HomeMy WebLinkAbout03202007CB Special~~ ~ ~. CHAIRMAN SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BO~~'OVeCI / DAtes=1 Approved Subject TO - SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. Meeting was called to order by Ch. Garland at 7:00 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ch. Garland. ROLL CALL: Present: Mr. Hosey V.C. Morris Mr. Widup Mrs. Carbano Ch. Garland Absent: Ms. Canning -excused Mr. Dalessandro -excused Mr. Conover - unexcused Also present: Wayne Eseltine, Building Director/Official Rich Stringer, City Attorney Rebecca Grohall, Director, Growth Management Jan King, Manager, Growth Management QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING: DAMIEN GILLIAMS APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION TO REVOKE AN ELECTRICAL SUB-PERMIT FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH RESOLUTION R-97-27 AT 806 INDIAN RNER DR. Ch. Garland swore in all parties who will be giving testimony. Mr. Charles Sanford, attorney for Damien Gilliams, spoke to the Board. He said he had given a written brief on the arguments on Mr. Gilliam's behalf. Mr. Stringer asked that the brief be submitted into the record. Mr. Sanford read parts of the brief to get it on record. (copy of brief attached to minutes) Damien Gilliams, 1623 U.S. Hwy. #1, Sebastian, Florida, presented his testimony. Mr. Sanford asked if he was the owner of the property located at 806 Indian River Dr. to which the answer was yes. Mr. Gilliams said he applied for and received a permit in 2005 to repair the docks damaged by the storms in 2004. The construction is 99% complete. Currently 47 dock slips are in place with a total of 49 slips. When an application for the electrical sub-permit was applied for, an electrical drawing which looked similar to the 1997 dock plan was submitted. The drawings were done by a certified electrical engineer to design 47 pedestals to meet a 1200 amp service. Mr. Gilliams met with Mr. Eseltine in December to discuss pulling the permit himself as an individual. Mr. Eseltine indicated he could issue asub-permit under the original building permit for the dock. The permit was then issued. It was noted there was no discussion of how many boat slips there were. Regarding the electrical pedestals, originally there were 31, but some of them were dual and some single. The 31 serviced 47 slips. The dual pedestals were listed on the electrical drawings. Mr. Gilliams was asked that in 1996 if he was present at a hearing concerning a special use permit concerning the use of that facility for outdoor seating and relative parking to that seating concept. He said he had never spoken in favor of limiting the number of boat slips on his property. It was noted that he was not the owner of the property. It was owned by his brother-in-law. Mr. Sanford noted that the electrical sub-permit was necessary to complete the construction of the dock. This was the logical next step in completion of apre-existing permit, which allowed for the reconstruction of the dock. Mrs. Carbano spoke regarding the 1996 site plan. It was set up for 15 slips, 5 spaces and 10 slips for the restaurant. This does not come up to 49 slips. Mr. Sanford said the site plan is about parking, not boat slips. He said the boat slips were in place at the time of that site plan. They were not a requirement of that site plan. He said they all had electricity. V.C. Morris noted that Mr. Eseltine did not revoke the permit without prior conversation and an attempt to resolve the issue with Mr. Gilliams. Mr. Sanford said that Mr. Eseltine still did not have the authority to revoke the permit. V.C. Morris asked Mr. Gilliams what qualifications he had to act as an electrical contractor. He said that when he moved to Sebastian, he worked for Brewer Electric. He also had friends who were willing to help install the pedestals back to where they were originally, prior to the storms. Mr. Eseltine read a chronology of chain of events (copy attached to minutes) as he recalled them. In a meeting with Mr. Gilliams held 1/9/07, there was a discussion regarding Resolution R-97-27 and referenced site plan approved 10/17/06. The resolution approved 105 indoor/outdoor seats for the restaurant and the site plan parking calculations only provided 5 parking spaces for 15 boat slips for the marina and 10 boat slips for the restaurant for a total of 25 boat slips. Mr. Gilliams noted he already had the electrical permit, which Mr. Eseltine was not aware o£ In checking he found the permit had been issued 12/18/06. Mr. Gilliams was opposed to revising his plans in accordance with the stipulations set forth in Resolution R-97-27 and the approved site plan 10/17/06. He wanted Mr. Eseltine to accept a letter and a copy of his lease agreement with Hula Grill, his tenant, 806 Indian River Dr. to re-allocate his parking. He was told he would need to seek guidance from the Growth Management Department. Since Mr. Gilliams was opposed to revising his permit to limit the electrical pedestals to service no more than 15 boat slips in accordance with the approved site plan, Mr. Eseltine felt he had no choice but to revoke the electrical permit. Rebecca Grohall, Director of Growth Management explained to the Board how the parking is calculated based on the uses. Mr. Sanford asked to cross-examine Mr. Eseltine. He noted Mr. Eseltine had said there was a violation of the site plan. Mr. Eseltine said he was informed by Growth Management there were some issues surrounding the property that may restrict the amount of boat slips Mr. Gilliams could have. Mr. Sanford noted the site plan drawing was from 1991 that in 1996 there was actually 49 slips in place at that site. He also said that in one of the letters received that the marina was limited to the use of 25 boat slips. Mr. Eseltine said that in that letter it was stated 15 boat slips. "You may resume work under the electrical permit upon approval of corrected plans showing electrical pedestals that would serve a maximum of 15 boat slips." It also said 15 full service boat slips that would utilize 5 parking spaces on site, 10 transient boat parking slips for the restaurant that do not utilize any parking, making it a total of 25 boat slips approved for use. In regards to the building permit, on 12/07/06, Mr. Eseltine met with Mr. Gilliams. He was told what he would need in the way of an electrical contractor and what conditions he could obtain a permit as an owner/builder. A permit was not issued at that time. It was issued 12/18/06. Rebecca Grohall, Director of Growth Management came back to the podium to continue her testimony. She spoke in regards to the Resolution R-97-27 and went over the staff report done by the Director of Community Development. Tim Zelinski, Permitting Technician, was asked to come to the podium. Ch. Garland asked if someone higher up told him to issue the electrical permit. He said Mr. Eseltine told him to issue it. A break was taken at 9:00 P.M. and reopened at 9:05 P.M. with all present. Attorney Stringer passed out sections of the Sebastian Codes. He noted that if a city code was violated, Mr. Eseltine did have the right to revoke the permit. MOTION: Morris/Carbano I make a motion that we uphold the revocation, of the permit issued by Mr. Eseltine, predicated by the testimony and information presented to the Board, not only with the package but also in addition to the information this evening. ROLL CALL: Ch. Garland -yes Mr. Hosey -yes V.C. Morris -yes Mr. Widup -yes Mrs. Carbano -yes Motion carries 5 - 0. Hearing being completed, meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. BEFdRC THE Ct~l~$il~RV~T~~~i 1~OAY~ OF TYKE CITY QF SEBAS7 IAN YNDXAN RIVER COUNTY, FLOYT~DA Damien t~illiams, . Appellant, RECEx~TED Y' MAR 2 4 2007 'Wayne Eseltine, Res~pondeut ~ ~' AFPE~~AN'.C'S BRIEF Nuw cuuirs Aplx'slhut, Da~uiea Gs11i2wYS,1xY and tluouugh his tuidorsigncd attorney and respectfully requests that this Board overturn the decision by Respondent to t revoke the electrlcal permit for 49 baRt slips locate. at 8Q6 Ttndian River T3rive in ~~:hagtitixt, Florida. C1n December 18, 20QG, a permit was issued to Appellant granting him ~ : right to itzstall 31 electrical pedestals to provide power to ~9 bast slips at $06 Indi$n Riw e~ Drive in the City of Sebastian. Un January 16, 2UU7, Wayne Eseltine, the wilding 17ir rctvr for the City of Sebastian, in a letttr to Appellant, revoked the electrical permit citing .the site plan which wan apprioved on October 17, 1 ~b and Resolution R-97-2'~ w); soh weft adapted in May of 1997. According to Section 26-66 of the City Code, there are limited circus astances where a building official may revoke a permit. The first instance is sax p~.h (c) of Section 26-66, which states that the building official may revoke a permit if th 3 permit was obtained by any false stateme~rt or misrepresentation. Although Ivlr. F.seltine chinned in his letter that Appellant acted in bad faith in applying for the permit, there wits no misrepresentation on the part of Appellant in his application for the permit, nor v gas there any bad faith. Mr. Eseltine asserts in his letter that because Appellant was the represent ~tive for the property at the public hearings concerning the 1996 site plan, he acted in b ad faith. First, his assertion is incorrect, as Appellant wets not the representative for the pr ~pexty ax the 1995 hearings. However, Appellant stipulates that he vvas' in fact preset ti at the hearings and was given an opportunity to speak at the hearings. but he was net the representative of the property. Either way, the Farb ~i AppCllai-~ wus luBSe ~t at the hearings does not in any way represent bad faith on his part in applying for E :leetrieal perinitt:, wvhich ware in no way addressed at thoso hearings. Further, the fact thf t he had knowledge of the site plan does not represent bad faith, as the site. Plan-is a publ c retard a»d the lnil~siic as a whole is on notice of the site plan. His attendance at the meel ing does not give Appellant specistl notice of the site Plan.. Any other member of the puti lie is on as much notice as Appellant as m the site plan. Z0 ~tld QziO~hIdSS3~IGHJ L69ZZt5tiZLL EZ ~ZZ L00Z/0Z/E0 If any individual or entity has special notice of the site plan, it is in fact the building inspector. As a public official, he is charged with notice of all site p .ens and therefore when Appellant filed his application for a permit, Mr. Eseltine3 was rec ui=ed to review all prior plans and resolutions relating to the property prior to the issuan~ s of the site plan, not as an afterthought nn~ lhn pcrmil ~ alrCtuly i~suad. Because tl ~cm was no misrepresentation on the part of Appellant, Mr. Eseltine could not revoke Ap xllant's permit under paragraph (c) of the Coda Section 24-66. TJae other Code Section which allows the building inspector: to rc coke an electrical permit, paragraph (d) is in the case of unsafe electrical installations. ~ here has been no assertion of awry unsafe installations or any installations which are hazardous to public safety, and therefore the building inspector may not revoke the permit w ider this paragraph either. lVlr. Eseltine, in his letter, cites Section 2d-8S of the Gity CodC for the cut ~ority to revoke the elextrical permit. Section 26-85 does not allow for revocation of a pe mit, but merely allows the building inspector to c4nuct errors inn the plans ar in conshvct on or of violations of the Giry Gods. Thera are no errors in the electrical permit applicat .on or in the plan for installation of the electrical pedestals, nor is there'. any, assertion that such an error in the plan or construction exists. The building inspector has asserted that 1 here is a maximum number of boat slips under they site plan and that the proposed numbs ~ of beat . slips violates the site plan. T~owever, this has nothing to do with. the electrica permit. T'h~c boat slips arc already is place, crud Appellant merely wishes to provide pow sr to the already existing slips. If'there was a violation of the Code or site plan, this has m -thiag to clo with the eleactricsl permit. Even if it did, the only authority granted 1VIr. Eselti ie under 26-85 is to correct errors, not to revoke the permit. Thcrefvre, because Mr. Eselti ne is not authorized to revoke a permit for the reasons he has cited, he exceeded his ; ~uthorlty r the Code in so doing. However, even assuming ~lhxt Ivlr. )rr~lluiv dicl lixtve flow authority to rc' role the permit if he found it inconsistent with the site plan, the site plan does not set s rr aximum number of boat slips. In fast, all of the boat slips were already iu existeuee when ~ the site plan was approved. The site plan's conditions. which Mr. Eschine cites only deal with the mimbE<r of parking spaces. Under the site plan. ono parking space is designated ' br every three boat slips and the permit allows for 42 parking spaces, five of which era do signatexl for 15 boat slips. At than time, there were 49 boat slips in existence,-brtt.o~y five parking spaces designated for 15 boat slips plus 10 transient slips. lint there was no req ~irement ' in the site plan that the other 24 boat slips remain unused. Appellant has not regi jested an increase 1n the allocation of parkfn~; sptu:~s. Hn uccsrGly wvishes to provide all o~ the boat slips which have been in existence since before the site plan was approved with ~:lectrical power. 1Lesolution R 97-27, cited by Ivor. Eseltine, adds no additional restrictio: ~s to the site plan, brut merely states. that all of the site plan requirements shall: be complied with. E0 3Jdd Q~IO.~NGSS3~21t/H~ L691Z6bZLL Ei ~TT L09Z/0Z/E0 Bccause Mr. Eseltlne lacked the authority to ~tevoke the permit once it vva ~ issued to Appellant, and because the issuance of tha permit in no way viols~d a ~y City Ordinance, the site plan or any resolution, the revocation of the permit sh Auld 6c overturned and the building inspector should be told to immediately reissue tht ~ permit and r.Ca.~ scul ciGSist l'rosu iuterf~cring fiu-tlicr with the installation of elecCrical pcd :staffs at tha site. ~v Charles H. Sardard 3UU3(~cdinat T3rive, Suite B 'V'ero Beach, ~ 329b3 (772) ~E92-1695 (772) 492-197 Florida Bar No. 702821 Attorney for Appellant b0 3JCd Qz10dNtJSS3~21GH~ L69TZ6bZLt EZ ~ZI L00Z/0Z/S9 Electrical permit for 806 Indian River Dr. Chronolo~y On 2/11/05 permit for dock repair was applied for and issued. DEP permit was submitted and valid at time of permitting. On 12/7/06 applied for an electrical permit to provide 31 electrical pedestals to service 47 boat slips. A that time it was discussed as to how the permit was to be issued. Mr. Giiliam__s initially complained about the cost of the permit fees. To accommodate Mr. Gilliams, I told him that I would be willing to make the permit asub-permit to the master dock permit, which would save him money in permitting fees. Also discussed under what conditions Mr. Gilliams could obtain such a permit as an owner/builder. Sometime in early December after speaking with Mr. Gilliams it was brought to my attention by Growth Management that there were possible restrictions on this property that would limit the amount of boat slips. Upon investigation into the property file, it appeared that through resolution R97-27 the amount of boat slips were limited in order to gain extra seating for the restaurant. Although the dock permit was properly issued by DEP and the City. It would be improper to allow Mr. Gilliams to energize more than the 15 slips ti'~at were allowed by resolution R97-27. On 12/18/06 the electrical permit was issued in error. It appears that our permit technician believed that the electrical permit was okay to issue as asub-permit to the master dock permit and assumed the plans were already approved with the master plan for the dock, as we often see with other projects, when in fact, they were still under review and had not been stamped approved. On 12/21/06, three days after the permit was issued, Mr. Gilliams was contacted by phone to inform him there were problems with issuing his electrical permit and that I wished to discuss these issues with him in person. He wanted to postpone the meeting until after the holidays. On 1/9/07 I met with Damien Gilliams. We discussed resolution R97-27 and the referenced site plan approved on 10/17/96. The resolution approved 105 indoor/outdoor seats for the restaurant and the site plan parking calculations only provide 5 parking spaces for 15 boat slips for the Marina and 10 boat slips for the Restaurant (transient boat traffic), for a total of 25 boat slips. Mr. Gilliams then disclosed that he already had the electrical permit. After checking the computer system, I discovered that the permit had been inadvertently issued on 12/18/06. At our meeting on 1/9/07 Mr. Gilliams was opposed to revising his plans in accordance with the stipulations set forth in Resolution R97-27 and the approved site plan from 10/17/96. Mr. Gilliams wanted me to except a letter and a copy of his lease agreement with Hula Grill to reallocate his parking. I indicated to him that he would have to obtain an approval from Growth Management to reallocate the parking and advised him to seek guidance from our Growth Management Director. Since Mr. Gilliams was opposed to revising his permit to limit the electrical pedestals to service no more than 15 boat slips in accordance with the 1996 approved site plan. This left me no choice but to send a letter to revoke his electrical permit, since his plans could not be approved. Mr. Gilliams was informed that the Building Department will not engage in a game of "catch me if you can", and an issued building permit is not a license to violate Building Codes or City Ordinances. It appears that Mr. Gilliams did not apply for the electrical permit in good faith since the records show that when the resolution was approved in May of 1996, Mr. Gillams spoke in favor of the approval of the resolution. Therefore, he was aware of the details that surrounded the approval. Investigation of other related permit activity along Indian River Dr • Capt'n Butcher's was visited while a new dock was being built. Owner showed that he had obtained his DEP approval and he was instructed to take his DEP approval to the Building Dept to obtain a building permit. A copy of the DEP approval was found in the property file but no permit was ever issued for a reason unknown. (this can be easily remedied with an after the fact permit) • Capt'n Butcher's electrical permit for the dock was issued to Complete Electric, a reputable local contractor. No electrical plans were obtained; but the electrical work was to being done by an electrical contractor. (At the time the Building Department was bombarded with hurricane repair work and a housing boom. Quite often hurricane repair work was expedited in 2004 and 2005 to allow properties to be restored as quickly as possible) • Squid Lips obtained a hurricane damage dock permit and was required to provide an engineered plan to repair a shifted lap joint in awood-piling under the restaurant caused by dock damage. • Squid Lips currently has a stop work order on the seawall construction due to a lack of proper permits, engineered plans and DEP approval for a new seawall where none existed before the hurricanes. • Hurricane Harbor has a stop work order placed on the property due to a dock that was put in without a permit and has not obtained DEP approval. Ongoing situation with obtaining a DEP permit since the dock is not the same as it was before the Hurricanes. Other recent violations exist on this property since ownership changed to Captain and the Cowboy. • Sebastian Boat Tours dock permit was restricted to the original residential dock only until the longer dock proposed is released from DEP. • Capt'n Hirams, from what I recall, the docks were not completely destroyed. Shifted pilings were allowed to be re-aligned without a permit from DEP or the City. Obtained a permit to replace fuel line to the docks. There has been nine different hurricane damage related permits that have been issued on this property. Prepared by: Wayne Eseltine, Building Director cnvoF ~~~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CONTRACTOR LICENSING 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE: (772) 388-8245 • FAX (772) 589-2566 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 20, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING: DAMIEN GILLIAMS APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION TO REVOKE AN ELECTRICAL SUB-PERMIT FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH RESOLUTION R-97-27 AT 806 INDIAN RIVER DR. ADJOURN NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. CONAGEN.DOC revised 1/4/02 AMENDED 6/14/05