we fine Ken Lundy, dba Anchor Aluminum, $500.00 and suspend his license from this day forward and that he be permitted to finish any permits already applied for. Motion dies for lack of second. MOTION: Garland/Conover I make a motion that we fine Ken Lundy of Anchor Aluminum $500.00 to be paid in 30 days and if not paid, license be suspended in the City of Sebastian and no work can be done except those jobs that are already in process and legally permitted. ROLL CALL: Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes Mr. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Hosey - yes Mr. Widup - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Motion carries 7 - O. Steve Lundy, Lundy's Screen Rooms 170 Joy Haven 26-172( 1), willful disregard of building codes MOTION: Garland/Hosey I make a motion that we fine Mr. Steve Lundy $500.00 and extend that one year period of his suspended license to 2 years. ROLL CALL: V.c. Morris - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr Hosey - yes Mr. Widup - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Ch. Garland - yes Motion carries 7 - O. BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: Mr. Ese1tine said that since Mr. Steve Lundy's license is suspended he will have to get another contractor to come in and apply for the permit for the work that he did. It was also brought up about the fact that the City of Sebastian is the sponsor for anyone who wants to be tested and that there is only a $75.00 fee being charged for the application. Some areas charge as high $350.00. A lengthy discussion followed concerning who the City would sponsor for the tests. A suggestion was made that we sponsor only those who reside in Sebastian. Having a workshop was suggested for making recommendations to the City Council for making changes in the Ordinance governing fines and other fees, testing, etc. BOARD MATTERS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: SCORES RECORDED IN SCORE BOOK - Garland/Conover 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC: None There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.