HomeMy WebLinkAbout06182009Budget - Agenda~~ e: ~.~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD WORKSHOP AGENDA THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2009 - 6:00 P.M. SEBASTIAN CITY HALL ND 1225 MAIN STREET 2 FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting 4. Budget Update -City Manager 5. Budget Discussion by Members 6. Set Future Budget Review Advisory Board Meeting Dates 6. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES'TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING W/LL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS 1S MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODAT/ON FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. C~K QF ~ ~ x~E~,, W~ z r t ]FTL7ME {'?F PELICI4N TSiAl+it~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES May 21, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 1. The Citizens Budget Advisory Review Committee Meeting convened at 6:00 p.m. 2. Ed Herlihy led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Roll Call: Adrina Davis -Notice Received of Expected Absence Ed Herlihy -Present Jerry Klenck -Absent Charles Cardinale -Present Brad White -Absent Joan Rivard -Present Chris Vicars -Present Staff Members present: Al Minner, City Manager Ken Killgore, Finance Director Debbie Kruger, Human Resources Director Joe Griffin, Airport Director 4. Selection of Chairperson: Charles Cardinale nomnated Ed Herlihy as Chairperson. Approved 4-0. 5. Selection of Vice-Chair: Ed Herlihy nominated Charles Cardinale. Approved 4-0 6. Approval of Minutes of July 21, 2008 Meeting: Motion to approve by Ed Herlihy, second by Charles Cardinale. Approved 4-0. 7. Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Introduction - Cit~Mana er: Al Minner described the changes we have experienced over the past few years to the City's major revenue and expenditure categories; the City's desire to maintain around $5 million in cash reserves for disaster recovery purposes and the need to avoid large withdrawals. Each of the ten recommended budget relief measures that were outlined in his March 3, 2009 memo to the City Council were explained and then he went on to cover the organizational modifications that he had just shared with the City Council via his May 19, 2009 memo. These modifications had been instituted to strengthen the City's organizational structure and to provide budgetary savings but this was also necessary because the previously recommended budget relief measure of suspending the Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency had been reconsidered. Page 1 of 3 8. Member Discussion: Charles Cardinale asked about the savings from furlough days and Al Minner replied that the savings for each day would be approximately $25,000. He then questioned whether a four day work week was considered and Al Minner said this was still being looked at but study thus far had indicated there would be very little saved. Documentation will be brought to the next meeting to show the calculations. Regarding what activity there has been with the Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency other than the signage grants, the City Manager mentioned the Main Street parking lot/boat ramp project is almost complete and stated that we would like to make improvements to the Cavcor Parking Lot and also consider undergrounding utilities for the purpose of improving the aesthetics of the area. As to how we were doing on the number of permits being issued, the City Manager replied that we are only issuing about one residential permit per month on average. When asked about the City's policy on foreclosures, the City Manager replied that we have been attempting to enforce the nuisance abatement code and that Staff's workload has increased due to being very active on this. It was believed that about 400 homes were in the process of foreclosure. As to whether we were going to be getting stimulus funds, the City Manager said we were expecting three years of funding for two police officers under the COPS program and that we also expect to receive funds to rebuild the road base and resurface a portion of Barber Street. Joan Rivard noted that she observed that property values were stabilizing and questioned why ad valorem taxes are being projected to decline in future years. The City Manager explained that we were intentionally conservative and that there was a lag, since taxable values are set as of the previous January 1S`. She questioned the cost of health insurance for employees and whether we have looked at self-insurance or the possibility of opening a clinic like what was planned for Vero Beach. The City Manager explained the City's costs and stated that the essential problem is that our City is not large enough to institute such a program without an undue amount of risk. We are. watching .what other .entities are doing in this regard but we don't think it would be prudent at this time. She asked about the $849,000 . shown in the memo as Interfund Transfers and whether they would change. These include the $500,000 transfer from the Stormwater Fund to offset General Fund's costs of swale maintenance, plus some other transfers that are also for the purpose of reimbursing the General Fund. These transfers are not anticipated to increase from year to year. Chris Vicars indicated she was also interested in considering a reduced work week and looked forward to reviewing the documentation the City Manager will bring to the next meeting. She asked about the possibility of partnering with another agency, like.Palm Bay for employee health insurance and the City Manager affirmed that we will continue to look at that type of option. She noted that she had questions about the Administrative Services Department but they had already been addressed. Ed Herlihy noted that expecting a 15% reduction in taxable values may be too optimistic and the City Manager agreed that it could very possibly be a higher percentage. Rhetorically, the question was asked that should we experience another bad year, what will we do then? He questioned whether we are paying too much by covering 100% of the employee health insurance. The City Manager replied that he is not comfortable in addressing -that this year due to the pay freezes and furlough days but this could be an area we look at in the future. We will do some surveys to compare ourselves with other agencies. It was suggested -that such changes could be phased in. He commended the City Manager on the reorganization. He questioned whether a hiatus was a possibility on the Police bargaining agreement's pay increases due next year but the City Manager cautioned that such a proposal was a card that -would need to be-played-very-carefully. He ~elieveswe-should also -look~at things we could contract out and the City Manager replied that we had done that with some things, such as ditch maintenance and Golf Course maintenance but cautioned that you may lose control and flexibility. We recently received bids on ditch and right-of--way maintenance work that will Page 2 of 3 result in lowing that cost. He commented that he does not support using cash reserves and doesn't want them touched. With the number of foreclosures, he is very concerned about how they will affect us in future years. Charles Cardinale questioned whether the lower cost for ditch and right-of--way maintenance also meant that we will have less service and the City Manager said we expect to keep the __ _ _ same level of service. As to the number of furlough days, the City Manager replied that he was planning on having one day per month. Ed Herlihy proposed that the Committee schedule a workshop in mid-June with the purpose of having the Committee Members throw out ideas and have further discussion. The City Manager can provide any material that he feels is important but a presentation is not expected. Joan Rivard asked what percent of the budget we were keeping as reserves and the City Manager replied that they were currently about 42%. 9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Ed Herlihy, Chairman .Citizens. Budget Review Committee Approved at the June 18, 2009 Citizens Budget Review Committee Meeting Page 3 of 3 emorandum To: SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE From: ED HERLIHY, CHAIRMAN Date: 6/2/2009 Re: NOTES OF 5/20/09 MEETING AND NEW AGENDA The following are brief notes from our May 20, 2009 meeting. Ed Herlihy was elected Chairman; Charles Cardinale was elected vice chair. City Manager Al Minner explained in detail his latest budget and staff adjustments. Based on a 15% reduction in property valuation, the projected budget shortfall stands at $328,405. The valuation projections from the County will be available June 1St. That will give the City a much closer idea of where the budget stands concerning revenue. We will have that projection as well as a complete, preliminary budget .book for our upcoming workshop meeting. Members of the Committee discussed various budget issues/ideas: 1. Health insurance costs and deductibles. 2. Police Department staffing. 3. Union contract renegotiations to reduce payroll. 4. City attorney costs. 5. Retirement contributions. 6. Outsourcing parks/rec and stormwater work: 7. Consideration of reduced valuations in future years and effect on budget. 8. Growth Management staffing. 9. Investigation of savings using four day work week The Budget Review Committee will meet in a workshop session on Thursday, June 18, 2009, at 6 PM in City Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss in a June 2, 2009 roundtable forum any and all ideas concerning the City budget. We need to "think outside the traditional budget box" to see if we can come up with meaningful savings ideas that keep the present level of City services. Our purpose is to aid and __ _assist_.the Cry_Manager and_staff_ with any__help_possible with respect to budgetary_ __ ideas. You should receive the preliminary budget book approximately five to seven days prior to the meeting. Please review it and make comments or ask questions at the workshop. If you have ideas that you can put in writing, please bring copies to share with the committee members. Copies can be made for you in the City Clerk's office. Please plan to attend this important workshop meeting. If you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting, please call Al Minner's office at 388-8203. _ ___ _ _ _ (CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET Table ~-3 lists General F,;yrd expendi±~:Yes by depa,-r,:I~,+Jdi~nsion. Table ~'_a lists i~,di~id„al department/division details broken down by salaries & benefits, operating expenses and capital outlay. __ ___ __ _ _ _ TABLE G3 _ __ _ _ _ _ __ SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND EXPENDTI'URES BY DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Org ' Code Description 010001 City Council 010005 City Manager 010009 City Clerk 010010 City Attorney Administrative Services 010021 Management Information Svs. 010041 Police Administration 010043 Police Patrol Division 010045 Code Enforcement Division 010047 Police Detective Division 010049 Police Dispatch Unit 010051 Engineering 010052 Roads and Maintenance 010053 Stormwater Ufllity 010054 Garage 010056 Facilities Maintenance 010057 Parks and Recreation 010059 Cemetery 010080 Growth Management 010085 Building 010099 Non-Departmental Total General Fund Expenditures Change Amended FY 09/10 From FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Adopted Prior Year Actual Actual Actual Budeet Pro ected Budeet Projected $ 35,238 $ 56,167 $ 50,101 $ 54,065 $ 52,080 $ 52,330 $ 250 211,746 229,643 259,187 269,986 267,532 254,611 $ (12,921) 330,724 368,020 272,331 297,087 289,590 296,571 $ 6,981 186,376 200,960 215,665 194,494 188,301 125,340 S (62,961) 599,357 .591,086 660,776 578,543 577,803 .492,379 S (85,424) 164,134 222,310 222,868 266,344 246,541 267,022 $ 20,431 857,052 1,092,905 978,191 973,434 930,514 543,859 $ (386,655) 2,047,078 2,548,208 2,414,034 2,543,078 2,564,352 2,671,118 S 106,766 158,601 188,122 155,213 141,614 141,512 138,451 S (3,061) 653,199 736,917 730,737 666,962 622,587 922,046 S 299,454 349,953 419,926 472,647 503,931 491,370 486,419 S (4,951) 478,235 593,823 453,985 464,968 446,645 0 S (446,645) 914,404 687,631 739,238 790,037 781,590 951,647 S 170,057 1,771,907 1,313,395 1,275,691 1,299,028 1,280,018 1,159,427 $ (120,591) 205,560 283,884 158,370 210,111 211,293 212,598 $ 1,305 192,216 206,085 264,322 277,264 275,217 268,716 $ (6,501) 973,894 1,022,993 1,100,415 1,112,395 1,128,459 1,020,863 S {107,596) 157,199 134,988 198,134 166,187 167,541 157,333 S (10,208) 257,040 379,193 382,516 382,856 383,362 437,352 $ 53,990 580,923 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,690,329 803,540 771,776 679,131 693,988 609,335 S (84,653) S - $ 12,815,166 S 12,079,797 $ 11,776,195 S 11,871,515 S 11,740,345 $ 11,067,417 S (672,928) Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 11,709,287 S 11,991,460 S 11,691,116 $ 11,871,515 S 11,460,816 $ 10,691,812 S (769,004) (Revenues) over Expenditures $ (1,105,879) S (88,337) S (85,079) S - S (279,529) $ (375,605) S (96,076) 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE TABLE G2 General Fund Revenues Detail GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL Code: 001501 Amended City Mgr. Account FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Proposed Number Description Actual Actaal Actual Bnd¢et Projected Bud et TAXES 311000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 4,300,217 4,527,671 4,634,338 4,219,458 4,193,802 3,496,152 311001 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 39 0 2,906 25,000 2,500 2,500 311002 Penalty on Delinquent Taxes 5,957 9,429 8,419 8,500 7,00 7,500 TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES 4,306,213 4,537,100 4,645,663 4,252,958 4,203,802 3,506,152 FRANCHISE FEES 313100 Electric Franchise Fees 1,203,190 1,055,082 1,140,994 1,240,000 1,184,165 1,287,283 313700 Solid Waste Franchise Fees 50,558 51,616 58,768 65,000 61,021 64,933 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 1,253,748 1,106,697 1,199,762 1,305,000 1,245,186 1,352,216 UTILTTY SERVICE TAXES 314100 Electric Utility Service Tax 1,098,225 1,113,771 1,130,033 1,240,000 1,141,672 1,165,611 314300 Water Utility Service Tax 208,153 216,655 217,920 217,000 218;676 223;049 314800 Propane Utility Service Tax 27,982 33,903 30,408 30,000 30,000 30,000 314950 CST Revenue Sharing 848,804 852,052 872,420 890,000 1,035,302 1,056,008 TOTAL UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 2,183,164 2,216,381 2,250,781 2,377,000 2,425,650 2,474,668 TOTAL TAXES & FRANCHISE FEES 7,743,125 7,860,179 8,096,206 7,934,958 7,874,638 7,333,036 LICENSES AND PERMITS 321000 Business Taxes 123,385 116,106 107,083 0 0 0 321100 Business Tax - Penalties/Transfers 2,336 2,683 0 0 0 0 321050 Contractor License 0 0 0 0 0 0 321150 Contractor License -Penalties 0 0 0 0 0 0 322050 Building Permits 50 0 0 0 0 0 322060 Driveway Permit Fees 53,246 11,900 7,600 12,000 7,500 7,500 322075 Reinspection Fees 2,800 220 70 0 0 0 322700 Accessory Structure 0 350 100 0 0 0 322900 Other Permits & Fees 2,055 1,507 1,877 0 1,500 1,500 329100 Zoning Fees 31,751 12,513 18,017 15,000 15,000 15,000 329200 Site Plan Review Fees 18,400 23,100 16,450 16,000 16,000 16,000 329300 Plat Review Fees 8,497 10,550 2,950 11,000 5,000 5,000 329400 Plan Checking Fees 0 6,257 5,200 0 5,000 5,000 329500 Alarm Permits 1,450 1,290 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 329600 De-Watering Permits 400 400 100 0 200 200 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 244,370 186,875 160,947 55,200 51,400 51,400 (CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE'I~ General Fund Revenues Detail -Continued ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. _ _ _ Amended --____ _ City ~Tgr: Account FY OS/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08109 Proposed Number Description Actual Actual Actual BndEet Proiected Bndeet IlVTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: FEDERAL GRANTS 331200 Fed Grant-Public Safety 982 1,652 19,458 33,617 24,295 2,538 331204 Fed - LLEBG 5,188 3,500 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 331901 FEMA -Federal Grant 163,466 14,919 9,946 0 0 0 331902 FHWA Grant 37,910 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS 207,546 20,071 29,404 43,617 34,295 12,538 STATE GRANTS 334100 FL Urban & Forestry Grant 26,450 0 0 0 0 0 334900 FEMA-State matching 0 0 0 0 0 0 334901, FEMA-State Grant 23,865 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE GRANTS 50,315 0 0 0 0 0 STATE SHARED REVENUES 335120 Municipal Revenue Sharing 502,534 461,588 424,592 440,000 405,639 410,000 335122 8th Cent Motor Fuel Tax 193,852 171,313 159,488 150,000 159,580 160,000 335140 Mobile Home Licenses 9,106 11,210 9,844 11,000 9,398 10,000 335150 Alcohol Beverage Licenses 8,740 10,071 10,275 10,000 10,000 10,000 335180 Local Half-Cent Sales Tax 1,528,060 1,429,342 1,385,407 1,400,000 1,317,011 1,194,238 335200 Police Pension State Shared Revenue 117;621 117;621 122;800- 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE SHARED REVENUES 2,359,913 2,201,144 2,112,406 2,011,000 1,901,628 1,784,238 TOTAL INTER-GOV'T REVENUE 2,617,774 2,221,215 2,141,810 2,054,617 1,935,923 1,796,776 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 341910 Sales-Maps & Publications 508 55 157 50 50 50 341920 Cert. Copying, Record Search 1,833 2,576 2,467 1,800 1,800 1,800 341930 Election Fees 244 366 549 0 0 0 342100 PD Overtime Service Fees 6,828 7,453 13,184 10,000 10,000 10,000 342200 PD Fingerprinting 1,300 1,585 1,367 1,000 1,200 1,200 343805 Cemetery Fees 8,708 6,977 12,791 7,500 7,500 7,500 347550 Skate Facility Fees 18,184 14,905 8,637 16,000 10,000 10,000 347555 Tennis Facility Fees 20,066 19,063 22,407 20,000 20,000 20,000 347556 County Facility Impact Fees Admin Fee 28,217 7,870 11,890 10,000 5,000 5,000 347557 Community Center Rec Revenues 34,222 44,107 40,444 40,000 40,040 40,000 349140 RRD-Management Fees 9,086 36,575 12,826 12,584 13,202 13;202 349410 Golf Course-Management Fees 42,225 42,958 50,036 55,464 49,509 54,460 349450 Airport-Management Fees 72,225 42,958 50,036 55,464 52,592 .47,755 349455 Maintenance Service Fees-AP 1,031 1,130 2,695 0 1,500 1,500 349480 Building Dept Administrative Fees 196,470 157,511 83,394 92,439 84,089 75,680 349485 Maintenance Services Fees-Bldg Dept 1,000 969 1,031 0 1,000 1,000 349900 Project Personnel & Equipment Service 15,633 0 0 5,000 0 0 349950 Special Events Pecs Svc Fees 0 0 5,212 0 0 0 TOTAL CHGS FOR SERVICE 457,780 387,058 319,123 327,301 297,442 289,147 `~ (CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE ~;.~;i ~: ~'uuu nBvEfiiiES ~efai~ - i oxlfinueu Accoant FY 05/06 FY 06/07 I FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Propose Number - D~crl~fion Actus Actua! Aetual Budget Projected Budget FINES AND FORFEITS (51100 Court Fines 29,777 32,844 21,395 30,000 25,000 25 0 (51115 Police Education-$2.00 Funds 3,358 4,821 2,707 4,000 3,000 , 3 Oi (51120 Drivers Education 9,272 12,504 4,334 10,000 5,000 , S Oi (51130 Court Costs 64 0 0 100 0 , 151140 Parking Fines 4,567 .5,780 1,990 2,500 1,000 1 01 154100 Code Enforcement Fines 12,100 7,039 12,602 10,000 20,000 , 20 01 (59000 Other Fines/Forfeits 3,510 1,476 3,104 3,000 1,000 , 01 1 COTAL FINES AND FORFEITS 62,648 64,463 46,132 59,600 55,000 , 55,01 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: NTEREST EARNINGS X61100 Interest Income 190,817 180,243 151,388 230,000 200,000 200 0( 61105 State Board Interest Earnings 97,902 155,860 47,670 70,000 15,000 , 15 0( 61121 Special Assessment-Interest 0 0 0 0 3 357 , '61150 Other Interest 6,404 4,656 3,324 7,200 , 5,000 5 0( COTAL INTEREST EARNINGS 295,123 340,759 202,382 307,200 223,357 , 220,0( LENT AND ROYALTIES 62100 Rents and Royalties 6,181 2,703 3,768 3,500 3,700 3 7( 62150 Nontaxable Rent .92,435 93,174 95,516 92,000 92,000 , 92 0( 63150 Special Assessment-Riverfront 0 0 0 0 0 , 'OTAL RENT AND ROYALTIES 98,616 95,877 99,284 95,500 95,700 95,7C ALE OF FIXED ASSETS 64100 Sale of Fixed Assets 17,570 31,770 4,994 10,000 10,000 l O OC 65000 Sale of Surplus MateriaUScrap 805 1,783 9,174 2,500 -2,500 , 2 SC 'OTAL SALES OF FIXED ASSETS 18,375 33,553 14,168 12,500 12,500 , 12,Sa 'ONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 66000 Contributions & Donations 17,973 250 200 0 0 66100 Donators -Car Seat Program 75 195 222 0 170 66150 75thAnnuversaryRevenues 1,170 1,568 350 1,500 350 35 66200 Contribution/GreerTrust 5,030 19,120 20,400 20,400 6,740 10 00 66604 Donations-Public Safety Employees 3,101 1,305 1,657 1,500 2,000 , 2 00 66605 Donations-General Empl Fund 1,730 2,462 2,583 2,500 3,500 , 3 50 66805 4th of July Donations ' 12,031 7,976 8,470 12,000 8,500 , 8 50 OTAL CONTRIBUTION5/DONATIONS 41,110 32,876 33,882 37,900 21,260 , 24,35 ITFIER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 69100 Motor Fuel Tax Rebate 11,404 12,083 12,286 11,200 12,000 12 00 69200 Insurance Proceeds 40,250 5,933 10,940 5,000 5,000 , 5 00 59400 Reimbursements 5,139 11,826 19,422 10,000 40,000 , 20 00 59900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 71,943 8,390 4,713 9,459 10,000 , 10 00 59954 Vend Mach Sales-Pub Safety Fund 0 0 0 0 0 , 59955 Vend Mach Sales-Gen Empl Fund 1,981 1,898 1,453 2,000 2,000 2 00 59995 Cash Over/Short 36 3 14 0 15 , 1 59999 Prior Year Recoveries (387) 612 (8,184) 0 p OTAL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV. 130,366 40,745 40,644 37,659 69,015 49,01: OTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 583,590 543,810 390,360 490,759 421,832 401,56: OTAL REVENUES 11,709,287 11,263,600 11,154,578 10,922,435 10,636,235 9,926,92 ~0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE General Fund Revenues Dexail - Cont7~ued Amended City Mgr. ..Account __ ___ __ .. _ _ __ FY 05/06 _ FY 06/07 FY 07/08 _ FY 08/09 F'Y 4809 _ _Proposed_ Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Proiected Bu et INTERFUND TRANSFERS 381120 Interfund Trfr From 120 LOGT 0 0 0 215,784 215,784 175,000 381130 Interfund Trfr From 130 DST 0 219,738 0 0 0 0 381140 Interfund Trfr From 140 CRA 0 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 381163 Interfund Trfr From 163 STORMWA 0 466;576 500,000 512,500 512,500 500,000 381601 Interfund Trfr From 601 CEMETERY 0 41,546 36,538 39,000 36,297 29,888 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 727,860 536,538 827,284 824,581 764,888 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 389991 Appropriation From PY Fund Balance- Unreserve 0 0 0 121,796 0 0 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 0 0 0 121,796 0 0 TOTAL REV. AND OTHER SOURCES 11,709,287 11,991,460 11,691,116 11,871,515 11,460,816 10,691,812 ~~ ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET _ _ TABLE G4_ General Fund Expenditure by De artment/Division 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 De artment Actual Actual Actual Bud et Pro'ected Bud et _ rr-T-vr~invr-rr.. ----- ...._.. _ _ _ -.. --- ______ _ --- __. -_. - -._ _ .___ PERSONAL SERVICES $ 21,591 $ 21,892 $ 22,779 $ 22,755 $ 22,755 $ 22,755 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 13,647 $ 34,275 $ 27,322 $ 31,310 $ 29,325 $ 29,575 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ - TOTAL $ 35,238 $ 56,167 $ 50,101 $ 54,065 $ 52,080 $ 52,330 CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES $ . 205,223 $ 223,153 $ 254,023 $ 265,486 $ 261,122 $ 250,586 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 6,523 $ 6,490 $ 5,164 $ 4,500 $ 6,410 $ 4,025 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 211,746 $ 229,643 $ 259,187 $ 269,986 $ 267,532 $ 254,611 CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES $ 246,763 $ 284,317 $ 242,901 $ 252,302 $ 250,855 $ 240,921 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 72,387 $ 83,703 $ 29,430 $ 44,785 $ 38,735 $ 55,650 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ ll,574 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 330,724 $ 368,020 $ 272,331 $ 297,087 $ 289,590 $ 296,571 ('iTY ATTnRNFV PERSONAL SERVICES $ 180,322 $ 193,365 $ 209,562 $ 81,636 $ 78,501 $ - OPERATINGEXPENDITURES $ 6,054 $ 7,595 $ 6,103 $ 112,858 $ 109,800 $ 125,340 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ TOTAL $ 186,376 $ 200 960 $ 215,665 $ 194,494 $ 188,301 $ 125,340 ADMiNiCTRATiVF. CF.RVi('F.C PERSONAL SERVICES $ 505,708 $ 470,194 $ 577,960 $ 499,528 $ 498,465 $ 409,160 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 93,649 $ 117,350 $ 82,816 $ 79,015 $ 79,338 $ 83,219 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ $ 3,542 $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ TOTAL $ 599,357 $ 591,087 $ 660,776 $ 578,543 $ 577,803 $ 492,379 MANAGEMENT iNFORMATiON CF,RViCF,C PERSONAL SERVICES $ 134,715 $ 189,323 $ 198,088 $ 217,279 $ 212,930 $ 206,964 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 10,197 $ 13,636 $ 15,450 $ 34,065 $ 30,861 $ 28,735 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 19,222 $ 19,351 $ 9 329 $ 15,000 $ 2,800 $ 31,323 TOTAL $ 164,134 $ 222,309 $ 222,867 $ 266,344 $ 246,591 $ 267,022 POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMTIViSTRATiON PERSONAL SERVICES $ 775,583 $ 993,426 $ 864,466 $ 833,591 $ 795,560 $ 412,499 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 78,917 $ 98,073 $ 96,942 $ 139,843 $ 134,954 $ 131,360 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 2,551 $ 1,407 $ 16,783 $ - $ - $ TOTAL $ 857,051 $ 1,092,905 $ 978,191 $ 973,434 $ 930,514 $ 543,859 POi.iC'F. nF.PARTMF.NT _ PATRni. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1,641,776 $ 2,047,576 $ 2,133,640 $ 2,337,778 $ 2,392,709 $ 2,518,479 OPERATINGEXPENDITURES $ 203,562 $ 240,292 $ 244,162 $ 182,612 $ 171,643 $ 152,639 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 201,740 $ 260,340 $ 36;232 $ 22,688 $ - $ - TOTAL $ 2,047,077 $ 2,548,209 $ 2,414,034 $ 2,543,078 $ 2,564,352 $ 2,671,118 CODE F,NFORCF,MF.NT PERSONAL SERVICES $ 134,495 _$ 167,339 $ 1.15,045 $ 120,104_. _$ 119,510 $ 1.17,604.. OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 19,047 $ 20,783 $ 22,740 $ 21,510 $ 22,002 $ 20,847 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 5,058 $ - $ 17,427 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 158,601 $ 188,121 $ 155,212 $ 141,614 $ 141,512 $ 138,451 ~~ b CITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE G4 i~eneral rand Expenditure by ~epartment/'~,i ivision - ~oniinued Department ~ Actual ~ Actual ~ Actual ~ Budget ~ Projected ~ Budget ~ DAT i('~L` T1Ti D ADTMG`N'P _ i1T'T`Ti'f TTiTi~. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 507,522 605,435 $ 613,450 $ 571,069 528,478 $ 833,218 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 101,933 $ 105,502 $ 115,587 $ 90,893 $ 89,109 $ 88,828 CAPITAL OUTLAY 43,744 $ 25,980 $ 1,700 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - TOTAL $ 653,198 $ 736,916 $ 730,737 $ 666,962 $ 622,587 $ 922,046 D(TT T/''Ti TFD A DTMFNT . iliCP ATf A PERSONAL SERVICES $ 318,741 $ 375,306 $ 456,751 $ 490,241 $ 481,297 $ 483,050 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 29,072 $ 24,100 $ 14,756 $ 3,690 $ 3,763 $ 3,369 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,140 $ 20,520 $ 1,140 $ 10,000 $ 6,310 TOTAL $ 349,953 $ 419,926 $ 472,647 $ 503,931 $ 491,370 $ 486,419 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 506,922 $ 392,400 $ 540,745 $ 547,823 $ 551,131 $ 612;286 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 1,187,382 $ 774,253 $ 679,136 $ 750,005 $ 728,887 $ 547,141 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 77,603 $ 146,742 $ 55,810 $ 1,200 $ - $ - TOTAL $ 1,771,907 $ 1,313,395 $ 1,275,691 $ 1,299,028 $ 1,280,018 $ 1,159,427 PUBLIC WORKS -ROADS AND MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 617,967 $ 516,949 $ 576,236 $ 639,787 $ 630,977 $ 813,134 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 172,985 151,759 $ 163,002 $ 150,250 150,613 $ 138,513 . CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 123;452. 18;923. - $ - _ $ TOTAL $ 914,405 $ 687,631 $ 739,238 $ 790,037 $ 781,590 $ 951,647 PUBLIC WORKS -CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 171,762 $ 236,901 127,864 $ 177,021 177,160 $ 172,838 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 28,391 38,890 $ 30,506 $ 29,590 $ 31,133 $ 27,760 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 5,407 $ 8,093 $ - $ 3,500 $ 3,000 $ 12,000 TOTAL $ 205,560 $ 283,884 $ 158,370 $ 210,111 $ 211,293 $ 212,598 PURT,IC WORKS -PARKS Rc RF,C PERSONAL SERVICES $ 670,650 $ 722,825 $ 811,308 $ 861,650 $ 888,164 $ 786,442 OPERATINGEXPENDITURES $ 256,196 $ 252,262. $ 268,072 $ 250,745 $ 240,295 $ 234,421 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 47,048 $ 47,906 $ 21,036 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 973,894 $ 1,022,994 $ 1,100,416 $ 1,112,395 $ 1,128,459 $ 1,020,863 PUBLIC WORKS -CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES $ 119,850 $ 115,606 $ 125,618 $ 133,995 $ 139,765 $ 137,744 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 29,723 $ 19,382 $ 23,006 $ 21,392 $ 20,769 $ 19,589 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 7,626 $ - $ 49,509 $ 10,800 7,007 $ - TOTAL $ 157,200 $ 134,987 $ 198,133 $ 166,187 $ 167,541 $ 157,333 PUBLIC WORKS - FACILTTIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 82,598 $ 96,355 $ 102,071 $ 120,257 $ 120,247 $ 117,931 OPERATING-EXPENDITURES $ 109,619- $ 108,080... ..$ 162,251.. $ .152,007_ $ 154,970.. ...$ 150,285 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ 1,650 $ - $ - $ - $ TOTAL $ 192,216 $ 206,085 $ 264,322 $ 277,264 $ 275,217 $ 268,716 .7 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE TABLE G4 General Fund Expenditure by Department/Division -Continued 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 De artment Actual Actual Actual Bud et Pro'eMed Bud et GROWTH MANAGEMENT__._..._-__--- _. _.._.. ____.._ __._____- ___ -----___ __.. __ ___----___._ _---._._-_ _----_.... ______ PERSONAL SERVICES $ 234,664 $ 314,240 $ 344,247 $ 366,446 $ 366,952 $ .372,632 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 22,376 $ 32,143 $ 35,844 $ 16,410 $ 16 410 $ 64,720 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - $ 32,810 $ 2,425 $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 257,040 $ 379,192 $ 382,516 $ 382,856 $ 383,362 $ 437,352 R7TTr llil\Tf'_ ilFPA7~TMFNTT PERSONAL SERVICES $ 435,352 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 145;571 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY $ - N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL $ 580,923 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N(1N_nF.PARTMTNTAi. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 19,172 $ 6,087 $ 1,268 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 529,653 $ 793,453 $ 770,508 $ 674,131 $ 678,988 $ 604,335 GRANTS AND AIDS $ .2,215 $ 4,000 - $ - $ - $ - INTERFUND TRANSFERS OUT $ 1,139,289 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CONTINGENCY - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ TOTAL $ 1,690,329 $ 803,540 $ 771,776 $ 679,131 $ 693,988 $ 609,335 TnTAi,C PERSONAL SERVICES . $ 7,967,683 $ 8,524,464 $ 8,728,170 $ 8,973 91 $ 8,946,936 $ 8,513,243 OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 3,151,519 $ 2,964,066 $ 2,824,348 $ 2,823,536 $ 2,764,040 $ 2,510,851 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 554,459 $ 587,265 $ 223,676 $ 74,688 $ 29,369 $ 43,323 GRANTS AND AIDS $ 2,215 $ 4,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - INTERFUNDTRANSFERSOUT $ 1,139,289 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CONTINGENCY $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 12,815,165 $ 12,079,795 $ 11,776,193 $ 11,871,515 $ 11,740,345 $ 11,067,417 RECOMMENDED FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME POSITIONS Actual Actual Actual Actual Recommended Increase/ FY 2005/2006 FY 2006/2007 FY 2007/2008 FY 2008/2009 FY 2009/10 (Decrease) D artment/Division F/T P/T F!T P/T F/T P!f Fff P/T F/T P/T F/T P/T Ciry-Council ... __ _. _.0.. __5 _ ._. ___.._ 0 5 ._ _ _ 0 __. _. _ _5. .._ _- 0. _ _ 5 0 5_._ ._ 0 _ _ 0 _ __ . Ciry Manager 2 0 2 0 2.0 1 2.5 0 2.5 0 0.0 . 0 City Clerk 4 1 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 City Attorney 2. 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Management Services 5 0 5 0 Finance 6 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 (5} 0 Mgmt Infomration Svcs 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 Human Resources 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 (2) 0 Growth Management 4 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 Code Enforcement 3 0 3 1 2.0 I 2.5 0 2.5 0 0 0 Police Deparnnent 54 8 57 9 54 9 54 10 55 10 1 0 Engineering 6 4 7 4 5 4 5 4 0 0 (5) (4) Stormwater Utility 13 0 13 0 11 0 11 0 12 0 1 0 Roads & Drainage 12 1 11 I 10 0 10 0 13 0 3 0 Central Garage 3 1 3 I 2 1 3 1 3 1 0 0 Facilities Maintenance 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Parks&Recreafion 16 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 14 17 (1) 0 Cemetery 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Building Department 11 0 11 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 Golf CourseAdminishation 3 12 3 12 3 5 3 2 3 2 0 0 Golf Course Carts 0 7 0 7 0 13 0 14 0 14 0 0 Ai ort 3 1 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 SUB-TOTALS 152 57 154 58 137 56 136 54 133 50 3 4 TOTALS 209 212 193 190 183 (7} Summary of Changes for FY 2009/l0 *Engineering (3) Positions transfered to Roads & Maintenance (1) Position transferred to Stormwater * Management Services (3) Positions transferred from Finance (2) Positions transferred from Human Resource CITY COUNCIL Code: Ci0001 ccounf__. __ _ _ _-__-- - _ . - _ _ _ umber Description _ FY OS/06_ Actual FY 05; 07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FI' C8f09_ Budget _FY 08%09- Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Legislative Salaries - 19,800 19,050 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 512100 FICA Taxes 1,722 2,777 2,892 2,892 2,892 2,892 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 69 65 87 63 63 63 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21,591 21,892 22,779 22,755 22,755 22,755 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel & Per Diem 6,303 18,780 20,995 22,000 22,000 22,000 534101 Telephone 426 187 246 100 90 95 534105 Cellular Telephone 0 420 748 1,080 1,055 1,100 534110 Internet Access 60 40 69 100 80 80 534630 R & M Office Equipment. 210 1,823 0 500 500 500 534640 R& M Operating Equipment 0 595 0 0 0 0 534800 Promotional Activities 532 1,175 1,157 1,200 800 800 534995 Litigation Expenditures 0 5,037 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,318 1,363 1,489 500 500 500 535210 Computer Supplies 2,331 2,198 353 2,000 1,000 1,200 535410 Dues and Memberships 0 200 0 500 500 500 535420 Books and Publications 72 337 250 330 300 300 535450 Training and Education 2,395 2,120 2,015 3,000 2,500 2,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 13,647 34,275 27,322 31,310 29,325 29,575 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 35,238 56,167 50,101 54,065 52,080 52,330 ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE t (~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY MANAGER Code: 010005 Account Number- --- -- - -Description - - - FY05/06 Actual FY06/07 Ac-foal FY 07/08 -Actual- Amended FY 08/09 Bud et- FY 08/09 Proiected- FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed --Budget- PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 151,978 164,701 186,680 193,350 192,800 185,920 512100 FICA Taxes 12,115 12,067 13,506 15,067 15,025 14,498 512225 Deferred Compensation 13,535 14,731 16,247 16,511 16,506 17,057 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 10,132 12,116 15,300 17,887 17,885 17,894 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 13,234 15,508 17,803 18,372 14,642 10,948 512309 Employee Assistance Program 52 46 54 81 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 587 532 715 618 618 623 512601 Auto Allowance 3,590 3,452 3,718 3,600 3,600 3,600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 205,223 223,153 254,023 265,486 261,122 250,586 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 526 388 250 250 250 534101 Telephone. 880 352 555 550 270 280 534105 Cellular Phone 505 424 374 400 350 370 534110 Internet Services 293 49 42 50 40 40 534120 Postage 80 85 64 100 100 100 534130 Express Mail 24 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 1,684 1,544 806 800 800 585 534800. .Promotional Activities 361- 707 672 250 250 250 534920 Legal Ads 480 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 554 780 578 500 1,150 500 535210 Computer Supplies 269 63 30 100 125 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,067 1,228 1,321 1,200 2,740 1,200 535420 Books and Publications 0 82 10 50 10 100 535450 Training and Education 325 650 325 250 325 250 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,523 6,490 5,164 4,500 6,410 4,025 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 211,746 229,643 259,187 269,986 267,532 254,611 "1~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY CLERK Code: 010009 Account Number Description FY 05!06 Actual Fes' 05/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. ProFosed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Salaries 186,720 216,251 181,006 188,150 188,100 181,524 511300 Temporary Salaries 108 0 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 14,278 16,983 13,760 14,393 14,390 13,887 512225 Deferred Compensation 16,805 17,519 16,290 16,934 16,929 16,337 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 20,320 23,678 20,627 21,401 21,401 21,413 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 7,777 9,141 10,420 10,753 9,364 7,083 512309 Employee Assistance Program 92 92 69 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 664 652 729 602 602 608 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 246,763 284,317 242,901 252,302 250,855 240,921 533400 Other Contractual Services 11,083 9,923 1,631 3,935 3,735 1,800 533480 Temporary Employment Services 2,414 11,050 0 0 0 0 533490 Codification Services 3,779 4,496 3,155 5,000 3,000 3,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,505 1,368 1,887 1,200 900 900 534101 Telephone 880 695 797 550 540 550 5341.10. Internet Services 120 1.89 147 135 135 140 534120 Postage 659 598 406 500 500 500 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 6,412 10,237 9,432 10,200 9,800 1.1,085 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 63 123 46 300 300 300 534920 Legal Ads 8,014 9,337 8,124 8,000 8,000 2,000 534990 Election Costs 28,977 29,796 0 10,065 7,700 32,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,120 1,276 1,073 1,500 1,000 800 535210 Computer Supplies 3,437 2,830 1,332 2,000 2,000 1,500 535290_ __Audi~/Video Recording Taps/CDs _ _ - - -144- -. _ -140 - _ __. _ 0. _ _ _--. _0 _ . _ . ____ _ -- 0 _ _. __ . _ . _ _ _0 - 535410 Dues and Memberships 498 581 395 500 425 425 535420 Books and Publications 796 195 364 400 350 300 535450 Training and Education 485 870 640 500 350 350 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 72,387 83,703 29,430 44,785 38,735 55,650 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 11,574 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,574 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY CLERK 330,724 368,020 272,331 297,087 289,590 296,571 " l'2 CITY ATTORNEY Code: 010014 count Description FY 05/06 Actual FI' 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 132,087 140,897 152,162 72,836 72,835 0 512100 FICA Taxes 9,936 10,549 11,106 1,455 2,013 0 512225 Deferred Compensation 19,365 20,658 22,239 523 523 0 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 10,323 12,028 13,768 2,347 2,347 0 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 4,564 5,318 6,062 520 520 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 46 29 7 0 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 411 417 461 326 256 0 512601 Auto Allowance 3,590 3,452 3,718 3,600 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 180,322 193,365 209,562 81,636 78,501 0 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 517 106,700 106,700 121,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 754 845 789 1,000 0 0 534101 Telephone 308 347 413 275 270 280 534105. Cellular Phone 527 379 321 290 23 0 5341.10 Internet Services 60 53 42 40 40 40 534115 On-Line Services 1,089 968 -1,202 1,000 1,164 1,620 534120 Postage 40 16 16 50 25 50 534130 Express Mail 15 37 0 0 0 50 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 0 1,256 806 800 775 600 534800 Promotional Activities 80 0 0 0 0 0 534995 Litigation Expenses 50 1,126 794 1,000 250 1,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 183 390 196 208 208 100 535210 -Computer Supplies- -- _ -_ -- _. _ - 1;718_ _ 983.- ..-- 0 - 160- _ --. 0-_ _ - _5~. 535410 Dues and Memberships 450 425 500 450 150 450 535420 Books and Publications 95 10 10 195 195 100 535450 Training and Education 685 760 497 750 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,054 7,595 6,103 112,858 109,800 125,340 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT 186,376 200,960 215,665 194,494 188,301 125,340 ITI' OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE 13 ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Code: 010020 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr Request PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 391,198 35b,534 444,734 377,600 376,700 315,320 511300 Temporary Salaries 2,736 0 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 348 732 574 500 800 500 512100 FICA Taxes 29,531 26,416 33,052 28,925 28,856 24,160 512225 Deferred Compensation 34,682 31,503 34,465 34,029 33,948 28,424 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 36,621 42,820 52,821 49,896 49,886 35,763 512305 Dependent Insurance 8,967 10,802 10,609 7,209 7,209 3,819 512309 Employee Assistance Program 180 177 180 161 161 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,445 1,210 1,525 1,208 1,205 1,059 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 505,708 470,194 577,960 499,528 498,465 409,160 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 0 10,650 0 0 0 0 533120 Consultants 0 954 3,449 100 1,578 8,600 533175 Employee Background Testing 11,296 6,580 4,005 1,500 3,000- 3,249 533400 Other Contractual Services 1,744 2,469 3,267 2,000 1,750 2,000 533200 Audit Fees 29,705 29,443 31,986 35,950 35,943 34,815 533480 Temporary Employment Services 1,140 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 4,346 4,564 2,134 2,050 2,119 750 534101 Telephone 1,996 1,158 1,587 965 895 550 534105 Cellular Telephone 0 0 369 375 355 370 534110 Internet Access 220 347 366 175 175 120 534120 Postage 2,297 2,084 2,050 2,450 . 2,050 2,000 534130 Express Mail 131 146 162 225 210 100 534630 - R & M---Office Equipment - - - - - - -16;418 - -38;750- - - X7,739- - - 19000 - 19;100 -19,450 534700 Printing and Binding 2,386 2,542 2,566 2,325 2,379 2,500 534800 Promotional Activities 552 1,579 923 500 775 775 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 534920 Legal Ads 2,593 1,037 150 500 419 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 6,669 3,774 4,452 3,500 3,500 3,300 535205 Bank Charges 26 (52) 49 100 100 100 535210 Computer Supplies 4,228 3,522 1,931 2,500 1,800 1,225 535230 Small Tools & Equipment 0 127 0 75 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,410 2,157 1,610 1,500 1,645 1,685 535420 Books and Publications 1,998 2,162 2,366 1,750 650 1,130 535450 Training and Education 4,495 3,356 1,655 1,475 895 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 93,649 117,350 82,816 79,015 79,338 83,219 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 3,542 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 3,542 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 599,357 591,086 660,776 578,543 577,803 492,379 ~ `~' CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Code: 010021 ccount umber Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 100,789 137,361 141,232 159,800 159,200 154,070 511300 Temporary Salaries 3,160 9,637 9,041 5,000 5,000 5,000 511400 Overtime 0 0 3,841 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 7,723 10,983 11,609 12,607 12,561 12,169 512225 Deferred Compensation. 8,574 11,726 11,662 14,382 14,328 13,866 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 10,962 15,701 17,965 21,268 21,264 21,275 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,010 3,408 2,081 3,642 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 54 65 63 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 443 442 594 511 508 515 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 134,715 189,323 198,088 217,279 212,930 206,964 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 0 180 405 100 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 172 113 137 250 200 0 534101 Telephone 572 .536 484 7,580 7,260 7,4$0 534105 Cellular Phone 1,569 1,48.1 1,191 1,125 1,060 1,100 534110 Internet Access 1,208 1,489 2,197 2,410 2,325 2,325 534120 Postage 14 28 24 100 100. 100 534130 Express Mail 98 30 199 150 200 150 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 706 6,164 753 3,500 3,455 4,255 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 0 590 4,429 13,500 10,900 5,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 207 381 374 250 250 700 535210 Computer Supplies_ - 4,632 1,482 4,593 4 000 4 070 5 000 535230 Small Tools and ui merit ~ P 316 135 43 100 291 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 271 262 125 500 250 275 535420 Books and Publications _. 58 340 0 250 250 250 535450 Training and Education 375 426 496 250 250 1,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 10,197 13,636 15,450 34,065 30,861 28,735 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 19,222 19,351 9,329 15,000 2,800 31,323 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,222 19,351 9,329 15,000 2,800 31,323 TOTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 164,134 222,310 222,868 266,344 246,591 267,022 l~ ,CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES Description 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 TOTAL Exchange connector 2003 $ 1,850 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,850 HP Procurve Switch 8,716 $ 8,716 Exchange Server upgrade Cost 7,910 $ 7,910 Exchange Software Upgrade Cost 12,847 $ 12,847 Enterprise Server Imaging - 1,557 1,557 1,557 $ 4,671 OpenScape Xpression5 V6 - 12,416 $ 12,416 Servers - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $ 40,000 Phone System Replacement - - 75,000 $ 75,000 Disaster Recovery 9,300 9,300 $ 18,600 Symantec ghost Suite 2 5,000 $ 5,000 Automation for CH25 Broadcast 30,000 20,000 $ 50,000 Total $ 31,323 $ 68,273 $ 40,857 $ 11,557 $ 85,000 $ 237,010 't'v CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE CONSOLIDATED POLICE DEPARTMENT 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget POLICE DEPARTMENT -ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES $ 775,583 $ 993,426 $ 864,466 $ 833,591 $ 795,560 $ 412,499 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 78,917 98,073 96,942 139,843 134,954 131,360 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,551 1,407 16,783 - - - TOTAL $ 857,051 $ 1,092,905 $ 978,191 $ 973,434 $ 930,514 $ 543,859 POLICE DEPARTMENT -OPERATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1,641,776 $ 2,047,576 $ 2,133,640 $ 2,337,778 $ 2,392,709 $ 2,518,479 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 203,562 240,292 244,162 182,612 171,643 152,639 CAPITAL OUTLAY 201,740 260,340 36,232 22,688 - - TOTAL $ 2,047,077 $ 2,548,209 $ 2,414,034 $ 2,543,078 $ 2,564,352 $ 2,671,118 POLICE DEPARTMENT -DETECTIVE PERSONALSERVICES $ 507,522 $ 605,435 $ 613,450 $ 571,069 $ 528,478 $ 833,218 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 101,933 105,502 115,587 90,893 89,109 88,828 CAPITAL OUTLAY 43,744 25,980 1,700 5,000 5,000 - TOTAL $ 653,198 $ 736,916 $ 730,737 $ 666,962 $ 622,587 $ 922,046 POLICE DEPARTMENT -DISPATCH PERSONAL SERVICES $ 318,741 $ 375,306 $ 456,751 $ 490,241 $ 481,297 $ 483,050 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 29,072 24,100 14,756 3,690 3,763 3,369 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,140 20,520 1,140 10,000 6,310 - TOTAL $ 349,953 $ 419,926_ $ 472,647 $ 503,931 $ 491,370 $ 486,419 TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 3,243,622 $ 4,021,743 $ 4,068,307 $ 4,232,679 $ 4,198,044 $ 4,247,246 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 413,483 467,967 471,447 417,038 399,469 376,196 _ __. ___ __ ._ _ _ CAPITAL OUTLAY 250,174 308,247__ _ __..._55 855.._........ _ ___.._.37,688_ _ 11,310__ _ _ - TOTAL $ 3,907,279 $ 4,797,956 $ 4,59.5,609 $ 4,687,405 $ 4,608,823 $ 4,623,442 ~~ ~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET un1,1CE ADMIl~T18TRATI^..,1`T ~REC^vRDa'1'iiJl~i©Nj Code: 010041 (010048) Account Number Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected 9 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regulaz Salaries 461,895 522,101 494,601 548,550 538,040 284,167 511300 Temporary Salaries 24,931 43,311 43,452 44,000 44,000 0 511400 Overtime 6,766 8,539 6,114 .5,000 3,000 3,000 512100 FICA Taxes 37,230 42,691 40,211 45,878 44,921 22,008 S 1221 S Clothing Allowance 2,160 2,032 2,160 2,160 2,160 520 512225 Deferred Compensation 23,891 25,758 24,005 27,225 27,027 17,177 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 143,390 259,466 158,588 53,607 44,707 16,984 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 46,830 55,027 56,923 66,794 57,818 49,753 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 14,627 20,356 23,262 26,141 19,651 11,SS1 512309 Employee Assistance Program 225 223 199 207 207 138 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 13,638 13,920 14,950 14,029 14,029 7,201 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 775,583 993,426 864,466 833,591 795,560 412,499 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 0 0 2,212 0 0 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 722 9,395 750 9,000 16,912 0 533415 Janitorial Services 10,800 13,375 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 534000 ,Travel and Per Diem 2,379 2,257 5,391 5,000 5,000 0 534101 Telephone 2,969 1,093 4,501 11,100 10,620 10,700 534.105 Cellulaz Telephone 2;263 2,166 1,940 1,873 1,480 1,030 534110 Internet Services 380 303 350 295 977 1,000 534115 On-line Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 534120 Postage 1,321 1,333 1,279 1,120 1,120 1,120 534310 Electric 7,467 7,548 5,395 36,340 36,600 35,600 534320 Water/Sewer 544 447 447 2,780 2,780 2,850 534500 Insurance 6,864 0 105 210 105 8;000 534620_. _R 4c-.M-Vehicles _..-----.- - - .- - - -- -- - -- 2,86.4-_ ___ ._5,805-. - -- --2,609- ___ ___1,250- -_._.. --1;000 __.-__1-,000- 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 281 4,819 0 400 0 25,760 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 20 0 13,742 400 0 200 534650 R & M-Radio 440 591 301 850 275 200 5 4 00 Promotional-Activities 1,441 2,436 1,856 1,000 500 300 534820 Designated Expenditures (Greer Donatio 1,187 12,090 618 20,400 20,000 10,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 10,459 9,710 9,102 8,500 3,500 3,500 535210 Computer Supplies 4,683 2,653 3,973 2,450 800 1,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,913 2,055 707 1,900 500 500 535260 Gas and Oil 13,257 10,576 10,170 9,300 8,285 7,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 1,139 1,684 2,177 1,900 600 600 535275 Safety Equipment 293 0 84 0 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 684 1,252 1,128 1,025 1,300 1,300 535420 Books and Publications S3 1,869 0 250 0 100 535450 Training and Education 4,351 4,615 8,605 3,000 3,000 0 535710 NoAd Valorem Taxes 142 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 78,917 98,073 96,942 139,843 134,954 131,360 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 2,551 1,407 16,783 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,551 1,407 16,783 0 0 0 TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 857,052 1,092,905 978,191 973,434 930,514 543,859 I Cy CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE QPERATIONS (SPECIAL OPERATIONS & ROAD PATROL) Code: 010043 (010040) Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07!08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Projected FI' 09!10 City Mgr. Proposed Bud et PERSONAL SERVICES ' 511200 Regular Salaries 1,073,192 1,316,426 1,388,775 1,513,400 1,513,400 1,622,961 511300 Temporary Salaries 24,735 35,949 2,232 8,000 5,550 0 511400 Overtime 116,727 143,848 146,885 130,800 165,000 130,800 512100 FICA Taxes ~ 77,977 95,724 116,702 128,236 130,445 135,485 512215 Clothing Allowance 11,138 12,510 15,436 16,085 15,660 17,280 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 154,187 191,580 201,057 268,501 303,790 317,431 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 107,072 151,552 183,427 204,071 180,150 220,450 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 27,908 43,234 25,418 21,318 31,400 31,854 512309 Employee Assistance Program 568 639 657 668 638 737 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 48,272. 56,114 53,051 46,699 46,676 41,481 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,641,776 2,047,576 2,133,640 2,337,778 2,392,709 2,518,479 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533500 Investigations 0 0 0 0 75 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 10,545 10,470 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 1,487 1,049 4,000 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,218 1,527 2,071 1,872 2,400 2,100 5341.10. Internet Access 8,103 8,088 7,695 5,925 4,300 4,000 534120 Postage 0 0 163 0 800 600 534310 Electric 17,174 21,857 17,384 0 0 0 534320 Water/Sewer 1,252 . 1,325 1,439 0 0 0 534610 R& M-Buildings 0 3,227 0 0 0 0 534620 R & M-Vehicles 23,777 29,122 25,129 5,000 21,638 6,189 534630 R &M -Office Equipment _ _____ __ _ __. _____0__ ____ _ 6498_ _..__.,.,,_.1,98.8_ ______4_,500 _ ____ .2,054 ____ __2,OQ0 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 20,319 19,699 22,553 12,400 12,400 12,000 534650 R & M-Radio 3,303 3,964 1,212 1,000 1,262 950 534810 K-9 Expenditures 2,328 1,287 4,040 0 2,736 0 534800 Promotional Activities 0 0 99 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 10,964 15,015 13,732 10,000 15,054 12,000 535210 Computer Supplies 2,222 3,175 1,948 4,400 1,008 1,500 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 3,791 5,397 2,205 2,500 2,500 2,400 535260 Gas and Oil 69,756 85,767 116,929 115,315 85,000 90,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 19,404 13,449 20,123 18,000 18,000 17,000 535275 Safety Equipment 244 594 363 550 1,270 750 535410 -Dues and Memberships 180 380 674 0 0 0 535420 Books and Publications 467 1,121 415 1,150 1,150 1,150 535450 Training and Education 7,028 7,281 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 203,562 240,292 244,162 182,612 171,643 152,639 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 201,740 260,340 36,232 22,688 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 201,740 260,340 36,232 22,688 0 0 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS DIVISION 2,047,078 2,548,208 2,414,034 2,543,078 2,564,352 2,671,118 (~ ITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION (SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER) Code: 010047 (010042) Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08109 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regulaz Salaries 334,956 392,647 404,619 359,500 326,000 496,129 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 52,000 511400 Overtime 27,654. 47,288 42,732 40,682 40,000 40,000 512100 FICA Taxes 27,556 33,492 34,277 31,135 28,490 45,608 512215 Clothing Allowance 7,322 7,975 7,623 6,815 6,415 8,060 512225 Deferred Compensation 3,161 3,277 3,529 3,645 3,645 3,563 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 42,185 52,471 53,382 65,102 60,077 89,874 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 33,808 38,552 40,728 39,594 34,750 57,461 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 14,287 12,233 10,866 11,218 15,740 18,059 512309 Employee Assistance Program 177 186 180 161 144 184 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 16,415 17,313 15,514 13,217 13,217 22,280 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 507,522 605,435 613,450 571,069 528,478 833,218 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 42,490 50,784 63,505 63,505 64,000 53,428 533400 Other Contractural Services 0 0 11,641 0 0 0 533500 Investigations 253 504 953 250 1,000 900 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,700 2,919 0 0 0 2,000 534101 Telephone 1,253 518 1,980 0 0 0 5341.05. Cellulaz.Telephone 2,668 2,429 . 2,585 2,499 2,500 3,900 534110 Internet Access 501 189 104 80 0 0 534115 On-line Services 372 600 690 660 600 900 534130 Express Mail Charges 254 279 450 300 270 250 534310 Electric 5,226 6,283 4,796 0 0 0 534320 Water/Sewer 381 379 397 0 0 0 534400 RentlLeases 0 391 391 391 391 0 53442Q __-Equipment_Leases ... .. .. ......- _ ___ _ _ -__ . _ -- _ _ _ 0 _ -- _ -- _ __Q- _.. _ -__ _ _408._ ____._.___4.08 __._.__.._.408 ..... -_ _-- __._D-- 534610 R& M-Buildings 0 7,297 0 0 0 534620 R & M-Vehicles 3,411 2,018 2,176 2,000 1,600 4,000 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 550 2,903 0 200 200 200 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 1,080 0 0 150 150 200 534650 R & M-Radio 413 656 150 200 700 800 534800 Promotional Activities 1,812 0 99 0 0 300 534967 G.RE.A.T. Expenditures 10,902 1,398 390 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,777 6,467 5,219 4,500 5,000 4,500 535210 Computer Supplies 1,070 1,065 1,190 1,200 1,000 1,200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,002 0 2,323 1,000 1,560 1,400 535260 Gas and Oil 13,707 12,354 13,786 10,500 7,280 8,500 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,170 2,686 2,147 2,500 2,000 5,700 535275 Safety Equipment 11 75 57 100 100 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 240 75 150 250 150 200 535420 Books and Publications 148 182 0 200 200 250 535450 Training and Education 3,538. 3,050 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 101,933 105,502 115,587 90,893 89,109 88,828 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 43,744 25,980 1,700 5,000 5,000 0 TOTAL CAPTTAL OUTLAY 43,744 25,980 1,700 5,000 5,000 0 TOTAL POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION 653,199 736,917 730,737 666,962 622,587 922,046 ~O CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE POLICE DISPATCH UNIT Code: 010049 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Bud et FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budeet PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 192,406 240,996 296,068 341,500 316,000 309,767 511300 Temporary Salaries 17,266 1,339 6,674 0 0 25,000 51.1400 Overtime 41,477 49,847 40,441 22,000 37,000 22,000 512100 FICA Taxes 19,221 22,611 25,786 27,808 27,005 27,293 512225 Deferred Compensation 18,912 24,912 28,574 30,420 31,770 29,859 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 24,697 32,876 50,363 57,202 57,220 57,698 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,676 1,618 7,503 10,059 11,050 10,158 S 12309 Employee Assistance Program 167 180 207 207 207 207 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 919 927 1,135 1,045 1,045 1,068 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 318,741 375,306 456,751 490,241 481,297 483,050 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,035 772 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 2,134 2,771 .5,361 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 472 423 434 375 350 310 534108 800 MHZ Lines 13,115 5,032 0 0 0 0 534110 Internet Access 80 106 116 115 115 109 534310 Electric 6,720 6,333 5,395 0 0 0 534320 Sewer/Water 490 373 447 0 0 0 534630 R& M-Office Equipment 168 2,248 0 0 0 0 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 0 252 0 0 44 SO 534650 R & M-Radios 471 1,066 356 400 658 400 534800 Promotional Activities 0 0 42 0 0 0 epartment upp ies- - - -- 9~7 1,291 1,240 __ 1,200 1,200 1,050 535210 Computer Supplies 1,183 1,503 1,261 700 1,012 950 535230 Sma11 Tools and Equipment 128 294 0 700 200 300 535275 Safety Equipment 11 0 16 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 83 86 88 200 .184 200 535450 Training and Education 1,983 1,550 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 29,072 24,100 14,756 3,690 3,763 3,369 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 2,140 20,520 1,140 10,000 6,310 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,140 20,520 1,140 10,000 6,310 0 TOTAL POLICE DISPATCH UNIT 349,953 419,926 472,647 503,931 491,370 486,419 ~.i CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Code: 010045 Account Number. Description. FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Bud et FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 93,212 122,156 74,829 79,000 78,500 76,817 511400 Overtime 1,318 420 592 300 300 300 512100 FICA Taxes 6,902 9,054 5,607 6,066 6,028 5,899 512225 Deferred Compensation 8,386 8,743 6,002 7,137 7,092 6,941 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 14,988 17,113 20,818 24,165 24,165 24,172 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 2,367 2,543 457 514 498 498 512309 Employee Assistance Program 71 86 69 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 7,251 7,224 6,671 2,853 2,858 2,908 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 134,495 167,339 115,045 120,104 119,510 117,604 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 0 550 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,831 868 1,130 1,300 0 0 534101 Telephone 637 463 645 400 360 360 534105 Cellular Telephone 43 910 1,200 1,150 1,055 900 534110 .Internet Services 80 106 84 100 77 77 534120 Postage 1,771 3,207 6,998 6,000 7,600 7,600 534310 Electric 1,493 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Water/Sewer 100 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R & M-Vehicles 566 1,431 1,190 1,200 1,400 1,200 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 442 2,526 1,233 560 600 550 534650 R& M-Radio 110 0 0 0 200 200 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 110 600 1,800 1,800 2,000 2,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,639 1,801 1,440 ~ 1,100 1,400- 1,100 535210 Computer Supplies 708 784 384 300 250 250 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 192 67 27 200 350 200 535260 Gas and Oil 5,221 5,778 5,256 5,500 5,000 4,700 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 603 559 658 600 .500. 500 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 50 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 45 120 45 150 60 60 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 100 50 50 535450 Training and Education 1,455 1,014. 650 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 19,047 .20,783. 22,740 .21,510 22,002 20,847 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 5,058 0 17,427 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,058 0 17,427 0 0 0 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 158,601 188,122 155,213 141,614 141,512 138,451 ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET 2.Z CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Code: 010051 Account Number Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Bud et PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 280,924 377,966 271,993 294,700 292,000 0 511300 Temporary Salaries 38,076 31,523 22,679 20,000 20,000 0 511400 Overtime 2,646 1,603 470 1,000 1,000 0 512100 FICA Taxes 22,835 29,960 22,395 24,188 23,981 0 512215 Clothing Allowance 400 600 480 480 480 0 512225 Deferred Compensation 25,421 30,561 24,512 26,656 26,413 0 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 31,714 41,099 41,883 43,901 32,900 0 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 13,504 15,347 6,536 3,895 3,861 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 144 161 115 115 115 0 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 20,643 22,956 19,085 14,608 14,608 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 436,306 551,776 410,148 429,543 415,358 0 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 0 10,334 0 250 250 0 533415 Janitorial Services 2,400 367 0 0 0 0 533480 Temporary Employment Service 1,643 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 86 0 500 0 0 534101 Telephone 1,804 1,690 2,080 1,675 1,540 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 3,438 3,505 2,481 2,450 2,900 0 534110 Internet Services 140 730 480 475 580 0 534120 Postage 62 54 187 300 200 0 534130 Express Mail 42 149 0 100 100 0 534310 Electric 1,233 1,212 328 525 115 0 534.3..20. __ Water/Sewer _ - -___ . _ ._. _- -- ----. -_ __ _ . _ _ _ 0 _ - _ _ __ _ _ _ _. 0 _ ____ - __- 0-- -- ---_.- _ -0_ _ _ - --- .- -_0 _ _..-. _ ...___ _ 0... . 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling 199 74 0 0 0 0 534.620 R &. M-Vehicles- 2,276 983 2,525 3,500 3,000 0 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 811 5,551 5,353 1,000. 2,000 0 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 1,233 556 657 750 750 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,580 4,590 4,478 4,000 4,000 0 535210 Computer Supplies 2,179 2,053 134 500 250 0 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,261 527 2,200 2,400 1,500 0 535260 Gas and Oil 8,325 7,995 8,244 $,500 6,750 0 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 70 782 1,399 500 500 0 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 15 0 100 0 535380 Signalization Supplies 1,731 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 161 230 345 500 500 0 535420 Books and Publications 0 83 277 500 500 0 535450 Training and Education 46 497 369 500 500 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 34,635 42,047 31,551 28,925 26,035 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 7,294 0 12,285 6,500 5,252 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,294 0 12,285 6,500 5,252 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING 478,235 593,823 453,985 464,968 446,645 0 23 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ _ ROADS AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010053, Amended (;ity Mgr. Account FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 0$/09 Proposed Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Proiected Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 429,013 348,506 380,598 427,950 426,600 561,985 511400 Overtime 16,287 11,787 7,959 12,000 12,000 6,000 512100 FICA Taxes 32,147 25,756 27,275 .33,739 33,636 43,561 512215 Clothing Allowance 817 840 960 1,080 1,080 1,440 512225 Deferred Compensation 38,403 30,296 34,970 39,596 39,474 51,119 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 52,802 53,763 68,366 70,196 70,191 91,429 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 24,176 23,451 31,657 29,970 22,775 25,588 512309 Employee Assistance Program 267 228 234 230 230 300 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 24,056 22,323 24,217 25,026 24,991 31,712 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 617,967 516,949 576,236 639,787 630,977 813,134 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 6,205 31,899 6,780 6,000 4,000 1,500 533410 Environmental Services 15,726 0 0 0 0 0 533415 .Janitorial Services 2,400 5,095 4,500 5,000 4,015 600 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,475 2,523 1,352 1,500 1,500 1,500 534101 Telephone 1,864 6,228 8,105 6,840 6,840 7,050 534105 Cellular Telephone 3,772 3,921 3,557 4,010 2,900 3,790 534110 Internet Services 60 106 79 80 80 370 534120 Postage 155 58 37 100 50 50 534310 Electric 1,899 5,970 7,261 7,200. 10,400 2,150 534320 Water/Sewer 308 1,192 836 850 1,200 350 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling,Etc. 18,753 6,410 3,676 6,000 6,000 6,000 534400 Rents and Leases 990 4,610 4,610 2,000 2,000 2,000 534420 Equipment Leases 307 0 1,387 600 600 600 534620 R & M-Vehicles 5,796 3,713 15,498 12,500 14,000 16,000 534630 R & M-Office Equipment 654 1,749 581 800 800 1,000 S34b_4.0__._R_&M-1Jperating_Equipment_____.____ _._ _ 31,894. __ _._._28,445_ __ _ _25,7L3_ __._26,000_ ._____.5,000_ ._____1b,Q00_ _ 534830 Special Events 2,511 2,632 1,861 1,000 1,500 1,500 534920 Legal Ads 175 0 200 200 200 535200 Departmental Supplies 16,089 8,645 12,763 10,000 9,000 11,000 535210 Computer Supplies 569 1,296 571 600 600 600- 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 5,288 4,383 4,816 4,150 3,500 3,500 535260 Gas and Oil 28,087 20,740 38,246 38,200 27,600 33,250 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,580 1,622 2,232 1,620 2,250 2,925 535275 Safety Equipment 1,448 374 1,016 1,000 1,000 1,000 535310 Road Materials & Supplies 16,469 6,545 11,493 9,000 12,000 12,000 535315 Shoreline Restoration 829 0 0 0 0 0 535320 Sod 459 0 0 0 0 0 535350 Cement 3,828 2,340 4,400 4,000 8,000 8,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 348 342 351 400 450 450 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 100 100 100 535450 Training and Education 1,045 920 1,281 500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDTTURES 172,985 151,759 163,002 150,250 150,613 138,513 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606310 IOTB -Fencing 0 11,625 0 0 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 123,452 7,298 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 123,452 18,923 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ROADS & MAINTENANCE 914,404 687,631 739,238 790,037 781,590 951,647 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE' STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION - - - Code: 010053 Amended City Mgr. Account FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08109 Proposed Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 350,620 236,814 362,442 364,500 363,000 406,427 511400 Overtime 6,64$ 2,444 4,925 6,000 6,000 6,000 512100 FICA Taxes 26,674 25,677 27,250 28,463 28,348 31,661 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,092 1,350 1,420 1,560 1,440 1,440 512225 Deferred Compensation 31,196 29,053 32,281 33,485 33,350 37,248 512301 Crroup Health Insurance Premium 53,239 63,633 68,758 76,608 76,599 83,734 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 10,459 9,343 13,484 15,320 15,320 15,762 512309 Employee Assistance Program 259 265 269 253 253 276 5.12400 Worker's Comp Insurance 26,735 23,822 29,916 21,634 26,821 29,738 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 506,922 392,400 540,745 547,823 551,131 612,286 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 3,476 14,398 15,031 0 216 250 533400 Other Contractural Services 8,366 13,294 3,952 8,050 8,050 1,500 533420 Pest/Weed Control/Mowing 29,660 34,220 35,770 40,750 40,750 50,000 533425 Contract Mowing Services 848,480 419,888 362,439 410,000 410,000 225,000 533427 Contract Qtr Round Maintenance 0 0 7,707 12,500 12,500 12,500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 720 300 600 600 534101 Telephone 191 62 365 100 90 95 534105 CellulazTelephone 3,939 3,876 4,135 4,230 3,226 3,306 534110 Internet Services 20 26 21 20 20 20 534120 Postage 4 9 7 50 50 50 534130 Express Mail 16 0 25 100 50 50 534310 Electric 2,382 1,757 1,886 1,800 1,500 1,450 534320 Water/Sewer 308 828 439 275 625 350 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling,Etc. 4,158 9,575 6,422 9;000 9,000 9,000 534400 Rents and Leases 990 0 0 0 0 0 534420 Equipment Leases_ _ _ 80 203 140 2 000 2,000 2 000 534620 R & NI Vehicles 1,938 2,535 17,944 10,000 10,000 10,500 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 654 950 581 600 600 1,825 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 49,577 45,249 52,838 55,000 55,000 55,000 534920 Legal Ads 200 205 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 7,586 4,290 4,691 4,000 8,000 5,000 535210 Computer Supplies 240 0 0 300 300 300 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,977 2,309 3,537 2,000 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 37,765 37,174 52,052 55,000 40,770 42,750 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 3,654 2,540 2,803 2,080 2,375 2,625 535275 Safety Equipment 1,045 366 821 1,000 800 600 5353 ] 0 Road Materials & Supplies 7,033 18,087 18,408 24,950 30,000 30,000 535320 Sod 81,761 79,328 20,185 26,550 25,000 25,000 535350 Cement 51,840 46,037 22,087 38,800 25,000 25,000 535355 Culvert Pipe 38,479 36,320 43,631 40,000 40,000 40,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 101 104 122 150 150 150 535420 Books and Publications 145 0 137 150 0 0 535450 Training and Education 317 620 240 250 215 220 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1,187,382 774,253 679,136 750,005 728,887 547,141 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 77,603 146,742 55,810 1,200 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OU'T'LAY 77,603 146,742 55,810 1,200 0 0 TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 1,771,907 1,313,395 1,275,691 1,299,028 1,280,018 1,159,427 ~~ OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE CENTRAL GARAGE- DIVISION Code: 010054 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Bud et FI' 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 123,583 178,198 93,096 126,400 126,400 122,604 511400 Overtime 3,042 3,068 1,378 1,500 1,500 1,500 512100 FICA Taxes 9,224 13,320 7,134 9,803 9,812 9,522 512215 Clothing Allowance 300 360 240 240 360 360 512225 Deferred Compensation 10,478 13,267 7,425 10,381 10,391 10,085 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 15,130 17,658 13,685 21,046 21,046 21,057 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 5,338 6,324 1,818 3,642 3,642 3,634 512309 Employee Assistance Program 90 92 69 92 92 92 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 4,577 4,614 3,019 3,917 3,917 3,984 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 171,762 236,901 127,864 177,021 177,160 172,838 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 5,520 14,770 2,640 2,500 2,000 1,500 533410 Environmental Services 141 140 0 220 220 220 533415 Janitorial Services 3,600 3,572 3,600 3,740 3,600 3,600. 534000 Travel and Per Diem 475 99 0 250 100 150 534101 Telephone 690 554 707 455 450 460 534105 Cellular Telephone 912 81.1 1,091 1;110 1;200 1,240 534110 Internet Access 40 2,072 42 40 40 40 534310 Electric 3,147 3,016 3,133 3,500 3,530 3,500 534320 Water/Sewer 308 264 280 275 345 350 534610 R & M -Buildings 30 143 543 100 300 200 534620 R & M-Vehicles 1,131 205 838 750 750 750 433U_ __~ & 1VI = 01~~e-Egriipm~t~t - - - - - - - - - -158_ _ __ -T;070_ _ _ _ __Tri__ .. _ -_ -250. _ __ __-._300-- _ _ _.__250 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 2,113 2,559 2,848 2,500 4,000 3,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,207 3,858 6,450 4,000 4,000 3,000 535210 Computer Supplies 0 40 0 200 150 200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,955 1,858 3,394 4,200 4,200 3,000 535250 Building Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 2,448 2,786 3,894 4,050 4,060 4,100 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 1,447 999 935 1,100 1,588 1,200 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 200 535410 Membership & Professional Dues 35 0 0 0 0 0 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 100 100 100 535450 Training and Education 35 75 0 250 200 200 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 28,391 38,890 30,506 29,590 31,133 27,760 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 5,407 8,093 0 3,500 3,000 12,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,407 8,093 0 3,500 3,000 12,000 TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION 205,560 283,884 158,370 210,111 211,293 212,598 ~?~ 1CITY OF SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE CENTRAL GARAGE Description 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 TOTAL Refurbished Fork Lift $ 12,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,000 Caz Lift - 10,000 - - - $ 10,000 Truck Lift - - 20,000 - - $ 20,000 $ 12,000. $ $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 42,000 "~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE7 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010056 Account Number Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 50,830 61,815 63,794 76,000 76,000 73,933 511400 Overtime 8,394 5,947 8,624 9,000 9,000 9,000 512100 FICA Taxes 4,314 4,884 5,254 6,512 6,512 6,354 512215 Clothing Allowance 200 150 90 120 120 120 512225 Deferred Compensation 5,330. 5,741 6,115 7,661 7,661 7,475 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 7,931 10,254 11,162 13,982 13,982 13,993 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 2,336 4,202 3,586 3,717 3,707 3,707 512309 Employee Assistance Program 38 44 42 46 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,224 3,318 3,404 3,219 3,219 3,303 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 82,598 96,355 102,071 120,257 120,247 117,931 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 4,782 4,340 24,220 24,426 24,400 25,000 533415 Janitorial Services 12,000 14,963 24,900 24,900 24,900 24,900 533420 Pest/Weed Control 2,625 2,750 3,218 -4,200 3,800 3,800 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 0 250 0 0 534101 Telephone 180 38 323 100 90 95- 534105 Cellular Telephone 724 859 748 750 630 840 534110 Internet Services 31 52 21 20 20 20 534420 Equipment Leases 0 0 0 400 200 200 534610 R & M -Buildings 66,515 61,865 84,197 75,191 75,000 70,000 534620 R & M-Vehicles 1,310 1,641 1,783 3,000 3,000 3 000 534630 R& M -Office Equipment 0 322 0 0 0 , 0 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 1,085 315 716 400 400 400 534920 Le al Ads g 117 160 0 - 0 _ - -- ----- 0 - _ -- - - --- --_ . 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,659 2,126 2,416 2,400 2,400 2,400 535210 Computer Supplies _. 0 0 0 150 150 150 535220 Cleaning Supplies 12,425 12,103 10,695 12,000 12,000 12,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,695 1,502 2,104 2,000 1,800 1,800 535250 Building Supplies 1,115 1,996 1,917 2,000 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 491 2,216 4,018 3,800 3,160 3,160 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 711 663 812 720 720 720 535275 Safety Equipment 155 167 163 300 300 300 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 109,619 108,080 162,251 157,007 154,970 150,785 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 1,650 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1,650 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FACII.ITIES MAINTENANCE 192,216 206,085 264,322 277,264 275,217 268,716 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE .PARKS-AND RECREATION DIVISION Code: 010057 Account Number Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget TY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 410,303 432,420 483,286 527,000 548,900 469,832 511300 Temporary Salaries 65,014 62,801 68,307 68,000 68,000 68,000 511400 Overtime 7,491 16,468 11,031 9,000 9,000 9,000 512100 FICA Taxes 35,508 37,193 40,657 46,325 48,001 41,943 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,242 1,490 1,440 1,560 1,560 1,440 512225 Deferred Compensation 36,206 39,874 44,600 48,380 50,351 .43,225 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 65,287 79,395 100,774 105,033 105,159 98,057 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 18,656 23,222 31,433 32,41 t 32,392 32,393 512309 Employee Assistance Program 330 340 344 346 346 323 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 30,614 29,622 29,436 23,595 24,455 22,229 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 670,650 722,825 811,308 861,650 888,164 786,442 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 43,178 5,766 4,938 2,000 2,000 0 533415 Janitorial Services 16,849 23,538 16,920 27,000 17,000 17,520 533430 Port-O-Let Services 1,243 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,154 1,277 593 460 460 0 534101 Telephone 6,127 3,718 3,206 2,650 2,755 2,840 534105 Cellulaz Telephone 1,529 5,860 5,528 5,350 4,770 3,900 534110 Internet Services 40 46 26 25 20 20 534120. Postage 201 256 145 100 100 100 534310 Electric 57,883 71,234 76,157 88,500 90,515 110,000 534320 Water/Sewer 9,640 12,489 6,938 7,825 7,530 7,600 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 2,263 260 378 500 700 700 534420 Equipment Leases 727 168 262 400 400 400 534620 R & M-Vehicles 2,594 4,681 4,070 3,500 3,500 3,500 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 500 1,277 581 700 600 500 534640____R&M._OperatingEquipment________ __ __11,8~Q_ _____.14,4.85_ _______23,2QQ_ _____15,000 _____20,OOD _.__.__1.4,O.OD 534680 R & M -Irrigation Systems 2,914 4,495 7,005 4,500 4,500 3,000 534681 R& M-Fencing 228 0 0 0 0 0 534685 R & M -Grounds Maintenance 19,863 23,139 21,202 20,000 20,000 14,779_ 534686 R & M -Parks Facilities 24,925 16,397 28,590 15,000 15,000 11,800 534700 Printing and Binding 261 82 0 0 0 0 534830 Special Event Expense 2,911 3,551 3,474 2,000 2,500 2,000 534920 Legal Ads 240 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,993 4,517 2,994 3,000 3,000 1,800 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 401 0 0 0 535220 Cleaning Supplies 0 747 331 300 300 300 535221 Fertilizer/Chemical Supplies 7,954 12,674 12,706 11,000 11,000 10,738 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 8,743 11,816 9,444 5,000 5,000 2,000 535260 .Gas and Oil 21,936 24,735 33,219 31,400 23,380 23,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 4,186 2,925 3,393 2,860 3,372 2,860 535275 Safety Equipment 787 665 1,351 600 864 600 535410 Dues and Memberships 726 763 435 500 464 464 535420 Books and Publications 0 225 90 100 90 0 535450 Training and Education 774 478 495 475 475 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 256,196 252,262 268,072 250,745 240,295 234,421 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 47,048 47,906 21,036 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,048 47,906 21,036 0 0 0 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 973,894 1,022,993 1,100,415 1,112,395 1,128,459 1,020,863 ~~ CITE OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET CEMETERY DIVISION _ Code: 010059 FY 09/10 Account FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 Amended FY 08/09 FY 08/09 City Mgr. Proposed Number Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Proiected Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 86,107 78,923 84,720 91,100 95,800 93 956 511400 Overtime 837 929 957 1,000 1,000 , 1 000 512100 FICA Taxes 6,353 5,643 6,021 7,064 7,424 , 282 7 512215 Clothing Allowance 242 240 240 240 240 , 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 7,825 7,187 7,711 8,311 8,734 8 Sb8 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 9,676 11,778 13,553 14,071 14,097 , 14 114 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,738 6,079 6,985 7,208 7,195 , 7 195 512309 Employee Assistance Program 44 46 46 46 46 , 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,029 4,781 5,385 4,955 5,229 5 343 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 119,850 115,606 125,618 133,995 139,765 , 137,744 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533415 Janitorial Services 1,810 2,712 3,000 3,000 3,000 3 000 533480 Temporary Employment Services 3,149 0 0 0 0 , 0 534101 Telephone 1,165 1,165 1,377 1,325 1,360 1 360 534105 Cellular Telephones 0 408 391 375 310 , 260 534110 Internet Access 528 580 575 575 574 574 534310 Electric 1,885 2,042 1,827 -2,050 2,000 2 150 534610 R & M -Buildings 584 25 812 800 800 , 200 534620 R & M-Vehicles 140 13 480 500 500 300 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 125 361 0 100 100 0 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 2,874 2,689 2,484 2,500 2,500 2 500 534685 R & M -Grounds Maintenance 10,577 3,256 3,757 3,301 3,301 , 3 300 535200 Departmental Supplies ___ _ ---..-- 2 860 - ---~------ 2 814 -_--~----- 3 629. _ _ __ i- 2 701 ----~ 2,701 , 3 4QQ 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 0 _ - 309 _,_,_.__ 309 _______._ , ._ 200 535220 Cleaning Supplies 130 215 197 250 250 250 5.35230 Small Tools and Equipment 633 3.23. 947. 477 446 200 535260 Gas and Oil 2,146 1,591 2,336 1,880 1,340 .. 1 400 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 710 421 582 442 442 , 695 535275 Safety Equipment 117 372 217 442 441 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 291 395 395 395 395 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 29,723 19,382 23,006 21,392 20,769 19,589 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 7,626 0 49,509 10,800 7 007 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,626 0 49,509 10,800 , 7,007 0 TOTAL CEMETERY DIVISION 157,199 134,988 198,134 166,187 167,541 157,333 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET GROWTH. MANAGEMENT. DEPARTMENT Code: 010080 -__ __ _ .__ Account Number Description Y 05/06 ActUai 'Y 06/07 ActruSi Y 07/08 Actu~i Amended FY 08/09 Budget Y 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 176,555 236,601 255,930 273,400 274,000 277,138 511400 Overtime 2,812 2,119 1,617 1,500 1,500 1,500 512100 FICA Taxes 12,977 17,296 18,683 21,029 21,076 21,316 512225 Deferred Compensation 15,137 20,912 .23,179 24,741 24,795 25,077 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 18,450 27,006 32,937 33,743 33,566 35,532 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 7,969 9,522 10,923 11,045 11,025 11,021 512309 Employee Assistance Program 86 108 111 109 110 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 678 677 867 879 880 933 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 234,664 314,240 344,247 366,446 366,952 372,632 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 0 1,022 15,000 0 0 50,000 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 2,438 2,000 0 0 0 533480 Temporary Employment Services 0 791 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,999 2,375 1,073 1,200 1,000 900 534101 Telephone 880 1,004 807 500 500 460 534105 .Cellular Telephone 407 775 748 750. 750 690 534110 Internet Services 80 130 153 160 160 160 534120 Postage 3,964 3,458 1,946 500 900 500 534130 Express Mail 96 29 145 100 200 100 534620 R & M-Vehicles 204 677 390 250 100 200 534630 R & M-Office Equipment 3,150 4,831 3,382 3,000 3,000 2,700 534700 Printing and Binding 508 760 812 400 400 360 534920 Legal Ads 3,174 4,297 3,033 3,200 3,200 3,200 535200-_Deparfinen~al Supplies------____----- ------2;302__ ------__-2633-- -------2;536_. ..-----1,5.0.0._ -__.___1..;500_ 1;35U 535210 Computer Supplies 2,939 3,719 1,083 2,000 2,000 1,800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 32 199 13 100 100 0 535260 Gas and Oil 70 287 1,230 60U 600 500 535410 -Dues and Memberships 723 489 603 650 650 600 535420 Books and Publications 926 1,279 280 500 450 400 535450 Training and Education 920 950 610 1,000 900 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 22,376 32,143 35,844 16,410 16,410 64,720 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 32,810 2,425 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 32,810 2,425 0 0 0 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 257,040 379,193 382,516 382,856 383,362 437,352 ~i CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND.... NON-DEPARTMENTAL Code: 010099 Account Number Descriution FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budset FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Bud¢et PERSONAL SERVICES 512500 Unemployment 19,172 6,087 1,268 5,000 15,000 5,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19,172 6,087 1,268 5,000 15,000 5,000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 4,680 6,350 0 0 0 0 533120 Consultants 17,213 3,261 53,185 6,180 6,178 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 845 0 0 0 0 0 533415 Janitorial 0 0 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 533425 Contract Mowing Services 7,885 12,952 25,375 15,000 25,000 25,000 534101 Telephone 3,984 4,435 5,633 4,200 6,162 6,350 534110 Internet Services 0 0 4,048 4,800 4,755 5,000 534120 Postage 6,591 6,892 7,663 7,000 7,000 7,180 534310 Electric 77,454 75,462 44,131 48,600 45,800 45,500 534320 Water/Sewer 4,879 5,817 6,579 7,200 5,300 5,500 534500 Insurance 163,181 346,152 258,834 233,345 233,345 233,533 534501 Claims 0 0 45,369 10,000 7,500 7,500 534610 R&M Building 420 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R&M Vahicles 60 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R&M Office equipment 0 1,499 1,528 925 917 950 534700 Printing and Binding 6,756 10,005 10,256- 10,080 9,925 9,900 534805 4th of July 18,501 18,656 18,412 19,000 17,750 17,750 534815 Brick Paving 735 558 225 700 250 250 534825 Advertising Expenditures 3,084 1,793 2,882 0 1,615 1,615 534830 Special Events Expense 3,593 2,100 900 900 900 900 534835 Special Employee Events 2,988 2,809 2,757 2,000 2,632 2,000 534944 _ ---S~plies-PS Empl Exp.Fund_ _ _ _. _ _ 1 491 _ __ - - --.803 _ _ --- _ _ 430. _- __ - -___500 _ -- - ----1,500- -------1-,~_ 534945 Supplies-General Empl Exp Fund 3,066 2,694 3,147 1,000 2,750 1,000 534955 Refunds 0 0 792 0 0 0 534980 Payment-Rivertront CRA Fund 178,786 269,866. 250,499 275,436 273,888 206,332 534999 General Fund Inventory 1,935 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,717 2,688 _1,672 750 750 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 170 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 64 0 0 0 U 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 2,026 2,186 2,451 2,500 2,475 2,475 535420 Books and Publications 78 0 0 0 0 0 535454 PBA Tuition Reimb Plan 1,874 1,016 928 1,500 1,000 1,500 535455 CWA Tuition Reimb Plan 0 800 1,247 1,000 500 1,000 535710 Non-Ad Valorem Tax 14,600 14,958 14,915 14,915 14,496 14,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 529,653 793,453 770,508 674,131 678,988 604,335 GRANTS AND AIDS 708199 Grants and Aids 2,215 4,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANTS AND AIDS 2,215 4,000 0 0 0 0 909480 Trfr to Fund 480 Building 1,139,289 0 0 0 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON-OPERATING 1,139,289 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,690,329 803,540 771,776 679,131 693,988 609,335 32 ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE MU1vICIPAL GOLF COURSE The Sebastian Golf Course is located in the City of Sebastian off of Main Street at the West entrance to the Airport and provides recreational. enjoyment for the citizens of Sebastian and the surrounding communities. The facility includes an 18-hole golf course that is 6,717 yards in length and par 72, ,driving range, putting and chipping green, restaurant, lounge, .and fully stocked Pro Shop. The Golf Course is established as an enterprise fund of the city. The fund is divided into three areas: Administration, Greens Division, and Carts Division. GOLF COURSE SUMMARY OF REVENUE /EXPENSES Amended FY 09/10 FI' 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Proiected Budget Total Revenues $ 1,585,670 $ 1,642,910 $ 1,455,749 $ 1,785,677 $ 1,464,993 $ 1,627,241 Total GC Administration Division 1,002,613 944,306 941,717 1,035,834 996,040 918,258 Total GC Greens Division 555,071 584,413 584,413 586,100 593,473 550,550 Total GC Carts Division 90,617 129,391 129,391 163,743 161,629 158,433 Total Expenses $ 1,648,302 $ 1,658,110 $ 1,655,520 $ 1,785,677 $ 1,751,142 $ 1,627,241 .Net Revenue over (Expenses) $ (62,632) $ (15,200) $ (199,771) $ - $ (286,149) $ - ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE'T') GOLF COURSE REVENUE Code: 410010 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Amended Budget FY 08/09 Dept Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget CHARGES FOR SERVICES 347501 Green Fees 522,009 580,946 523,161 600,000 525,000 550,000 347502 Cart Rentals 751,330 764,459 689,668 800,000 700,000 725,000 347510 Driving Range Fees 46,516 53,185 43,944 50,000 46,000 50,000 347512 Club Storage Fees 224 1,115. 1,364 1,250 1,983 2,000 347513 Club Rentals Fees 1,916 2,267 2,146 2,000 2,000 2,000 347520 Initiation Fees 16,000 2,500 3,200 5,000 3,500 4,000 347521 Membership Fees 76,985 72,418 65,071 75,000 61,527 65,000 347522 Handicap Fees 6,264 .5,904 5,850 5,700 6,100 6,100 347523 Resident Card Fees 39,456 42,910 41,750 42,000 38,080 44,000 347530 Non-Taxable Sales 88 87 69 100 100 100 347540 Pro Shop Sales 71,398 84,228 .74,577 72,000 68,000 70,000 347541 Cost of Sales-Pro Shop (42,086) (58,260) (50,637) (40,000) (30,000) (35,000) 362100 .Rents and Royalties 31,253 30,382 29,308 31,000 31,500 32,000 366000 Contributions & Donations 2,898 0 0 0 0 0 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 7,260 5,212 3,149 1,000 . 1,400 1,500 369941 Sales Tax Commissions 360 360 360 360 360 360 369945 Pro Lesson Fees 6,385 5,900 5,266 4,200 4,200 4,800 369995 Cash Over/Short 69 (83) (13) 0 0 0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,538,323 1,593,527 1,438,233 1,649,610 1,459,750 1,521,860 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 361100 Interest Earnings 7,792 1,135 3,246 21,423 200 200 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 32,818 47,748 14,270 12,000 4,000 4,000 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets (260) 500 0 0 0 0 365000 Sale of Surpllus Mater/Scrap 0 0 0 0 22 0 369200 Insurance Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 0 0 1,021 0 389990 Appr. Reserve for Encumbrances 0 0 0 0 0 0 389995 Appr. from PY Retained Earnings 0 0 0 102,644 0 101,18 L TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUE 40,349 49,383 17,516 136,067 5,243 105,381 GRANTS 331901 FEMA -Federal Grant 5,998 0 0 0 0 0 334901 FEMA -State Grant 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANT REVENUE 6,998 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GOLF COURSE REVENUES 1,585,670 1,642,910 1,455,749 1,785,677 1,464,993 1,627,241 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET n,.a.,. ~ ~ n> > n ---- ----- FY 09/10 Amended City Mgr. .Account FY G5i06 FY 06!07 FY 07108 F3c' 08109 FY 08109 Proposed Number Description Actual Actual Actual Bud¢et Proiected Bud¢et PERSONAL SERVICES: 511200 Regulaz Salaries 199,210 210,326 208,266 215,900 196,207 191,033 511300 Temporary Salaries 13,289 6,811 2,878 5,000 0 0 511400 Overtime 805 920 831 1,500 1,500 1,500 511500 Lesson Bonus 4,815 4,628 3,046 5,000 5,000 5,000 512100 FICA Taxes 15,214 15,634 14,748 17,396 15,507 15,111 512225 Deferred Compensation 12,595 ]3,473 14,498 15,768 15,696 15,438 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 15,230 17,777 20,469 21,591 21,586 21,461 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 10,605 12,506 14,347 14,807 10,720 11,021 512309 Employee Assistance Program 230 219 125 138 121 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,604 5,395 6,249 4,803 4,785 4,309 512500 Unemployment Insurance 0 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 0 0 765 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 277,598 287,688 286,222 302,903 271,122 265,988 OPERATING EXPENSES: 533100 Professional Services 5,947 1,075 1,075 1,075 1,075 1,075 533200 Audit Fees 1,327 1,579 1,938 2,450 2,450 3,274 533201 Admin Services provided by GF 42,225 42,958 50,036 55,464 49,510 54,460 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 0 14 0 0 533410 Environmental Services 0 14 0 250 0 0 533415 Janitorial Services 3,600 0 5,100 5,100 5,110 5,110 533420 PesWVeed Control 168 4,030 634 650 650 650 533440 Electronic Security.Services 369 824 426 500 500- 500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 116 100 0 0 534101 Telephone .3,102 632 2,210 2,578 2,400 2,450 534105 Cellular Telephone 505 1,894 374 360 310 390 534110 Internet Access 140 400 405 350 485 500 534120 Postage 114 121 127 100 100 100 534310 Electric 38,336 141 35,315 43,550 30,000 28,000 5.3.4320--.-WateriSewe~____-.----------------- -------13,540- ----41,0-13- ----1-0,75-8- -----_~_0,600_ ----16,155 ----15,50--- 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 0 10,421 0 0 0 0 534445 Airport Property Lease 201,000 162,000 173,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 534500 Insurance 2,376 24,463 6,895 4,875 4,875 5,361 534610 R & M -Buildings 55,228 6,330 1,556 2,000 2,000 2,500 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 2,393 3,545 4,337 6,200 3,792 3,000 534845 Golf Course Promotions 5,155 327 252 750 500 250 534846 Golf Course Advertising 6,557 7,234 6,857 7,000 5,000 5,000 535200 Departmental5upplies 3,021 4,284 2,269 3,200 3,000 3,000 535205 Bank Charges 18,146 22,737 22,390 19,000 24,000 25,000 535210 Computer Supplies 267 2,467 1,054 1,000 1,000 750 535220 Cleaning Supplies 2,995 2,870 2,872 2,500 3,000 3,500 535250 Building Supplies 56 0 0 250 1,000 750 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 0 0 312 300 300 250 535410 Dues and Memberships 417 462 507 500 500 500 535710 Non-Ad Valorem Tax 2,051 2,121 2,231 2,231 2,253 2,300 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 409,035 343,943 333,046 347,947 334,965 339,170 CAPTTAL OUTLAY: 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 1,265 3,160 8,733 79,994 84,963 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,265 3,160 8,733 79,994 84,963 0 DEBT SERVICE: 707145 Principal -Golf Course 250,000 255,000 270,000 280,000 280,000 290,000 707245 Interest -Golf Course 64,215 54,015 43,215 24,490 24,490 22,600 707300 Other Debt Service Costs 500 500 500 500 500 500 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 314,715 309,515 313,715 304,990 . 304,990 . 313,100 TOTAL GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION 1,002,613 944,306 941,717 1,035,834 996,040 918,258 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANl~TUAL BUDGET .GOLF COURSE GREENS DIVISION Code: 410120 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Bud et FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Bud et OPERATING EXPENSES 533440 Electronic Security Services 387 443 612 550 550 550 533445 Groundskeeping Service 497,310 511,862 522,099 522,100 537,763 495,000 534310 Electric 18,123 18,822 18,884 18,550 20,955 22,200 53461.0 R & M -Buildings 282 571 1,083 2,500 2,365 2,500 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 10,659 14,728 10,575 13,000 13,000 13,000 534680 R & M -Irrigation Systems 22,878 18,729 19,210 13,000 13,000 13,000 534685 R & M -Grounds Maintenance 3,033 1,411 4,636 2,000 2,000 2,000 535200 Departmental Supplies. 2,299 .2,685 2,209 2,200 1,900 2,100 535220 Cleaning Supplies 100 60 0 100 100 100 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 0 111 203 250 250 0 535250 Building Supplies 0 40 0 100 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 555,071 569,463 579,511 574,350 591,983 550,550 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 20,612 11,750 1,490 0 '.TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 14,950 20,612 11,750 1,490 0 TOTAL GREENS DIVISION 555,071 584,413 600,123 586,100 593,473 550,550 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010. ANNUAL BUDGE GOLF COURSE CARTS DIVISION Code: 410130 Account Number.. Description FI' 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08!09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 20,049 27,629 46,094 50,000 40,000 42,000 511300 Temporary Salaries 10,191 16,251 26,084 25,000 35,000 35,000 511400 Overtime 1,875 1,740 1,206 300 1,500 300 512100 FICA Taxes 2,460 3,490 5,471 5,760 5,852 5,913 512309 Employee Assistance Program 75 94 161 161 138 138 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,057 1,027 2,579 2,177 2,177 2,012 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 35,707 50,231 81,595 83,398 84,667 85,363 OPERATING EXPENSES 534420. Equipment Leases 52,250 62,035 65,835 71,820 71,820- 71,820 534610 R & M -Buildings 312 0 0 500 300 500 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 1,841 1,775 222 250 250 250 535200 Departmental Supplies 274 360 58 500 200 300 535220 Cleaning Supplies 4 0 177 175 175 200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 228 40 0 ,100 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 54,911 64,210 66,292 73,345 72,745 73,070 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 14,950 4,613 7,000 4,217 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 14,950 4,613 7,000 4,217 0 TOTAL CARTS DIVISION 90,617 129,391 152,500 163,743 161,629 158,433 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET 1V~UN~CIPAL AIRPOR'T' City of Sebastian operates a 625 -acre municipal airport through the establishment of an enterprise fund. The airport property was deeded to the city in 1959 by the federal government. The main source of revenue to support the airport operations is lease- revenue. The airport receives federal and state government grants to fund airport capital projects, which are accounted in the city's capital improvement fund. Since the year 2000, the Airport has been involved in over $10 million in capital improvements, all of which to better develop the facilities and economic growth. Amended FY 09/10 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Adopted Descriution Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Total Revenues $ 405,832 $ 360,321 $ 390,077 $ 408,560 $ 381,020 $ 423,250 Total Airport Administration 644,885 620,223 724,246 408,560 410,565 423,250 Net Revenue over (Expenses) $ (239,053) $ (259,903) $ (334,169) $ - $ (29,545) $ - ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BURG AIRPORT ADMINLSTRATION Code: 450110 FY 09/10 Amended City Mgr. Aceoant FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 Proposed Number Descriuiion Actual Actual Actuai Bu et Projected BudEet PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 .Regular Salaries 135,747 163,076 175,698 172,000 171,300 166,459 511400 Overtime 9,443 868 377 500 500 500 512100 FICA Taxes 12,080 11,996 11,930 13,215 13,161 12,791 512215 Clothing Allowance 200 240 240 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 11,706 13,253 14,600 15,547 15,484 15,048 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 11,960 13,928 16,140 16,970 16,966 ] 6,984 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 5,775 6,788 7,744 7,992 14,847 14,847 512309 Employee Assistance Program 83 92 69 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 6,728 6,823 5,916 5,532 5,532 5,609 512600 OPEB Accrued Expense 0 0 1,690 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 168,896 217,064 234,405 232,065 238,099 232,547 UYL~'liA'1'l1V(i I?:XY~;NSRS 533100 Professional Services 6,865 2,169 1,119 0 0 0 533200 Audit Fees 6,337 7,040 6,580 4,692 4,692 2,517 533201 Admin Services provided by GF 72,225 42,958 50,036 55,464 52,595 47,755 533400 Other Contractual Services 362 10,812 566 .300 5,360 5,360 533415 Janitorial Services 85 4,895 4,500 4,500 4,015 0 533420 Pest/WeedControl/Mowing 1,110 1,245 2,598 2,500 800 800 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,982 1,367 1,439 1,000 500 500 534101 Telephone 299 9,563 12,607 13,000 12,900 3,500 534105 Cellular Phone 1,344 1,130 1,191 1,100 1,060 1,100 534110 Internet Access 40 66 105 100 l l2 595 534120 Postage 514 278 285 200 200 200 534310 Electric 10,616 10,787 14,771 15,095 16,400. 18,500 534312 Water/Sewer 137 776- 1,309 1,615 925 950 534500 Insurance 4,685 33,142 18,368 13,129 13,129 13,715 534610 R & M Buildings 0 1,368 1,564 ],300 2,000 2,000 534620 R & M-Vehicles 1,708 1,099 2,117 2,000 2,000 2,000 534630 R & M-0ffice Equipment 1,473 1,400 1,076 800 750 1,000 534640 R & M-Operating Equipment 3,212 6,084 14,614 4,500 9,000 5,000 534681 R&M-Fencing 660 1,183 1,164 1,000 200 1,000 534685 R & M-Grounds Maintenance 1,328 1,329 1,646 1,200 1,200 1,200 534825 "" A~vertisingEzpenditnres- _ _ .---_ -__ __._ --.._ __ 3;000_ ___.. _.. -2;792_ ....__.._.- -7;804 _ 2;000_ _. -_.._ __1;000- --__ ._.1;000- - 534920 Legal Ads 0 0 103 0 0 0 534995 Litigation Expenses 0 200,804 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,145 2,337 2,427 1,200 1,000 1,000 535205 Bank Charges 0 235 4,488 3,400 2,500 2,500 535210 Computer Supplies 321 65 80 300 200 200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment. 2,286 1,870 801 1,400 1,000 1,000 535260 Gas and Oil 6,233 6,407 11,506 11,880 7,000 6,500 535270 Uniforms & Shoes 822 413 532 520 600 650 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 100 0 0 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 780 1,325 775 800 800 800 535420 Books and Publications 0 84 0 100 150 100 535450 Training and Education 820 515 110 400 500 500 535710 Non-Ad Valorem Tax 11,168 10,339 10,756 11,000 9,878 10,175 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: 141,761 365,878 171,137 156,495 152,466 132,217 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 810100 Contributions to other Gov't 260,033 0 0 0 0 0 820100 Aids to Private Organizations 11,258 0 0 0 0 0 909130 Interfund Transfer to DST 0 0 0 0 0 8,550 909545 Inhafund Trfr to AP Capital 62,937 37,281 318,705 20,000 20,000 3,946 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 45,990 TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 334,228 37,281 318,705 20,000 20,000 58,486 TOTAL APfiPORT ADMINISTRATION 644,885 620,223 724,246 408,560 410,565 423,250 ~~ ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE .AIRPORT REVENUE Code: 450010 Account Number Description FY 05/06 Actual FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Projected FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 344100 Fuel Sales 0 0 158,833 230,000 85,000 102,000 347541 Cost of Sales 0 0 (136,6$0) (200,000) (67,180) (85,000} 362150 Nontaxable Rents 0 5,001 5,376 5,000 2,000 2,000 362100 Rents and Royalties 313,564 266,893 288,835 319,365 290,000 . .332;000 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 62,031 63,854 66,840 50,000 64,000 64,000 369941 Sales Tax Commission 175 159 181 100 200 250 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 375,769 335,907 383,385 404,465 374,020 415,250 NON-OPERATING REVENUE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL SOURCES 334451 Airport - FDOT JPA Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERGOV'T SOURCES 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER NON-OPERATING REVENUE: 361100 Interest Earnings 12,633 2,916 678 2,000 2,000 2,000 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 17,429 15,160 2,089 2,095 0 1,000 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 0 (3,663} 3,925 0 0 0 366000 Contributions & Donations 0 10,000. 0 0 5,000 5,000 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 0 0. 0 0 389995 Appr. from PY Retained Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON-OPERATING REVENUE 30,062 24,413 6,692 4,095 7,000 8,000 TOTAL AIRPORT REVENUES. 405,832 360,321. 390,077 408,560 381,020 423,250 ~a ITY OF SEBASTIAN FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT The Building .Department effectively and progressively promotes and. provides professional plans. review, permitting and inspection of building construction to ensure a safe built environment for the City of Sebastian. This is facilitated through the intake of permit requests for building and land improvements. The permit application and plans are tracked through plan review, fees are calculated and permits are issued when plans are fully approved. Field inspections are scheduled, performed and recorded daily. Upon completion of inspections, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The Building Department enforces all state and local codes that pertain to the construction industry. Contractor licensing, checks and administers the registration of licensed contractors and also sends new contractor license applications to the Construction Boazd for final approval. Amended FY 09/10 FY 04!05 FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FI' 08/09_ FY 08/09 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Proiected Budget Total Reven $ 1,335,835 $ 2,414,939 $ 479,123 $ 381,143 $ 536,207 $ 341,592 $ 491,238 Total Expen 603,419 931,522 868,735 594,039 536,207 508,711 491,238 Net Revenue $ 732,416 $ 1,483,417 $ (389,612) $ (212,896) $ - $ (167,119) $ - H~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUE Code: 480010 Account Number.. Description FY 05/06 Actaai FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget FY 08/09 Proiected FY 09110 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 321000 Business Taxes 0 0 3,247 120,000 100,000 110,000 321100 Business Taxes - Penalties/Transfers 0 0 604 2,800 3,500 3,500 321050 Contractor License 26,203 28,271 19,150 17,500 18,000 18,000 321150 Contractor License -Penalties 2,644 1,116 2,147 750 1,000 1,000 322050 Building Permits 829,258 241,350 199,091 210,000 120,000 118,450 322055 Roofing Permits 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 322060 Driveway Permits 0 0 100 0 0 0 322075 Reinspection Fees 32,918 16,808 8,755 12,000 4,500 5,000 322100 Land Clearing Permits 17,185 5,040 3,090 3,000 3,000 3,000 322150 Tree Removal Permits 2,030 2,225 3,415 2,800 2,600 2,800 322200 Electrical Permits .50,462 19,080 15,533 18,000 10,000 12,000 322225 Plumbing Permits 40,704 12,588 10,904 13,000 6,200 8,000 322250 MechanicalPermits 52,736 22,571 24,315 18,500 17,000 18,000 322300 Fencing Permits -8,711 9,297 11,442 8,000 8,400 9,000 322400 Irrigation Permits 0 0 1,350 500 350 0 322500 Sign Permits 2,625 4,170 4,315 . 4,000 5,000 5,000 322600 Expired Permit Fee 0 2,175 11,800 15,000 5,000 7,500 329400 Plan Checking Fees 127,124 34,901 16,310 20,000 9,000 11,000 341920 Cert. Copying/Record Research 9 393 411 150 300 300 347556 Capital Facility Admire Fee 28,214 7,691 11,890 14,000 3,500 5,000 359000 Other Fines and Forfeitures 0 1,200 50 1,800 7,000 7,000 389991 Appropriation From Prior Yeaz 0 0 0 21,407 0 118,988 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 1,220,823 408,875 347,919 503,207 324,350 475,538 OTHER_NON-OPERATING REVENUE:.__ ____ _ _ ....... _ ..._ _... __.. _ _ _ ___._ __ _ __ .. _. __.... _ _ ___ .___ __ _._ _ . _. _ _ _ _ _ __. 361100 Interest Income 15,338 37,000 21,599 18,000 13,000 13,000 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 36,489 33,248 12,354 15,000 2,400 2,400 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 0 0 1,542 0 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 760 0 300 300 369998 Prior Year Refunds 0 0 -1,489 0 0 0 381001 Transfer from General Fund 1,139,289 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON-OPERATING REVENUE 1,194,116 70,248 33,224 33,000 17,242 15,700 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUES 2,414,939 479,123 381,143 536,207 341,592 491,238 ~~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT Code: 480110 ccount Number Description Y 05/06 Actual Y 06/07 Actual. -- _ FY 07/08 Ach:al Amended FY 08/09 BudgCt Y 08/09 Pro'ecte FY 09/10 City Mgr. Proposed BudEet PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 484,781 443,867 307,698 285,350 284,050 277,428 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 7,702 3,202 2,256 0 100 0 512100 FICA Taxes 31,451 34,213 22,716 21,848 21,756 21,242 512215 Clothing Allowance 192 480 360 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 37,105 37,585 27,508 25,703 25,595 24,990 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 43,885 51,107 31,404 47,852 44,120 41,745 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 14,355 9,610 9,978 5,790 6,760 6,752 512309 Employee Assistance Program 225 205 134 115 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 19,495 21,753 14,267 8,943 8,943 9,066 512500 Unemployment Compensation 0 5,555 18,425 3,000 0 0 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 0 11,223 1,137 0 0 0 512602 Termination Health Benefits 0 0 721 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 639,191 618,800 436,604 398,841 391,679 381,578 OPERATING EXPENSES 533200 Audit Fees 472 1,888 1,307 815 815 1,099 533201 Administrative Services Provided by G .196,470 157,511 83,394 92,439 84,089 75,680 533400 Other Contractural Services 0 390 15,977 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 842 347 1,186 1,000 400 700 534101 Telephone 2,358 1,506 1,841 2,500 1,700 1,720 534105 Cellular Telephone 3,015 2,227 1,803 1,440 800 815 534110 Internet Services 180 286 674 700 725 735 534120 Postage 4,547 1,678 1,481 2,800 2,700 2,800 534130 Express Mail 411 40 0 50 0 0 534310 Electric 7,645 7,134 3,841 4,275 3,880 3,900 534320 Water /Sewer 204 255 270 280 265 275 534400_ _ ~en~s and Leases - ___ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _... _ 37;500 - - _-37500_ . __._._-18; 750 _- _ _0 _ __.. -__ 0 .__ .__ _ .._ _-0- 534500 Insurance 10,120 1,910 10,543 9,650 10,543 8,686 534620 R & M-Vehicles (2,605) 1,388 2,016 1,600 900 1,400 534630 R & M -Office Equipment 4,919 7,229 3,486 5,127 3,400 4,000 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 0 10 0 50 0 0 534920 Legal Ads 0 111 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 9,443 3,874 2,929 4,650 800 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 5,806 3,043 68 2,500 600 1,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,008 74 42 200 150 200 535260 Gas and Oil 6,595 5,204 4,568 4,300 3,490 3,500 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 585 758 427 450 50 250 535275 Safety Equpment 70 100 0 100 2S 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 465 275 435 450 350 400 535420 Books and Publications 428 792 1,094 800 450 500 535450 Training and Education 1,855 1,930 1,302 1,190 900 900 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 292,331 237,461 157,435 137,366 117,032 109,660 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 12,474 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 12,474 0 0 0 0 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 931,522 868,735 594,039 536,207 508,711 491,238 ~~