HomeMy WebLinkAbout03062008 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 6, 2008 Chairman Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Cardinale Mr. Dodd Mr. Paul Mr. Blais EXCUSED: Mr. Simmons ALSO PRESENT: Rich Stringer, City Attorney Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENT: Mr. Simmons is excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meetings of 1/17/08 ~~~ ~- ~` ~` m ., ~: r. ~:~~~ , <~, ,~ ~;;~ ~`~~~ _ ~ R_ ~f- ~: . . MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the minutes of 1/17/08. A voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - MODELHOME RENEWAL - 452 BRIARCLIFF CIRCLE, ASHBURY SUBDIVISION -MAZE HOMES Chairman Paul opened the hearing and asked for any ex parte communications; there were none. He then swore in anyone wishing to speak. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the application and noted that she made a field inspection. She recommends approval with two conditions that the parking area landscaping/weeds be cleaned up and maintained, and that a small "model parking" directional sign be placed at the entrance of the parking area. Mr. Cardinale asked about the handicap parking. Mr. Dodd wanted to know if the issues with the back gate had been resolved. Chmn. Paul swore in Ms. Grohall and she responded that they have doubled the chains that were up, and the Ashbury Community Association (the HOA) is currently being taken thru the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate process. Mr. Stringer interjected that the model home site does not have control over the chain issue as the homeowners association, which is still the developer, put the chain in place. ,.. ~. t~,4 ~, "~a PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2008 No one in public attendance spoke in favor or opposition of the renewal. MOTION by Paul/Buchanan to approve the renewal of the conditional use permit for an existing model home and parking area with the conditions noted. ROLL CALL: Mr. Blais yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Buchanan yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION - CHANGES TO LDC SECTION 54-3-15.2, PARKING REQUIREMENTS 8~ DEFINITIONS FOR MARINA USES Chmn. Paul stated this is just discussion and review to see what direction the commission would like to go with regard to this section of the regulations. Mr. Stringer explained that there had been a site that was approved and it had in it~transient boat slips. However, the P&Z minutes showed they talked about using the boat slips in lieu of land parking spaces. This was confusing as there are provisions in the code for transient live-aboards. Some discrepancies are cone-to-one parking for every slip. Ms. Grohall ran a calculation showing what the current code requirements would be for a 1,200 sq. ft. commercial marina with 50 wet slips, 6 transients, a party boat that holds a max of 45 people, 5 six-pack boats and a kayak rental facility with 16 kayaks. Their parking needs would be 76 spaces. Two big issues with that is the marina -she felt they could downsize the parking requirements for the marina itself. The other area where the restrictions could be lessened is what is called transient slips, which are for overnight types of boats that come in use the facilities, restaurants, bar, etc. Changing them from a 1 to 1 to a 1 to 3 would give some relief. Ms. Grohall explained a new category she is suggesting, called "Temporary". In the past the board has given some marinas a credit on their surface parking if they provide spaces for boats to pull up and enjoy the restaurant or bar or other amenity. This would codify that issue. She kept wet slips basically the same; as well as dry slips, charter party boats, six-pack. The one she did suggest a change is the rental facilities for small water craft like kayaks, citing one parking space per one vessel a tough standard, so she lessened that to 1 per 3 as a starting point for discussion. There was discussion about the impact of the change to any facility currently operating. Ms. Grohall said there are two that would have a positive impact. She did feel, however, that the six-pack party boat rentals should be kept at two parking spaces for every six- pack boat. Ms. Grohall explained how the marina calculations would tie into an adjoining restaurant's calculations. Mr. Stringer gave an explanation of the various boat slips and parking requirements. One is the classic wet slip where a person leaves their boat at a marina. The transient is a tourist who goes up and down the intercoastal with their boat and stops at different towns along the way and spend a few days walking around whatever is on the riverfront. Then there are slips for commercial or charter or six-pack boats. Right now the marina office is held to a separate set of parking requirements. He added that they are looking at a marina as a conglomerate of mixed uses. Marinas that also have a restaurant, what percentage of customers are coming by water and how 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2008 many parking spaces would you allow for dockage. As an example, if a restaurant needs 50 parking spaces and we think 10% of their business will be from water rather than land, then they could set aside 5 slips without amenities for people to tie up and go to the restaurant instead of 5 on the land. So you would have 45 spaces on land and 5 on water. Also discussed was parking requirements for employees of the marina, whether office or retail. Mr. Stringer explained that current regulations have one parking space for 300 sf of marina office space and over 300 sf requires two spaces. He asked the Commission at what square footage level do they want to increase the parking spaces. Ms. Grohall suggested just requiring a flat two spaces for marina office facility. Staff and commissioners discussed extensively the boat to parking space ratio. The consensus was 1:3 for wet slips. They then went back to the issue of transient dockage. Ms. Grohall said it would be easier to enforce if the transient ratio were the same as the wet slip ration, 1:3. Ms. King added that this would also make it easier from a code enforcement perspective as to a transient and permanent live-aboard, which is not allowed. Ms. Grohall agreed that the city should encourage redevelopment along the riverfront, especially the Florida fishing village theme and to do that they need to be very friendly to fishermen and boaters. Mr. Stringer added that staff will look within the general parking requirements, not for marinas but for waterside restaurant and hotels, and come up with credits for that portion. The outcome of the discussion was to suggest two spaces for employees per marina. Staff will work to have a distinction between something purely servicing the marina versus a retail operation/gift shop. Wet slips, rental facilities and transient all 1:3. Dry slips at 1:4 and keep charter boats and six-pack the same as currently stated in the code. Mr. Stringer said they will prepare a draft ordinance and bring it back to the commission. The definitions will be on the agenda in about a month. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: NONE MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Cardinale thanked the city for the opportunity to attend the FL League of Cities conference, which was very informative. DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Stringer clarified previous statements that he was not directly rewriting the comp plan. Also, the settlement with Fellsmere has been approved. Mr. Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m. (03/10/08 sbl) 3