HomeMy WebLinkAbout05212009 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 21, 2009 Mr. Cardinale called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Dodd Mr. Hepler Mr. Cardinale Mr. Blais Mr. Neuberger EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Paul Mr. Simmons ABSENT: Mr. Srinivasan ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney ANNOUNCEMENTS: ~~ C.0 •~ C •- a. ~ ~U ~+ ~ C .... C U3 N Mr. Cardinale announced that Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Paul and Mr. Simmons are excused and Mr. Hepler and Mr. Neuberger will be voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 4/16/09 MOTION by Dodd/Hepler to approve the P&Z meeting minutes of 4/16/09. Motion was approved on roll call. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - PHASED SITE PLAN MODIFICATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH - 123 THUNDERBIRD DRIVE - PHASE 1 CONSISTS OF A 2,310 SF BUILDING ADDITION FOR CLASSROOMS; PHASE 2 CONSISTS OF INTERNAL RENOVATIONS, AND PHASE 3 PROPOSES A NEW 7,745 SF, 265 SEAT CHURCH BUILDING ALONG WITH REQUIRED PARKING, LANDSCAPING AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE -CURRENT ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE) AND LAND USE IS INS (INSTITUTIONAL) t° Q a ~' O m c Mr. Cardinale opened the public hearing, requested ex parte communications and swore in all speakers. Mr. Ginsburg explained that ex parte communication includes any PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 21, 2009 contact either in person, phone, written or electronic with anyone from the community. Presenting the application was Mr. Robert Leon of MBV Engineering, 2455 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL. He reviewed the three phases of the project and made himself available to answer any questions. Ms. Bosworth explained the conditional use portion of the application. The church is in the Public Service zone and received conditional use approval when the original church was built. With these modifications, they want to make sure they still meet all the conditional use criteria. Ms. Bosworth then reviewed her staff report pointing out key comments. Phases 1 and 2 will not need any additional parking however; Phase 3 will require additional parking. She reviewed the items that were underlined in the staff report and mentioned the lighting must be approved by the Growth Management Department prior to installation. Mr. Dodd asked about the lots on Archer Street and Ms. Bosworth said although they show on the plat they have actually been abandoned and zoned conservation. He then asked about a possible intent to turn this into a school. Ms. Bosworth said other regulatory agencies that reviewed this application asked the same question and they have in writing that it was strictly for Sunday school for the church. If it was to become a daily type of school with drop-offs, that would be a conditional use and would require another hearing, site plan review and back before this board. Mr. Cardinale opened the floor to the public. Clifton Cooley, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, clarified the landscaping that there is a functioning well and actually some irrigation. Donna Lynch, Thunderbird Dr., handed out and reviewed photos taken on the 20th to the commissioners. Her concerns were the road condition, lighting and vehicles. Robert Burgarella, 110 Thunderbird Dr., noted there are no sanitary sewers except for the first two houses. He questioned the use of the classrooms, mentioned a sign advertising addiction services for the church, and road issues. Tom Lynch, 122 Thunderbird Dr., had concerns about the scrub jays and tortoises, road, construction schedule, and stormwater into the canal. Vincent Cerella, 109 Thunderbird Dr., concerned about height of the building and speed of traffic on Thunderbird. Mike Konopacky, 108 Thunderbird Dr., classrooms and reference to addictive counseling. He also asked the criteria for conditional use and Ms. Bosworth read them to him. Mr. Ginsburg added it is impossible to anticipate every possible scenario. It can be watched and make determinations if they are in compliance with our code along the way. If we feel they have crossed the boundary, we will take it to the special magistrate for code enforcement; that's how it is done. Pastor Cooley explained the use of the Sunday school space in addition to the Wednesday children's meeting, one week of vacation bible school in the summer, the addiction recovery program is very similar to AA and meets for two hours on Friday evenings when they have them. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 21, 2009 Mr. Konopacky asked what would prompt the widening of Thunderbird Dr. and Ms. Bosworth said a traffic impact study would be needed to determine that issue. Donna Lynch, Thunderbird Dr., asked if people can't stay overnight at the church but they could camp on the church grounds? Ms. Bosworth said the use of the property is not approved for overnight or RV storage/camping and that could be handled through code enforcement. Judy Burgarella, 110 Thunderbird Dr., concerned about the Addicts Anonymous sign which pointed towards Thunderbird Dr. Mr. Cardinale closed the public portion of the public hearing and asked for comments from the commission. Mr. Hepler asked if any of the other roads could be used as access to the site to alleviate traffic on Thunderbird. Ms. Bosworth said those roads have been abandoned; there are no feeder roads or additional access to the site. He also asked about lighting and signage. Ms. Bosworth responded that they will deal with the existing lights and will address the Phase 3 lighting when they bring in the details of the types of lamps and wattage. Also, they are allowed signs on site but not off site and again code enforcement would have to be informed of any violations. Mr. Dodd talked about the condition of the street and Ms. Grohall said they could bring that issue to the Public Works Department. She added if it is heavily damaged during construction, we make them repair the damage. Regarding Mr. Dodd's questions about stormwater, Mr. Leon said the stormwater for Phase 3, the site would be graded more appropriately to hold all the stormwater on site and treat it in the dry pond. Mr. Blais was concerned that the drainage and stormwater runoff would not be improved until Phase 3. MOTION by Dodd/Hepler to approve the phased site plan and conditional use permit for Calvary Baptist Church with the nine conditions as stated in the staff report dated May 15, 2009. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Blais yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed. B. PUBLIC HEARING -RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL -LAND USE AMENDMENT AND RE-ZONING (FOR A PROPOSED ANNEXATION) -PARCEL LOCATED WEST OF U.S. 1 BETWEEN SHADY REST MOBILE HOME PARK AND ST. SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH -SUBJECT PARCEL IS 3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS -REQUEST IS FOR RMU (RIVERFRONT MIXED USE) LAND USE AND CR (COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT) ZONING Mr. Cardinale asked Ms. Grohall to review the application. She noted key points from the staff report and explained that the city recently annexed the Shady Rest Mobile Home Park and assigned it the Riverfront Mixed Use Land Use and the Commercial Riverfront Zoning, which is recommended tonight. Future redevelopment of that parcel will be consistent with those classifications. In general, that area is developed commercially with retail buildings like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, medical buildings and professional office 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 21, 2009 buildings. Assuming approval of the annexation by city council, staff recommends approval of the land use designation as Riverfront Mixed Use and the zoning designation of Commercial Riverfront as a natural extension of our city boundaries for this property. Mr. John King, 945 Sebastian Boulevard, represented the applicant, who concurs with the city that annexation is the best use of this property. Mr. Hepler asked what the reason is for the rezoning. Mr. King explained that the property is zoned residential in the county and when it comes into the city, the city must assign it a zoning and land use. The zoning and land use being assigned is the same as the properties on three sides of it and the fourth is public service for the church. Mr. Cardinale opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor or opposition of the application. Mr. Cardinale then closed the public hearing. MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to recommend city council annex this property with a land use designation of Riverfront Mixed Use and Commercial Riverfront Zoning. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Blais yes The vote was 5-0. Motion passed. Mr. Ginsburg explained that concludes the agenda as a Planning and Zoning Commission. That meeting should be adjourned and we should reconvene you as the Local Planning Agency to consider the proposed ordinance on that agenda. MEMBERS MATTERS: NONE CHAIRMAN MATTERS: NONE DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Mr. Cardinale adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m. (5/27/09 sb/) 4