HomeMy WebLinkAbout08182010Budget AgendaCITY aI HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2010 6:00 PM CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes July 12, 2010 5. Review and Approval of 3 Quarter Financial Report 6. Public Input 7. Adjournment SEBX IAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 12, 2010 6:00 P.M CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Chairman Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: Adrina Davis, Ed Herlihy, Jerry Klenck, Harry Marshall, Brad White, Christine Vicars, Edward Kroah Staff Members Present: Debra Krueger- Administrative Services Director; Al Minner- City Manager; Kenneth Killgore- Finance Director; Vaunette Davis -Human Resources Specialist. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call by Vaunette Davis. All present Motion to approve the Workshop Minutes of May 17, 2010 and the Minutes of June 14, 2010. Approved by Adrina Davis and seconded by Brad White. Chairman Herlihy advised that before Mr. Minner makes his presentation, he would like review and discuss the committee's recommendation for the budget, which will go before Council on Wednesday, 7/28/2010. Once the recommendation is received, he will distribute it to the board members and write a draft to Council. Mr. Minner advised that he did not have a presentation. The budget has not changed much since the last time we had the meeting on June 14, 2010, but he will briefly discuss the DR 420. On 7/1/2010 he received the updated assessments. The General Fund is out of balance approximately $82,000. At this time he is not proposing a balance because we are currently in negotiations with the Unions. He will be asking the employees to make a contribution towards the Healthcare. Last Thursday he had negotiations with both Unions and it went rather well. Both Union officials were very professional, they understood the situation and although they were not happy with some of our proposals, they will take it back to the membership and come back with some counter- offers. The counter -offer should be in our office by July 29, 2010. The Healthcare contributions should bring the budget down to about $20,000. And if we look into some of our revenues, we just might be able to balance the budget. The Airport Fund is still struggling to balance- there is no easy fix for that. We just have to watch our grants until the economy comes back. The Golf Course saw their worst revenue of $1.3 mil. Next year we will see a growth of approximately $30,000 surplus, and as long as we manage that, the Golf Course can be solvent. The Building Fund is in the worst position of the three Enterprise Funds due to the economy. Our deficit is $100,000. We have at least 3 to 5 years of expenses before we see something catastrophic happening. We are trying to keep our existing personnel that we currently have so that when the economy gets better we won't fall behind in service. The special Revenue Funds: DST Funds- We are looking at the Police car purchases, we will get with the Chief on this. CRA- Council met on June 9 and reviewed some CIPs and orchestrated some goals to meet for a master plan. Local Gas Operation Tax- It speaks for itself. Once the debt is paid for and the lights bought etc, those monies are spent without major capital investment. Stormwater We transferred some to the General Fund. That fund is expended. Mr. Minner advised that he would like to get some feedback from the Committee on the DR420 which is the memo we get from the tax office which advises the public on how we set our millage rate. Our current proposal that we will recommend to Council on the staff level will be a 3.3456 millage rate. Our weakness in the budget is maintenance, which is long term. It is the monies transferred from the Local Option Gas Tax Fund into the General Fund, and the Stormwater Fund into the General Fund. We need to set a millage rate that would eliminate these transfers. It will allow the General Fund to use that money to do the existing operations into the budget, and for this to happen, we will need $230,000 more than 3.3456 will allow. In setting the DR420, we recommend to the Budget Committee that they recommend to the Council a millage rate of 3.5940. Mr. Minner advised that a millage rate of 3.9019 which would be a rollback rate, would generate $515,000. The millage rate of 4.5088 will generate $1,077,000. A copy of the millage rate was distributed to the Budget Committee members. Chairman Herlihy inquired if committee members had questions on Mr. Minner's presentation on the General Fund, or any of the Enterprise Funds. Mr. Jerry Klenck inquired about the nine cents Fuel Tax form that was distributed to the committee. Mr. Kiligore advised that this tax was reserved to the County, and if they chose to, they could share it with the City. The County has looked at it in the past and decided not to pursue it. Mr. Klenck continued that from his research, of the 67 Counties that have it, 18 do not use it. It is estimated that it would generate $574,000, which would be voter approval. Motion was made by Mr. Klenck and seconded by Mr. Davis to have Council discuss this matter with the County. Mr. Herlihy advised that he would like to communicate both verbally and in writing to Council on this matter. Mr. Minner reminded the committee that for that tax to be imposed by January 1st it must be in no later than July 1 s and since we have already missed the deadline for this year, we can be ready for 2010. Motion was made to make a recommendation to City Council on changing the Gas Tax for year 2010. All in favor. Mr. Klenck wanted to make a motion for Council to revisit the mandatory garbage pickup. Mr. Marshall inquired as to how this would be paid, would it be in the property tax or would we be required to pay for this service whether we use it or not. Mr. Minner stated that currently Waste Management does the billing and pay us a franchise. If we were to do mandatory pick up, it would have to be assessed and would be part of your taxes. Motion was made by Mr. Klenck and seconded by Mr. Marshall to continue discussion of mandatory garbage pickup. Board member White inquired on how does it work for vacant land. Mr. Minner advised that there probably would not be a charge for vacant land, but when a permit for the land is pulled through the Building Dept, that would be the trigger mechanism. Mr. Marshall inquired of the franchise agreement with Waste Management, does it include Condominiums or is that a separate deal? Mr. Minner replied the agreement is for residential and commercial, but depending on how the condos were set up it would vary as to whether they are commercial or residential. Because of the Franchise Agreement, every resident in Sebastian has to use Waste Management, they cannot have a private collector. Motion was made to recommend to Council a mandatory residential trash collection. Motion fails 4- 3 Herlihy No, Marshall —No, Davis- No, Kroah No Mr. Klenck inquired if Council did a study on closing the City's Central Garage? This study included savings on the Liability Insurance and revenue on sale of equipment, etc. Motion was made by Mr. Klenck and seconded by Mr. Marshall to discuss the subject. Mr. Klenck said that he could not see how we could close a $130,000 budget and show a savings of only $20,000. There is potential for great savings here. Mr. Kroah said that he did not see a great savings. Mr. Minner stated that we need to have a gatekeeper to track some of the preventive maintenance. This will be a discussion of Council when they do their workshop. Motion was made to recommend to Council to eliminate the City's Central Garage. Motion failed 6 -1 Davis- No, Kroah No, Marshall No, Vicars No, Herlihy No, White No Ms. Vicars inquired as to the Airport Enterprise Fund with the passing of Mr. LoPresti, does it change the relationship the City has with the Company. Mr. Minner advised that it did not. Mr. Herlihy inquired of the availability of a FDOT grant, to build another building that is similar to the LoPresti deal where the City ended up loaning approximately $300,000. He inquired if this is this something that we can pull off. Mr. Minner advised that we have $1.4mil grant to construct another hanger at the Airport which will require a $290,000 contribution from the Airport to move forward. This grant expires in October 2010. We have the option of building a Speculative Industrial Build which means, we go to the DST Fund, we construct the building, it remains empty. We now have building ready to go, waiting for any company who wants to move in. Motion by Chairman Herlihy to recommend to Council to consider, if we do not get prospective tenants in time, we do a Speculative Build borrowing the money from the DST Fund, Seconded by Mr. White. Mr. Herlilhy reiterated that that this is not spending Sebastian's tax money, there is no risk to it. We own the LoPresti Building. Mr. Klenck inquired of the cost of the liability insurance. Mr. Minner advised it would cost approximately $6,000 per year. Mr. Marshall inquired of the monthly cost of maintaining an empty building with the economy in the current state. Mr. Minner advised that it would cost about $8,500 per year which would include the $6,000 for insurance. Mr. Davis inquired about job creation. Mr. Minner stated that he and the Airport Director have looked into grants and currently have one company who may be a great prospect in moving into the building Motion made by Mr. Klenck to amend the original motion to include a clause indicating spending the DST Fund only if we have a partner, seconded by Mr. Kroah. Motion passes 5 2 in favor. Davis Yes, Kroah Yes, Marshall Yes, Vicars Yes, Klenck Yes Motion made by Mr. Herlihy to recommend to Council to build a "Speculative Build" only if they can find a partner. Seconded by Mr. Marshall. All board members were in favor. Motion passes. Mr. Marshall inquired as to the defmition of what he considered a Catastrophic Event. Mr. Minner advised that if we spent at the rate we are spending and revenues do not pick up in the Building Department, we would have accumulated a deficit of $80,000. Revenues are programmed lo increase 3 '/z per year. We just have to do better than Mr. Killgore's estimates. Mr. Minner advised that he wants all Funds to stand on their own. Monies are being transferred from the Local Option Tax into the General Fund for operation costs, and monies are being transferred from the Stormwater Fund into the General Fund for operating costs, and this should not be. Mr. Herlihy wants to put together the recommendations for Council on July 28, 2010, with several others already made a motion must be made on the millage rates. Mr. Minner advised that this is for the DR420 not the final millage rate. Motion by Mr. Klenck to keep the current millage rate of 3.3456, seconded by Mr. Kroah. Motion fails 4 3 Herlihy No, Marshall No, Vicars No, White No Motion by Mr. White to propose to Council, a millage rate of 4.5088, seconded by Mr. Marshall. Motion fails 5 -2 Herlihy No, Vicars No, Klenck No, Davis No, Kroah No Motion made by Mr. Herlihy to propose to Council a millage rate of 3.5940 that raises an additional $230,000, seconded by Ms. Vicars. Mr. Klenck stated he opposes. He cannot see raising taxes when he has recommended ways that we can cut cost from the budget. Motion passes 4 3 Kroah Yes, Marshall Yes, Herlihy Yes, Vicars Yes Chairman Herlihy stated that the next meeting will be August 9, 2010. He will need talk to Mr. Minner about changing the date. This meeting will be the 3' Quarter Review. He will not be able to make that date as he will be away until 8 /18/2010, but will advise the board. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. of HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian, Florida Subject: Resolution No. R -10 -25 Adopting Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2009 -10 Budget. Approved for Submittal by: Al Minner, City Manager Agenda No. Department Origin: Administrative Services: City Attorney: City Clerk: Date Submitted: August 19, 2010 For Agenda of: August 25, 2010 Exhibits: Resolution No. R -10 -25 3 Quarter Comparison of Actual to Budget Capital Project Status Reports as of June 30, 2010 Schedule of Investments as of June 30, 2010 3 Quarter Accomplishments SUMMARY Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included. This report was reviewed at the August 18 Budget Committee meeting and the Committee concurred that the report should be forwarded to the City Council for approval. There were no changes during the quarter to the General Fund budget which required budget amendment approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager may approve budget transfers within a Depaitinent and make adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council Accordingly, the City Manager approved an adjustment to record additional revenues and expenditures in the Local Option Gas Tax Fund related to pay off the former Gas Tax Paving Bank Note and also made an small adjustment in the Riverfront Redevelopment Fund budget to complete the Yacht Club Finger Piers project. In the Recreation Impact Fee Fund, additional appropriations were made for the Schumann Park Restrooms project. All the above amounts are identified in Exhibit "A" attached to Resolution No. 10 -25. Move to approve R- 10 -25. RECOMMENDED ACTION RESOLUTION NO. R -10 -25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2009 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 23, 2009, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -09 -37 providing for the adoption of the City's 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2010, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -10 -04 providing for the amendment of the City's 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2010, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -10 -14 providing for the amendment of the City's 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the nine (9) month period ended June 30, 2010 has indicated that adjustments are necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2009 and ending September 30, 2010 be amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A which are hereby adopted and the revised appropriations set out therein are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Richard H. Gillmor Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Don Wright Councilmember Eugene Wolff The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 25 day of August 2010. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ATTEST: Sally A. Maio, MMC City Clerk By: Mayor Richard H. Gillmor Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Ginsburg, City Attorney FUND TITLE EXHIBIT "A" FY 2010 AMENDED BUDGET BEFORE 3RD QUARTER BUDGET AFTER ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL Expenditures 10,922,181 10,922,181 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX Expenditures 3,090,485 76,521 3,167,006 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX Expenditures 3,392,656 3,392,656 RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT Expenditures 605,402 6,400 611,802 RECREATION IMPACT FEE Expenditures 267,596 23,636 291,232 STORMWATER UTILITY FEE Expenditures 1,020,554 1,020,554 DST DEBT SERVICE FUND Expenditures 1,036,869 1,036,869 STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND Expenditures 438,360 438,360 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Expenditures GOLF COURSE Expenses 1,595,913 1,595,913 AIRPORT Expenses 388,219 388,219 BUILDING Expenses 489,334 489,334 TOTAL BUDGET 23,285,830 106,557 23,392,387 Description GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TAXES LICENSES PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS GROWTH MANAGEMENT NON DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES Property tax collections are lower than last year due to the decline in taxable values. Business Licenses are now being accounted for in the Building Enterprise Fund. Zoning Fees and Site Plan Review Fees are still accounted for in General Fund but are less than anticipated. Intergovernmental Revenues are dose to 75% of budget and about the same amounts as this time last year. Fines and Forfeits include collection of Code Enforcement liens, which have increased over prior years. Miscellaneous Revenues continues to fall lower than budget because of declining investment retums. Total Sources includes the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves. In 2010, we anticipated using $84,021 from cash reserves. It is also noted that actual Beginning Cash Reserves as of October 1, 2009 were $5,166,999, which was $88,328 Tess than the $5,255,327 we had estimated when we adopted the 2010 Annual Budget. Spending by all the Departments are all within the 75% of budget (three- fourths of the fiscal year) except the Non departmental category, which is over 75% of budget because the City's total annual contribution to the CRA Fund was made in the first quarter. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES DEBT SERVICE OTHER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 3RD QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 6,766,871 8,003,249 84.6% 6,605,966 7,934,958 83.3% 6,095,373 7,531,430 80.9% 146,601 173,000 84.7% 22,439 55,200 40.7% 24,434 51,400 47.5% 1,365,308 2,299,529 59.4% 1,248,201 2,054,617 60.8% 1,247,794 1,723,105 72.4% 247,530 310,969 79.6% 217,652 327,301 66.5% 227,151 289,147 78.6% 37,909 59,600 63.6% 37,941 59,600 63.7% 51,201 55,000 93.1% 260,830 514,889 50.7% 255,729 490,759 52.1% 132,705 423,190 31.4% 396,529 744,561 53.3% 595,490 949,080 62.7% 573,666 764,888 75.0% 9,221,578 12,105,797 76.2% 8,983,418 11,871,515 75.7% 8,352,324 10,838,160 77.1% 5,619,935 5,074,000 110.8% 5,534,856 6,131,749 90.3% 5,166,999 5,255,327 98.3% 14,841,513 17,179,797 86.4% 14,518,274 18,003,264 80.6% 13,519,323 16,093,487 84.0% 35,749 61,068 58.5% 39,707 54,065 73.4% 33,259 52,117 63.8% 187,830 263,787 71.2% 197,098 269,986 73.0% 183,912 254,480 72.3% 197,773 280,288 70.6% 213,288 297,087 71.8% 220,834 296,444 74.5% 156,753 226,034 69.3% 147,257 194,494 75.7% 71,879 125,340 57.3% 479,837 625,284 76.7% 426,818 578,543 73.8% 363,515 492,658 73.8% 161,209 255,660 63.1% 185,731 266,344 69.7% 178,860 266,913 67.0% 3,413,305 4,685,041 72.9% 3,571,457 4,829,019 74.0% 3,458,183 4,675,788 74.0% 3,091,014 4,309,208 71.7% 3,136,551 4,319,990 72.6% 2,574,798 3,694,008 69.7% 285,238 404,567 70.5% 271,811 382,856 71.0% 296,560 437,156 67.8% 657,871 994,860 66.1% 638,295 679,131 94.0% 576,771 627,277 91.9% 8,666,579 12,105,797 71.6% 8,828,013 11,871,515 74.4% 7,958,571 10,922,181 72.9% 6,174,934 5,074,000 121.7% 5,690,261 6,131,749 92.8% 5,560,752 5,171,306 107.5% 14,841,513 17,179,797 86.4% 14,518,274 18,003,264 80.6% 13,519,323 16,093,487 84.0% 452,301 762,559 59.3% 172,834 140,000 123.5% 625,135 902,559 69.3% 150,000 337,416 487,416 137,718 625,135 300,000 50.0% 462,559 72.9% 762,559 63.9% 140,000 98.4% 902,559 69.3% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 1,770,431 2,807,500 63.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 2,411,939 2,626,000 91.8% TOTAL SOURCES 4,182,370 5,433,500 77.0% 2,722,588 3,473,008 78.4% 2,722,588 3,473,008 78.4% 1,459,782 1,960,492 74.5% 4,182,370 5,433,500 77.0% 1 474,383 754,800 62.8% 2,877,973 3,167,006 90.9% 226,792 152,559 148.7% 82,854 155,405 53.3% 701,175 907,359 77.3% 2,960,827 3,322,411 89.1% 150,000 300,000 359,052 454,800 509,052 192,123 701,175 1,226,581 1,226,581 1,789, 741 3,016,322 754,800 152,559 907,359 3,392,957 3,392,957 989,199 4,382,156 50.0% 75.9% 0.0% 67.4% 125.9 77.3% As anticipated, we are seeing a decline in gas taxes. Tax collections are about 13% lower than last year at this point. The Refinancing of the Paving Loan has provided funds for additional paving work and also lowered the annual debt service requirement by extending the maturity dates. 1,611,377 2,478,000 65.0% 1,609,211 2,451,271 65.6% 1,404,945 1,904,156 73.8% 683,036 941,385 72.6% 3,016,322 4,382,156 68.8% 2,292,247 3,392,656 67.6% 36.2% 36.2% 180.9% 68.8% 1,256,960 238,220 136,217 1,631,397 1,329,430 2,960,827 1,514,600 1,514,600 777,647 2,292,247 1,256,960 100.0% 324,100 73.5% 1,585,946 8.6% 3,167,006 51.5% 155,405 855.5% 3,322,411 89.1% 3,392,656 44.6% 3,392,656 44.6% 0.0% 3,392,656 67.6% With the additional amounts we had to transfer in 2009 to the Debt Service Fund due to the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve requirement, our unobligated cash reserve balance will be depleted by the end of this year. Tax collections are being received at about the same level as last year. Description 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES OPERATING EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 511,341 355,965 867,306 65,867 309,781 375,648 491,658 867,306 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 3RD QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 FY2008 FY2009 537,023 95.2% 293,774 121.2% 830,797 104.4% 104,987 62.7% 619,561 50.0% 724,548 51.8% 106,249 462.7% 830,797 104.4% Transfers to Other Funds in FY2010 includes the $535,520 matching paid on the Working Waterfront Grant. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 443,312 519,000 85.4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 443,312 519,000 85.4% ENDING CASH RESERVES 929,552 906,000 102.6% TOTAL USES 1,372,864 1,425,000 96.3% Additional appropriations were made for the Airport Park and for fencing at the STORMWATER UTILITY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 836,982 890,200 94.0% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,161,570 1,141,387 101.8% TOTAL SOURCES 1,998,552 2,031,587 98.4% OTHER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 7,103 BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 24,206 TOTAL SOURCES 31,309 EXPENDITURES 85 ENDING CASH RESERVES 31,224 TOTAL USES 31,309 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS MISC. REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES 47,775 125,000 38.2% 1,325,089 1,300,000 101.9% 1,372,864 1,425,000 96.3% 715,937 715,937 1,282,615 1,998,552 866,810 4,013 870,822 211,353 1,082,175 3,500 0.0% 936,873 76.4% 940,373 76.1% 1,091,214 117.5% 2,031,587 98.4% Stormwater fee collections are only slightly ahead of last year and may decline due to property owners receiving credits allowed by the Ordinance for stormwater facilities they made to their properties. 11,500 61.8% 23,000 105.2% 34,500 90.8% 11,500 0.7% 23,000 135.8% 34,500 90.8% These funds are used for the DARE Program, for vehicle towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND 1,033,619 1,975 1,035,594 210,000 1,245,594 83.9% 203.2% 84.1 100.6% 86.9% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 300 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 1,035,294 1,035,294 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,035,294 1,035,594 100.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 46,881 210,000 22.3% TOTAL USES 1,082,175 1,245,594 86.9% At the end of 2009, with the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve, additional funds had to be transferred to the Bond Fund Cash Reserves. Thus, the YTD Actual Beginning and Ending Cash Reserves in 2010 are showing much higher than originally budgeted. 2 571,193 1,033,393 1,604,586 107,847 1,226,581 1,334,428 270,158 1,604,586 1,054,334 1,054,334 802,347 897,200 89.4% 1,012,003 651,397 155.4% 1,814,350 1,548,597 117.2% 8,705 714,476 723,181 1,091,169 1,814,350 11,395 51,947 63,342 6,535 56,807 63,342 774,718 672 775,390 338,906 1,114,296 375 1,034,256 1,034,631 79,665 1,114,296 599,092 95.3% 267,250 386.7% 866,342 185.2% 168,100 64.2% 411,500 298.1% 579,600 230.2% 286,742 94,2% 866,342 185.2% 229,000 0.0% 229,000 0.0% 790,464 133.4% 1,019,464 103.4% 3,500 248.7% 1,542,635 46.3% 1,546,135 46.8% 2,462 n/a 1,548,597 117.2% 11,000 103.6% 20,970 247.7% 31,970 198.1% 15,500 42.2% 16,470 344.9% 31,970 198.1% 1,032,957 1,974 1,034,931 214,358 1,249,289 300 1,034,631 1,034,931 214,358 1,249,289 75.0% 34.0% 74.9% 158.1% 89.2% 125.0% 100.0% 100.0% 37.2% 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 432,782 440,535 98.2% 984,638 644,642 152.7% 1,417,420 1,085,177 130.6% 100,238 611,246 711,484 705,936 1,417,420 23,279 23,279 1,098,737 1,122,016 Dog Park and Barber Street Sports Complex. 722,905 722,905 883,700 1,606,605 20,537 54,018 74,555 4,836 69,719 74,555 776,898 6,057 782,955 1,409,493 2,192,448 675 890,947 891,622 1,300,826 89.2% 2,192,448 FY2010 145,402 68.9% 466,400 131.1% 611,802 116.3% 473,375 149.1% 1,085,177 130.6% 56,247 47.2% 913,393 119.9% 969,640 115.7% 20,941 135,000 15.5% 26,531 1,033,393 884,464 116.8% 1,095,485 1,054,334 1,019,464 103:4% 1,122, 016 291,232 8.0% 291,232 8.0% 678,408 162.0% 969,640 115.7% 810,955 877,344 92.4% 795,650 336,270 236.6% 1,606,605 1,213,614 132.4% 100 0.0% 1,020,454 70.8% 1,020,554 70.8% 193,060 457.7% 1,213,614 132.4% 10,200 201.3% 46,647 115.8% 56,847 131.2% 0.0% 56,847 122.6% 56,847 131.2% 1,035,869 75.0% 1,000 605.7% 1,036,869 75.5% 338,906 415.9% 1,375,775 159.4% 300 225.0% 1,036,569 86.0% 1,036, 869 86.0% 338,906 383.8% 1,375,775 159.4% FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Description 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET STORMWATER UTILITY BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 875 875 100.0% 330,101 440,135 75.0% 328,680 438,240 75.0% MISC. REVENUES 436,873 436,873 100.0% 79 875 9.0% 394 120 328.3% TOTAL REVENUES 437,748 437,748 100.0% 330,180 441,010 74.9% 329,074 438,360 75.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 20,541 20,470 100.3% 85,876 20,686 415.1% 144,635 85,876 168.4% TOTAL SOURCES 458,289 458,218 100.0% 416,056 461,696 90.1% 473,709 524,236 90.4% DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 3RD QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 437,748 437,748 100.0% 441,010 441,010 100.0% 438,360 438,360 100.0% 437,748 437,748 100.0% 441,010 441,010 100.0% 438,360 438,360 100.0% 20,542 20,470 100.3% (24,954) 20,686 -120.6% 35,349 85,876 41.2% 458,289 458,218 100.0% 416,056 461,696 90.1% 473,709 524,236 90.4% Debt service to date includes the semi annual interest payment. Principal and interest will be due May 1, 2010. GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 1,229,842 1,669,325 73.7% 1,194,420 1,613,050 74.0% 1,103,473 1,483,200 74.4% MISC. REVENUES 1,272,431 1,746,677 72.8% 34,566 172,627 20.0% 36,255 112,713 32.2% TOTAL REVENUES 2,502,274 3,416,002 73.3% 1,228,986 1,785,677 68.8% 1,139,728 1,595,913 71.4% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 767,043 766,000 100.1% 542,988 764,318 71.0% (57,832) 256,839 22.5% TOTAL SOURCES 3,269,317 4,182,002 78.2% 1,771,974 2,549,995 69.5% 1,081,896 1,852,752 58.4% PERSONAL SERVICES 262,704 401,342 65.5% 261,244 386,301 67.6% 244,426 350,023 69.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 745,012 1,003,545 74.2% 766,724 995,642 77.0% 666,785 922,790 72.3% CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,300 0.0% 87,577 98,744 88.7% 10,000 10,000 100.0% DEBT SERVICE 18,345 306,190 6.0% 500 304,990 0.2% 7,875 313,100 2.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,026,061 1,747,377 58.7% 1,116,045 1,785,677 62.5% 929,086 1,595,913 58.2% ENDING CASH RESERVES 2,243,256 2,434,625 92.1% 655,929 764,318 85.8% 152,810 256,839 59.5% TOTAL USES 3,269,317 4,182,002 78.2% 1,771,974 2,549,995 69.5% 1,081,896 1,852,752 58.4% Shortfalls in actual revenues required the use of Cash Reserves to meet total expenditures over the past couple of years.lt is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves and pro shop inventory exceeding liabilities but at the end of 2009, we would not have enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and refund prepaid memberships and customer credits that total $133,487. This is the last year of debt service on the Bonds and we expect that we can correct this but YTD Revenues in FY2010 are lower than recent years and will not help this situation. AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES 273,433 11,283 n/a 267,977 378,560 70.8% 268,127 371,219 72.2% MISC. REVENUES 15,219 11,283 134.9% 15,161 30,000 50.5% 26,877 17,000 158.1% TOTAL REVENUES 288,652 22,566 n/a 283,138 408,560 69.3% 295,004 388,219 76.0% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 84,081 155,000 54.2% 10,346 65,784 15.7% (51,651) (14,679) 351.9% TOTAL SOURCES 372,733 177,566 209.9% 293,484 474,344 61.9% 243,353 373,540 65.1% PERSONAL SERVICES 160,637 215,779 74.4% 176,058 232,065 75.9% 171,630 231,369 74.2% OPERATING EXPENSES 92,999 100,561 92.5% 382,540 509,591 75.1% 128,380 148,300 86.6% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.0% 8,105 0.0% 4,795 0.0% TRANSFER TO PROJECTS 54,016 66,525 81.2% 39,444 75,464 52.3% 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 0.0% 8,550 0:0% 5,923 8,550 69.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 307,652 382,865 80.4% 614,697 817,120 75.2% 310,728 388,219 80.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 65,082 (205,299) -31.7% (321,213) (342,776) 93.7% (67,375) (14,679) 459.0% TOTAL USES 372,733 177,566 209.9% 293,484 474,344 61.9% 243,353 373,540 65.1% Cash Reserves have been used to meet total expenditures and required grant matching funds over the past several years. It is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves and fuel inventory exceeding liabilities but since the end of FY2009, we have not had enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and other liabilities. These liabilities totaled $66,562 as of 9/30/09. BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES 288,078 603,545 47.7% 305,701 536,207 57.0% 221,228 489,334 45.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,008,089 1,035,000 97.4% 795,913 779,429 102.1% 651,126 628,794 103.6% TOTAL SOURCES 1,296,167 1,638,545 79.1% 1,101,614 1,315,636 83.7% 872,354 1,118,128 78.0% PERSONAL SERVICES 333,596 435,352 76.6% 285,370 398,841 71.5% 178,298 379,674 47.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 123,739 168,193 73.6% 90,737 137,366 66.1% 55,942 109,660 51.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 457,335 603,545 75.8% 376,107 536,207 70.1% 234,240 489,334 47.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 838,833 1,035,000 81.0% 725,507 779,429 93.1% 638,114 628,794 101.5% TOTAL USES 1,296,167 1,638,545 79.1% 1,101,614 1,315,636 83.7% 872,354 1,118,128 78.0% 3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 3RD QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2008, 2009 AND 2010 Ending Cash Reserves have steadily declined due to the economic slump. However, Beginning Cash Reserves for 2010 were slightly higher than anticipated. Description GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMENTS FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 3rd Qtr YTD BUDGET 4 CITY COUNCIL Personnel 17,106 22,782 75.1% 17,080 22,755 75.1% 17,081 22,742 75.1% Operating 18,643 38,286 48.7% 22,627 31,310 72.3% 16,178 29,375 55.1% Totals 35,749 61,068 58.5% 39,707 54,065 73.4% 33,259 52,117 63.8% CITY MANAGER Personnel 183,318 256,437 71.5% 189,213 263,099 71.9% 179,550 250,455 71.7% Operating 4,512 7,350 61.4% 7,885 6,887 114.5% 4,362 4,025 108.4% Totals 187,830 263,787 71.2% 197,098 269,986 73.0% 183,912 254,480 72.3% CITY CLERK Personnel 176,222 239,756 73.5% 181,414 252,302 71.9% 174,208 240,794 72.3% Operating 21,551 40,532 53.2% 31,874 44,785 71.2% 46,626 55,650 83.8% Totals 197,773 280,288 70.6% 213,288 297,087 71.8% 220,834 296,444 74.5% LEGAL Personnel 151,536 211,219 71.7% 78,308 81,636 95.9% 0 0 0.0% Operating 5,217 14,815 35.2% 68,949 112,858 61.1% 71,879 125,340 57.3% Totals 156,753 226,034 69.3% 147,257 194,494 75.7% 71,879 125,340 57.3% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel 405,704 535,190 75.8% 350,798 499,528 70.2% 290,515 408,939 71.0% Operating 74,133 90,094 82.3% 76,020 79,015 96.2% 73,000 83,719 87.2% Totals 479,837 625,284 76.7% 426,818 578,543 73.8% 363,515 492,658 73.8% MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES Personnel 139,902 227,417 61.5% 152,238 213,637 71.3% 146,887 206,855 71.0% Operating 11,977 18,904 63.4% 29,036 45,997 63.1% 30,673 39,435 77.8% Capital Outlay 9,329 9,339 99.9% 4,457 6,710 66.4% 1,300 20,623 6.3% Totals 161,209 255,660 63.1% 185,731 266,344 69.7% 178,860 266,913 67.0% POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel 2,990,344 4,113,656 72.7% 3,245,293 4,352,783 74.6% 3,136,747 4,250,025 73.8% Operating 360,019 501,053 71.9% 292,184 438,548 66.6% 289,685 398,892 72.6% Capital Outlay 62,941 70,332 89.5% 33,980 37,688 90.2% 31,751 26,871 118.2% Totals 3,413,305 4,685,041 72.9% 3,571,457 4,829,019 74.0% 3,458,183 4,675,788 74.0% PUBLIC WORKS Personnel 2,023,399 2,773,960 72.9% 2,113,976 2,910,076 72.6% 1,872,385 2,563,799 73.0% Operating 932,992 1,374,571 67.9% 1,003,597 1,387,914 72.3% 683,422 1,113,664 61.4% Capital Outlay 134,623 160,677 83.8% 18,978 22,000 86.3% 18,991 16,545 114.8% Totals 3,091,014 4,309,208 71.7% 3,136,551 4,319,990 72.6% 2 3,694,008 69.7% GROWTH MANAGEMENT Personnel 257,888 357,132 72.2% 260,044 366,446 71.0% 267,015 372,436 71.7% Operating 27,350 47,435 57.7% 11,767 16,410 71.7% 29,545 64,720 45.7% Totals 285,238 404,567 70.5% 271,811 382,856 71.0% 296,560 437,156 67.8% NON DEPARTMENTAL Personnel 1,173 10,000 11.7% 7,640 5,000 152.8% 12,167 15,000 81.1% Operating 656,697 856,780 76.6% 630,655 674,131 93.6% 564,604 612,277 92.2% Transfers to Other Funds 0 128,080 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Totals 657,871 994,860 66.1% 638,295 679,131 94.0% 576,771 627,277 91.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES Personnel 6,346,593 8,747,549 72.6% 6,596,004 8,967,262 73.6% 6,096,555 8,331,045 73.2% Operating 2,113,092 2,989,820 70.7% 2,174,594 2,837,855 76.6% 1,809,974 2,527,097 71.6% Capital Outlay 206,894 240,348 86.1% 57,415 66,398 86.5% 52,042 64,039 81.3% Transfers to Other Funds 0 128,080 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Totals 8,666,579 12,105,797 71.6% 8,828,013 11,871,515 74.4% 7,958,571 10,922,181 72.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 6,174,934 5,074,000 121.7% 5,690,261 6,131,749 92.8% 5,560,752 5,171,306 107.5% TOTAL USES 14,841,513 17,179,797 86.4% 14,518,274 18,003,264 80.6% 13,519,323 16,093,487 84.0% GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C3502 Construct Access Road (828081.00 Grant) C5505 Hangar Construction (1,1400,000 grant )-Lopresti CLOSED C1051 Rehabilitate R/W 4/22 CI052 Airport Park (RIF) (CLOSED) CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT 6/30/2010 Current Prior Years Balance Project Year Year To-Date to Number Description Budget Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C1011 Police Vehicle Replacement 385,000,00 69,127.20 69,127.20 116,929.24 198,943.56 17.96% 385,000.00 69127.20 69,127.20 116,929.24 198,943.56 17.96% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Current Prior Years Balance Project Year Year To -Date to Number Description Budget Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C6206 Barber Street Sports Complex Special Needs Access (All Zones) 25,000.00 25,000,00 0.00% C0721 Hardee Park Improvement (Zone A) 50,000.00 14,294.78 14,294.78 35,705.22 28.59% C0724 Dog Park (All Zones) (CLOSED) 59,537.07 1,567.78 57,969.29 59,537.07 100.00% C0823 Yacht Club Finger Pier 21,400.00 21,743.81 (343.81) 101.61% C0824 Periwinkle Stormwater Park Enhancements 6,000.00 5,511.39 488.61 91.86% C0921 Schumann Park Improvements 204,460.00 140,063.11 3,295.00 61,101.89 68.50% C0922 CRA Triangle Flagpole CLOSED 22,377.48 22,377.48 100.00% C0923 Englar Stormwater Park (RIF) 16,000.00 10,014.36 4,521.00 1,464.64 62.59% C1021 Splash Park Canopy (RIF) 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00% C1022 Skate Park Office (RIF) 50,000.00 2,700.00 1,841.12 45,458.88 5.40% C1023 BBSC Safety Fencing (RIF) (CLOSED) 1,705.00 1,705.00 100.00% 506,479.55 1,567.78 72,264.07 277,947.00 9,657.12 218,875.43 54.88% Current Prior Years Balance Project Year Year To -Date to Number Description Budget Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C4303 Pedestrian Bridges (DST) 627,825.00 673.51 589,705.02 590,378.53 37,446.47 94.04% C0735 PowerlineRoad 1,161,250.00 73,983.74 76,019.86 150,003.60 60,796.50 950,449.90 12.92% C0834 512 Corridor (DST FDOT Grant) 279,528.00 7,133.73 14,098.68 21,232.41 258,295.59 7.60% C1031 2010 Bank Note Road Improvements 1,250,461.00 4,970.00 4,970.00 1,500.00 1,243,991.00 0.40% C1041 Cavcor Parking Area 747,622.00 11,016.00 730.00 735,876.00 1.47% P0001 Road Paving 89,554.57 8,336.00 8,336.00 81,218.57 9.31% P0002 Sidewalk/Bikepath Program 59,019.00 31,164.50 22,966.50 54,131.00 824.60 4,063.40 91.72% 4,215,259.57 117,925.48 711,126.06 840,067.54 63,851.10 3,311,340.93 19.93% Current Prior Years Balance Project Year Year To -Date to Number Description Budget Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete C4603 Periwinkle Drive Improvements (DEP Grant $313,000) 572,091.00 3,360.00 566,011.03 569,371.03 2,719.97. 99.52% C4604 Middle Stonecrop Improvements 382,301.00 27,357.14 164,504.59 191,861.73 190,439.27 50.19% C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,000) 5,495,326.00 1,362,750.65 3,538,986.46 4,901,737.11 21,541.00 572,047.89 89.20% C0762 Blossom Ditch Phase II 312,000.00 6,248.25 6,248.25 305,751.75 2.00% C0763 Stonecrop Street Crossing CLOSED 67,971.90 9,660.00 58,311.90 67,971.90 100.00% C0961 Potomac Road Crossing 125,000.00 662,715.20 518,781.20 27,509.99 7,000.00 90,490.01 22.01% C0962 George Street Ditch Rehabilitation 98,000.00 85,008.66 11,764.72 1,226.62 86.74% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) 1,697,720.00 1,181,496.40 209,728.35 306,495.25 69.59% 8,750,409.90 2,065,842.99 4,852,843.43 7,031,205.07 250,034.07 1,469,170.76 80.35% Current Prior Years Balance Year Year To -Date to Budget Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Encumbrances Complete Complete 990,086.00 591,768.94 266,801.55 858,570.49 92,267.70 39,247.81 86.72% 1371,831.42 4,282.00 1,367,549.42 1,371,831.42 100.00% 403,954.00 324,068.85 36,000.00 43,885.15 80.22% 7,020.55 7,020.55 100.00% 2,772,891.97 596,050.94 1,634,350.97 2,561,491.31 128,267.70 83,132.96 92.38% CRY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of June 30, 2010, the total available funds of the City was $15,529,592. $7,987,184 was held in an interest bearing checking account and $7,542,408 was invested in the SBA and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Type Amount State Board of Administration (SBA) 5,890,564 Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 1,651,844 US Government Agency Bonds 0 Total Investments 7,542,408 The details of each investment types are presented on the following pages. CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE General Fund Performance Deposits 33.51% 1,615,407.26 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 19.01% 916,466.49 Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 6.05% 291,396.54 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 5.73% 276,145.42 Recreation impact Fee Fund 5.10% 245,880.94 Stormwater Utility Fund 3.03% 145,887.25 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1.02% 48,985.11 Discretionary Sales Tax, Series 2003 and 2003A Debt Service Fund 0.00% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 0.00% Capital Projects Fund 0.00% Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund 0.00% Stormwater Projects Fund 0.00% Golf Course Fund 3.41% 164,571.91 Airport Fund 0.00% Building Department Fund 8.70% 419,179.43 Cemetery Trust Fund 14.45% 696,431.29 Sub -Total 100% 4,820,351.64 Stormwater Utility Bond Reserve 100% 630,458.00 Stormwater Utility GIC Balances 100% 439,753.91 TOTAL INVESTMENTS HELD WITH THE STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION 5,890,563.55 cashsba0630 8/10/2010 CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 6/30/2010 STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION TOTAL cashsba0630 8/10/2010 CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 6/30/2010 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DATE OF PURCHASE MATURITY INSTITUTION PURCHASE PRICE YIELD DATE National City 12/15/09 540,759.14 2.956% 06/15/11 National City 12/15/08 1,111,084.44 2.900% 12/15/10 1,651,843.58 CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE Genera] Fund 100.00% 1,651,843.58 TOTAL 1,651,843.58 ASSET NAME COUPON/ DATE OF PURCHASE MATURITY CUSIP NEXT YIELD PURCHASE PRICE DATE NUMBER CALL DATE cashsba0630 SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 6/30/2010 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT All previously purchased government securities have matured. The City has contracted with a new Investment Advisory Firm to review our investment program and we are waiting for their recommendations before making new purchases. Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Al Mintier, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: August 19, 2010 Re: 3r Quarter Accomplishments and Operating Statement Fiscal Year 2010 Enclosed please find the 3` Quarter Accomplislunents for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended June 30, 2010. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters Prepared agenda packets and minutes for five Regular City Council meetings, two Special Council meetings, two Council workshops, one CRA workshop, four CRA meetings, and two Board of Adjustment meetings attended 16 meetings for 22.25 hrs. City Clerk attended and recorded Mayors' Meeting in Chambers April 6 City Clerk submitted 2011 Legislative Budget Coordinated paperless agenda workshop for Council direction Ten resolutions were adopted Two ordinances were adopted Recorded two official documents w /Clerk of Court Coordinated with recipients for preparation and presentation of 11 proclamations Placed four courtesy meeting ads in the Press Journal Placed one legal notice in Press Journal Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press Provided three monthly regional and county board meeting calendars to Council Coordinated attendance of clergy for six Council meeting invocations Records Management Program Responded to 80 public records requests 14 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned 14 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred -It Recycling 13 trees saved Scanned into Laserfiche 23 sets of minutes, 35 agenda packets, 10 Resolutions, 2 Ordinances, 7 agreements and 109 Cemetery files 41 other documents Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept. Setup and started the process of securely scanning personnel files into Laserfiche Election Matters Pre Qualified one candidate for November election One PAC report submitted City Board Matters Filled three board vacancies Prepared two Certificates of Appreciation for presentation to board members by Mayor RPM attended and recorded four Natural Resources Board meetings Placed bi- annual board recruitment ad per Code City Clerk attended and recorded June 14 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board Cemetery Matters Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 14 locations for a total of $18,100.00 Community Matters Responded to 65 e -mails to the General City of Sebastian e -mail address or forwarded to appropriate departments for response RPM participated in preparation for Earth Day celebration in April RPM participated in Spoil Island IR1 Clean Up on May 8th with NRB Deputy City Clerk attended and recorded Engineering Department's street improvement pre -bid meeting Personnel /Educational Matters Staff participated in MCCi Webinar Laserfiche Archives April 16 Deputy Clerk received IIMC Master Municipal Clerk certification Deputy Clerk attended FACC Mini- Academy April 30 Staff participated in E -Mails as Public Records Seminar May 20` ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Finalized negotiation of fees for the new Investment Advisor Contract was signed after they ultimately agreed to language that properly described the reduced fee. Assisted in negotiations for replacing the golf cart fleet and submitted paperwork to obtain lease /purchase financing. Negotiated a two year extension of our banking services agreement at the same fees as were bid five years ago. Prepared the proposed Operating Budget for FY 2010 -2011. Attended and provided administrative support for three meetings of the Budget Advisory Committee. Presented the proposed Capital Improvements Program to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Attended a second meeting to further discuss the proposals and report on changes from the initial draft. Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA. Submitted updated data and received quotations for renewal of employee's group insurance program. Submitted updated data and received quotations for renewal of general liability and property insurance. Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. MIS Continued to monitor the Building Department's IMS web -based real time interface. Fought off every attempt to breach our security. Tracked and stopped 207 attacks. Continued to maintain all communications equipment and operate free from any interruption in services. Updated the Network map as to FDLE requirements, insuring we are operating in a safe and encrypted method. Completed Windows 7 testing and verified all departments will function on this operating system. Monitored and ran reports to reduce the number of alarms generated to PD, saving money and manpower. Negotiated with Comcast and obtained 11 digital converter boxes at no cost to the City. Responded to 2,274 work orders. Ran broadcast station Channel 25 and provided 9 websites to inform the residents. Performed 67 workstation preventive maintenance task. Performed 97 user training hours. Working on decommissioning the Airport PRI and Siemens Telephone system. Working on a new Exchange 2008 web server. Working on training Barracuda Spam Firewall. Setting up new server to be the disaster backup server. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration Conducted interviews for police officer, crime scene and dispatch positions. Hired 4 full -time police officers and 1 part-time police officer (all replacements). Hired 1 crime scene /evidence technician due to retirement. Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. Administration attended 7 Council and Special Meetings. Attended over 45 Law Enforcement related meetings and 8 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. Completed a sergeant promotional process and promoted one officer to sergeant. Conducted one FDLE accreditation onsite for Wilton Manors Police Department. Purchased 5 administrative and 2 K -9 vehicles for replacement. Received a grant totaling over $5,800 for technology equipment and upgrades. Resubmitted for COPS grant for 2 police officers. 85% of furlough time completed. Road Patrol 399 Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into IMC. 15 Juvenile Arrest Reports. 91 Adult Arrest Reports. 84 Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into IMC. 139 Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC. 6 Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC. 547 Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC. 397 Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed. 58 Fingerprinting Services. 7,906 Road Patrol Calls. School Resource Officers 25 DARE classes running through a 10 week period. 6 Police Reports written during this period. 18 Uniform Traffic Citations written. Officer Jursik was assigned to assist Road Patrol and Officer Marcinik during this period. Community Policing Completed 8 community contact/meetings: HOA meetings for Sebastian Lakes, Park Place and Sebastian River Landings. Neighborhood Watch Program, scout meetings, bicycle safety and Home and Garden Show. Attended 24 business contacts /meetings: numerous financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Substance Awareness Council, Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch Run and other local businesses. Officer Marcinik gave 4 department tours, including Boy scouts, Girl scouts, and job applicants; Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages; completed approximately 239 hours on backgrounds for applicants; conducted 4 hours of car seat education to the public; completed 6 backgrounds for police officer; also had 7 hours of community problem solving /intervention in response to various neighborhood issues and to help with crime prevention. Officer Marcinik had 50 officer initiated activities. Officer Marcinik had 29 recruiting inquiries; this includes phone calls and walk -in inquiries. Officer Marcinik also attended a class on the 7 Hidden Social Media and email Liability Traps. Community Volunteer Unit The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,170 hours during this quarter. 55 bank deposit details were made; saving time by not having City Hall personnel leave their normal duties. 844 house watches were completed. 62 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. 488 business checks were made; these business checks are done to help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. 247 area checks of banks were made; marked unit's patrolling the banks at various times helps to deter crime. 42 Airport checks were made, to help deter crime. 59 special details were assigned. 8 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. 140 paper runs i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and what ever other items are needed. Assisted with traffic control on 4 traffic crash scenes. 29 escorts were provided for funerals. Issued 3 handicap parking warnings and issued 1 citation. Training Unit Processed numerous schools for the department which totaled 285 course hours of training. The beginning of April finished up the training weeks and met State required training for police officers. All sworn police officers were recertified in CPR/AED. Investigations Detectives completed State qualification for firearms. 67 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. 6 felony arrests were made. 27 cases being cleared. 22 cases were inactivated due to no leads. 94 reports /supplements were completed. 7 warrants were obtained for possession of trafficking of narcotics, burglary of dwelling and theft. 216 active cases are currently assigned Communications Division 12,677 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that 3,169 were dispatched calls for service 1,698 were Code Enforcement calls 5,494 were Officer Initiated calls 1,306 were Volunteer Initiated calls 548 were miscellaneous non -law enforcement calls Total 911 calls received 1,634 of that: 546 calls were transferred to other agencies 111 hang -ups The breakdown of the lines is as follows: Wireless 911 calls 854 (cell phones) Wire -line 911 calls 917 (residential and/or business lines) VOIP 911 calls 7 (computer phone) Unknown line 21 Incoming Adinin Lines answered on black phones only are 7,179 of that: 1,621 were transferred out of dispatch 646 were abandoned Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones. Equipment Repairs Radio 911 Phones. Verizon, T- Mobile, Metro PCS and Sprint/Nextel now routed correctly to Sebastian PSAP. New printer /scan/fax/copier. Second computer installed in E.O.C., 911 Center for Sebastian PD. Dispatch operated from County E.O.C., 911 Center during generator repair at the station. Training attended: (2) FDLE Regional Workgroup Meeting; (3) LAI updates training; (7) 911 transfer to the I.R. County E.O.C. (1) Dispatcher terminated. During this quarter as in all quarters, Communications provided the Citizen of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign offs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. Communications takes and dispatches all non emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. Communications assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide service to non resident's by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We assist other agencies with information and/or request they may have. Alarm Assessments 1. $280.00 m alarm permits 2. $770.00 in false alarms fines 3. 130 alarm responses by officers. 4. 28 New permits issued. Code Enforcement Division 1. Issued 530 written warnings, ranging from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, and etc. 2. 534 Code Violations. 3. 403 Code Services. 4. 564 re- inspections. 384 of the violations were complied with, 58 were not complied with, and 67 were posted for abatement, 48 abated by vendors. 5. 14 Liens filed. 6. 57 releases of liens. 7. 407 violation letters sent in an attempt to gain compliance for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots and etc. 8. 106 sign violations, signs in the right of way or illegally posted. Signs were removed and or owners were advised to have them removed. All complied. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Assisted on a daily basis in resolution of numerous drainage and signage inquiries and complaints from residents. Reviewed and coordinated numerous permitting and site plan review items with Building Depaitnient and Growth Management. Reviewed for approval numerous FEMA FIRM flood map revisions (in conjunction with Growth Management). Continued working with Collier Canal Stormwater Retrofit; Periwinkle Stormwater. Worked on the DOT Barber St. project. Handled 15 new pool construction inspections. Handled 95 new home construction inspections. Handled 7 new home drainage permits. Handled 60 new fence permits. Set elevation for 1/4 round project driveway pipes. Set elevation and grade for 5 road crossing pipes. Coordinate with Growth Management on 4 FEMA applications. Worked with FPL on the installation of new street lights. Traffic Division Installed or replaced 26 Regulatory Signs ie stop, speed,etc. Installed 20 warning signs Installed 20 street signs Installed 154 Temporary signs Installed 59 Specialty signs Installed 480 ft of pavement markings Installed 20 arrows Installed 27 Rpm's Spent 20 hours on beacon maintenance Spent 203 hours on straightening posts Used 21 gallons of paint. Spent 106 hours responding to complaints. Roads and Maintenance Schumann tennis courts build new bench at the new pavilion.. Finish work on catch basins at Hardee Park. Set up and take down parking lot for the Easter egg hunt. Open and close stage for Easter egg hunt. Cut the lot on Wimbrow Dr. for Collier Project Repair pothole on Barber St. Repair lights at Good Guy dock. Put up new fence, repair water lines and install new lights. Cut trees off road in Schumann area. Cut all bridge approaches and around all guardrails in the city. Cut and clean up the side ditch at 245 Caravan Ter. Repair fence at Stonecrop storm water retention pond and whir. Repair plaque at Riverview Park. Repair light on Indian River Dr, pole number 84. Cut and clean up the ditch at 204 Caravan Ter. Finish painting Skate Park. Put in new elec. at Schumann Tennis courts. Repair washout at Stonecrop storm water retention pond and build new berm and sod it also. Repair light pole number 35 on Indian River Dr. Repair parking stop at the Golf Course. Repair the ceiling in the compound and install new a/c unit. Road crossing at Bevan Dr. and Majestic Ave. Fill in a big hole in the swale on Miller Dr. Repair washout by the catch basin on North Central and US 1. Clean up the right of way on Bevan Dr. and Majestic Ave. Fix the handrail at the Barber St. football concession stand. Fix the guardrail at the Hardee Bridge. Clean up on Barber St by Publix in the right of way after the long arm. Set up for the concert in the park 4/16. Remove old guardrail at Schumann Dr. and Thunderbird Dr. Clean up trash in the alleyway by Chesser Gap Plaza. Repair 10 catch basin in Schumann area. Repair Main St dock. Repair benches and pavilions throughout the city. Repair the street light that was hit on Jackson St and North Central Ave. Check light on all city dock. Build catch basin for Bevan Dr for storm water. Clean up fill pile. Cut and weed eat the big ditch at the Golf Course. Build 4 catch basin for Stonecrop for Storm Water. Repair fence at the Dog Park. Dress up around the driveway on Winbrow Dr. after Jack pours it. Haul dirt and grade it to make a mound for the Bark Park. Remove dead trees from behind a house on Balboa St. Bolt down new air compressor at Golf Course cart barn. Repair exhaust fan and install bars over it after they where broke in to at the Golf Course Maintenance Barn Cut around the whir at Main St and Hardee Park. Cut trees back off road at Biscayne Ln. and Landsdowne Dr, Cut the ditch on Essex Ln. and Schumann Dr. along the railroad right of way. Clean up tile dump in the road on Laconia St. Clean up in the Garage and haul metal to the scrape yard. Clean up in the Compound. Build catch basin for 402 Tulip Dr. Repair car parking lot at Main St. boat ramp. Start spraying ditch in unit 1. Clean up right of way on Nebraska Cir. Build catch for Storm Water for Montrose Ave. Install new bricks at the Clock. Clean up ditch at 564 Balboa St. Work on dock at the Yacht Club for the extension that was added and put on cleats and ladders. Cut palm tree down and install head wall in rear ditch on Orange Ave. Set stage up and take down for concert in the park on 5/21. Move stage to Indian River Fair grounds set it up and break down on 5 /22.and bring it back on 5/24. Road crossing Atlantus Ter, and Gulfstream Ave. Repair boat trailer for the P.D. Clean the rear ditch at Flamingo Ave and Riviera Ave. Put the roof back, repair the hot tub and replace the deck around it on Layport Dr. Remove dead tree that fell for storm on Bayfront Ter. Clean rear ditch at 1367 Clearbrook St. Form up concrete at the Splash Pad for parks. Cut tree back off road for Code enforcement at Caravan Ter. and Glentry Ave. Road crossings at Fairfield Dr. and Arch Ct. Clean up island and install signs for the fireworks. Clean up the two storage bins in the compound. Trnn trees in Riverview Park. Install new slide at Riverview Park. Paint checker board in Riverview Park. Repair sign at Easy St. Park. Repair sign at new city hall. Set up the parking lot, signs and barricades for the road closing for the fourth of July. Build and install Bark park sign. Check all elec. in the park for the Fourth of July. Clean up around the dumpster and repair the gates in the boat parking lot behind Hess. Sweep 67 miles 3 dumps and 3 fill up with water. Potholes 8 tons asphalt and one pallet of cool patch. Parks and Recreation Cut back shrubs and trees throughout the City damaged by frost. Set up stage and prepped Riverview Park for 4 Concerts in the Park Set up stage for High School Graduation. Repaired irrigation and removed dead trees on U.S. 1 medians damaged by traffic accidents. Installed protective fence caps on all baseball fields, prepped fields for playoffs, repaired 2 scoreboards and 1 bank of lights, repaired fences and removed graffiti on playground at the Barber St. Sports Complex. Repaired irrigation at Jackson St., Airport, City Hall, Boys Girls Club, Friendship Park, Sports Complex, Community Center Schumann Drive medians Replaced 2 feature valves, chlorine valve and solenoid, replaced showerhead twice and added concrete to corners at Splash Pad. Set up for Earth Day and Memorial Day ceremony. Set up and ran Easter Egg Hunt. Repaired fence around playground, pressure cleaned pavilions and tables, installed no smoking signs, installed checker /chess board on picnic table and treated for fire ants at Riverview Park Fertilized athletic fields and all City properties. Removed dead trees and trimmed trees throughout City. Installed 3 new tennis nets, repaired playground and fence, replaced 4 basketball nets and replaced court light at Schumann Tennis Park. Installed new shrubs and mulch to bump outs on U.S. 1. Replaced clay surface on court 4 at Friendship Park. Verti cut, top dressed and installed sod in worn area on north football field at BSSC. Roto tilled clay infield on Friendship Park Baseball field and walking trails at George St. and Filbert St. Parks Set up for Special Olympics torch run, employee chili cook off and Friendly Tennis Club picnic at Friendship Park. Added mulch to Periwinkle Park and retrieved benches thrown in lakes in various Parks. Planted 2 Oak trees at Bryant Court Park and replaced swing at Filbert St. Park Repaired walking path, fountain, treated for fire ants and removed dog waste from Easy St. Park. Continued regular maintenance. Cemetery The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. Fertilized and applied weed killer. Made necessary irrigation repairs. City Garage Continued working with other departments to identify their vehicle and equipment needs in the event of an emergency. Daily log sheets and safety inspection reports are being turned in and monitored. Continued maintaining the fuel facility in accordance with E.P.A. standards. The inventory is still being monitored. Nothing new is being added to the inventory in an effort to reduce the amount of items on hand. All city generators are being checked and run on a regular basis to ensure they are in good operating order, as is the backup fuel facility. Facilities Maintenance Quarterly testing of sprinkler systems at City Hall and PD and Lopresti hangar Installed heater kit on refrigerator at City Hall to keep water line from freezing. Conducted pre -bid meeting and walk thin with companies bidding on Janitorial contract Had bid opening evaluated companies and made a recommendation to city council for approval. Replaced Liebert Condensing unit at City Hall Replaced faulty contactor on Generator Transfer switch at Police Department Repaired roof leaks at City hall and old city hall Replaced bad A.C. compressor at Golf Course Working with new janitorial contractor W &G Maintenance Yearly testing and tagging of all city owned fire Ext. Replaced burned out pump in fountain at Friendship park Annual elevator certification and license renewal at City hall and School Set up and tear down for various meetings Received and completed 36 work orders in a timely fashion. Replaced leaking drinking fountain at yacht club. Stormwater 1/4 round Driveway Replacement 92 driveways were replaced Pipe replacements 2905 lineal feet total o 10" pipe- 60 LF o 12" pipe -1,935 LF o 15" pipe- 300 LF o 18" pipe- 470 LF o 24" pipe- 140 LF Catch basins built and installed -10 Road crossings repaired -9 Armadillo work 25,450 LF Cut back mowing with long arm -Units 1,8,9,13,14,15,16 Vac Truck cleaned o 68 driveway pipes o 60 road crossing pipes o 14 catch basins Front swale 1/4 round drainage work Work in unit 13- 21,320 LF GROWTH MANAGEMENT Site Plan Reviews (major, minor and administrative): Site plan hearings /approvals 2 Site plan (commercial) inspections 2 Appeals 1 Extensions 0 Subdivision and PUD Reviews: Division of a single lot 0 Preliminary plats 0 Construction plans 0 Final plats 2 Extensions 0 O Annexations: 0 Land Use and Zoning changes: 0 FEMA: Flood zone determinations 19 LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) Applications 4 Code Amendments: Land Development 0 Comprehensive Plan 0 Discussions 0 Zoning Applications: Variances 2 Conditional use permits 0 Overlay District waivers 0 Special events/Temporary use permits 7 Accessory Structures (over 500 sq. ft.) 2 Model home permits (new renewals) 1 Sign permits 11 total 8 permanent, 3 temporary, 0 A -frame Release of Unity of Titles 2 Abandonment of Easements 1 ROW Dedications 0 Residential /Commercial Inspections: Final tree inspections- 30 Land clearing permits 15 11 Residential, 3 Commercial Tree Removal permits 24 Dewatering 0 Erosion Sediment 8 5' Code Enforcement Nuisance 44 Final P &Z (New Construction) 16 Comprehensive Plan: 4 EAR: Scoping Public Hearings, Local Planning Agency and City Council RECYCLE BINS: 59 Key accomplishments: Growth Management took over issuance of recycling bins from Keep Indian River Beautiful and in the month of June distributed 59 bins. When KIRB moved to the Indian River Mall, bin distribution would have gone with them; this would have resulted in Sebastian residents having to go to Vero Beach to pick up the bins. Two Facade, Sign and Landscaping grants were awarded within the CRA. Coordinated staff support for a CRA workshop on the proposed projects for the CRA Master Plan update. Provided research and City Council presentation on pain clinics, wrote the subsequently voted on emergency moratorium ordinance. Provided initial review of draft flood insurance maps/FEMA maps, providing comments on the maps to FEMA. Monthly reports to School Board for school concurrency Final report completed for the Periwinkle Stormwater Park FDEP grant Coordinated monthly Safety Committee meetings, monthly newsletter, CPR first aid training classes, and received a grant from Florida League of Cities for future training. Working Waterfronts completed the management plan requirements from Florida Communities Trust and closed on the two acquisitions. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permitting activity has remained fairly steady. In the month of April there was only 1 new single family residential permit, but in May, there were 3 new single family residential permits, and in June there were 3 new sinclt family residential permits. Commercial permitting activity had only 1 new commercial building and 6 commercial alteration permits for this quarter. Total building permits issued for the third quarter includes 152 for the month of April, 159 for the month of May and 191 for the month of June. The numbe of permits issued during this quarter still reflects an upward trend from earlier this year. The total inspections for the third quarter included 521 for the month of April, 474 for the month of May and 515 for the month of June. The number of inspections this quarter has increased from the previous quarter. The following Business Tax Receipts were issued from April l'` to June 30 New Businesses -33, Renewals -4, Transfers -10, Duplicates -0, Home Based Businesses -28, Commercial Businesses -15, Insurance Companies -7, Solicitor Permits -20. Solicitor Permits -20. Business Tax Receipts appear to be stable showing a reduction in commercial businesses while showing an increase in home based businesses and solicitations. The Building Department was due to undergo an audit from Insurances Services Office (ISO). This audit is performed every 3 years. It grades the Building Department's overall effectiveness at enforcing the Building Code by looking at such things as code adoption, qualifications, continuing education, staffing levels, number of permits, number of inspections, and others. The purpose of the audit is to measure the community's efforts to mitigate property damage due to natural disasters through the enforcement of the latest codes. This year, we received a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) of class 4 for residential and class 4 for commercial. This is on a scale of 1 -10 with one being an exemplary commitment to building code enforcement. We were able to maintain the same score we had 3 years ago and over all is as good or better than the state average and exceeds the nationwide average in every section. GOLF COURSE Total revenue for 3 quarter: $289,355. Golf Rounds for 3rd quarter: 12,415. Green Fee revenue for 3` quarter: $103,664. Cart Fee revenue for 3rd quarter: $144,927. Golf shop revenue for 3rd quarter: $18,266, an increase of $1,743 over fiscal 08-09 3 quarter. Driving range revenue for 3` quarter: $9,660, an increase of $387 over fiscal 08 -09 3 quarter. Discount Card revenue for 3 quarter: $155. Club Rental Club Storage revenue for 3 quarter: $537. Computerized golf handicap revenue for 3 quarter: $240, an increase of $180 over fiscal 08 -09 3rd quarter. Rents Royalty revenue for 3 quarter: $9,648, an increase of $1,464 over fiscal 08 -09 3 quarter. Professional golf lesson revenue for 3 quarter: $1,859, an increase of $904 over fiscal 08 -09 3 quarter. Annual Membership/Initiation revenue for 3 quarter: $0 (Majority of Membership /Initiation revenue received in i quarter.) Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 3 quarter included Vero Beach First Presbyterian Habitat for Humanity Charity Tournament (108 players), Piper Aircraft Golf Tournament (144 players), Sebastian Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and Skills Competition (104 players), Brevard Rugby Golf Tournament (140 players), No Name Bar Golf Tournament (72 players), Sebastian River Moose Lodge Golf Tournament (28 players) and Sebastian River High School Touchdown Booster Club Golf Tournament (92 players).. Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. Received new fleet of Club Car golf carts, entailing 86, 2010 DS electric carts and one (1) gasoline Carry -All II maintenance vehicle. New lease agreement will last 39 months. Gave numerous junior golf lessons during the month of June through private lessons as well as through two, week- long junior golf clinics. Entered into promotional deal with Cumulus Radio, which entailed over 200 radio commercials mentioning Sebastian Municipal Golf Course. Director of Golf received recertification in CPR, First Aid and AED use. Offered summer promotion special for all active and retired military personnel for the month of June. in