HomeMy WebLinkAbout05032010Budget AgendaCITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY MAY 3, 2010 6:00 PM CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of February 8, 2010 Meeting 4. Discussion Items Attached Memorandum Dated April 21, 2010 5. Review of 2 Quarter Budget Report 6. Adjournment Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call by Kenneth Killgore. All present CllYef HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2010 6:00 P.M CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: Adrina Davis, Ed Herlihy, Jerry Klenck, Harry Marshall, Brad White, Christine Vicars, Edward Kroah Staff Members Present: Debra Krueger- Administrative Services Director; Al Minner- City Manager; Kenneth Killgore- Finance Director; Nancy Veidt- Jr. Accountant. Mr. Herlihy requested an introduction of all board members. Harry Marshall- resident of Sebastian for 1 lyears. Works at the Tax Authority, wife Sarah and 2 great daughters Adrina Davis- Resident 20 years, enjoy the budget review committee Chris Vicars- Resident 6 years work as a Benchmarking consultant, last year was an eye opener Ed Herlihy- Resident 5 years, 3` year on the budget committee Ed Kroah- Resident 3 years. Retired from financial work. Jerry Klenck- Resident 9 years, retired from Melbourne. Brad White- Resident about 5 years, 2n year on the budget committee Mr. Minner introduced staff members present and identified their position with the City. Chairperson Herlihy advised that with two (2) new board members it will be necessary to elect a Budget Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. Ed Herlihy was nominated for Chairperson, and seconded. Christine Vicars was nominated by Adrina Davis for Vice- Chairperson, and seconded. f• All approved. Mr. Minner stated that he would like to get some feedback from the board on the budget on how we can proceed and do the budget differently. We have had some success and we are set for the next fiscal year 2011. It is going to be a tough year but with some of the things we put into place last year such as the Furlough Days etc., are important things to set up for 2011. We are as prepared as can be with our long term planning Internally, we will he doing procurement on our Health Ins. We are below or at the 50% margin now for the last 6 months and we need to take advantage of it while the market is good. We want to capture on the claims experience. This could provide us some savings this year. We will know what the insurance will cost going into the new fiscal year, and will have those numbers going into negotiations with the two unions; PBA and the PEA. Changes to Discuss A. Review of the Quarterly Budget Report we want to go over the changes and you can make your recommendations and report to Council. Calendar meetings. To review the calendar report Mr. Mimier confirmed that The Florida League of Cities meeting will be February 24, 2010 4:00 p.rn. Florida League of Cities provides this service. Ken Small who works for FLC does Revenue Enhancement Training at the City's request. He looks at State Shared Revenue, Franchise Revenues, Tax Revenues, and he looks at where we can increase monies or where we are missing monies, and will report his findings to the Budget Committee and Council on February 24 Mr. Minner advised the committee that Mr. Killgore would give his report on the Quarterly Budget Report showing the changes that were made and what we did differently, good or bad. Chairperson Herlihy asked board members if they had any questions for Mr. Killgore regarding the fast Quarter Budget Report. The concensus was they would like to hear what he had to report. Chairperson Herlihy stated that he had read a newspaper article about Vero Beach having a huge thing called "Un funded Pension Liability and he wanted to know if we had any of those horrors in the closet. Mr. Killgore responded that we do have the Police Pension Fund that is administered similar to what Vero Beach has, and it is an unfunded liability. Benefit changes are made, and the Actuary calculates what the future amount of what will be paid out, and then makes assumptions on how much will be paid into the plan. This results in a balance that will reflect as the unfunded liability. The second thing Chairperson Herlihy inquired about was the SBA (State Board Administration), we currently have about $6 million. Based on newspaper articles, knowing the current problems SBA is having, are we comfortable with them? Mr. Killgore reassured the board that SBA has since restructured their program and have a lot more transparency. They have straightened out their performance. He advised that he and Debbie Krueger had a meeting today with the new Investment Advisor that we are planning on contracting with. He will bring some ideas, recommendations and active portfolio management on how we can better allocate our money. Mr. Jerry Klenck inquired about the Administrative Services figures on the general department budget and there was an error. Mr. Killgore advised that it was just a problem with bringing the correct figures over on the excel spreadsheet. Mr. Klenck also inquired about the 10 police vehicles, $385,000 still showing on the budget and he thought we were going to lower that this year. Mr. Minner assured him that those vehicles were not yet purchased and we would be looking into possibly purchasing some hybrid or electric cars. When we do look into purchasing those cars we will visit that and report to council. Our target is to purchase vehicles under the figure listed in the budget. Board member also inquired about the unusual amount of tire purchases at the garage. Mr. Minner advised that he did not have a formal report as yet. Mr. Minner illustrated that the city operates essentially 5 different funds: General Fund comprises of general services of the city, which are paid with taxes and is the focus of this report. Police Services, Administration, Parks Recreation, Planning, etc. which are paid with the taxes. Special Revenue Funds 1. Discretionary Sale Tax- Paid for this facility (City Hall) and pays for capital items such as Police cars. 2. Stonnwater Utility Fees- fee assessed everyone on an annual basis 3. Recreational Impact Fees this fee is based on construction of new residential houses which have been limited for the last couple of years because of the economy. 4. Local Option Gas Tax Collected when you pay at the pump. There are also 3 Enterprise Funds: 1. Building Department- Does all the inspections, and that operates separately from the general fund. 2. Airport- Operates the Airport 3. Golf Course- Operates the golf course and the green fees stays in that pot. All these funds inter- relate and are linked together. Mr. Minner also stated that Chairman Herlihy brought up the Cash Management which is based on ordinances established by the Council. We have a Finance Investment Committee which is comprised of 3 people; the City Manager, Finance Director and City Attorney. This group manages and watches those investments, and we recently changed investment advisors. Chairman Herlihy commented that looking at the General Fund, we are right on target at 24.3% expense, and there is really nothing that stands out that has not already explained. Mr Killgore explained the layout of the Report as it was listed. With no questions from the Board, Mr. Minner went on to explain #6 item on the agenda. This Quarterly Budget Report is structured a little differently than the past years he advised. It provides a snapshot detail comparisons with Revenues and Expenditures over the past 3 years. The Report closes with investments, updates on capital projects, and some of the achievements and accornplislunents of the Departments thru the quarter and shows what everyone is trying to get things done. Chairman Herlihy suggested that since this is fairly new to almost all on the board, they would like to be able to call on Mr. Minner, Ken Killgore or Debra Krueger for clarification or any questions that they may have regarding the report. Mr. Minner assured them that they could even contact us with suggestions and amendments. Mr. Minner advised that we are trying to be as transparent as we can, we want it to be easily read by all, and to show them that things are being properly managed. Chairman Herlihy reminded the board members that we live under the Florida Sunshine Law- Board members cannot call each other to discuss committee meetings, they must call Mr. Minner or Ken Killgore and filter your information thru them. There being no further questions on the I S Quarter Budget Report, motion was made to approve the Report. Next item to discuss per Chairman Herlihy is to talk about going forward. Is there any guess from the Indian River Appraiser on the assessed valuation? Mr. Minner stated that the State Statute states that we get the information by June 1. For fiscal year 2011 we estimated 12 Last year we were 15% 18% and then the Assessor changed it to 12% 15 and when the Assessor changed the amount, it really helped us. Chairman Herlihy also wanted to comment on the Furlough Days that were in the budget last year. He reminded the Board that the City was on one day a month furlough day. He asked about getting rid of it- we saved about $25, 000 per month in order to keep the tax rate at where we were last year. That is about $300,000. Mr. Minner replied that there is no getting out of it. "There are 3 big items that will go into the budget process this year. 75% of the 11 million budget of the general fund is personnel cost, there is no getting out of that. That runs the city. $2 /2 million is operational cost and that has been reduced each year. We need to focus on "Did the savings work Our numbers in the past few years especially as we decrease in operational funds show that we are meeting that expectation. If we want maximum savings we need to look at personnel structures and we need to continue to do that next year. The 4 big pieces are the 2 Collective Bargaining Agreements, Furlough Days, and Benefits. This year, once we have moved into negotiations with the 2 unions we will have that data. Then we will know where the pieces of the puzzle fit in regards to Furlough days and Health Insurance etc. In regards to the Furlough Days with the staff they were unpopular because they have taken a 5% reduction in pay, but some of our employees have taking on a team attitude and they are being very receptive. There is a team atmosphere. On the service level side, based on feedback that we have gotten, I don't think the Furlough Days have reduced service level and that night be because the Building Department revenues have been so low but we are hoping that will pick up. On the Police Depai tment side we have been able to shuffle a few things around, but there has been no decline in service. We will have to look at Furlough Days again next year." Chairman Herlihy stated that he hopes that there is a possibility that Mr. Minner could try to reduce or cut back the Furlough Days to every other month instead of every month. Mr. Kroah commented that if we are looking at a 75% spending on Salaries and Benefits, you cannot see savings without cutting back on personnel cost. The Furlough program kept employees in their jobs instead of reducing staff. With no further questions or comments on the Furloughs, Chairman Herlihy wanted to know if Mr. Minner could provide the board with what we have to put into a Pension Retirement Plan for everyone in the city. Mr. Minner advised the board that the City is not Pension oriented. There are 3 work forces in the City. There is the P.B.A which is generally the line officers of Police Dept. All officers are in the PBA with the exception of the Chief, the Deputy Chief and the 2 Captains. The PEA is essentially the same unit, but it is a derivative of the PBA. It covers all Public Works and some administrative staff who do not have supervisory responsibilities, and Dispatchers. The management staff does not have a union contract, but they mirror the PEA. Management does not have a pension they have a Deferred Compensation which the city contributes 9% of their base salary. The PEA and the PBA both have pensions. The City contributes 9% to the PEA pension, the PBA fluctuates based on the Actuarial Report. For fiscal year 2010, the City is contributing 18 and for fiscal year 2011 we are looking at a 24% contribution rate on approximately $4.5M payroll. The Police Department employees contribute 5 the State has a matching program as well. We also have the accruals for vacation and sick and when the employees retire or separate from service that there will be some payout, but generally we have been lucky where we do not have to manage or budget for that With no further questions or continents, Chairman Herlihy reiterated that the next meeting will be with the Florida League of Cities on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:00 pm at City Hall. The 2 Quarter meeting will be in April and Mr. Minner will advise of date and time. The Quarterly Budget Report will be added to the meeting schedule and sent out to the board in a few days. Chairman Herlihy advised the board members that if they feel the need to have a workshop, open to the public to discuss the budget process prior to the next quarterly meeting, they should contact Mr. Minner With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Memorandum To: Budget Review Committee CC: Al Minner, City Manager From: Ed Herlihy Date: 4/21/2010 Re: Discussion items at next meeting Board Members: The Budcom will review the 2 quarter City budget on Monday, May 3 at 6 PM. I will ask for a "roundtable" setting on the floor of the Council Chamber so we are better able to hold a discussion. Please review the budget documents and bring your questions or concerns. On Monday, May 17 at 6 PM we plan a workshop session. I thought that it might be helpful if we spent some time discussing how we are going to approach the budget review process and some of the key factors that we should probably examine in detail. Keep in mind, these are my opinions only. We need input from the entire group to reach a consensus on how we will move forward. First, I thought it might be helpful to list some key points made by Ken Sma11 from the Florida League of Cities at our March 3 meeting. 1. Sebastian property tax is well below state average. 2. Sebastian Police Department budget is about 110% of property tax levied. State average is 68 -70% 3. Sebastian has a low employee count. 4. Sebastian financial reserves (General Fund Reserve) very fair. Suggested reserve should be higher due to hurricane exposure. We need to talk up with taxpayers the Plant City story re sinkholes and effect on reserves. Briefly, during winter, heavy strawberry watering to keep frost away. This drew down ground water. Created big sinkholes. Had to use up City reserves to fix. No one expected this problem. Example of why keep reserves high. 1 April21, 2010 Best regards, Ed Herlihy Enclosure: 5. Sebastian has good long range planning. 6. League projection that next two budgets are going to see more falling tax base (assessed valuation). Median sales price of homes still dropping. See Yahoo News article attached. Indian River County foreclosures are up drastically just as our real estate friends predicted last year. League also predicts that many commercial real estate loans are "resetting" and will go into foreclosure. 7. Sebastian needs to look at fee structure to see if raising fees is meaningful. With these items in mind and other important budget issues, I suggest we start reviewing how we are going to examine the following: 1. Discussion of possible property tax drop this year and effect on budget. 2. How do we examine the Police Department in light of its high budget versus property tax? 3. Examination of fee structures. 4. Cost of retirement programs: City and PD 5. Possible savings projected on upcoming union contracts. 6. Health care costs and amount employees contribute 7. Building Department and Growth Management costs 8. Discussion of General Fund Reserve versus tax rate. This is always a "tough issue How do we approach it and what do we recommend'? Please review these thoughts and modify, change and add so we may all discuss how the Committee will operate this year. Remember, this is really going to be a tough year. Bring your ideas so we can plan for the next few months. Please mark your calendar for our meetings on Monday,May 3, 2010 at 6 PM in Council Chambers and Monday May 17, 2010, 6 PM in the 2nd floor Conference Room of City Hall. This will be a "workshop" discussion. 2 U.S. Cities In Free Fall Yahoo! Real Estate Page 1 of 4 Find a Home HI, Ed Sign Out Help Y.AioC i® REAL ESTATE Search for homes Foreclosures Home Values Find a REALTOR® Sell Your Home Post a Rental Listing U.S. Cities In Free Fall Francesca Levy, Forbes.com Apr 13th, 2010 Finance and Mortgage Neighborhood Info ARTICLE TOOLS: 5 Email article Printable view IM article hJ Save to deLicio.us L1,1 Bookmark Economic indicators in these metros have gone from bad to worse, with no sign of recovery. Miami boasts a popular South Beach dub scene, Art Deco Architecture, and perhaps the best Cuban food in the country. But residents don't have much else to celebrate. More than three years after the economy started its downward slide, the Miami metro area, like a handful of Sun Belt cities, still hasn't begun to recover. Median home prices in Miami have fallen 38% since its market peaked in the second quarter of 2007; the city's 11% unemployment rate is above the national average and has grown more than most of the 40 cities we surveyed. List: 10 U.S. Cities In Free Fail Cities in the "Sand States" of Florida, California, Arizona and Nevada, where overbuilding was rampant, are also in trouble, claiming nine of the top 10 spots in our list of cities in free fall. In Las Vegas, Riverside, Calif., and Phoenix, median home prices have fallen 50 44% and 37% from their respective peaks. Jobs are vanishing. Though country -wide, employers added 162,00 jobs last month, Riverside gained 13% fewer jobs in February 2010 (the latest numbers available by metro) than it did the same month three years earlier. Tampa, Fla., saw a 10% drop, and Los Angeles added 9% fewer jobs over the same time period. These cities are also slow to absorb their glut of unsold foreclosed homes, keeping recovery at bay. "These were highly speculative housing markets," says Jonathan Miter, president of Miller Samuel, a Manhattan -based real estate appraisal firm. "in the markets that have unloaded a lot of foreclosed housing stock there's still a lot more coming." Behind the Numbers To find the country's cities in free fall, we rated its 40 largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) on six metrics. We ranked each MSA on the percent its median home price has fallen since its individual peak, using data provided by Local Market Monitor, a housing market data tracker. To get an estimate for the number of new homes being built, we used data from the U.S. Census Bureau, which tracks how many building permits are issued. Roughly 98% of these permits become new home starts. We looked at the percent change in new building permits between February 2007 and February 2010. We also wanted to know how many people were moving in and out of these metros, since a growing population buoys a local economy. We used the Census Bureau's most recent population estimates to rank each metro on its net population change between July 2006 httn:/ /realestate.vahoo.com/promo /us- cities -in- free -fall I Search °tat Mat Web Search Guides and Advice My Real Estate For Professionals ADVERTISEMENT S TART PLANNING YOUR RETIREMENT AND GET UP TO $5000. Searching for a new home? local listings from the Yahoo! homepage. Add to" 1,004% Search Arlington Mortgage Rates Location Loan Amount Loan purpose Loan Type More at Y1 Real Estate Browse Homes For Sale Find Foreclosure Deals Search Rental Properties Buy vs. Rent Calculator Calculate how much home insurance you need Find the value of any home Loan information Arlington, VA Purchase Fixed What would my loan payments be? Top Rated Articles by the Experts Short -sale success strategies by Dian Hymer Mon, Mar 29, 2010 Sizing up purchase deposits by Dian Hymer Tue, Mar 16, 2010 Snow removal with a smile more.., 4/16/2010 U.S. Cities In Free Fall Yahoo! Real Estate and July 2009. To judge each city's productivity we also ranked each metro on its per capita gross domestic product in 2008, the most recent year available, using data from Moody's Economy.com. Finally, we ranked the metros on the percent change in unemployment between January 2007 and January 2010 and the number of jobs they added between February 2007 and February 2010, with data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. We averaged these rankings to arrive at a final score. Sunshine State Stagnancy Florida cities dominate our list, with Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville joining Miami. Florida's real estate market keeps falling even as some herald the start of a rebound. The state's comparatively sluggish foreclosure process keeps those homes from getting easily flushed out of the market. Because every foreclosure must be approved by a judge, the procedure takes a minimum of five months to complete. "In states with complex foreclosure laws, the recovery is clearly being delayed," says Mike Simonsen, CEO of Altos Research, a Mountain View, Calif. -based real estate research firm, who adds that lengthy foreclosures may be driving away real estate investors in these cities. A Trouble Spot in the Northeast Picturesque Providence. R.I., is the only New England metro on our list. Economically, it's struggling far more than other cities in the region. Although Providence saw a slower three year increase in unemployment than some other major metros, it still has a high unemployment rate, at 14 The city also added 9% fewer jobs in 2010 than three years earlier. Workers are getting the message and leaving town. Providence is the only city in our top 10 to see a net loss in population. Grim News for the Golden State California cities are struggling too. Riverside, Los Angeles and Sacramento are suffering because of the knocks they took after their inflated housing markets began to plummet. Unemployment in the City of Angels has nearly tripled in three years. to 12 Riverside's unemployment has also ballooned, to 15 Meanwhile Sacramento saw a 75% drop in new building permits. These are troubling signs for Cali metros, but not surprising. The end of the state's home -price climb triggered more than just a housing slump. "In California, so many jobs were concentrated in construction," says Michael. Fratantoni, vice president of research at the Mortgage Bankers Association, the professional association for real estate financiers. "Jobs building single family homes wound up not being sustainable, and there were a lot of job losses." The long -term consequences of the housing crash in these cities are still playing out, and new factors that complicate a recovery keep cropping up. "Places like Phoenix and Riverside may take even longer to recover because people might just pick up and leave to go to places doing better," says Fratantoni. "It may make more sense to leave, rather than wait for jobs to return." Top 5 Cities in a Free Fall 1. Miami -Fort Lauderdale Pompano Beach, FL Net Population Change, 2006 -2009: 1.47% Per Capita Gross Domestic Product: $42,645.52 Change in New Building Permits, February 2007 February 2010: 77.46% Change in Unemployment, January 2007- January 2010: 202.70% Change in New Jobs Added, February 2007 February 2010: 9.68% Change in Median Home Price from Market Peak: -38% 2. Tampa Clearwater, FL Net Population Change, 2006 -2009: 2.33% Per Capita Gross Domestic Product: $42,562.92 Change in New Building Permits, February 2007 February 2010: 44.18% Change in Unemployment, January 2007 January 2010: 235.90% Change in New Jobs Added, February 2007 February 2010: 9,87% htto: /realestate. yahoo. com /promo /us- cities -in- free -fall Loan amount Annual interest rata Term of loan (months): Desired table display Powered by CaICXML u See all calculators si o (0.30) Vol (1-300)1 36° by Paul eanchine Fri, Feb 19, 2010 Asbestos: how inspectors avoid trouble by Barry Stone Tue, Mar 23, 2010 See All Expert Advice Page 2 of 4 yearly Submit Reset J 4/16/2010 U.S. Cities In Free Fall Yahoo! Real Estate Page 3 of 4 Change in Median Home Price from Market Peak: -32% 3. Riverside -San Bernardino Ontario, Calif. Net Population Change, 2006 -2009: 4.40% Per Capita Gross Domestic Product: $32,403.49 Change in New Building Permits, February 2007- February 2010: 65.69% Change in Unemployment, January 2007- January 2010: 177.78% Change in New Jobs Added, February 2007 February 2010: 12.94% Change in Median Home Price from Market Peak: -44% 4. Jacksonville, Ft. Net Population Change, 2006 -2009: 3.83% Per Capita Gross Domestic Product: $16,035.65 Change in New Building Permits, February 2007 February 2010: 66.09% Change in Unemployment, January 2007- January 2010: 227.03% Change in New Jobs Added, February 2007 February 2010: 7.74% Change in Median Home Price from Market Peak: -23% 5. Phoenix- Mesa Scottsdale, AZ Net Population Change, 2006 -2009: 7.85% Per Capita Gross Domestic Product: $40,870.16 Change in New Building Permits, February 2007- February 2010: 83.61% Change in Unemployment, January 2007 January 2010: 148.65% Change in New Jobs Added, February 2007 February 2010: -10.01% Change in Median Home Price from Market Peak: -37% Click here to see the full list of Ten U.S. Cities In Free Fall Showing page 1 of 1 ARTICLE TOOLS: Email article r Printable view ii91 IM article la Save to deLido.us l Bookmark Next step: Search fo r a home... Search Location City State or ZIP Price to -Sponsored -Links Live Forex Practice Account Practice Forex Trading In Real M arket Conditions with a Free Trial. www.GFTforex 4.0% Fixed Rate Refinance $160,000 Mortgage for $633/m o. Free. No Obligation. Get 4 Quotes. 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Toolbar Browse by Stale or City Homes for Sale Apartments for Rent- Horne Values Mortgages Real Estate Agents Foreclosures Refinance Mortgage Home Equity Loans Top Cities: Atlanta real estate !Austin real estate 1 Chicago real estate 1 Denver real estate 1 Houston real estate 1 Las Vegas real estate i Myrtle Beach real estate Orlando real estate Phoenix real estate San Antonio real estate 1 San Diego real estate San Francisco real estate 1 Seattle real estate 1 Tucson real estate Top States: Arizona I California Colorado I Florida 1 Georgia 1 Hawaii 1 Illinois 1 Indiana 1 Maryland 1 Massachusetts 1 Michigan 1 Minnesota 1 Missouri 1 Nevada Hide Options£ httu:/ /realestate.yahoo.com/promo /us- cities -in- free -fall 4 /16 /2010 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian, Florida Subject: Resolution No. R -10 -14 Adopting Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Budget. Approved for Submittal by: Al Minner, City Manager Agenda No. Department Origin: Administrative Services: City Attorney: City Clerk: Date Submitted: May 4, 2010 For Agenda of: May 12, 2010 Exhibits: Resolution No. R -10 -14 2' Quarter Comparison of Actual to Budget Capital Project Status Reports as of March 31, 2010 Schedule of investments as of March 31, 2010 2" d Quarter Accomplishments Crime Status Report From 01/01/2010 Thru 03/31/2010 SUMMARY Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included. This report was reviewed at the May 3 Budget Committee meeting and the Committee concurred that the report should be forwarded to the City Council for approval. There were no changes during the quarter to the General Fund budget which required budget amendment approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager may approve budget transfers within a Department and make adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council Accordingly, the City Manager approved an adjustment to record additional revenues and expenditures in the Local Option Gas Tax Fund related to pay off the former Gas Tax Paving Bank Note and to record the new Bank Note. The City Manager also made an administrative adjustment in the Discretionary Sales Tax Fund budget to correct our records for a project that was previously cancelled. In the Recreation Impact Fee Fund, additional appropriations were made for the Airport Park and for fencing at the Dog Park and Barber Street Sports Complex. All the above amounts are identified in Exhibit "A" attached to Resolution No. 10 -14. Also attached is a Crime Status Report for this quarter that is included at the request of the Police Chief. RECOMMENDED ACTION Move to approve R- 10 -14. RESOLUTION NO. R -10 -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2009 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 23, 2009, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -09 -37 providing for the adoption of the City's 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2010, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -10 -04 providing for the amendment of the City's 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended March 31, 2010 has indicated that adjustments are necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 2010 be amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A which are hereby adopted and the revised appropriations set out therein are hereby made to maintain and canyon the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Richard H. Gillmor Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Don Wright Councilmember Eugene Wolff The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 12 day of May 2010. ATTEST: Sally A. Maio, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Mayor Richard H. Gillmor Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney FUND TITLE GENERAL Revenues Expenditures LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX Revenues Expenditures DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX Revenues Expenditures RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT Revenues Expenditures RECREATION IMPACT 1 4EE Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER UTILITY FEE Revenues Expenditures LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE Revenues Expenditures G.R.E.A.T. PROGRAM Revenues Expenditures DST DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Expenditures GOLF COURSE Revenues Expenses AIRPORT Revenues Expenses BUILDING Revenues Expenses TOTAL BUDGET EXHIBIT "A" BUDGET BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS 10,922,181 10,922,181 3,267,957 3,267,957 1,595,913 1,701,783 388,219 408,560 536,207 536,207 FY 2010 2ND QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS AMENDED BUDGET AFTER ADJUSTMENTS 10,922,181 10,922,181 754,800 2,349,006 3,103,806 754,800 2,349,006 3,103,806 (281,174) 2,986,783 (281,174) 2,986,783 605,402 605,402 605,402 605,402 175,000 16,350 191,350 175,000 16,350 191,350 943,635 943,635 943,635 943,635 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 1,034,931 1,034,931 441,010 441,010 1,034,931 1,034,931 441,010 441,010 1,595,913 1,701,783 388,219 408,560 536,207 536,207 20,743,861 2,084,182 22,828,043 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Description 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TAXES 5,431,092 8,003,249 67.9% 5,097,772 7,934,958 64.2% 4,824,326 7,531,430 64.1% LICENSES PERMITS 128,753 173,000 74.4% 15,102 55,200 27.4% 16,813 51,400 32.7% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 886,785 2,299,529 38.6% 799,334 2,054,617 38.9% 813,304 1,723,105 47.2% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 163,407 310,969 52.5% 146,386 327,301 44.7% 151,601 289,147 52.4% FINES AND FORFEITS 23,963 59,600 40.2% 27,765 59,600 46.6% 34,484 55,000 62.7% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 158,001 514,889 30.7% 125,958 490,759 25.7% 106,343 423,190 25.1% TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 271,529 744,561 36.5% 402,696 949,080 42.4% 382,444 764,888 50.0% TOTAL REVENUES 7,063,529 12,105,797 58.3% 6,615,013 11,871,515 55.7% 6,329,315 10,838,160 58.4% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 5,619,935 5,074,000 110.8% 5,534,856 6,131,749 90.3% 5,166,999 5,255,327 98.3% TOTAL SOURCES 12,683,464 17,179,797 73.8% 12,149,869 18,003,264 67.5% 11,496,314 16,093,487 71.4% CITY COUNCIL 24,571 61,068 40.2% 24,445 54,065 45.2% 22,277 52,117 42.7% CITY MANAGER 117,414 263,787 44.5% 124,841 269,986 46.2% 116,187 254,480 45.7% CITY CLERK 128,587 280,288 45.9% 133,105 297,087 44.8% 154,065 296,444 52.0% LEGAL 97,797 226,034 43.3% 119,961 194,494 61.7% 50,925 125,340 40.6% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 337,317 625,284 53.9% 289,371 578,543 50.0% 247,835 492,658 50.3% MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES 99,498 255,660 38.9% 121,710 266,344 45.7% 113,227 266,913 42.4% POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,243,932 4,626,934 48.5% 2,278,451 4,826,931 47.2% 2,214,526 4,675,788 47.4% PUBLIC WORKS 1,953,017 4,300,668 45.4% 1,943,816 4,319,990 45.0% 1,670,847 3,694,008 45.2% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 169,898 404,567 42.0% 167,115 382,856 43.6% 175,469 437,156 40.1% NON- DEPARTMENTAL 536,575 1,061,507 50.5% 556,516 679,131 81.9% 491,362 627,277 78.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,708,607 12,105,797 47.2% 5,759,331 11,869,427 48.5% 5,256,720 10,922,181 48.1% ENDING CASH RESERVES 6,974,857 5,074,000 137.5% 6,390,538 6,133,837 104.2% 6,239,594 5,171,306 120.7% TOTAL USES 12,683,464 17,179,797 73.8% 12,149,869 18,003,264 67.5% 11,496,314 16,093,487 71.4% Property tax collections during the first quarter this year are about 11% lower than last year due to the decline in taxable values. Business Licenses are now being accounted for in the Building Enterprise Fund. Fines and Forfeits include collection of Code Enforcement liens, which have increased over prior years. Miscellaneous Revenues continues to fall lower than budget because of declining investment retums. Total Sources includes the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves. In 2010, we anticipated using $84,021 from cash reserves. It is also noted that actual Beginning Cash Reserves as of October 1, 2009 were $5,166,99, which was $88,328 less than the $5,255,327 we had estimated when we adopted the 2010 Annual Budget. Although a bit short of expectations, we are pleased that our estimate was much closer than previous years. Spending by all the Departments are all within the 50% of budget (one -half of the fiscal year) except the City Clerk and Administrative Services. The reason the City Clerk is greater than 50% is because of the payment to Indian River County for the costs of the election. Administrative Services is slightly higher because of the payment for the annual audit. The Non departmental category is over 50% of budget because the City's totaal annual contribution to the CRA Fund was made in the first quarter. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES 275,658 762,559 36.1% 287,260 754,800 38.1% 2,715,729 3,167,006 85.8% 172,834 140,000 123.5% 226,792 152,559 148.7% 82,854 155,405 53.3% 448,492 902,559 49.7% 514,052 907,359 56.7% 2,798,583 3,322,411 84.2% DEBT SERVICE 150,000 300,000 50.0% 150,000 300,000 50.0% 1,180,439 1,180,439 100.0% OTHER EXPENDITURES 98,206 462,559 21.2% 100,318 239,016 42.0% 188,118 324,100 58.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 0.0% 116,446 215,784 54.0% 88,288 1,475,461 6.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 248,206 762,559 32.5% 366,764 754,800 48.6% 1,456,845 2,980,000 48.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 200,286 140,000 143.1% 147,288 152,559 96.5% 1,341,738 342,411 391.9% TOTAL USES 448,492 902,559 49.7% 514,052 907,359 56.7% 2,798,583 3,322,411 84.2% As anticipated, we are seeing a decline in gas taxes. The Refinancing of the Paving Loan has provided funds for additional paving work and also lowered the annual debt service requirement by extending the maturity dates. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 1,091,111 2,807,500 38.9% 1,002,092 2,478,000 40.4% 982,322 2,732,445 36.0% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 2,411,939 2,626,000 91.8% 1,404,945 1,904,156 73.8% 683,036 941,385 72.6% TOTAL SOURCES 3,503,050 5,433,500 64.5% 2,407,037 4,382,156 54.9% 1,665,358 3,673,830 45.3% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 1,559,543 3,195,183 48.8% 586,981 3,267,957 18.0% 1,120,494 3,673,830 30.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,559,543 3,195,183 48.8% 586,981 3,267,957 18.0% 1,120,494 3,673,830 30.5% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,943,508 2,238,317 86.8% 1,820,056 1,114,199 163.4% 544,864 0.0% TOTAL USES 3,503,050 5,433,500 64.5% 2,407,037 4,382,156 54.9% 1,665,358 3,673,830 45.3% With the additional amounts we had to transfer in 2009 to the Debt Service Fund due to the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve requirement, our unobligated cash reserve balance will be depleted by the end of this year. 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 Description 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND 511,341 355,965 867,306 537,023 95.2% 293,774 121.2% 830,797 104.4% Transfers to Other Funds in FY2010 includes the $351,500 matching on the Working Waterfront Grant. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND 32,719 125,000 26.2% 1,325,089 1,300,000 101.9% 1,357,808 1,425,000 95.3% 2 OA FY2010 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 571,193 599,092 95.3% 431,689 440,535 98.0% 1,033,393 267,250 386.7% 984,638 976,905 100.8% 1,604,586 866,342 185.2% 1,416,327 1,417,440 99.9% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 65,867 104,987 62.7% 107,847 168,100 64.2% 50,097 145,402 34.5% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 309,781 619,561 50.0% 586,981 411,500 142.6% 44,903 811,500 5.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 375,648 724,548 51.8% 694,828 579,600 119.9% 95,000 956,902 9.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 491,658 106,249 462.7% 909,758 286,742 317.3% 1,321,327 460,538 286.9% TOTAL USES 867,306 830,797 104.4% 1,604,586 866,342 185.2% 1,416,327 1,417,440 99.9% 13,343 135,000 9.9% 20,673 56,247 36.8% 1,033,393 884,464 116.8% 1,095,485 913,393 119.9% 1,046,736 1,019,464 102.7% 1,116,158 969,640 115.1% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 437,812 510,000 85.8% 175,000 0.0% 16,586 267,596 6.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 437,812 510,000 85.8% 175,000 0.0% 16,586 267,596 6.2% ENDING CASH RESERVES 919,996 915,000 100.5% 1,046,736 844,464 124.0% 1,099,572 702,044 156.6% TOTAL USES 1,357,808 1,425,000 95.3% 1,046,736 1,019,464 102.7% 1,116,158 969,640 115.1% Additional appropriations were made for the Airport Park and for fencing at the Dog Park and Barber Street Sports Complex. STORMWATER UTILTY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 702,652 890,200 78.9% 695,620 897,200 77.5% 713,877 877,344 81.4% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,161,570 1,141,387 101.8% 1,012,003 651,397 155.4% 795,650 336,270 236.6% TOTAL SOURCES 1,864,222 2,031,587 91.8% 1,707,623 1,548,597 110.3% 1,509,527 1,213,614 124.4% OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,500 0.0% 8,705 3,500 248.7% 100 0.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 481,718 936,873 51.4% 476,318 1,452,635 32.8% 535,754 1,020,454 52.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 481,718 940,373 51.2% 485,023 1,456,135 33.3% 535,754 1,020,554 52.5% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,382,503 1,091,214 126.7% 1,222,600 92,462 1322.3% 973,773 193,060 504.4% TOTAL USES 1,864,222 2,031,587 91.8% 1,707,623 1,548,597 110.3% 1,509,527 1,213,614 124.4% Stormwater fee collections have declined due to property owners receiving credits allowed by the Ordinance for stormwater facilities they made to their properties. TOTAL REVENUES 4,276 11,500 37.2% 2,748 11,000 25.0% 6,099 10,200 59.8% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 24,206 23,000 105.2% 51,947 20,970 247.7% 54,018 46,647 115.8% TOTAL SOURCES 28,482 34,500 82.6% 54,695 31,970 171.1% 60,117 56,847 105.8% EXPENDITURES 85 11,500 0.7% 4,604 15,500 29.7% 4,079 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 28,397 23,000 123.5% 50,091 16,470 304.1% 56,038 56,847 98.6% TOTAL USES 28,482 34,500 82.6% 54,695 31,970 171.1% 60,117 56,847 105.8% These funds are used for the DARE Program, for vehicle towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 608,405 1,033,619 58.9% 516,479 1,032,957 50.0% 517,932 1,035,869 50.0% MISC. REVENUES 4,013 1,975 203.2% 708 1,974 35.9% 1,287 1,000 128.7% TOTAL REVENUES 612,417 1,035,594 59.1% 517,187 1,034,931 50.0% 519,219 1,036,869 50.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 211,353 210,000 100.6% 338,906 214,358 158.1% 1,409,493 338,906 415.9% TOTAL SOURCES 823,770 1,245,594 66.1% 856,093 1,249,289 68.5% 1,928,712 1,375,775 140.2% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 300 0.0% 375 300 125.0% 675 300 225.0% DEBT SERVICE 1,033,994 1,035,294 99.9% 1,033,256 1,034,631 99.9% 889,947 1,036,569 85.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,033,994 1,035,594 99.8% 1,033,631 1,034,931 99.9% 890,622 1,036,869 85.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES (210,223) 210,000 100.1% (177,538) 214,358 82.8% 1,038,090 338,906 306.3% TOTAL USES 823,770 1,245,594 66.1% 856,093 1,249,289 68.5% 1,928,712 1,375,775 140.2% At the end of 2009, with the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve, additional funds had to be transferred to the Bond Fund Cash Reserves. Thus, the YTD Actual Beginning and Ending Cash Reserves in 2010 are showing much higher than originally budgeted. Description CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET Debt service to date includes the semi annual interest payment. Principal and interest will be due May 1, 2010. GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES FY2010 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET STORMWATER UTILITY BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUND: 231,718 436,873 53.0% 220,068 440,135 50.0% 219,120 438,240 50.0% MISC. REVENUES 588 875 67.1% 240 875 27.4% 310 120 258.3% TOTAL REVENUES 232,306 437,748 53.1% 220,308 441,010 50.0% 219,430 438,360 50.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 20,541 20,470 100.3% 85,876 20,686 415.1% 144,635 85,876 168.4% TOTAL SOURCES 252,847 458,218 55.2% 306,184 461,696 66.3% 364,065 524,236 69.4% DEBT SERVICE 96,311 437,748 22.0% 92,943 441,010 21.1% 89,118 438,360 20.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96,311 437,748 22.0% 92,943 441,010 21.1% 89,118 438,360 20.3% ENDING CASH RESERVES 156,536 20,470 764.7% 213,242 20,686 1030.8% 274,948 85,876 320.2% TOTAL USES 252,847 458,218 55.2% 306,184 461,696 66.3% 364,065 524,236 69.4% 940,920 1,669,325 56.4% 931,578 1,613,050 57.8% 841,700 1,483,200 56.7% 26,838 78,052 34.4% 24,117 172,627 14.0% 20,586 112,713 18.3% 967,758 1,747,377 55.4% 955,695 1,785,677 53.5% 862,286 1,595,913 54.0% 767,043 766,000 100.1% 542,988 764,318 71.0% (57,832) 256,839 22.5% 1,734,801 2,513,377 69.0% 1,498,683 2,549,995 58.8% 804,454 1,852,752 43.4% PERSONAL SERVICES 162,999 401,342 40.6% 167,822 386,301 43.4% 155,059 350,023 44.3% OPERATING EXPENSES 496,294 997,845 49.7% 513,080 995,642 51.5% 464,645 922,790 50.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,333 42,000 15.1% 89,576 98,744 90.7% 10,000 10,000 100.0% DEBT SERVICE 17,845 306,190 5.8% 304,990 0.0% 7,375 313,100 2.4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 683,471 1,747,377 39.1% 770,478 1,785,677 43.1% 637,079 1,595,913 39.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,051,330 766,000 137.2% 728,205 764,318 95.3% 167,375 256,839 65.2% TOTAL USES 1,734,801 2,513,377 69.0% 1,498,683 2,549,995 58.8% 804,454 1,852,752 43.4% Shortfalls in actual revenues required the use of Cash Reserves to meet total expenditures over the past couple of years.lt is normally our intent to Maintain Cash Reserves and pro shop inventory exceeding liabilities but at the end of 2009, we would not have enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and refund prepaid memberships and customer credits that total $133,487. This is the last year of debt service on the Bonds and we expect that we can correct this but YTD Revenues in FY2010 are lower than recent years and will not help this situation. AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES 174,564 11,283 1547.1% 180,766 378,560 47.8% 186,945 371,219 50.4% MISC. REVENUES 7,093 11,283 62.9% 8,627 30,000 28.8% 31,148 17,000 183.2% TOTAL REVENUES 181,657 22,566 805.0% 189,393 408,560 46.4% 218,093 388,219 56.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 84,081 155,000 54.2% 10,346 65,784 15.7% (51,651) (14,679) 351.9% TOTAL SOURCES 265,738 177,566 149.7% 199,739 474,344 42.1% 166,442 373,540 44.6% PERSONAL SERVICES 102,396 215,779 47.5% 111,963 232,065 48.2% 109,895 231,369 47.5% OPERATING EXPENSES 68,295 100,561 67.9% 62,765 101,031 62.1% 94,768 148,300 63.9% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.0% 8,105 0.0% 4,795 0.0% TRANSFER TO PROJECTS 41,573 66,525 62.5% 26,296 75,464 34.8% 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 0.0% 8,550 0.0% 8,550 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 212,264 382,865 55.4% 217,679 408,560 53.3% 209,458 388,219 54.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 53,475 (205,299) 26.0% (17,940) 65,784 27.3% (43,016) (14,679) 293.0% TOTAL USES 265,738 177,566 149.7% 199,739 474,344 42.1% 166,442 373,540 44.6% Cash Reserves have been used to meet total expenditures and required grant matching funds over the past several years. It is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves and fuel inventory exceeding liabilities but since the end of FY2009, we have not had enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and other liabilities. These liabilities totaled $66,562 as of 9/30/09. BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES 187,866 580,923 32.3% 217,011 536,207 40.5% 221,228 489,334 45.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,008,089 1,035,000 97.4% 795,913 779,429 102.1% 651,126 628,794 103.6% TOTAL SOURCES 1,195,955 1,615,923 74.0% 1,012,924 1,315,636 77.0% 872,354 1,118,128 78.0% PERSONAL SERVICES 203,891 435,352 46.8% 180,462 398,841 45.2% 178,298 379,674 47.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 35,697 145,571 24.5% 60,209 137,366 43.8% 55,942 109,660 51.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 239,588 580,923 412% 240,671 536,207 44.9% 234,240 489,334 47.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 956,367 1,035,000 92.4% 772,253 779,429 99.1% 638,114 628,794 101.5% TOTAL USES 1,195,955 1,615,923 74.0% 1,012,924 1,315,636 77.0% 872,354 1,118,128 78.0% Ending Cash Reserves have steadily declined due to the economic slump. However, Beginning Cash Reserves for 2010 were slightly higher than anticipated. 3 Description GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMENTS CITY COUNCIL Personnel Operating Totals CITY MANAGER Personnel Operating Totals CITY CLERK Personnel Operating Totals LEGAL Personnel 'Operating Totals ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel Operating Totals MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals GROWTH MANAGEMENT Personnel Operating Totals NON DEPARTMENTAL Personnel Operating Transfers to Other Funds Totals TOTAL EXPENDITURES Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Transfers to Other Funds Totals ENDING CASH RESERVES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 11,411 22,782 50.1% 11 ,390 22,755 50.1% 11,390 22,742 50.1% 13,160 38,286 34.4% 13,055 31,310 41.7% 10,887 29,375 37.1% 24,571 61,068 40.2% 24,445 54,065 45.2% 22,277 52,117 42.7% 114,576 256,437 44.7% 120,104 265,486 45.2% 113,547 250,455 45.3% 2,839 7,350 38.6% 4,737 4,500 105.3% 2,640 4,025 65.6% 117,414 263,787 44.5% 124,841 269,986 46.2% 116,187 254,480 45.7% 111,484 239,756 46.5% 115,037 252,302 45.6% 109,870 240,794 45.6% 17,103 40,532 42.2% 18,068 44,785 40.3% 44,195 55,650 79.4% 128,587 280,288 45.9% 133,105 297,087 44.8% 154,065 296,444 52.0% 94,867 211,219 44.9% 78,222 81,636 95.8% 0 0 0.0% 2,930 14,815 19.8% 41,739 112,858 37.0% 50,925 125,340 40.6% 97,797 226,034 43.3% 119,961 194,494 61.7% 50,925 125,340 40.6% 265,082 535,190 49.5% 224,432 499,528 44.9% 183,067 408,939 44.8% 72,235 90,094 80.2% 64,939 79,015 82.2% 64,768 83,719 77.4% 337,317 625,284 53.9% 289,371 578,543 50.0% 247,835 492,658 50.3% 80,588 227,417 35.4% 95,976 217,279 44.2% 92,566 206,855 44.7% 9,581 18,904 50.7% 23,035 34,065 67.6% 19,361 28,735 67.4% 9,329 9,339 99.9% 2,699 15,000 18.0% 1,300 31,323 4.2% 99,498 255,660 38.9% 121,710 266,344 45.7% 113,227 266,913 42.4% 1,938,139 4,055,549 250,957 502,753 54,837 68,632 2,243,932 4,626,934 1,275,604 2,773,960 583,796 1,368, 031 93 617 158,677 1,953,017 4,300,668 4,061,234 8,689,442 1,489,589 2,979,915 157,784 236,648 0 199,792 47.8% 2,061,281 4,352,783 47.4% 1,987,317 4,250,025 46.8% 49.9% 208,265 438,548 47.5% 196,428 398,892 49.2% 79.9% 8,905 35,600 25.0% 30,781 26,871 114.6% 48.5% 2,278,451 4,826,931 47.2% 2,214,526 4,675,788 47.4% 46.0% 1,317,003 2,910,076 45.3% 1,185,833 2,563,799 46.3% 42.7% 611,609 1,387,914 44.1% 468,967 1,116,609 42.0% 59.0% 15,204 22,000 69.1% 16,047 13,600 118.0% 45.4% 1,943,816 4,319,990 45.0% 1,670,847 3,694,008 45.2% 162,536 357,132 45.5% 159,090 366,446 43.4% 168,591 372,436 45.3% 7,362 47,435 15.5% 8,025 16,410 48.9% 6,878 64,720 10.6% 169,898 404,567 42.0% 167,115 382,856 43.6% 175,469 437,156 40.1% 6,948 10,000 69.5% 3,755 5,000 75.1% 11,095 15,000 74.0% 529,627 851,715 62.2% 552,761 674,131 82.0% 480,267 612,277 78.4% 0 199,792 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 536,575 1,061,507 50.5% 556,516 679,131 81.9% 491,362 627,277 78.3% 46.7% 4,186,290 8,973,291 46.7% 3,863,276 8,331,045 46.4% 50.0% 1,546,233 2,823,536 54.8% 1,345,316 2,519,342 53.4% 66.7% 26,808 72,600 36.9% 48,128 71,794 67.0% 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 5,708,607 12,105,797 47.2% 5,759,331 11,869,427 48.5% 5,256,720 10,922,181 48.1% 6,974,857 5,074,000 137.5% 6,390,538 6,133,837 104.2% 6,239,594 5,171,306 120.7% TOTAL USES 12,683,464 17,179,797 73.8% 12,149,869 18,003,264 67.5% 11,496,314 16,093,487 71.4% 4 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 Project Number Description C1011 Police Vehicle Replacement CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Project Number Description TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 Project Number Description STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 Project Number Description AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT 3/31/2010 Years Balance To -Date to Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete 385,000.00 9,583.00 375,417.00 2.49% 0.00% 385,000.00 9,583.00 375,417.00 2.49% Years Balance To -Date Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C6206 Barber Street Sports Complex Special Needs Access (All Zones) 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00% C0721 Hardee Park Improvement (Zone A) 50,000.00 14,294.78 35,705.22 28.59% C0724 Dog Park (AII Zones) 59,800.00 59,750.19 49.81 99.92% C0823 Yacht Club Finger Pier 15,000.00 12,168.81 2,831.19 0.00% C0824 Periwinkle Stormwater Park Enhancements 6,000.00 4,861.39 1,138.61 81.02% C0921 Schumann Park Improvements 175,000.00 138,231.38 4,695.00 32,073.62 78.99% C0922 CRA Triangle Flagpole CLOSED 22,377.48 22,377.48 100.00% C0923 Englar Stormwater Park (RIF) 16,000.00 9,451.41 6,548.59 59.07% C1021 Splash Park Canopy (RIF) 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00% C1022 Skate Park Office (RIF) 50,000.00 2,500.00 47,500.00 0.00% C1023 Barber Street sports complex Safety Fencing (RIF) 2,000.00 1,705.00 295.00 0:00% 471,177.48 261,135.44 8,900.00 201,142.04 55.42% Years Balance To -Date to Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C4303 Pedestrian Bridges (DST) 627,825.00 590,378.53 37,446.47 94.04% C0735 Powerline Road 1,161,250.00 131,014.86 70,065.00 960,170.14 11.28% C0834 512 Corridor (DST FDOT Grant) 279,528.00 19,858.53 608.68 259,060.79 7.10% C0931 Scbumann/Barber Intersection (DST) CLOSED 0.00% C1031 2010 Bank Note Road Improvements 1,250,461.00 790.00 4,210.00 1,245,461.00 0.00% C1041 Cavcor Parking Area 747,622.00 6,036.00 6,464.00 735,122.00 0.81% P0001 Road Paving 89,554.57 8,336.00 81,218.57 9.31% P0002 Sidewalk/Bikepath Program 59,019.00 54,131.00 824.60 4,063.40 91.72% 4,215,259.57 810,544.92 82,172.28 3,322,542.37 19.23% Years Balance To -Date to Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C4603 Periwinkle Drive Improvements (DEP Grant $313,000) 572,091.00 568,406.03 2,794.80 890.17 99.36% C4604 Middle Stonecrop Improvements 382,301.00 187,301.18 3,388.72 191,611.10 48.99% C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT 5500,000) 5,495,326.00 4,785,409.54 70,014.29 639,902.17 87.08% C0762 Blossom Ditch Phase U 322,000.00 6,248.25 305,751.75 2.00 C0763 Stonecrop Street Crossing CLOSED 67,971.90 67,971.90 100.00 C0961 Potomac Road Crossing 125,000.00 27,509.99 97,490.01 65.14% C0962 George Street Ditch Rehabilitation 98,000.00 82,418.66 15,384.72 196.62 0.00 P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) 1,697,720.00 1,105,900.65 204,465.60 387,353.75 0.00% 8,750,409.90 6,831,166.20 296,048.13 1,623,195.57 78.07% Years Balance Project To -Date to Number Description Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C3502 Construct Access Road (828081.00 Grant) 990,086.00 822,326.31 128,118.70 39,640.99 83.06% C5505 Hangar Construction (1,1400,000 grant)- Lopresti CLOSED 1,371,831.42 1,371,831.42 100.00% C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) (CLOSED) 0.00% C1051 Rehabilitate R/W 4/22 403,954.00 210,293.52 153,054.68 40,605.80 52.06% C1052 Airport Park (RIF) 12,550.00 7,020.55 5,529.45 55.94% 2,778,421.42 2,411,471.80 281,173.38 85,776.24 0.00% CITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2010 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of March 31, 2010, the total available funds of the City was $16,743,555. $7,346,589 was held in an interest bearing checking account and $9,396,966 was invested in the SBA and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Type Amount State Board of Administration (SBA) 5,886,552 Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 1,651,844 US Government Agency Bonds 1,858,570 Total Investments 9,396,966 The details of each investment types are presented on the following pages. CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE General Fund Performance Deposits 33.51% 1,614,307.29 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 2.41% 115,989.78 Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 8.12% 391,179.70 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 14.03% 675,883.73 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 14.44% 695,619.29 Stormwater Utility Fund 0.95% 45,806.32 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1.02% 48,951.75 Discretionary Sales Tax, Series 2003 and 2003A Debt Service Fund 0.00% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 0.00% Capital Projects Fund 0.00% Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund 0.00% Stormwater Projects Fund 1.37% 66,112.20 Golf Course Fund 1.00% 48,368.20 Airport Fund 0.00% Building Department Fund 8.70% 418,894.00 Cemetery Trust Fund 14.45% 695,957.07 Sub -Total 100% 4,817,069.33 Stormwater Utility Bond Reserve 100% 630,031.52 Stormwater Utility GIC Balances 100% 439,451.04 TOTAL INVESTMENTS HELD WITH THE STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION 5,886,551.89 cashsba0331 4/12/2010 CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2010 STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION National City 06/15/08 540,759.14 2.956% 12/15/09 National City 12/15/08 1,111,084.44 2.900% 12/15/10 TOTAL 1,651,843.58 CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE General Fund 100.00% 1,651,843.58 TOTAL 1,651,843.58 cashsba0331 4/12/2010 CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2010 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DATE OF PURCHASE MATURITY INSTITUTION PURCHASE PRICE YIELD DATE 2 ASSET NAME Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds TOTAL INVESTMENT ALLOCATION 001 General Fund 858,272 858,272 120 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 130 Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 140 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 160 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 163 Stormwater Utility Fund 230 DST Bonds 1,000,298 1,000,298 310 Capital Projects Fund 320 Capital Improvements Fund 330 Transportation Fund 363 Stormwater Projects Fund 410 Golf Course Fund 455 Airport Fund 480 Building Department Fund 601 Cemetery Trust Fund TOTAL cashsba0331 4/12/7010 SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2010 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT COUPON/ DATE OF PURCHASE MATURITY CUSIP YIELD PURCHASE PRICE DATE NUMBER 0.870% 04/07/09 1,000,298 04/07/10 9 3133XTGS9 0.967% 04/07/09 858,272 05/14/10 9 3133MBJA6 1,858,570 FFCB FHLMC FHLB Totals 1,858,570 1,858,570 HOME OF PELICAN ISIAND Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Al Minner, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: April 23, 2010 Re: 2 Quarter Accomplishments and Operating Statement Fiscal Year 2010 Enclosed please find the 2 Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Finance Depantnent for the three months ended March 31, 2010. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters Prepared agenda packets and minutes for six Regular City Council meetings, one Council workshop, and four CRA meetings attended meetings for total of 19.75 hrs. Two ordinances adopted Seven Council resolutions adopted One official document recorded w /Clerk of Court Coordinated with recipients for preparation and presentation of four proclamations Placed three courtesy meeting ads in the Press Journal Placed two legal notices in Press Journal Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press Provided monthly regional and county board meeting calendars to Council Prepared reimbursement for one Council member to attend FLC Institute for Elected Municipal Officials Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations Participated in bond closing February 16 Records Manaqement Program Responded to 62 public records requests 57 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned 17 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred -It Recycling 6 trees saved Scanned into Laser -fiche 22 sets of minutes, 21 agenda packets, 7 Resolutions, 2 Ordinances, 25 agreements and 106 Cemetery files 8 other documents 884 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept. Submitted annual Public Records Compliance from to State of Florida Election Matters Assisted Supervisor of Elections in determining early voting site for November at City Hall campus City Board Matters Filled five board vacancies Prepared three Certificates of Appreciation for presentation to board members by Mayor RPM attended and recorded four Natural Resources Board meetings Cemetery Matters Certificates of Interment Rights issued for seven locations for a total of $8,800.00 Community Matters Assisted Census 2010 rep in setting up display in lobby Assisted IRC Commission and staff with Economic Summit in Council Chambers in February Responded to 45 e -mails to the general City of Sebastian e -mail address or forwarded to appropriate depai tuients RPM participated in Pepper Busting Project at Stonecrop Park w /NRB Personnel /Educational Matters Deputy City Clerk Records Program Manager attended staff training in January Deputy Clerk attended International Institute of Municipal Clerk's Regional Conference January 13 -15 in Orlando Clerk and Deputy Clerk participated in FIOG Elections Webinar March 18 Staff participated in MCCi Laserfiche E -Forms Webinar March 23 Records Program Manager participated in MCCi Laserfiche Archives Webinar March 24 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Finalized contract with Financial Advisor and worked with them to prepay the existing Gas Tax Bank Note and issue a new Bank Note to raise additional funds for street repaving. Continued negotiating the proposed fees for Investment Advisor Contract is pending their submittal of contract documents reflecting the reduced fee. Updated instructions for preparing the capital improvements program and operating budget. Issued instructions for the capital program and operating budget to the Departments. Received notification that the current budget document qualified to receive the GFOA Budget Award. Filed on -line financial reports for the year ending 9/30/09 with the State in compliance with State Law. Completed response to "surveillance" process by Standard Poor's in regard to the bond rating on the Infrastructure Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds. We were pleased that they determined that the rating would remain as A+ and stable outlook, although collections of the pledged revenues have declined. Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport grants. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. MIS Continued to monitor the Building Department's IMS web -based real time interface. Fought off every attempt to breach our security. Tracked and stopped 273 attacks. Continued to maintain all communications equipment and operate free from any interruption in services. Passed the FDLE Audit, insuring that operations are done in a safe and encrypted method. Set up DSL for the Community Center, enabling the cancellation of a second line. Set up an Economic Development computer to be used by a website volunteer and the Airport Director. Monitored and ran reports to reduce the number of alarms generated to PD, saving money and manpower. Made a deal with Sprint to replace City cell phones at no additional cost. Set up a backup server at the Airport for disaster recovery and an EOC computer at the Sheriff's compound for disaster recovery. Responded to 2,118 work orders. Ran broadcast station Channel 25 and provided 9 websites to inform the residents. Performed 77 workstation preventive maintenance task. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration Hired 1 person for vacant full -time dispatch position. Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. Administration attended 6 Council and Special Meetings. Attended over 40 Law Enforcement related meetings and 6 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. Began interview process for hiring police officer positions and crime scene position. Worked on sergeant promotional process. Began and completed our 2 Citizen's Academy with 23 graduates. Road Patrol Officers responded to 2351 calls for service, and self initiated 5577 events. 98 adult and 13 juvenile arrests were made. Officers issued 123 citations, 11 parking citations, and 516 written warnings. Officers completed 389 offense reports, 113 arrest reports, and 49 crash reports. School Resource Officers 2 DARE classes running through a 10 week period. 3 RAD Kids classes, running a 5 week period giving the kids 10 hours of training. 10 G.R.E.A.T. classes. There were 10 police reports written during this period. 27 counseling of students ranging from behavior to school violations and general behavior. 8 school meetings attended with faculty, parents, staff and school administration. Assisted with the Citizens Academy which began January 14, 2010. Planned and coordinated a Bicycle safety event held in March at Barber Street park. Assisted with a women's safety class at a HOA. Community Policing Completed 17 community contact/meetings: HOA meetings for Sebastian Lakes, Park Place and Sebastian River Landings. Neighborhood Watch Program, scout meetings, bicycle safety event and Home and Garden Show. Attended 12 business contacts/meetings: numerous financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Substance Awareness Council, Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch Run and other local businesses. Officer Marcinik gave 2 department tours, including Boy scouts, Girl scouts, and job applicants; Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages; completed approximately 120 hours on backgrounds for applicants; conducted 2 hours of car seat education to the public; completed 3 backgrounds for dispatch and volunteer applicants; also had 4 hours of community problem solving/intervention in response to various neighborhood issues and to help with crime prevention. Officer Marcinik had 53 officer initiated activities. Officer Marcinik had 8.5 hours of Recruiting; this includes phone calls and walk -in inquiries. Officer Marcinik planned and participated in a bicycle safety fair held in March. Attended and assisted with the Citizens Police Academy, which began 01 -14 -2010 and ended April 01. Officer Marcinik attended 40 hours of in- house training. Officer Marcinik also attended a class on Recognizing Security Threats ref. Gangs. Officer Marcinik held a women's safety class at a HOA. Community Volunteer Unit The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2190 hours during this quarter. 63 bank deposit details were made; saving time by not having City Hall personnel leave their normal duties. 2 traffic control details were assigned; these consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. 185 house watches were completed. 78 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. 303 business checks were made; these business checks are done to help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. 206 area checks of banks were made; marked unit's patrolling the banks at various times helps to deter crime. 35 Airport checks were made, to help deter crime. 110 special details were assigned. 4 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. 168 paper runs i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and what ever other items are needed. Assisted with traffic control on 3 traffic crash scenes. Training Unit Processed numerous schools for the department which totaled 283 course hours of training. Hosted in- house training class for our agency and other agencies to attend, Assessing Deception through Body Language. Began the annual in- house training for all sworn personnel. Investigations Detectives completed 152 hours of training in the following classes: Assessing Deception through Body Language. Elderly Abuse, CPR/AED refresher, Interviews and Interrogations, Advanced Interviews and Interrogations, Blue Lightning Phase II 41 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. 7 felony arrests were made. 29 cases being cleared. 119 reports /supplements were completed. 16 warrants were obtained for possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle, burglary of dwelling, burglary of vehicles, sexual offense of a child, harassing phone calls and possession of marijuana. 252 active cases are currently assigned Communications Division 10,571 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that 3,105 were dispatched calls for service 1,267 were Code Enforcement calls 5,538 were Officer Initiated calls 520 were Volunteer Initiated calls 141 were miscellaneous other calls Total 911 calls received 1,700 of that: 568 calls were transferred to other agencies 153 hang -ups The breakdown of the lines is as follows: Wireless 911 calls 753 (cell phones) Wire -line 911 calls 917 (residential and/or business lines) VOIP 911 calls 9 (computer phone) Unknown line 21 Incoming Admin Lines answered on black phones only are 7,454 of that: 1,593 was transferred out of dispatch 153 were abandoned Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones. Equipment Repairs Radio, 911 Phones, Instant replay, 911 Monitor/Motherboard Station 3 Replaced and Monitor Station 1 replaced. Training attended: (1) FDLE e -Agent FCIC/NCIC Hands On; (2) FDLE Regional Workgroup Meeting; (1) Active Shooter Incidents for Public Safety Communications; (1) Corrununications Center Supervisor Course; (2) FDLE Computerized Criminal History Course; (4) FIN -FL Infra- Operability training; and (7) 911 transfer to the I.R. County E.O.C. (1) Dispatcher resigned and (1) Dispatcher Hired FDLE Audit During this quarter as in all quarters, Communications provided the Citizen of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign offs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. Communications takes and dispatches all non emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. Communications assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide service to non- resident's by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We assist other agencies with information and/or request they may have. A Alarm Assessments 1. $270.00 in alarm permits 2. $1490.00 in false alarms fines 3. 120 alarm responses by officers. 4. 27 New permits issued. Code Enforcement Division 1. Issued 293 written warnings, ranging from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no pennit for a fence install, and etc. 2. 298 Code Violations. 3. 414 Code Services. 4. 396 re- inspections. 279 of the violations were complied with, 35 were not complied with, and 41 were posted for abatement, 36 abated by vendors. 5. 153 Closed cases. 6. 31 Liens filed. 7. 150 violation letters sent in an attempt to gain compliance for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots and etc. 8. 84 sign violations, signs in the right of way or illegally posted. Signs were removed and or owners were advised to have them removed. All complied. 9. 41 properties posted for abatement. 10. 36 properties abated by a vendor. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Assisted on a daily basis in resolution of numerous drainage and signage inquiries and complaints from residents. Reviewed and coordinated numerous permitting and site plan review items with Building Department and Growth Management. Reviewed for approval numerous FEMA FIRM flood map revisions (in conjunction with Growth Management). Continued working with Collier Canal Stormwater Retrofit; Periwinkle Stonmwater. Worked on the DOT Barber St. project. Handled 4 new pool construction inspections. Handled 58 new home construction inspections. Handled 14 new home drainage permits. Handled 45 new fence permits. Set elevation for 1/4 round project driveway pipes. Set elevation and grade for 5 road crossing pipes. Coordinate with Growth Management on 6 FEMA applications. Traffic Division Installed or replaced 51 Regulatory Signs ie stop, speed,etc. Installed 26 warning signs Installed 2 briteside strips Installed 34 Guide Signs ie street names, bike routes, etc. Installed 143 Temporary signs Installed 121 Specialty signs Installed 2422 ft of pavement markings Installed 14 arrows Installed 21 Rpm's Spent 20 hours on beacon maintenance Spent 200 hours on straightening posts Spent 10 hours on painting H/C Spots Spent 41 hours painting/stenciling Roads and Maintenance Repair washout on Jordan Dr. behind the house by the fence and telephone pole. Clean up file pile and haul metal to Mr. Scrape. Repair potholes on Barber St. and Tulip Dr. Repair pedestrian bridges Hand rail and the decks 5 Cut down dead pine trees at the Dog Park and haul off. Set up and break down for 5k run. Dig out pipe ends on Barber St. to help Eng. Close roads on Barber St., Wimbrow Dr. and Lake Dr. for SEC line to pour the seawall cap. Haul in clean dirt and haul off bad dirt for George St. project. Haul dirt to SE Cline 1/19 and 1/20 Set up stage for concert in the park. Put ballerds around the back flow preventer at the River view Park and the Ball Field. Two Road crossing Tulip St and Wimbrow Dr. and patch in front over the driveway at 1001 Philips St. Build and install pavilion in at the Airport Playground. Build info center and install them at Riverview and Main St. Flag for Storm water on Barber St. 1/ 19, 1/20 and 1/21 all day. Haul dirt for SE Cline 1/21 all day Repair the billboards on I -95. Clean up dead fish at Hardee Park. Repair elec. at Good Guy for the Art Festival. Install Playground equipment at the Airport. Set up and breakdown road closings and parking lot Art Festival. Patch pothole thought out the City of Sebastian Put up banner and take it down for the Art Festival Haul dirt for SE Cline 2/1 all day Repair elec at ball feild batting cage. Haul asphalt for Main St. sidewalk project for Jack R. Clean the graffiti off the Engler Bridge Tennis courts back board at Schumann Repair and repave three road crossing at Dempsey Ave. and Joy St. Cut trees off road through out the City of Sebastian Help the Garage with the sweeper truck. Haul dirt for Sunshine at George St. on 2/2 all day. Repair and repave road crossing on Wentworth St. Repair and repave two road crossing on Tarpon Ave. Haul dirt for SE Cline all day on 2/5 and 2/8 Repair and repave road crossing on Main St. Haul mulch for the Cemetery. Pick tree trimmings at Chelsea Ave. and Everina St. from Sunshine. haul dirt to Fleming Bridge for the new retaining walls being installed. Haul dirt to Main St. Sidewalk project for Jack R. Repair the Clock at Riverview Park Work on scoreboards at the Ball field Repair timer for the lights at Friendship Park. Check all city docks. Repair street light on Indian River Dr. Repair railing and the flag light at the Cemetery. Repair wall caps at Riverview Park and Yacht Club. Take dirt for ground breaking at Barber St. and remove it. Repair washout At Main St. and Airport East Road. Work on Schumann tennis courts pavilion. Repave road crossing on George St. Clean right of ways in unit 5, 4 and half of 3. Replace chain link fence at Dog Park with vinyl fence. Cut right of way back by hand on Benedictine Ter. Fill in washout on Wimbrow Dr. and 512 by the seawall. Repair handrail on the stairs at the football field concession stand. Pick up trash on 512. Pick up brush at 186 Main St. on the rear ditch. Put up and take down the banner for the Pelican Island Festival. Repair the light at the Garage. Repair the right of way on Barber St at Hardee Park for seawall project. Set up parking and road closing and open an close the stage and clean up and break down an install leaning post for the Pelican Island Festival. Repair headwalls, catch basin and pipes at Hardee Park. Repair handrail at Bevan Dr. Remove dead tree at 421 Layport Dr. Grade, remove brush and sod at the lot across for 686 Wimbrow Dr Paint Skate Park. Repair lights at compound. Clean up dead pine trees in rear ditch at 843 and 929 Landsdowne Dr. Set up stage and breakdown for Concerts in the park. Repair elec. at the Skate Park. Clean up dead tree that fell after a storm at Stonecrop Repair screening at the Compound after it blew of after a storm. Repair light at Main St Dock and Good Guy Dock. Repave road crossing at Tulip Dr. and Perch Ln. Put dirt behind the seawall at 705 Wimbrow Dr and 1601 Barber St. Put rock on the edge of the roads through out the city. Clean up the lot across from 544 Wimbrow Dr. Haul two loads of 57 rock for the Airport. Repair pipe at Riverview Park. We used 66 tons asphalt this quarter We swept 120 miles of street and parking lots 3 tanks of water and 3 dumps Parks and Recreation Replaced irrigation valve, pipes heads on U.S.1 medians due to traffic accidents. Removed 4 trees on U.S. 1 medians due to traffic accidents Replaced irrigation controller and pump start relay for U.S. 1 median. Installed new irrigation clock at Yacht Club. Installed dog water bowl Riverview Park. Repaired fence around playground at Riverview Park Set up and maintained Riverview Park for Fine Art Music Festival, 3 Concerts in the Park, Pelican Island Wildlife Festival, Vietnam Veterans Service and Rotary Home and Garden Show. Set up stage for Relay for Life event at McDonalds in Roseland. Rebuilt picnic tables at Schumann Park. Repaired fence and gates damaged by vandalism at Schumann Park Roto -tilled walking trail at Filbert St. Park. Removed 7 dead trees at Bryant Ct. Park. Replaced two feature valves at Splash Pad. Installed new sign and locks on gates to pump system at Splash per new State law. Planted Oak tree and memorial plaque at George St. Park. Removed 3 dead pine trees at Periwinkle Park. Resurfaced two clay courts and installed new tennis nets at Friendship Park. Fertilized all athletic fields and City properties. Applied Top Choice insecticide to all athletic fields. Prepared baseball fields for new season at Barber St. Sports Complex. Rewired lights on field 1 at Barber St. Sports Complex. Rebuilt 4 pitchers mounds and 4 batting areas at Barber St. Sports Complex. Built two practice pitchers mounds on fields 1 2 at Barber St. Sports Complex. Installed new 4 inch well for irrigation at City Hall Police Department. Installed new pressure tank for irrigation pump at City Hall. Repaired playground equipment in Friendship Park. Installed new irrigation at Airport Administration building. Made many irrigation repairs throughout City. Repaired wind screens at Friendship Park. Started maintenance of mangrove area at Main St. boat ramp. Repaired gate and fence at Blossom Park. Continued regular maintenance. Cemetery The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. Fertilized and applied weed killer. Made necessary irrigation repairs. Installed all necessary memorial plaques. Put a bench together Repaired and installed granite vase on Michell marker Cleaned a/c unit at the office Sharpened all blades, cleaned bins for mower blades Citv Garage Continued working with other departments to identify their vehicle and equipment needs in the event of an emergency. Daily log sheets and safety inspection reports are, for the most part, being used and checked. We are conducting random checks of the logs and notifying supervisors of problems, with a goal to have 100% compliance. Continued maintaining the fuel facility in accordance with E.P.A. requirements. We continue to monitor our inventory monthly. Starting May 1 the Administrative Services Department will receive a monthly inventory valuation report. In preparation for hurricane season, all city generators are being checked and run to ensure they are in good operating order. The backup fuel facility is ready and operational. Facilities Maintenance Waxed floors at PD Replaced burned out comm. 4 board in V.A.V. at P.D. Replaced defective laser beams on east entry gates at PD Waxed floors at the community center Quarterly testing of the fire sprinklers systems at CH, PD and Lopresti Hanger Yearly testing and tagging of all city backflow preventers Replaced leaking condensate pan in PTV1 at PD Setups for various meetings in council chambers Replaced burned out grinder pump in yacht club lift station Replaced fountain pump at City hall courtyard Assisted set -up for the chili cook off. Installed high efficiency energy saving lighting fixtures on 3 city flag poles Worked with Trane to resolve communication issues on A.C. systems at City Hall and the Police Deparlrnent. Assisted with setups and teardowns for Economic Summit meeting Installed several occupancy lighting switches (green wise) in C.H. Renegotiated A.C. Maintenance contract for approximately $7000 savings per year Put out R.F. P. Bids for Janitorial cleaning contract for June Renewal Spot cleaned stains on carpet in council chambers Replace defective winch on City Hall Flagpole Replaced burnout pump in lift station at A.P. Maintenance Building Repaired roof leaks at Old City Hall, Airport, Public Works Compound Annual Fire Alarm system testing at C.H., PD., Airport Admin, Lopresti hangar and Old city hall Installed backflow preventer at Barber Street sports complex Installed new drinking fountain at RV park restrooms Painted restroom floors at Riverview Park Cap and seal 3 abandoned wells at central complex Repaired Freon leak on R.T.V. #2 PD Completed 46 work orders in a timely manner Stormwater round Driveway Replacement 29 driveways were replaced Pipe replacements 1260 feet total o 12" pipe -1,100 LF o 15" pipe- 60 LF o 18" pipe- 100 LF Barber Street Project Driveway Replacement 61 Driveways were cut Pipes installed o 12" pipe -1,720 LF o 15" pipe- 120 LF o 18" pipe- 120 LF Bevan Road Crossing Installed o 60 -200LF o 12" 60 LF o 24" 80 LF George Street Crossing Project completed Layport and Wimbrow (side ditch piping) 720 LF of 24" Armadillo 20,000 LF Vac Truck cleaned o 25 driveway culverts o 10 road crossing pipes o 10 catch basins Long arm cutting north of 510 completed Five Road Crossings were replaced GROWTH MANAGEMENT Site Plan Reviews (major, minor and administrative): Subdivision and PUD Reviews Site Plan herings /approvals 3 Site Plan (commercial) inspections 3 Appeals 1 Extensions 0 Division of a single lot 0 Preliminary plats 0 Construction plans 0 Final plats 0 Extensions 0 Annexations: 0 Land Use and Zoning changes: 0 FEMA: Flood zone determinations 18 LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) Applications 6 Code Amendments: Land Development 1 Comprehensive Plan 0 Discussions 0 Zoning Applications: Variances 0 Conditional use permits 0 Overlay District waivers 0 Special events/Temporary use permits 10 Accessory Structures (over 500 sq. ft.) 1 Model home permits (new renewals) 0 a Sign permits 20 total 11 permanent, 8 temporary, 1 A -frame Release of Unity of Titles 1 Abandonment of Easements 0 ROW Dedications 0 Residential/Commercial Inspections: Final tree inspections- 30 Land clearing permits 15 Residential, 0 Commercial Tree Removal permits 22 Dewatering 0 Erosion Sediment 22 5' Code Enforcement Nuisance 34 Final P &Z (New Construction) 7 Comprehensive Plan EAR Workshop 1 A consultant was selected for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Comprehensive Plan and a workshop with the public and various committees was conducted to provide input into the EAR process. Growth Management staff remains busy with inquiries regarding allowed uses, approved plans, setbacks, etc. One example was working with a doctor who purchased the former World Savings Bank that has been vacant for several years. The buyer intends to open a doctor's office for him and his children who are also doctors and have a family practice. Staff met several times with the prospective owner to review uses, parking and a conceptual facade for the proposed site. Another example is the large industrial building on 130 Street that was recently auctioned. Staff met with several interested parties prior to the auction to discuss the approved site plan, future uses and other zoning matters. Site plans are reduced 30% in numbers from previous "boom" years but new site plans and modifications remain steady. Staff also provided support for several committees, including Safety Committee, Working Waterfronts Committee, FSL Grant Review Committee, as well as Planning and Zoning Commission and the Natural Resources Board. The Safety Committee is coordinated from the Growth Management Office and has conducted three Safety Committee Meetings as well as three newsletter this quarter. Two Defensive Driving Classes were held with 39 employees receiving certification of completion. One Flagman Training Class was held with 22 completing and receiving certification. One (1) AED unit was placed at City Hall, it is in the small cabinet in the mail room just outside of the City Council Chambers and City employees were trained on its basic use. We have submitted for the Florida League of Cities Safety Grant reimbursement program. Staff is also busy with request from residents to assist in reducing their flood insurance rates through the FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) process. Staff does not charge residents for the information packets, guidance on successful applications and review of the applications. This program potentially saves homeowners hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year on flood insurance costs. Staff received affirmation from the Arbor Day Foundation that the City has successfully been recertified for the 10` year as a "Tree Cty USA" community. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permitting activity has remained steady in comparison to the first quarter. In the month of January there were 3 new single- family residential permits, in February, there were 3 and in March there were 8. Commercial permitting activity had only 1 new commercial building permit for this quarter. The month of February spike in permitting activity was due to a site plan revision in a PUD that allowed homes that were waiting to be permitted to be approved and issued at the same time. Total building permits issued for the quarter includes 113 for January, 143 for February and 193 for March. The number of permits issued during this quarter has steadily increased and this is a trend that will hopefully continue. Total inspections for the Quarter included 313 for January, 343 for February and 468 for March. The inspection load has also increased from the previous quarter. The following Business Tax Receipts were issued from January l to March 31st: New Businesses -41, Renewals- 28, Transfers -9, Duplicates -1, Home Based Businesses -17, Commercial Businesses -31, Insurance Companies -2, Solicitor Permits -10. Business Tax Receipts appear to be steady with a definite increase in commercial businesses. The Collier Creek Canal seawall and dredging project was completed this quarter. The Building Department has finalized all inspections and approvals. Staff continues to send out month end expired permit notices. The response over all is good and allows us to make final inspections and close out open permits. The Building Department is now utilizing the Special magistrate to resolve outstanding issues involving work performed without building permits. n GOLF COURSE Total revenue for 2 quarter: $484,228 Golf Rounds for 2" quarter: 15,281 Green Fee revenue for 2" quarter: $213,193 Cart Fee revenue for 2 quarter: $214,734 Golf shop revenue for 2" quarter: $19,140 Driving range revenue for 2 quarter: $14,114 Discount Card revenue for 2 quarter: $9,700 Club Rental Club Storage revenue for 2 quarter: $733 Computerized golf handicap revenue for 2" quarter: $540 Rents Royalty revenue for 2" quarter: $7,949 Professional golf lesson revenue for 2" quarter: $1,879, an increase of $874 over fiscal 08 -09 2 quarter. Annual Membership /Initiation revenue for 2 quarter: $313 (Majority of Membership /Initiation revenue received in 1 quarter.) Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 2" Quarter included 2010 New Years Day Golf Tournament (72 players), The Junior Player's Tour (50 players), Sebastian Men's Golf Association President's Cup, Sebastian Women's Club Championship, No Name Medical Benefit (100 players), Sebastian River High School Baseball Golf Tournament (100 players), Sebastian Eagles (108 players), Vista Del Mar Homeowners Association (44 players), Vista Gardens Homeowners Association (108 players) Woodfield Association (64 players). Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 3 quarter include: Vero Beach First Presbyterian Habitat for Humanity Charity Tournament, Piper Aircraft Golf Tournament, Sebastian Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and Skills Competition, Brevard Rugby Golf Tournament, No Name Bar Golf Tournament, Sebastian River Moose Lodge Golf Tournament and Sebastian River High School. Touchdown Booster Club Golf Tournament. The Junior Player's Tour Sebastian Classic had their event at SMGC on February 27 28, 2010. The Junior Players Tour is a developmental junior tour which is monitored by the majority of college golf coaches throughout the country. Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. Through an arrangement with an advertising company (Bench Craft Company), provided over 5,000 complimentary yardage books to golf course customers. The 52 -page yardage book provided helpful information including key distances, full -color pictures and playing reconunendations for each hole. Hosted free boys and girls golf clinics in conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation. Represented SMGC at 2010 Honda Classic (a PGA Tour event), where Director of Golf, Greg Gardner served as a Pace of Play Rules Official at the Pro -Am competition. IDNAPPING ABDUCTION (IBR Code 100) Wednesday, 10- 204 -OF Feb 10 Total Count of FORCIBLE RAPE: 3 Total Count of FORCIBLE FONDLING: 4 Total Count of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT: 3 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Page: 1 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed No Total Count of KIDNAPPING ABDUCTION: 1 ORCIBLE RAPE (IBR Code 1 IA) Sunday, 10- 300 -OF Completed No Mar 07 Wednesday, 10- 204 -OF Completed No Feb 10 Tuesday, 10- 195 -OF Completed No Feb 09 ORCIBLE FONDLING (IBR Code 11 D) Monday, 10- 338 -OF Completed No Mar 15 Friday, 10- 290 -OF Completed No Mar 05 Friday, 10 -13 -OF Completed No Jan 01 Friday, 10 -3 -OF Completed No Jan 01 GGRAVATED ASSAULT (IBR Code 13A) Sunday, 10- 110 -AR Completed Yes Mar 07 Friday, 10- 289-OF Completed No Mar 05 Saturday, 10- 244 -OF Completed No Feb 20 IMPLE ASSAULT (IBR Code 13B) Monday, 10- 121 -AR Completed Yes Mar 22 Thursday, 10- 119 -AR Completed Yes Mar 18 Wednesday, 10- 118 -AR Completed Yes Mar 17 Friday, 10- 115 -AR Completed Yes Mar 12 Thursday, 10 -98-AR Completed Yes Feb 25 Saturday, 10 -87 -AR Feb 20 Saturday, 10 -84-AR Feb 20 Thursday, 10 -78-AR Feb 18 Wednesday, 10 -68 -AR Feb 10 Monday, 10 -66-AR Feb 08 Saturday, 10 -62 -AR Feb 06 Thursday, 10 -57 -AR Feb 04 Tuesday, 10 -55 -AR Feb 02 Tuesday, 10 -53 -AR Feb 02 Monday, 10 -45-AR Jan 25 Thursday, 10 -41 -AR Jan 21 Saturday, 10 -25-AR Jan 16 Sunday, 10 -15 -AR Jan 10 Thursday, 10 -10-AR Jan 07 Wednesday, 10 -7 -AR Jan 06 Wednesday, 10 -6-AR Jan 06 Saturday, 10 -3 -AR Jan 02 Tuesday, 10- 409 -OF Mar 30 Friday, 10- 395 -OF Mar 26 Wednesday, 10- 350 -OF Mar 17 Friday, 10- 292 -OF Mar 05 Friday, 10- 287 -OF Mar 05 Crime Status Report Page: 2 From: 01/01 /2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Date Number Frame Address Operandi 415 MELROSE LN 1606 INDIAN RIVER DR EMPRESS AVE 811 FOSTER AVE Contact Suspect a Relative Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Crime Status Report Page: 3 From: 01/01 /2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Wednesday, 10- 283 -OF 1815 1830 1318 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Mar 03 Wednesday, 10- 257 -OF Completed No Feb 24 Sunday, 10- 245 -OF 1000 1015 489 MELROSE LN Completed No Feb 21 Saturday, 10- 244 -OF 1405 INDIAN RIVER DR Completed No Feb 20 Saturday, 10- 241 -OF Completed No Feb 20 Friday, 10- 237 -OF HAVERFORD LN Completed No Feb 19 Monday, 10- 222 -OF Completed Yes Feb 15 Wednesday, 10- 203 -OF 1600 1600 1101 BARBER ST Completed No Feb 10 Tuesday, 10- 200 -OF Completed Yes Feb 09 Monday, 10- 187 -OF 0015 0035 1061 LOUISIANA AVE Completed No Feb 08 Monday, 10- 160 -OF Completed No Feb 01 Monday, 10- 154 -OF Completed No Feb 01 Tuesday, 10- 133 -OF Completed No Jan 26 Wednesday, 10 -93-0F Completed No Jan 20 Saturday, 10 -75 -OF Completed Yes Jan 16 Tuesday, 10 -56 -0F Completed No Jan 12 Saturday, 10 -42 -OF 0100 0350 441 MANGO AVE Completed No Jan 09 Friday, 10 -38 -OF 1030 1200 1524 US HWY 1 Completed No Jan 08 Total Count of SIMPLE ASSAULT: 45 INTIMIDATION (IBR Code 13C) Thursday, 10 -38 -AR 607 DAVIS ST Completed Yes Jan 21 Wednesday, 10- 381 -OF 1700 1800 1201 MAIN ST Completed No Mar 24 Monday, 10- 339 -OF 0800 0815 552 QUARRY LN Completed No Mar 15 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Page: 4 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Sunday, 10- 245 -OF 1000 1015 489 MELROSE LN Completed No Feb 21 Friday, 10- 240 -OF 2200 2330 785 GEORGE ST Completed No Feb 19 Wednesday, 10- 100 -OF 2115 2122 710 EASY ST Completed No Jan 20 Monday, 10 -86 -OF 1945 2010 223 STONY POINT DR Completed No Jan 18 Total Count of INTIMIDATION: 7 BURGLARY/ BREAKING AND ENTER! (IBR Code 220) Sunday, 10 -92 -AR 750 LAYPORT DR Entry-Door Unlocked Completed Yes Feb 21 Thursday, 10 -38 -AR 607 DAVIS ST Completed Yes Jan 21 Sunday, 10- 401 -OF 2300 0830 513 WIMBROW DR Entry- Window Left Unlocked Completed No Mar 28 Sunday, 10- 400 -OF 0900 0957 156 SPRING VALLEY AVE Entry -Pried Door Completed No Mar 28 Friday, 10- 394 -OF 0000 1400 3404 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 26 Monday, 10- 370 -OF 0600 0100 154 MABRY ST Mar 22 Monday, 10- 367 -OF 1200 1030 3429 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 22 Saturday, 10- 363 -OF 2200 1730 325 HARP TER Mar 20 Friday, 10- 357 -OF 1300 1315 633 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 19 Thursday, 10- 352 -OF 1200 1336 131 STONY POINT DR Mar 18 Monday, 10- 340 -OF 2200 0500 662 LAKE DR Mar 15 Monday, 10-336-OF 1100 1030 1655 US HIGHWAY 1 Mar 15 Friday, 10- 322 -OF 0730 1740 1213 WHITMORE ST Mar 12 Exit -Front Door Entry-Broke Window Entry-Broke Window Entry-Pried Door Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Exit -Same as Entry Tuesday, 10- 311 -OF 1555 1745 126 NEBRASKA CIR Completed No Mar 09 Monday, 10- 304 -OF 1700 1725 100 AMHERST LN Entry-Pried Door Completed No Mar 08 Exit -Same as Entry Monday, 10- 302 -OF 0900 0800 868 SCHUMANN DR Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Mar 08 Thursday, 10- 266 -OF 0630 1730 116 REDGRAVE DR Feb 25 Thursday, 10- 265 -OF 1100 1900 608 BAYFRONT TER Feb 25 Monday, 10- 247 -OF 0050 0700 1318 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 22 Friday, 10- 233 -OF 0600 0700 400 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 19 Monday, 10- 218 -OF 1430 0100 1572 CLEARBROOK ST Feb 15 Wednesday, 10- 203 -OF 1600 1600 1101 BARBER ST Feb 10 Monday, 10- 192 -OF 0900 1200 10953 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 08 Saturday, 10- 183 -OF 1830 0630 880 VOCELLE AVE Feb 06 Thursday, 10- 177 -OF 1400 1300 422 MAPLE ST Feb 04 Wednesday, 10- 174 -OF 1430 0600 538 ALAMANDA AVE Feb 03 Wednesday, 10- 172 -OF 0500 1700 1327 TEABERRY LN Feb 03 Wednesday, 10- 166 -OF 1000 0800 1313 NORTH CENTRAL AVE Feb 03 Tuesday, 10- 163 -OF 2330 0600 116 MABRY ST Feb 02 Sunday, 10- 150 -OF 1100 1330 850 VOCELLE AVE Jan 31 Saturday, 10- 146-OF 0100 0754 867 SCHUMANN DR Jan 30 Wednesday, 10-135-OF 1900 2000 112 HARRIS DR Jan 27 Tuesday, 10- 131 -OF 1200 1201 713 WENTWORTH ST Jan 26 Monday, 10- 129-OF 1100 1530 501 DURANT ST Jan 25 Saturday, 10- 118 -OF 2100 1030 1101 BARBER ST Jan 23 Friday, 10- 112 -OF 0800 1715 774 VOCELLE AVE Jan 22 Friday, 10- 110 -OF 0510 0524 954 LOUISIANA AVE Jan 22 Instrument -Prying Device Entry- Window Left Unlocked Entry-Broke Window Entry-Broke Door Glass Entry-Rear Door Exit -Same as Entry Entry-Rear Door Entry-Broke Lock Contact Home /Residence Entry-Front Door Page: 5 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed Yes Attempted No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed Yes Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Thru: 03 /31/2010 Page: 6 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Thursday, 10- 102 -OF 0430 0436 307 BAYHARBOR TER Entry-Broke Window Completed No Jan 21 Thursday, 10- 101 -OF 0400 0418 1148 GEORGE ST Entry-Broke Window Completed No Jan 21 Tuesday, 10 -92 -OF 0900 1800 320 KING ST Completed No Jan 19 Sunday, 10 -76 -OF 2030 0700 643 COLLINS ST Completed No Jan 17 Wednesday, 10 -64 -OF 0800 1500 110 DAHL AVE Exit -Rear Window Completed No Jan 13 Entry- Window Left Unlocked Wednesday, 10 -63 -OF 0700 1700 702 CLEARMONT ST Entry-Cut Hole Window Screen Attempted No Jan 13 Sunday, 10 -50 -OF 2300 1030 409 OAK ST Completed No Jan 10 Thursday, 10 -37 -OF 1800 2020 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Entry- Punched Lock Completed No Jan 07 Wednesday, 10 -29-OF 1615 1624 110 DAHL AVE Entry-Broke Door Seal Completed No Jan 06 Monday, 10 -23 -OF 0300 0340 910 CANAL CIR Entry-Broke Lock Completed No Jan 04 Sunday, 10 -22 -OF 2300 0730 549 CARNIVAL TER Entry-Broke Door Seal Completed No Jan 03 Sunday, 10 -20-OF 1600 0005 441 MANGO AVE Entry-Rear Door Completed No Jan 03 Saturday, 10 -18 -OF 1800 0900 1783 SKYLINE LN Entry-Lift Patio Door Off Trac Completed No Jan 02 Friday, 10 -12 -OF 1730 1730 391 PINE ST Jan 01 Friday, 10 -7 -OF 0015 0100 957 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Jan 01 Total Count of BURGLARY BREAKING AND ENTER': 52 Exit -Rear Door Entry-Broke Window Attempted No SHOPLIFTING (/BR Code =23C) Friday, 10- 114 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 12 Friday, 10- 113 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 12 Thursday, 10- 105 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 04 Saturday, 10 -86 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 20 Friday, 10 -81 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 19 Crime Status Report From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Thursday, 10 -79 -AR 995 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Feb 18 Tuesday, 10 -75 -AR 1451 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Feb 16 Thursday, 10 -39-AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Jan 21 Thursday, 10- 386 -OF 1240 1247 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Mar 25 Friday, 10- 288 -OF 1135 1230 1451 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Mar 05 Saturday, 10- 275 -OF 1855 1905 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Feb 27 Thursday, 10- 260 -OF 0820 0900 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Feb 25 Friday, 10- 235 -OF 1451 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Feb 19 Thursday, 10- 231 -OF 1700 1705 999 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Feb 18 Friday, 10- 145-OF 1815 1820 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Jan 29 Wednesday, 10 -97 -OF 1630 1730 995 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 20 Total Count of SHOPLIFTING: 16 THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE (!BR Code 23F) Saturday, 10- 396-OF 0000 1700 406 TUNISON LN Mar 27 Friday, 10- 394 -OF 0000 1400 3404 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 26 Thursday, 10- 387 -OF 1800 1600 542 BREAKWATER TER Mar 25 Thursday, 10- 385 -OF 0800 1130 3609 DERRY DR Mar 25 Thursday, 10- 384 -OF 0700 1700 3403 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 25 Thursday, 10- 383 -OF 0715 0730 129 HARRIS DR Mar 25 Wednesday, 10- 379 -OF 0515 0545 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 24 Wednesday, 10- 378 -OF 0515 0625 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 24 Tuesday, 10- 371 -OF 1530 0900 3411 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 23 Monday, 10- 368 -OF 1200 1323 155 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 22 Entry-Door Unlocked Entry-Door Unlocked Entry -Door Unlocked Entry-Door Unlocked Entry-Broke Window Entry-Broke Window Page: 7 04/15/2010 Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Attempted No Attempted No Completed No Completed No Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Friday, 10- 359 -OF 1500 1520 1201 MAIN ST Completed No Mar 19 Friday, 10- 358 -OF 1304 1308 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Entry-Broke Window Completed No Mar 19 Wednesday, 10- 349 -OF 1215 1235 819 SCHUMANN DR Completed No Mar 17 Friday, 10- 321 -OF 0100 1300 310 TUNISON LN Completed No Mar 12 Saturday, 10- 296 -OF 2300 1200 1401 THORNHILL LN Completed No Mar 06 Wednesday, 10- 228 -OF 1300 1730 250 SEBASTIAN BLVD Entry-Broke Window Completed No Feb 17 Wednesday, 10- 227 -OF 1330 1343 1701 US HIGHWAY 1 Entry-Broke Window Completed No Feb 17 Exit -Same as Entry Saturday, 10- 213 -OF 0300 0900 111 LANCASTER ST Feb 13 Tuesday, 10- 199 -OF 1830 1915 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 09 Monday, 10- 157 -OF 1930 0610 285 DOCK AVE Feb 01 Sunday, 10- 149 -OF 1300 1310 957 SEBASTIAN BLVD Jan 31 Tuesday, 10- 134 -OF 2330 2332 168 MABRY ST Jan 26 Thursday, 10- 106 -OF 2200 0900 1570 US HIGHWAY 1 Jan 21 Monday, 10 -81-OF 2130 1100 441 PINE ST Jan 18 Friday, 10 -70 -OF 0300 0330 850 OSWEGO AVE Jan 15 Friday, 10 -69 -OF 0300 0330 874 OSWEGO AVE Jan 15 Saturday, 10 -45 -OF 0800 1130 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Jan 09 Friday, 10 -6 -OF 1615 1619 518 LAKE DR Jan 01 Friday, 10 -5-OF 1800 1200 718 CARNATION DR Jan 01 Friday, 10 -4 -OF 1230 1345 443 AZINE TER Jan 01 Friday, 10 -1 -OF 0130 0330 942 ROSEARBOR DR Jan 01 Total Count of THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE: 31 Entry-Rear Door Page: 8 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Attempted No Completed Completed No Completed No Completed No Attempted No Completed 140 Completed No Completed No Completed No Incident Case Time Modus _Date Number Frame Address Operandi ALL OTHER LARCENY (IBR Code 2311) Friday, 10 -23-AR Jan 15 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 700 INDIAN RIVER DR Tuesday, 10- 408-OF 0900 1130 143 COCONUT ST Mar 30 Sunday, 10- 401 -OF 2300 0830 513 WIMBROW DR Mar 28 Saturday, 10- 396 -OF 0000 1700 406 TUNISON LN Mar 27 Thursday, 10- 387 -OF 1800 1600 542 BREAKWATER TER Mar 25 Thursday, 10- 385 -OF 0800 1130 3609 DERRY DR Mar 25 Thursday, 10- 384 -OF 0700 1700 3403 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 25 Wednesday, 10- 378 -OF 0515 0625 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 24 Tuesday, 10- 371 -OF 1530 0900 3411 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 23 Monday, 10- 370 -OF 0600 0100 154 MABRY ST Mar 22 Monday, 10- 367 -OF 1200 1030 3429 HEATHERWAY LN Mar 22 Saturday, 10- 363 -OF 2200 1730 325 HARP TER Mar 20 Friday, 10- 359 -OF 1500 1520 1201 MAIN ST Mar 19 Friday, 10- 358 -OF 1304 1308 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 19 Friday, 10- 357 -OF 1300 1315 633 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 19 Thursday, 10- 352 -OF 1200 1336 131 STONY POINT DR Mar 18 Monday, 10- 341 -OF 1700 1700 439 FLEMING ST Mar 15 Monday, 10- 340-OF 2200 0500 662 LAKE DR Mar 15 Monday, 10- 336 -OF 1100 1030 1655 US HIGHWAY 1 Mar 15 Monday, 10- 335-OF 1430 1000 123 ENGLAR DR Mar 15 Saturday, 10- 324 -OF 0800 1600 787 SCHUMANN DR Mar 13 Friday, 10- 322 -OF 0730 1740 1213 WHITMORE ST Page: 9 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed Yes Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Mar12 Friday, 10- 321 -OF 0100 1300 310 TUNISON LN Completed No Mar 12 Wednesday, 10- 316 -OF 561 BARBER ST Completed No Mar 10 Wednesday, 10- 312 -OF 1229 GEORGE ST Completed No Mar 10 Tuesday, 10- 311 -OF 1555 1745 126 NEBRASKA CIR Completed No Mar 09 Sunday, 10- 277 -OF 1200 1330 1295 MAIN ST Completed No Feb 28 Saturday, 10- 274 -OF 1000 1000 967 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Feb 27 Thursday, 10- 266 -OF 0630 1730 116 REDGRAVE DR Completed No Feb 25 Thursday, 10. 265 -OF 1100 1900 608 BAYFRONT TER Completed No Feb 25 Wednesday, 10- 256 -OF 1730 1920 455 TOLEDO ST Completed Feb 24 Wednesday, 10- 254 -OF 1300 0900 500 BALBOA ST Completed No Feb 24 Monday, 10- 249 -OF 2314 1840 750 LAYPORT DR Completed No Feb 22 Monday, 10- 248 -OF 1300 1300 125 MABRY ST Feb 22 Monday, 10- 247 -OF 0050 0700 1318 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 22 Friday, 10- 234 -OF 1800 1900 995 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 19 Friday, 10- 233 -OF 0600 0700 400 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 19 Thursday, 10- 230 -OF 1818 1152 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 18 Wednesday, 10- 229 -OF 1100 1400 1570 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 17 Wednesday, 10- 228 -OF 1300 1730 250 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 17 Wednesday, 10- 227 -OF 1330 1343 1701 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 17 Wednesday, 10- 226 -OF 1800 0800 9707 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 17 Monday, 10- 218 -OF 1430 0100 1572 CLEARBROOK ST Feb 15 Saturday, 10- 213 -OF 0300 0900 111 LANCASTER ST Feb 13 Page: 10 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Attempted No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Incident Case Time Modus Date Number Frame Address Operandi Wednesday, 10- 203 -OF 1600 1600 1101 BARBER ST Feb 10 Tuesday, 10- 199-OF 1830 1915 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 09 Monday, 10- 192 -OF 0900 1200 10953 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 08 Saturday, 10- 184 -OF 1900 2100 474 CARAVAN TER Feb 06 Saturday, 10- 183 -OF 1830 0630 880 VOCELLE AVE Feb 06 Thursday, 10- 178.OF 0820 1715 400 SEBASTIAN BLVD Feb 04 Thursday, 10- 177 -OF 1400 1300 422 MAPLE ST Feb 04 Wednesday, 10- 174 -OF 1430 0600 538 ALAMANDA AVE Feb 03 Wednesday, 10- 172 -OF 0500 1700 1327 TEABERRY LN Feb 03 Wednesday, 10- 169 -OF 1109 INDIAN RIVER DR Feb 03 Wednesday, 10- 166 -OF 1000 0800 1313 NORTH CENTRAL AVE Feb 03 Tuesday, 10- 164 -OF 1740 1745 442 EASY ST Feb 02 Tuesday, 10- 163 -OF 2330 0600 116 MABRY ST Feb 02 Monday, 10-157-OF 1930 0610 285 DOCK AVE Feb 01 Sunday, Jan 31 10- 151 -OF 1200 1730 102 DUNCAN ST Sunday, 10- 149 -OF 1300 1310 957 SEBASTIAN BLVD Jan 31 Saturday, 10- 146 -OF 0100 0754 867 SCHUMANN DR Jan 30 Thursday, 10- 138 -OF 1335 1335 833 BARBER ST Jan 28 Thursday, 10- 137 -OF 0800 0900 130 MAGGIE WAY Jan 28 Wednesday, 10- 135 -OF 1900 2000 112 HARRIS DR Jan 27 Crime Status Report Page: 11 From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 Tuesday, 10- 131 -OF 1200 1201 713 WENTWORTH ST Jan 26 Monday, 10- 129 -OF 1100 1530 501 DURANT ST Jan 25 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed Yes Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 Page: 12 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Monday, 10- 128-OF 0900 0900 257 CARAVAN TER Completed No Jan 25 Monday, 10- 126 -OF 0900 0900 1188 BREEZY WAY Completed No Jan 25 Sunday, 10- 124 -OF 1700 2200 245 CARAVAN TER Completed No Jan 24 Friday, 10- 111 -OF 2200 0800 1034 BARBER ST Completed No Jan 22 Thursday, 10- 106 -OF 2200 0900 1570 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Jan 21 Thursday, 10- 102 -OF 0430 0436 307 BAYHARBOR TER Completed No Jan 21 Wednesday, 10 -95 -OF 0800 1000 730 FLEMING ST Completed No Jan 20 Wednesday, 10 -94-OF 2100 0800 513 WIMBROW DR Completed Yes Jan 20 Tuesday, 10 -92 -OF 0900 1800 320 KING ST Completed No Jan 19 Monday, 10 -81 -OF 2130 1100 441 PINE ST Completed No Jan 18 Sunday, 10 -76 -OF 2030 0700 643 COLLINS ST Completed No Jan 17 Friday, 10 -70-OF 0300 0330 850 OSWEGO AVE Completed No Jan 15 Wednesday, 10 -64-OF 0800 1500 110 DAHL AVE Completed No Jan 13 Wednesday, 10 -60 -OF 0800 1507 9707 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Jan 13 Wednesday, 10 -57 -OF 0800 0800 3 TREASURE CIR Completed No Jan 13 Tuesday, 10 -55-OF 1200 0715 301 JETTIE TER Completed No Jan 12 Sunday, 10 -50 -OF 2300 1030 409 OAK ST Completed No Jan 10 Thursday, 10 -37 -OF 1800 2020 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 07 Monday, 10 -24-OF 0800 0800 1417 TRADEWINDS WAY Completed No Jan 04 Monday, 10 -23-OF 0300 0340 910 CANAL CIR Completed No Jan 04 Sunday, 10 -22 -OF 2300 0730 549 CARNIVAL TER Completed No Jan 03 Sunday, 10 -20 -OF 1600 0005 441 MANGO AVE Completed No Jan 03 Saturday, 10 -18 -OF 1800 0900 1783 SKYLINE LN Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th ru 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Jan 02 Page: 13 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Saturday, 10 -17 -OF 1800 0800 513 FUTCH WAY Completed No Jan 02 Friday, 10 -7 -OF 0015 0100 957 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 01 Friday, 10 -5 -OF 1800 1200 718 CARNATION DR Completed No Jan 01 Friday, 10 -4-OF 1230 1345 443 AZINE TER Completed No Jan 01 Friday, 10 -1 -OF 0130 0330 942 ROSEARBOR DR Completed No Jan 01 Total Count of ALL OTHER LARCENY: 94 MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (IBR Code 240) Monday, 10- 302 -OF 0900 0800 868 SCHUMANN DR Completed No Mar 08 Sunday, 10- 301 -OF 700 EASY ST Completed No Mar 07 Thursday, 10- 262 -OF 1400 1230 867 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Feb 25 Tuesday, 10- 162 -OF 1700 0600 116 MABRY ST Completed Yes Feb 02 Thursday, 10 -36-OF 1940 2040 815 LOUISIANA AVE Completed No Jan 07 Total Count of MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT: 5 COUNTERFEITING FORGERY (IBR Code 250) Monday, 10- 369 -OF 0800 1400 167 ACADEMY TER Mar 22 Friday, 10- 269 -OF 1220 1225 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Feb 26 Wednesday, 10 -30 -OF 0600 1825 995 SEBASTIAN BLVD Jan 06 Total Count of COUNTERFEITING FORGERY: 3 Completed No Completed No Completed No FALSE PRETENSES SWINDLE CO (IBR Code 26A) Wednesday, 10- 412 -OF 0000 2359 1543 GLENTRY LN Completed No Mar 31 Sunday, 10- 402 -OF 1300 1100 1368 HAVERFORD LN Completed No Mar 28 Friday, 10- 390 -OF 1200 1200 358 KEEN TER Completed No Mar26 Tuesday, 10- 346 -OF 1771 BARBER ST Completed No Mar 16 Thursday, 10- 263 -OF 949 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Total Count of FALSE PRETENSES SWINDLE CO: 7 Crime Status Report From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 Page: 14 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Feb 25 Wednesday, 10- 229 -OF 1100 1400 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Feb 17 CREDIT CARD /AUTOMATIC TELLER (1BR Code 26B) Tuesday, 10- 373 -OF 0000 1300 1201 MAIN ST Mar 23 Total Count of CREDIT CARD AUTOMATIC TELLER: 2 IMPERSONATION (1BR Code 26C) Monday, 10- 334 -OF 0000 0000 462 PERIWINKLE DR Mar 15 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Friday, 10 -8-OF 0831 0900 131 CRAWFORD DR Completed No Jan 01 Completed No Friday, 10- 239-OF 0800 1700 243 COLUMBUS ST Completed No Feb 19 Attempted No Wednesday, 10- 254 -OF 1300 0900 500 BALBOA ST Attempted No Feb 24 Thursday, 10- 137 -OF 0800 0900 130 MAGGIE WAY Completed No Jan 28 Wednesday, 10 -59-OF 0000 0000 400 PARK AVE Attempted No Jan 13 Monday, 10 -24-OF 0800 0800 1417 TRADEWINDS WAY Completed No Jan 04 Total Count of IMPERSONATION: 5 STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES (1BR Code 280) Wednesday, 10 -94-OF 2100 0800 513 WIMBROW DR Jan 20 Total Count of STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES: 1 DESTRUCTION /DAMAGE/ VANDAL! (1BR Code 290) Thursday, 10 -57 -AR 1601 LACONIA ST Feb 04 Saturday, 10 -50 -AR 1101 BARBER ST Jan 30 Wednesday, 10- 410 -OF 1200 1201 400 SEBASTIANIBLVD Mar 31 Sunday, 10- 400-OF 0900 0957 156 SPRING VALLEY AVE Mar 28 Friday, 10- 357 -OF 1300 1315 633 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 19 Friday, 10- 355 -OF 0120 0212 LACONIA ST Mar 19 Entry -Broke Window Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed Yes Completed No Completed No Completed No Completed No Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Thru: 03/31 /2010 Incident Case Time Modus _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi Page: 15 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete _Made_ Monday, 10- 304 -OF 1700 1725 100 AMHERST LN Completed No Mar 08 Thursday, 10- 285-OF 2200 0730 1121 BARBER ST Completed No Mar 04 Wednesday, 10- 228 -OF 1300 1730 250 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Feb 17 Monday, 10- 219 -OF 1800 0600 601 CAPON TER Completed No Feb 15 Tuesday, 10- 201 -OF 1800 2230 123 KEYSTONE DR Completed No Feb 09 Monday, 10- 192 -OF 0900 1200 10953 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Feb 08 Monday, 10- 191 -OF 2100 0630 1762 SKYLINE LN Completed No Feb 08 Monday, 10- 188 -OF 0000 0600 530 BARBER ST Completed No Feb 08 Friday, 10- 179 -OF 1205 LARKSPUR ST Completed No Feb 05 Monday, 10- 158 -OF 0800 1500 1061 GARDENIA ST Completed No Feb 01 Monday, 10- 153 -OF 1544 1546 180 STONY POINT DR Completed No Feb 01 Sunday, 10- 152 -OF 2230 1800 967 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 31 Friday, 10- 142 -OF 1500 1100 POWERLINE RD Completed No Jan 29 Thursday, 10- 139 -OF 1750 1755 491 AVOCADO AVE Completed No Jan 28 Tuesday, 10- 133 -OF 1850 1900 978 CLEARMONT ST Completed No Jan 26 Sunday, 10- 123 -OF 2230 1100 1034 BARBER ST Completed No Jan 24 Saturday, 10- 120 -OF 1600 1600 861 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 23 Saturday, 10- 119 -OF 1601 LACONIA ST Completed No Jan 23 Friday, 10- 112 -OF 0800 1715 774 VOCELLE AVE Completed No Jan 22 Friday, 10- 111 -OF 2200 0800 1034 BARBER ST Completed No Jan 22 Thursday, 10- 103 -OF 1200 1215 476 ARBOR ST Completed No Jan 21 Thursday, 10- 102 -OF 0430 0436 307 BAYHARBOR TER Completed No Jan 21 Crime Status Report From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03 /31/2010 Page: 16 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest Date Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Thursday, 10- 101 -OF 0400 0418 1148 GEORGE ST Entry-Broke Door Glass Completed No Jan 21 Saturday, 10 -72 -OF 1700 0830 700 MAIN ST Completed No Jan 16 Wednesday, 10 -64-OF 0800 1500 110 DAHL AVE Entry-Cut Hole Window Screen Completed No Jan 13 Wednesday, 10 -63 -OF 0700 1700 702 CLEARMONT ST Completed No Jan 13 Tuesday, 10 -53 -OF 2200 0700 134 KILDARE DR Completed No Jan 12 Sunday, 10 -48-OF 2300 0800 586 GERALD ST Completed No Jan 10 Sunday, 10 -47 -OF 2300 0600 755 EASY ST Completed No Jan 10 Saturday, 10 -45 -OF 0800 1130 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 09 Thursday, 10 -37 -OF 1800 2020 345 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed No Jan 07 Wednesday, 10 -29-0F 1615 1624 110 DAHL AVE Completed No Jan 06 Monday, 10 -23 -OF 0300 0340 910 CANAL CIR Completed No Jan 04 Friday, 10 -12 -OF 1730 1730 391 PINE ST Completed No Jan 01 Friday, 10 -10-OF 1430 1700 118 BRISBANE ST Completed No Jan 01 Total Count of DESTRUCTION DAMAGE VANDALI: 41 DRUG NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS (IBR Code 35A) Thursday, 10- 120 -AR 900 BEACH LN Completed Yes Mar 18 Thursday, 10- 106 -AR 112 CAPRI AVE Completed Yes Mar 04 Tuesday, 10 -94 -AR US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 23 Saturday, 10 -82 -AR 1676 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 20 Saturday, 10 -91 -AR 1801 BARBER ST Completed Yes Feb 20 Wednesday, 10 -74-AR Completed Yes Feb 17 Friday, 10 -70-AR 1334 SCHUMANN DR Completed Yes Feb 12 Wednesday, 10 -69-AR 782 WAVE ST Completed Yes Feb 10 Crime Status Report From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 Page: 17 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Saturday, 10 -64-AR SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Feb 06 Saturday, 10 -62 -AR EMPRESS AVE Completed Yes Feb 06 Saturday, 10 -51 -AR 1200 MAIN ST Completed Yes Jan 30 Saturday, 10 -49 -AR BARBARA CT Completed Yes Jan 30 Saturday, 10 -43 -AR 700 MAIN ST Completed Yes Jan 23 Wednesday, 10 -36 -AR SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Jan 20 Sunday, 10 -30 -AR 1190 BARBER ST Completed Yes Jan 17 Friday, 10 -23-AR 700 INDIAN RIVER DR Completed Yes Jan 15 Friday, 10 -22 -AR 700 INDIAN RIVER DR Completed Yes Jan 15 Tuesday, 10 -21 -AR 100 CAPRONA ST Completed Yes Jan 12 Monday, 10 -19-AR 9595 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Jan 11 Friday, 10 -13 -AR 900 ROSELAND RD Completed Yes Jan 08 Saturday, 10- 398 -OF 2337 0030 147 MABRY ST Completed No Mar 27 Tuesday, 10- 374 -OF 1725 1735 1101 BARBER ST Completed No Mar 23 Saturday, 10- 324 -OF 0800 1600 787 SCHUMANN DR Completed No Mar 13 Monday, 10- 306 -OF 2222 2222 300 ENGLAR DR Completed No Mar 08 Tuesday, 10- 225 -OF PERCH LN Completed No Feb 16 Monday, 10 -87 -OF 2310 2350 TULIP DR Completed No Jan 18 Monday, 10 -85-OF 7855 66 AVE Completed No Jan 18 Total Count of DRUG NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS: 27 DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS (IBR Code 35B) Thursday, 10- 120 -AR 900 BEACH LN Mar 18 Completed Yes Thursday, 10- 106 -AR 112 CAPRI AVE Completed Yes Total Count of DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS: 11 WEAPON LAW VIOLATIONS (JBR Code 520) Sunday, 10 -1 -AR 45TH ST Jan 03 Total Count of WEAPON LAW VIOLATIONS: 1 BAD CHECKS (IBR Code 90A) Wednesday, 10- 411 -OF 2045 2055 1451 SEBASTIAN BLVD Mar 31 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Th r u 03/31/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete Made_ Mar 04 Tuesday, 10 -94-AR US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 23 Saturday, 10 -90 -AR US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 20 Saturday, 10 -64 -AR SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Feb 06 Wednesday, 10 -47 -AR 385 BENSCHOP ST Completed Yes Jan 27 Sunday, 10 -30 -AR 1190 BARBER ST Completed Yes Jan 17 Friday, 10 -13-AR 900 ROSELAND RD Completed Yes Jan 08 Saturday, 10- 398 -OF 2337 0030 147 MABRY ST Completed No Mar 27 Saturday, 10- 324-OF 0800 1600 787 SCHUMANN DR Completed No Mar 13 Thursday, 10- 268 -OF ADMIRAL CIR Completed No Feb 25 Total Count of BAD CHECKS: 1 DISORDERLY CONDUCT (IBR Code 90C) Tuesday, 10- 126 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Mar 30 Total Count of DISORDERLY CONDUCT: 1 Page: 18 04/15/2010 Completed Yes Completed No Completed Yes DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (IBR Code 90D) Monday, 10- 125 -AR 832 ROSELAND RD Completed Yes Mar 29 Tuesday, 10- 103 -AR 700 MAIN ST Completed Yes Mar 02 Tuesday, 10 -52 -AR 617 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 02 Thursday, 10 -48-AR 100 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Jan 28 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest _Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Wednesday, 10 -47 -AR 385 BENSCHOP ST Completed Yes Jan 27 Friday, 10 -2 -AR 1809 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Jan 01 Saturday, 10- 329 -OF 1730 1730 1600 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Mar 13 Total Count of DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE: 7 DRUNKENNESS (1BR Code 90E) Sunday, 10- 111 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 07 Monday, 10 -66 -AR 1606 INDIAN RIVER DR Completed Yes Feb 08 Saturday, 10 -63-AR 1251 SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Feb 06 Wednesday, 10 -56 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 03 Total Count of DRUNKENNESS: 4 LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS pBR Code 90G) Wednesday, 10 -97 -AR 99 MAIN ST Feb 24 Total Count of LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS: 1 PEEPING TOM (1BR Code 90H) Thursday, 10 -38-AR Jan 21 Total Count of PEEPING TOM: 1 Crime Status Report Page: 19 From: 01 /01/2010 Thru: 03/31/2010 04/15/2010 Completed Yes Completed Yes RUNAWAY (1BR Code 901) Friday, 10- 271 -OF Completed No Feb 26 Tuesday, 10- 132 -OF Completed No Jan 26 Friday, 10 -2 -OF Completed No Jan 01 Total Count of RUNAWAY: 3 TRESPASS OF REAL PROPERTY (1BR Code 90J) Friday, 10- 113 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 12 Friday, 10- 107 -AR 1322 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Mar 05 Saturday, 10 -86-AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 20 Total Count of TRESPASS OF REAL PROPERTY: 7 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Thru: 03/31 /2010 Page: 20 04/15/2010 Incident Case Time Modus Attempted Arrest Date_ Number Frame Address Operandi /Complete _Made_ Friday, 10 -81 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 19 Thursday, 10 -38-AR 607 DAVIS ST Completed Yes Jan 21 Wednesday, 10 -37 -AR 607 DAVIS ST Completed Yes Jan 20 Monday, 10- 193 -OF 1710 1715 931 BARBER ST Completed No Feb 08 ALL OTHER OFFENSES (IBR Code 90Z) Saturday, 10 -87 -AR 415 MELROSE LN Completed Yes Feb 20 Friday, 10 -81 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 19 Monday, 10 -66 -AR 1606 INDIAN RIVER DR Completed Yes Feb 08 Saturday, 10 -62 -AR EMPRESS AVE Completed Yes Feb 06 Wednesday, 10 -56 -AR 2001 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 03 Tuesday, 10 -55 -AR 602 ERVIN ST Completed Yes Feb 02 Wednesday, 10 -47 -AR 385 BENSCHOP ST Completed Yes Jan 27 Tuesday, 10 -5-AR 137 MIDVALE TER Completed Yes Jan 05 Sunday, 10 -1 -AR 45TH ST Completed Yes Jan 03 Saturday, 10- 361.OF 0100 0015 111 PELICAN ISLAND PL Completed No Mar 20 Monday, 10- 342 -OF 2320 2330 325 HARP TER Completed No Mar 15 Monday, 10- 333 -OF 0040 0045 312 HARP TER Completed No Mar 15 Friday, 10- 272 -OF 1600 1651 1572 CLEARBROOK ST Completed No Feb 26 Wednesday, 10- 255 -OF 1500 1500 182 ABETO TER Completed No Feb 24 Monday, 10- 127 -OF 1200 1000 4208 GALLOWAY CT Completed No Jan 25 Friday, 10- 115 -OF 552 QUARRY LN Completed No Jan 22 Thursday, 10 -68-OF 2115 2000 608 LAYPORT DR Contact -Known to Victim Completed No Incident Case Time Modus _Date Number Frame Address Operandi Jan 14 Total Count of ALL OTHER OFFENSES: 17 TRAFFIC, TOWN BY -LAW OFFENSES (JBR Code 99) Saturday, 10 -15-OF 0250 0251 LA PLAYA LN Completed No Jan 02 Wednesday, 10 -58 -OF 1201 MAIN ST Completed Yes Jan 13 Monday, 10 -87 -OF 2310 2350 TULIP DR Completed No Jan 18 Wednesday, 10 -99 -OF 1920 1930 497 TULIP DR Completed No Jan 20 Tuesday, 10-251-OF 2157 2157 700 WIMBROW DR Completed No Feb 23 Thursday, 10- 267 -OF 2004 2030 879 BARBER ST Completed No Feb 25 Saturday, 10- 329 -OF 1730 1730 1600 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed No Mar 13 Friday, 10 -12 -AR 11638 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Jan 08 Monday, 10 -17 -AR TULIP DR Completed Yes Jan 11 Saturday, 10 -24-AR 1000 LOUISIANA AVE Completed Yes Jan 16 Monday, 10 -27 -AR 1100 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Jan 18 Tuesday, 10 -34-AR BARBER ST Completed Yes Jan 19 Wednesday, 10 -36-AR SEBASTIAN BLVD Completed Yes Jan 20 Tuesday, 10 -52 -AR 617 US HIGHWAY 1 Completed Yes Feb 02 Wednesday, 10 -74-AR Completed Yes Feb 17 Monday, 10- 112 -AR 700 EASY ST Completed Yes Mar 08 Total Count of TRAFFIC, TOWN BY -LAW OFFENSES: 16 Crime Status Report From: 01/01/2010 Thru: 03/31 /2010 Page: 21 04/15/2010 Attempted Arrest /Complete Made_