HomeMy WebLinkAbout10162006 EB OTY OF ~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2006 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Dale Simchick Linda DeSanctis Larry Birchmeyer Pat Beckwith Trish Adams Kristi Yanchis Diane Powers Jim Slattery Excused Absence: Jane Kresge Also Present: AI Minner City Manager Sal Neglia Council Member Jeanette Willias Recording Secretary 4. EARTH DAY 2007 Ms. Adams said the purpose of the meeting was to go over specifics for Earth Day 2007. Ms. Adams asked who wanted to start going over what they have found. Ms. Simchick stated she was concerned if tables, chairs etc. would be available. The recording secretary said the City Manager was here tonight to 1 Temporary Environmental Committee Meeing October 16, 2006 Page Two offer suggestions in that regard and that an application should be submitted to Council soon. The City Manager suggested the committee should talk about what they would like to gain and pick one person to meet with him and the Parks Superintendent. Ms. Adams asked about the participation of non-profit vendors. The City Manager said vendors with a profit might be a problem because the City is assisting with the event. Mr. Slattery said he has talked to the US Power Squadron and local fisherman. Ms. Adams said one concern may be the exhibit of a hybrid car and sought advice from the City Manager. Ms. Simchick said she was apprehensive in inviting people without the use of tables and chairs. The City Manager said Joanna Taylor with the USFWS might be able to help out, but the City was not in the business of organizing an event. Council Member Neglia reminded the Committee of the possible need for insurance. Ms. Adams said this whole effort is in response to Council; including one of Council Member Neglia's suggestions to reach out to the public emphasizing Sebastian's treasures. She explained the types of exhibits the committee was planning on showcasing. Council Member Neglia suggested having scheduled lectures with question and answer periods. In response, Ms. Simchick reiterated one of Elka Daniels' suggestions to have successful Earth Day, noting Vero Beach's Earth Day's attendance dropped from 20,000 to 3,000 people, is to promote a picnic lunch with lectures. Mr. Birchmeyer stated that generally if people come out for longer than an hour, they want to be fed; and there are two fees charged: For-Profit and Non-Profit to pay for the park fee. Council Member Neglia said the band shell should be near food vendors if they are there. The City Manager reviewed this is an Earth Day celebration to educate the public so the City is organizing the event, so staff will have to put this together. Ms. Adams stated it was never the Committee's intent to burden staff. The City Manager suggested three members sit down with him and the Parks Superintendent to see if this can be pulled off. He expressed concern using City staff when Joanna Taylor does these events. The recording secretary expressed sunshine concerns with three members meeting and the City Manager said he thought it would be okay. 2 Temporary Environmental Committee Meeing October 16, 2006 Page 1hree On a MOTION by Ms. Beckwith and a SECOND by Mr. Birchmeyer, Ms. DeSanctis, Ms. Yanchis and Mr. Slattery were selected to meet with the City Manager and the Parks Superintendent with a voice vote of 8-0. Side II, Tape I, 6:45 pm Ms. Powers asked what kind of insurance is needed. The City Manager said the insurance concern would probably be okay, he just wondered the purpose of the meeting-who is coming, what booths were going where. Ms. Adams said that is what the purpose of this meeting was. Ms. Simchick recapped now there is the band shell, booths, lectures, picnic and advertising for the event so it is coming together but the Committee needed the dos and don'ts before going further. The City Manager suggested scraping everything and pick one person to meet with him and the Parks Superintendent. The committee scraped the vendor idea and it was decided to call the manned booths "exhibitors" instead of vendors and to go from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The Committee picked Ms. Yanchis to meet with the City Manager. A list was formed of speakers, activities and exhibitors. Council Member Neglia suggested placing the band shell on CR512. Ms. Powers asked if that is where the port-o-Iets are usually placed. Ms. Adams said there are permanent bathrooms in the park, which might not be used if there are not food vendors. Mr. Birchmeyer said he recently received information from Elka Daniels on gopher tortoises and that perhaps a whole booth could be on the tortoises. Ms. Powers offered to contact religious leaders to encourage their congregations to come and take care of the earth's resources. Mr. Slattery said the groups he has contacted are planning to speak at a scheduled time or man a booth but not both during the event. Ms. Powers suggested displaying a map of Sebastian surrounded by the three water bodies. Side I, Tape II, 7:32 pm Ms. Yanchis was given notes to take to the meeting with the City Manager. She will ask to waive the park use fee, tables, chairs, band shell, advertise in the Pelican Brief, on grocery bags, through church groups and on Channel 25. She will give a report on the outcome of her meeting with the City Manager at the next Committee meeting. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. meeting. '- 3 Possible Exhibitors Bruce Dangerfield & Elka Daniels FPL Energy Conservation Sebastian Historical Society Gopher Tortoise Information Master Gardeners USFW Service USFW Biologist John Galvez USFW Rangers Tritaik & Taylor Coastal Preserve Alliance Ray Coniglio-hydrogen car Environmental Committee Booth Patricia Schultz, Biology Teacher US Power Squadron Charter Boat Captains Environmental Ambassadors from Sebastian High School IRC Lands Conservation Manager Beth Powell Possible Speakers Environmental Academy Charter Boat Captains Committee members Possible Activities John Galvez Paper making Composting Bat boxes Birdhouses 4