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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2007 - 7:00 P.M.
The Mayor called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Council Member Paternoster led the Pledge of Allegiance and the there was a moment
of silence.
A. Discussion of Invocation/Moment of Silence
Mayor Coy said she had received a complaint about secular prayer during the invocation
at the last Council meeting, that she had discussions with the City Manager and City
Clerk, and noted receipt of a memo from the City Clerk regarding the history of
invocations in the City. She recommended at this time that we go to a moment of
silence rather than invocations until such time as a Council might want to bring it up in
the future. It was the consensus of Council to have a moment of silence.
We will be respectful of one another even when we disagree. We will direct all comments fo the
issues. We will avoid personal attacks.
Mayor Coy read the Civility Pledge.
City Council Present:
Mayor Andrea Coy
Vice-Mayor Sal Neglia
Council Member AI Paternoster
Council Member Dale Simchick
Council Member Eugene Wolff
Staff Present at Dais:
City Manager, AI Minner
City Attorney, Rich Stringer
City Clerk, Sally Maio
Deputy City Clerk, Jeanette Williams
Staff Present in Chambers:
Airport Director, Joe Griffin
Building Director, Wayne Eseltine
City Engineer, David Fisher
Finance Director, Shai Francis
Golf Course Director, Greg Gardner
Growth Management Director, Rebecca Grohall
Human Resources Director, Debra Krueger
Police Lieutenant, Bob Lockhart
Police Officer, Roy Cole
Police Officer, Paul Graves
Interim Public Works Director, Jerry Converse
MIS Systems Analyst, Barbara Brooke
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Two
Items not on the written agenda maybe added only upon a unanimous vote of City Council members
The City Attorney requested addition of item E to the consent agenda for acceptance of
a quit claim deed from the William and Nancy Carpenter for the Twin Ditches project.
Mayor Coy requested deletion of item 12 A regarding meeting procedures until the next
meeting because she was unable to provide her recommendations and wants to meet
with Charter officers prior to doing so.
On MOTION by Mr. Paternoster and SECOND by Mr. Wolff the agenda was accepted as
amended and item 12 A was deleted on a voice vote of 5-0.
07.081 A. Presentation by Reverend Ron Thomas and Ruth Stanbridge - Kroegel Statue
Reverend Ron Thomas said Mrs. Stanbridge was ill and not able to attend. He presented a
replica of the Paul Kroegel statue, citing its history, and said with the permission of Rosalee
Hume, the artist who created the statue, 25 signed statues are being offered in silent
auction. He suggested members at the dais might want to contribute with a bid to obtain a
replica for the City of Sebastian. He said he had left bid packages with the Mayor and
people can call the Sebastian United Methodist Church for information.
He then read a statement from Ruth Stanbridge, Indian River County Historical Society,
and presented a new plaque for the Paul Kroegel statue in Riverview Park, to replace
the plaque missing since the 2004 hurricanes.
It was the consensus of Council to have the plaque mounted by City staff on the statue
on Memorial Day.
07.082 B. Proclamation -North Indian River County Relay for Life -April 27 and 28, 2007
~ - Jerry Ahlersmeyer, Chairman Accepting
Mayor Coy read and presented the proclamation to Relay for Life Chairman Jerry
Ahlersmeyer. Mr. Ahlersmeyer thanked the City and Council for allowing the
organization to conduct its event in Friendship Park and invited the public to participate
in the event.
07.083 C. Proclamation -National Public Works Week - May 20-26, 2007
Mayor Coy read and presented the proclamation to Interim Public Works Director, Jerry
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Three
07.004 D. Certificate of Appreciation to Dale Simchick & Larry Birchmeyer for Temporary
Environmental Advisory Committee Service
Mayor Coy read and presented certificates of appreciation to Ms. Simchick. Mr.
Birchmeyer was not in attendance.
07.084 E. Presentation -Indian River County Fire House #9 Location (Joe Baird/John King
Indian River County Emergency Services Director, John King addressed City Council on
a proposal to relocate the US 1 fire station, which was badly damaged in the 2004
hurricanes, due to the fact that there is insufficient area to rebuild a station that meets
today's regulations on the present site. He said meetings began with former City
Manager Terrence Moore during the construction of the new City Hall complex. He
provided a power point presentation exhibiting locations from which calls for service
originate. He said County staff met with the City Manager to discuss the possibility of
locating station #9 to the west side of the City Hall complex campus. He exhibited a
prototype station of 7500 sq ft with two bays, which could be designed on its exterior to
match the buildings on the campus.
Mr. Neglia said we need a fire station on the east side of the railroad tracks because of
new commercial construction and possibility of train breakdowns.
Mr. Paternoster agreed with the need for a firehouse east of the railroad tracks, thought
it best to hear from the public about this proposed location, and expressed concern for
lights and sirens on Main Street.
Mr. King said he had found a property for $3.5 million, but this property is north of the
city limits and additionally some time in the future there may be plans to build a third
station in the area north of the airport. He said the train affects all communities up and
down the corridor and is problematic every day.
Mr. Wolff asked what kind of property he requires and Mr. King again exhibited the
presentation showing the subject site. He said the County is currently spending $2 to
$2.5 million for structure and site work which does not include the property cost.
Ms. Simchick discussed the train blocking access and thought this might put locations
east of the tracks in jeopardy; said it would be disruptive because of its proximity to the
City Hall complex and she did not feel it was a good location. She noted the City was
considering this property as a Community Center location. She said if the County
decided to located west of the tracks she would prefer a station at the Sebastian airport
in return for some infrastructure; and further maybe the City could take it off the County's
hands for a volunteer emergency service.
Mayor Coy said she is concerned about both stations being west of the tracks; and
agreed with Mr. Paternoster that Council needs to hear from the public.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
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Indian River County Administrator, Joe Baird, said County staff had come to obtain a
consensus and heard a clear consensus that Council was not favorable to this location.
Mayor Coy said she was not prepared to make a decision and would like to put the issue
on a near future agenda. Following further discussion on an appropriate location, the
City Manager said he could place this item on the April 25, 2007 Regular Meeting for
public comment. Mr. Baird reiterated he saw tonight that there was not a consensus of
Council and he would get back with staff and look at other locations. Mayor Coy said
perhaps if Council received citizen input it could shared with the County. Mr.
Paternoster asked for any statistical data that County staff could provide.
At this time, Mayor Coy allowed former Mayor, Brian Burkeen who is the Indian River
County Emergency Services Chief, to speak at his request.
Brian Burkeen, 786 Concha Drive, Sebastian, assured Council that the department deals
with the railroad track issue every day and makes it work, what is not being said is if this
property is not considered the County will take the station out of Sebastian, that this
Council is served by this station and how will they tell their neighbors that there will be a
response delay because it will be moved. He said Council needs to give some
consensus so they can get to the next stage with the City Manager and see how the
footprint will fit on the property and then hold public meetings for input.
Ms. Simchick said it would be wrong to give direction to the City Manager at this time.
Mayor Coy said the consensus she has received is this board wants to see the station
east of the railroad tracks, and several members have concerns with using the property
next door, and are not prepared to give a go ahead without public input which will take
place at the April 25, 2007 meeting.
Mr. Gilliams requested to speak and Mayor Coy said she was not taking public comment
at this time but the item would be on the next agenda for public comment. There was
yelling from the audience and she said she had granted permission to Mr. Burkeen to
speak and Council moved on to the next agenda item.
07.076 i. Host Florida Association of City Clerks Academy Program at City Hall
May 10th, 2007, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm (no backup)
The City Clerk said FACC was seeking a location in the south end of their Central East
District to conduct aone-day seminar for City Clerks and had asked about the City's
facility. She said though the City's policy provides that the City Manager can approve
use of the Chambers to other governmental agencies, she thought it best to seek the
blessing of Council as a Charter Officer. There were no objections.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Five
i. Mayor Coy
07.077 a. City Council Member Liaison Appointments to Various Regional
5-s Boards and Committees (Transmittal, List
Mayor Coy suggested rotating names based on seniority and ask each member
to list his or her choices.
^ Mr. Neglia -Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council member -
Fellsmere Council member will be the alternate
^ Mayor Coy -Economic Development Council member
^ Mr. Paternoster -Metropolitan Planning Organization member -1St
^ Ms. Simchick -Metropolitan Planning Organization - 2"d member
^ Mr. Wolff -Hospital District member - no alternate
^ Mr. Neglia -Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments member
^ Mayor Coy -Land Acquisition Committee member
^ Mr. Paternoster -Tourist Development Council -Mayor Coy asked him to
leave the alternate slot open and she would like to introduce him to Tim
Michaud and provide him with his resume. She asked the City Attorney to
research whether the alternate has to be an elected official and report back.
^ Ms. Simchick -Beach and Shore Preservation member
^ Mr. Wolff -Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce member
^ Mr. Neglia -Treasure Coast League of Cities member - no alternate
^ Mayor Coy -Elected Officials Oversight Committee for School Planning -
no alternate
^ Chris McCarthy -Indian River County Recreation - no alternate
^ Mr. Neglia -Emergency Services member
^ Mr. Paternoster -Emergency Services alternate
^ Ms. Simchick -Economic Development alternate
^ Mr. Wolff -Metropolitan Planning Organization alternate
^ Mr. Neglia -Metropolitan Planning Organization alternate
^ Mayor Coy -Beach and Shore alternate
^ Mr. Neglia -Land Acquisition Committee alternate
^ Mr. Paternoster -Sebastian River Chamber of Commerce alternate
^ Ms. Simchick -Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments alternate
07.078 b. Assign Members to Attend Indian River County Commission
~ Meetings (Transmittal, Schedule
April -Mayor Coy is attending
May - Mr. Neglia (not May 8th -Mayor Coy will attenclJ
June - Ms. Simchick
July - Mr. Wolff
September - Mr. Paternoster
October -Mayor Coy
November - Mr. Neglia
December - Ms. Simchick
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Six
Mayor Coy called recess at 8:18 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:34 p.m.
All members were present.
All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no
separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the
item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a
consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start
of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized.
9-13 A. Approval of Minutes - 3/21/07 Airport Workshop
15-28 B. Approval of Minutes - 3/28/07 Regular Meeting
07.085 C. Sebastian River Art Club 2007-2008 Show Dates and Raindates in Riverview Park -
2s-3s Waive Fees by 50% Based on Community Contributions (Parks Transmittal, List of
Dates and Information from Art Club, Park Use Permit Application)
07.086 D. Approve Purchase of Microsoft Licenses from Software House International by
37-41 Piggy-Backing off State Contract 255-001-01-1 in the Amount of$37,804 (MIS
Transmittal, Quote from SHI, License Breakdown by Department, State Contract
E. Twin Ditches Easement (added to agenda)
Mr. Paternoster removed item D.
On MOTION by Mr. Paternoster and SECOND by Mr. Wolff items A, B, C and E were
approved on a roll call vote of 5-0.
Item D
Mr. Paternoster inquired for the benefit of the public why the City was spending this amount
of money and the City Manager reiterated his report as set out on page 41 of the agenda
packet, noting the City had been delinquent, had been audited by Microsoft and needed
additional licenses to be current.
Mr. Paternoster asked whether GIS was included in this cost and the City Manager said it
was not, but had been purchased separately. Frank Losardo, MIS Director, said the City
would be covered for seven to eight years with these licenses. Mr. Paternoster asked if the
City needed additional hardware and Mr. Losardo said the City did not at this time.
On MOTION by Mr. Paternoster and SECOND by Mr. Neglia, item D was approved on a roll
call vote of 5-0.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Seven
07.070 A. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee
43-63 (City Clerk Transmittal, Member List, 4 Applications, Ad)
i. Confirm Coy, Simchick and Wolff Individual Appointments to 11/2009
Mr. Wolff appointed Bradley White.
Mayor Coy appointed AI Davis.
Ms. Simchick appointed John Oakes.
Confirm Neglia Individual Appointment to 11/2008
(Paternoster Member Appointed in 2006 Serves to 11/2008)
Mr. Neglia appointed Dwight Trout.
iii. Interview Unless Waived, and Submit Nominations for Two At-Large
Member Positions to Expire November 2008
City Council interviewed Ed Herlihy and Todd Klitinic. Mr. Cardinale was not present.
Mr. Neglia nominated Mr. Herlihy.
Ms. Simchick nominated Mr. Klitinic.
There being no other nominations, Mr. Herlihy and Mr. Klitinic were appointed to the
two at-large positions.
07.012 B. Construction Board
65-72 (City Clerk Transmittal, Application, Ad, Member List)
i. Interview Unless Waived, Submit Nomination and Appoint Concerned
Citizen Unexpired Position to Expire 9/2007
Mr. Paternoster nominated Ditmar Bulla. There being no other applicants or
nominations, Ditmar Bulla was appointed.
07.001 C. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
73-88 (City Clerk Transmittal, Application, Originating Ordinance, Member List, Ad)
i. Interview Unless Waived, Submit Nomination and Appoint Zone A
City Council interviewed Kelly Palfi.
Mr. Paternoster nominated Ms. Palfi, and being no other applicants or
nominations, Ms. Palfi was appointed.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Eight
07.072 A. Review Meeting Procedures Resolution No. R-05-26 (R-05-26, Mayor Coy will
provide her recommendations under separate cover)
This item was removed during Agenda Modifications.
07.087 B. Approve Airport Business Plan -Principal Guiding Documents for Sebastian
89-95 Municipal Airport (Airport Transmittal, Amended Pages) (Document Provided
Previously Under Separate Cover and is Located on City Website)
The City Manager introduced the Airport Director and Dr. Byers, the consultant who
prepared the document, and they addressed City Council on the guiding document and
described changes and corrections as set out on page 89 of the agenda packet.
Mr. Wolff said a constituent contacted him and was concerned about the fact that there
is no language on touch and goes. He said Vero Beach limits touch and goes on
weekends and holidays and he thought it would be prudent to bring this to Council.
Mayor Coy said this was an excellent point and said she had discussed this with Mr.
Griffin, who said he had recently implemented a voluntary noise abatement program
through signs and the AWOS system, which asks pilots to make a northerly turn to take
them away from Main Street, and had received 80% compliance. He said the problem is
that on landing it is hard to get the message out. He further stated that Flight Safety
already utilizes our airport and because we are a public use airport we can't put up a
turnstile, and the City receives no compensation from these operations.
Mayor Coy asked if such an entity were to obtain a lease at the airport, how would that
affect our airport and the Airport Director said the City would have much better control.
Mr. Paternoster said because of the City's agreements with FAA, the City cannot restrict
touch and goes, and anything the City would ask would be voluntary and could not be
restricted. He said if the City tried to restrict it, the FAA could take the airport from
Sebastian and still use it as an airport. The City Attorney confirmed FAA could take
back management of the airport.
In response to Mr. Neglia, the Airport Director said there are currently approximately
eight aircraft a day doing touch and goes.
Mr. Neglia asked if the City entered into a lease with Flight Safety, would they have to
comply with the City's imposed rules. The Airport Director said they would do what
needed to be done to come to Sebastian Airport. The City Manager said the City could
throw caveats into the lease if they are compelled to come to Sebastian.
April 11, 2007
Page Nine
Ms. Simchick asked what document Vero had that restricted the touch and goes.
The Airport Director noted Vero Beach has a control tower and the City does not.
Dr. Byers responded that most airports have deed restrictions after a review of local
issues, and restriction on touch and goes during certain hours is not prohibited, but the
restriction must be reasonable and cannot discriminate. He said if a tenant was held to
a higher standard than someone else simply using the airport for touch and goes, the
FAA would have something to say. He said the City could establish a policy outside of
leases that applies to everyone, such as restricting touch and goes between certain
hours. He said FAA would look at three objectives when reviewing the policy - is it fair
and reasonable, is it discriminatory, and does it place a burden on interstate commerce
-and if one can satisfy these objectives FAA would probably sign off on it.
In response to Mr. Paternoster, the City Attorney said the City at one time tried to do a
blanket prohibition on touch and goes and had to enter into an agreement with FAA that
the City would not do that.
The Airport Director said he would investigate restrictions and report back.
On MOTION by Mr. Neglia and SECOND by Mr. Paternoster the new draft of the Airport
Business Plan Principal Guiding Document (with corrections provided by the Airport
Director prior to this meeting) was approved on a roll call vote of 5-0.
On MOTION by Mr. Paternoster and SECOND by Mr. Neglia the airport moratorium was
lifted on a voice vote of 5-0.
07.088 A. Resolution No. R-07-14 -FIND Grant for Indian River Drive Main Street
s~-~o2 Improvement Project (Growth Management Transmittal, R-07-14, GMD Memo)
On MOTION by Mr. Neglia and SECOND by Mr. Wolff Resolution, No. R-07-14 was
adopted on a roll call of 5-0.
For items that have occurred or were discovered within the previous six months and which are not otherwise
on the agenda. Please give your name and address, and then give your remarks. Please try to limit your
remarks to five minutes.
A. Joe Scozzari
i. Right of Citizens to Speak at City Business Meetings
Joe Scozzari, Sebastian, read from a document regarding constitutional rights, freedom
of expression and speech, and public assembly but did not provide them for the record.
He said Council meetings are supposed to be a marketplace of ideas for all, free speech
Regular City Council Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Ten
and opinions should not be prevented, and reminded Council it is not a citizen's privilege
to speak to Council but it is Council's privilege to serve the public.
ii. Laws that Govern Removal of Persons from a City Meeting
Joe Scozzari further read from documents regarding constitutional rights relative to a
person's right to address a public body, and said being removed the way he was
removed last week by the police was a violation of the First Amendment.
Mayor Coy asked if Mr. Scozzari was making an accusation.
Mr. Scozzari said he was making a statement and would prefer it if the Mayor would let
him fulfill his freedom of speech.
Mayor Coy said the chair has the floor and again asked Mr. Scozzari if he was preferring
charges against Council.
Mr. Scozzari then continued to read from the documents and Mayor Coy asked him to
answer her question. He continued and Mayor Coy said all he has to do is follow the
rules and respond to her question, stating he had made an accusation.
Mr. Scozzari said the chair will not be recognized this evening.
Mayor Coy said he is warned and was asked to sit down.
Mr. Scozzari said this is a violation of his right to speak and left the podium.
Tammy Outright, handed out information about cigarette butt litter (see attached). She
recommended that there be some City rule that every business has to provide cigarette
smoke pots and that they should be installed at parks and boat docks. She said if the
City would start fining people extensively, it might deter people from throwing their butts
on the ground.
Ms. Simchick said a resident by the name of Steve Kosdra contacted her and he too is
passionate about this, and noted there is a litter code but it is not specific to cigarettes
which could be added. She said the City is in such a dry season it can be dangerous,
and suggested that maybe Growth Management can require outdoor smoking vessels
during site plan review.
Mayor Coy said she would be in favor of following up on this.
Ms. Simchick said maybe violators could be required to do clean up service rather than
being fined.
Mr. Neglia said when he did a cleanup with KIRB, they picked up many cigarette butts.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Eleven
Todd Klitinic 1274 Barber Street, Sebastian said most members of Council are from the
military, and said they swear to uphold the Constitution and freedom of speech and
should allow people to assemble and address grievances. He said the two former
Mayors did not deny anyone the right to speak, said he knew Joe had a problem with
Mrs. Coy so maybe she should give the gavel to the Vice Mayor for five minutes or so.
He asked that Council let people speak in this town.
Following Mr. Klitinic's input there was loud clapping and Mayor Coy gaveled and told
Mr. Scozzari that was enough and thanked him for his input once again. Mr. Scozzari
yelled out.
Mayor Coy said as a result of Mr. Scozzari not being allowed to speak, he has sent the
City an a-mail stating that he is no longer suing the City but has reserved his right to sue
the Clambake Foundation, as well as herself. She said she knows him in no other
capacity other than in her official capacity as a Council member and Mayor, so indeed
he is still suing the City.
Mr. Scozzari made a remark from the back of the room and Mayor Coy gaveled for
order. She said she did not need his visual cues, that he is a disturbance, said he was
warned and the next time he would be asked to leave. She said his antics are not to be
tolerated and he is disrupting the meeting. She said she is still being sued so she is
being careful in her interaction with Mr. Scozzari, and that he was allowed to speak
tonight and will be allowed to speak as long as the City knows whether he is suing but
that he will follow the rules, that everyone has to and she has to.
Don Wright, 720 North Fischer Circle, Sebastian, stated he visited the airport today, and
said he wanted to bring to Council's attention that there is a building which may be a
police storage building which is dilapidated and unattractive for this area, and the City
may want to consider moving it. He said he also saw another poorly kept building with a
small sign on the ground that read "J & S Aviation" and said he thought they were
actually out of business.
Mr. Wolff asked if he had spoken to the Airport Manager and found him helpful, and Mr.
Wright said he met with him but it was before he saw these conditions, that this visit was
based on the Economic Development issues.
Mayor Coy said there is litigation involved in some of the issues, she advised him to go
back and talk to the City Manager and City Attorney since Council cannot address them
at this time. The City Attorney said there have been special litigation sessions with
Damien Gilliams 1623 US 1, Sebastian, asked what the City's policy is on dilapidated
buildings from the hurricanes, how long do people have to take them down. Mayor Coy
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Twelve
inquired if he had asked the City Manager what the policy was, and reminded him this is
his opportunity to have a discussion and is not a question and answer session.
Mr. Gilliams asked her to ask the City Manager and she said she will ask this one time
but that Introduction of New Business is not a time for debate. She asked the City
Manager what the City policy was. The City Manager said immediately after the
hurricanes the City looked at code enforcement issues for emergency reasons, which
have since sunsetted and instructions now are to follow code enforcement procedures.
He asked if Mr. Gilliams had any specific issues and if so he should bring them to the
City's attention.
Mr. Gilliams said the firehouse on US 1 has been sitting there for two years now and
nothing has been done and asked if government is above the law when it comes to
Mayor Coy noted the firehouse is in discussion and it would be appropriate for him to
ask the County. He said he wanted to speak earlier but was denied his right to speak but
she gave the former Mayor the right to speak and asked what that policy is for speaking.
Mayor Coy responded the chair reserves the right and she chose to recognize the
former Mayor in his capacity as an Emergency Services worker.
Mr. Gilliams then asked if what she was saying is that former government employees
have more of a right than he has as a taxpayer. She then reminded him this is not a
question and answer period and asked if he did have public business.
Mr. Gilliams asked when are they going to repair the firehouse on US 1, noted the
County has numerous locations, that they are just trying to find a piece of property for
free at the expense of the taxpayers. He asked why the County is not getting with state
senators and representatives and DOT to correct ingress/egress issues at the old Wal-
Mart site which is a perfect location. He said taking the firehouse to Roseland is going to
affect the people of this community. Mayor Coy responded this will be on for public
debate at the next meeting. Mr. Gilliams asked if there is a reason the City cannot
contact our public officials in Tallahassee and DOT or is it too complicated. He asked
why we aren't getting a grant writer and lobbyist and he did not want to wait until October
for this so the City can save taxpayer money. He said he pays close to $100,000 in
taxes and is upset about it.
Ms. Simchick said the City has no say as to where the firehouse is located but it is the
City's business to know why the County didn't repair the building and asked the City
Manager why the City is always last on the list, and why does the County always come
to the City for money and that she understands the public's frustration. She asked why
the County has not been more aggressive and why have they either stalled us and why
has it taken so long to fix the building.
The City Manager said there have not been conversations with the Fire Department
since he has been here on repairing or code enforcement at the firehouse though he did
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Thirteen
not have a justifiable reason, and as far as incentives to go forward, he has made
proposals about providing quid pro quos for them, that he has no final say over the
matter, and yes we may contribute by offering them land but we all pay taxes to the
County and it would save all of us in that capacity. He said he would take direction from
Council, if we don't feel we are being properly serviced, to investigate our own
emergency service and then the service would be under the control of Council. He said
he did not know what leverage we had as far as the existing building condition.
The City Attorney said the County has sovereign immunity, that we cannot lien the
property and they are a subdivision of the State of Florida.
Mr. Paternoster asked if Mr. King mentioned that the County has to go through routine
permitting, and the City Attorney responded yes, but that is not enforcement. He said
the State has voluntarily submitted itself to land development approval but it has not
submitted itself or its political subdivisions to our code enforcement jurisdiction.
Mayor Coy reiterated Council's previous consensus to take public input at the next
Ms. Simchick said the City Manager did bring up the option of our own service and this
needs to be added to the options, because then the City can force our own concurrency.
Mr. Neglia said Mr. Gilliams is on the right track but his issue is with the County, and the
City's problem is to try to get a firehouse here and the only way the City can do that is
have the County take care of it. He said if the County can't lay out $1 or 1.5 million to
put a station here with our tax money something is wrong.
Mr. Wolff said it is outrageous that the fire station in Sebastian has been neglected for
two years, asked wasn't the former Mayor of Sebastian next in line in charge of the
firehouse; and how can the City sit here and say that we let it go for this time. He asked
if the firehouse over at John's Island and Vero Beach got repaired and pointed out
Sebastian sits with this dilapidated building and now the County says they can't make it
work so they ask for this piece of valuable property, which is an outrage.
Mr. Gilliams said he came with a solution, the City can take the County's money that
they set aside for land acquisition and buy six acres, get the egress and ingress
straightened out and offer two acres back to the County for their fire station.
Julie Scozzari, 1401 Thornhill Lane, Sebastian, said she wanted to address being
disappointed at not being able to speak at the last meeting, felt that her rights as a
citizen were violated, and said she hoped that this Council would consider their rights as
a Council to vote to hear the citizens when one is not allowed to speak or is being
refused the privilege to speak or right to speak. She said she hopes it doesn't happen
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Fourteen
Mayor Coy recognized Joe Scozzari, but said from here on out we are only going to go
one round.
Mr. Scozzari said Andrea Coy is being sued personally for remarks she made during the
SPOA (Sebastian Property Owners Association) meeting and he is not suing the City at
Mayor Coy gaveled Mr. Scozzari and said he was being libelous and asked him to take
his seat.
Mr. Scozzari said it was not libelous. Mayor Coy again asked him to take his seat. Mr.
Scozzari said she invited him up to speak. Mayor Coy said he is not allowed to come up
and be libelous and he just made an incriminating statement and is violating broadcast
policy and is disrupting this meeting and asked him to take his seat.
Mr. Scozzari then asked if he may speak with Council. Mayor Coy again gaveled and
asked him to take his seat. Mr. Scozzari left the podium and stood in the aisle.
07.057 A. Discuss and Direct City Attorney as to Duties of Merged Natural Resources
103-105 Committee (City Attorney Transmittal)
The City Attorney reviewed his proposed language on the merger of the Tree Board and
Environmental Committee, which is under consideration and asked for input from Council.
Mayor Coy gaveled again and waited while Lieutenant Lockhart brought Mr. Scozzari from
the aisle to the back of the Council Chambers.
The City Attorney continued with his review of the proposed language.
Mr. Wolff said he was a little concerned about some resignations he had heard about and
wondered if they were a result of the proposed merger. The City Attorney said resignations
from these two committees is not a new phenomenon.
Ms. Simchick said she thinks they are two different types of committees; noted the Tree
Board does not want to get into environmental issues, and as a former member of the
Environmental Committee she would not want to be a member of the Tree Board; that
the City has an Environmental Planner and said perhaps a change in direction for
Environmental Committee toward conservation land management would be appropriate.
Ms. Simchick said she had resigned from the Environmental Committee and at the time she
was appointed to Council the resolution to extend the committee six months was adopted,
and she was unaware of the provision not to fill vacancies during this period. She said she
had planned to appoint Todd Klitinic to her vacant position for the remaining five months
until a decision is made on the Environmental Committee, and asked how she could do this.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Fifteen
The City Attorney advised her that she could either request to suspend the rules and make
the one-time appointment or take out the extension provision of the resolution to not fill any
further positions while the merger is being discussed.
On MOTION by Mr. Paternoster and SECOND by Ms. Simchick, the rules were suspended
on a voice vote of 5-0.
Ms. Simchick appointed Todd Klitinic as her appointee to the temporary Environmental
Advisory Committee.
Mayor Coy said in her discussion with members of both boards she has met with little
resistance, and with the exception of one Tree Board member she is not hearing from
Mr. Paternoster said he had gotten the impression there is a resistance for merging the two
boards because they have separate and distinct purposes and would like to keep them
Mr. Neglia said he had spoken to Tree Board people and they were definitely not in favor of
merging but he thought together they could provide a good service to the City, and would
like to see them merged. He asked the City Attorney if Council could add periodic reviews
of Tree provisions.
The City Attorney said we could add language for formal review every three years.
Ms. Simchick asked for time to reach out to the public.
On MOTION by Ms. Simchick and SECOND by Mr. Neglia, the item was tabled to the next
meeting on a voice vote of 5-0.
Other Matters
The City Attorney asked for clarification from Council on which way to proceed with the color
wheel, either to a time limit or to change the color wheel.
In response to Mr. Wolff, the City Attorney further explained the two potentially conflicting
directions received from Council; 1) to change language to sunset the non-conforming
colors; or to change the color wheel.
The City Manager said there was clear direction that we do want to sunset and there needs
to be some clear direction on how we interpreted the color wheel and the third issue
lingering is -- do we want to change the color wheel. He said staff recommendation is going
to be -- don't change the color wheel because the community worked long and hard to
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Sixteen
establish it. He said if Council is inclined to change colors, they should also put in a non-
monotonous clause, so he'd like to move forward with that understanding -- a) come up with
a sunset; b) clarification on how the color wheel works; c) no recommendation from staff on
color; and d) let the public input process dictate how you come back with changes to color.
At 10:30 p.m. on MOTION by Mr. Neglia and SECOND by Ms. Simchick, the meeting was
continued on a voice vote of 5-0.
The Growth Management Director noted that Mr. Mulford will appear before Planning and
Zoning with a waiver request next Thursday night.
Mr. Wolff said to address this without backup at this time is not proper.
The City Manager said Mr. Mulford will go before Planning and Zoning and on the other
issue he will get with staff on the process he described previously and bring any text
amendments back to Council once Planning and Zoning has addressed it.
The City Attorney reported on attendance at meetings with City Attorneys regarding the
proposed interlocal agreement on height and density in lieu of a County Charter. Discussion
followed on Fellsmere's future plans for expansion.
The City Attorney reported on the Construction Board meeting last night noting the
committee is going to be recommending ordinance changes to enhance penalties for
contractor issues; and for him there are other items that are taking priority, but he will get to
The City Clerk announced the Indian River County Commission meeting in Sebastian
Council Chambers tomorrow night at 7 pm regarding the charter county government
proposal, which will be broadcast live on Channel 25.
A. Mr. Neglia
Mr. Neglia said the Yacht Club and boat ramp renovation look great; reported on the
Cadets graduation at Sebastian River High School; said the landscaping on US 1 looks
great and it was noted that the staff member is Wanda Webb; reported on an April 20tH
gang prevention meeting in the old Council chambers; and advised on the need for
community volunteers for the Marion Fell library in Fellsmere to read to children.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Seventeen
B. Mr. Paternoster
In regard to the City Manager's recent a-mail update, discussed the clearing of twenty
feet of the Shakespeare Avenue property and his concerns relating to it. He asked if this
was done in response to a nuisance notification, and if no grubbing was done and only
two exotic trees were taken down, and no permits were required in this case, and it was
so easily done, he asked why the City is having such a hard time with Fish and Wildlife
on this ordinance.
The City Attorney responded that because with an ordinance the City is putting a rule
into effect to require property owners to do it and this changes the framework of the
City's regulations, but as it stands if it is just exotics, property owners can go in and
remove them as a nuisance.
The City Manager said code enforcement asked the property owner to clear five feet and
they cleared twenty feet, and the City Attorney said the City had no basis to limit them to
clearing further as long as it is only exotics, that no permit is required as long as
someone from staff confirms there are only exotics.
Mr. Paternoster asked if Fish and Wildlife had any regulations on bringing heavy
equipment onto a property and the City Manager said they prefer hand clearing but he
did not feel the City should limit that.
C. Ms. Simchick
Ms. Simchick thanked staff for coming to meetings because it means a lot to Council and
to citizens; discussed the three walking signs being installed by the river and said she
would like to seek funding for signs for all homes or building sites that meet historical
criteria; suggested that perhaps Chris McCarthy can check into this; suggested that
something can be installed on the sidewalk to meter the Easy Street walkway; and, in
regard to the County Charter workshops that are taking place that she is attending,
noted that the Fellsmere City Manager is attending all of those meetings and wanted to
ensure that we have a Council consensus that our City Attorney and City Manager are in
attendance at all of those meetings and report back to us.
It was the consensus of Council for them to attend.
The City Attorney said he has been trying to monitor it when it is something of substance
and not simply informational meetings. Ms. Simchick said she would rather see more
language to protect the cities.
Mayor Coy recommended the City Manager agendize this matter before Council to give
them adequate time to iron it out.
Regular City Council Meeting
April 11, 2007
Page Eighteen
D. Mr. Wolff
Mr. Wolff said he attended the graduation of the police citizens academy which had 23 to
25 people and at least 3 or 4 people agreed to volunteer, and that all of them could not
say enough about police staff; stated that a volunteer corps has potential and he would
like to promote this for city operations; and said it had come to his attention that Bug
Master is heavily promoting an automatic insecticide device which is unregulated and
perhaps it is something the City needs to look into.
E. Mayor Coy
Mayor Coy gave kudos noting when the last remaining vacant lot near her house was
being cleared by a subcontractor of Tozzolo Brothers, they went out of their way to leave
trees on the side yard and left vegetation on the lot, and on Saturday they cranked up
their machines and when she told him the City had an ordinance they ceased operations
immediately. Her dodo went to the person who is dumping fish remains into Easy Street
Park and creating a dangerous bacteria condition that is killing wildlife and cautioned
people to keep their children and dogs out of the lake.
19. Being no further business, the regular meeting adjourned at 11:01 p.m.
Approved at the Apri125~h, 2007 Regular City Council Meeting.
l ~~
Andrea Coy, Mayor
i; ~ -
Sally A. M ' , MMC -City Clerk
Get pour butts off the street 8a off our beaches!
Organizations has claimed that 200 million cigarette butts are
being dumped on the streets every year due to the
Government's smoking ban. The new smoking ban may be
keeping the air cleaner, but concerned citizens and business
owners say that the ban is making the streets dirtier.
The smoking ban has resulted in smokers having to vacate
places of business to smoke outside resulting in a lot of butts
on the street. Some business have installed containers on
stands to prevent people from leaving their cigarette stubs on
the ground, and now I Tammy R. Outright am asking the city
council to consider 'municipal ashtrays' to be installed
outside all city businesses 8~ throughout the city. Including
our city parks 8~ dock areas
It's understandable that many citizens want more non-
smoking bans enforced. Smokers WE have to clean up our act,
respect the law do as much to reduce the need for smoking
bans by being considerate of others, not tossing butts
indiscriminately and keeping them out of storm drains, which
transport toxic litter to the coastline.
So lets concentrate on enforcing anti-litter laws rather than a
smoking ban.
Thank you;
Tammy R. Outright
The Experiments
The large number of chemicals in used cigarette filters precluded toxicity testing of each chemical.
Thus, a test that can estimate aquatic toxicity from the composite of chemicals and compounds
found in cigarette butts was used.
Using the US Environmental Protection Agency's 1996 "Aquatic invertebrate acute toxicity test for
freshwater daphnids" standardized toxicology protocols and procedures, water fleas were
introduced to Petri dishes filled with dilution water and the test solution. For these experiments, the
test solution was made by soaking the components of cigarette butts (remnant tobacco or the
cellulose-acetate filters) in distilled, deionized water, and allowing the chemicals in the butts to
leach into the water. Water fleas in the Petri dishes were,Qbserved at 24 and 48 hours. In addition
to death, any abnormal behavior or appearance was also recorded.
Data collected during the experiments were used to develop dose-response curves. Data were
also used to determine the experimentally derived toxicant concentration producing death to 50%
of the test population during continuous exposure over a specified period of time. This is referred
to as the "Lethal Concentrations 50" values (LC50). LCO means no animals died, and LC100
means they all died. Lethal Concentrations provide a quantifiable measure and precise expression
of toxicity.
Each test included controls consisting of the same conditions, procedures, and daphnids from the
same population. The only difference being that none of the test chemical was added.
Prior to conducting the definitive experiments, three range-finding tests (preliminary hazard
assessments) were conducted to establish parameters for the acute toxicity tests. The range-
finding tests established test solution concentrations and leaching periods. The definitive tests had
four components:
Experiment A -Used filters. To establish if the chemicals in used cigarette filters produce death
in Daphnia after exposure to a specific concentration for a specified period of time. Remnant
tobacco was removed from cigarette butts for this test. Filters from two cigarette butts were
soaked in 500 ml of distilled, deionized water for one hour at room temperature. Twenty daphnids
were exposed to each conpentration level: 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 butts per liter.
Experiment B -Remnant tobacco. To establish if the chemicals in the tobacco found in smoked,
discarded cigarette butts produce death in Daphnia after exposure to a specific concentration for
a specified period of time. Remnant tobacco (totaling 28 mm) from two cigarette butts was soaked
in 500 ml of water for one hour at room temperature. Twenty daphnids were exposed to each
concentration level: 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 butts per liter.
Experiment C -New, unused filters. To establish if the chemicals in new, unused cigarette
filters produce death in Daphnia after exposure to a specific concentration for a specified period of
time. No tobacco was used in Experiment C. Daphnia were exposed to the chemicals that were
leached out of new, unused filters to determine if any of the compounds in new filters were toxic to
Daphnia. New filters were soaked in distilled, deionized water for one hour at room temperature.
Twenty daphnids were exposed to each concentration level: 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, and 0.5 filters per liter.
Experiment D -Cigarette butts' effects on the pH of freshwater. To determine if the presence
of cigarette butts in freshwater changes the pH of the water. pH is an important factor to aquatic
animals, and can affect the toxicity of pollutants. For this experiment, one cigarette butt (the filter
plus 28 mm of remnant tobacco) was soaked for one hour in 100 ml of spring water at room
temperature. The pH of the water was measured before and after the one-hour soak using a Hach
brand pH tester that had been calibrated just prior to the test.
How many discarded cigarette butts are there? Trillions. Global tobacco consumption has
more than doubled in the last 30 years, and world cigarette production reached a record high in
1997 according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The USDA estimated that in 1998, 470 billion cigarettes were consumed in the US; world cigarette
production was 5.608 trillion. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.1 billion people in
the world smoke-that is one third of all people on earth over the age of 15,.
The 470 billion cigarettes smoked in the United States in 1998 translates to a total of 176,250,000
pounds of discarded butts in one year in the United States alone. The filters from 5.608 trillion
cigarettes (approximate world production) would weigh more than 2.1 billion pounds (Table 1).
This figure does not include the weight of the tobacco still attached to the filter, or the packaging,
matches, disposable lighters, and other "collateral" waste that is generated by smoking.
The filters on one pack of 20 cigarettes weigh 0.12 ounces (with no tobacco attached) and
displaces a volume of 10 ml. With annual worldwide pro ruction of cigarettes at 5.608 trillion, the
potential weight and volume of cigarette butts becomes enormous (Table 1).
Similarly, cigarette butts take up a large volume of space. If one person smokes a pack and a half
a day, he will consume more than 10,000 cigarettes in a year. This number of cigarette butts
(filters only-not including remnant tobacco) will fill a volume of five liters. Worldwide annual
consumption of cigarettes creates enough cigarette butt waste to fill more than 2,800,000,000
liters (2,800,000 m3).
number of filters ounces/pounds milliliters/lit
20(one pack) .12 oz 10 ml
10,000(one year's consumption for
one smoker) 3.75 Ibs 5 liters
1,000,000 375 Ibs 500 liters
100,000,000 37,5001bs 50,OOOliters
10,000,000,000 3,750,OOOIbs 5,000,000
,. .
465,000,000,000(Number of 174
000 Ibs 232,500,000
cigarettes smoked in the U~ in 1998) ,
, liters
1,000,000,000,000 375,OOO
OOOIbs 500,000,000
, titers
5,608,000,000;000 2,103,000,000 2,804,000,0
(1998 world cigarette production) Ibs 00 liters
Table 1-Weight and Volume of Discarded Cigarette Filters. The percentage of cigarettes with
filters varies, depending on the country.
Politician wants to get tough on cigarette-butt throwers
Source: Contra Costa (CA) Times, 2004-04-10
Author: Jim Sanders SACRAMENTO BEE
Motorists who toss cigarette butts out the window could be fined more
than their car is worth under legislation proposed by a Southern California
lawmaker.... Fines and penalty assessments would range from a
minimum of $3,400 for first-time offenders to $20,400 for anyone cited
three times or more. "I want to reach the point where the fine is so
significant that it's just not worth it (to litter)," said Assemblyman Russ
Bogh, a Cherry Valley Republican who introduced the measure, AB 2694.
Libs plan to out butts
Source: Melbourne (Vic) Herald Sun (au), 2004-03-28
Author: IAN HABERFIELD Sunday Herald Sun
ON-THE-SPOT fines for littering will be doubled under a Liberal plan to clean up the
millions of cigarette butts littering our streets. Smokers caught throwing away cigarette
butts would be fined $200 and the fine for throwing litter from a car would double to $400,
under a Liberal government. Repeat offenders would face further penalties and be forced
to complete community service orders, Opposition Environment spokesman Phil
Honeywood said.
Park, beach smoking ban plan in Martin tossed out window
Source: Stuart/ Port St. Lucie (FL) News, 2004-01-14
Author: Jim Turner staff writer
MARTIN COUNTY -Smokers will be able to continue lighting up at most county parks
and beaches. They also won't have to worry about being targeted by litter police for
improperly disposing of cigarette butts.
In approving a revised code for parks and beaches on Tuesday, the County Commission
unanimously agreed not to enact a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee tddesignate smoking areas at all county parks. The recommended
smoking ban was aimed. at reducing litter.