HomeMy WebLinkAbout07012010 LPA MinutesLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2010 (Immediately following Regular Meeting) EAR PUBLIC HEARING Chmn Paul called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Paul Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Mr. Srinivasan EXCUSED: Mr. Simmons Mr. Durr Mr. Cardinale Mr. Hepler Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Planning and Growth Management Manager Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Brandon Schaad, Outlier Planning Susan Lorusso, Recording Secretary Brandon Schaad, Outlier Planning 0 c.2 m c co E c o ca REVIEW THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT (EAR) OF THE SEBASTIAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAKE RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING ITS APPROVAL Ms. Grohall asked the commission to review and make a favorable recommendation to City Council for approval. She added that another public hearing will be held on July 14 for this item. Prior to his PowerPoint presentation, Brandon Schaad informed the commission and public that parts of the draft EAR can be viewed on the internet at sebastianear.com and they can download the drafts, make comments, call, e-mail or Twitter Mr. Schaad. Mr. Schaad said he would determine if any state or regional requirements have changed requiring a change to the plan. He asked that the Planning and Zoning Commission make a recommendation to City Council to approve the EAR. Mr. Schaad reviewed the major issues: (1) Connectivity of arterial /collector roads and alternative transportation modes; (2) Economic development and job creation; (3) Balancing sustainable growth with protection of community character; (4) Future development and funding of the park and recreation system; (5) Annexation and service delivery. Mr. Dodd inquired about the ISBA, Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement, and how it would affect the EAR. Ms. Grohall said due to Senate Bill 360 the ISBA is on hold but it will be addressed again in the future. Mr. Hepler agreed with other commissioners that the issue of job creation is of vital concern. Ms. Grohall said this document is to govern all development for the next 20 years and there are policy objectives in it. She added that there is an economic development element that will be brought before the commission shortly. Ms. Grohall credited the City Council's leadership role in putting in place some economic development projects such as a number of websites. She noted one called sebastianbusiness.com, which is owned and managed by the city and includes information for businesses to come locate here and existing businesses to expand. Also, she listed some economic development incentives put in to place by the City Council; the property tax abatement program and a package of other economic development incentives to attract new businesses. Commissioners added the importance of streets, parks, greenways, and bus and transit systems to prospective businesses looking to relocate in Sebastian and how these would appeal to their prospective employees. Mr. Srinivasan had concerns about what he saw as an increase in crime and he would like to see something in the EAR to address public safety. Ms. Grohall said they might be able to work some of that information into the quality of life section. Chmn. Paul opened the floor for anyone who would speak in favor or opposition of the EAR. No one spoke. MOTION by Dodd /Srinivasan to recommend approval of the EAR to City Council with changes staff finds appropriate based on comments from the commission during this evaluation. Mr. Roth asked if he could review the final package prior to its transmittal. Ms. Grohall said definitely and that the package would go out July 9 with revisions to Council. If more revisions are necessary before transmittal to DCA for first review, those still can be incorporated. Ms. Grohall added that there is a website, www.sebastianear.com where the documents are available instantaneously. There also is a copy in the Growth Management office that is available for review. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Durr yes Mr. Hepler yes Chmn. Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m. (sbl 7/7/2010 0M N 0 N D 13 "CP o 11) 73 y• N Ql fD Q m ID c r rD rD a') cpa 7D n rD c -s 3 ro 3 rD 3 rD V Oti n O 3 CD N N o 0 E E a) o 0 M v) -0 o -1 fro r-t. o c atl v) cm 0 K v) v) 0 CD CD et VI o are r+ Q) 3 --I "1 su rD v) m a Ms 0- o n wa v) E 0 (-I co M o Qo g NI CD m Co CD Om C C 0_ CD 3 N 0- c -0 cr 0 rD vi nui ne EU emi .y 4* 0 4* izt 1* ('D D T p co rn n 7o m t--1- 3 0 ID C n r-r X rD n 0 CD 2 CD el ri- e=t n -1 v, a O FD+ �-I a. 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