HomeMy WebLinkAbout06192008 PZ Minutes CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 2008 Mr. Cardinale called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Cardinale Mr. Dodd Mr. Srinivasan Mr. Blais EXCUSED: Mr. Simmons and Chmn. Paul ALSO PRESENT: AI Mintier, City Manager Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Rich Stringer, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary Ken Kilgore, Finance Director Lenora Quimby, Board of Education ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vice Chmn. Cardinale noted that Mr. Simmons and Mr. Paul are excused. He announced that Item C will be moved to Item B on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 6/5/08 ~~ A ~ j ~' ~ , ~l ~~ ~ ' . d ~ ~i .. tl i i .tsT ( ~K) Y - . ,~ ~ _1 w R,' .: ~ ~ ~ y~ ~- ~. .r~ ~ . ~. ~ . ~_ .~, MOTION by Buchanan/Dodd to approve the minutes of 6/5/08. A voice vote was taken and all were in favor. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 8~ CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS GREATER THAN $50,000 - 6-YEAR SCHEDULE FY6 2008/09 THROUGH FY 2013/14 Mr. Cardinale asked Mr. Minner for the presentation of the CIP. Mr. Minner reviewed the CIP process for the board. He explained the various funds of the budget. He detailed some of the projects like police car replacement, continuation of the quarter-round project, and the Barber/Schumann intersection improvement project. Mr. Minner offered details on ongoing and upcoming .projects. Mr. Mintier answered questions from the commission. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 19, 2008 The Commission discussed looking into better fuel efficient vehicles for the Police Department, and their preference to improve the older, existing parks (Schumann & Riverfront) rather than create a lot of smaller "pocket parks". MOTION by Dodd/Buchanan to favorably recommend to city council approval of the Capital Improvement Plan with the modifications discussed. ROLL CALL: Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Buchanan yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Blais yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. REVIEW, COMMENTS, AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - INDIAN RIVER DRIVE & MAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mr. Minner gave an overview of the project and introduced the engineer of the project Joe Schulke. Mr. Cardinale asked Mr. Stringer to outline the purpose of the commission in its review of the project. Mr. Stringer quoted LDC 54-1-2.4 (3) i, the commission shall consider, review and make recommendations concerning studies of city public land needs and recommend site acquisition for the same, including development plans and requisite facilities. Mr. Schulke reviewed the plans and answered questions about timeline, parking, the actual boat ramp, sidewalk, restrooms, and traffic flow. Mr. Blais had concerns with the boat parking area having atwo-way directional drive aisle. MOTION by Blais/Dodd to recommend city council move forward with the plan and the engineer and city manager consider the issues discussed by the commission. ROLL CALL: Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Buchanan yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS -RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL -LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS: 1. Ordinance 0-08-05 -LDC Section 54-3-11.4(f) -Electrical 8~ Lighting Plans for Marinas and Dock Facilities Mr. Stringer explained this is from the direction of city council involving a dock. Staff had not approved the electrical layout to all the slips in a dock where the original marina had more slips than were currently authorized for use. The owner had traded out the use of some slips for additional facilities added to the site. Council wanted to provide some relief and we do have a provision concerning marinas and dock facilities in the LDC. What is added is (h) as noted in the ordinance material. After discussion it was determined the wording should be: "An electrical and lighting layout plan: docks may 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 19, 2008 provide electrical service to each available boat slip or otherwise provide convenient service to provide for the lighting and maintenance needs of the dock." Mr. Buchanan suggested the beginning be changed to the electrical service may be provided to permitted docks in addition to electrical outlets that may be necessary for the maintenance or lighting of the docks. That way we would be differentiating between having docks that are usable and providing electricity to those slips for customers versus lights and just power washers, etc. on the dock. Ms. Grohall said the city attorney suggested the terminology to read utility and lighting layout plan which would cover a wide variety of services. Mr. Stringer reviewed what was discussed: "A utility and lighting layout plan: service may be provided to slips that have been permitted and authorized for use as well as incidental service for maintenance and lighting of the docks." MOTION by Dodd/Blais to recommend to city council that they adopt revisions to Ordinance 08-05, Section 54-3-11.4(f) based on the language changes that were stated. ROLL CALL: Mr. Buchanan yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Cardinale yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Ordinance 0-08-06 - LDC Section 54-3-15.2 - Parking Spaces Required for Marinas & Waterfront Restaurants Mr. Stringer presented the backup material. He explained that the parking requirements for marinas are exactly what the board recommended. Within restaurants, a provision was added to say, "When co-located with marina facilities, up to five percent (5%) of the required spaces may utilize designated temporary docking facilities." So, within their site plan for the parking, they have to designate where these spaces are and then we can use them in their parking calculations. Ms. Bosworth asked if a definition for temporary docking facilities be added to the code. Ms. Grohall thought it would be easier to define it by not adding the temporary definition and removing the transient definition. There was discussion on the calculation method of parking spaces and dock spaces. It was determined to use one parking space for every three boat slips. Mr. Dodd suggested the wording of two spaces plus one parking space for every three boat slips, and take out of that to accommodate employees. The following people spoke: Greg Hefler, concerned about restaurant parking. MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to recommend to city council approval of Ordinance 0-08- 06 with modifications to section 54-3-15.2 specifically for marinas, two parking spaces plus one parking space for every three boat slips and including existing language already in restaurants, when co-located with marinas up to ten percent (10%) of the required spaces may utilize designated temporary docking facilities. Also authorize deletion of transient live aboard from the definition. ROLL CALL: Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Buchanan no Mr. Blais yes Mr. Dodd yes 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 19, 2008 Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 4-1. Motion passed. 3. Ordinance 0-08-07 -Temporary Relief Measures for Specified Commercial Signage Mr. Stringer explained that this came about from the current economic climate and we need to be sensitive to the business community. The sign codes are stringent; they were put in around 1999 because things were getting out of hand. What staff has suggested is allow sandwich board signs to denote specials, banners for special events like grand openings, and extend the timeframe from thirty days to sixty days. The reason they are addressing this as an ordinance and not a code change is to see how well it works and prevent the changes from becoming grandfathered, if the economy picks up in a year it gives the commission a chance to say, it helped a little but not worth the clutter. This would be a temporary measure that would sunset in one year. MOTION by Cardinale/Dodd to recommend city council approve Ordinance 0-08-07 Temporary Relief Measures for Specified Commercial Signage with a re-evaluation period of one year including the measures as presented, sandwich boards, banners sixty-days, addressing the issue of a single site plan. ROLL CALL: Mr. Buchanan yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Blais yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed unanimously. MEMBERS MATTERS: NONE DIRECTOR MATTERS: Next scheduled meeting is for July 3~d CHAIRMAN MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Stringer complimented the commission in getting through what appeared to be a difficult agenda, quickly and effectively. Mr. Cardinale adjourned the meeting at 9:58 p.m. (06/23/08 sbl) 4