HomeMy WebLinkAbout01042011NRB2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Robin Graves Chair Albert Alvarez Barbara Salmon Eric Spokas Vice Chair Jane Schnee Tara Howe 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6. PUBLIC INPUT: No public input. 7. OLD BUSINESS: Ott OF 5EsAs n N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2011 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian 1. Chairperson Graves called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Staff Present: Margie Reynolds, Board Liaison and Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 7, 2010 meeting MOTION by Ms. Schnee and SECOND by Ms. Salmon to approve the December 7, 2010 minutes as written, passed with unanimous voice vote. Ms. Howe mentioned that the Green Angels environmental group would be meeting Monday, January 10th at 6:OOp at the Indian River North County Library. A. Presentation by Mr. George Geletkco from Waste Management. Mr. Geletkco gave his presentation and showed two short videos. There were materials passed out (attached). Mr. Geletkco has talked with the City Manager about Single Stream recycling. The State has a bench mark of 50% recycling by December 2014. Waste Management is working to make recycling easier for residents. West Melbourne has a transfer station and Orlando has a processing plant for recycling. Mr. Geletkco answered questions from the board. Waste Management is working with Bolero Oil on turning yard waste organic materials into bio fuel, used to fuel vehicles. Mr. Spokas asked where the actual cost savings was to the Florida residents. Mr. Geletkco let him know the savings was in reducing landfills (Indian River County owns the local landfill) which cost the public an estimated $350,000 per acre with a minimum of 100 acres. Statistics show that a landfill costs from cradle to grave is $1 million per acre. Recycling uses less landfill. One ton of recycled paper saves 4,200 kw -hrs of energy and about 101 gallons of oil. This would reduce our relying on foreign oil. Natural Resources Board Meeting January 4, 2011 Page Two Mr. Alvarez left the meeting at 6:46pm. He had another meeting to attend. Ms. Reynolds explained to the board the specific requirements for industrial waste. Ms. Howe will get information from Waste Management for the school groups she works with for the Green Angels. Mr. Geletkco has already given a presentation to the Sebastian Chamber of Commerce about the recycling possibilities. The business owners were very interested. They plan on moving forward sometime this year with commercial recycling and 12 15 months for residential. B. Champion Tree Program Ms. Graves found a couple of trees that could be possible champions on Easy and Main Street. She is trying to reach the home owners at this house as well as a couple more in the neighborhood. There was one particular tree on Easy and Lake that Ms. Graves spoke with the mother of the home owner. Ms. Graves suggested that the home owner contact Ms. Reynolds at the City. There was discussion on the criteria for champion tree scoring and on measuring trees. It was decided that there would be a field trip on Thursday, February 3rd at 3:OOpm to measure the two trees that Ms. Reynolds has permission from the homeowners. The members that can attend will meet at City Hall then go on to the two houses. The recording secretary will post the notice of the field trip. The recording secretary will also post a slide on channel 25 to encourage residents to have their trees looked at and measured. C. Earth Day 2011, Saturday, April 23rd 9am 3pm Waste Management is interested in having a booth at Earth Day and they will be placed next to KIRB. They offered to play a loop of videos on recycling. Ms. Reynolds will send them the flyer and application. The band from last year would like to participate again this year. They are looking into trying to find a stage. We need a count of tents and fire extinguishers soon. We need more children activities. Ms. Graves has a contact that has a sound system and he could be the DJ. Ms. Howe has a contact that is a face painter. Mr. Spokas will contact a person that could possibly be a DJ. Ms. Reynolds will bring a rain garden. She ordered 40 trees that can be planted. There will be a recycling contest. Ms. Graves will bring some assembled bird houses that can be painted throughout the day by attendees. Ms. Graves will handle the vendor list. She will send out reminder notices and follow up. Ms. Schnee will handle advertising. Ms. Howe will assist. Ms. Howe will handle children's crafts /activities. 8. NEW BUSINESS: No new business. 9. MEMBER MATTERS: No member matters. 10. STAFF MATTERS: No staff matters. Agenda for February meeting will only be to discuss Earth Day. 11. Being no further business, Ms. Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. (X 21 Natu al Resources Chairperson Signature Date ECG FACT PAPER/CARDBOARD (OCC) One ton of recycled office (free sheet) paper saves 24 trees. National Recycling Coalition; U.S. Forest Products Laboratory One ton of recycled newspaper saves 12 trees. National Recycling Coalition; U.S. Forest Products Laboratory One ton of recycled cardboard (OCC) saves 12 trees. U.S. Forest Products Laboratory Recycle -Save Energy, South Carolina Electric Gas Company Waste Management One ton of recycled paper saves 4,200 kw -krs of energy and about 101 gallons of oil. (See Note 1). One ton of recycled paper saves 3.5 cubic yards of landfill space. Each ton of recycled paper uses: *64% less energy (saves 4,077 kw -hrs of energy) *58% less water (saves 6,953 gallons of water) *74% less air pollution (one tree filters up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year -587 pounds of air pollution) *saves 17 trees than one ton of paper products from virgin pulp Weyerhauser One ton of recycled paper generates 35% less water pollution ALUMINUM CANS Aluminum can recycling saves 95% of the energy needed to make aluminum from bauxite ore. Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Can manufacturing Institute Recycling one kilogram of aluminum can save: *8 kilograms of bauxite *4 kilograms of chemical products *14 kilowatt hours of electricity (12,700 kw -hrs per ton) International Aluminum Institute Aluminum Association Recyclingit.com A single aluminum can weighs approximately 1 /2 ounce. In 1996, 31.92 cans weighed one pound. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV set for 3 hours or to light a 100 watt bulb for 20 hours You can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one new one GLASS One ton of recycled glass saves over a ton of resources: *1,330 pounds of sand *433 pounds of soda ash *433 pounds of limestone *151 pounds of feldspar Recyclingit.com The Earth Works Group Recycler's Handbook WMGreenShRRecycFactsMay08 doc Page 1 of 3 Print date 5/7/2008 Single Stream Rec clip Recycling Simply the better solution for your community's recycling program. New challenges require new solutions. Throughout North America, communities are looking for new, more effective ways to reduce waste and recover materials value. In addition, they want to protect our environment and improve the quality of life in the municipality they serve. Of all the programs currently in use, none comes close to meeting these challenges like Waste Management's Single Stream Recycling. What is Single Stream Recycling? Single Stream Recycling is a technology that allows participants to place all their recyclables such as fiber (newspaper, office paper and cardboard) and non -fiber (plastic bottles, steel and aluminum cans) into a single container for subsequent collection, processing and remarketing. In some markets glass bottles and jars are included. There's no sorting of materials into separate bins and no use of multiple collection vehicles. W WASTE MANAGEMENT Think Green: PUBLIC SECTOR SOLUTIONS The Benefits of Single Stream Recycling. Communities of all sizes enjoy major benefits from Single Stream Recycling pr•rgrams These benefits Include Single cart or dumpster cullectinn programs Increased recycling rates and yields that avenue 0 above those of I percent previous recycling pfog! Pm Fewer trucks ,m your streets ,educing costs ar.' vvear- and -tear on oavenr,ent Reduction of CO, and methane emissions, gase linked directly to climate change For more information, please contact your local public sector sales representative, or visit us at wm.com. Single Stream Recycling Reciclaje de un solo flujo Flattened Cardboard (Crrto'l cplrecdo; Newspapers (Peribdicosj Plastic Bottles and Containers #1 -7 [Botellas de plastico y recipientes #1 -7] Magazines (Revistasj Paperboard (Carton] I Paper Cardboard, Dairy and Juice Containers (Envases de carton de ldcteos y juges] Glass Bottles and Jars (Boteilas y frascos de vidrio] Phone Books (Directories] Office Paper (Papel de ofclttaj Junk Mail (Correo no deseadoj Aluminum Cans, Aluminum Foil and Pie Tins (Colas de aluminio, papei aluminlo y moldes para pay] Do not include food waste, films, plastic bags, plastic wrap, or foam cups and containers. (No incluya residuos de alimentos; peliculas; bolsas o envolturas de plastico; vasos o recipientes de unicel (poliestireno)] w WASTE MANAGEMENT Think Green: www.wastemanagement.com