HomeMy WebLinkAbout03192009 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 2009 Chmn. Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL' PRESENT: Mr. Paul Mr. Simmons Mr. Dodd Mr. Hepler Mr. Srinivasan Mr. Cardinale Mr. Blais Mr. Neuberger EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Administrative Assistant ANNOUNCEMENTS: G c ~ C .~ •~ y m _ ~ 8 .~ O ~ ~ l rasa ~ .„Y ~~ ~ ~ Chmn. Paul announced that Mr. Buchanan is excused and Mr. Neuberger will be voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 2/19/09 MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the P&Z meeting minutes of 2/19/09. Motion was approved. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING -CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS - MODEL HOME RENEWALS: 1. 1631 Barber St. -Green Brothers Construction 2. 449 Briarcliff Cir. - Ashbury Subdivision -Green Brothers Const. 3. 1652 Barber St. - Ando Building Corp. Chmn. Paul opened the hearing and asked for ex pane communications. There were none. Chmn. Paul then swore in all people that would be speaking. Ms. King reviewed each of the staff reports and noted that Code Enforcement has inspected each site and they are all in compliance. Staff recommends approval of all three renewals. No one spoke from the public. Chmn. Paul closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Green Brothers Construction, 1631 Barber Street. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Cardinale yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. MOTION by Dodd/Paul to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Green Brothers Construction, 449 Briarcliff Circle, Ashbury Subdivision. ROLL CALL: Mr. Blais yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. MOTION by Paul/Srinivasan to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Ando Building Corp., 1652 Barber Street. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Simmons yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. B. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING -SITE PLAN -PUBLIC DOG PARK ALONG WITH REQUIRED PARKING, LANDSCAPING AND FENCING - TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF TRACT B, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 14, WITH ENTRANCE OFF KEEN TERRACE - CURRENT ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE) AND LAND USE IS INS (INSTITUTIONAL) Chmn. Paul opened the hearing and asked for ex parte communications. There were none. Chmn. Paul then swore in all people that would be speaking. Ms. Grohall presented the application on behalf of the city. She gave a brief history of the project and details of the Keen Terrace Park, which is 7.4 acres, 1.4 would be utilized for the dog park. She noted that the parking would have two handicap spaces and there is area for additional parking if needed. There will be a double gate entrance, known as a sally port. The dog park will be fenced and landscaped. Mr. Dodd asked if a white privacy fence would be part of the plan between the park and residential area. Ms. King said the plan presented to Growth Management has a chain link fence with landscaping. Mr. Neuberger was concerned about the liability aspect of the area near the water and the possibility of alligator attacks on dogs and people. Mr. Ginsburg said the city's responsibility is to act reasonable with the creation of this dog park and its fencing and so forth. As long as the city does that, there won't be liability. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 At this point Chmn. Paul explained to the people in attendance that there will be public input after the commissioners have asked their questions. Mr. Simmons asked for the distance between the dog park fence and residential yards abutting the property and hours of operation. Ms. Grohall said the fence is setback about 25 feet from the rear property lines and the park would be open the same as all our other parks, dawn to dusk. Mr. Blais inquired about the height of the fence. Ms. Grohall said six feet with an angled topper that would keep dogs from jumping over the fence. The following people spoke in favor of the application: Linda Scott, Sebastian, in favor of the park and allowing dogs to run free off of leashes. Don Wright, Chairman Park and Recreation Advisory Committee, reviewed the progression of the dog park and said the committee supports the Keen Terrace location. Kate Stenslin, has brought her dogs to other dog parks and never had any problems. Rom Heier, sees the park as a great use The following people spoke in opposition of the application: Joe Walton, Sebastian, does not see a need for a dog park as dog owners just need to be responsible with their pets and is concerned about the cleanup after the dogs. John Tenerowicz, South Wimbrow, Sebastian, concerned about the noise and maintenance. Andre Dorawa, had concerns about children in the neighborhood and asked for added vegetation buffers. Mike Mosha, not actually opposed to the park but had concerns about how the rules would be enforced. Chmn. Paul closed the public hearing. The commissioners discussed the various issues brought up by the public. Chmn. Paul asked again about liability of park participants and attendants. Mr. Ginsburg said again the dog park would have to be operated in a manner consistent with the way other similar facilities are operated in other areas of Florida and around the country and I'm going to assume that the city manager when he promulgates the rules and regulations for the use of this park will look at those and take those into consideration. MOTION by Dodd/Srinivasan to approve the site plan for the location of the dog park at the Keen Terrace Park. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul Mr. Neuberger Mr. Blais Mr. Cardinale The vote was 6-1. Motion passed. MEMBERS MATTERS: yes Mr. Srinivasan yes yes Mr. Dodd yes no Mr. Simmons yes yes 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 Mr. Hepler asked what was being surveyed on Barber Street. Ms. Grohall explained it was road resurfacing, regarding and drainage work that is being made possible by stimulus monies. Mr. Dodd complimented the city on the maintenance, health and appearance of the medians on U.S. Highway 1. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Paul asked if the work on Barber Street would include widening and Ms. Grohall said there are no plans now or in the immediate future to widen Barber Street. DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m. (3/20/09 sbl) 4