HomeMy WebLinkAbout06142010Budget AgendaHOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY JUNE 14, 2010 6:00 PM CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes May 3, 2010 5. Review Recommended Fiscal Year 2011 Proposed Annual Budget 6. Adjournment Memorandum To: Budget Review Committee Members CC: Al Minner, City Manager From: Ed Herlihy, Budcom Chairman Date: 6/1 0/2010 Re: Budcom Meeting 6/14 Please plan to attend the Budcom meeting this coming Monday, June 14 at 6 PM. It is an important one. Al Minner will be presenting the first draft of the 2011 Budget. Please review the Budget Book and come to the meeting with your questions. For your information, I am attaching a recent article from the AARP Bulletin concerning property taxes. We need to consider this year whether the City can continue with no tax increase and keep the City services we have presently. Mr. Minner will address this in more detail. You will also find attached information requested at our last meeting including street lighting costs and police vehicle inventory. Attachments 1 Tome values have dropped by 22 percent. Dwners want tax relief. Nho will pay to keep the town running? By Carole Fleck I f anyone knows what her house is worth, it's Rose- Anne DeSantes McLarnon, a real estate agent in New Jer- sey. And she says it surely wasn't worth the inflated value that local assessors assigned it last year in the midst of the nation's worst housing collapse since the 1930s. i\1.cLarnon's four bedroom home, perched on a lake just outside Atlantic City, has lost a third of its market value Since she and her husband moved in three years ago, she estimates. So they were aghast when they opened their property tax bill of more than $9,100. "Our rtdletin.aarp.org JUNEZO1O property tax bill went up and our homes value wew ilo\'. n.' ays 31cl.arnon, a In com all over the country. growing numbers of homeowners like the McLarnons are fighting back against property tax bills that remain stubbornly high or continue to rise even as average home prices have ed--12 between 200(; and 200Q, according to the National Association of Realtors, Many owners, including retirees living on fixed incomes, had been counting on financial relief in the torus of lower tax bills. But like it or not, local governments depend 00 property taxes to pay for schools, police, gar hage trucks, libraries, pothole repair crews and other services and essentials of civic life. Officials tend to keep property taxes high to make ends meet. rather than cut services: 25 percent of ,American cities raised property tax rates in fiscal year 2009, according to the Na- tional League of Cities, an advocacy group. Just a few weeks ago, Philadelphia officials raised property kix rates by 9.9 percent. "Just because assessments go down doesn't mean property tax hills will go doyen," says Kim Boehm, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute. a research group in \Washington. At the same time, she says, "local governments are aware of the fact that homeowners can revolt." The beginnings of revolt can be found in at least their ire tIoriCin'S last year. In othc: protest ran its own argue that Such prat_ m1USt halane on the bac:- Taxpayers states. 111 sonic, reside ,,1 assessment ap i County. I0.091 y irh 5.o53 appeals ners are 01 n (..;aylord, 31 l propert ;e unfairly 'tend that •.'i? respon rs. The ,grout), to 60 percent of all American hones are as- ssed higher than they should be. 1' he tension reflects a nationwide crisis in local ivei nn ent finances that is often overshadowed the federal government's huge deficits, but its ipact is more immediate because local govern ents must balance their budgers.Local revenues all kinds including income, business, hotel id sales taxes- -are down because of the reces- on. Los Angeles County. for instance, faces a 110 million gap this year and is proposing cute ticks in libraries, social services and health care. '1'o be sure, not everyone s property tax hill is rising. A lot depends 00 which state you live in. In 1978, an uprising by Cali- fornia property owners brought voter passage of Proposition 13. which among other things gen- erally capped property taxes at 1 percent of market value when states have similar controls. while its it cal governments remain essential) ire, ist tax bills if it's done through an open Like it or not, local govern- ments depend on property taxes to pay for schools, police, garbage trucks, ihraries and other services. %fall In 2008 the median property tax in the l ed States equaled about 1 percent of vain 82,000 on a $200,000 hone, says Gregor grans, president oldie Lincoln institute oil 1'olicv, a nonprofit research group 111 Camhr Mass. But according to the Tax sounda taxes van' wildly state to state -5188 a vc Louisiana, $6,320 in New Jersey. (See cha page 20.1 Quincy, tvlass., is one of many Colllmun where taxes have risen despite hard tines. of people lost their jobs and are having a din time meeting their mortgage," says doe ti ciec counselor at large. "They're having a time affording essentials like food." And along comes a higher tax hill for their iron Another reason tax hills rernain high in market is bureaucratic lag— assessments he conducted cn11y every two or three yea when a home is soid. a result, homeow in 2010 may he paying taxes based on top assessments from 2007. Mark Walsworth, 40, of Geneva. 111., is 0 the many Americans vvho opted to appe assessment. His four bedroom. single -I: home was assessed at $524,000, but he sa} he "hard-pressed" to for $450,000. His at knocked about $500 initial $11,700 tax bill. Hai not opposed not fur fair share of taxes. has to be a fair and act valuation," says Walsw Similar beliefs are he boost appeals in in811v nullities. Clark Count for instance, says recut els 8.302 appeals (n 2010 -2011 tax year. ac ing to the county appraiser's office, cont with 1,371) in 2008- 2009.In New Jersey. thr Tax Court reports receiving more than 16.1)1 sesstnentcomplaints from July1,2008, tllt JUNE 2010 h your ouev June 30, 2009, the highest number since 1992. In some places, protest groups are working to raise these numbers even further. Barbara Payne, executive di- rector of the Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation in Atlanta, which claims more than 10,000 members, says her group has conducted six workshops this year to teach homeowners hens to file an appeal. Property tax bilk there rose rapidly in 200t4 and 2009, she says, and now have started to come down, but not nearly enough. "Ful- ton County was so behind in correcting as- sessed values," says Payne. "People should be receiving mass reductions across the boad. This is about fair market value; it has nothing to do with the county hurting or losing money. in Gaylord, Mich., part of Otsego County, homes are supposed to be assessed annu ally at 50 percent of market value. But Bill llarteiia, a commercial real estate broker, says biomes go on the market at prices low- er than that "and they're still not selling." Fighting Back Highest and lowest 5 states In median real estate taxes paid N.J. $6,320 Conn. $4,603 N.H. $4,501 N.Y. $3,622 R.1. $3,534 Ark. $534 Miss. $468 W.Va. $457 Ala. $383 La. $188 SOURCE: 200a COMMUNir s If you're considering contesting your latest property tax bill, you'd better get busy. Deadlines to file an appeal are strict and vary by jurisdiction. Call your local tax assessor's office and ask about the process. Here's what you can do: Check your tax bill to make sure your land size, house square footage and other information are ac- curately recorded. M Decide if you should hire a consultant, such as a lawyer or real estate appraiser. Helpful online sites include EasyTaxFix .com, ValueAppeal .com and Reduce HomeTaxes.com. Collect docu- ments that show your home's value should be lower, such as recent sales of at least three comparable homes in your neighborhood. The papers are gener- ally publicly avail- So the Otsego Taxpayers for Accurate Assessments, formed last November, conducted a study using data from the multiple list- ing service, a national data- base for real estate agents. Figures for 292 properties sold from October 2008 through September 2009 shoyyed average over-as- sessment of 21 percent, the study concluded. Gaylord City Assessor Debbie Dunham disputes those findings, saving the study improperly factored in foreclosures and several other sales made at nonnuar- ket prices. Some experts contend that ignoring foreclosures is unacceptable. "1 don't know how realistic that argument is any- more when places in California or Nevada have foreclosure rotes up to 50 percent," says Ruehen of the Urban Institute. Pack in New Jersey. the Mc ',anions joined the revolt— and got some much welcomed relief. An appeal brought about a lower assessment that knocked $1,600 off that initial $9,100 tax bill. AMEPICAF UPV0 able at your tax as- sessor's office. To find out when your state conducts assess- ments, go to Tax Foundation at taxfoundation .org/publications/ show /26259.html. Take photos if your home needs major repairs —It won't be worth as much as homes in excellent shape. Check if you qualify for prop- erty tax relief. Most states offer this, based on age, income, disability or military status. Contact your local tax agencies or go to the Lincoln Insti- tute of Land Policy at www.lincolninst .edu, click on' Re- sources Tools$ then "Significant Features of the Property Tax" Save a Buci Cash for Coll( Think of It as Aunt Mary's groc ing for Biology 101. Thanks to now in Its ninth year, part of y day spending can go into a to college savings account. Pa register credit and debit cards the plan. When you buy eligib items from Upromise's part- neis -600 online retailers, 21.000 drugstores and gro- ceries, 8,000 restaurants -1 percent or more (occasional much as 25 percent) is sock college. —Sid Kirchheimer ICI Thr ifty B ush B usiness is boununga how to snag the be ten local, so head fc neighborhoods. Find stores .001n, which has 9,000listinl many donations come in i for hidden bargains: Thrift category, say. $3 per shirt i Consignment shops, which merchandise price to them Find shops at www.consigi Driver's Ed 1 Attention drivers with cl your auto insurance pr better driver by taking many states, premium d are available. Courses are tional Safety Council an cost as little as $12 —a srr typically last for three y surer for details. carotir Debbie Krueger From: Nancy Veidt Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 3:16 PM To: Debbie Krueger Subject: Police Vehicles POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES No. of Description Vehicles Administration 2 Admin Spare 1 Operations 27 Operations (Part-time) 1 Operations Mobile Command 1 Operations Shared Traffic 1 Operations Spare 3 Detectives 10 Volunteers 7 Code Enforcement 2 Going to Auction 5 TOTAL POLICE VEHICLES 60 6/10/2010 Page 1 of 1 sEwam HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES MONDAY, May 3, 2010 6:00 P.M CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Present: Ed Herlihy, Jerry Klenck, Christine Vicars, Edward Kroah Staff Members Present: Debra Krueger- Administrative Services Director; Al Minner- City Manager; Kenneth Killgore- Finance Director. Roll Call. Absent were board members Harry Marshall, Brad White and Adrina Davis Chairperson Herlihy made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting on February 8, 2010. Motion made by Ed Kroah and seconded by Christine Vicars to approve the minutes. Chairperson Herlihy made mention of the memo he wrote on April 21, 2010. He advised that he will not be discussing the memo at this meeting, but if everyone will be present at the workshop on May 17 it will be discussed there. He advised the committee that if they have other issues, they need to get them to Ken Killgore for discussion at the workshop. There being no questions or comments, he wanted to discuss the 2 1 Quarter Budget Report. He inquired of the Board members if they had any questions, comments, ideas or thoughts. Board member Christine Vicars inquired of when negotiations with the two unions would begin. Ms. Krueger advised the process would begin on June l st. The other question Ms. Vicars had was regarding the Capital Report. She was curious as to what percentage of the work was complete. Ms. Krueger advised that if you see 100% on the report, you can assume that the work was complete. Ms. Vicars made reference to the Yacht Club and the George Street Ditch projects, the report indicated that a large amount of money had been spent but the report shows 0% completion. Mr. Killgore advised that that represents an error on the report. Ms. Krueger informed her that it should be up to about 70 to 80% complete. Ms. Vicars' other question was about the CDs that we had with National City, since they have been bought out by PNC Bank, has there been any change in the interest rate? Mr. Killgore confirmed that PNC bank has acquired it but there has been no change in the terms or the interest rate. Board member Ed Kroah inquired as to what was included in the Non Departmental expenses. Mr. Killgore replied that the biggest share is the insurance, the general liability policies, the CRA contributions, the Employee Events, Utilities, some Consultants fees; if an appraisal fee is needed during the year, and if council directs us to look at a property. Mr. Minner stated that CRA and Insurance is about $500,000; employee program such as education reimbursement, PEA, employee appreciation is approximately $15,000. Utilities would be about $50,000 and some other lighting. Ms. Krueger advised that she will make a copy of the budget page for the Committee. Chairman Herlihy also inquired about the insurance. He is assuming that we are talking about all insurance with the exception of the employee medical insurance. Mr. Minner advised that it is General Liability. Mr. Minner continued to explain that General Liability, Health Insurance, and Workers Compensation. The Health Insurance covers Health, Life, Vision, and Dental. Those three separate lines you will see in the budget. You will see the General Liability and Non- Departmental. You will see that the Workers Compensation has a line of it's own in each departmental budget, and then you will see health insurance and that covers Dental, Vision and Life and that is in each individual budget. They are all in the Personnel section. Mr. Killgore wanted to minimize the confusion and to clarify that that does not include the Enterprise Fund portion when you are viewing the general fund. The Enterprise Fund has their share of the insurance. Board member Jerry Kenck inquired as to why were there so many "nos" on the Crime Status Report especially for the number of arrests made. The Police Department is one of our budget items and is a 110% of property taxes. Mr. Killgore stated that this was the first time we have presented this information. Mr. Herlihy also inquired as to whether there is a reason behind it? Why do we have it? Mr. Killgore advised that the Police Department told him this information should be included in the report. Mr. Minner assured the board that he would have the Chief send them a memo of explanation. Mr. Klenck inquired about the City's Garage, have we thought about putting it up for sale or moving it to the Airport? Mr. Minner replied that a couple of ideas were tossed around. We are currently doing an internal review on whether we should contract out the garage services, services such as changing tires, changing oil, general maintenance on automobiles, and assisting with equipment repairs. To date we have had three employees and a part time employee, and a significant amount of inventories being purchased, inventories that don't necessarily hit the budget. Based on some of those reviews, myself, Ken Killgore and Debra Krueger will sit down with the garage employees, and by mid June we will have a recommendation as to whether we will keep the garage or to contract it out. We will still need a facility for parking vehicles, employee break room, Public Works meeting rooms, gasoline, storage of equipment etc. We still have a requirement for a location. What will make it less expensive is if we do not have the garage type items such as a Lift which won't be needed. We have not thought of selling that property first before relocating the garage. We could either keep the property for other public uses or do a public /private partnership. He thinks the best thing to do is not sell that property. If we do decide to relocate, we would need to purchase a building and capitalize on the economy. There have been several industrial buildings that have become available that are extremely reasonable in price. The Ford Wire building on Roseland Road went on sale at an auction, it did not sell, but the going price was $500,000 for 50,000 sq.ft facility on 10 acres and railroad spur. We did not think we could move that fast to get it and he thinks we made the right decision. I heard that there is a pending sale, and he will look into it and get back with the Board. Our current options are either to buy or build. If we build or buy it would cost about $500,000. If we build he thinks it will be at the Airport. If we do build at the Airport we would have to enter into a lease with the Airport. We currently charge ourselves 15 cents per sq.ft for raw land lease. We may need about 2 acres which would cost us about $25,000 annually just to lease from the Airport. Long term, if we can put together a facility that is not expensive, it may financially pay off. One way to get out of the lease is to do a service transfer. This lease is governed by the FAA. We can take the employees in the Airport and put them in the General Fund and financially call it "The General Fund contributing to the Airport in lieu of employee dedication." Whether we do a payment to the Airport Fund or not; either way we will be looking at increasing our expenditure in the General Fund. Long term we will have to reexamine where our personnel are. All these things work together. To answer the question as to what to do with the Garage. We can do a potential purchase, and if so, do we move it, buy something, or do we move to the Airport. Board member Jerry Klenck inquired if we lease at the airport, we would essentially be taking money from one pocket and putting it in the other. Mr. Minner responded that it would be an even trade. We would be taking money from the General Fund to pay the Airport. It would be good for the Airport because the Airport needs the cash, but it would be bad for the General Fund because the General Fund is struggling in terms of the operating costs. Mr. Klenck also inquired if the Airport is self sufficient. Mr. Minner responded that the Airport is self sufficient to a certain extent. It can handle its personnel, its operating expenses and its maintenance. The Airport is struggling when it comes to Capital projects, and finding grant matches for FDOT and FAA grants that we bring, and when we had to borrow for the settlement with J &S and for the DST funds to build the LoPresti hanger. Operation wise we are okay, capital wise we have to be creative, even with the grants. Mr. Klenck inquired if there was any further information about the annexation. Mr. Minner stated that Council talked a little about it at their workshop last week. Everyone is of the opinion that Commercial and Industrial annexation needs to be looked into. We are growing in the understanding that we need to look into residential annexation when it makes sense. We did have some discussion regarding the Hansen property at the south west corner of CR510 and CR512. He doesn't see a lot of property to annex, but for the foreseeable future, in the next 1 to 3 years, we will see smaller areas, less than 10 acres being filled in on U.S Highway 1. Mr. Klenck's other question was, had we ever talked merger with Roseland. Mr. Minner replied that we never have. Mr. Klenck continued that he remembered when they were trying to merge Melbourne and Eau Galle into a county and it did work out well for both cities. Mr. Minner replied that it was discussed before, where he thought it would Be beneficial is that some of our land regulations would go over to Roseland and help color the map and help protect and keep their identity, however it would help them fit into our comprehensive plans. The negative side is I do not see it being a revenue neutral thing immediately. As you can see our Police Department expenditure right now is a 110% of our General Fund. Whatever we bring in for them (Roseland) would: A. Further stretch out our Police Department, and whatever we bring in would mean that we would have to add two or three more officers to cover it. b. Whatever we take in as Ad Velorem revenue is probably going to be eaten up by the Police Dept. However, there are not a lot of people in Roseland who are in favor of annexation. From his dealings with Roseland, he does not believe they are interested. Mr. Klenck asked if our Police Department assists Roseland in their Commercial area, to which Mr. Minner said yes, we do with our inter -local agencies. Especially in the Commercial corridor, where the Sebastian Hospital, Publix, and the Banks are located. He reminded the Board that a few years ago when they had the bank robbery, it was the Sebastian Police Department that actually chased the robbers over into Brevard County. It is fair to say we help them more than they help us, but the day will come when we will need them they will be there for us too. I think those inter -local agreements are important. Mr. Klenck also inquired about the mandatory solid waste. He wanted to know although the public voted "no" to the mandatory pickup, does it have to be put back out again to the public? Mr. Minner replied that we voted on the solid waste long ago. We should not move to do any kind of solid waste service by the city other than the franchise agreement unless it is mandatory. It has become incredibly hard to do a mandatory waste pickup unless you do one of two things: 1. You have the sanitary and water and sewer charges tied in together, and when the residents receive their water and sewer bill, they would get base billed for solid waste collection. Without a water /sewer system If we were to have a mandatory pickup, then have to have an assessment done so that your collection for solid waste is assessed as in the storm water fee to ensure that we will have that money and to assure that everyone is doing it. Waste Management states that they now have 45 50% participation, which is about 5,000 customers. I don't believe there has been a public outcry for mandatory pickup, and if it went back to a referendum I think it will fail again. Mr. Klenck asked does it have to go before referendum? Of which Mr. Minner replied that it does not. Council could vote on an assessment and they could mandate it. Mr. Klenck informed Mr. Minner that there are very few cities that do not have it, and he has seen lots of garbage on the side of the road, blown off trucks on their way to the dump. Mr. Minner agreed that most cities do have mandatory collection. Chairperson Mr. Herlihy inquired if anyone knew why we received the police report. Mr. Minner stated that he will seek some clarification from the Chief, although in the past we have gotten some type of data; but he will get an answer for him. Ms. Vicars stated that she thinks it could be the accomplishment report. Mr. Minner agreed that it could be that the Chief is showing the details on the report. The `yes" and "nos" are the cases that are solved or not solved. And when you look at the percentage of crimes in the city, he thinks that only 25 -30% get settled and solved. If you are in the 25 -30% range you are doing pretty good, but he has not discussed it with Chief Morris. Mr. Herlihy inquired about the Accomplishment Memo. Has it been around a long time? It seems as if people put a lot of time getting the report completed, is it useful? Mr. Minner advised him that the report has been around for a long time and it is important, because it represents what we have achieved. He doesn't believe enough people look at the report. If we look back three years from now or even three months from now, we can see what we have or have not accomplished. He thinks it is important if Council or the general public go through the report so they can see the things that the departments do. For example, when you look at the Public Works Department, you could see some of the things they are solving, the drainage complaints they are tackling etc. The report is a self evaluation for what has been accomplished and what is yet to be accomplished. He does believe there is some merit to having the report. Mr. Herlihy agreed with Mr. Minner, he stated that there is an awful lot of good information in the report. For instance, he took a look at the MIS report, and he was surprised to see the number of attacks we have had on our computer system. Mr. Minner listed a few of the Public Works roads projects such as fixing potholes, fixing billboard on I -95 clean up fill pile, repair George Street, tree trimming etc. These are just a few of the things that are listed on these reports. Mr. Herlihy also inquired about the massive amount of paper that we seem to move around, papers such as the City Council packet which has about 400 pages. When you think of the number of pages multiplied by five council members, and others who would be receiving those pages as well, that is an awful number of trees to cut down. He would like to see that process go electronic. The only problem now is we would have to get Council to go along with it. Mr. Killgore advised that everyone wants transparency, and when we ask for transparency, the cost we pay is killing trees. Ms. Vicars wanted to know if the accomplishment report was hand written or is done on a database? Mr. Killgore responded that some are entered into Excel and some are Word document, it is then sent to him and he pulls it all together and makes it one document. Mr. Herlihy stated that as far as the budget is concerned, we had our questions answered tonight. And it looks good. We will know more by the third quarter. Mr. Killgore added that for some intergovernmental revenues such as the '/2 cent sales tax, we are slightly ahead of the budget, even though it is less than last year, and we did anticipate when we budgeted that we would lose some revenues in those areas; and the Departments are right in line with their spending. Chairman Herlihy inquired about investments. We have approximately 5.8 million invested with the State Board Administration. With the State Board having their share of troubles in the past, has it affected us? Mr. Killgore replied that about a year ago November is when things started to go down hill with the State's program. Many cities were concerned about what they were investing in and pulled their monies out. We did not get to pull our monies out before they put a clamp on it. We did not lose any principal. The majority of our money is in an fund growing the interest rate as it would in a Money Market account. We did not accrue any interest for the month of December while the State Board was cleaning up their act. They currently have a website to show the kind of investments that they in, and they now have professional Money Managers. They also created an internal Special Review Committee or Board; the Governor, the Chief Financial Officer and the Insurance Commissioner. They have learned from their bad experience. Mr. Herlihy wanted some clarification on the amount of money we have in the account, he thinks it's $7.34 million in an interest bearing account. Mr. Killgore advised that in the past we have invested in US Government securities accounts that were short term, and as they matured we cashed them out and put it in our bank account which is drawing .4 When we review what is in the marketplace today, we cannot raise a higher yield. Unless the interest rate increases, it is best to leave it where it is. The bank is doing good by us. Chairman Herlihy asked the board if they had any other questions to which Mr. Klenck inquired about the street lights. Other cities and states are turning off the lights, they have no choice, they cannot pay their bills. Mr. Minner replied that since the last time this question was asked, we did a spreadsheet. If we did not run the lights between 2 and 4, and the saving wasn't a huge amount. Mr. Klenck continued that he had a conversation with Chief Morris about the lights and she suggested that we could rotate the times, no one would know when the lights would be off or on. Mr. Minner advised that we will take a look at this again probably around the budget time, we would definitely need to have the input of Jerry Converse, Public Works Director and Chief Morris. Mr. Converse would have to deal with the vandalism such as graffiti etc. Keeping the lights on does have some value, but we will revisit this again. Chairman Herlihy also stated that the lights on Indian River Blvd come on during the daylight. Mr. Minner said he was not aware of it. Mr. Herlihy continued that there are three sections of street lights; north, south, and middle, and they come on at different times. He doesn't know if they are on a timer or photocell. They are coming on too soon. I think it is on a photocell because it came on during a thunderstorm. Mr. Minner advised that he will talk to Mr. Converse about it. In conclusion, Mr. Herlihy inquired if the board had any great comments for our friends on the City Council. If, not, we won't waste any Council time. He did make notes which were all covered in the action memo with the resolution. He also inquired if anyone on the board thinks we need to add anything to this quarter. With the board responding that there being nothing to add, he proposed a motion to send it to council. This was seconded by Board member Kroah. Chairman Herlihy reminded the Board that the next meeting will be in two weeks from tonight. They will meet upstairs, and the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. FISCAL YEAR 2010 2011 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET CITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND (561) 589 -5330 CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Code: 001501 The Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 proposed budget for General fund Revenue and Other Sources is $10,634,436. This is $254,666 less than projected 2009 -2010 General fund revenue of $10,889,102. Description Taxes and franchise fees Licenses and permits Inter governmental revenue General government charges for service Fines and forfeits Interest earnings Rents and royalties Sales of assets Contributions /donations Other miscellaneous revenues Total revenues Interfund transfers Decrease in Fund Balance Total revenues and other sources Amended Projected FY 10 -11 FY 06 -07 FY 07 -08 FY 08 -09 FY 09 -10 FY 09 -10 Projected Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget Difference 7,860,179 8,096,206 7,945,511 7,531,430 7,623,661 7,206,644 (417,017) 186,875 160,947 29,151 51,400 40,650 44,650 4,000 2,221,215 2,141,810 2,000,872 1,723,105 1,838,715 1,825,700 (13,015) 387,058 319,123 288,881 289,147 291,447 286,550 (4,897) 64,463 46,132 59,411 55,000 55,500 65,500 10,000 340,759 202,382 194,126 220,000 79,500 89,500 10,000 95,877 99,284 80,652 95,700 66,400 80,800 14,400 33,553 14,168 9,009 12,500 22,500 22,500 32,876 33,882 28,462 24,350 28,350 23,850 (4,500) 40,745 40,644 84,623 70,640 36,065 52,015 15,950 $11,263,600 $11,154,578 $10,720,698 $10,073,272 $10,082,788 9,697,709 (385,079) 727,860 536,538 821,538 764,888 764,888 936,727 171,839 88,337 85,079 482,962 84,021 41,426 (41,426) 12,079,797 11,776,195 $12,025,198 $10,922,181 $10,889,102 $10,634,436 (254,666) Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget FY 09/10 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget TAXES 311000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 4,527,671 4,634,338 4,225,106 3,694,546 3,735,487 3,124,289 311001 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 0 2,906 41,236 2,500 15,000 15,000 311002 Penalty on Delinquent Taxes 9,429 8,419 10,458 7,500 10,000 10,000 TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES 4,537,100 4,645,663 4,276,800 3,704,546 3,760,487 3,149,289 FRANCHISE FEES 313100 Electric Franchise Fees 1,055,082 1,140,994 1,260,484 1,287,283 1,312.813 1,385,000 313700 Solid Waste Franchise Fees 51,616 58,768 66,769 64,933 66,161 65,085 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 1,106,697 1,199,762 1,327,253 1,352,216 1,378,974 1,450,085 UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 314100 Electric Utility Service Tax 1,113,771 1,130,033 1,174,792 1,165,611 1,357,000 1,462,000 314300 Water Utility Service Tax 216,655 217,920 219,953 223,049 216,200 220,570 314800 Propane Utility Service Tax 33,903 30,408 29,606 30,000 29,000 29,000 314950 CST Revenue Sharing 852,052 872,420 917,107 1,056,008 882.000 895,700 TOTAL UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 2,216,381 2,250,781 2,341,458 2,474,668 2,484,200 2,607,270 TOTAL TAXES FRANCHISE FEES 7,860,179 8,096,206 7,945,511 7,531,430 7,623,661 7,206,644 LICENSES AND PERMITS 321000 Business Taxes 116,106 107,083 0 0 0 321100 Business Tax Penalties /Transfers 2,683 0 0 0 0 321050 Contractor License 0 0 0 0 0 321150 Contractor License Penalties 0 0 0 0 0 322050 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 322060 Driveway Permit Fees 11,900 7,600 5,925 7,500 7,500 7,500 322075 Reinspection Fees 220 70 0 0 0 322700 Accessory Structure 350 100 100 0 0 322900 Other Permits Fees 1,507 1,877 2,256 1,500 1,750 1,750 329100 Zoning Fees 12,513 18,017 7,800 15,000 10,000 12,000 329200 Site Plan Review Fees 23,100 16,450 7,300 16,000 10,000 12,000 329300 Plat Review Fees 10,550 2,950 750 5,000 5,000 5,000 329400 Plan Checking Fees 6,257 5,200 3,400 5,000 5,000 5,000 329500 Alarm Permits 1,290 1,500 1,320 1,200 1,200 1,200 329600 De- Watering Permits 400 100 300 200 200 200 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 186,875 160,947 29,151 51,400 40,650 44,650 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL Code: 001501 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget FY 09/10 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: FEDERAL GRANTS 331200 Fed Grant- Public Safety 1,652 19,458 41,743 30,867 50.325 40,000 331204 Fed LLEBG 3,500 0 0 10,000 4,000 5,000 331901 FEMA Federal Grant 14,919 9,946 0 0 0 0 331902 FHWA Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS 20,071 29,404 41,743 40,867 54,325 45,000 STATE GRANTS 334100 FL Urban Forestry Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 334900 FEMA -State matching 0 0 0 0 0 0 334901 FEMA -State Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE GRANTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATE SHARED REVENUES 335120 Municipal Revenue Sharing 461,588 424,592 373,205 335,000 349,570 345,000 335122 8th Cent Motor Fuel Tax 171,313 159,488 149,968 133,000 142,220 142,000 335140 Mobile Home Licenses 11,210 9,844 9,621 10,000 10,000 1 1,000 335150 Alcohol Beverage Licenses 10,071 10,275 10,700 10,000 10,700 10,700 335180 Local Half -Cent Sales Tax 1,429,342 1,385,407 1,277,853 1,194,238 1,271,900 1,272,000 335200 Police Pension State Shared Revenue 117,621 122,800 137,782 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE SHARED REVENUES 2,201,144 2,112,406 1,959,129 1,682,238 1,784,390 1,780,700 TOTAL INTER -GOV'T REVENUE 2,221,215 2,141,810 2,000,872 1,723,105 1,838,715 1,825,700 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 341910 Sales -Maps Publications 55 157 25 50 50 50 341920 Cert. Copying, Record Search 2,576 2,467 2,171 1,800 1.800 1,800 341930 Election Fees 366 549 488 0 0 0 342100 PD Overtime Service Fees 7,453 13,184 5,025 10,000 14,000 14,000 342200 PD Fingerprinting 1,585 1,367 1,643 1,200 1,200 1,200 343805 Cemetery Fees 6,977 12,791 11,549 7,500 10,000 10,000 347550 Skate Facility Fees 14,905 8,637 6,358 10,000 6,500 6,500 347555 Tennis Facility Fees 19,063 22,407 18,910 20,000 21,000 21,000 347556 County Impact Fees Admin. Fees 7,870 11,890 2,325 5,000 3,000 5,000 347557 Community Center Rec Revenues 44,107 40,444 38,947 40,000 40,000 40,000 349140 RRD- Management Fees 36,575 12,826 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 349410 Golf Course- Management Fees 42,958 50,036 49,509 54,460 54,460 59,906 349450 Airport- Management Fees 42,958 50,036 52,592 47,755 47.755 42,980 349455 Maintenance Service Fees -AP 1,130 2,695 1,329 1,500 1,800 1,800 349480 Building Dept Administrative Fees 157,511 83,394 84,089 75,680 75,680 68,112 349485 Maintenance Services Fees -Bldg Dept. 969 1,031 719 1,000 1,000 1,000 349900 Project Personnel/Equipment Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 349950 Special Events Pers Svc Fees 0 5,212 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CHGS FOR SERVICE 387,058 319,123 288,881 289,147 291,447 286,550 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget FY 09/10 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget FINES AND FORFEITS 351100 Court Fines 32,844 21,395 18,507 25,000 12,500 12,500 351115 Police Education -$2.00 Funds 4,821 2,707 2,394 3,000 1.500 1,500 351120 Drivers Education 12,504 4,334 2,771 5,000 2,500 2,500 351130 Court Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 351140 Parking Fines 5,780 1,990 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 354100 Code Enforcement Fines 7,039 12,602 34,402 20,000 35,000 45,000 359000 OtherFines/Forfeits 1,476 3,104 637 1,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITS 64,463 46,132 59,411 55,000 55,500 65,500 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: INTEREST EARNINGS 361100 Interest Income 180,243 151,388 183,892 200,000 76,000 86,000 361105 State Board Interest Earnings 155,860 47,670 6,030 15,000 2,500 2,500 361121 Special Assessment Interest 0 0 3,357 0 0 0 361150 Other Interest 4,656 3,324 847 5,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL INTEREST EARNINGS 340,759 202,382 194,126 220,000 79,500 89,500 RENT AND ROYALTIES 362100 Rents and Royalties 2,703 3,768 3,843 3,700 4,400 4,400 362150 Nontaxable Rent 93,174 95,516 72,960 92,000 62,000 76,400 363150 Special Assessment Riverfront 0 0 3,849 0 0 0 TOTAL RENT AND ROYALTIES 95,877 99,284 80,652 95,700 66,400 80,800 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 31,770 4,994 3,925 10,000 16,000 16,000 365000 Sale of Surplus Material /Scrap 1,783 9,174 5,084 2,500 6,500 6,500 TOTAL SALES OF FIXED ASSETS 33,553 14,168 9,009 12,500 22,500 22,500 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 366000 Contributions Donations 250 200 14,649 0 14,500 10,000 366100 Donatons Car Seat Program 195 222 (642) 0 0 0 366150 75th Annuversary Revenues 1,568 350 250 350 350 350 366200 Contribution/GreerTrust 19,120 20,400 6,740 10,000 6,000 6,000 366604 Donations Public Safety Employees 1,305 1,657 1,785 2,000 2,000 2,000 366605 Donations General Empl Fund 2,462 2,583 3,030 3,500 3,000 3,000 366805 4th of July Donations 7,976 8,470 2,650 8,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 32,876 33,882 28,462 24,350 28,350 23,850 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 367000 Gain/Loss on Sale of Investments 0 0 (8,218) 0 0 0 369100 Motor Fuel Tax Rebate 12,083 12,286 12,466 12,000 12,000 12,000 369200 Insurance Proceeds 5,933 10,940 3,785 5,000 2,000 3,000 369400 Reimbursements 11,826 19.422 57,078 20,000 15,000 25,000 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 8,390 4.713 9,956 10,000 5,000 10,000 369955 Vend Mach Sales -Gen Empl Fund 1,898 1.453 1,323 2,000 1,500 1,500 369995 Cash Over /Short 3 14 15 15 15 15 369999 Prior Year Recoveries 612 (8.184) 0 21,625 550 500 TOTAL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV. 40,745 40,644 84,623 70,640 36,065 52,015 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 543,810 390,360 396,872 423,190 232,815 268,665 TOTAL REVENUES 11,263,600 11,154,578 10,720,698 10,073,272 10,082,788 9,697,709 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget FY 09/10 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget INTERFUND TRANSFERS 381120 Transfer from 120 LOGT 0 0 215,784 175,000 175,000 175,000 381130 Transfer from 130 DST 219,738 0 0 0 0 0 381140 Transfer from 140 CRA 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 381163 Transfer from 163 STORMWATER 466,576 500,000 512,500 500,000 500,000 700,000 381601 Transfer from 601 CEMETERY TRUST 41,546 36,538 33,254 29,888 29,888 1,727 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 727,860 536,538 821,538 764,888 764,888 936,727 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 11,991,460 11,691,116 11,542,236 10,838,160 10,847,676 10,634,436 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 389991 Decrease in Fund Balance 88,337 85,079 482,962 84,021 41,426 0 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 88,337 85,079 482,962 84,021 41,426 0 TOTAL REV. AND OTHER SOURCES 12,079,797 11,776,195 12,025,198 10,922,181 10,889,102 10,634,436 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET 1 SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION Amended FY 10/11 Org FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 Projected Increase Increase Code Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 010001 City Council 56,167 50,101 51,313 52,117 49,708 22 0.0% 010005 City Manager 229,643 259,187 270,318 254,480 235,242 (15,139) -6.0% 010009 City Clerk 368,020 272,331 290,270 296,444 273,692 (18,474) -6.3% 010010 City Attorney 200,960 215,665 184,450 125,340 125,785 10 0.0% 010020 Administrative Services 591,086 660,776 556,216 492,658 484,762 2,760 0.6% 010021 Management Information Svs. 222,310 222,868 262,444 266,913 249,808 (10,330) -4.0% 010041 Police Administration 1,092,905 978,191 1,095,779 676,408 664,841 1,536 0.2% 010043 Police Operations 2,548,208 2,414,034 2,606,975 2,326,723 2,377,042 102,133 4.5% 010047 Police Detective Division 736,917 730,737 661,582 1,048,622 1,118,983 32,575 3.0% 010049 Police Dispatch Unit 419,926 472,647 495,769 486,195 496,340 (6,425) -1.3% 010045 Code Enforcement Division 188,122 155,213 139,478 137,840 138,359 3,681 2.7% 010052 Roads and Maintenance 1,281,454 1,193,224 1,241,246 888,638 873,316 (44,830) -4.9% 010053 StormwaterUtility 1,313,395 1,275,691 1,268,576 1,153,181 1,288,765 179,039 16.1% 010054 Garage 283,884 158,370 218,740 211,761 131,534 (80,331) -37.9% 010056 Facilities Maintenance 206,085 264,322 275,126 267,197 253,165 (4,595) -1.8% 010057 Parks and Recreation 1,022,993 1,100,415 1,148,407 1,017,020 931,227 (85,646) -8.4% 010059 Cemetery 134,988 198,134 167,293 156,211 105,532 (39,872) -27.4% 010080 Growth Management 379,193 382,516 380,503 437,156 360,057 (63,716) -15.0% 010099 Non Departmental 803,540 771,776 710,713 627,277 578,235 (39,830) -6.4% Total General Fund Expenditures 12,079,797 11,776,197 12,025,198 10,922,181 10,736,393 (87,432) -0.8% Total Revenues and Transfers 11,991,460 11,691,116 11,542,236 10,838,160 10,634,436 (213,240) -2.0% Change in Fund Balance (88,337) (85,081) (482,962) (84,021) (101,957) (125,808) 6/10/20101:31 PM PERSONAL SERVICES 470,194 577,960 475,013 408,939 401,632 398,717 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 117,350 82,816 81,202 83,719 80,370 81,045 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,542 5,000 TOTAL 591,087 660,776 556,216 492,658 482,002 484,762 PERSONAL SERVICES 993,426 864,466 965,085 545,048 543,909 546,661 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 98,073 96,942 130,694 131,360 119,396 118,180 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,407 16,783 TOTAL 1,092,905 978,191 1,095,779 676,408 663,305 664,841 PERSONAL SERVICES 189,323 198,088 209,848 206,855 203,625 204,613 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 13,636 15,450 48,139 39,435 35,890 40,195 CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,351 9,329 4,457 20,623 20,623 5,000 TOTAL 222,309 222,867 262,444 266,913 260,138 249,808 PERSONAL SERVICES 284,317 242,901 250,520 240,794 240,794 244,273 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 83,703 29,430 39,750 55,650 51,372 29,419 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 368,020 272,331 290,270 296,444 292,166 273,692 PERSONAL SERVICES 2,047,576 2,133,640 2,379,437 2,145,755 2,079,943 2,221,542 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 240,292 244,162 155,811 154,097 164,185 155,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 260,340 36,232 71,727 26,871 30,781 TOTAL 2,548,209 2,414,034 2,606,975 2,326,723 2,274,909 2,377,042 PERSONAL SERVICES 21,892 22,779 22,753 22,742 22,763 22,761 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 34,275 27,322 28,560 29,375 26,923 26,947 CAPITAL OUTLAY 32,810 2,425 TOTAL 56,167 50,101 51,313 52,117 49,686 49,708 PERSONAL SERVICES 314,240 344,247 364,709 372,436 370,753 340,482 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 32,143 35,844 15,794 64,720 53,020 19,575 CAPITAL OUTLAY 32,810 2,425 TOTAL 379,192 382,516 380,503 437,156 423,773 360,057 PERSONAL SERVICES 223,153 254,023 260,836 250,455 244,844 230,334 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,490 5,164 9,482 4,025 5,537 4,908 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 229,643 259,187 270,318 254,480 250,381 235,242 PERSONAL SERVICES 193,365 209,562 78,310 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 7,595 6,103 106,140 125,340 125,775 125,785 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 200,960 215,665 184,450 IS 125,340 125,775 125,785 PERSONAL SERVICES 605,435 613,450 572,907 959,403 996,424 1,027,539 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 105,502 115,587 85,903 89,219 89,984 91,444 CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,980 1,700 2,772 TOTAL 736,916 730,737 661,582 1,048,622 1,086,408 1,118,983 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET Department 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Budget 2010 Projected 2011 Budget CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION AND CHARACTER LEVEL CITY ATTORNEY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE PERSONAL SERVICES 6,087 1,268 22,687 15,000 15,000 15,000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 793,453 770,508 688,026 612,277 603,065 563,235 GRANTS AND AIDS 4,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS OUT CONTINGENCY TOTAL 803,540 771,776 710,713 627,277 618,065 578,235 PERSONAL SERVICES 167,339 115,045 119,031 116,993 116,993 117,164 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 20,783 22,740 20,447 20,847 17,685 21,195 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,427 TOTAL 188,121 155,212 139,478 137,840 134,678 138,359 PERSONAL SERVICES 236,901 127,864 174,408 172,001 180,795 111,963 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 38,890 30,506 41,387 27,760 31,070 19,571 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,093 2,945 12,000 TOTAL 283,884 158,370 218,740 211,761 211,865 131,534 PERSONAL SERVICES 96,355 102,071 117,684 117,237 114,745 113,472 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 108,080 162,251 157,442 149,960 143,015 139,693 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,650 TOTAL 206,085 264,322 275,126 267,197 257,760 253,165 PERSONAL SERVICES N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPERATING EXPENDITURES N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PERSONAL SERVICES 1,068,726 986,384 1,070,698 750,125 747,348 748,476 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 193,805 194,555 165,296 138,513 145,798 124,840 CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,923 12,285 5,252 25,000 TOTAL 1,281,454 1,193,224 1,241,246 888,638 918,146 873,316 PERSONAL SERVICES 375,306 456,751 485,844 482,826 500,115 489,950 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 24,100 14,756 3,615 3,369 2,650 6,390 CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,520 1,140 6,310 TOTAL 419,926 472,647 495,769 486,195 502,765 496,340 PERSONAL SERVICES 392,400 540,745 525,786 606,040 603,202 592,364 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 774,253 679,136 739,766 545,541 504,952 496,401 CAPITAL OUTLAY 146,742 55,810 3,024 1,600 1,572 200,000 TOTAL 1,313,395 1,275,691 1,268,576 1,153,181 1,109,726 1,288,765 PERSONAL SERVICES 722,825 811,308 879,834 781,774 774,801 693,147 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 252,262 268,072 268,573 235,246 239,597 225,280 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,906 21,036 12,800 TOTAL 1,022,994 1,100,416 1,148,407 1,017,020 1,014,398 931,227 PERSONAL SERVICES 115,606 125,618 138,155 136,622 124,554 87,457 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 19,382 23,006 22,131 19,589 20,850 18,075 CAPITAL OUTLAY 49,509 7,007 TOTAL 134,987 198,133 167,293 156,211 145,404 105,532 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET Department 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Budget 2010 Projected 2011 Budget POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCH CODE ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC WORKS ROADS AND MAINTENANCE PUBLIC WORKS STORMWATER UTILITY PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL GARAGE PUBLIC WORKS PARKS REC PUBLIC WORKS CEMETERY GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION AND CHARACTER LEVEL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NON- DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 8,524,465 8,728,170 9,113,545 8,331,045 8,282,240 8,205,915 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 2,964,066 2,824,350 2,808,158 2,530,042 2,461,134 2,307,678 CAPITAL OUTLAY 587,265 223,676 103,494 61,094 77,976 222,800 GRANTS AND AIDS 4,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS OUT CONTINGENCY TOTAL GENERAL FUND 12,079,795 11,776,195 12,025,198 10,922,181 10,821,350 10,736,393 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET TOTALS GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION AND CHARACTER LEVEL Department 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Budget 2010 Projected 2011 Budget Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Legislative Salaries 19,050 19,800 19,800 19,800 9,900 19,800 19,800 512100 FICA Taxes 2,777 2,892 2,892 2,892 1,453 2,913 2,913 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 65 87 61 50 38 50 48 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 21,892 22,779 22,753 22,742 11,391 22,763 22,761 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel Per Diem 18,780 20,995 22,464 22,000 9,646 22,000 22,000 534101 Telephone 187 246 90 95 58 116 116 534105 Cellular Telephone 420 748 956 1,100 254 632 656 534110 Internet Access 40 69 77 80 40 80 80 534630 R M Office Equipment 1,823 0 126 500 0 0 0 534640 R M Operating Equipment 595 0 0 0 0 0 0 534800 Promotional Activities 1,175 1,157 1,192 800 123 500 500 534995 Litigation Expenditures 5,037 0 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,363 1,489 560 500 290 500 500 535210 Computer Supplies 2,198 353 709 1,000 0 500 500 535410 Dues and Memberships 200 0 200 500 200 200 200 535420 Books and Publications 337 250 336 300 0 300 300 535450 Training and Education 2,120 2,015 1,850 2,500 275 2,095 2,095 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 34,275 27,322 28,560 29,375 10,886 26,923 26,947 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 56,167 50,101 51,313 52,117 22,277 49,686 49,708 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL Code: 010001 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY COUNCIL F/T /E PAY POSITION YEARS POSITION RANGE 08 -09 09 -10 Mayor 5,400 1.00 1.00 Vice -Mayor 3,600 1.00 1.00 Council Member 3,600 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 FICA Taxes Worker's Comp Insurance Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 10-11 09 -10 10-11 1.00 5,400 5,400 1.00 3,600 3,600 3.00 10,800 10,800 19,800 19,800 2,913 2,913 50 48 22,763 22,761 Account Number Description FY06 /07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 164,701 186,680 193,517 185,920 83,871 182,576 173,032 512100 FICA Taxes 12,067 13,506 13,299 14,498 5,691 14,242 13,512 512225 Deferred Compensation 14,731 16,247 17,416 17,057 7,548 16,756 15,897 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 12,116 15,300 17,736 17,894 8,919 16,184 13,506 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 15,508 17,803 14,642 10,948 5,474 10,948 10,363 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 54 46 46 23 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 532 715 600 492 369 492 378 512601 Auto Allowance 3,452 3,718 3,580 3,600 1,652 3,600 3,600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 223,153 254,023 260,836 250,455 113,547 244,844 230,334 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 526 388 542 250 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 352 555 270 280 175 350 370 534105 Cellular Phone 424 374 299 370 154 480 558 534110 Internet Services 49 42 38 40 20 40 40 534120 Postage 85 64 117 100 40 100 100 534130 Express Mail 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R M Office Equipment 1,544 806 810 585 829 1,365 1,365 534800 Promotional Activities 707 672 1,309 250 248 310 250 534920 Legal Ads 0 0 441 0 67 67 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 780 578 1,127 500 94 500 500 535210 Computer Supplies 63 30 123 100 683 700 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,228 1,321 3,746 1,200 315 1,275 1,275 535420 Books and Publications 82 10 10 100 0 100 100 535450 Training and Education 650 325 650 250 13 250 250 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,490 5,164 9,482 4,025 2,638 5,537 4,908 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 229,643 259,187 270,318 254,480 116,185 250,381 235,242 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY MANAGER Code: 010005 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY MANAGER POSITION City Manager Executive Assistant P/T General Services Technician PAY RANGE 43,861 79,218 22,909 41,376 GRADE 64C 10 FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Auto Allowance Total Personal Services Decrease due to retirement of General Services Technician F /T/E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.5 Projected Adopted Expenditures Budget 09 -10 10 -11 110,076 110,076 62,956 62,956 9,544 182,576 173,032 14,242 13,512 16,756 15,897 16,164 13,506 10,948 10,363 46 46 492 378 3,600 3,600 244,824 230,334 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Salaries 216,251 181,006 188,706 181,524 81,912 181,524 185,737 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 16,983 13,760 14,048 13,887 5,972 13,887 14,209 512225 Deferred Compensation 17,519 16,290 16,983 16,337 7,372 16,337 16,716 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 23,678 20,627 21,230 21,413 10,678 21,413 20,333 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 9,141 10,420 8,899 7,083 3,541 7,083 6,804 512309 Employee Assistance Program 92 69 69 69 35 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 652 729 585 481 361 481 405 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 284,317 242,901 250,520 240,794 109,871 240,794 244,273 533400 Other Contractual Services 9,923 1,631 3,481 1,800 785 1,700 1,700 533480 Temporary Employment Services 11,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 533490 Codification Services 4,496 3,155 1,529 3,000 2,109 3,000 3,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,368 1,887 671 900 0 200 1,022 534101 Telephone 695 797 539 550 362 610 610 534110 Internet Services 189 147 134 140 59 142 142 534120 Postage 598 406 573 500 186 400 400 534630 R M Office Equipment 10,237 9,432 12,658 11,085 8,171 9,550 9,550 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 123 46 343 300 165 300 300 534920 Legal Ads 9,337 8,124 6,826 2,000 802 1,800 1,800 534990 Election Costs 29,796 0 8,618 32,000 31,204 31,650 8,600 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,276 1,073 1,461 800 124 400 400 535210 Computer Supplies 2,830 1,332 1,689 1,500 141 800 800 535290 AudioNideo Recording Tapes /CDs 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 581 395 435 425 65 620 560 535420 Books and Publications 195 364 414 300 20 100 100 535450 Training and Education 870 640 379 350 0 100 435 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 83,703 29,430 39,750 55,650 44,193 51,372 29,419 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY CLERK 368,020 272,331 290,270 296,444 154,064 292,166 273,692 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY CLERK Code: 010009 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY CLERK POSITION City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Records Program Manager PAY RANGE 39,783 71,853 35,367 63,877 F/T/E POSITION YEARS GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 64 1.00 1.00 1.00 60 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services *increase due to 5% longevity increase City Clerk 2/2011 5% longevity increase Deputy City Clerk 5/2011 Projected Adopted Expenditures Budget 09 -10 10 -11 81,650 84,421 55,804 57,246 44,070 44,070 181,524 185,737 13,887 14,209 16,337 16,716 21,413 20,333 7,083 6,804 69 69 481 405 240,794 244,273 Account Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FL 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 140,897 152,162 72,836 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 10,549 11,106 1,734 0 0 0 0 512225 Deferred Compensation 20,658 22,239 523 0 0 0 0 512301 Gmup Health Insurance Premium 12,028 13,768 2,347 0 0 0 0 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 5,318 6,062 520 0 0 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 8 0 0 0 0 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 417 461 342 0 0 0 0 512601 Auto Allowance 3,452 3,718 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 193,365 209,562 78,310 0 0 0 0 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 517 103,200 121,000 49,160 121,000 121,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 845 789 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 347 413 270 280 175 350 360 534105 Cellular Phone 379 321 23 0 0 0 0 534110 Internet Services 53 42 38 40 20 40 40 534115 On -Line Services 968 1,202 939 1,620 595 1,450 1,620 534120 Postage 16 16 4 50 2 50 50 534130 Express Mail 37 0 0 50 0 50 50 534630 R M Office Equipment 1,256 806 810 600 612 1,014 965 534800 Promotional Activities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534995 Litigation Expenses 1,126 794 7 1,000 2 1,000 1,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 390 196 197 100 0 0 100 535210 Computer Supplies 983 0 0 50 0 0 50 535410 Dues and Memberships 425 500 283 450 0 450 450 535420 Books and Publications 10 10 369 100 88 100 100 535450 Training and Education 760 497 0 0 271 271 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 7,595 6,103 106,140 125,340 50,925 125,775 125,785 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT 200,960 215,665 184,450 125,340 50,925 125,775 125,785 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET f CITY ATTORNEY Code: 010010 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 City Mgr Request PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 356,534 444,734 360,447 315,320 142,012 315,320 315,039 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 732 574 337 500 126 500 500 512100 FICA Taxes 26,416 33,052 27,099 24,160 10,875 24,160 24,139 512225 Deferred Compensation 31,503 34,465 32,471 28,424 12,792 28,424 28,398 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 42,820 52,821 46,557 35,763 16,202 31,770 29,608 512305 Dependent Insurance 10,802 10,609 6,775 3,819 374 505 230 512309 Employee Assistance Program 177 180 154 115 58 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,210 1,525 1,173 838 628 838 688 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 470,194 577,960 475,013 408,939 183,067 401,632 398,717 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 10,650 0 0 0 0 0 533120 Consultants 954 3,449 1,578 8,600 85 2,600 2,000 533175 Employee Background Testing 6,580 4,005 4,184 3,249 1,828 3,249 3,500 533400 Other Contractual Services 2,469 3,267 2,474 2,000 648 2,000 2,200 533200 Audit Fees 29,443 31,986 35,943 34,815 34,815 34,815 35,504 533480 Temporary Employment Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 4,564 2,134 1,980 750 1,424 1,424 1,756 534101 Telephone 1,158 1,587 899 550 380 760 800 534105 Cellular Telephone 0 369 299 370 154 480 558 534110 Internet Access 347 366 172 120 51 102 102 534120 Postage 2,084 2,050 1,856 2,500 844 2,000 1,800 534130 Express Mail 146 162 170 100 116 200 200 534630 R M Office Equipment 38,750 17,739 18,676 19,450 18,383 21,000 21,745 534700 Printing and Binding 2,542 2,566 2,271 2,500 1,397 2,500 2,250 534800 Promotional Activities 1,579 923 906 775 150 750 700 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534920 Legal Ads 1,037 150 419 0 0 500 500 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,774 4,452 3,691 3,300 1,671 3,300 3,000 535205 Bank Charges (52) 49 59 100 75 150 200 535210 Computer Supplies 3,522 1,931 1,632 1,225 391 1,225 750 535230 Small Tools Equipment 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 2,157 1,610 1,944 1,685 529 1,685 1,615 535420 Books and Publications 2,162 2,366 1,259 1,130 750 1,130 1,115 535450 Training and Education 3,356 1,655 790 500 360 500 750 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 117,350 82,816 81,202 83,719 64,051 80,370 81,045 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 3,542 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,542 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 591,086 660,776 556,216 492,658 247,118 482,002 484,762 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT de: 010020 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POSITION Admin Services Director Director of Finance Human Resources Director Junior Accountant Human Resources Specialist Accounting Clerk II Accounting Clerk I Benefit Specialist RANGE 79,970 144,435 67,708 122,288 67,708 122,288 40,607 73,340 32,336 58,403 26,545 47,943 23,581 42,589 30,797 69,219 F /T/E GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 87 0.00 1.00 1.00 82 1.00 1.00 1.00 82 1.00 0.00 0.00 39 1.00 1.00 1.00 33 1.00 1.00 1.00 26 2.00 1.00 1.00 22 1.00 0.00 0.00 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services *Human Resource Specialist longevity increase 2010 Accounting Clerk II personnel change at decreased salary Projected Adopted 09 -10 10 -11 88,519 88,521 86,753 86,753 58,665 58,665 47,551 49,607 33,832 31,493 315,320 315,039 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Description Server Operating System for MUNIS Accounting Software EXPENDITURES PER FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 2011 -12 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 500 500 24,160 24,139 28,424 28,398 31,770 29,608 505 230 115 115 838 688 401,632 398,717 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Bud2et Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Bud2et PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 137,361 141,232 158,511 154,069 69,351 154,069 154,069 511300 Temporary Salaries 9,637 9,041 3,139 5,000 688 2,000 4,000 511400 Overtime 0 3,841 0 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 10,983 11,609 12,328 12,169 5,346 11,939 12,092 512225 Deferred Compensation 11,726 11,662 14,266 13,866 6,242 13,866 13,866 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 15,701 17,965 21,039 21,275 10,599 21,275 20,166 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,408 2,081 0 0 0 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 65 63 69 69 35 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 442 594 496 407 305 407 351 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 189,323 198,088 209,848 206,855 92,566 203,625 204,613 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 180 405 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 113 137 36 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 536 484 7,515 8,780 6,353 7,480 7,480 534105 Cellular Phone 1,481 1,191 968 1,100 459 1,245 1,245 534110 Internet Access 1,489 2,197 3,044 2,325 1,277 2,520 2,520 534120 Postage 28 24 0 0 0 100 0 534130 Express Mail 30 199 191 150 112 150 150 534630 R M Office Equipment 6,164 753 3,477 255 108 170 0 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 590 4,429 30,331 21,500 10,313 21,500 21,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 381 374 292 700 65 350 350 535210 Computer Supplies 1,482 4,593 1,604 3,000 574 2,000 5,400 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 135 43 191 100 0 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 262 125 303 275 99 275 250 535420 Books and Publications 340 0 187 250 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 426 496 0 1,000 0 0 1,200 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 13,636 15,450 48,139 39,435 19,360 35,890 40,195 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 19,351 9,329 4,457 20,623 1,301 20,623 5,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,351 9,329 4,457 20,623 1,301 20,623 5,000 TOTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 222,310 222,868 262,444 266,913 113,227 260,138 249,808 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Code: 010021 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES POSITION Network Director Senior System Analyst Systems Analyst PAY RANGE 62,599 113,062 36,782 66,432 35,367 63,877 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE F /T/E POSITION YEARS GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 79 1.00 1.00 1.00 61 1.00 1.00 1.00 60 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Temporary Salaries Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 72,016 72,016 45,785 45,785 36,268 36,268 154,069 154,069 2,000 4,000 11,939 13,866 21,275 69 407 12,092 13,866 20,166 69 351 203,625 204,613 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES PER FISCAL YEAR DESCRIPTION 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 Servers 5,000 5,000 5,000 Phone System Replacement Disater recovery 9,300 9,300 Symantec Ghost Suite 2 5,000 Automation for CH25 Broadcast 30,000 20,000 2013 14 2014 15 5,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL 20,000 150,000 18,600 5,000 50,000 Total 5,000 49,300 34,300 80,000 75,000 243,600 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 236,601 255,930 274,026 277,138 124,144 275,702 255,426 511400 Overtime 2,119 1,617 721 1,500 363 1,500 750 512100 FICA Taxes 17,296 18,683 19,831 21,316 9,045 21,206 19,597 512225 Deferred Compensation 20,912 23,179 24,717 25,077 11,205 24,948 23,056 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 27,006 32,937 33,455 35,532 17,713 35,524 30,481 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 9,522 10,923 11,021 11,021 5,510 11,021 10,435 512309 Employee Assistance Program 108 111 109 115 58 115 104 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 677 867 829 737 553 737 633 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 314,240 344,247 364,709 372,436 168,591 370,753 340,482 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 1,022 15,000 0 50,000 0 38,000 5,000 533400 Other Contractual Services 2,438 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 533480 Temporary Employment Services 791 0 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,375 1,073 1,177 900 0 900 900 534101 Telephone 1,004 807 449 460 292 460 460 534105 Cellular Telephone 775 748 599 690 220 690 690 534110 Internet Services 130 153 153 160 81 160 160 534120 Postage 3,458 1,946 1,226 500 193 500 500 534130 Express Mail 29 145 264 100 56 100 100 534620 R M- Vehicles 677 390 63 200 50 200 200 534630 R M- Office Equipment 4,831 3,382 2,373 2,700 1,422 2,700 2,365 534700 Printing and Binding 760 812 299 360 0 360 250 534920 Legal Ads 4,297 3,033 5,176 3,200 2,153 3,200 3,200 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,633 2,536 1,864 1,350 48 1,350 1,350 535210 Computer Supplies 3,719 1,083 618 1,800 830 1,800 1,800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 199 13 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 287 1,230 595 500 249 500 500 535410 Dues and Memberships 489 603 553 600 588 600 600 535420 Books and Publications 1,279 280 0 400 695 700 700 535450 Training and Education 950 610 385 800 0 800 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 32,143 35,844 15,794 64,720 6,877 53,020 19,575 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 32,810 2,425 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 32,810 2,425 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 379,193 382,516 380,503 437,156 175,468 423,773 360,057 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Code: 010080 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT POSITION Growth Management Director Growth Management Manager Environmental Planner Adminstrative Assistant Zoning Technician Admin Asst changed to P/T PAY RANGE 65,104 123,464 43,030 89,967 39,783 79,218 35,367 /67,071 30,797 61,323 GRADE 81 67 64 60 33 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 81,841 81,841 67,922 67,922 41,494 41,494 40,551 20,275 43,894 43,894 275,702 255,426 1,500 21,206 24,948 35,524 11,021 115 737 750 19,597 23,056 30,481 10,435 104 633 370,753 340,482 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 512500 Unemployment 6,087 1,268 22,687 15,000 11,095 15,000 15,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,087 1,268 22,687 15,000 11,095 15,000 15,000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 6,350 0 540 0 0 0 0 533120 Consultants 3,261 53,185 6,178 0 0 0 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 0 1,935 2,120 2,120 0 533415 Janitorial 0 6,600 6,529 6,600 3,267 6,300 5,880 533425 Contract Mowing Services 12,952 25,375 30,595 25,000 14,718 25,000 25,000 534101 Telephone 4,435 5,633 6,161 6,350 3,200 6,400 6,500 534110 Internet Services 0 4,048 5,056 5,000 2,809 5,000 5,000 534120 Postage 6,892 7,663 2,642 7,180 6,187 8,000 0 534310 Electric 75,462 44,131 45,653 45,500 20,991 42,000 44,100 534320 Water /Sewer 5,817 6,579 5,593 5,500 2,763 6,500 6,800 534500 Insurance 346,152 258,834 233,686 219,481 149,331 204,752 215,000 534501 Claims 0 45,369 19,687 7,500 15,027 17,000 15,000 534610 R&M Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R&M Vahicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R&M Office equipment 1,499 1,528 917 950 0 0 0 534700 Printing and Binding 10,005 10,256 4,984 9,900 2,545 10,000 0 534805 4th of July 18,656 18,412 18,250 17,750 5,000 17,750 17,750 534815 Paver Bricks 558 225 0 250 167 250 250 534825 Advertising Expenditures 1,793 2,882 1,978 1,615 1,432 1,600 1,600 534830 Special Events Expense 2,100 900 900 900 900 900 900 534835 Special Employee Events 2,809 2,757 3,007 2,000 2,028 2,028 2,000 534944 Supplies -PS Empl Exp Fund 803 430 2,157 1,000 2,056 2,200 1,000 534945 Supplies General Emp1 Exp Fund 2,694 3,147 2,733 1,000 3,511 3,700 1,000 534955 Refunds 0 792 0 0 677 677 0 534980 Payment- Riverfront CRA Fund 269,866 250,499 273,888 226,391 223,585 223,585 196,755 534999 General Fund Inventory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,688 1,672 1,551 1,000 418 1,000 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 2,186 2,451 258 2,475 2,381 1,150 1,200 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535454 PBA Tuition Reimb Plan 1,016 928 587 1,500 698 698 1,000 535455 CWA Tuition Reimb Plan 500 1,297 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 14,958 14,915 14,496 14,500 14,455 14,455 14,500 535710 Non-Ad Valorem Tax TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 793,453 770,508 688,026 612,277 480,266 603,065 563,235 GRANTS AND AIDS 708199 Grants and Aids 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANTS AND AIDS 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 909480 Trfr to Fund 480 Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON OPERATING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON DEPARTMENTAL 803,540 771,776 710,713 627,277 491,361 618,065 578,235 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND NON DEPARTMENTAL Code: 010099 2008 Actual 864,466 96,942 16,783 978,191 2,133,640 244,162 36,232 2,414,034 613,450 115,587 1,700 730,737 456,751 14,756 1,140 472,647 115,045 22,740 17,427 155,212 4,183,352 494,187 73,282 4,750,821 2009 Actual 965,085 130,694 1,095,779 2,379,437 155,811 71,727 2,606,975 572,907 85,903 2,772 661,582 485,844 3,615 6,310 495,769 119,031 20,447 139,478 4,522,304 396,470 80,809 4,999,583 2010 Budget 545,048 131,360 676,408 2,145,755 154,097 26,871 2,326,723 959,403 89,219 1,048,622 482,826 3,369 486,195 116,993 20,847 137,840 4,250,025 398,892 26,871 4,675,788 2010 Projected 543,909 119,396 663,305 2,079,943 164,185 30,781 2,274,909 996,424 89,984 1,086,408 500,115 2,650 502,765 116,993 17,685 134,678 4,237,384 393,900 30,781 4,662,065 2011 Budget 546,661 118,180 664,841 2,221,542 155,500 2,377,042 1,027,539 91,444 1,118,983 489,950 6,390 496,340 117,164 21,195 138,359 4,402,856 392,709 4,795,565 1 519.001 2007 Actual POLICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 993,426 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 98,073 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,407 TOTAL 1,092,905 POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 2,047,576 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 240,292 CAPITAL OUTLAY 260,340 TOTAL 2,548,209 POLICE DEPARTMENT DETECTIVE PERSONAL SERVICES 605,435 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 105,502 CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,980 TOTAL 736,916 POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPATCH PERSONAL SERVICES 375,306 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 24,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,520 TOTAL 419,926 POLICE DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES I 167,339 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 20,783 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 188,121 TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES 4,189,082 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 488,750 CAPITAL OUTLAY 308,247 TOTAL 4,986,078 CONSOLIDATED POLICE DEPARTMENT Change from 2010 Budget 1,613.00 13,180.00 0.00 1 11,567.00] 75,787.00 1,403.00 26,871.00 50,319.001 68,136.00 2,225.00 0.00 70,361.00 7,124.00 3,021.00 0.00 10,1 45.001 171.00 348.00 0.00 152,831.00 6,183.00 26,871.00 119,777.001 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 522,101 494,601 569,971 380,149 171,311 379,243 381,142 511300 Temporary Salaries 43,311 43,452 41,589 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 8,539 6,114 3,395 3,000 118 3,000 3,000 512100 FICA Taxes 42,691 40,211 45,791 29,390 12,580 29,321 29,466 512215 Clothing Allowance 2,032 2,160 2,046 1,040 585 1,040 1,040 512225 Deferred Compensation 25,758 24,005 28,231 17,177 7,690 17,177 17,347 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 259,466 158,588 184,387 34,263 15,563 34,099 46,790 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 55,027 56,923 56,302 56,471 24,052 56,471 45,109 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 20,356 23,262 19,544 17,708 10,009 17,708 17,775 512309 Employee Assistance Program 223 199 201 161 81 161 161 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 13,920 14,950 13,628 5,689 4,266 5,689 4,831 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 993,426 864,466 965,085 545,048 246,255 543,909 546,661 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 0 2,212 0 0 0 0 2,500 533400 Other Contractual Services 9,395 750 21,624 0 0 0 0 533415 Janitorial Services 13,375 19,500 19,284 19,500 9,652 19,500 11,520 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,257 5,391 2,881 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 1,093 4,501 10,919 10,700 7,424 10,880 11,080 534105 Cellular Telephone 2,166 1,940 1,257 1,030 374 1,160 1,350 534110 Internet Services 303 350 976 1,000 516 1,032 1,035 534120 Postage 1,333 1,279 1,353 1,120 473 900 1,000 534310 Electric 7,548 5,395 35,300 35,600 16,753 33,500 35,200 534320 Water /Sewer 447 447 2,762 2,850 857 2,200 2,275 534500 Insurance 0 105 4,681 8,000 131 131 0 534610 R M- Buildings 0 0 0 0 264 264 500 534620 R &M- Vehicles 5,805 2,609 1,598 1,000 1,073 1,500 1,500 534630 R M Office Equipment 4,819 0 2,294 25,760 20,029 26,279 28,035 534640 R M -Operating Equipment 0 13,742 0 200 0 0 0 534650 R M -Radio 591 301 515 200 0 0 100 534800 Promotional Activities 2,436 1,856 815 300 0 300 300 534820 Designated Expenditure (Greer Donation 12,090 618 3,243 10,000 0 8,000 6,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 9,710 9,102 6,324 3,500 1,758 3,500 3,585 535210 Computer Supplies 2,653 3,973 1,908 1,000 1,021 1,200 2,700 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,055 707 204 500 0 500 500 535260 Gas and Oil 10,576 10,170 7,667 7,000 3,045 6,500 7,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 1,684 2,177 708 600 141 400 400 535275 Safety Equipment 0 84 0 100 0 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,252 1,128 1,466 1,300 1,045 1,300 1,500 535420 Books and Publications 1,869 0 118 100 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 4,615 8,605 2,797 0 250 250 0 535710 NoAd Valorem Taxes 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 98,073 96,942 130,694 131,360 64,806 119,396 118,180 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 1,407 16,783 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,407 16,783 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL POLICE ADNIINISTRATION 1,092,905 978,191 1,095,779 676,408 311,061 663,305 664,841 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE ADMINISTRATION (RECORDS DIVISION) Code: 010041 (010048) PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POSITION Chief of Police Deputy Chief of Police Lieutenant Administrative Assistant Records Specialist II Community Policing Officer Clerical Assistant I Clerical Assistant II Clerical Assistant I Crossing Guards Temp PAY RANGE GRADE 73,233 132,266 60,926 110,039 57,428 103,722 28,196 59,662 28,196 59,662 37,148 /83,494 24,252 54,508 24,252 54,508 22,909 51,490 Administrative Asst longevity August 2010 6.6% increase in Police Pension contributions POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 85 1.00 1.00 1.00 77 1.00 1.00 1.00 74 1.00 0.00 0.00 29 1.00 1.00 1.00 29 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 1.00 0.00 0.00 23 1.00 1.00 1.00 23 2.00 2.00 2.00 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 7.00 7.00 379,243 381,142 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Chapter 185 Pension Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 95,388 95,388 93,004 93,004 52,960 54,859 31,497 31,497 28,623 28,623 77,771 77,771 0 3,000 3,000 29,321 29,466 1,040 1,040 17,177 17,347 34,099 46,790 56,471 45,109 17,708 17,775 161 161 5,689 4,831 543,909 546,661 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 1,316,426 1,388,775 1,505,975 1,358,893 615,574 1,290,120 1,340,315 511300 Temporary Salaries 35,949 2,232 5,545 0 0 0 8,000 511400 Overtime 143,848 146,885 166,768 130,800 78,594 150,000 130,800 512100 FICA Taxes 95,724 116,702 127,022 115,087 52,898 111,285 114,880 512215 Clothing Allowance 12,510 15,436 15,323 14,735 7,155 14,580 14,580 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 191,580 201,057 299,147 269,987 125,578 260,662 363,365 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 151,552 183,427 182,282 188,445 88,686 184,759 176,534 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 43,234 25,418 31,363 25,697 12,912 26,434 28,318 512309 Employee Assistance Program 639 657 645 630 309 622 622 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 56,114 53,051 45,367 41,481 31,107 41,481 44,128 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,047,576 2,133,640 2,379,437 2,145,755 1,012,813 2,079,943 2,221,542 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533500 Investigations 0 0 183 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 10,470 0 0 0 18 0 0 534101 Telephone 1,049 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,527 2,071 2,953 2,100 658 1,740 1,895 534110 Internet Access 8,088 7,695 6,399 4,000 3,847 7,395 8,255 534120 Postage 0 163 0 600 60 150 300 534130 Express Mail Charges 0 0 536 0 34 100 300 534310 Electric 21,857 17,384 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Water /Sewer 1,325 1,439 0 0 0 0 0 534610 R M- Buildings 3,227 0 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R &M- Vehicles 29,122 25,129 20,721 6,189 9,473 20,000 10,000 534630 R M Office Equipment 6,498 1,988 1,025 2,000 0 0 2,000 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 19,699 22,553 7,197 12,000 3,310 8,000 8,000 534650 R M -Radio 3,964 1,212 1,801 950 797 1,500 1,500 ;34810 K -9 Expenditures 1,287 4,040 3,095 0 1,151 2,000 2,000 ;34800 Promotional Activities 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 ;35200 Departmental Supplies 15,015 13,732 10,467 12,000 5,197 11,000 11,000 35210 Computer Supplies 3,175 1,948 1,629 1,500 132 500 500 35230 Small Tools and Equipment 5,397 2,205 499 3,858 331 3,800 3,500 35260 Gas and Oil 85,767 116,929 81,700 90,000 45,487 95,000 90,000 35270 Uniforms and Shoes 13,449 20,123 15,737 17,000 5,757 12,000 15,000 35275 Safety Equipment 594 363 845 750 206 500 750 '35410 Dues and Memberships 380 674 0 0 0 0 0 35420 Books and Publications 1,121 415 1,024 1,150 360 500 500 35450 Training and Education 7,281 0 0 0 0 0 0 ['OTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 240,292 244,162 155,811 154,097 76,818 164,185 155,500 ;APITAL OUTLAY 06400 Vehicles and Equipment 260,340 36,232 71,727 26,871 30,781 30,781 0 'OTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 260,340 36,232 71,727 26,871 30,781 30,781 0 'OTAL POLICE OPERATIONS DIVISION 2,548,208 2,414,034 2,606,975 2,326,723 1,120,412 2,274,909 2,377,042 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE OPERATIONS (SPECIAL OPERATIONS ROAD PATROL) Code: 010043 (010040) PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE OPERATIONS DIVISION POSITION Captain Lieutenant Sergeants Officers Officer Motorcycle Patrol Officer K -9 Officer Marine Patrol Part-time Officer PAY RANGE 52,089 103,722 52,089 103,722 46,940 105,594 37,148 83,494 37,148 83,494 37,148 83,494 37,148 83,494 GRADE 74 74 30 27 27 27 27 F /T/E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 0.00 1.00 4.00 18.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 4.00 16.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 30.50 27.00 27.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Chapter 185 Retirement Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Projected Expenditure 09 -10 91,571 241,647 956,902 Adopted Budget 10 -11 91,571 287,204 961,540 8,000 1,290,120 1,348,315 150,000 130,800 111,285 114,880 14,580 14,580 260,662 363,365 184,759 176,534 26,434 28,318 622 622 41,481 44,128 2,079,943 2,221,542 *Sergeants Officers Salary for 2010 included 3% increases from date of evaluation; 2011 salaries reflect no increases and 12 furlough days 6.6% increase in police retirement contribution FY 09/10 two officer positions transferred to investigations Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 122,156 74,829 78,550 76,817 34,451 76,817 84,205 511400 Overtime 420 592 79 300 25 300 300 512100 FICA Taxes 9,054 5,607 5,894 5,899 2,581 5,899 6,465 512225 Deferred Compensation 8,743 6,002 7,077 6,941 3,103 6,941 7,605 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 17,113 20,818 24,088 24,172 12,108 24,172 16,476 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 2,543 457 502 498 249 498 452 512309 Employee Assistance Program 86 69 69 69 35 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 7,224 6,671 2,772 2,297 1,723 2,297 1,592 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 167,339 115,045 119,031 116,993 54,275 116,993 117,164 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 868 1,130 947 0 482 500 500 534101 Telephone 463 645 359 360 234 470 490 534105 Cellular Telephone 910 1,200 968 900 199 500 465 534110 Internet Services 106 84 77 77 40 80 1,300 534120 Postage 3,207 6,998 6,355 7,600 1,743 4,000 6,000 534310 Electric 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Water /Sewer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R M- Vehicles 1,431 1,190 1,268 1,200 36 200 500 534630 R M Office Equipment 2,526 1,233 663 550 264 510 550 534650 R& M -Radio 0 0 75 200 0 100 100 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 600 1,800 2,158 2,000 2,130 4,200 4,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,801 1,440 1,550 1,100 462 1,000 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 784 384 179 250 208 420 400 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 67 27 180 200 0 100 100 535260 Gas and Oil 5,778 5,256 4,409 4,700 2,244 4,500 4,700 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 559 658 363 500 0 360 400 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 86 100 0 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 120 45 60 60 90 90 90 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 1,014 650 750 1,000 555 555 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 20,783 22,740 20,447 20,847 8,687 17,685 21,195 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 17,427 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 17,427 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISIOI 188,122 155,213 139,478 137,840 62,962 134,678 138,359 1 C1'l'Y OF SEBASTIAN, .FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Code: 010045 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION POSITION Code Enforcement Officer Administrative Asst P/T General Services Technici PAY RANGE GRADE 29,874 /67,145 32 22,909 41,376 21 F /T/E Projected POSITION YEARS Expenditure 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 09 -10 2.00 2.00 2.00 63,930 63,930 0.00 0.00 0.50 20,275 0.50 0.50 0.00 12,888 2.50 2.50 2.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Adopted Budget 10 -11 76,818 84,205 300 5,899 6,941 24,172 498 69 2,858 300 6,465 7,605 16,476 452 69 1,592 117,555 117,164 *Increase due to retirement of P/T Clerical replaced with P/T Admin Asst at higher salary Account Number Descri tion FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr, Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 392,647 404,619 368,507 585,429 261,985 607,559 596,413 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 0 52,000 23,646 48,000 48,000 511400 Overtime 47,288 42,732 35,559 40,000 24,878 40,000 52,000 512100 FICA Taxes 33,492 34,277 30,350 52,623 22,680 53,827 54,015 512215 Clothing Allowance 7,975 7,623 6,042 10,435 4,477 8,060 9,660 512225 Deferred Compensation 3,277 3,529 3,734 3,563 1,671 3,994 2,658 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 52,471 53,382 65,126 106,037 48,036 108,452 152,862 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 38,552 40,728 34,870 68,755 29,577 71,652 63,665 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 12,233 10,866 15,735 18,059 14,448 32,370 27,219 512309 Employee Assistance Program 186 180 144 222 105 230 230 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 17,313 15,514 12,840 22,280 16,708 22,280 20,817 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 605,435 613,450 572,907 959,403 448,211 996,424 1,027,539 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 50,784 63,505 63,505 53,428 26,714 53,428 53,428 533400 Other Contractural Services 0 11,641 0 0 0 0 0 533500 Investigations 504 953 759 2,900 2,081 3,100 3,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,919 0 0 2,000 1,237 2,000 2,000 534101 Telephone 518 1,980 0 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 2,429 2,585 2,132 3,900 718 1,985 2,175 534110 Internet Access 189 104 0 0 0 0 1,200 534115 On -line Services 600 690 780 900 422 1,300 1,500 534130 Express Mail Charges 279 450 299 250 62 150 150 534310 Electric 6,283 4,796 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Water /Sewer 379 397 0 0 0 0 0 534400 Rent/Leases 391 391 0 391 391 391 391 534420 Equipment Leases 0 408 0 0 0 0 0 534610 R& M- Buildings 7,297 0 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R M-Vehicles 2,018 2,176 2,461 4,000 1,117 3,000 4,000 534630 R M Office Equipment 2,903 0 0 200 0 200 200 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 0 0 0 200 0 200 200 534650 R M -Radio 656 150 657 800 76 160 200 534800 Promotional Activities 0 99 0 300 0 300 300 534967 G.R.E.A.T. Expenditures 1,398 390 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 6,467 5,219 5,645 4,500 2,217 4,500 4,500 535210 Computer Supplies 1,065 1,190 711 1,200 622 1,200 1,200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 0 2,323 910 1,400 1,017 1,500 1,400 535260 Gas and Oil 12,354 13,786 7,377 8,500 5,218 10,000 10,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,686 2,147 399 3,700 737 3,000 3,000 535275 Safety Equipment 75 57 0 200 0 200 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 75 150 150 200 150 200 200 535420 Books and Publications 182 0 118 250 85 170 200 535450 Training and Education 3,050 0 0 0 2,438 3,000 2,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 105,502 115,587 85,903 89,219 45,302 89,984 91,444 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 25,980 1,700 2,772 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,980 1,700 2,772 0 0 0 0 TOTAL POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION 736,917 730,737 661,582 1,048,622 493,513 1,086,408 1,118,983 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION (SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER) Code: 010047 (010042) PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION POSITION Captain Sergeants Investigators Evidence Technician School Resource Officer Community Policing Officer Part-Time Officer Crossing Guards Temp PAY RANGE 52,089 103,072 46,940 105,594 37,148 83,494 30,797 59,219 37,148 83,494 37,148 83,494 GRADE 74 30C 27 33 27 27 F /T/E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 4.00 6.00 14.50 14.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Chapter 185 Retirement Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 92,621 92,621 88,142 91,115 257,852 256,707 44,377 29,537 60,050 62,500 60,517 63,933 48,000 48,000 651,559 644,413 40,000 52,000 53,827 54,015 8,060 9,660 3,994 2,658 108,452 152,862 71,652 63,665 32,370 27,219 230 230 22,280 20,817 992,424 1,027,539 *FY 09/10 Transfer of 2 positions from Operations to Detective *Sergeants Officers Salary for 2010 included 3% increases from date of evaluation; 2011 salaries reflect no increases and 12 furlough days *6.6 Increase in Police Pension contribution SRO Community Policing longevity increases *Evidence technician retired replaced at lower salary Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 240,996 296,068 316,992 309,767 144,116 342,500 340,500 511300 Temporary Salaries 1,339 6,674 0 25,000 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 49,847 40,441 40,775 22,000 23,491 30,000 22,000 512100 FICA Taxes 22,611 25,786 26,590 27,293 12,545 28,496 27,731 512225 Deferred Compensation 24,912 28,574 32,008 29,859 14,156 31,275 30,375 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 32,876 50,363 57,227 57,698 26,955 59,239 54,730 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 1,618 7,503 11,032 10,158 3,771 7,554 13,590 512309 Employee Assistance Program 180 207 205 207 98 207 207 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 927 1,135 1,015 844 633 844 817 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 375,306 456,751 485,844 482,826 225,765 500,115 489,950 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 772 0 60 0 0 0 500 534101 Telephone 2,771 5,361 0 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 423 434 299 310 66 200 300 534108 800 MHZ Lines 5,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 534110 Internet Access 106 116 0 109 0 0 800 534310 Electric 6,333 5,395 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Sewer/Water 373 447 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R M -Office Equipment 2,248 0 0 0 0 0 1,590 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 252 0 44 50 50 100 100 534650 R M- Radios 1,066 356 461 400 70 150 300 534800 Promotional Activities 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,291 1,240 1,286 1,050 494 1,000 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 1,503 1,261 893 950 38 1,000 900 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 294 0 360 300 0 0 200 535275 Safety Equipment 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 86 88 212 200 92 200 200 535450 Training and Education 1,550 0 0 0 0 0 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 24,100 14,756 3,615 3,369 810 2,650 6,390 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 20,520 1,140 6,310 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,520 1,140 6,310 0 0 0 0 TOTAL POLICE DISPATCH UNIT 419,926 472,647 495,769 486,195 226,575 502,765 496,340 CITY OF SEBAS'T'IAN, l+'LORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DISPATCH UNIT Code: 010049 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE DISPATCH UNIT POSITION Communications Supervisor Communication Technician Communication Technician *Decrease to due personnel change F /T/E PAY POSITION YEARS RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 36,852 73,340 39 28,196 63,373 29 (Part-time) 1.00 8.00 0.50 1.00 8.00 0.50 1.00 8.00 0.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 56,500 56,500 286,000 284,000 342,500 340,500 30,000 22,000 28,496 27,731 31,275 30,375 59,239 54,730 7,554 13,590 207 207 844 817 500,115 489,950 2007 Actual 1,068,726 193,805 18,923 1,281,454 392,400 774,253 146,742 1,313,395 236,901 38,890 8,093 283,884 96,355 108,080 1,650 206,085 722,825 252,262 47,906 1,022,994 115,606 19,382 134,987 2,517,206 1,367,290 223,316 4,107,812 2008 Actual 986,384 194,555 12,285 1,193,224 540,745 679,136 55,810 1,275,691 127,864 30,506 158,370 102,071 162,251 264,322 811,308 268,072 21,036 1,100,416 125,618 23,006 49,509 198,133 2,568,372 1,334,519 89,131 3,992,022 2009 Actual 1,070,698 165,296 5,252 1,241,246 525,786 739,766 3,024 1,268,576 174,408 41,387 2,945 218,740 117,684 157,442 275,126 879,834 268,573 1,148,407 138,155 22,131 7,007 167,293 2,768,410 1,372,464 11,221 4,152,095 2010 Budget 750,125 138,513 888,638 606,040 545,541 1,600 1,153,181 172,001 27,760 12,000 211,761 117,237 149,960 267,197 781,774 235,246 1,017,020 136,622 19,589 156,211 2,427,177 1,097,020 13,600 3,537,797 2010 Projected 747,348 145,798 25,000 918,146 603,202 504,952 1,572 1,109,726 180,795 31,070 211,865 114,745 143,015 257,760 774,801 239,597 2,475 1,016,873 124,554 20,850 145,404 2,420,891 1,064,432 29,047 3,514,370 2011 Budget 748,476 124,840 873,316 592,364 496,401 200,000 1,288,765 111,963 19,571 131,534 113,472 139,693 253,165 693,147 225,280 12,800 931,227 87,457 18,075 105,532 2,259,422 1,005,785 212,800 3,478,007 1 (85,793)1 1 (50,679)1 ROADS MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL STORMWATER PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PARKS PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Change from 2010 Budget (1,649.00) (13,673.00) 0.00 1 (15,322)1 (13,676.00) (49,140.00) 198,400.00 135,584 1 (60,038.00) (8,189.00) (12,000.00) (80,227)1 (3,765.00) (10,267.00) 0.00 1 (14,032)1 (88,627.00) (9,966.00) 12,800.00 (49,165.00) (1,514.00) 0.00 (167,755.00) (91,235.00) 199,200.00 1 (59,790)1 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 726,472 652,591 755,185 513,810 228,155 508,449 518,976 511300 Temporary Salaries 31,523 22,679 10,046 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 13,389 8,429 11,558 6,000 2,489 6,000 6,000 512100 FICA Taxes 55,715 49,670 57,162 39,867 17,191 39,447 40,252 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,320 1,200 1,200 1,200 512225 Deferred Compensation 60,857 59,482 67,207 46,783 20,758 46,300 47,248 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 94,862 110,250 102,623 91,429 45,446 91,400 86,390 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 38,798 38,192 26,634 25,588 14,611 29,222 27,637 512309 Employee Assistance Program 390 349 340 276 138 278 278 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 45,280 43,302 38,503 25,052 18,787 25,052 20,495 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,068,726 986,384 1,070,698 750,125 348,775 747,348 748,476 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 10,334 0 228 0 0 0 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 31,899 6,780 4,632 1,500 0 0 0 533415 Janitorial Services 5,462 4,500 4,331 600 297 575 476 533420 Pest/Weed Control/Mowing 0 0 0 3,528 0 3,528 3,528 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,609 1,352 960 1,500 297 1,500 500 534101 Telephone 7,918 10,185 8,471 7,050 1,193 2,400 2,500 534105 Cellular Telephone 7,427 6,038 4,781 3,790 800 2,425 2,784 534110 Internet Services 835 559 654 370 107 160 102 534120 Postage 111 224 329 50 26 50 50 534130 Express Mail Charges 149 0 18 0 0 0 534310 Electric 7,182 7,589 9,706 2,150 1,230 2,475 2,600 534320 Water /Sewer 1,192 836 1,061 350 73 215 225 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 6,483 3,676 6,242 6,000 1,949 6,000 6,000 534400 Rents and Leases 4,610 4,610 0 2,000 0 0 0 534420 Equipment Leases 0 1,387 0 600 99 500 500 534620 R M- Vehicles 4,696 18,023 22,340 16,000 14,503 29,000 20,000 534630 R M- Office Equipment 7,300 5,935 2,741 1,000 893 1,700 1,500 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 29,001 26,370 16,693 16,000 9,704 19,400 16,000 534830 Special Events 2,632 1,861 1,040 1,500 832 1,600 1,500 534920 Legal Ads 0 0 142 200 0 200 200 535200 Departmental Supplies 13,235 17,241 19,969 11,000 5,019 10,500 10,500 535210 Computer Supplies 3,349 704 874 600 916 1,200 600 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 4,910 7,017 4,791 3,500 2,092 3,500 3,500 535260 Gas and Oil 28,735 46,490 28,523 33,250 13,846 27,692 27,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,404 3,631 2,940 2,925 1,573 3,146 2,925 535275 Safety Equipment 374 1,031 1,447 1,000 809 1,200 1,000 535310 Road Materials Supplies 6,545 11,493 15,334 12,000 9,891 19,782 15,000 535350 Cement 2,340 4,400 4,875 8,000 1,060 5,000 5,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 572 696 445 450 339 450 450 535420 Books and Publications 83 277 647 100 0 100 100 535450 Training and Education 1,417 1,650 1,082 1,500 235 1,500 300 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 193,805 194,555 165,296 138,513 67,783 145,798 124,840 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606310 IOTB Fencing 11,625 12,285 0 0 0 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 7,298 0 5,252 0 0 25,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,923 12,285 5,252 0 0 25,000 0 TOTAL ROADS MAINTENANCE 1,281,454 1,193,224 1,241,246 888,638 416,558 918,146 873,316 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /11 ANNUAL BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROADS AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010052 (010051 ENGINEERING) PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE ROADS AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION POSITION Public Works Director Administrative Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Construction Specialist Civil Engineering Technician Sign/Traffic Technician Maintenance Worker III Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I PAY RANGE 67,708 134,822 32,699 73,495 32,699 73,495 31,721 71,296 30,797 69,218 26,544 59,662 26,544 59,662 25,063 56,331 23,580 53,000 F /T /E GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 82 1.00 1.00 35 1.00 1.00 35 1.00 1.00 34 1.00 1.00 33 1.00 1.00 26 1.00 1.00 26 2.00 2.00 24 2.00 2.00 22 2.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 6 employees receiving longevity increases FY 09/10 and FY 10/11 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 78,598 78,598 60,094 62,955 51,051 51,051 44,372 44,372 45,788 46,743 43,894 44,358 63,449 65,400 91,151 94,003 30,052 31,496 508,449 518,976 6,000 6,000 39,447 40,252 1,200 1,200 46,300 47,248 91,400 86,390 29,222 27,637 278 278 25,052 20,495 747,348 748,476 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 236,814 362,442 358,837 406,427 183,930 407,000 406,500 511400 Overtime 2,444 4,925 591 6,000 835 3,000 3,000 512100 FICA Taxes 25,677 27,250 26,507 31,661 13,704 31,695 31,437 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,350 1,420 1,200 1,440 1,320 1,320 1,440 512225 Deferred Compensation 29,053 32,281 32,348 37,248 16,629 37,289 36,985 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 63,633 68,758 69,618 83,734 39,539 83,734 75,689 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 9,343 13,484 15,415 15,762 7,699 15,396 14,558 512309 Employee Assistance Program 265 269 253 276 138 276 276 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 23,822 29,916 21,017 23,492 17,617 23,492 22,479 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 392,400 540,745 525,786 606,040 281,411 603,202 592,364 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 14,398 15,031 324 250 0 250 250 533400 Other Contractural Services 13,294 3,952 4,200 1,500 0 0 0 533420 Pest/Weed Control/Mowing 34,220 35,770 37,969 50,000 17,537 50,000 50,000 533425 Contract Mowing Services 419,888 362,439 410,609 225,000 96,087 225,000 225,000 533427 Contract Qtr Round Maintenance 0 7,707 12,495 12,500 0 12,500 12,500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 720 679 600 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 62 365 90 95 49 95 100 534105 Cellular Telephone 3,876 4,135 3,142 3,306 620 1,890 2,160 534110 Internet Services 26 21 19 20 17 41 41 534120 Postage 9 7 1 50 29 50 50 534130 Express Mail 0 25 0 50 0 50 50 534310 Electric 1,757 1,886 1,641 1,450 711 1,425 1,500 534320 Water /Sewer 828 439 656 350 685 1,435 1,500 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 9,575 6,422 14,708 9,000 4,261 9,000 8,000 534400 Rents and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534420 Equipment Leases 203 140 1,261 2,000 40 1,500 1,500 534620 R M- Vehicles 2,535 17,944 15,524 10,500 12,333 24,666 15,000 534630 R M Office Equipment 950 581 562 1,825 809 1,300 1,300 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 45,249 52,838 58,580 55,000 12,435 40,000 40,000 534920 Legal Ads 205 0 198 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,290 4,691 9,283 5,000 1,673 4,500 4,500 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 0 300 7 300 300 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,309 3,537 3,510 2,000 445 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 37,174 52,052 33,256 42,750 17,313 35,000 37,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,540 2,803 2,788 2,625 1,279 2,500 2,500 535275 Safety Equipment 366 821 340 600 674 1,300 1,000 535310 Road Materials Supplies 18,087 18,408 28,234 28,400 6,422 20,000 20,000 535320 Sod 79,328 20,185 26,112 25,000 4,593 20,000 20,000 535350 Cement 46,037 22,087 34,963 25,000 5,703 20,000 20,000 535355 Culvert Pipe 36,320 43,631 38,297 40,000 6,544 30,000 30,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 104 122 110 150 113 150 150 535420 Books and Publications 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 620 240 215 220 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 774,253 679,136 739,766 545,541 190,379 504,952 496,401 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606300 IOTB Fencing 0 0 1,850 0 0 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 146,742 55,810 1,174 1,600 1,572 1,572 200,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 146,742 55,810 3,024 1,600 1,572 1,572 200,000 TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 1,313,395 1,275,691 1,268,576 1,153,181 473,362 1,109,726 1,288,765 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION Code: 010053 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION POSITION Stormwater Superintendent Stormwater Supervisor Construction Inspector Maintenance Worker III Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I PAY RANGE 46,541 97,308 32,699 73,495 30,797 69,218 26,544 59,662 25,063 56,331 23,580 53,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE 200,000 GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 70 1.00 1.00 35 2.00 2.00 33 0.00 1.00 26 4.00 4.00 24 0.00 0.00 22 4.00 4.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 10 -11 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 Projected Expenditure 09 -10 58,672 71,067 53,910 127,870 95,481 407,000 3,000 31,695 1,320 37,289 83,734 15,396 276 23,492 STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION EXPENDITURES PER FISCAL YEAR Description 2010 -11 2011 -2012 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL Excavator 200,000 200,000 603,202 592,364 200,000 Adopted Budget 10 -11 58,672 71,067 53,910 97,316 30,054 95,481 406,500 3,000 31,437 1,440 36,985 75,689 14,558 276 22,479 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 178,198 93,096 126,325 122,604 54,063 133,003 77,750 511400 Overtime 3,068 1,378 608 1,500 842 1,500 600 512100 FICA Taxes 13,320 7,134 9,362 9,522 4,209 10,317 6,012 512215 Clothing Allowance 360 240 360 360 360 360 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 13,267 7,425 10,263 10,085 4,498 11,021 5,957 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 17,658 13,685 20,262 21,057 10,473 21,057 19,689 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,324 1,818 3,331 3,634 309 309 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 92 69 92 92 46 81 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 4,614 3,019 3,805 3,147 2,360 3,147 1,646 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 236,901 127,864 174,408 172,001 77,160 180,795 111,963 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 14,770 2,640 750 1,500 750 1,500 1,500 533410 Environmental Services 140 0 50 220 0 220 220 533415 Janitorial Services 3,572 3,600 3,561 3,600 1,782 3,000 476 534000 Travel and Per Diem 99 0 0 150 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 554 707 449 460 292 590 600 534105 Cellular Telephone 811 1,091 1,205 1,240 248 660 360 534110 Internet Access 2,072 42 38 40 20 40 40 534310 Electric 3,016 3,133 3,420 3,500 1,896 3,800 4,000 534320 Water /Sewer 264 280 340 350 73 250 275 534610 R M Buildings 143 543 289 200 0 200 200 534620 R M- Vehicles 205 838 1,637 750 458 800 750 564330 R M Office Equipment 1,070 111 255 250 175 250 250 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 2,559 2,848 11,185 3,500 3,957 6,000 3,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,858 6,450 6,429 3,000 2,565 5,000 2,000 535210 Computer Supplies 40 0 528 200 154 300 200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,858 3,394 5,816 3,000 1,770 3,000 2,000 535250 Building Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 2,786 3,894 3,569 4,100 1,883 3,600 3,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 999 935 1,636 1,200 850 1,000 400 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 200 0 200 200 535410 Membership Professional Dues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 230 100 660 660 100 535450 Training and Education 75 0 200 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 38,890 30,506 41,387 27,760 17,533 31,070 19,571 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 8,093 0 2,945 12,000 12,000 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,093 0 2,945 12,000 12,000 0 0 TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION 283,884 158,370 218,740 211,761 106,693 211,865 131,534 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION Code: 010054 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION F/T/E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 09 -10 10 -11 Head Mechanic 28,196 63,373 29 1.00 1.00 1.00 39,109 39,109 Mechanic 25,063 56,331 24 2.00 2.00 1.00 81,489 26,236 Clerical Assistant 11.01 24.75 21 0.50 0.50 0.50 12,405 12,405 3.50 3.50 2.50 133,003 77,750 Overtime 1,500 600 FICA Taxes 10,317 6,012 Clothing Allowance 360 240 Deferred Compensation 11,021 5,957 Group Health Insurance Premium 21,057 19,689 Dependant Health Ins Premium 309 0 Employee Assistance Program 81 69 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,147 1,646 Total Personal Services 180,795 111,963 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 61,815 63,794 75,482 73,933 33,591 73,933 73,933 511400 Overtime 5,947 8,624 7,767 9,000 2,835 6,500 6,500 512100 FICA Taxes 4,884 5,254 6,078 6,354 2,642 6,162 6,162 512215 Clothing Allowance 150 90 120 120 120 120 120 512225 Deferred Compensation 5,741 6,115 7,492 7,475 3,278 7,250 7,250 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 10,254 11,162 13,865 13,993 6,985 13,993 13,258 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 4,202 3,586 3,707 3,707 2,066 4,132 3,896 512309 Employee Assistance Program 44 42 46 46 23 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,318 3,404 3,127 2,609 1,956 2,609 2,307 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 96,355 102,071 117,684 117,237 53,496 114,745 113,472 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 4,340 24,220 24,749 25,000 12,485 21,000 21,000 533415 Janitorial Services 14,963 24,900 24,633 24,900 12,426 22,000 18,000 533420 Pest/Weed Control 2,750 3,218 3,233 3,800 1,500 3,800 3,800 534101 Telephone 38 323 90 95 58 95 130 534105 Cellular Telephone 859 748 599 840 133 400 468 534110 Internet Services 52 21 19 20 10 20 20 534420 Equipment Leases 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 534610 R M Buildings 61,865 84,197 79,563 69,175 24,125 69,175 70,000 534620 R M- Vehicles 1,641 1,783 1,559 3,000 356 3,000 3,000 534630 R M Office Equipment 322 0 0 0 243 475 475 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 315 716 409 400 0 400 500 534920 Legal Ads 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,126 2,416 2,795 2,050 1,582 2,050 2,100 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 0 150 86 150 150 535220 Cleaning Supplies 12,103 10,695 12,215 12,000 5,266 12,000 12,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,502 2,104 1,607 2,150 321 2,150 1,800 535250 Building Supplies 1,996 1,917 1,984 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 2,216 4,018 2,817 3,160 1,486 3,000 3,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 663 812 936 720 516 1,000 950 535275 Safety Equipment 167 163 234 300 183 300 300 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 108,080 162,251 157,442 149,960 60,776 143,015 139,693 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 1,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 206,085 264,322 275,126 267,197 114,272 257,760 253,165 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010056 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE F /T/E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 09 -10 10 -11 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 32,699 /73,495 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 47,697 47,697 Maintenance Worker II 25,063 56,331 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 26,236 26,236 2.00 2.00 2.00 73,933 73,933 Overtime 6,500 6,500 FICA Taxes 6,162 6,162 Clothing Allowance 120 120 Deferred Compensation 7,250 7,250 Group Health Insurance Premium 13,993 13,258 Dependant Health Ins Premium 4,132 3,896 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 Worker's Comp Insurance 2,609 2,307 Total Personal Services 114,745 113,472 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 432,420 483,286 536,310 469,832 208,291 459,430 415,723 511300 Temporary Salaries 62,801 68,307 80,335 68,000 35,336 80,500 70,000 511400 Overtime 16,468 11,031 10,470 9,000 3,171 8,000 8,000 512100 FICA Taxes 37,193 40,657 45,599 41,943 17,909 42,103 37,862 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,490 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,320 1,320 1,200 512225 Deferred Compensation 39,874 44,600 47,709 43,225 19,032 42,288 38,243 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 79,395 100,774 102,920 98,057 48,760 94,595 79,829 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 23,222 31,433 31,787 32,393 14,341 28,681 26,992 512309 Employee Assistance Program 340 344 342 323 161 323 276 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 29,622 29,436 22,922 17,561 13,169 17,561 15,022 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 722,825 811,308 879,834 781,774 361,490 774,801 693,147 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 5,766 4,938 2,650 0 0 0 985 533415 Janitorial Services 23,538 16,920 16,756 17,520 8,672 17,344 6,690 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,277 593 460 0 0 0 810 534101 Telephone 3,718 3,206 3,005 2,840 1,181 2,362 2,500 534105 Cellular Telephone 5,860 5,528 4,282 3,900 896 2,025 2,680 534110 Internet Services 46 26 19 20 10 20 20 534120 Postage 256 145 217 100 72 144 150 534310 Electric 71,234 76,157 101,618 110,000 48,999 98,000 103,000 534320 Water /Sewer 12,489 6,938 9,339 7,600 3,592 8,850 9,400 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 260 378 979 700 139 400 400 534420 Equipment Leases 168 262 280 400 0 200 200 534620 R M- Vehicles 4,681 4,070 6,458 3,500 4,076 8,000 5,000 534630 R M Office Equipment 1,277 581 562 500 323 646 646 534640 R M Operating Equipment 14,485 23,200 26,522 14,000 7,490 14,980 14,000 534680 R M Irrigation Systems 4,495 7,005 5,426 3,000 2,713 5,426 4,000 534685 R M Grounds Maintenance 23,139 21,202 21,582 15,604 9,924 17,000 15,000 534686 R M Parks Facilities 16,397 28,590 15,292 11,800 8,322 17,000 15,000 534830 Special Event Expense 3,551 3,474 2,985 2,000 1,225 2,500 2,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,517 2,994 3,175 1,800 1,705 3,410 3,500 535210 Computer Supplies 0 401 0 0 1 0 0 535220 Cleaning Supplies 747 331 365 300 28 300 300 535221 Fertilizer /Chemical Supplies 12,674 12,706 12,995 10,738 8,009 15,000 12,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 11,816 9,444 4,799 2,000 1,580 2,000 2,500 535260 Gas and Oil 24,735 33,219 22,587 23,000 9,761 19,522 20,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,925 3,393 4,015 2,860 1,489 2,978 2,574 535275 Safety Equipment 665 1,351 883 600 765 800 600 535410 Dues and Memberships 763 435 773 464 465 690 385 535420 Books and Publications 225 90 90 0 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 478 495 459 0 75 0 440 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 252,262 268,072 268,573 235,246 121,512 239,597 225,280 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606300 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 0 2,475 2,475 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 47,906 21,036 0 0 0 0 12,800 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,906 21,036 0 0 2,475 2,475 12,800 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 1,022,993 1,100,415 1,148,407 1,017,020 485,477 1,016,873 931,227 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION Code: 010057 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION POSITION Parks Superintendent Parks Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Foreman Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Skate Park Attendants`" Gymnastic Assistant''' Tennis Courts Attendants" Description Mower Trailer Pick Up Truck Chipper PAY RANGE 46,541 97,308 32,699 73,495 32,699 73,495 28,196 /63,373 25,063 56,331 23,580 53,000 (1) F /T /E position years represents full time equivalent positions. For Gymnastic Assistants, 4.50 equals nine temporary part-time positions. For Skate Park Attendants, 2.5 equals five temporary part-time positions. For Tennis Courts, 2.00 equals four temporary part-time positions. *Decrease of (2) Maintenance 1 position CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION 2010 -11 2011 -12 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL 11,000 $11,000 22,000 1,800 1,800 18,000 36,000 6,000 6,000 12,800 GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 70 1.00 1.00 1.00 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 29 2.00 1.00 1.00 24 3.00 3.00 3.00 22 7.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 14.60 4.50 4.00 2.00 2.00 23.50 23.00 21.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $11,000 24,000 F /T /E POSITION YEARS Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 66,775 66,775 37,691 37,691 37,698 37,698 29,578 29,578 108,275 1 08,775 179,413 135,206 34,000 29,000 22,000 24,500 24,500 16,500 539,930 485,723 8,000 42,103 1,320 42,288 94,595 28,681 323 17,561 774,801 693,147 65,800 8,000 37,862 1,200 38,243 79,829 26,992 276 15,022 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual Amended FY 08/09 Budget Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 78,923 84,720 95,284 93,956 42,104 85,869 62,955 511400 Overtime 929 957 1,095 1,000 497 1,000 1,000 512100 FICA Taxes 5,643 6,021 6,823 7,282 3,000 6,664 4,902 512215 Clothing Allowance 240 240 240 240 240 240 120 512225 Deferred Compensation 7,187 7,711 8,674 8,568 3,834 7,840 5,767 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 11,778 13,553 13,984 14,114 7,040 12,369 6,785 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,079 6,985 7,195 7,195 3,597 6,305 3,444 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 46 46 23 46 23 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 4,781 5,385 4,814 4,221 3,165 4,221 2,461 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 115,606 125,618 138,155 136,622 63,500 124,554 87,457 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533415 Janitorial Services 2,712 3,000 2,960 3,000 1,485 2,700 255 533480 Temporary Employment Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 1,165 1,377 1,387 1,360 747 1,500 1,500 534105 Cellular Telephones 408 391 299 260 154 480 550 534110 Internet Access 580 575 573 574 287 575 575 534310 Electric 2,042 1,827 2,105 2,150 921 1,850 1,950 534610 R M Buildings 25 812 555 200 0 200 0 534620 R M- Vehicles 13 480 117 300 0 300 250 534630 R M Office Equipment 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 2,689 2,484 2,769 2,500 1,600 2,500 2,500 534685 R M Grounds Maintenance 3,256 3,757 3,255 3,300 2,866 5,000 5,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,814 3,629 3,899 3,000 1,679 3,000 3,000 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 441 200 0 200 150 535220 Cleaning Supplies 215 197 258 250 0 250 250 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 323 947 446 200 0 200 100 535260 Gas and Oil 1,591 2,336 1,536 1,400 628 1,400 1,300 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 421 582 695 695 416 695 695 535275 Safety Equipment 372 217 441 200 199 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 395 395 395 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 19,382 23,006 22,131 19,589 10,982 20,850 18,075 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 49,509 7,007 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 49,509 7,007 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CEMETERY DIVISION 134,988 198,134 167,293 156,211 74,482 145,404 105,532 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET CEMETERY DIVISION Code: 010059 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CEMETERY DIVISION F/T/E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 09 -10 10 -11 Cemetery Supervisor 32,699 73,495 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 62,955 62,955 Maintenance Worker I 23,580 53,000 22 1.00 1.00 1.00 22,914 0 2.00 2.00 2.00 85,869 62,955 Decrease due to retirement of Maintenance Worker Overtime 1,000 1,000 FICA Taxes 6,664 4,902 Clothing Allowance 240 120 Deferred Compensation 7,840 5,767 Group Health Insurance Premium 12,369 6,785 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,305 3,444 Employee Assistance Program 46 23 Worker's Comp Insurance 4,221 2,461 Total Personal Services 124,554 87,457 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /11 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE Description Total Revenues Total GC Administration Division Total GC Greens Division Total GC Carts Division Total Expenses Change in Unrestricted Reserves (15,200) 6/10/201010:57 AM FY 06/07 Actual 1,642,910 944,306 584,413 129,391 1,658,110 FY 07/08 Actual 1,455,749 941,717 600,123 152,500 1,694,340 (238,591) Amended FY 08/09 FY 09/10 Actual Budget 1,408,534 1,528,398 1,305,643 593,465 156,111 2,055,219 (646,685) (67,515) FLY 10/11 City Mgr. FY 09/10 Proposed Projected Budget 1,304,376 1,301,684 877,353 863,714 556,704 560,550 555,421 561,013 158,010 153,847 146,762 1,595,913 1,572,982 1,264,479 (268,606) 37,205 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Amended Budget FY 0910 Dept Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget CHARGES FOR SERVICES 347501 Green Fees 580,946 523,161 529,583 550,000 480,000 480,000 347502 Cart Rentals 764,459 689,668 663,201 725,000 606,000 606,000 347510 Driving Range Fees 53,185 43,944 43,571 50,000 39,000 39,000 347512 Club Storage Fees 1,115 1,364 2,123 2,000 2,000 2,000 347513 Club Rentals Fees 2,267 2,146 2,073 2,000 1,900 1,900 347520 Initiation Fees 2,500 3,200 3,800 4,000 4,500 4,500 347521 Membership Fees 72,418 65,071 62,090 65,000 61,539 61,539 347522 Handicap Fees 5,904 5,850 6,000 6,100 5,560 5,560 347523 Resident Card Fees 42,910 41,750 38,100 44,000 36,400 36,400 347530 Non Taxable Sales 87 69 108 100 75 75 347540 Pro Shop Sales 84,228 74,577 68,201 70,000 68,000 70,000 347541 Cost of Sales -Pro Shop (58,260) (50,637) (46,975) (35,000) (38,000) (45,500) 362100 Rents and Royalties 30,382 29,308 31,178 32,000 30,000 30,000 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 5,212 3,149 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 369941 Sales Tax Commissions 360 360 360 360 360 360 369945 Pro Lesson Fees 5,900 5,266 3,264 4,800 4,000 4,000 369995 Cash Over /Short (83) (13) 256 0 150 150 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,593,527 1,438,233 1,406,933 1,521,860 1,302,984 1,297,484 NON OPERATING REVENUE 361100 Interest Earnings 1,135 3,246 144 200 300 200 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 47,748 14,270 3,093 4,000 105 4,000 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 500 0 0 0 987 0 365000 Sale of Surplus Mater /Scrap 0 0 22 0 0 0 367000 Gain/Loss on Sale of Investments 0 0 (1,658) 0 0 0 369200 Insurance Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 0 2,338 0 0 389990 Appr. Reserve for Encumbrances 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON OPERATING REVENUE 49,383 17,516 1,601 6,538 1,392 4,200 TOTAL GOLF COURSE REVENUES 1,642,910 1,455,749 1,408,534 1,528,398 1,304,376 1,301,684 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 15,200 238,591 646,685 67,515 268,606 0 TOTAL GOLF COURSE SOURCES 1,658,110 1,694,340 2,055,219 1,595,913 1,572,982 1,301,684 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE REVENUE Code: 410010 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES: 511200 Regular Salaries 210,326 208,266 200,716 191,033 85,212 188,533 189,010 511300 Temporary Salaries 6,811 2,878 0 0 0 0 0 920 831 1,267 1,500 875 1,500 1,500 511400 Overtime 511500 Lesson Bonus 4,628 3,046 2,219 5,000 1,226 4,000 5,000 512100 FICA Taxes 15,634 14,748 14,757 15,111 6,381 14,844 14,957 512225 Deferred Compensation 13,473 14,498 15,282 15,438 6,858 15,348 15,436 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 17,777 20,469 21,128 21,461 10,615 21,461 20,348 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 12,506 14,347 10,717 11,021 5,510 11,021 10,435 512309 Employee Assistance Program 219 125 121 115 58 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,395 6,249 4,666 3,404 2,553 3,404 3,093 512500 Unemployment Insurance 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 0 765 796 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 287,688 286,222 271,669 265,083 119,288 261,226 259,894 OPERATING EXPENSES: 0 533100 Professional Services 1,075 1,075 2,911 1,075 1,614 1,614 2,200 533200 Audit Fees 1,579 1,938 2,450 3,274 2,844 2,844 2,947 533201 Admin Services provided by GF 42,958 50,036 49,509 54,460 27,228 54,456 59,906 533410 Environmental Services 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 533415 Janitorial Services 0 5,100 5,045 5,110 2,524 3,330 911 533420 Pest/Weed Control 4,030 634 648 650 164 250 250 533440 Electronic Security Services 824 426 422 500 246 425 444 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 632 2,210 3,445 2,450 1,143 2,286 2,400 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,894 374 349 390 157 485 560 534110 Internet Access 400 405 488 500 274 548 494 534120 Postage 121 127 94 100 23 100 100 534310 Electric 141 35,315 27,580 28,000 12,216 24,450 25,700 534320 Water /Sewer 41,013 10,758 13,483 15,500 6,328 14,675 15,000 534380 Trash Pickup/Hauling, Etc. 10,421 0 0 0 0 0 0 534445 Airport Property Lease 162,000 173,000 164,000 135,000 67,500 135,000 135,000 534500 Insurance 24,463 6,895 4,875 5,361 3,641 5,361 5,361 534610 R M Buildings 6,330 1,556 5,832 2,500 168 1,500 1,750 534630 R M Office Equipment 3,545 4,337 3,870 3,000 1,577 3,000 4,235 534845 Golf Course Promotions 327 252 203 250 114 250 250 534846 Golf Course Advertising 7,234 6,857 7,703 5,000 2,455 5,000 5,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,284 2,269 3,165 3,000 1,789 3,000 2,500 535205 Bank Charges 22,737 22,390 22,627 25,000 12,231 24,462 24,500 535210 Computer Supplies 2,467 1,054 895 750 80 500 750 535220 Cleaning Supplies 2,870 2,872 3,520 3,500 1,022 2,000 2,000 535250 Building Supplies 0 0 623 750 0 300 500 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 0 312 0 250 0 200 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 462 507 507 500 0 500 500 535710 Non Valorem Tax 2,121 2,231 2,253 2,300 2,277 2,277 2,277 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 343,943 333,046 326,497 299,170 147,615 288,813 295,735 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 3,160 8,733 84,962 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,160 8,733 84,962 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE: 707145 Principal Golf Course 255,000 270,000 590,000 290,000 0 300,000 0 707245 Interest Golf Course 54,015 43,215 32,015 22,600 6,300 12,600 0 707300 Other Debt Service Costs 500 500 500 500 1,075 1,075 1,075 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 309,515 313,715 622,515 313,100 7,375 313,675 1,075 NON OPERATING EXPENSES 909101 Interfund Trfr to 001 GF 0 0 0 0 909541 Intrafund Trfr to GC Capital 0 0 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 37,205 TOTAL NON OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 37,205 TOTAL GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION 944,306 941,717 1,305,643 877,353 274,278 863,714 593,909 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /11 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Code: 410110 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION POSITION Golf Course Director Head Golf Professional Head Cashier Administrative Secretary (P /T) Assistant Cashier (P /T) Assistant Cashier (TEMP) PAY RANGE 46,541 97,308 36,782 69,754 26,545 69,662 12.76 28.68 9.23 20.76 GRADE 78 61 26 26 15 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 5.50 4.00 4.00 Overtime Lesson Bonus FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Unemployment Insurance Total Personal Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Projected Adopted Expense Budget 09 -10 10 -11 77,269 77,269 45,785 45,785 41,979 41,956 23,500 24,000 188,533 189,010 1,500 1,500 4,000 5,000 14,844 14,957 15,348 15,436 21,461 20,348 11,021 10,435 115 115 3,404 3,093 1,000 261,226 259,894 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10 /11 Dept Request FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING EXPENSES 533440 Electronic Security Services 443 612 493 550 303 521 549 549 533445 Groundskeeping Service 511,862 522,099 537,762 495,000 246,850 493,700 504,264 504,264 534310 Electric 18,822 18,884 22,221 22,200 9,539 20,000 21,000 21,000 534610 R M Buildings 571 1,083 2,365 2,500 770 2,000 2,000 2,000 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 14,728 10,575 13,117 13,000 10,060 13,000 15,000 15,000 534680 R M Irrigation Systems 18,729 19,210 12,542 13,000 6,692 13,000 15,000 15,000 534685 R M Grounds Maintenance 1,411 4,636 797 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,685 2,209 2,496 2,100 322 1,000 1,000 1,000 535220 Cleaning Supplies 60 0 182 100 0 100 100 100 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 111 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 535250 Building Supplies 40 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 569,463 579,511 591,975 550,550 274,536 545,421 561,013 561,013 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 20,612 1,490 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,950 20,612 1,490 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 TOTAL GREENS DIVISION 584,413 600,123 593,465 560,550 284,536 555,421 561,013 561,013 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE GREENS DIVISION Code: 410120 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Acts: FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY10 /11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 27,629 46,094 38,725 42,000 17,047 41,400 42,000 511300 Temporary Salaries 16,251 26,084 30,443 35,000 14,032 30,600 32,000 511400 Overtime 1,740 1,206 1,780 300 978 1,200 800 512100 FICA Taxes 3,490 5,471 5,604 5,913 2,452 5,600 5,722 512309 Employee Assistance Program 94 161 138 138 69 138 138 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,027 2,579 2,115 1,589 1,192 1,589 1,216 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 50,231 81,595 78,805 84,940 35,770 80,527 81,876 OPERATING EXPENSES 534420 Equipment Leases 62,035 65,835 71,820 71,820 41,895 71,820 63,286 534610 R M Buildings 0 0 0 500 103 500 500 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 1,775 222 683 250 427 500 500 535200 Departmental Supplies 360 58 190 300 68 300 300 535220 Cleaning Supplies 0 177 0 200 0 200 200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 64,210 66,292 72,693 73,070 42,493 73,320 64,886 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 14,950 4,613 4,613 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,950 4,613 4,613 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CARTS DIVISION 129,391 152,500 156,111 158,010 78,263 153,847 146,762 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/11 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE CARTS DIVISION Code: 410130 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GOLF COURSE CART DIVISION F/T/E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION Expense Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 /11 09 -10 10 /11 Golf Course Attendant (1 P /T) 9.23 20.76 15 0.50 0.00 0.00 Cart Attendants (P /T) 7.25 13.09 9 3.00 3.00 3.00 41,400 42,000 Cart Attendants (TEMP) 3.50 3.50 3.50 30,600 32,000 7.00 6.50 6.50 72,000 74,000 Overtime 1,200 800 FICA Taxes 5,600 5,722 Employee Assistance Program 138 138 Worker's Compensation 1,589 1,216 Total Personal Services 80,527 81,876 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET Amended FY 10/11 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09/10 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Total Revenues 360,321 390,077 372,768 388,219 363,062 365,855 Total Airport Administration 620,223 724,246 434,766 384,735 400,235 396,416 Change in Unrestricted Reserves (259,903) (334,169) (61,998) 3,484 (37,173) (30,561) 6/9/20102:45 PM AIRPORT Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 344100 Fuel Sales 0 158,833 94,611 102,000 41,813 80,000 80,000 347541 Cost of Sales 0 (136,680) (71,523) (85,000) (21,185) (60,000) (60,000) 362150 Nontaxable Rents 5,001 5,376 2,000 2,000 391 391 391 362100 Rents and Royalties 266,893 288,835 275,004 291,709 149,227 268,701 268,701 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 63,854 66,840 64,933 64,000 32,170 64,000 64,000 369941 Sales Tax Commission 159 181 204 250 139 263 263 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 335,907 383,385 365,229 374,959 202,555 353,355 353,355 NON OPERATING REVENUE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL SOURCES 334451 Airport FDOT JPA Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERGOV'T SOURCES 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER NON OPERATING REVENUE: 361100 Interest Eamings 2,916 678 806 2,000 (128) 0 500 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 15,160 2,089 0 1,000 0 0 0 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets (3,663) 3,925 0 0 207 207 0 366000 Contributions Donations 10,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 2,000 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 1,733 5,260 4,852 9,500 10,000 381455 Transfer from Fund 455 0 0 0 0 10,520 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON OPERATING REVENUE 24,413 6,692 7,539 13,260 15,451 9,707 12,500 TOTAL AIRPORT REVENUES 360,321 390,077 372,768 388,219 218,006 363,062 365,855 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 259,903 334,169 61,998 0 0 37,173 30,561 TOTAL AIRPORT SOURCES 620,224 724,246 434,766 388,219 218,006 400,235 396,416 (CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET AIRPORT REVENUE Code: 450010 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 163,076 175,698 174,863 166,459 74,948 167,429 167,429 511400 Overtime 868 377 186 500 1,087 500 500 512100 FICA Taxes 11,996 11,930 11,980 12,791 5,328 12,865 12,865 512215 Clothing Allowance 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 13,253 14,600 15,483 15,048 6,882 15,135 15,135 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 13,928 16,140 21,149 16,984 10,629 21,169 20,223 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,788 7,744 14,847 14,847 7,423 11,094 10,508 512309 Employee Assistance Program 92 69 69 69 35 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 6,823 5,916 5,374 4,431 3,323 5,913 4,652 512600 OPEB Accrued Expense 0 1,690 1,758 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 217,064 234,405 245,949 231,369 109,895 234,414 231,621 OPERATING EXPENSES 533100 Professional Services 2,169 1,119 0 0 0 0 533200 Audit Fees 7,040 6,580 4,692 2,517 836 2,517 2,265 533201 Admin Services provided by GE 42,958 50,036 52,592 47,755 23,880 47,755 42,980 533400 Other Contractual Services 10,812 566 5,450 5,360 1,403 2,015 1,570 533415 Janitorial Services 4,895 4,500 4,308 0 3,069 5,000 4,600 533420 Pest/Weed Control/Mowing 1,245 2,598 800 800 300 600 1,200 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,367 1,439 0 500 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 9,563 12,607 14,342 3,500 9,064 18,370 6,600 534105 Cellular Phone 1,130 1,191 968 1,100 288 885 1,020 534110 Internet Access 66 105 109 595 664 1,255 1,200 534120 Postage 278 285 239 200 178 275 360 534310 Electric 10,787 14,771 15,816 18,500 12,073 24,200 25,500 534312 Water /Sewer 776 1,309 944 950 441 1,200 1,250 534500 Insurance 33,142 18,368 13,129 13,715 10,725 17,200 25,000 534610 R M Buildings 1,368 1,564 1,077 2,000 4,522 5,000 2,500 534620 R M- Vehicles 1,099 2,117 2,840 2,000 1,273 2,000 2,000 534630 R M -Office Equipment 1,400 1,076 584 1,000 18 20 1,000 534640 R M- Operating Equipment 6,084 14,614 7,094 5,000 3,802 5,000 5,000 534681 R M- Fencing 1,183 1,164 219 1,000 1,337 2,000 2,000 534685 R M- Grounds Maintenance 1,329 1,646 1,323 1,200 1,196 1,500 1,500 534700 Printing and Binding 0 0 439 0 0 0 500 534825 Advertising Expenditures 2,792 1,804 1,874 3,500 2,628 3,500 3,500 534920 Legal Ads 0 103 0 0 0 0 0 534995 Litigation Expenses 200,804 0 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,337 2,427 1,269 1,000 438 1,000 1,000 535205 Bank Charges 235 4,488 2,610 2,500 1,108 2,000 2,000 535210 Computer Supplies 65 80 476 200 49 100 800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 1,870 801 505 1,000 813 1,000 1,000 535260 Gas and Oil 6,407 11,506 6,864 6,500 3,874 7,750 8,000 535270 Uniforms Shoes 413 532 790 650 312 610 600 535275 Safety Equipment 0 100 161 100 0 0 300 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,325 775 525 800 494 494 500 535420 Books and Publications 84 0 0 100 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 515 110 75 500 20 150 0 535710 Non -Ad Valorem Tax 10,339 10,756 9,878 10,175 9,965 9,965 10,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: 365,878 171,137 151,992 134,717 94,770 163,361 156,245 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 8,105 0 4,795 2,460 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: 0 0 8,105 0 4,795 2,460 0 NON OPERATING EXPENSES 707246 Interest DST Fund Advance 0 0 8,550 8,550 0 8,550 8,550 909545 Intrafund Trfr to AP Capital 37,281 318,705 20,170 10,099 0 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 3,484 0 0 0 TOTAL NON OPERATING EXPENSES 37,281 318,705 28,720 22,133 0 0 8,550 TOTAL AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION 620,223 724,246 434,766 388,219 209,460 400,235 396,416 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION Code: 450110 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION POSITION Airport Director Airport Operations Specialist III Maintenance Worker I Clerical Assistant I Maintenance 1 longevity increase Change in dependant insurance PAY RANGE GRADE 60,192 114,149 26,545 59,662 23,581 53,000 11.01 19.89 78 26 22 21 F /T/E POSITION YEARS 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services Projected Adopted Expense Budget 09 -10 10 -11 73,446 73,446 47,223 47,223 45,790 46,760 166,459 500 12,791 240 15,048 21,258 14,847 69 4,431 167,429 500 12,865 240 15,135 20,223 10,508 69 4,652 235,643 231,621 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 -2011 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT Amended FY 09/10 FY 10 /11 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 to FY 09/10 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Budget 03/31/10 Projected Budget Total Revenues and Transfers 479,123 381,143 362,105 372,250 234,239 355,460 360,525 Total Expenses 868,735 594,039 521,535 489,334 234,239 487,044 466,940 Change in Unrestricted Reserves (389,612) (212,896) (159,430) $(117,084) (131,584) (106,415) 6/9/20102:51 PM Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 3/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 321000 Business Taxes 0 3,247 102,448 110,000 89,738 100,000 100,000 321100 Business Taxes Penalties /Transfers 0 604 3,535 3,500 1,726 3,500 3,500 321050 Contractor License 28,271 19,150 17,214 18,000 14,657 17,000 17,000 321150 Contractor License Penalties 1,116 2,147 5,525 1,000 1,033 2,000 2,000 322050 Building Permits 241,350 199,091 133,196 118,450 57,784 120,000 120,000 322055 Roofing Permits 0 0 0 12,000 6,278 13,000 13,000 322060 Driveway Permits 0 100 0 0 400 400 400 322075 Reinspection Fees 16,808 8,755 5,232 5,000 3,579 7,000 7,000 322100 Land Clearing Permits 5,040 3,090 2,655 3,000 1,305 2,600 2,600 322150 Tree Removal Permits 2,225 3,415 2,650 2,800 1,150 2,500 2,500 322200 Electrical Permits 19,080 15,533 10,285 12,000 4,927 10,300 10,300 322225 Plumbing Permits 12,588 10,904 6,958 8,000 4,768 10,000 10,000 322250 Mechanical Permits 22,571 24,315 17,876 18,000 9,852 20,000 20,000 322300 Fencing Permits 9,297 11,442 8,825 9,000 4,316 9,000 9,000 322400 Irrigation Permits 0 1,350 525 0 125 250 250 322500 Sign Permits 4,170 4,315 3,615 5,000 1,326 2,800 2,800 322600 Expired Permit Fee 2,175 11,800 6,089 7,500 2,912 6,500 6,500 329400 Plan Checking Fees 34,901 16,310 9,209 11,000 7,517 16,000 16,000 341920 Cert. Copying/Record Research 393 411 349 300 310 500 500 347556 Capital Facility Admin Fee 7,691 11,890 2,324 5,000 1,377 3,000 3,000 359000 Other Fines and Forfeitures 1,200 50 8,885 7,000 1,800 4,000 4,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 408,875 347,919 347,395 356,550 216,880 350,350 350,350 OTHER NON OPERATING REVENUE: 361100 Interest Income 37,000 21,599 23,381 13,000 8,801 9,075 9,075 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 33,248 12,354 1,739 2,400 435 800 800 367000 Gain /Loss on Investment 0 0 21,961 0 -4,910 -4,910 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 1,542 0 0 0 0 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 760 10,009 300 23 145 300 369998 Prior Year Refunds 0 -1,489 0 0 0 0 0 381001 Transfer from General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON OPERATING REVENUE 70,248 33,224 14,710 15,700 4,349 5,110 10,175 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUES 479,123 381,143 362,105 372,250 221,229 355,460 360,525 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 389,612 212,896 159,430 117,084 13,010 131,584 106,415 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOURCES 868,735 594,039 521,535 489,334 234,239 487,044 466,940 BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUE Code: 480010 Account Number Description FY 06/07 Actual FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual Amended FY 09/10 Budget Actual to 03/31/10 FY 09/10 Projected FY 10/11 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 443,867 307,698 303,035 277,428 126,721 279,812 280,747 511400 Overtime 3,202 2,256 47 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 34,213 22,716 21,619 21,242 9,525 21,242 21,496 512215 Clothing Allowance 480 360 240 240 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 37,585 27,508 25,891 24,990 11,405 25,205 25,289 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 51,107 31,404 29,851 41,745 18,852 37,191 29,503 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 9,610 9,978 6,752 6,752 3,376 6,752 6,393 512309 Employee Assistance Program 205 134 115 115 58 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 21,753 14,267 8,688 7,162 5,371 7,162 5,043 512500 Unemployment Compensation 5,555 18,425 6,325 0 2,750 2,750 0 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 11,223 1,137 1,183 0 0 0 0 512602 Termination Health Benefits 0 721 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 618,800 436,604 403,746 379,674 178,298 380,469 368,826 OPERATING EXPENSES 533200 Audit Fees 1,888 1,307 815 1,099 960 960 989 533201 Administrative Services Provided by GF 157,511 83,394 84,089 75,680 37,842 75,680 68,112 533400 Other Contractural Services 390 15,977 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 347 1,186 380 700 137 656 465 534101 Telephone 1,506 1,841 1,688 1,720 759 1,520 1,600 534105 Cellular Telephone 2,227 1,803 1,337 815 391 1,000 1,000 534110 Internet Services 286 674 728 735 410 820 743 534120 Postage 1,678 1,481 1,917 2,800 350 2,000 2,000 534130 Express Mail 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 534310 Electric 7,134 3,841 3,892 3,900 1,746 3,700 3,700 534320 Water Sewer 255 270 265 275 55 170 170 534400 Rents and Leases 37,500 18,750 0 0 0 0 0 534500 Insurance 1,910 10,543 9,650 8,686 5,735 6,500 5,000 534620 R M- Vehicles 1,388 2,016 1,171 1,400 675 1,350 1,200 534630 R M Office Equipment 7,229 3,486 3,848 4,000 2,567 4,500 4,835 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 534920 Legal Ads 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,874 2,929 1,708 1,000 791 1,200 1,400 535210 Computer Supplies 3,043 68 382 1,000 366 500 800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 74 42 232 200 0 150 150 535260 Gas and Oil 5,204 4,568 4,032 3,500 2,099 4,000 4,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 758 427 0 250 239 239 250 535275 Safety Equpment 100 0 0 100 0 50 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 275 435 345 400 480 480 400 535420 Books and Publications 792 1,094 420 500 89 300 400 535450 Training and Education 1,930 1,302 890 900 250 800 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 237,461 157,435 117,789 109,660 55,941 106,575 98,114 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 12,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 NON OPERATING EXPENSES 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 868,735 594,039 521,535 489,334 234,239 487,044 466,940 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT Code: 480110 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE BUILDING DEPARTMENT POSITION Building Official Chief Inspector Plans Examiner Building Inspector I Administrative Supervisor Local Business Tax Specialist Permitting Technicians PAY RANGE 60,192 114,149 43,030 85,683 43,030 85,683 32,699 /73,495 32,699 /73,495 26,545 59,662 26,545 59,662 GRADE 78 44 44 35 35 26 26 TOTAL SALARIES Local Business Tax Specialist longevity FY 09/10 Early retirement insurance ended 8/10 F /T/E Projected Adopted POSITION YEARS Expense Budget 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 81,841 81,841 1.00 1.00 1.00 51,048 51,048 1.00 1.00 1.00 64,871 64,871 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 36,725 36,725 1.00 1.00 1.00 45,327 46,262 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 279,812 280,747 21,242 21,496 240 240 25,205 25,289 37,191 29,503 6,752 6,393 115 115 7,162 5,043 377,719 368,826