HomeMy WebLinkAbout07212009BAC~,, ~T1/~ HOME OE PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES July 21st, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN 1. The Citizens Budget Advisory Review Committee Meeting convened at 6:00 p.m. 2. AI Minner led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Roll Call: Adrina Davis Todd Klitenic Charles Cardinale Thomas Burke Brad White Dwight Trout Ed Herlihy Staff Members present: AI Minner, City Manager Ken Killgore, Finance Director Nancy Veidt, Jr. Accountant Mary Rosenthal, Acct. Clerk I/ Recording Secretary 4. Announcements: a. Election of Chairman Mr. Davis and Mr. Trout made a motion for Thomas Burke to be named the Chairman. Mr. Burke nominated Mr. Herlihy a vote was taken Mr. Burke was voted in as chairman by 4 votes. b. Election of Vice Chairman A motion was made for Adrina Davis to be named the Vice Chairman, Mr. Trout seconded the motion all members where in favor. 5. ~proval of Minutes of July 16, 2007 Meeting: Mr. Oakes our former chairman moved away, Mr. Burke made a motion to accept the July 16, 2007 minutes in Mr. Oakes stead, Adrina Davis seconded the motion all members were in favor. 6. New Business: Mr. Minner thanked the finance department and all of the department head and management staff for their cooperation in getting the budget assembled and completed. Mr. Minner gave a power point presentation on the FY 2008/2009 proposed budget overview. (attached) In this overview Mr. Minner discussed a range of topics including property taxes, tax reform, rollback, reserve levels, general fund revenue projections, special revenue debt services and the enterprise fund. After Mr. Minner's presentation he turn the meeting over to Mr. Burke. Mr. Herlihy handed out a proposal to provide funds for additional police officers; the proposal also included statistical data and a request for 10 new police officers. (Proposal is attached) Mr. Klitenic stated that we asked for 4 new police officers last year and got none and we are behind in police officers from other municipalities. Mr. Herlihy stated that just looking at the statistics we need 10 new officers. Mr. Kltenic stated that he agrees, and that we should also add a community center that would help all citizens and double as a hurricane shelter. Mr. Minner explained that police officers have to be funded by the general fund revenue. This impact of hiring officers is approximately $62,000 per officer. If we add the police officers we will have to increase the millage rate or use cash. Mr. Trout asked about the ratio of help from the Indian River County Sheriffs department, he feels any discussion should also include this ratio of help. Mr. Minner stated that even if we were at 3.1 officers per thousand ratio the crime rate would still be the same, because it is hard economic times. The response time would improve but the crime rate would stay the same. Mr. Davis asked about the health program and did we look into getting the best program. Mr. Minner stated that they looked at all avenues and our present program is the most affordable. Mr. Burke doesn't want to dip into the cash reserves at this time because of the economy, and feels that we need to reserve this money for catastrophic times. Mr. Klitenic asked what we are doing to bring in new revenues so that we don't have to increase taxes. Mr. Minner stated that we have reduced taxes and with Sebastian being mainly residential there are only one or two areas that will bring in revenue: the ad valorem taxes, state shared revenues and the franchise fees. Mr. Klitenic asked about the community center and when could we look at it being built. Mr. Minner stated that council has no problem with building a new community center but the staffing and cost of maintaining the center is not feasible at this time we don't have the money for this. Mr. Burke asked about upping the millage rate to add extra police officers. Mr. Minner stated that if you go one bit over 3.3436 you need a super majority vote. Or you go over and lose your state funding. State funding is important it's another 30% of you revenue. Mr. Herlihy said that he spoke to 2 council members who reacted favorably to his proposal, but stated that funding would cause a majority vote. Mr. Minner said that he spoke with Chief Davis and our officers are aware of the difficult time we are in and are out there giving it there all. Mr. White stated that he was an advocate of adding more police officers. He noticed that the ratio of police officers in Vero is larger that in Sebastian but the crime rate is the same, showing that our officers are doing a good job. He feels the numbers don't justify the need for 10 additional new officers. Mr. Minner agreed saying that 10 new officers would not necessarily bring the crime rate down, response time would be better, some crime may be deterred and services to the public would improve but it would not change the crime rate significantly, because of the climate we are in. Mr. Cardinale asked how the council responded to the request last year for 4 new police officers. Mr. Minner said that the council was in favor but wanted to wait to see what happen with amendment #1 and knew in January we wouldn't be able to add any officers. Mr. Cardinale wanted to know what we are doing with the police vehicles as far as them being flex-fuel cars. Mr. Minner said that the police department has been clear in their request for combustion engines because of the need for patrol and issues during a chase. Mr. Davis the magic number is 3.36 if we go over we need a majority vote. Mr. Minner that is correct. Mr. White said couldn't we plan to add 1 police officer per quarter and ease into additional officers. Mr. Minner said we would still have to raise the millage rate or a cut somewhere else to plan for the additional costs. Mr. Burke asked if it would be advisable to submit to council a request for additional officers by raising the millage rate to a maximum of 3.7. Mr. Minner said that this would be a reasonable request. Mr. Cardinale asked the average of housing building permits. Mr. Minner said that at this time the average is about 2 permits per month. We need 20 permits per month to break even. Mr. Gilliams of 1623 US 1, is concerned with changing the millage rate. He feels that the committee should look at the budget and try to find extra monies. He stated that there are ways to increase revenue, cameras at traffic lights to generate revenue from speeding tickets. Use volunteers to cover more areas to deter crime. We need to reduce our spending 10% across the board. We need to look at all ways to reduce spending. A motion was made that council adopt the proposed FY09 budget with due consideration to increase police officer staffing at a level of 2 officers per year for the next 5 years and encouraging a super majority vote to take such action. The motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Herlihy made a motion to give the council a modified version of the proposal for additional police officers. Motion was seconded and passed. Mr. Klitenic made a motion for Mr. Herlihy to represent the committee at the council meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. Mr. Herlihy will represent the budget committee at the council meeting and summarized the proposal for the council. Mr. Minner stated that the budget committee representative would be on the agenda to present the proposal to the council. 7.) Adjourn Mr. Burke made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M. All were in favor. ~a xpri~ny ,, Chairman Citizens Budget Review Committee Approved at the Citizens Budget Review Committee Meeting May 20, 2009 Proposal For the City of -- e~as~ian Florida To provide funds in the 2008-2009 budget for an additional ten police officers. SUBMITTED BY: Edward H. Herlihy Member of Sebastian Budget Review Committee 474 Sea Grass Avenue Sebastian, FL 32958 772-388-0665 July 21, 2008 INTRODUCTION During the Sebastian Budget Review Committee meeting in July 2007, there was sentiment to add up to ten police officers to the Sebastian Police Department. That proposal was put on hold and ultimately not acted upon during the fiscal year. Another yeaz has passed. The City is facing an even more severe budget "crunch". However, our police department continues staffing at a very low level compared to the rest of the cities in Florida and cities with the same population level, The purpose of this proposal is to add ten police officers to the Sebastian Police Department this fiscal year. Supporting data and budget effect are included in this proposal. STATISTICAL DATA All data in this proposal was obtained from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) website; www.fdle.state.fl.us. Copies of the data are attached for reference. 1. FDLE TOTAL INDEX CRIME: Sebastian Police Department: 2006 2.598/100,000 2007 3.237/100,000 Increase 24.59 2, SEBASTIAN PD RATIO OF FULL TIME OFFICERS PER 1,000 POPULATION: At the present time, the Sebastian has 40 Hill time officers. With a population of 22,400 in Sebastian, the ratio per 1,000 is 1.78. 3. FDLE RATIO OF FULL TIlVIE OFFICERS STATEWIDE: The ratio of all police departments in Florida is 2.68 officers per 1,000 populations 4. FULL TIME OFFICER RATIO IN CITIES WITH POPULATION 20,000 TO 25,000: Sebastian has an estimated 2007 population of 22,400. There are 14 cities, including Sebastian, listed with populations of 20,000 to 25,000. The average officer ratio is 2.28. CONCLUSIONS Based on the 2007 FDLE statistics, the Sebastian Police Department is understaffed by twenty (20) full time officers. If the Department were to add twenty officers, the ratio of officers to 1,000 population would be 2.67, the State average. The FDLE crime statistics show a sharp increase in overall crime in Sebastian between 2006 and 2007. The rate increased 24.59% in one year. It should be noted that the cause of the crime increase was in three areas; aggravated assault, 37.5°I°; burglary, 40.4% and larceny, 29%. If Sebastian were to add ten full time officers during this fiscal year, the officer ratio would be 2.23, about the same as other cities with the same population. At the verbleast, with crime up about 25% in one year, the Sebastian Police Department should acid ten~1Q~11 time cfficers thT__s v~ __ _______ THE PROPOSAL The cost to add 10 police officers this fiscal year is estimated at $57,500 each making a total budget request of $575,000. Automobiles and associated equipment would come from sales tax revenue. If the Budget Review Committee agrees that we want to make this proposal to the City Council, the information provided in this proposal should be given to Council along with an explanation from this Committee regarding the matter. Further, we should have a document showing the effect on the Sebastian tax rate for Council review. A copy of the City Manager's 2009 Budget update to City Council is attached for reference. Please note the last paragraph, which references millage rates and police additions. When the City Council meets to consider the budget, the Budget Review Committee should schedule time on the agenda to make this presentation. tmr of '•~; ti~F5 r oa ~rrc~w rsrarin AGENDA TRANSMfTTAL Subject: FY 09 BUDGET UPDATE Submittal by: Agenda No. Departmen Origjn: Finance City Attorney: City Clerk: Date Submitted: 2 Jul 08 SUMMARY Per Council request, this item has been placed on the agenda to seek preliminary direction conceming the FY 09 Budget. Two important upcoming dates before Council are (1) Monday, July 21'~ -Budget Committee Workshop; and, (2) Wednesday, July 23nd -Setting of the Going forward from this point, I believe the Council has three issues that summarize the FY 09 Budget. Those issues are (1) continuing to provide tax relief by exceeding the State's requirements; (2) meeting the budget restrictions imposed by the passage of Amendment #1; and, (3) increase services which will require a super majority vote. At the present time, the General Fund has estimated expenses for FY 09 at $11.9 million and revenues at $11.4; leaving a deficit of approximately $500,000. Much will transpire in the next few weeks to continue analyzing revenues and expenditures. The budget assumption that remains at this time is the usage of the current millage rate of $2.9917. If this rate is used again, additional tax relief can be provided, but some level of deficit spending will be required. As outlined in a memo submitted to Council on July 1, 2008, I am working to bring the deficit spending to about $250,000 which should not be a significant effect on reserve funds. The next alternative is to balance the budget with the "permitted" roll back rate of $3.3646. Like last year this is a tuff forward. This will generate an additional $470,000 balancing the budget without deficit spending. This rate also provides the additional homestead exemption tax relief provided by Amendment #1. Note also, this option does not increase services or the current estimated expenditures of $11.9 million. Perhaps the most important factor for this agenda item is direction from Council and consideration of additional service prior to the Budget Committee Workshop. At this time, the true "roll back" rate is projected to be a roll forward at $3.7060 mills. If this rate where used, an additional $900,878 could be generated which could help increase police officer levels or other staffing requests. For the past two fiscal years, discussion concerning public safety has surround the budget process. Again, 1 anticipate these discussions to take place; but, what makes this year's budget process different is that and increase above the $3.3646 millage level wilt require a super majority (4 votes) to approve the budget. RECOMMENDATION No action is required on this information topic. I~ FDLE STATISTICS SUPPORTING MATERIAL \° ~ fL6 ~ O M 0 0 0 N CK) M f~ O) tt O O O N M 0 0~ GO 4 0 0 0 Cq r M O O O O V ~ GOO 0 0 0 N r N N 0 0 0 N M M M N 'd' ~- Z 'ct ~ 0 0 0 N M Q N ~ ~ ~' M D 0 0 V r r ~ ~ Cp CU .~ O p CO D 1~r O ~ ~-NMOh NO Otfy O MM O O G V Cp 0 tM N O O r~ M M N M I~ M O V' ~ I~ O M Z Cn a0 ~ ~ Cd 0 U F O ~ 0 N r 1` N M M ~ N .. Q 'ct r r 0 O ~.. .- c-•- cM MrM~.-- NcD NN N NN O '~ ~ N ~ M 0 0 0 N ~~ N N O O O O ~ ~~ ~' O O O O (D M M O O O R O ~ ~ Q1 0 0 0 N ~ 'NV ~~ N CO O O M N Z V N `- 0 0 ~ ~ n O O O J N ~- ~ ~1 ~ ~~ 0 0 0 p ~ ~ pOj Q~ N O 0 0 N ONO Z ~~ 0 0 0 OOD COD N O O O m ~ 'O w f6 3 O1 Q ~I' VM' N 0 0 0 CN N 1` ~~ O O. 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The population data is provided by the University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research: Florida Estimates of Population 2007. The full-time sworn officer counts are provided by the FDLE Automated Training Management System (ATMs). Ratios are listed by agency for_sheriffs' offices and ci police departments. A genP~ral overview_ofnfficers per 1,000 population can be found in the tables below to include totals for police departments, sheriffs offices, state agencies and school & port agencies. All ratio calculations are based on full time officers with law enforcement certification. Concurrent officers are not included in the officer per 1,000 population ratios. Concurrent information is provided for the statewide ratios comparisons.. Correctional officers are also not included in the officers per 1,000 population ratios. For correctional officer populations to inmates, please contact the Florida Department of Corrections or local sheriffs' offices. Many variables impact officer staffing ratios. These variables should be considered when comparing agencies and populations. Some variables that could impact these ratios include population density, crime rate, service calls per officer, size ofjurisdiction, seasonal residents, and tourists. 2007 Police Ratio by Agency 2007 Sheriffs' Offices Ratio by Agency Note -Ratios are based on jurisdiction population. Within the county population, there may be several agencies. Each police department serves its city population. The sheriffs offices serve any city population not served by a police department plus the unincorporated population within the county. 2007 Sheriffs Offices 1.70 officer per 1,000 population (Law Enforcement Only) Sheriffs Offices 2.14 officer per 1,000 population (Law Enforcement & Concurrent) _ Police Departments 268 officers per 1,000 population (does not include schools and ports) Police Departments 2.54 officers per 1,000 population (including schools and ports) Law Enforcement 2.21 officers per 1,000 population (includes Sheriffs, Police Departments, State LE and Schools and Ports) http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio totals.html 7/18/2008 ' lUt1"/ t;JAY: r'uil 'l'ime Officer Ratios Page 2 of 2 Law Enforcement 2.47 officers per 1,000 population (includes Concurrent, SO's, PD's, State LE and Schools and Ports) • Estimated population under local police jurisdiction: 7,396,310 • Police Departments full-time officer count: 17,612 (does not include schools and ports) • Schools & ports: 1,141 • Estimated population under local Sheriffs' Offices jurisdiction: 11,237,444 • Sheriffs' Offices full-time (law enforcemen#) officer count: 19,052 • Sheriffs' Offices full-time (concurrent) officer count: 4,987 • State Agencies (excluding Universities & Colleges) :4,266 2006 Sheriffs Offices 1.65:1,000 (Law Enforcement Only) 1.65 officer per 1,000 population Sheriffs Offices 2.09:1,000 (Law Enforcement & Concurrent) 2.p9 officer per 1,000 population Police Departments 2.40:1,000 / 2.40 officers er 1000 o ul i ports Police Departments 2.55:1,000 / 2.55 officers ps1 000 DOgulati_on(includinva sohools_and ports) -- Law Enforcement 2.23:1,000 (does not include Concurrent) 2.23 officers per 1,000 population Law Enforcement .2.50:1,000 (includes Goncurrent) 2.50. officers per 1,000 population • Estimated population under local police jurisdiction: 7,099,17$ • Police Departments full-time officer count: 17,013 (does not include schools and ports) • Schools & ports: 1,068 • Estimated population under local Sheriffs' Offices jurisdiction; 11,134,599 • Sheriffs' Offices full-time (law enforcement) officer count: 18,380 • • Sheriffs' Offices full-time (concurrent) officer count:, 4,883 • State Agencies (excluding Universities & Colleges): 4,195 http://www.fdle.state.fl.uslcjst/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio totals.html 7/18/2008 2007 CJAP: Police Department Full Time Officer Ratios Police Department Fuli Time Officer Ratios Page 1 of 6 County Agency 2007 FT Officer count Total Population Ratio Per 1000 Alachua Alachua Police Department ~ 22 ~ 7,854 ~ 2.8 Seminole Altamonte Springs Police Department ~ 100 ~ 43,529 ~ 2.29 Calhoun ~Altha Police Department ~ 0 ~ 568 ~ 0 Franklin 'Apalachicola P olice Department ~ 7 ~ 2,489 ~ _ 2.8 Orange Apopka Police Department ~ 75 ~ 39,508 ~ 1.89 (Desoto Arcadia Police Department ~ 19 ~ 6,617 ~ 2,87 Lake ~Astatula Police Department ~ 5 ~ 1,649 ~ 3.03 (Duval , Atlantic Beach Police Department ~ 26 ~ 13,961 ~ 1.86 Palm Beach Atlantis Police Department ~ 14 ( 2,154 ~ 6,49 Polk Auburndale Police Department ~ 32 ~ 13,883 ~ 2.3 Dade Aventure Police Department ~ 76 30,383 2.5 Highlands J Avon Park Police Department ~ 24 ~ 8,964 ~ 2.67 (Dade J BaI Harbour Vllage Police Department ~ 28 ~ 3,058 ~ 9.15 Polk ~ Bartow Police Department ~ 44 ~ 16,515 ' 2.66 Dade ~ Bay Harbor Island Police Department ~ 23 ~ 5,148 ~ 4.46 ~Pinelias 1Be11eairPoliceDepartment ~ 11 ~ 4,158 ~ 2.64 Marion ~ Belleview Police Department ~ 15 ~_ 3,988 ~ 3.7& Dade Biscayne Park Police Department ~ 11 ~ 3,328 ~ 3.3 Calhoun J Blountstown Police Department ~ 10 ~ 2,473 ~ 4.04 Palm Beach Boca Raton Police Services Department ( 187 ~ 85,296 ~ 2.19 Holmes ~ Bonifay Pplice Department ~ 6 ~ 2,783 ~ 2.15 ~Mardee ~ Bowling Green Police Department ~ 8 ~ 3,078 ~ .2.59 Palm Beach Boynton Beach Police Department ~ 157 ~ 66,872 ~ 2.34 Manatee Bradenton Beach Police Department ~ 11 ~ 1,536 I 7.16 Manatee Bradenton Police Department ~ 1i7 ~ _ 54,409 ~ 2.15 Hernando J Brooksviife Police Department ~ 22 ~ 7,309 ~ 3 ~Flagler ( Bunnell Police Department ~ 15 ~ 2,394 ~ _ 6.26 Sumter ~ Bushnell Police Department ~ 10 ~ 2,338 ~ 4.27 Lee ~ Cape Coral Police Department # 213 ~ 164, 523 ~ 1.29 ~Frankiin ~ Carrabelle Police Department ~ 7 ~ 1,324 ~ 5,28 Seminole ~ Casselberry Police Department ~ 57 ~ 25,013 2.27 (Bay I Cedar Grove Police Department ~ 6 ~ 5,723 1.04 Levy ~ Cedar Key Police Department ~ 5 ~ 927 ~ 5.39 Sumter Center Hill Police Department 4 4. ~ 912 ~ 4.38 Gadsden Chattahoochee Police Department ~ 10 ~ 3,720 ~ 2.68 Levy ~ Chiefland Police Department ~ 12 ~ 2,338 ~ 5.13 Washington ~ Chipley Police Department ~ 12 ~ 3,679 ~ 3.26 Pinellas ~ Ciearwater Police Department ~ 288 ( 110,469 ~ 2.6 Llake Clermont Police Department ~ 48 ~ 22,882 ~ 2.09 Hendry + Clewiston Police Department ~ 18 ~ 6,619 ~ 2.71 lBrevard Cocoa Beach Police Department ~ 38 ~ 12,805 ~ 2.96 ~Brevard Cocoa Police Department ~ 65 ~ 17,164 ~ 3.78 ~Broward Coconut Creek Police Department ~ 87 ~ 48,207 ~ 1.8 http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio pd.html 7/18/2008 2007 Criminal Justice Agency Prole Report lUU"/ C;JAY: Police Department Full Time Officer Ratios Page 2 of 6 ~SUmter +Dade Coleman Police Department Coral Gabfes Police Department ~ 1 ~ 185 ~ 647 ~ 44,604 ~ 1.54 ~ 4.14 ~Broward Jackson JCoral Springs Police Department ~Cottondale Police Department ~ 198 ~ 3 ~ 129,766 ~ 918 ~ 1.52 ~ 3.26 'Putnam ~Okaloosa Crescent City Police Department Crestview Police De artment ~ 7 ~ ~ 1,775 3.93 Dixie p Cross City Police Department 48 ~ 5 ( 21,149 ~ 1,756 - ~ 2.26 ~--"- 2,84 ,^- ~Citrus Crystal River Police Department ~ 17 ~ 3,737 ~ 4.54 Pasco ~ Dade City Police Department i 24 ~ 6,906 ~ 3.47 Polk Davenport Police Department ~ 8 ~ 2,439 ~ 3.28 ~Broward Davie Police Department 166 ~ 93,428 I 1.77 ~Volusia ~ Daytona Beach Police Department ~ 225 ~ 64,370 ~ 3.49 ~Volusia ~ Daytona Beach Shores Public Safety Department ~ 30 ~ 5,335 ~ 5.62 Walton J Defun(ak Springs Police Department ~ 18 ~ 5,288 ~ 3.4 ~Volusla Deland Police Department , 59 ~ 26,905 ~ 2.19 (Palm Beach Delray Beach Police Department ~ 149 ~ 64,360 ~ 2.31 ~POIk Dundee Police Department 8 ~ 3,324 ~ 2.4 Marion ~Dunnellon Police Department , 10 ' 2,031 , 4.92 (Orange ~ Eatonville Potice Department ~ 15 ( 2,539 ~ 5.9 ~Volusia J Edgewater Police Department ~ 34 ~ 21,770 1.56 Orange ~ Edgewood Police Department ~ 14 ~~ 2,236 6.26 Dade i El Portal Police Department i 11 ~ 2,523 ~ 4.35 Lake Indian River ~ Eustis Police Department ~ Fellsmere Police De artment ~ 46 ~ 18,401 I ~ 2.49 (Nassau p ~ Fernandina Beach Police D a t t 7 ~ 4,687 ~ 1.49 ep r men ~ 39 ~ 11,911 ( 3.27 (Dade J ag er eac o ice epa mrt-enf- -- ~ Florida City Police Department 15 30 ~ ~ 5,401 ~ 9,318 2.77 ~ 3.21 ~Broward J Polk ~ Fort Lauderdale Police Department ~ Fort Meade Police De artment ~ 468 ~ 179,971 ~ 2.6 (Lee p Fort Myers Potice Department 15 192 ~ 5,987 ~ 2.5 ~ 67,851 ~ 2.82 ~St. Lurtie J Fort Pierce Police Department ~ 111 I 41,972 ~ 2.64 IOkaloosa ~ Fort Walton Beach Police Department ~ 53 ~ 21,008 ~ 2.52 Lake ~ Fruitland Park Police Department ~ 12 ~ 3,829 3.13 ~' Alachua Gainesville Police Department ~ 267 ~ 122,671 2.17 (Dade Golden Beach Police Department ~ 17 ~ 951 ( 17.87 Jackson ~ Clay Gracevitle Police Department ~ Green Cove Sprin s Police De artm nt ~ 6 ~ 7 2,523 ~ 2.37 Palm Beach ~ g p e Greenacres Department of Publi S f t ~ 1 ~ 6,488 ~ 2.62 c a y e 50 ~ 32,105 ~ 1.57 Gadsden Greensboro Police Department 1 ~ 634 ~ 1.57 Gadsden Gretna Police Department ~ 3 ~ 1,714 ~ 1 75 Lake ~ Groveland Police Department ~ 25 ~ 6,983 ~ 3.58 Santa Rosa Gulf Breeze Police Department ~ 19 ~ 5,805 ~ 3.27 ~Paim Beach Gulf Stream Police Department ~ 10 ~ 693 ~ 14.3 Pinellas Gulfport Police Department ~ 28 ~ 12,814 ~ 2 18 Polk ~ Haines City Police D apartment 57 ~ 18,748 ~ 3.04 ~Broward Hallandale Beach Police Department ~ 86 ~ 38,193 ~ 2 25 Bradford Hampton Police Department 3 ~ 456 ~ 6.57 Gadsden ~ Havana Police Department ~ 9 ~ 1,778 ~ 5.06 Alachua Hawthorne Police Department ~ 1 ~ 1,401 ~ 0.71 Dade ~ Hialeah Gardens Police Department ~ 33 ~ 20 491 1.61 Dade ~ Hialeah Police D apartment ~ 376 ~ ~ ~ ^ 228, 528 ~ 1.64 Alachua High Springs Police Department ~ 14 ~ 4,739 ~ 2.95 Palm Beach ( Highland Beach Police Department ~ 13 ~ 4,155 ~ 3.12 ~Broward Hillsboro Beach Police Department ~ 14 ~ 2,223 ~ 6.29 ~Volusia J Holly Hill Police Department ~ 30 ~ 12,494 ~ 2.4 ~Broward ~ Hollywood Police Department ~ 321 ~ 142,843 ~ 2.za Manatee Holmes Beach Police Department ~ 12 ~ 5,059 ~ 2.37 Dade Homestead Police Department ~ 109 ~ 57,605 ~ 1.89 http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio pd.html 7/18/2008 2007 CJAP: Police Department Full Time Officer Ratios Page 3 of 6 Lake J Brevard Howey-In-The-Hills Police Department ~Indialantic Police Department ~ 6 ~ 12 ~ 1,223 ~ I 4'9 I Dade Brevard Indian Creek Village Police Department ~ Indian Harbour Beach Police Department ~ 11 ~ 21 3 OOQ ~ 59 ( 8 715 3 °8 ~ 2,27 ~ 2 4 ~ Indian River IPmeltas ~ Indian River Shores Department of Public Safety ~ Indian Shores Police Department ~ 18 ~ 13 ~ 3,674 ~ 1,804 ~ 4.89 ~ 7,2 Levy Putnam Inglis Police Department ~ ~Interlachen Police Department 5 ~ 4 ~ 1,731 1,442 ~_ 2 88 ~ 2.77 iDuvai ~ Hamilton Jacksonvllle Beach Police Department ~ Jas er P li D 60 ~ 22,253 2.69 p o ce epartment ~ 8 Hamilton Jennings Police Department ~ 2 ~ 1,687 ~ 820 4.74 ~ 2.43 Palm Beach Juno Beach Police Department 14 LPalm Beach Jupiter Inlet Colony Police Department ~ 5 ~ 3,644 ~ 368 ~ 3.84 ~ 13.58 Martin Jupiter Island Public Safety Department ~ 15 Palm Beach Jupiter Police De artm t ~ 672 ~ 2 23 p en Pinellas ~ Kenneth City Police Department ~ 109 I 19 ~ 49,724 ~ 4,567 ~ 2.19 ~ 4.16 Dade ~ Key Biscayne Police Department Monroe Key Cbiony Beach Police Department f 26 I 6 ( 11,433 ~ 857 ~ 2,73 ~ 7 Monroe Key West Police Department 91 Osceola Ki i P li ~ 24,629 ' + 3.69 f ~~ ss mmee o ce Department ~ 133 ~ 61,036 2.17 I Lake Polk Lady Lake Police Department Lake Alfred Police D a t t ~ 30 J 12,842 ~ 2.33 Columbia r ep men Lake City Police Department ~ 10 I 42 ~ 4,517 ~ 11,340 ~ 2.21 ~ 3.7 Palm Beach (Polk ~ Lake Clarke Shores Police Department Lake Hamilton Police De rt t { 11 ~ 3,680 ~ 2.99 pa men 7 ~ 1,405 ~ 4.98 ~ ~V3usia ~Semmole a e een olice Department Lake Mary Rolice Department 8 ~ 40 ~ 2,905 ~ 14,288 ~ 2.75 ~ 2,78 _ Highlands Polk Lake Placid Police Department Lake Wales Police D apartment ~ 8 ~ 42 ~ 1,760 ~ 13,039 ~ 4.54 ~ 3,22 ' Palm Beach Polk Lake Worth Police Department Lakeland Police Department I 88 ~ 256 ~_ 37,044 ~ ~ 93,428 ~ 2.37 2,74 Palm Beach ~Pinelias Lantana Police Department Largo Police Department ~ 32 ~ 171 ~ 9,961 ~ ~ 75 924 ~ 3.21 2 25 ~Broward Bradford Lauderhill Police Department ~ Lawtey Police Department ~ 118 ~ 1 ~ 64,281 ~ 675 ~ 1.83 1.48 Lake ~Broward ~ Leesburg Police Department ~ Lighthouse Point Police Department ~ 73 ~ 33 i 19,934 ~ 10,964 ~ 3.66 3 Suwannee ~ Manatee Live Oak Police Department ~ Longboat Key Police Department ' 18 20 ~ 6,855 ~ 2,613 ~ 2.33 7.65 f Seminole ~ Bay ~ Longwood Police Department ~ Lynn Haven Police Department ~ 39 ~ 29 ~ 14,062 ( 16,217 ~ 2.77 1.78 Madison Orange Madison Police Department artment ~ Maitland Police De 14 ~ 3,084 ~ 4.53 ~PalmBeach ~ p Manalapan Police Department I I 97 ~ I 16,100 354 ~ 2.91 25.42 Collier ~ IBroward ( Marco Island Police Department nt ( Margate Police De artm 32 ~ 15,825 ( 2.02 Jackson p e Marianna Police Department ~ 117 ~ 16 ~ 55,661 ~ 6,531 ~ 2.1 2.44 Lake ~ Dade ~ MascottePoliceDepartment ~ Medley Police De artment 15 ~ 4'478 ~ 3.34 Brevard ~ p Melboume Beach Police Department ~ 31 ~ 8 ~ 1,132 ~ 3,369 ( 27.35 2.37 Brevard ~ Brevard ~ Melbourne Police Department ~ Melbourne Villa e Police pe art t 167 ~ 78,386 ~ 2.13 LBay J g p men Mexice Beach Police Department ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 724 I 1,320 ~ 6,9 3.78 Dade Dade Miami Beach Police Department ~ Miami Gardens Police De a t t 372 ~ 93,721 ~ 3.96 (Dade p r men ~ Miami Police Department ( 15 ~ 1046 ~ 109,200 ~ 39b,434 ~ 1.37 2.71 Dade (Dade Miami Shores Police Department ~ Miami Springs Police De artment 28 ~ 10,323 ~ 2.71 p 41 ~ 13,643 I 3 http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cist/ciap/2007/ratios/ratio pd.html 7/18/2008 zuu~/ (:JAY: Police llepartment Full Time Officer Ratios Page 4 of 6 Santa Rosa Milton Police Department ( 20 ( 7,717 ~ 2.59 ( (Broward (Miramar Police Department ( 175 ( 111,705 ~ 1.56 Jefferson (Monticello Police Department ( 8 ( 2,554 ( 3.13 ( Lake (Mount Dora Police Department ( 34 ( 11,945 ~ 2.84 Polk Mulberry Police Department ( 21 ( 3,495 ( 6.07 ( Collier Naples Department of Police and Emergency Services 76 23,101 3.28 Duval (Neptune Beach Police Department ( 18 ( 7,332 2.45 Pasco ~ New Port Richey Police Department ( 38 ( 16,747 2.26 ( ~Volusia ~ New Smyma Beach Police Department ~ 52 23,286 ~ 2.23 (Okaloosa ~ Niceville Police Department ~ 20 13,272 1.5 Dade (North Bay ~Ilage Police Department ( 26 ( 5,736 ~ 4.53 ( (Dade ~ North Miami Beach Police Department ~ 112 ( 40,942 ( 2.7 Dade North Miami Police Department ~ 122 ~ 60,275 ~ 2.02 Palm Beach (North Palm Beach Public Safety Department ~ 33 ~ 12,476 ( 2.64 ( Sarasota (North Port Police Department ( 87 ( 53,732 ( 1.61 ( ~Volusia (Oak HiII Police Department ( 6 ~ 2,031 ( 2.95 ( (Orange (Oakland Police Department ( 8 ( 1,958 ( 4.08 Marion Ocala Police Department ( 151 ( .54,238 ( 2.78 Palm Beach (Ocean Ridge Police Department ( 14 ( 1,628 ( 8.59 Orange (Ocoee Police Department ( 67 ~ 33,533 ~ 1.99 ( Okeechobee Okeechobee Police Department ( 20 ( 5,814 ( 3.43 Dade (Opa Locke Police Department ( 27 ( 15,359 ~ 1 75 ( ~Volusia (Orange City Police Department 23 I 9,817 ( 2.39 ICfay (Orange Park Police Department ~ 23 ( 9,109 ( 2.52 ( -(4ndien~iver }Arehid Paliee-Departure - ( -303- ~Orange (priando Police Department ~ 803 ( 228,765 ( 3.51 (Volusia T (Ormond Beach Police Department ( 67 ~ 40,941 ~ 1.63 ( Seminole (Oviedo Police Department ~ 61 ~ 32,855 1.85 ( Putnam (Palatka Police Department ( 35 ( 11,470 ( 3.05 (Brevard ( Palm Bay Police Department ( 170 I 101,793 ( 1.67 Palm Beach J Palm Beach Gardens Police Department ~ 114 ( 49,387 ( 2.3 ( (Palm Beach ( Palm Beach Police Department ( 76 ( 9,744 ( 7.79 (Palm Beach ( Palm Beach Shores Police Department ( 11 ( 49,387 ~ 2.22 (Palm Beach ( Palm Springs Public Safety Department ~ 41 ~ 15,419 ( 2.65 Manatee J Palmetto Police Department ( 36 ~ 14,310 ( 2.51 ( (Bay ( Panama City Beach Police Department ( 45 ( 11,651 ~ 3.86 Bay ( Panama City police Department ( 93 ( 37,640 ( 2.47 (Bay ~ Parker Police Department ( 9 ~ 4,683 ~ 1.92 (Broward Pembroke Pines Police Department ( 240 ( 152,888 ( 1.56 ( (ESCambia ( Pensacola Police Department ~ 17D ~ 55,024 ( 3.08 (Taylor ( Perry Police Department ( 21 ( 6,786 ( 3.09 ( (Dade ~ Pinecrest Police Department ( 47 ~ 19,382 ( 2.42 ( (Pinellas ( Pinellas Park Police Department ( 117 ~ 48,320 ( 2.37 Hillsborough ( Plant City Pollee Department ( 67 ( 33,277 ( 2.01 Broward ( Plantation Police Department ~ 191 ( 85,349 ~ 2.23 VLotusia ( Ponce Inlet Police Department ~ 13 ~ 3,279 ~ 3.96 (Volusia ~ Port Orange Police Department ~ 82 ( 56,850 ( 1.44 Pasco ( Port Richey Pplice Department ( 12 ( 3,165 ~ _ 3.79 ( Gulf ~ Port 5t. Joe Police Department ( 11 ( 3,813 ( 2,88 ISt. Lucie ( Port St. Lucie Police Department ( 242 ( 155,315 ( 1.55 Charlotte ( Punta Gorda Police Department ~ 36 ( 17,444 ~ 2.06 (Gadsden Quincy Police Department ( 27 ( 7,436 ( 3.63 ( (Palm Beach ( Riviera Beach Police Department ~ 98 ~ 34,470 ( 2.84 ( (Brevard ( Rockledg a Police Department ( 44 ( 25,911 1.69 (Seminole ~ Sanford Police Department I 126 ( ~ 5 0 9 2,97 (Lee ( Sanibel Police Department ( 24 ( 6,297 ~ 3.81 Sarasota ~ ~ Sarasota Police Department ( 194 ~ 55,644 ~ 3.48 i I I 1 ~ http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio pd.html 7/18/2008 LUU"/ t;JAY: Police Department Full Time Officer Ratios Page 5 of 6 (Brevard ~ ~BfoWard --, jSateflite Beach Police Department Sea Ranch Lakes Police Department ~ 23 1 7 ~ 10,769 I 732 { 2.13 I g.56 Indian River Sebastian Police Department 40 22,426 1.78 Highlands Sebring Police Department. 34 10 381 3.28 Martin (Okaloosa Jackson Volusia (Dade {Sewalls Point Police Department {Shalimar Police Department {Sneads Police Department South Daytona Police Department South Miami Police Department ~ 8 { 3 { 6 { 32 ~ 48 ~ 1,996 { 728 ~ 1,972 ~ 13,547 ~ 10,561 ~ 4 { 4.12 ~ 3.04 { 2.36 { 4.54 (Palm Beach (South Palm Beach Public Safety Department ~ 10 { 1,528 { 8.54 { Bay ~St. Johns ~St. Johns Springfield Police Department {St. Augustine Beach Police Department f St. Augustine Police Department { 13 ( 15 ~ 44 ~ 8,956 { 6,03'1 { 13,912 ~ 1.45 ~ 2.48 { 3.16 { Osceola { St. Cloud Police Department ~ 61 ~ 30,834 { 1.99 Pinellas {St. Pete Beach Police Department ~ 32 ~ 10,086 ~ 3.17 Pinellas {St. Petersburg Police Department ~ 573 ~ 253,369 ~ 2.26 Bradford Martin J Dade ~Broward J {Starke Police Department Stuart Police Department {Sunny Isles Beach Police Department Sunrise Police Department ~ 21 ~ 45 ~ 47 { 168 ~ 6,087 ~ 16,564 { 18,747 { 89,633 { 3.44 { 2.71 { 2.5 { 1.87 { { Dade (Surfside Police Department ~ 27 ~ 5,775 ~ 4.67 Dade {Sweetwater Police Department ~ 23 { 14,326 ~ 1.6 Leon Hillsborough {Tallahassee Police Department {Tampa Police Department { 356 { 983 ~ 176,429 { 336,264 ~ 2.01 { 2.92 Pinellas ~ Tarpon Springs Police Department { 48 J 24,628 1.94 Lake {Tavares Police Department { 31 ~~~. ~_ 13,013 2.38 Hillsborough Palm Beach Temple Terrace Police Department ~ {Tequesta Police Department ~ 55 18 ~ ~ 24,026 _ 5,855 2.28 .3.07 (Brevard { Pinellas Titusville Police Department { Treasure (stand Police Department { 81 20 ~ { 44,526 { 7,597 ~ 1.81 2.83 { Gilchrist { Lake ~ ~Okaloosa { Sarasota ~ Trenton Police Department ~ Umatilla Police Department ~ Valparaiso Police Department ~ Venlce Police Department ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 11 ~ 47 { 1,690 ~ 2,601 ~ 6,562 ~ 22,149 1.18 { 3.46 1.67 2.12 Ilndian River , Vero Beach Police Department { 59 { _ 18_06~ ~_ 3.28 Dade { Virginia Gardens Pol'~ce Department { 6 { 2,354 { 2.54 { (Alachua ~ Waldo Police Department ~ 7 { 831 ~ 8.42 (Hardee ~ Wauchula Police Department { 14 I 4,447 ~ 3.14 Sumter { Webster Police Department { 3 ~ 777 ~ 3.86 { Putnam { Welaka Police Department ~ 1 ~ 646 { 1.54 {Brevard { West Melbourne Police Department { 35 { 15,777 ~ 2.21 { Dade ( West Miami Police Department ~ 16 { 5,724 ~ 2.79 (Palm Beach ~ Hamilton ~ West Palm Beach Police Department { White Springs Police Department ~ 307 { 2 ~ 105,068 ( 782 { 2.92 2.62 { (Sumter ~ Wildwood Police Department { 17 ~ 4,895 ( 3.47 Levy ~ Williston Police Department ~ 13 ~ 2,557 { 5.08 { ~Broward Wilton Manors Police Department { 30 { 12,848 { 2.33 Orange ~ Windermere Police Department { 11 ( 2,638 { 4.16 (Orange ~ Winter Garden Police Department ( 59 { 30,065 { 1.96 { Polk ( Orange J Winter Haven Police Department { Winter Park Police Department ~ 85 { 88 ~ 33,569 { 28,486 ~ 2.53 3.08 { Seminole ~ (Pasco ~ Winter Springs Police Department { Zephyrhills Police Department { 71 { 31 { 34,433 ~ 12,730 { 2.06 2.43 ~H,ardee { Zplfo Springs Police Department { 3 ~ 1,612 { 1.86 ( Totals( 17,612 ( 7,396,310 ( 2.38 ( Note: Population estimates are provided by the Universfty of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research: Florida Estimates of Population 2007 http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cj st/cjap/2007/ratios/ratio_pd.html 7/18/2008 BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE FY 08-09 BUDGET WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 21, 2008 a1voF PREPARED BY AL MINNER -CITY MANAGER HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND GTY OF FY 08-09 BUDGET s~ ,.~{~ ~~ ~_..~._ xs~: -- -__ __ PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND EW •Property Taxes -Tax Reform Effects -Three Avenues •General Fund Reserve Levels and Getting Balanced •General Fund Revenue Projections •General Fund Major Expenditure Highlights •Special Revenues •Enterprise Funds •Closing Comments •~l~ ~o~finn~ ' nrl O n~~~ior~ PROPERTY TAXES -TAX REFORM EFFECTS -THREE AVENUES CIiY OF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FY - B D ET Gn~ ~ 08 09 U G ~~ ~,:~ k:.: ~N Amendment #1 Passes -= HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND •On January 29, 2008, Amendment #1 Passes by 64.4%. Indian River County Voters Pass it by 69.8%. •In Short, Amendment #1 Provides: -Additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption to Residential Properties -Caps Annual Increase for Commercial Assessment - Established New Regulations for Comautina "Roll Back" FY 08-09 BUDGET Amendment #1 -Calculating Rollback •Rollback is the Millage Rate which Provides the Same Revenue as the Previous Fiscal Year •For FY 09 the Millage Rate has to Include the Additional $25,000 of Tax Relief Afforded by Amendment #1 •For FY 09 Any Millage Rate Not Providing Full Value of the Additional Homestead Exemption Requires Super Majority Vote to Approve Budget •In Future Years, Amendment #1 Will Adjust Rollback for Inflation and Cannot be Exceeded Without Super Majority Vote of the Elected Body GTY OF TAX REFORM FORMULA ifi~n~ Sufi F FI1L ElE1T I, I ,~~~, 7 I F T~~LE LLIE I , ~, ~, I I F ILL ~ ITE . ~ ~1~~1 Tl 11 ~1L IE~LI Tl 11 ~ ~11E11 ~lEi T ~# I ~ ~ or 4 I ~ Ali TTL F ll II T TE" ill LLE ITE 4 E~ITI ILLE RATE I ~ PEIE1T H1E I1 ElE1T LLIE I ~. I ~~ NET EFFECTS FROM ECONOMY AND AMENDMENT #1 I TEI Sufi ~EIEfT HIIE Rai ~~ ~I ~~ 11 or~~tr~~~ti are rr~ ~r~ ~ rr~ ~r~~t I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,~~ I ~~~ I ~~~ -~ ~ ~~ GTY OF THREE MILEAGE RATES CHANGE BETWEEN FRAM FY OS MI LLAGE ITElVti IVtiILLAGE REVNUE ACTUAL RATFS FY 09 Rollbake Rate $3.700 $4,fi73,994 $37,459 $430,57 FY 09 "Majority Dote" Millage Rate $3.364 $4,~43,4~ I $668,03 FY 08 Milla e Rate $x.991 7 $3,773, 12 I $ I , 138,33 $470,300 Hni iSEHOLD TAX :STIMATE PRQPQSED RATE CLIRREMT RATE ITEM $3.3G4G $x.9917 FY OS Taxable Value $200,000 $200,000 Homestead Exemption $25,000 $25,000 FY OS 1~let Taxable Value $1 75,000 $1 75,000 FY OS City of Sebastian Taxes $2.991 7 $2.991 7 City of Sebastian Taxes $524 $524 FY 09 Taxable Value $ 174,000 $ 174,000 Homestead Exemption Amend ~# 1 ~ $50,000 $50,000 FY 09 let Taxable Value $ 124,000 $ 124,000 FY 09 City of Sebastian Taxes $~.~64~ $2.991 7 Cit of Sebastian Taxes $ 41 7 $ 3 71 Tax Savin s ~ 106 ~ 153 Difference Betvueen Pro used and Current Tax Rates $4G 8.0000 7.0000 6.0000 5.0000 4.0000 3.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000 TAX LEVY 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 GENERAL FUND RESERVE LEVELS AND GETTING BALANCED cnvoF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND GETTING BALANCED AT ^ S •Proposed Budget is Balanced w/ Millage Rate of $3.3646 •No Reserve Funds Used to Balance Budget •Services Levels Remain Consistent •No Personnel Cuts Made to Balance •Hiring Freeze Still in Effect •No New Police Officers (39'/2 Officers at 1.80 Per 1,000) •No New Public Works Positions GETTING BALANCED .. I AT $2.9917 ~~~ •Currently a Difference of $470,300 •Additional Service Level Cuts To Consider: -3rd DItCh Mowing ($100,000) -Police Department Crime Lab ($65,000) Engineering Department Intern Program ($20,000) -Skate Park Attendants ($20,000) -Part-Time A/V Position ($5,000) •TOTAL CUTS - $210,000 •DEFICIT SPENDING REQUIRED ($260,300) WORKING CAPITAL RESERVE $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 CITY OF 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 CITY OF WHY SOME DEFICIT SEe~sT-„!AN SPENDING WORKS~oFPE~~~AN~S~ $7, 000, 000 $6, 000, 000 $5, 000, 000 $4, 000, 000 $3, 000, 000 $2, 000, 000 $1, 000, 000 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 WHY SOME DEFICIT SPENDING WORKS of Sebas#ian -General Fund Ao[ual Estimate 2447 2448 Fund Balances 6,479,124 6,390,787 ooerS4 Taxes ~ 4 Fn9 Fnrl 4 911 4F:i Transfer From Sales Tax 219,738 0 Transfer Fram S[armwa[er 466,576 500,000 Transfer from Cemetery ~ 41,546 38,028 Total Sources 11,991,460 12,179,650 Personnel Accounts 8,521,598 8,620,177 Operating Accounts 2,970,935 3,012,178 Total Operating Costs 5 11,482,533 11,632,355 Capital Outlay 587,264 212,811 Total Expenditures 12,079,797 11,845,166 Can[ingencylReduc[ians 225,000 Total Uses 12,078,787 12,070,166 Equipment Replacement 235,088 91,001 Employee EVen[s 6,251 6,251 Law Enforcement 12,804 12,804 Unappropriated 5,486,644 5,740,215 3,000,828 c#ions i#h ,411oca#io for Capi#al Expenses 1€.ISiugore 7!29!2444 Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ Budge[ 2449 2470 2477 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 6,500,271 6,290,271 5,837,801 5,333,022 4,840,130 4,368,709 3,921,673 3,502,038 3,113,018 2,758,038 4,243,421 4,328,290 4,414,856 4,569,376 4.729,304 4,894,829 5,066,148 5,243,464 5,426,985 5,616,929 2,377,000 2,448,310 2,521,759 2,597,412 2.675,334 2,755,594 2,838,262 2,923,410 3,011,112 3,101,446 1.305.000 1.357.200 1.411.488 1.467.848 1.526.665 1.587.732 1.651.241 1.717.281 1.785.883 1.857.422 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 2,052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 2.052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 2,052,529 327.301 335.820 344.560 353.528 362.730 372.171 381.858 381.787 401.884 412.457 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 59,600 307,200 305,691 296,245 286,489 277,938 270,152 263,124 256,934 251,669 247,419 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 217.058 10, 944, 310 11,159, 698 11, 373, 297 11, 659,141 11, 956, 360 12, 264, 867 12, 585, 022 12, 917, 284 13, 262,131 13, 620, 062 81,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 256,507 263,183 270,033 277,062 284,273 291,672 60,000 61.800 63.408 65.058 66.752 68.480 70.272 72.101 73.878 75.803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 512,500 525,313 538,445 551,906 565,704 579,847 594,343 609,201 624,431 38.000 40.015 41.057 42.125 43.222 44.347 45.501 46.685 47.800 48.147 11, 874, 710 12, 024, 013 12, 253, 074 12, 554, 770 12, 874, 747 13, 206, 590 13, 550, 675 13, 907, 474 14, 277, 483 14, 661, 215 9,105,793 9,378,967 9,660,336 9,950,146 10,248,650 10,556,110 10,872,793 11,198,977 11,534,946 11,880,995 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 2,897,517 12.003.310 12.276.484 12.557.853 12.847.663 13.146.167 13.453.627 13.770.310 14.086.484 14.432.463 14.778.512 81.400 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 12,084,710 12,476,484 12,757,853 13,047,663 13,346,167 13,653,627 13,970,310 14,296,494 14,632,463 14, 978,512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.084.710 12.476.484 12.757.853 13.047.663 13.346.167 13.653.627 13.870.310 14.286.484 14.632.463 14.878.512 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 350.000 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 9, 6 01 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 6, 2 51 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 12, 804 5.611.615 5.158.145 4.654.366 4.161.474 3.680.053 6,290,271 5,837,801 5,333,022 4,840,130 4,368,709 3,921,673 3,502,038 3,113,018 2,758,038 2,440,742 45.71'f. 41.08'f. 36.23'f. 31.66'f. 27.43'f. 23.55'f. 20.03% 16.87'f. 14.07'f. 11.64'f. 3,069,121 3,139,463 3,211,916 3,286,542 3,363,407 3,442,578 3,524,123 3,608,116 3,694,628 3,783,735 PROJECTED REVENUES CITY OF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND REVENUES FY 2008-09 M1~91AN®US INT9~RJND m /all 1~+ ~rf w w ~ erTr~c+ RNeSAND FORFBT 1% CHARGES PDR ~1/ICE 3% INT9~C~OVN'T RED 19% rovvi i i ~ 0% AD VA11JR9V1 TAXeS 36% AND 31% $6, 000, 000 $5, 000, 000 $4, 000, 000 $3, 000, 000 $2, 000, 000 $1, 000, 000 $0 REVENUES BIG THREE 84% GTY OF 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 EXPENDITURES MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS cnv of FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND S 2008-09 GENERAL FUND City Council 0% City Manager 2% City Clerk 3% City Attorney 2% Fnance 3% NonDepartmental 5% growth Managemer 3% Pr.iblic Works 33% 4% MIS 2% Human F~sourcevs 1% E~forcerr~errt 1% Police Department 41% EXPENDITURE $6,000,000 $5,000,000 ~- $4,000,000 ,,-° ~~ $3,000,000 $2,000,000 -Administration -Public Safety Engineering Public Works 2005 2006 NonDepartmental 2008-09 DEPAR~ENTAL GROWTH 2007 2008 2009 POLICE EXPENDITURES 2007-08 POLICE PROGRAMS Dispatch 10% Detective Di 12% ProFessonal ~andards 3% Code Eif 0' Special Operations 9% CITY OF at ion School Resaxce 4% 4% 45% POLICE EXPENDITURE RIES 11% Support Services 7% Detective Division 15% Achinistration 14% Divisions itrol Division Operation and 53% Maintenance 9% Category Capital 1% 90% ^ u ~c ors Gn~, ~~ ~v __ ~~, X ~ n I u re s HOME OF P~EL~ICAN ISLAND Building Maintenance 7% Cerr~tery 4% x~rruvater 34% Divisions Parkland Recreatia 29% 5% Finads 21% Operation and Maintenance 35% Categor Capital 0% 65% Non-Departmental Expenditures ~~~ ~ n~rr~~l om~nt ~~I ~ ICI ~ ~1~if~ter, fewer, Electirc, Telephone I"1Ll~'~I`l~~ ~~'IC1~IC1~IC1~1 ~~~1 ~~ .~L.1~ Ii~r~fr~ar~~t ~~I~~m~r~~t ~~ ~`l~f ~p~~ial Ev~rrts, ~p~ratin~, rlll~win~, LJn~mplrm~r-~t, uppli~s, Tuition Plan, Janitorial, Et~.~ OrI~I I`1~~r1 ~~ ~_ ~ , ~, ,~ ~, ~, MAJOR EXPENDITURE HEIGHTS •General Fund Expenditures are 76% Personnel •Operating Expenses -Decreased $326,000 or 10.8% •Capital Expenses - $81,400 •No New Vehicles •All Capital Purchases from Replacement and Do Not Effect General Fund GTY OF .~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND •MIS -Server Replacement ($10,000) •MIS -Battery Back Up ($5,000) •MIS/Police - 911 Mapping ($20,000) •Police -Tactical Vests (13 - $19,500) •Police -Laptops (2 - $5,000) •Police - Tasers ($1,100) •Engineering -Sign Plotter ($4,500) •Engineering -Laser ($2,000) •Garage -Engine Analyzer ($3,500) •Cemetery -Scissor Jack Trailer ($8,300) •Cemetery -Fencing ($2,500) GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE Operation and Maintenance 23% Capital 1% 76% Operation and Maintenance 23% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE FY 2008-09 76% Capital 1% Operation and Maintenance 25% FY 2007-08 73% Capital 2% PERSONNEL COSTS rnv of FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND HEALTH CARE COSTS ..I BENEFITS ~~~ •Goal -Continue Same Benefits •100% Healthcare Coverage for Employees •50% Dependant Care Coverage •Employee/Spouse •Employee/Child •Employee/Family •100% Employee Coverage for Dental/Eye Insurance •50% Dependant Care Coverage for Dental/Eye Insuran •Life Insurance/Long Term Disability PERSONNEL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY (ALL FUNDS) Workers ~.. ~.,"~...., ~., ~...,~ ~ :... r., F~etirerr~ 8% Uniform 0% RC 6% Salaries 70% 2% FY 08-09 BUDGET PERSONNEL QUICK •76°/a of General Fund is Personnel Costs (FY 08 - 73°/a) •Total Personnel Costs (All Funds) - $10,115,147 •FY 08 - $9,726,695 - Up 4% •Total Overtime - $242,600 •Health Care Costs - $1,227,780 - Up 3°/a •Dependant Care Coverage - $251,280 - 20% HC Costs •Retirement Contributions $844,807 HEALTH CARE COSTS Current Plan - BCBS Employee $511.54 Employee/Child $961.67 Employee/Spouse $1,058.87 Employee/Family $1,624.13 Estimated 18% Rate Increase $526.89 $900.52 $1, 090.64 $1, 672.85 TOTAL ANNUAL COST ~ $1,191,214 ~ $1,227,780 SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SERVICE AND CIP FUNDS CnvoF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND GTY OF cPECIAL VENUES Discretionary Sales Tax - $2,400,000 Local Option Fuel Tax - $650,000 Recreation Impact Fee - $135,000 Stormwater Utility Fee ($4/Month) - $850,000 GTY OF ~~ y , ~ -'~ ,, , << HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ~~ $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 GTY OF 4 ~ xs~ ~_.-~.- ~'S~~ --_ -- , HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND EXPENSES Discretionary Sales Tax •City Hall Debt Service - $1,033,207 •Police Vehicle Replacement (10) - $385,000 •Schumann/Barber Intersection Improvements - $1,500,000 ~~~4 Round Swale Project - $350,000 •Potomac Crossing - $125,000 GTY OF ~~~1~ 7.1~"~-° HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND $800,000 - $700, 000 $600, 000 $500, 000 $400, 000 $300, 000 $200, 000 $100, 000 $- FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 Fy 2007 Fy 2008 SPECIAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Local Option Fuel Tax •Annual Operating Expenses (Public Lighting) - $203,699 •Paving Debt Payment - $300,000 •Transfer to General Fund - $250,0000 SPECIAL REVENUES RECREATION IMPACT FEE HISTORY $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- GTY OF FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 SPECIAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Recreation Impact Fee •Schumann Tennis Courts - $175,000 SPECIAL REVENUES STORMWATER UTILITY FEE HISTORY $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- FY 2002FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007FY 2008 SPECIAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Stormwater Utility Fee ($940,373 •Series 2003 Debt Payment - $437,748 •General Fund Transfer - $500,000 (Ditch/Swale Mowing) •GF Lines -Sod, Cement and Culvert •Collier Creek Project Cash Match $750,00 DEBT SERVICE DATE ISSUED AMOUNT PROJECT RETIRE DATE PAYMENT 2003 2003 2001 1998 $11, 625, 000 $5, 630, 000 $2, 435, 000 $3, 260, 000 City Hall Stormwater Golf Course Road Projects 2018 2022 2010 2013 $8.445.000 $4, 570, 000 $870, 000 $1, 333, 400 $1, 033, 206 $437, 277 $306, 590 $300, 000 ENTERPRISE FUND HIGHLIGHTS CnvoF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ENTERPRISE Golf Course •Continuation of Golf Programming •Overseeding Program - Successful •Range Improvements ($7,000) •MISC Equipment ($11,750) •Top Dresser •Welder Airport •Shifting Gears to Economic Development •Searching Avenues to Diversify Revenue •Hanger Project - $1,450,000 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LOSS Month by Month Performance - Starting February 2005 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ~i ~~ ~i ~~ ~i ~~ ~i ENTERPRISE Building Department •Building Slow Down Continues •20 Permits Per Month •Total Elimination of 6 Positions - 50% Reduction in Workforce •Estimated FY 07 Loss of $250,000 •Mitigate Losses For FY 08 •Lateral Transfer of 2 Positions •Business Tax Revenue and Employee Shifted •Deficit Spending - $21,407 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 ($500,000) ($1,000,000) ($1,500,000) ($2,000,000) ($2,500,000) BUILDING DEPARTMENT LOSS GTY OF 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 --.2013 2014 2015 2016 2 2018 FY 08 ESTIMATED FORECAST (JUL 07) °-1~ FY 08 ACTUAL PROJECTION w/ RIF 1 `~ PROJECTION w/ RIF 2 PROJECTION w/ RIF 3 PROJECTION w/ BUSINESS TAX CLOSING COMMENTS an of FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FY 08-09 TOTAL PROPOSED $25,173,832 Golf Course Fund 7% CI P Fund 16% Debt Service Fund 6% Airport Fund 2% ~ecial F~venue Fund Building Depart Trent Fund 2% General Fund 47% 20% CITY MANAGER - OVERALBUDGET •Planned Well For Tax Reform •Doing More with Less •Strong Reserve Levels in all Funds •Solid Capital Funding Position •Weakening Operational Position (General Fund) •Some Concern for Capital Replacement Reserve QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS aivoF FY 08-09 BUDGET PRESENTATION HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND