HomeMy WebLinkAbout04032008 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 3, 2008 Mr. Cardinale called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Cardinale Mr. Dodd Mr. Simmons EXCUSED: Mr. Paul and Mr. Blais ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary ~~ r~ L ~' ~! ,.. z. ~.. 9 'S ~;-. gar ~- ®~.. R'.., Y` ~,~ ANNOUNCEMENT: Mr. ~ and Mr. Paul are excused. Vice Chairman Cardinale will officiate the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meetings of 3/06/08 MOTION by Dodd/Buchanan to approve the minutes of 3/06/08. A voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING -SITE PLAN 8~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - GOOD YEAR TIRE CENTER - 6,864 SF RETAIL 8~ VEHICULAR SERVICE BUILDING - 9260 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD, SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION -THE SHERON GROUP, INC. - CG ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Cardinale opened the hearing and asked for any ex parte communications; there were none. He then swore in anyone wishing to speak. Mr. Mark Wallace of Acme Architects, 3575 Linden Lane, Miami, Florida, presented the application. He introduced the developer, Scott Sheron, also Robert Leon and Aaron Bowles of MBV Engineering. Based on staffs' recommendation for approval, he offered to answer questions from the board. After the exact location had been established, Ms. Bosworth reviewed the staff reports for the conditional use and the site plan. There will be no outside storage or display of tires. They are providing 30 parking spaces, three over the requirement. A truck loading/unloading area has been provided in the southwest corner. The building colors will compliment the colors of the Auto Zone, which was previously approved. The county required traffic impact studies for both the Advance Auto Zone and Good Year Tire Centers, even with the current CR 512 ~I ~„~ :~ ' ~~ ~:`` 'w'j PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 3, 2008 improvements underway. TIA's for both sites were submitted, and the county has approved those traffic impact reports. There is also the required ten-foot landscape perimeter, with the east perimeter being shared with Advance Auto, previously approved by the Commission. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and the site plan. Ms. Bosworth and Ms. Grohall answered questions about recycling water, waste oil handling, and plant species for ground cover and screening. No one in public attendance spoke in favor or opposition of the site plan. MOTION by Simmons/Dodd to approve the conditional use permit for Good Year Tire Center located at 9260 Sebastian Boulevard. ROLL CALL: Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Buchanan yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 4-0. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the site plan with conditions noted in staff report for the Good Year Tire Center. ROLL CALL: Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Buchanan yes The vote was 4-0. Motion passed unanimously. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: NONE Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Simmons yes MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Simmons asked about the new site plan on U.S. 1, location of the recently constructed Indian River National Bank and Sebastian Medical Suites, north of Walmart, particularly the safety of the access drive in regards with its location in the middle of the turn lane for Walmart.. Ms. Grohall said we have very little control over that as it is an FDOT decision. Commissioners discussed their concerns, especially the fact that these driveways are just to the north of the worse intersection in the city. They believed that it is a major traffic problem with a strong potential of numerous and severe accidents. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Grohall mentioned that there will be a meeting on April 17~h and expect to have both meetings in May. ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Mr. Cardinale adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. (04/04/08 sbl) 2