HomeMy WebLinkAbout02282011REC Agenda6) New Business: 7) Input from Public 8) Chairman's Matters 9) Member comments OI1YOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228 -7052 FAX (772) 228 -7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 28, 2011 6:00 PM 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Approval of Minutes: January 24, 2011 Regular Meeting 5) Old Business: Easy Street Lighting Skate Park Survey Forms and User Fee Discussion Football Field Expansion Update 10) Staff Comments 11) Set next meeting date and agenda 12) Adjourn ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Chairman Mrs. White. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mrs. White, Mr. Tenerowicz, Mr. Simpson, Mr. VanArsdall, Mrs. Webster and Mr. Adams were not present for the roll call but arrived soon after. .Mr. Sims was absent excused. Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent, Al Minner, City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 24, 2011 Mr. Tenerowicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 29 2010 meeting. Second by Mr. Simpson and passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS EASY STREET LIGHTING UPDATE: It was the consensus of the committee to look into low level lighting and to wait until the sidewalk can be redone at the same time. Sunny spoke in favor of the lighting and turned in several signed requests from residents. Mr. Minner says we will do an estimate for the sidewalk, lights and costs and bring back in February. March recommendation to council for impact fee money. Sunny says lights will help see the animals at night. IMPACT FEE ORDIANANCE Mr. Minner gave the committee a letter about the new language will save for the committee report in March. PAVILLION SIZE AND PRICE It was decided to get a hexagon 28ft cost to be approximately $25,000. Mrs. White asks where we stand about the aerial map on the website Mr. Minner says it should be up and running in two weeks SKATE PARK SURVEY Mrs. White says she looked over the survey forms and would like a volunteer from the committee to take them and sort and categorize them for the next meeting. Mr. Simpson volunteers and will bring back a report at the next meeting Parks and Recreation Minutes January 24, 2011 Page Two Mr. Minner gives a brief talk on the costs of operation. Mr. White is in favor of reducing the fees even though we are not making enough to cover the costs now. Discussion for the next agenda A) leave it alone, B) cut the fee C) No fee annual pass might work PUBLIC INPUT: David Reyes 458 Oak Street spoke in favor of the lights for Easy Street but also suggested they light up the fountain and the city should look into ground level lighting or lights built into the sidewalk. Sonny talks about Riverview Park many out of town residents are pleased with what they see. Says the Santa house should be open more and would like to see the Winter Wonderland back again. This is the time to showcase Sebastian while the winter residents are here. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: Mrs. White wants a volunteer to give the committee report at city council meeting. Mr. Simpson accepts and will talk at the March 9 meeting at 6:30 PM. Mrs. White updates the parks list and tells the committee they need to give a update at each meeting for their assigned park. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Van Arsdall says Saturday night there were a lot of people at the Stormwater Park. He asks what is going on with the football field expansion project. Mr. Minner tells him the engineer is working on the design. Mr. Tenerowicz asks about the butterfly garden at Hardee Park and are we going to sod around the new playground area. Said the lights were on for three hours on Xmas Eve at the sports complex and no one was there. Mrs. Webster says the Little League opening is February 19 2011. No other members had comments STAFF COMMENTS: None The next meeting will be February 28 2011 at 6PM Parks and Recreation Minutes January 24, 2011 Page Three The agenda for the next meeting will have the Skatepark Surveys, Easy Street Lights, Football Field Expansion and make up talk for Scott for the Council report. With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Mrs. White declared the meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. Approved February 28, 2011 Regular Meeting. By Matthew Sims, Vice Chairman Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee Linda Kinchen From: Melanie/William Atkins [wcamya ©bellsouth.net] Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:23 AM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Fw: Recreational improvements for Sebastian Original Message From: Melanie /Wiliam Atkins To: Linda Kinchen Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:08 AM Subject: Recreational improvements for Sebastian Linda: I oppose building a new recreation center at the Miller Drive acreage. The site is a vital sand ridge area necessary for flood control of the area. I believe that it has ecological import for the area that should be preserved. That does not mean the city should not explore other options for providing more cost effective recreation options for its residents. We are woefully short of bike paths and sidewalks all over the county. Why not walking paths rather than concrete sidewalks? We kayak and have to comb Indian River Drive in Sebastian to find a sandy launch area...we have to leave our vehicle in the road while we carry our kayaks then leave our gear to repark our car in a nearby lot. Not safe and the launch sites are not that great loaded with oyster shells that damage the underside of the boats. Kayak launches area low cost improvement with low impact to the shore a good use of dollars. I think that recreation dollars should aim to benefit as many taxpayers as possible. At a time when schools cut back on physical education programs for children we find that we need to build more recreation fields for children What is wrong with that picture? We pay taxes for the school systems and the school grounds are not open to taxpayers after school hours for use not a good use of tax dollars. Those policies need to change! School tracks and fields should be open to outside sports groups after signing a liability waiver. I definitely think that Sebastian should explore a shared use agreement with the County. In these economic times I think that the City needs to be more creative about retrofitting what we already have in place to maximize use. Thank you for collecting opinions about this issue...Public imput is important when tax dollars are in the mix. Melanie Atkins. 1/31/2011 Page 1 of 1 Linda Kinchen From: mpkru234 @comcast.net Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:33 PM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Fw: Sports Complex Original Message From: mpkru234 @comcast.net To: tcnletters( scripts.com Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:18 PM Subject: Sports Complex Letter to the Editor Mary Ann Krueger 121 Miller Dr. Sebastian Fl 32948 772 581 -7472 1/31/2011 Page 1 of 1 I personally have seen bobcats,otters,eagles, a hundred kinds of birds, most of which are endangered or threatened,and the tallest trees, on city of Sebastian owned land being eyed by the city manager as a potential "sports complex ".This wetland area will cost the taxpayers a fortune just to get permitting, filling in and access. Not to mention loss of natural flood control. A big chunk of our population are retirees. Who come here because of the slower pace and natural beauty. Our Chamber of Commerce runs around the country trying to get more to come here. The job market is directly related to keeping these retirees fed, clothed, entertained, and giving them access to the best hospitals and doctors. They want to best for their grandkids and the kids whose parents must work in these fields. Kids would be better served by pushing for sports in the schools. Yet, there is cutting of most physical education programs. The low number of needy kids in organized sports and music here is shameful. We are missing out on some really amazing talent,(in my opinion).How about more after school programs, (there aleady is city paid police officer on duty) with more attention paid to giving ALL kids a turn. The facilities are aleady there..empty 55% of the time! Youngsters like to hang out with each other. They need success. They are tough customers to satisfy. They are the future. They do not like seeing nature destroyed. Linda Kinchen From: sumarieh @aol.com Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:54 PM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Re:suggestion for recreational improvements Dear Linda, A bike path or sidewalk along the entrance road to the city's public golf course would be a great safety idea for our money. It is a very widely used road for walkers and bikers as well as the many cars, all traveling to the Collier Club community, SMGC and the restaurant. Please consider it for inclusion in the city's capital improvement program. Thank you, Susan Harvey. 1/26/2011 Page 1 of 1 Linda Kinchen From: Ronjaw43 @aol.com Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:59 PM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Recreational improvements Hi Linda, Thanks for giving me someone to send my idea and concern. As you know, our riverfront is our "treasure" and the sidewalk from the Park all the way to Capt. Butcher's is well used. A friend and I walk along the river several times a week as well as old folks and those pushing baby strollers. My concern is the folks riding bicycles on the sidewalk. They expect the walkers to move out of their way and we always do. Is there a way a bicycle lane could be added to the road along that mile and a half stretch? There seems to be enough room for one, but I'm not an engineer. The riverfront is so popular and a bike lane would make it much safer, and more inviting, for all of us. Many thanks for listening and perhaps passing these thoughts along. Chris Jaworski e -mail address: ronjaw43 @aol.com 1/26/2011 Page 1 of 1 Linda Kinchen From: William Atkins [williamatkins21 @yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:27 AM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Recreation areas Tell Mr. Minner to take his softballs and think up something else besides that beautiful natural habitat near Miller Drive for a play area. Plan for the fight of your political life to even think of this area. People like that will eventually ruin everything that is natural and beautiful in Sebastian. Bill Atkins Sent from my iPhone 1 MEMBER NAME /ADDRESS TERMS Jerome Adams 901 Roseland Road Sebastian, FL 32958 589 -1595 JeromeAdams(c�bellsouth. net Matthew Sims Vice Chair 1741 Barber Street Sebastian, FL 32958 538 -4369 OneStopCellular5naol.com John Tenerowicz 310 S. Wimbrow Drive Sebastian, FL 32958 589 -9099 thegolferjohn(a�yahoo.com JoAnn White Chair 449 Easy Street Sebastian, FL 32958 589 -9300 Joanne2whites.com PARKS RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ordinance No. 0 -07 -07 Scott Simpson 1132 Coverbrook Lane Sebastian, FL 32958 713 -8472 scottandteresa(c�hotmail.com Jay VanArsdall Alternate Member 907 George Street Sebastian, FL 32958 581 -1668 JayVanArsdall@comcast.net JoAnn Webster Alternate Member 765 Wentworth Street Sebastian, FL 32958 633 -8502 websternorth(,aol.com BOARD SECRETARY, LINDA KINCHEN 3 -YEAR TERMS Term to expire 5/31/2011 Blossom Park Term to expire 5/31/2012 Schumann Park Term to expire 5/31/2011 Barber St Appointed 6/9/10 Complex and Filbert St Park Term to expire 5/31/2012 Easy Street Park Appointed 6/27/07 Term to expire 5/31/2013 Bryant Ct Park Appointed 5/26/10 Term to expire 5/31/2011 George Street Garden Club Term to expire 5/31/2012 Hardee Park Linda Kinchen From: Jo Anne White [Joanne @2whites.com] Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 8:54 AM To: Linda Kinchen Subject: Parks and Rec 2/18/2011 Page 1 of 1 Parks and Recreation Meeting February 28, 2011 Skate Park- I would like to see the fees reduced or dropped for the skaters. Make sure there is a number limit of how many skaters at one time. Punch card use would be easier for the attendant but can kids afford it? My thought is that this is not a money maker and it is a recreation activity like tennis, basketball and so on which has no fee. Young people need to have places to keep busy and get exercise. This activity does need an attendant for safety and security so it will have a cost to the city. Can the city take this cost as a loss? Scott for City Council Meeting in March. Skate Park survey feedback and what is going on with the ramps and building. April skating event will be there. Any recommendations from our committee to council on Skate Park Fees? We do hear monthly at our meetings from the Bark Park group on how things are going there. Looking ahead to walking paths and future playground in that park. Each Park and Rec member has adopted a park to visit and report on at our monthly meetings. Looking at the Parks website to include aerial maps of parks, names/ address locations and what the parks have in them. Committee having workshops to come up with a list of long range recreation activities and sites for them. Using the waterways in the city and area for kayaking and canoeing biking and walking paths, more playgrounds in neighborhood parks, look at the green areas that are around the city, another sports complex to keep up with the number of groups who will need it and land that can be used for it, community center, and more. Thanks to Mr. Minner who keeps our committee updated on parks projects and gets answers to us for the many questions we ask. This committee is an active committee and is ongoing with projects and plans to keep Sebastian as the number 1 city with the best recreation and parks in the county. Have a good meeting, JoAnne White COST ESTIMATE FOR NEW SIDEWALK & LIGHTS AT EASY ST. PARK. CONCRETE SIDEWALK $409000.00 CONDUIT, WIRING, BREAKERS & TIMER $10,000.00 LIGHTS * $10,500.00 TOTAL $60,500.00 • LIGHT ESTIMATE BASED • ON 70 LIGHTS @ $150.00 EACH „VLECTRC> ,VLF Energy Efficient Compact Fluorescent Lighting i 111711 I WALKABOUT BOLLARD SME (NIBL 05/Q9/Q13) • Weather resistant • Available in Black, Architectural Bronze, Gray, Green & White • When ordering length of bollard, please use 1 measurement for total length which includes �LII7i fixture at top. WALKABOUT PATH STYLE (WPL 05/Q9/Q13) MOUNTING -Screwed base or mounted in cement HOUSING • Polycarbonate w/ ABS Base • Stainless steel hardware • Painted PVC Post LENS • Polycarbonate diffused • Non -yellowing • U.V. stabilized LAMP WATTAGES • 12V 5W & IOW Halogen • 12V 13W Fluorescent • 110V 5W/Q9/Q13W Fluorescent • Bollard only: 11 OV 20W Fluorescent Electronic Spring Bulb `Allow for extra delivery time. Made in the U.S.A. • i • CATALOG NUMBER LAMP(S) Line voltage: WPL05 5W- 27K/41K WPLQ9 Q9W - 27K WPLQ13 Q13 -2'i K/41K 12V A/Q WPLI2VH5 Halogen WPL12VH10 Halogen WPLFL 12V 12V Fluorescent Line Voltage: WBL05 5W-27K/41K WBLQ9 Q9W - 27K WBLQ13 Q13-27K/41K 12V A/C: WBL12VH5 Halogen WBLI2VH.10 Halogen WBLFLI3W 12V Fluorescent This BRAND NEW design is vandal resistant, almost indestructible and will handle as much as a 100011x. footprint. 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We offer many styles to suicyour axed in municipal, cosmmercial and iEiderlaial applicatians. ,tt 1 6311d,^us & Commercial t.dilescape, Aur: Pole Arms Beacons Accessories DeddyLes Floodlytes Inglound Accessones Mailboxes Luminaire Visual Search : Back < Search Results" product(s) I Page 1 of 1 I Show per page all - I CF73 RDS CLVB Vandal BL31 CLBB Beacon SU31 Unlit DB30 Aluminum DB14 Aluminum Bollards a Beacons Bollards It Beacons Resistant Bollards & Beacons Bollards it Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollard Bollard Line Voltage Line Voltage Bollards & Beacons Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Bollards & Beacons Bollards it Beacons Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage ID -31 EU31 Unlit EU36 Unlit F91 OB361 TB361 RB71 Aluminum RL72 Aluminum Bollards & Beacons Bollards it Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollard Bollard Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage gallants a Beacons Bollards a Beacons Line Voltage Line Voltage AP M70 Aluminum RB711 Beacon RL721 Beacon RD6 RF6 CLS Aluminum SF8 DWL1 Beacon Bollard Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards Ft Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollard Bollards it Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Bollards it Beacons Line Voltage Low Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage http://www.had6o.com/Hadco/Public/SearchVisual.aspx?FafId=8 2/28/2011 Visual Product Search Page 2 of 2 DWCL1 Beacon DWCL2 Beacon 1019 Beacon DWC2 Beacon DWC1 Beacon �LDWI Beacon RS30 Aluminum 1012 Beacon Bollards it Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards it Beacons BoUards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollard Bollards & Beacons Lav Voltage Low Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Bollards it Beacons Line Voltage Line Voltage 1010 Beacon RF8 F9 D821 Aluminum RR701 Beacon IWBBL3 Aluminum IWBL3 Aluminum IWBCL4 Aluminum Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Botlards & Beacons Bollard Bollards B Beacons Ballard Bollard Bollard Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Bollards & Beacons Line Voltage Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Line Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Lav Voltage SBBL1 Aluminum SBL1 Aluminum HBBL1 Aluminum HBO Aluminum Dollard Ballard Bollard Bollard Bollards a Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Bollards & Beacons Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage PHILIPS HAoCO m 2011 Hadco I Privacy Statement I Disclaimer I Warranty Directionsand Contact http://wWw.hadco.com/Hadco/Pubfic/SearchVisual.aspx?Famld=8 2/28/2011 Visual Product Search PHILIPS sr nsc . � siroplr-Iry Home Products News Training Landscape Market Commercial Market Page 1 of 2 Search Pro:fmu Search Click here to register. I Login Representative Locator 71 Distributor Locator PHILIPS HAoWO Philips Hadco is the leader in quality outdoor Rgfilting. We offer rtumy styles to suit your steed in municipal, cotaunercial and residential applications. Bellards & Commeltlal 10 Landscape Accent Pole Arms Beacons Accessories Decklytes FoAl7ses Inground Accessories Mailboxe5 Luminalre Visual Search : Back < Search Results 21 productis) I Page 1 of 1 I Show per page FAF ® 0 • �a ui I1.116 Composite IL136 Composite IUL516 Composite IL336 Composite IL -5D4 LED R2 13 Incandescent 13 Fluorescent inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Low Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage s s s 13 HID 14 HID 14 Incandescent 14 Fluorescent 15 Composite 12 Incandescent IF2 Fluwescent 125 HID Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Inground Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Inground Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage Line Voltage 1 { { A 125 Incandescent 125 Fluorescent 125 LCD Spot Optic 125 LED Narrow 125 LED Flood Optic Inground Inground Inground Flood Optic Inground Line Voltage Line Voltage Inground http://www.hadco.com/Hadco/Public/SearchVisual.aspx?FamId=11 2/28/2011 Sebastian Skate Survey 1. Days/Times: All days, 5-9pm 2. School: Elementary: 24% Middle: 5% High: 50% College/Above: 21% 3. City: Sebastian: 85% Vero Beach: 10% Fellsmere: 5% 4. Get to the park by: S. Payment Choice: 6. Fees to high? 7. # of skaters at a time Skate/Walk: 35% Car: 65% Each Time: 90% Fee Card: 10% Good: 40% Too high: 60% <10: 30% 15-20: 30% 25-30: 10% no limit: 30% 8. Belong to a club? Yes: 35% No: 65% Clubs: Treasure Coast Skate, New Blood Skate 9. Other parks in area? Melbourne, Palm Bay, Ft. Pierce 10. Like about the park: Cool/fun, lots of stuff, (names of ramps), 11. Changes/Improvements: New ramps, new wood/metal, "ask the skaters how to fix/setup the park", new setup, a "bowl", screws sticking up, new concrete (holes), no helmets@, free@ Worker agreement: Skaters are ages 10-22, skaters want to pay less/say they can't afford the fee, non -skaters are rarely a problem, no problems between younger and older skaters, none/rare problems, great place/fun, Worker disagreement: Fee ("fair" "excessive 1, maximum # skating at one time (6-9, 10-12,22) Worker requests: Digital version of waivers, higher fences, a "bowl", ramps need to be clamped down, repair holes in concrete, fix screws U(C 01, 1 P, 2h2 Pa " 1 01 11he Greenways ando Slueways Oda i I I ■ ImmaPi*Are 1 71 y y r n t. 1. M � • \' tr' l i Ponoromio @ akuzc Rcpz?rt a ero6 D it pna! er af. •. .P'P� Large Sidewalks (biking & walking): • North Indian River Drive • CR 512 (US 1 to Interstate 95) New Sidewalks: • Highlight quality sidewalks (such as Barber Street) connecting city parks Park Trails: • Stormwater Park • Hardee Park • Dale Wimbrow Park • Conservation area behind City Hall (paved path in the future?) *Proposed Paved Biking & WalkingTrail (2.5 miles): 0 Powerline Road (Georgia to Thunderbird) 4- Sebastian :. SebaaUin .0 Municipal Arpo—, Municipal + Golf Course LA Qz v. sip Nonh County �eglQfl-al Pa(k 12 2 NO Hol mans 11de Barter S1 I 1 11-1 0 0 rn same, j Isla oh 5 nd Club West. � a: � \� � . :��_� y. �� ��/\ � ,� /. f�`� tƒ + Signs & Maps: • Signs (maps and "bike" stop signs) created along trails and sidewalks • City-wide map showing all Greenways, connecting all city parks • Major improvement in signs & trail marking in City Hall Conservation Area Powerline Road: • 2.5 miles of paved biking & walking trail from Georgia to Thunderbird *if funding is not available, council can designate the road for a future trail, open now for mountain -biking or hiking Trail Head Parking?: • Thunderbird (south end of proposed Powerline Path) • Georgia (north end of proposed Powerline Path) • Roseland Road (north of airport for Conservation Area) Panpipmo akuZC- RLporl a cr 5b t pe '(Ca H Paths St. Sebastian River Access: Begins south of Stone Crop (near Concha Dam) • Stone Crop (proposed, with parking lot) • 510/512 • Wimbrow Park & Donald McDonald Park Sebastian Canals North (Hardee Park to 512) Access: • Hardee Park (proposed — signage only) Sebastian Canals South Concha Dam to 512 Access: • Ocean Cove (proposed —signage only) • Stormwater Park (proposed) Indian River County Lagoon • Riverview Park (signage only) • Other entry ways along lagoon? �o Paths lugways, Set Nit Sebastian Municipal + Golf Course c ke-glurial Park 12 1,2km 3,w 41 7l` Barbe iroef St j 0 h n"s' Islas Club West U01 1 T Signs & Maps: • Signs (maps and signs) created along river • Designate route, along with required boating regulations, along lagoon • Clear the river of trees & branches: create a "Friends of the Pelican Paths" society to voluntarily keep the river clear Kayak Canoe Launches: • Designation/Sign only: Hardee Park, Ocean Cove, Riverview Park • Dock and Steps: Stormwater Park • Parking Lot & River Access: Stone Crop • A1A, North Indian River Drive, Wabasso Bridge? • Future Dock/Access consideration at CR512/Wimbrow 30+ total miles of kayak/canoeing with 7 entry points!!! Create Greenway maps similar to this: JJ 0y ?a� n55ELLi_IiK`r WQ• Q O r�L IP WAVERLY OR 0 GRAHAM RDLL y O A FsCO L DAKOTA TRL r English EstaleS Ela nonlary J M — )M O 0 r TALBOT RD n > L FLAMING ARROW CT °m n A Kowannao L - L _.!!Park -, z Z M -1 M Gj,55 E`V�,.VO GO Legend s>•r Kenannee Trail Park School N E S SEf,&NJLE COU;JTY KEWANNEE TRAIL aupvoa q• Scmrco Cc�,,, &n uos: nrovm.m ana Tor bvr Senor MTS) Novy 2007 ..f romcnWyl gw.trob �o Paths lugways, Set Nit Sebastian Municipal + Golf Course c ke-glurial Park 12 1,2km 3,w 41 7l` Barbe iroef St j 0 h n"s' Islas Club West U01 1 T Signs & Maps: • Signs (maps and signs) created along river • Designate route, along with required boating regulations, along lagoon • Clear the river of trees & branches: create a "Friends of the Pelican Paths" society to voluntarily keep the river clear Kayak Canoe Launches: • Designation/Sign only: Hardee Park, Ocean Cove, Riverview Park • Dock and Steps: Stormwater Park • Parking Lot & River Access: Stone Crop • A1A, North Indian River Drive, Wabasso Bridge? • Future Dock/Access consideration at CR512/Wimbrow 30+ total miles of kayak/canoeing with 7 entry points!!! Create Greenway maps similar to this: JJ 0y ?a� n55ELLi_IiK`r WQ• Q O r�L IP WAVERLY OR 0 GRAHAM RDLL y O A FsCO L DAKOTA TRL r English EstaleS Ela nonlary J M — )M O 0 r TALBOT RD n > L FLAMING ARROW CT n A Kowannao L - L _.!!Park -, z Z M -1 M Gj,55 E`V�,.VO GO Legend s>•r Kenannee Trail Park School N E S SEf,&NJLE COU;JTY KEWANNEE TRAIL aupvoa q• Scmrco Cc�,,, &n uos: nrovm.m ana Tor bvr Senor MTS) Novy 2007 ..f romcnWyl gw.trob �o Paths lugways, Set Nit Sebastian Municipal + Golf Course c ke-glurial Park 12 1,2km 3,w 41 7l` Barbe iroef St j 0 h n"s' Islas Club West U01 1 �o Paths lugways, Set Nit Sebastian Municipal + Golf Course c ke-glurial Park 12 1,2km 3,w 41 7l` Barbe iroef St j 0 h n"s' Islas Club West U01 1 T Signs & Maps: • Signs (maps and signs) created along river • Designate route, along with required boating regulations, along lagoon • Clear the river of trees & branches: create a "Friends of the Pelican Paths" society to voluntarily keep the river clear Kayak Canoe Launches: • Designation/Sign only: Hardee Park, Ocean Cove, Riverview Park • Dock and Steps: Stormwater Park • Parking Lot & River Access: Stone Crop • A1A, North Indian River Drive, Wabasso Bridge? • Future Dock/Access consideration at CR512/Wimbrow 30+ total miles of kayak/canoeing with 7 entry points!!! Create Greenway maps similar to this: JJ 0y ?a� n55ELLi_IiK`r WQ• Q O r�L IP WAVERLY OR 0 GRAHAM RDLL y O A FsCO L DAKOTA TRL r English EstaleS Ela nonlary J M — )M O 0 r TALBOT RD n > L FLAMING ARROW CT n A Kowannao L - L _.!!Park -, z Z M -1 M Gj,55 E`V�,.VO GO Legend s>•r Kenannee Trail Park School N E S SEf,&NJLE COU;JTY KEWANNEE TRAIL aupvoa q• Scmrco Cc�,,, &n uos: nrovm.m ana Tor bvr Senor MTS) Novy 2007 ..f romcnWyl gw.trob ...and this for Blueways r--)LIIOW C FCCL F-addliner Trall Rallis State Park A-zl- NIM N N t)UIC-)W Creek radcllinSTrail raJJlingTrail Access Points Gamble kugLr' MEITr(.rll S[01e Park 3 2 Low-Cost Requests: In) �o U UJ l 1111111 MINI I I • Maps & Signs along Greenways and Blueways • Formation of "Friends of the Pelican Paths" to improve river, canals, and hiking/biking trails • Permission for local businesses/clubs to improve river, canals, and trails (Kayaks Etc., Florida Outdoor Center, Airborne Mountain Bike Club, Natural Resources Board, SRHS, other?) • Designation of Powerline Road as a future biking/walking trail Higher Cost Requests: • Kayak/Canoe Launches at Stone Crop & Stormwater Park • Paved Powerline Road (with future funding) • Parking lot for trail head at Thunderbird (& possibly Georgia) • Parking lot for trail head Roseland/North Airport (connect to City Hall) Questions? Comments? N-1 M FIT IRS