HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-2011 PZ MinutesChairman Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Dodd Mr. Durr Mr. Hepler ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 17, 2011 EXCUSED: Mr. Cardinale Mr. Roth ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Paul Mr. Carter (a) Mr. Reyes Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Joe Griffin, Airport Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney cso C m C m C 0 R� CL C cu (n m L 2 .c c p 0 N nag, Mr. Paul noted for the record that Mr. Cardinale and Mr. Roth have excused absences, and that Mr. Carter would be voting tonight. MOTION by Durr /Dodd to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2011 Regular Meeting and March 3, 2011 LPA Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by roll call. A. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN CITY OF SEBASTIAN HANGAR "B" 212 AIRPORT DRIVE EAST 14,946 SF HANGAR BUILDING Al (AIRPORT AND INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES) ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Paul opened the hearing and Mr. Ginsburg swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony. The Commissioners were asked if they had any exparte communication to disclose. There was none. Mr. Todd Howder, MBV Engineering, Inc., displayed the proposed site plan on the overhead monitor and screen, and reviewed the elements of the site plan, including location (adjacent to the LoPresti site, or Hangar "A" building), the 15,000 SF hangar building, landscaping, master stormwater system, parking, resurfacing of the existing PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2011 tarmac, and the wind turbine field. Mr. Howder stated the turbines would be a separate permit thru the building department and FAA because of the vertical component. Utilities were also discussed, as part of the airport's master plan. Ms. King explained, as noted in the staff report, that the actual turbines were not being approved tonight and would take a separate action, and this was listed as a recommended condition. Two other conditions were reviewed that the site needed to provide the one required loading zone, and indicate a lighting plan. Staff recommended approval of the site plan. Mr. Durr had questions regarding the utilities and credits for the landscaping. He noted that the 6 foot buttonwood trees should be 8 feet minimum and requested that the noted mulch be recycled. Mr. Dodd had questions regarding signage and the overflow interceptor drainage system for the building. Mr. Hepler requested clarification of the turbine location and significance to the project. Mr. Joe Griffin, Airport Director, reviewed the grant application history of the turbines, discussed some of the structural specifications, and explained that they would be used to help power the security lighting system for that area of the airport and the credit received would be on the city's electric bill. Mr. Paul asked for more information regarding the actual business that would be located in the hangar. Mr. Griffin detailed the V- Raptor's business plan manufacturing Velocity type aircraft. Public Input was opened. There were no proponents or opponents who spoke. Mr. Griffin clarified that the turbines were for the security lighting only and that the hangar would have a separate meter for their electrical use. Mr. Paul requested clarification regarding the "trucking" of parts to the building. Mr. Griffin anticipated that the parts would be delivered in small trailers, not 18 -wheel vehicles. The Commission further discussed with Mr. Griffin the security lighting, current electrical costs, turbine costs, cost savings, etc. Mr. Paul asked how many jobs V- Raptor may be creating. Mr. Griffin stated approx. 20 at the off -site building [on Gibson -130 Street] and 10 at the hangar. MOTION by Dodd /Hepler to approve the site plan for City of Sebastian Hangar "B" located at Sebastian Airport with the three conditions listed in the staff recommendations. Mr. Durr requested that another condition be added to require the buttonwoods be 8 feet tall and recycled mulch be used. Mr. Dodd and Mr. Hepler concurred to amend their motion. Mr. Dodd reiterated that the turbines were not included tonight. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Dodd yes 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2011 The vote was 6 -0. Motion passed. B. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN AND RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT WAIVER CLAMS R US 1624 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE MIXED USE: AQUACULTURE FACILITY AND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WAIVER REQUEST FOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS CWR (COMMERCIAL WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Paul opened the hearing and asked the Commissioners if they had any exparte communication. There was none. Mr. Ginsburg swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony during the hearing. Mr. David Knight of Knight, McGuire Associates, Inc., who represented the owner, Mr. Joesph Weismann, displayed a colored version of the proposed site plan on the overhead monitor and screen, and reviewed the boundaries of the overall property and then the developable area of the site (upland area). He described components of the proposed residential and aquaculture uses structures, the dock layout, phasing schedule and construction, state and environmental permits, and the difficulty in getting the riverfront landscaping onto the developable area. He reviewed the project's request for a waiver from the east side perimeter and east side foundation landscaping requirements. Ms. Bosworth reviewed additional items from the staff report including building height [measured from the BFE], parking requirements for the dock, site lighting, traffic statement information, LDC environmental requirements, and waiver history and considerations [root systems affecting the retaining wall, house on top of stormwater area]. Mr. Carter asked how many employees there would be. Mr. Knight stated it would be the owner and possibly one other helper. Mr. Dodd had questions regarding the construction of the structure over the stormwater pond and water overflow into the river, boat traffic, and his disappointment of the architectural elevations. He stated this was his main reason he could not support the project. Mr. Knight addressed the stormwater overflow concerns, and suggested a condition of approval to redesign the elevations. Mr. Reyes had questions regarding the date of the Environmental Site Summary, seagrass survey information and project impacts, fuel refilling, and the owner's current commercial activities [at another location]. Mr. Durr questioned, because of the mixed use, which of the landscaping requirements had to be met, residential or commercial. Staff detailed the difference, and stated since the Tess, commercial setbacks were used, commercial landscaping was required. He had concerns that an incorrect open space square- footage was used for tree calculations and zoning compliance. He also felt the building was too large for the site, and should have been revised instead of asking for a landscaping waiver, and that the size of the building did not create an "inordinate burden" for the Commission to grant approval. He clarified that the public or customers would not be coming to the site, had questions regarding the driveway drainage structure, existing easements, and proposed plant species. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2011 Mr. Paul also expressed his dislike of the building elevations, and did not want to end up with an unattractive residence if in the future the commercial use was abandoned. Staff, too, suggested to request a redesign of the elevations as a condition of approval since the structure would not be built until Phase III in 18 to 24 months. Mr. Knight stated the owner wanted to begin construction of the aquaculture facilities because he had some deadlines with the jurisdictional permits and would hate to see the initial phases held up because of the structure, which they would work on revising the elevations. Public Input was opened. There were no proponents who spoke. Opponents who spoke: Mr. Norm Adams, President of the Sebastian Village Condominium Resort Association, stated his objection for the site plan based on the Association's concerns with the size of the project on a small area of land, lack of architectural detail on the building, request for the landscape waiver, non compliance with established standards seen on surrounding properties, phasing details, traffic information, garage door location, current code enforcement violations on the vacant lot, the aquaculture structures, and the T -111 siding. Mr. Adams clarified for Mr. Paul that there were 12 condo owners. Mr. Greg Parker, condo owner, had concerns with smells that may come from the aquaculture facility, additional hovering birds, and also the garage -type elevations of the building. Staff addressed some of the opponent's questions and concerns. Mr. Dodd questioned the city attorney regarding the Commission's option to only approve a portion of the phases, specifically approving the commercial use but denying the residential. The Commission discussed this option, again relaying their displeasure mostly with the building elevations. Mr. Ginsburg clarified that some action must be taken on all three phases. There was further discussion regarding open space and the inclusion of wetland area, and an explanation by staff of the required SCADL (School Concurrency Availability Determination Letter) for the proposed residential use. The Commission discussed the option of deferring a decision to a later meeting so that the owner and Mr. Knight could work on revising the elevations and possibly the lay -out of the building, and also re -work the landscaping regarding the waiver request. MOTION by Dodd /Paul to "defer the site plan for Clams R Us for further review requesting that the applicant modify the design of the residential structure and to view the possibility of making it smaller and fit the overall theme." ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Durr yes Mr. Carter yes The vote was 6 -0. Motion passed. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2011 A recess was taken at 9:07 p.m., and the meeting resumed at 9:11 pm. All members were again present. C. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT WAIVER FISHERMAN'S LANDING 1532 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE WAIVER REQUEST FOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS CWR (COMMERCIAL WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Staff requested that this item be deferred to the April 7 2011 PZC meeting. MOTION by Paul /Dodd to defer the quasi judicial public hearing for the Riverfront Overlay District waiver for Fisherman's Landing at 1532 Indian River Drive for landscaping requirements to the next meeting. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Hepler yes The vote was 6 -0. Motion passed. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Hepler requested information from staff that more clearly defined the "fishing village" look. Staff stated they would have a packet for the Commissioners for next meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to be given full -size site plans instead of tonight's trial 11 X 17 size plans. They were too small to fully read all of the information. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Ginsburg stated he could not attend the May 7 PZC meeting. Chairman Paul adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. (3/31/11 db) 5