HomeMy WebLinkAbout10022007NRBcm �� �l�,���' �����L��►� �" � � _,._.__ _ `'�-,�,,,,r� _ _P� HOME OF PELICAN IStAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 2007 - 6:00 P.M. Chairperson Trish Adams called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Pledge of allegiance was recited. 3. Roll Call: Present: Excused Absence: Trish Adams - Chairperson Ginny Koerner Kristi Yanchis -arrived at 6:10pm Therese Miller Todd Klitenic Lynn Albury James Slattery Maureen Cummings—Vice Chairperson arrived at 6:43pm Cynthia Schuster Staff 8� Council Members Present: Council Member Neglia Margie Reynolds, Board Liaison Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 MINUTES On MOTION by Mr. Slattery and SECOND by Ms. Schuster, the September 4, 2007 minutes were accepted with change noted, by unanimous approval of voice vote. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Ms. Reynolds introduced Ms. Nancy Wood, Vero Beach Earth Day Coordinator. Ms. Wood is President of Indian River Green Team. She came before the Board to discuss the possibility of combining the Vero Beach Earth Day with Sebastian's. Everyone present liked the idea of combining the two Earth Days. On MOTION by Mr. Klitenic and SECOND by Ms. Yanchis, that the Sebastian Earth Day Celebration merges with the Vero Beach Earth Day to make one celebration with alternate one (1) year held in Sebastian and one (1) year held in Vero Beach, by unanimous approval of voice vote. There were suggestions of central locations for the event then it was decided to alternate locations of Riverview Park in Sebastian and Riverside Park in Vero Beach. The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 19th, 2008. Ms. Wood doesn't like starting the event before 12 noon and have it until around 8:OOpm. The Natural Resources Board will bring the subject up at the October 10th Council meeting to get Council approval. There was mention that the Natural Resources Board did not have a budget, couldn't form subcommittees and must post all meetings that are open to the public. Ms. Wood said this would not be a problem. It was also mentioned about groups at the event selling � Regular Meeting October 6, 2007 Page 2 t-shirts. All non-profit groups must be registered through the Division of Corporation to be able to sell things. Ms Wood was asked to attend the October 10th Council meeting if any additional information was needed. B. Greenways Project in Indian River County: A grant was applied for, for the 2009 — 2010 fiscal year for construction of landscaping of the 512 corridor. Ms. Reynolds mentioned this as a hands on project for the Board. Ms. Wood — spoke briefly about the Bio Swale and how they get rid of pollutants in the water. She will get the Board information. 6. PUBLIC INPUT: Ms. Wood gave their website address www.indianriverqreenteam.com regarding a petition trying to get the County to do better with recycling. There should be recycling at City parks. 7. OLD BUSINESS: A. Update on Field Trip on September 22, 2007: Ms. Schuster will get the minutes to the board secretary before the next meeting. It was decided to invite Charles Cardinale and Anne Dann to the November meeting to demonstrate and discuss how to measure a Champion Tree. Ms. Cummings arrived at 6:43 pm. B. Champion Tree Dav Update: Ms. Cummings updated the board on Champion Tree Day. .Dr. Baker has agreed to be a speaker. Mr. Slattery said he had a bat box that he would donate as a give away. Ms. Yanchis mentioned that she will contact a friend that has a nursery and she will see if she can get some donations. The Master Gardeners are all set for the day. Ms. Cummings will contact the Garden Club about refreshments. Ms. Reynolds will get some trees as giveaways. The board will meet on October 16th at 6:OOpm for a special meeting. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Priority List of Board: Each member read their top five (5) priorities and Chairperson Adams compiled the top five to give to Council. See attached. Ms. Yanchis left the meeting at 7:07pm. Mr. Slattery stepped out of the meeting at 7:07pm and returned at 7:09pm. Mr. Harvey Wheeler, 1464 Seahouse St., he discussed his feelings on clean water and keeping the storm water run off a top issue. Chairperson Adams assured Mr. Wheeler that it is an important issue with the Board and the City also. Ms. Adams will present the goals to Council at the October 10th Council meeting as well as the merging of Earth Day with Vero Beach. All members were encouraged to come to the meeting. Regular Meeting October 6, 2007 Page 3 B. Rain Garden: FDOT program for fiscal year 2009 — 2010. It is a recommended as a best management practice for storm water management. The Board could adopt a 10 x 20 section of a swale and make this a hands-on project. We could probably get donation of plants that could be used in the Rain Garden. Also promote this concept to home owners, suggest that they run down spouts into the grassy area not down the driveway. Get the public to use rain barrels. Ms. Reynolds offered other suggestions. Ms. Reynolds, Environmental Planner, was invited to speak at Champion Tree Day about the Rain Gardens. She accepted. 9. MEMBER MATTERS: Chairperson Adams discussed the SJRWMD National Estuary Grant. This is the first year for the grant. It offers $15,000 to $30,000 for habitat restoration. Ms. Reynolds knows about the grant and is pursuing it. Mr. Klitenic mentioned the fountains on Barber St. and Easy Street Park that we still don't have them. On Easy Street Park there are a lot of ducks and maybe we could get a duck crossing sign. Mr. Klitenic asked about the cause of death to the turtles a couple of months back. There is no identifiable cause but it was not from someone dumping something in the lake. He recommended Mr. Wheeler to become a member of the board if a vacancy comes up. Ms. Cummings asked the board secretary to get a hold of Ms. Miller regarding measuring her fig tree for Champion Tree day. 10. STAFF MATTERS: No staff matters. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Adams adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. . 7 , d,�j! I Resources irperson Signature Bo e�-�ecretary Signat J � /-07-0� Date City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board 2007 - 2008 Work Plan Strengthen City Ordinances and improve code enforcement 2. Shoreline improvement & protection and increase protection of the Aquatic Preserves 3. Public awareness through events and working with high school and middle school students 4. Use of native plants on city property and eradicate invasive exotic plants from the city. 5. More hands-on projects >, �� HOME OF PELICAN IStAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589-5330 Phone (772)589-5570 Fax AGENDA NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD REGULAR MEETING � TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 2007 6:00 P:M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced re/atlonship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" `� 1. CALL TO ORDER: �� � �� 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: � APPROVAL OF MINUTES: .September 4, 2007 ANNOUNCEMENTS: A. Ms. Nancy Wood, Vero Beach Earth Day Coordinator "� B. Greenways Project in Indian River County � � PUBLIC INPUT: OLD BUSINESS: A. Update on Fieid Trip on September 22, 2007 � B. Champion Tree Day Update ✓ NEW BUSINESS: � f A. Priority List of Board '' �' ���� B. Rain Garden MEMBER MATTERS: STAFF MATTERS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: `? p 5 J�I�'� FI ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DEC/SION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EV/DENCE UPON WH/CH APPEAL !S TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH TffE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPUANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH D/SABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WNO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE.