HomeMy WebLinkAbout06282010RECCity of Sebastian Recreation Advisory Committee June 15, 2010 Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes Called to order by the Chairman: Roll Call: The following members were present Mr. Sims, Mr. Van Arsdall. Mr. Adams, Mrs. White, Mr. Tenerowicz, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Pelletier was absent Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary and Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent, Al Minner, City Manager and Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Approval of minutes: None Old Business: None New Business: Splash Pad Canopy Mr. Minner Speaks to the committee regarding this item and rest of the capital improvements. Mr. Sims says he prefers the canvas cover Mr. Adams also prefers canvas maybe in a silver color partially covering the splash pad not the whole thing. Mr. Simpson says likes the stadium idea for shade and canvas is fine Mrs. White says we need more benches and Mr. Minner says that can be arranged. Mr. Tenerowicz asks about the canvas being up for hurricanes and he is told it can easily be taken down for storms. He says he doesn't like the canvas idea. Mr. Van Arsdall says the cost and maintenance are a big concern In favor of canvas Would like to have a couple of options so we can ask the public. Mrs. White asks the city manager to explain all the funds for the projects. He explains the funds and talks about the 2011 CIP proposal. 125,000 for the BSSC expansion 90,000 for the Racquet Ballcourt 50,000 Riverview Park Pavillions 50,000 Lift Station 12,000 Park Fountains Mr. Van Arsdall says the league is putting off the 1000 yard field so we should put this off for awhile however all the members are in favor of doing this now so we can be ready when the league goes to 100 yards. Pull the Racquet Ball request Matt in favor Mr. Simpson defers to the committee since he wasn't around for the initial discussion. Parks and Recreation Meeting June 15 2010 Page two Pavillion on Indian River Drive Mr. Simpson in favor Mr. Adams said okay if we don't obstruct the view Mr. Sims wants to know if it will interfere with the clambake festival. Al says no Mr. Sims in favor John in favor but locate so it doesn't obstruct the view Joanne likes the open space feels we haven't had time to talk about them The pavilion is pulled form the CIP Is the lift station a need or a want and Mr. Minner says a need at this time. Mr. Van Arsdall recommends approval if needed Joanne in favor of the fountain requests all other members concur Joanne says the dog park improvements should be back in because the trail and bridge and restrooms were discussed at a previous meeting. We need to prioritize improvements per Jay Mr. Sims says pull the dog park improvements John in favor of the walking trail and a small playground should be installed. Mr. Sims says trails, bathroom and playground would be good. Joanne says Azine Terrace is pulled Mr. Minner says meet again before end of July like the 12 or 5 to discuss future projects and prioritize Joanne wants a list of what they decided. City Attorney speaks about legal matters pertaining to park usage for the next meeting discussion Discussion turns to the next meeting date goes back and forth finally it is decided that the park Usage will be on the June 28 meeting and the capital improvements will be on the July 26 meeting Public Input: Sonny speaks on wildlife being relocated in the parks which is illegal Should not allow this to happen with the rabies going on. Should put info on channel 25 or the website about this. City Manager says we can put something in the Pelican Brief. K4cf 139/P 6- Lou ltaiseci. says many cities are getting away from community centers and we should just put small buildings in the neighborhood parks also would like to see pavilions at Hardee Park says we should put together a park master plan. Meeting adjourned at 8PM Approved July 26th, 2010 Regular Meeting B C man, Parks and Recreation Present: JoAnn White Chair Scott Simpson John Tenerowicz Jerome Adams Excused: Matthew Sims Jay VanArsdall Absent: Jarad Pelletier CITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND MINUTES PARKS RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE JUNE 28, 2010 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, 5:30 P.M. 1. Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Staff Present: Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent Linda Kinchen, Recording Secretary Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 24, 2010 Mr. Adams questioned where the email address for Mr. Sims was incorrect as noted the minutes. The Recording Secretary replied the address was incorrect on the website and his name was spelled wrong. MOTION by Mr. Simpson and SECOND by Mr. Adams passed on voice vote of 4 -0 Ms. White began the meeting by asking how someone goes about renting Riverview Park. The Parks Superintendent said the individual calls him and if the date is available, he will mail an application to them, noting if it is a big event than the City Manager will review the returned application. She suggested having the applications on -line. The Parks Superintendent said he preferred individuals check the date with him first. Parks Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 28, 2010 Page Two She noted the requirement police presence and asked if the applicant was the one to contact the Police Department to hire the officers. The Parks Superintendent confirmed the applicant would contact the Police Department if the event is over 75 people and the City Manager could require additional officers. Chairman White noted the Dog Park Committee was meeting at the Yacht Club and asked if they were paying a fee. The Parks Superintendent said the Dog Park Committee does not pay a fee, the City Manager has the discretion to waive the fee; and some groups are grandfathered in the deed for free use of the Yacht Club. In response to Chairman White, the Parks Superintendent said swimming was prohibited at all City lakes. Chairman White noted the City Council could deny events if they were found to be in conflict with public policy and asked the City Attorney to define "public policy." The City Attorney said the term is used in a broad way without describing anything specific but would have to be looked at on a case -by -case basis to see if something is outrageous or illegal. She also asked about "the best interest of the public." He said that is similar, in that each application needs to be looked at; and the City Manager or Council may have to rule on something staff felt was questionable. Mr. Tenerowicz asked if an event was ever turned down. The Parks Superintendent said he didn't think so, but the Exchange Club Blue Water Open pulled out because they could not have a boat show. Mr. Simpson suggested giving the applicant a way to appeal if they are turned down by the City Manager. The City Attorney said this came up at the City Council meeting and a sentence could be added, but it may not be necessary as Sebastian's City Council opens every agenda item up for public comment, noting anybody can approach City Council and receive discussion. Mr. Simpson said putting that in writing would be good. The City Attorney suggested to making a note of things as they come up, keep a list, and at the end of the meeting have a motion to include all of the recommended changes. In the interest keeping focus, MOTION by Chairman White and SECOND by Mr. Simpson putting in the wording that a park event permit that is denied by the City Manager can be appealed to the City Council was approved with a voice vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Tenerowicz asked if there was a fee for the small gazebos at the Park. The Superintendent said no and it was a first come, first serve and they only run out of dates for the large pavilion. Mr. Tenerowicz said when the big gazebo is used, big vehicles back up to unload and then pull out. He suggested parking enforcement should be done because letting them stay there allows the sod, flowers, and sprinklers heads get destroyed. Chairman White agreed but it would have to be applied across the board. 2 Parks Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 28, 2010 Page Three Chairman White asked what are the reduced fees the Art Club is referring to in their backup. The Superintendent said the fee is $50.00 per show and Council approves cutting that in half because of the Club's community work. The Parks Superintendent answered Chairman White's questions regarding the show dates. The Superintendent noted he rents out the big pavilion when their shows are taking place. Mr. Simpson asked if the reduced fee has been approved by City Council. The Superintendent said he did take it to Council, but they are deciding what to do. Mr. Tenerowicz asked what groups received waived fees at the Yacht Club. The Superintendent said the bridge club and Sebastian Property Owners Association were grandfathered in by GDC, the City Manager allows the Coastguard Auxiliary and the dog park committee to have free use. The yacht Club is mostly rented out for baby showers, and birthday parties. Mr. Simpson asked at what point Council can decide to reduce the fees. The City Attorney said they have the power to do it and it could be added to the resolution if needed. Mr. Tenerowicz asked if the Art Club application was the same group that wants to use the old cafeteria. Alice Russell, Sebastian River Art Club, said it is only a certain part of their Club who are asking to use the building and they will be using a separate check book to cover those renovations. Mr. Simpson suggested recommending that Council does not limit the use of the park based on the Supreme Court opinion to avoid potential future lawsuits. The City Attorney confirmed that everyone needs to be treated the same. Chairman White said the Committee should review the resolution throughout the year. Public Input Alice Russell, Sebastian River Art Club, said when they first started they did not bring cars into the Park but now the members are older and need to use the cars now. She said they devised their own show rules which state "drive the car in, unload, and drive out. The Superintendent said cars are allowed in the Park at designated entranceways. Ron Thomas requested that the Committee make it clear to City Council that the process and application that is currently in place is more than adequate for the current situation and allows many groups to use the Park. He also said for the last ten years, middle 3 Parks Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 28, 2010 Page Four management and the current and past city managers have made the park use personal and personable over other local government agencies. Chairman White said that is part of the benefit of being a small town. She clarified that when she suggested putting the application on -line, she was referring to the larger events who might find answers to their questions on the website instead of making telephone calls to the Superintendent. MOTION by Mr. Simpson and SECOND by Mr. Tenerowicz to forward R -10 -15 as amended to the City Council and recommend their approval was approved with a voice vote of 4 of 0. Jim Sunnycalb, Sebastian, noted there are people catching raccoons and releasing them at the Dog Park and Stormwater Park. He stated this is illegal and he asked what is being done to prevent the spread of rabies. The Superintendent said that would be more of a Code Enforcement/Police issue or the erection of a sign. Announcements: The Parks Superintendent said on Saturday, July 3rd there would be a 5K run, the celebration in the Park with fireworks at dusk. Set July 26 Meeting Agenda Chairman White noted they had agreed on the following CIP projects: Barber Street light expansion, fountains in the Park, and the lift station. She said original talk of the irrigation and landscaping would be done in three phases and asked if the landscaping would be added. The Superintendent said the first phase was almost completed, and second phase would irrigate the whole project, then landscaping would be added. Chairman White said she would like to include the following CIP projects on the next agenda and asked members to visit the sites and be prepared to provide input on the following: Azine Terrace park site (2011) Barber and Acorn park site (2012) Celtic and Crown park site for Dog Park Trail and Bridge The Riverview Park pavilion in the green space spreading out the activities at the other passive City parks Mr. Tenerowicz added the Splash Pad and Mr. Simpson added covered pavilions at Hardee Park to the agenda. 5. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. Approved July 26, 2010 Regular Meeting By C'1r- man, Parks and Recreation 4 The clever Single Cantilever design features support columns which are conveniently located on only one side of the canopy, thereby making maximum space available under the shade for a wide variety of activities - including bleachers, seating, tables, chaises, etc. Single Cantilevers by Shade Systems are especially practical by pools, as avoiding columns near the edge of a pool or water activity enhances safety. Of course, our patented Turn -N -Slide" easy fastening system comes standard on all Single Cantilevers, making them the most user- friendly shade structures on the market when it comes time to remove the canopy! 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USE ONLY DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH YOUR ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION. 2TOC6I3S N O M 3 Checked: TI DDIDrea: 118 mrram V/N W O og s Y» FFN o E:g m8 8 WR €6E 3 s4 s °N4 m NOTE TO OWNER OWNER ACCEPTS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REMOVING THE FABRIC SHADE MATERIAL FROM THE STEEL FRAME WHEN SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE PREDICTED. SUCH CONDITIONS INCLUDE PREDICTED WIND SPEEDS IN EXCESS OF 90 MPH. ALSO. AS STRUCTURE IS NOT DESIGNED fOR ANY SNOW LOAD. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT CANOPY BE REMOVED WHEN SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. „0 ,LZ 9 t 9- t FOOTING LAYOUT 61 II FRONT VIF\ �I P POST TOPS HAVE WELDED 3/8" 0 4" STEEL PLATE AND THRU— BOLTED TO TOP BEAM USING 1/2 -13 0 7 -1/2" MACH BOLTS W /NUTS LOCK WASHERS qil pi 911 B DIA. /8 GAUGE STEEL TUBING V Fy 05 K5I)� rin �g moo 1 .w�M1 „0 Q a� mo LJ �y 0 0 IA W m J W N =0- F a .om U �p 7 oQ Om x oceN a W p >ZZ J y v 0« (:if.- g, am a r Y O O o� U II o z LLI 1 -7/8' DIA. /13 GAUGE STEEL TUBING TENSIONING SLEEVE I 1/2'0 S5 WELDED ROD 1 /2' 4005 BOLTS WITH 1 /o- NUTS LOCK WASHERS LL "0 —,04 M3IA NV-ld U It 1��1110 v N 9 =o G� b I i 9 ,l 9 ,l .6l RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS FISCAL YEARS 2011 -2016 FY 08 -09 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 Totals Recreation Impact Fees 13,975 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 153,975 Return from Main Street Project Tram 217,508 217,508 Investment Income 201 12,500 10,791 8,839 5,262 4,952 5,264 5,580 53,390 PROJECTED REVENUE 231,684 32,500 30,791 28,839 25,262 24,952 25,264 25,580 424,873 Dog Park (Additional) 37,969 Englar Stormwater Park 9,451 Schumann Park 130,304 TOTAL FY 09 177,724 Schumann Park 66,546 Cavcor Parking Area 100,000 Skate Park Office 50,000 Riverview Park Splash Park Canopy 50,000 TOTAL FY 10 266,546 Barber Street Field Expansion 125,000 Lift Station Riverview Park 50,000 Park Fountains 12,000 TOTAL FY 11 187,000 Racketball Court 90,000 Riverview Park Pavillion 50,000 Bark Park Amenities 75,000 Azine Terrace Park 50,000 Barber /Acorn Park 50,000 TOTAL FY 12 315,000 Celtic/Crown Park 50,000 TOTAL FY 13 50,000 TOTAL FY 14 TOTAL FY 15 TOTAL FY 16 0 0 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,033,393 1,087,353 853,307 697,098 410,937 $386,199 411,151 436,416 1,033,393 TOTAL REVENUES 231,684 32,500 30,791 28,839 25,262 24,952 25,264 25,580 424,873 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFE 177,724 266,546 187,000 315,000 50,000 0 0 0 996,270 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,087,353 853,307 697,098 410,937 386,199 $411,151 436,416 461,996 461,996 FY 08 -09 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 Totals BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: ZoneA 190,863 216,980 112,700 105,526 83,502 92,428 101,445 110,570 190,863 Zone B 10,116 28,848 29,162 29,005 (21,158) (19,393) (17,606) (15,801) 10,116 Zone C 118,695 118,285 101,933 86,633 56,389 57,014 57,642 58,280 118,695 Zone D 713,719 786,997 673,270 539,693 355,962 319,908 333,429 347,125 713,719 All Zones 1,033,393 1,151,111 917,065 760,856 474,695 449,957 474,909 500,174 1,033,393 Recreation Impact Fees Zone A 5,850 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 53,850 Zone B 1,300 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 13,300 Zone C Zone D 6,825 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 66,825 All Zones 13,975 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 133,975 Investment Income ZoneA 37 2,356 1,326 1,226 926 1,017 1,125 1,234 8,013 Zone B 2 313 343 337 (235) (213) (195) (176) 352 Zone C 23 1,284 1,199 1,006 625 628 639 650 5,405 Zone D 139 8,546 7,923 6,270 3,946 3,521 3,696 3,873 34,040 All Zones 201 12,500 10,791 8,839 5,262 4,952 5,264 5,580 47,810 Transfers: ZoneA (20,230) 114,637 16,500 31,250 142,156 Zone B (17,430) 2,000 2,500 52,500 39,570 Zone C 433 17,637 16,500 31,250 65,819 Zone D (66,314) 132,273 151,500 200,000 50,000 467,459 All Zones (103,542) 266,546 187,000 315,000 50,000 715,004 Ending Balances: ZoneA 216,980 112,700 105,526 83,502 92,428 101,445 110,570 119,803 110,570 Zone B 28,848 29,162 29,005 (21,158) (19,393) (17,606) (15,801) (13,978) (15,801) Zone C 118,285 101,933 86,633 56,389 57,014 57,642 58,280 58,931 58,280 Zone D 786,997 673,270 539,693 355,962 319,908 333,429 347,125 360,998 347,125 All Zones 1,151,111 917,065 760,856 474,695 449,957 474,909 500,174 525,754 500,174 29 PROJECTS: Main Street Project Refund $217,508 Zone A (48,722) (48,722) Zone B (19,793) (19,793) Zone C (28,059) (28,059) Zone D (120,934) (120,934) (217,508) (217,508) Schuman Park Improvements $175,000 Zone A 16,637 16,637 33,273 Zone B Zone C 16,637 16,637 33,273 Zone D 33,273 33,273 66,546 66,546 66,546 133,092 Barber Street Field Expansion Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Riverview Park Irrigation /Landscaping Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS FISCAL YEARS 2011 -2016 FY 08 -09 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 Totals 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Racquet Ball Court Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Dog Park $58,000 Zone A 9,492 18,750 28,242 Zone B Zone C 9,492 18,750 28,242 Zone D 18,985 37,500 56,485 37,969 75,000 112,969 Englar Stormwater Park $16,000 Zone A 2,363 2,363 Zone B 2,363 2,363 Zone C 2,363 2,363 Zone D 2,363 2,363 9,451 9,451 Riverview Park Pavillion $50,000 Zone A 12,500 12,500 Zone B 2,500 2,500 Zone C 12,500 12,500 Zone D 22,500 22,500 50,000 50,000 Fountains at Parks Zone A 4,000 4,000 Zone B Zone C 4,000 4,000 Zone D 4,000 4,000 12,000 12,000 Cavcor Project $100,000 Zone A 48,000 48,000 Zone B 2,000 2,000 Zone C 1,000 1,000 Zone D 49,000 49,000 100,000 100,000 Splash Park Canopy $50,000 Zone A 25,000 25,000 Zone B Zone C Zone D 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 Skate Park Office $50,000 Zone A 25,000 25,000 Zone B Zone C Zone D 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 29 Lift Station Riverview Park $50,000 Zone A 12,500 12,500 Zone B 2,500 2,500 Zone C 12,500 12,500 Zone D 22,500 22,500 50,000 50,000 Azine Terrace $50,000 Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Celtic Crown $50,000 Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D 29 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Barber /Acorn $50,000 Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Totals (103,542) 266,546 187,000 315,000 50,000 715,004 Q1YOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 ❑ FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 28, 2010 5:30 PM 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Approval of Minutes: May 24th, 2010 5) Old Business: 6) New Business Park Usage and Fees None 7) Input from Public 8) Chairman's Matters 9) Member comments 10) Staff Comments 11) Set next meeting date and agenda 11) Adjourn ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING.