HomeMy WebLinkAbout10032006 EB HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2006 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Dale Simchick Larry Birchmeyer Pat Beckwith Trish Adams Kristi Yanchis Jane Kresge Jim Slattery Excused Absences: Linda DeSanctis Diane Powers Also Present: Council Member Sal Neglia (arrived 7:00 pm) Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. September 6,2006 Meeting On a MOTION by Ms. Beckwith with a SECOND by Ms. Kresge, the minutes were approved by a voice vote of 7-0. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee October 3, 2007 Page Two 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of Earth Day 2007 Mr. Slattery stated he's been in the hospital and unable to contact the high school for this event. Ms. Adams went over Ms. Powers' suggestions outlined in the attached memo. Discussion followed on contests with prizes, judges and how it was previously decided not to have contests but more of a "participation event." The recording secretary reminded the Committee there is no budget for supplies or prizes. Ms. Kresge offered to find free give-a-ways from the internet. Ms. Kresge said she would contact grocery stores to see if they wanted to participate in a brown bag coloring awareness campaign whereby kids would decorate bags and the stores would use the bags prior to the event. Ms. Kresge said she would contact the elementary schools after the grocery stores. Ms. Simchick suggested having the kids from the Boys & Girls Club help decorate as well. The Committee liked Ms. Powers' suggestion of advertising through local pastors the Sunday before the event so citizens to come out and enjoy what God has created. The Committee also liked her idea of having the North County Library Director announce the event before showing AI Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" right before Earth Day. Ms. Simchick has gotten a commitment from Bruce Dangerfield, Treasure Coast Herpetological Society. Elka Daniels of the Indian River County Humane Society has agreed to be at Earth Day. Ms. Simchick relayed suggestions from Ms. Daniels to ensure attendance by calling the event "Swamp Cabbage Festival;" have an 8 x 10 "traveling display" art contest sponsored by banks with savings bonds as prizes. She also suggested a display of FPL conservation plans; a historical Sebastian display and local refreshment vendors. Mr. Birchmeyer said he has been involved in past Earth Days and this event would be "preaching to the choir" and is going to be held after the Committee might be sunset. He questioned public interest and suggested focusing on the City's vision. Ms. Adams went over the Committee's accomplishments and how the City staff has started to implement the environmental suggestions made by the members of the Committee. She also offered to vote on disregarding the event. Ms. Adams suggested a booth inviting visioning statements from attendees. Side II, Tape I Mr. Slattery said he would like to move forward with Earth Day. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee October 3, 2007 Page Three Mr. Birchmeyer asked if a scale miniature house yard/lot of native plants could be displayed. Ms. Beckwith stated the master gardeners might have a vermiculture (worm) speaker. Ms. Adams stated Refuge Managers Paul Tritraik and Joanna Taylor; US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW) Service Fisheries Biologist John Galvez; Dr. Gilmore; IFAS Extension Agent Janet Barger; IRC Lands Conservation Manager Beth Powell and a solar vendor may be able to come. She invited these organizations under the theme "Think Globally, Act Locally." Side I, Tape II Ms. Yanchis said she would invite her colleagues on the Coastal Alliance Preserve and her husband might build bat houses. She also suggested inviting Ray Coniglio with Global Renewable Energy and a hydrogen car or Toyota with a hydrogen car display. Council Member Neglia stated the Martin County Sheriffs office is using hybrid cars. Ms. Adams stated Council might think car sales may take place. Council Member Neglia offered to get Council's feelings on a hybrid car display. Ms. Kresge suggested a simple composting exhibit, a fluorescent bulb exhibit, and a native nursery exhibit. Council Member Neglia shared his home composting experiences. Mr. Slattery suggested contacting the U.S. Power Squadron or U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary to have environmental friendly fishing and boating tips such as proper disposal of filament line; catch and release; and unhooking a fish. Ms. Kresge suggested Officer Poore and the City's police boat. Ms. Simchick suggested local vendors for refreshments or capitalizing on a picnic Earth Day to minimize waste. B. Report from Council Member Neglia i. Herbicide Pesticide Training of City Staff Council Member Neglia stated all city workers must be certified to spray. He did not know if the City is implementing the grant training held at City hall. He offered again to find out if the City is using the lessons from the Integrated Pest Management class held at City hall on April 28th through a University of Florida. Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences grant. 3 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee October 3, 2007 Page Four ii. Drain Markers Council Member Neglia stated the City Manager was to contact Ms. Adams but this was not the case. Ms. Adams reiterated it would be easier if a city staff member came to the scouts Tuesday night at 7 pm at the American Legion hall to show them how to apply the marker and a map showing where they will go. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Gopher Tortoise Protection Ms. Adams stated she has been playing phone tag with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation and she knows the state isn't sure of the stance they want to take on tortoises and the USFW Service would like to mirror their efforts to be consistent. She will provide information as it becomes available. Ms. Simchick asked about a tortoise whose shell was cracked by a dog. Ms. Adams said Dr. Slade has been known to assist wildlife back to health. Ms. Adams announced the bald eagle would be de-listed in February which means the Fleming Street project should contact USFW Service quickly because under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act no activity can happen within 660 feet of a nest or bird. Ms. Adams also announced that she knows of a developer may be willing to sell his property to the Nature Conservancy. Ms. Simchick announced the IRC Land Acquisition Committee will be offering the average, appraised price to the owner of the Sebastian Harbor property. 8. SET NEXT AGENDA To be discussed at the October 16th meeting. 9. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. meeting. 4