HomeMy WebLinkAbout05242011-BudgetAgendaPacketAgenda Attachments: CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY MAY 24, 2011 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Cali to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes' A. Meeting of March 22, 2011 5. Review Second Quarte'ly Report FY 2010/2011 6. Board Discussion of Upcoming Budget FY 201'1;2012 7. Adjourn Minutes for Meeting of March 22, 2011 Draft 2' Quarterly Report Amended Budget Calendar SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Committee Members Present: Adrina Davis William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Jerry Kienck Harry Marshal Christine Vicars Brad White (absent unexcused) Al Alvarez (Alternate) (absent) 5. Approval of Minutes: A. Meeting of July 12. 2010 B. Meeting of August 18, 2010 HOME Of PEI]CAN ISLAND TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 6:00 P.M. SEBASTIAN CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Chairman Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Roll Call: Staff Present: City Manager, Al Minner (Ex Officio Member) Administrative Services Director. Debra Krueger Finance Director, Ken Killgore City Clerk, Sally Maio 4. Introduction of Members Each Board and Staff member introduced him /herself and gave a brief background. Chairman Herlihy said the Committee needs to select a Chairman and Vice Chairman_ MOTION by Mr. Davis and SECOND by Mr. Klenck to appoint Ed Herlihy as Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. MOTION by Mr. Herlihy and SECOND by Mr. Klenck to appoint Chris Vicars as Vice Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. MOTION by Mr. Marshall and SECOND by Mr Davis to approve the minutes passed unanimously on a voice vote. Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board March 22, 2011 Page Two C. Comments by City Manager The City Manager said if anyone on staff can do anything to help members they are always welcome said this is a kickoff meeting for FY 2012 and for thee quarter 2011 budget amendment, and gave brief highlights on the good audit report just received and some of the minor adjustments made as recommended by GASB, which makes the books more open_ He said staff has started on some FY 2012 issues, and two things discussed this morning among staff were that they are developing a plan, and while assessed values may continue to decrease, other revenues may be up, which are not quite balancing but helping, and the budget could be offset by those slight increases. He said this year's big worries are where ad valorem is going and personnel health insurance costs, and those issues will not be known until summer when the valuation comes in, insurances are bid and we deal with union negotiations. Mr. Klenck said last year the Board made a motion to have Council take a look at the additional one cent gas tax available to the County and asked whether Council had considered it and what was the outcome. The City Manager said he didn't think the Council picked that up and would ask the Clerk to research it, but the answer was probably no, noting we may not be able to tap into it Mr. Klenck said we are one of only 18 counties that don't use it and he did not understand why. The City Manager said our elected officials have shied from any tax increases and it is a political issue. The Administrative Services Director said she would look into it. Mr. Klenck asked if there had been any further action on police officers taking cars home. The City Manager responded that during negotiations on the PD CBA last summer, management did not press hard on that issue due to other concessions being requested, i.e., furloughs merit, COLA and health insurance issues. He said the PBA argued the furlough days, so in FY 10 they fled a grievance on that issue, and in FY 11 we bogged down on continuance of furlough, no merit and no COLA and also tried to decrease the City's contribution for health insurance. He said for FY 11 the City asked for a $25 contribution from employees for health insurance. which helped the City pick up $25,000 from both unions. so they did not get to the take home policy which will be discussed for FY 12. Mr. Klenck said the Press Journal noted that the cost of the take home policy was $53,707. The Administrative Services Director said staff calculates the cost at $25,000, and that the newspaper editorial was probably based an the IRS mileage estimate. The City Manager said there is a benefit of having vehicles in the neighborhoods, noting most agencies utilize this and it is a show of force. that the City had not enforced their 20 mile radius, and reiterated they have shown the actual cost to be closer to $25,000. Mr. Klenck asked if this is a taxable income issue. The City Manager said the Police Department is exempt from that. Mr. Klenck said the article says 19 cars are going out Mr_ Klenck then asked about the huge jump in cash reserves, and Mr. Killgare said this was simply reflective of projects that have not yet been completed. 2 Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board March 22, 2011 Page Three Mr, Davis asked if the City Manager intended to continue with the 25% contribution from employees for health care. The City Manager said it was actually a $25 employee contribution, and explained that one of the problems with early budgeting is that in these conversations we go in eighty directions and then we use three of them. He said staff has really taken it on the chin. has kept a positive attitude. is accomplishing things, but as we continue to get tighter, there are few things we can look at to balance the budget and it may not appropriate to talk about that nine months out. He said he thinks there is a plan, staffs know where the financial blocks are, and he wanted to avoid the trepidation that employees feel as they hear and read about these issues. Mr. Herlihy agreed with him, saying until you know what the revenue figures are, you can only speculate. He read from an article which notes nearly 20% of all Florida homes are vacant and questioned what that will do to assessed valuation, and questioned will this year be even tighter than last year and have we seen the bottom. Mr. Klenck asked what the second of two police vehicles listed in the documents was. The Finance Director responded that this shows projects carried forward from the last fiscal year noting one vehicle was not delivered and paid for from the previous year, and when it is, it can be closed out. The Administrative Services Director said actually the Police vehicle replacement budget decreased from $385,000 to $276,500 for current FY 2011. The City Manager briefly addressed the airport issues, noting the airport fund is currently $750,000 in the hole owes the general fund $200K loaned to pay off a settlement, and owes about $500K to DST for grant match for Hangar A and Hangar B projects, noting the other monies for those projects were FDOT grant funded. He said conceptually where they are going is really positive, citing the airports' use as an economic development tool, such as LoPresti and V- Raptor which have and will bring in 28 and 20-25 new jobs respectively. He said staff has been successful with marketing office space in the Airport Administration building at a cost of $8 per square foot, improvements and infrastructure have been completed on the Airport Industrial Road on the east side and attempts are being made to do the same on the west side. Mr. Flaherty asked if management looks at what other cities are doing with employee issues. The City Manager responded the City obtains data from Tike cities, with similar populations and services. He listed some of the cities and said we like to try to stay in the middle of all of them when it comes to salary and health care. He also added the City's health care provider also provides a good market basket of benefits and we also throw in the school district. D Review First Quarterly Rer�art FY 2011 The Finance Director gave a brief overview of the first quarter budget amendment, noting that every quarter a budget amendment resolution is brought before City Council reflecting necessary changes to the adopted budget, citing in Exhibit 'A° the changes reflected in this amendment are minor general fund adjustments which have already been approved by the City Manager under his authority. and the carry forward balances in various other funds previously noted. 3 Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board March 22, 2011 Page Four He reviewed the General Fund Summary, citing the decrease in carry forward cash reserves to $4.9M, stating that if you look at the FY 2010 CAFR, staff took the lead in Changing its governmental accounting practice which required us to present the fund balances differently than had been done in the past. He said under the new practices, the overall fund balance of S4.9M as one number won't be found in the financial statements, but is now broken into categories which will add up to the total available funds which aren't tied up in things such as inventory, prepaid insurance, or loans or advances, and what is shown in committed is money to be spent but was not spent by year end. Mr. Killgore noted on the spending side the departments overall are at about 22 which is better than in prior years for the first quarter. Mr. Flaherty said coming from the private side and as a novice to municipal budgeting, he is curious to know what percentage of revenues are expected in the first quarter and are we getting what we are supposed to be getting. Mr. Killgore said there are more detailed excel sheets in the Finance that show a clearer picture of revenues received. He noted local option gas tax and discretionary sales tax revenues only reflect two months of receipts due to their accrual process. He continued with a brief detail of the other miscellaneous revenue funds on page two, and enterprise funds on page three, noting the Golf Course fund is showing a negative, but that they had paid off their bond and no longer have debt service which hopefully will erase the negative numbers He said Building revenues came in slightly higher than expected. Mr. Killgore said, on the spending side, department expenses came in overall at approximately 22 and there were no significant issues. He then went on to the Capital Project Status Report and Mr. Flaherty, using police vehicles as the example, noting the difference in the original budget of $385,000 and total expenditure of $210,981 and its difference with the balance to complete number of $174,018, asked if we are on target. Mr. Killgore said there will be an additional $20K to $25K corning in for final payment and that they will be able to see a clearer picture in the 2 quarter budget arriendment. in response to Mr. Davis, Mr. Kiligore reiterated that the carry forward amount reflects funds approved in this fiscal year but not received or paid for Mr. Killgore went on to briefly explain the City's investments in the total amount of $10,563,232 as set out in the Quarterly Investment Report in the agenda packet. noting that the City recently employed a new investment advisor, cited the breakdown of the City's investments in SBA. CDs. and US Treasury and Agency Bonds, further detailed in the report. He closed by briefly describing the individual department accomplishments' report. Mr. Flaherty noted in the original budget we list goals a nd objectives for each department and said he was trying to correlate those with the listed accomplishments in this report to ascertain if those goals were either accomplished or still on the radar. 4 Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board March 22, 2011 Page Five The City Manager said staff tries to have a program performance based line item budget. but we don't keep up with those goals every year, there may be some collaboration and sometimes we do, but we have not been aggressive in updating the goats that get repeated. He said we try to keep goals broad, Council does a good job of letting staff know what they want to do, and staff does a good job of getting those things done. He said some of the reports are micro and perhaps someone could correlate the goals to them, and maybe we need to do a better job of setting goals. Mr. Flaherty said it is all good stuff, there is tremendous of amount happening and its good to know. The City Manager said the Clerk, Council and Finance Department goals are concise, but as you get into some of the other departments they are so busy trying to get things done. the last thing you look at is their goals and objectives, and he looks at this as constructive criticism and perhaps needs to be tightened up. In response to Mr. Klenck, the City Manager said the City Garage is consolidated under Public Works. The Administrative Services Director said her office can provide an up to date budget report and then explained recent changes including the hiring of a new Garage Superintendent, Greg Schmidt, the new oil and gas company offer, new inventory, elimination of excess some which is going to auction, and cited Mr. Schmidt's organization and efficiency skills. Mr. Herlihy asked if there is any upward trend for the Golf Course. The City Manager said he thinks the first quarter report shows signs of coming back, the two recent months have been very strong. and he did not see a problem with them hitting their estimate. the negative being the low threshold, Mr. Herlihy asked about the Building Fund and the City Manager said staff budgeted extremely low at $355$50 but the department is already at 40% of budgeted revenues He did note that building development will slow down in the summer, while Golf Course activity will increase. Mr. Klenck asked if we are still working on annexation. The City Manager said he did not see Council making an aggressive push on annexation, said we had kept in touch with Ansen in regard to the property at CR 510 and CR 512 which they ultimately decided not to annex at least for the near future. Mr. Herlihy said this budget amendment will be presented to Council tomorrow night, said sometimes someone from this Board comments to Council, and asked if the mem bers would like him to make brief comments on what occurred at this meeting. He noted that in the recent 2010 audit report no problems were found, and this is something the public needs to know. There were no objections to his making a report. E. Discussion Regarding Committee Functions and Meetings for 2011 Set Meeting Schedule He said the next meeting is scheduled for May 9, departments submit their budgets the middle of May, estimated property value is available June 1, and the Committee will get the budget on June 17. He said if the Board needs an additional meeting between June 17 and June 28 it can schedule that at a later time, he cited the Boards report to Council 5 Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board March 22, 2011 Page Six scheduled for July 19. The City Manager asked it they could keep the schedule as it is for now, noting they will have contact with him and staff. Mr. Flaherty said it is a formidable document. and when the Board meets on June 28 there will be a lot. and might we need more time. The City Manager said we could break it down into funds, and talk about the schedule a little more at the May meeting. Mr. Herlihy said there is more and more participation and it may need to be broken down and agreed we can see where we are at the May meeting, He encouraged members to meet individually with the City Manager. The City Manager said there are other committees that need to see the budget, citing Parks and Recreation and Planning and Zoning input on the CIP. Mr. Herlihy said this Board has not spent much time discussing the Capital budgets in the past, and that needs to be discussed. In response to Mr. Flaherty. the City Manager said his time is available to anyone even if there is duplication in questions, and he is never too busy to speak with them_ Mr. Herlihy expressed concern about the Sunshine Law and its effect on their ability to speak to one another The City Manager said he and the Administrative Services Director and Finance Director are interchangeable on the budget, and if the members talk to one. they have talked to all 10, Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 7:19 p.m. 6 Subject: Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget. Approved for Submittal by: Al Milliner, City Manager Move to approve R-11 l 3 a HOME Or PtL.UCAtt ISLAND City of Sebastian, Florida Exhibits: Resolution Nu. R -11 -I3 2 Quarter Comparison of Actual to Budget Capital Project Status Reports as of March 31, 2011 Schedule of Investments as of March 31, 2011 2 Quarter Accomplishments Agenda No, Department Origin: .\dminis[ra (ve; S�rviccs. City Atto ney: City Clerk: Date Submitted: May. 20. 2011 For Agenda of: May 25, 2011 SIJ%Th1ARY Pursuant to City financial policies. budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included_ This report is scheduled to he reviewed bv the Budget Committee on May 24. 201 l here are no changes to the General Fund budget vv lik± require budget amendment approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution. the C iiy Mlanager may approve budget transfers within u Department and make adjustments necessary to implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council Accordingly, the City Manager approved adjustments to record additional revenues and expenditures of $30.118 for an exchange for new automatic defibrillators by the Police Department and $2,421 for a refund from a previous purchase being, applied to the purchase of equipment needed for evidence collection. For the Discretionary Saks Tax Fund, the City Manager is requesting approval for reductions tnade for police vehicle replacements equaling $173,552 and reductions fi_rr required upgrades to the M NES accounting software equaling $2.448. For the Recreation Impact Fee Fund, the City Mana.gcr is requesting approval for reductions made for the splash pad canopy equaling 529.197 and reductions for the Periwinkle Storntwatcr Park equaling 5489, All the above amounts are identified in Exhibit "A" attached to the Resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION RESOLUTION NO. R -11 -13 A RESOLUTION OF 'HIE CITY OF SEI3AS'I'IAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2010 .AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A PROVI1)INC FOR CONFLICTS; A.NI) PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DA'Z'E. WHF.REAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R -10 -31 on September 22. 2010 approving the City's 2010-11 huclget. also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City ofSehastitin adopted Resolution No. R -1 1 -07 on March 23, 2011 regarding revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended December 31, 2010; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures fir the three (3) months ended March 31, 201 1 has indicated that adjustments are necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has previous approved those adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resod ut ion NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian. Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning. October 1, 2010 and ending September 30, 2011 be amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A the revised appropriations set out therein are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian. Indian River County. Florida. Section 1 All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. 11 was rnoved for adoption by Councilrnerttber The motion was seconded by Counctlntentber and, upon king put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Jinn f l]l! 'Vice -Mayor 1)on Wright Councilmernher Andrea Coy Cnuncilrrrerrrlier Richard 1f- Gillmor Councilinerntier Eligen Wolff Thc Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 25 day of May 2011. ATTEST: Salle A \'laic, MMC City C. lcrlc CITY ()F' SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA fey: Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form illr[l content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Robert A. Cin'hnrg. ['its Attorney. FUND TITLE GENERAL Revenues Expenditures LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX Revenues Expenditures DISCRETIONARY SALES 'TAX Revenues Expenditures RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT Revenues Expenditures IIFC:RFATION IMPACT FEE Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER UTILITY FEE Revenues hapend i tures LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE Revenues Expenditures DST DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER DEIST SERVICE FUND Revenues ExpendiIures GOLF COURSE Revenues Expenses AIRPORT Rex clines Expenses BUILDING Revenues Expenses EXHIBIT "A" IU DG ET BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS 5 10.472,292 5 32.539 10.472,292 32.539 f ,975,892 1,97' ,892 2.9 04,32.1 2.904,324 977.096 977.096 620,519 620.519 1.1 38.977 1.138,977 10.250 1 0,2 50 1.020.411 1,020.411 439.999 43 1.297.8114 1.297.M 395.070 395.070 465,740 465,740 TOTAL BUDGET 5 21,718,454 FY 2011 2ND QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS (176,000) (176,000) (2x1,686) (29,686) 5 (173.147) AMENDED BUDGET AFTER ADJUSTMEN'T'S 10,504,831 10,504,831 1.975.892 1,975,892 2,728.324 2,728,3 24 977,096 977.096 590.833 590,8.3 1,138,977 1,138,977 10,250 10,250 1,020.411 1,020,4 t 1 439.999 439,999 1,297.884 1,297,884 395.070 395,070 465,740 465,740 1; 21,545,3117 Description GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TAXES LICEti1SES PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGE$ FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEI IS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES ITY COUNCIL. CITY MANAGER SITY CLERK _EGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES POLICE DEPARTMENT I'%U9LIC WORKS GROWTH MANAGEMLN I NON DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA C(»1 PAR ISON OF ACT II :AL TO BUDGET END t }F'2iND QUARTER FISCAL. YEAH.S2009, 2910 AND 291 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET 5.097,772 7,934 958 6 4,824,325 7 531,430 64.1% 4,201,952 7,179,708 58.5% 15.102 55.200 27.4% 16,813 51 400 32.7% 12.425 44,650 27 8% 799,334 2 38.9% 813,304 1,723.105 47.2% 770,955 1.836,540 42.0% 146,386 327,301 44,7% 151.601 289,147 52.4% 134,576 286.550 47.0% 27,765 59.600 46 6% 2.4,484 55,000 62.7% 37,323 65 500 57.0% 125.958 490.759 25.7% 106,343 423,190 25.1% 109.813 338 124 32.5% 402.696 949,080 42 4% 362,444 848,909 45.1 368.363 753 759 46.9% 6,615,013 11,871.515 55.7% 6.329,315 10922,181 57.9% 5,635407 10.504831 536% 5,619,935 5.074.000 110.8% 5,534,856 6,131.749 90.3% 4,962 399 5,068,245 97,9% 12,234,948 16,945,515 72.2% 11,864,111 17,053,930 69$% 10,597,806 15,573,076 68.1% 24,445 54,065 45.2% 22,277 52,117 42 794, 21,584 49,70E 43.4% 124,841 269,956 46 2% 116,187 254,450 45 7% 104,272 234,642 44.4% 133.105 297,087 44.8% 154,065 296,444 52 0% 128,773 272,792 47.2% 119,961 194,494 61.7% 50.925 125,340 40 6% 48,917 125,785 38.9% 289,3'1 578,543 50.3% 247,835 492,658 50 3% 246,059 478,562 51.4% 121,110 266,344 45.7% 113,227 266.913 42.4% 114,49E 246.908 46 0% 2.278,451 4,826,931 47.2% 2.214,526 4.675,788 47.4% 2.209,726 4.807,989 46 0% 1.943,8'6 4,319.990 45.0% 1,673,847 3,694,008 45.2% 1.451.630 3.386,604 42 9* 167,115 382.856 43.6% 175.469 437,156 40.1% 165 923 348,734 47 6% 556,516 679,131 81.9% 491 362 527.277 78 3% 381 881 552,107 69 1% 5,759,331 11,869,427 48.5% 5,256,720 10,922,181 48.1% 4,873,061 10,504,831 46.4% 6,475,617 5,076,088 127 6% 6,607,451 6,131,749 107.8% 5,724,745 5,068,245 113.C% 12,234,948 16,945,515 72,2% 11,864,171 17,053,930 69.6% 1D.591,80 68.1% Property tax collections during the first quarter this year are lover than last year due to the decline in taxable values. Business Licenses are now being accounted for in the Building Enterprise Fund. Fines and Forfeits Include collection of Code Enforcement liens, which have increased over poor years_ Miscellaneous Revenues continues to be IOW versus b,idget because of limited investment returns Total Sources induces the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves For the 2011 Annual Budget, we cid not anticipate using any cash reserves. Spending by all the Departments are al! within the 50% of budget tone -half of the fiscal year except Administrative Services. Admrnis1rative Services is slightly higher because of the payment for the annual audit. The Non departmental category is over 50% cf budget because the City's total annual contribution to the CRA Fund was made rn the first quarter. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES DEBT SERVICE OTHER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 287,260 172,834 460,094 150 000 100 318 115 446 366,764 95,330 460,094 Refinancing the Paving Loan provided funds for additional paving work and lowered the annual debt service requirement 2011 actual beginning cash reserves included the amount of loan proceeds that had net been exoended by the end of last fiscal year. 2nd Quarter Year -to -Date Revenue reflects just f monthly payrnenrs due 10 accruals. 1.002,092 2,411.939 3,414,031 300.000 239,016 215,784 754,800 140,000 894,800 2,478,000 2,626,000 5,104,000 586.981 3.267 957 586,981 3 267.957 2,,877,050 1.838,043 3,414,031 5.104,000 754.800 38.1% 140,000 123.5% 894,800 51.4% 18.0% 18.0% 154.0% 66.9% 1 2,715,729 3.167,006 85 8% 236.564 523,521 37.9% 226.792 152,559 148.7% 1,392.655 1,401,543 99 4* 2,942,521 3,319,565 88.6% 1,629,239 2,025,064 80.5% 50 0% 1 180,439 42 0% 188.118 54 0% 48 E% 1,368.557 66 7% 1 573 964 51.4% 2,942,521 180.439 100.0% 324.100 58 4 A 1,250,461 0.0% 2, 755,000 49..i° 564,565 278.8% 3, 319566 88.6% a 132,207 155,415 949,586 1,237 208 392,031 1,629,239 264.463 250,000 175,000 589,463 1.335,601 2,025,064 2nd quarter revenue reflects lust five months paymerts, because the October payment for Se.ptember collections was accourted for in 2010 50 :0% 62.2% 542 6% 179 4% 29.4% 80.5% 40.4% 982,322 2,510,445 39 1 °/0 979,159 2 349.593 41.7% 91.8* 1,404,945 1,904,156 73.8% 1,329.570 1,292,080 102.9% 68.9% 2,387,267 4,414,601 54.1% 2,308,729 3,641,673 63.4% 1 120,494 3.673 83C 30.5% 909,191 2.728,324 33.3% 3 .120,494 3.573,830 30.5% 909,191 2,728 324 33.3% 1,766,773 740,771 171.0% 1,399.535 913..349 153 2% 2,387,267 4,414,601 54,1% 2,308,729 3,641,673 63.4% Pescrioti9R RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES OPERATING EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES OTHER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OFSEBASTIArs'', FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2N1) QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2009, 20 I 0 AND 2011 FY2009 FY201 D 2nd Qtr VTD BUDGET 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 2,748 BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 24206 TOTAL SOURCES 26,954 EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUND MISC REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING •CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES 511.341 355,965 867,306 537,023 95 2% 293,774 121 2% 830,797 1 Dd 4 65,867 104,987 62 7% 107,847 168.100 64 2% 309.781 619,561 50.0% 7,120.491 411,500 272.3% 375848 724,548 51.8% 1,228,341 579,600 211.9% 491 658 105.249 462.7% 376.245 286,742 131.2% 867,306 830.797 104.4% 1.604,586 865,342 185.2% Fures paid by the City and County are included in the second quar..er year-to-date revenues RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 13,343 135,000 9.9% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,325,089 1,300,000 101.9% TOTAL SOURCES 1338,432 1.435.000 93 3% 1,338,432 1,338,432 175,000 0.0% 16,586 287,596 175,000 0 0 18.586 267,596 1,260,000 106.2% 1,037,480 673,115 1,435,060 93 3% 1,054,066 940,711 8,705 476,318 485,023 1,372.167 1.857, 190 4,604 22,350 26,954 3,500 1,452,635 1,456,135 582.452 2,038.557 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 375 300 DEBT SERVICE 1,033,256 1,034,631 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,033,631 1,034,931 ENDING CASH RESERVES (305.091/ 210,000 TOTAL USES 728.540 1,244,931 245 7% 32 8% 33.3% 235.6'/5 91.1% 11,000 25 0% 23,000 105.2% 34,000 79.3% 15,500 29.7% 18, 120 8% 34.000 79 3% 25.0 99.9% 99,9% 1x5.3% 58 5% 2 57 ^,193 1.033,393 1.604,586 20.673 1,033,393 1. 054,056 A number of protects are being furled from cash reserves. STORMWATER UTILTY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 695,620 897.200 77,5% 713,877 BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,161,570 1,141,387 101.8% 1 012,003 TOTAL SOURCES 1,657,190 2,036,587 91.1°70 1,725,880 535 754 535.754 1,190,126 1 725,880 516,479 1 032,957 50 C% 517,932 708 1,974 35.9% 1,287 517.187 1,034 931 50.0% 519,219 211 353 210 000 100 6% 338,906 728,540 1,244.931 58.5% 858.125 599,092 95,3% 267,250 386.7% 866,342 185.2% 56,247 36.8% 13.722 30,79' 44.6% 864.464 116 8% 1,106,310 853 307 129.6% 940.711 112.0% 1.120, 032 884 098 126 7% 5.21 6.2 154.1% 112.0% 677,344 81 4% 651,397 155 4% 1,528.741 112 9% 100 0.0°1 1020.454 52.56 1 020554 52 5% 508,187 234.2% 1, 528,741 112.9% Stormwater fee collections have declined due to property owners receiving credits allowed by the 0 their prorerties 6 099 10.20D 59.8% 51 947 20,970 247.7% 58,046 31,170 186.2% 4.079 53.967 58,046 675 669,947 890,522 32,497: 858,125 0.075 31 ,170 173 1% 31.170 186.2% 1,035,869 50.0% 1,000 128.7% 1,036,869 50 I% 214 358 158.1% 1. 251 227 68 6% 300 1.036,569 1036,869 214,358 1,251,227 2nd Qtr YTIa BUDGET 299,076 682,591 981.667 50,097 44,903 95,000 886,667 981 667 57,254 57.254 1,062 778 1,120 032 693,837 588,841 1,282,678 100 0.0% 1,138.877 41.2% 1,138,977 41.2% 305 263 266 4% 1 444.240 88 8% 469.439 469 439 813 1 282,678 rdinance for stormwater 581 73,160 74,041 1,260 72,781 74,041 FY2011 These funds are used for the DARE Program for vesicle towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND 300.382 99.6% 676,714 '00.9% 977, 096 100.5% 120,727 365,000 485,727 491 369 977.096 843,200 601.040 1.444,240 41.5% 12 3% 19 5% 180.4% 100.5% 590.833 590,833 9 7% 293,265 362 4% 564,098 126.1% 52 3% 98.3% 88 a% facilities they made to 10,250 52,609 62,859 62.859 62,859 8.5% 139 1% 117 0.0% 1' 5.8% 17.8% 498,778 997,557 50.0% 2,166 22,854 9 5'16 500,944 1,020,411 49.1% 1,554,654 1,541,577 100.81/4 2,055.598 2,561,988 80,2% 225 01/4 675 300 225.0% 85 9% 897,841 1,019 279 88,1% 55 91/4 898,516 1,019 579 88.1% 15.2% 1,157,082 1,542.409 75.0% 58.6% 2,055, 598 2,551,988 80.21/4 Al the end of 2009 with the rating dowrgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve, additional funds had to be transferred to the Band Fund Cash Reserves. Description 2nd STORMWATER UTILITY BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUND; MISC REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES Debt service to date includes the GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES MISC REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CAS1 I RESERVES TOTAL SOU PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAP/ FAL OUTLAY TRANSFER TO PROJECTS DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL. SOURCES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2N[) QUARTER FISCAL YF.ARS 2009, 2010 AND 2(111 Qtr YTS BUDGET 20.068 240 220.308 20,541 240,849 92,943 92,943 147,907 240,849 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 440.135 875 441,010 20,470 461,480 50 0% 27.4% 5 "00.3% 52.2% 441,010 21.1% 441,010 21 1% 20,470 722.6% 461,480 52.2% payments of orinc pal and nterest on She bonds. 931,578 24.1'7 955,695 767,043 1722,738 167 822 513.080 89,576 770,478 952,260 1,722,738 1.613, 050 172,627 1,785,677 756,000 2,551,677 386.301 995,642 98,744 304,990 1,785,677 766,000 2,551.677 57.8% 14.0% 53.5% 100.1% 67.5% 43.4% 51 5% 90 7% 0 0% 43.196 124.3% 67.5% Stiorralls in actual revenues required the use of Cash Reserves to meet total expenditures over the past couple of years.11 is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves and pro shop inventory exceeding liabilities but at the end of 2010, we would not have enough cash on hand to pay off accrued r absences and refund prepaid memberships and customer credits. 2010 was the last year of debt service on the Bonds and we are hopeful that we can begin to correct this 180,766 30 000 602 6% 186,945 371,219 50.4% 189,131 345,855 54 7% 8,627 30.000 28 8% 31,148 17,000 183,2% 5,296 49,215 12.8% 189,393 60,000315 7% 218.093 388,219 56 2% 195,427 395,070 49.5% 84.081 155,000 54.2% 10.346 65,784 15.7% (7,625) (96,942t 7.9% 273,474 215,000 127.2% 228,439 454,003 50 3% 187,802 298,128 63.0% 111,963 232.065 48. 109,•595 231.369 47.5% 104,233 230,275 45.3% 62,765 101 03' 62.1% 9 1 53.9% 378 370 156.245 242,214 0.0% 8,105 0,0% 4. 0.0% 26.296 75 464 34.9% 8,550 0.0% 0 0% 0.0% 5,550 0.0% 8,550 0.0% 201,024 408,560 49.2% 221.318 388,219 57.0% 487,398 395,070 123.4% 72,450 (193,5601 37.4% 7,121 65,784 10.8% I299,59 (96,942; 309.3% 273,474 215,000 "27.2% 228.439 454.003 50 3% 187 802 298 128 63 014 Cash Reserves have been used to meet total expenditures and equired grant matching funds over the past several years It is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves exceeding liabilries but at the end of each year. we have not had enough cash on hand to pay of accrued compensated absences and other liabilities 217,011 536,207 40.5% 1,008,089 1, 035,000 557.4 1 225,100 1,571,207 76.0% 180 462 398 541 45 2% 60 209 137,356 43.8% 240 871 536,207 44.9% 984.429 1 035,000 95.1% 1 225,100 1 571.207 78.0% 2nd CO YTD BUDGET 2nd r YTI BUDGET 3 210,120 438,240 50.0% 219,439 438,8 50.3% 310 120 258 3% 110 1,122 9.8% 219.430 438,360 50.114 219.549 439.999 49.9% 85,876 20,686 415.1% 182.951 182.932 100.0% 305,306 459,046 68 5% 402,500 622.931 64.6% 89118 438,360 20 3% 439 410 439,911 99.9% 89,118 438,360 20.3% 439,410 439,911 999% 216,189 20 686 1045.1% (36,910) 183,020 -20 2% 305,306 459.046 86.5% 402,500 622,931 64.6% 841,700 20,586 862,286 542,988 1,405,274 155 059 464 645 7,375 627,079 778,195 1,405,274 1 483.200 112,713 1,595,913 764,318 2,360,231 350.023 922.790 10.000 313,100 1 595,913 764,318 2,360,231 56 7% 18 3% 54 0% 71 0% 59.5% 44.3% 50 4% 0.0% 2.4% 39 3% 101.8% 59.5% 140153 489.334 28.6% 221 ,228 485,740 47.5% 795,913 779,429 102.196 554,519 504 899 109.8% 936,066 1.268,763 73.8% 775,747 970 639 79.9% 87,482 379,674 23.0% 178.298 367.626 48.5% 23,734 '09,660 216% 55.942 98,114 57.01' 111.215 489,334 22.7% 234,240 465,740 50 3% 824 851 779,429 105.8% 541,507 504,899 107 3% 936 056 1,268,763 73.8% 775,747 970,539 79,9% 860 325 16.614 876,942 335,546) 540.996 151,134 463,84E 10,000 624,980 (63,954) 540,996 1,261.474 36,410 1,297,684 (36 7,001) 930,883 58.1% 68.2% 45 6 4 575% 91.5% 340,270 44.4% 956,539 48.5% 0.0% 1,075 0.1P /4 1,297,884 48.2% .367,001) 22 9% 930,883 581% Ending Cash Reserves have steadily declined due to the economic s urnp However, Beginning Cash Reserves for 2011 were slightly hic her than anticipated Description GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMENTS CITY OF' SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO RUM AT END OF ZNI) QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2009, 2010 AND 2011 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 2nd Q#r YTD BUDGET 2rld Qtr YTD BUDGET 2nd Gtr YT13 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL Personnel 11,390 22,755 50.1% 11,390 22,742 50.1% 11,382 22 761 5C.0% Operating 13,055 31,310 41 7% 10.887 29,375 37.1% 10,202 26 947 37.9% Totals 24,445 54,065 45 2% 22,277 52,1' 7 42.7% 21,584 49 708 43.4% CITY MANAGER Personnel 120,104 265,486 45.2% 113,547 250,455 45.3% 103 280 229,734 45.0% Operating 4,737 4 500 '05.3% 2,640 4,025 65.6% 992 4,908 20.2% Totals 124,8.41 269.988 46 7°I% 116,18' 254 480 45.7% 104 272 234,642 44 4% CITY CLERK Personnel 115,037 252,302 45.5% 109.870 240,794 45 6% 108,074 243.373 44.4% Operating 18,068 44,765 40.3% 44.195 55,850 79 4% 20,699 29.419 70.4% Totals 133,105 297,087 44 3% 154 035 296,444 52 0% 128.773 272,792 47.2% LEGAL Personnel 78,222 81,636 95.3% 0 0 0 0 C 0 0.0% Operating 41,739 112,858 37,0% 53,925 125.340 40.6% 48,917 125,785 38.9% Totals 119,961 194,494 61.7% 50.925 125,340 40.6% 48 917 125,785 38 9% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel 224,432 499.528 44.9% 183 067 408,939 448% 179,607 397,517 45 2% Operating 64,939 79,015 82 2% 64.768 83,719 77 4% 66,452 81.045 82 C'% Totals 289,371 578,543 5C 0% 247.835 492 658 50 3% 246,059 478.562 51.4% MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES Personnel 95.976 217,279 44 2% 92.566 206,855 44.7% 91,289 203,713 44.8% Operating 23,035 34, 065 67.6% 19,361 28,735 67.4% 23,207 40,195 57.7% Capital Out 2,699 15.000 18.0 1,300 31,323 4.2% 0 5,009 0 0% Totals 121,710 266,344 45.7% 113,227 266,913 42.4% 114,496 248,905 48 0% POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel 2,061,261 4,352,133 474% 1,987.317 4,250,025 46.8% 1,956,680 4,381,821 4.4.7% Operating 208,265 438,548 47.5% 195.428 398,892 49 2% 222,009 389,533 57.0% Capital Outlay 8,905 35,600 25.0% 30,781 26,871 114.6% 31,037 36.635 84.7% Totals 2,278,451 4 826.931 47.2% 2,214,525 4.675.768 47.4% 2,209,726 4.807.989 46.0% PUBLIC WORKS Personnel 1,317.003 2,910,076 45.3% 1,185.633 2,563,799 46 3% 1,015.071 2,348,344 43 2% Operating 611,609 1,387,914 44 1% 468.967 1,116,609 42.0% 435.128 1,024,460 42.5% Capital Outlay 15,204 22,000 691% 16.047 13,600 118.0% 1,4 12,500 11 2% Totals 1,943,816 4,319,994 45 0% 1 670, 3,694,008 45.2% 1.451,630 3.385 604 42.9% GROWTH MANAGEMENT Personnel 159,090 366.446 43 4% 168,591 372.436 45.3% 142.349 312, 45 6 Operatlrg 8,025 16.410 46 9°I 6,878 64,720 10.5°96 23 574 36,607 E4.4% Totals 167,115 382,656 43 6% 175,469 437,156 40.1% 165.923 345,734 47 6% NON DEPARTMENTAL Personnel 3,755 5,000 751% 11,095 15.000 74.0% 5,`54 15.000 544% Operating 552.761 574 13 62.0% 48C.25 612,277 78 410 373,527 537.107 89.5% Transfers 10 Other Funds 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Tctals 556,516 879 131 81.9% 491.362 627 277 78 3% 381,681 552 107 69.1% IOTA, EXPENDITURES Personnel 4,186,290 8 973.291 45.7% 3,663,276 8 331,045 46.41" 3,615.888 8 15L,390 44,3% Operating 1,546,233 2 823,535 54.6% 1,345,316 2,519,342 53 4% 1,224,708 2.296,005 53.3`.4 Capital Outlay 26,808 72,603 36 9"� 48,128 71,794 67 0 "4, 32,467 54,435 59 6% Transfers to Other Funds 0 0 0 0% C 0 0 0% 0 3 3.0% Totals 5.759,331 11,869,427 45.5% 5,256 720 10,922,181 48 1% 4.873,061 10.504,831 45.46 ENDING CASH RESERVES 5,475,617 5.076.088 127 6% 6 607 451 6,131,749 107.8% 5,724,745 5,068,245 113.0% TOTAL RISES 12,234,948 15,945,515 72.2% 11,864,171 17.053,930 89.B% 10,587,806 16,673,076 58.'% (.VN1. 1 'A 191A PHA )31 'IS FUND 310 CAPITAL 1M P1 PROUriisiS 11 19? S1 PROVILMX:%1 FTINI)Ja3 4114.1 PRO.IFI 'TS C.1 C0951 (':4)-11,1cr Acc..:zo e.■rdrit: (1 (I10 'otwr x11-1 1, 1603 CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT .3r31 2011 Curr..1 1 YtEr3. 13alaric_C Y4ps r T0-1Talt3 so Number lAss(020.Q.1 11tre 1;ptp, Expzliclitu.-e 1 1.:Eit I Cumplu to C1011 Police \l licr isK4mcni 22011)0 OSL:1: 2 1,447 4ti 2 45 1)41,14:47 33 211.40.93 76.500 011 1 F.552_36 5.512 63 C i i 05 }lit VrlIrcic Rrplatx Illelli .2'511 C11(15 ■4:21: 0 Lippdadc )S1.:1) )7.151.04 22,351 94 x0s300,0° 73,503443 ;351 Q51 t; 110 7 hi Iti. firoxlicaotrp 1 itiortn.;n1 1.39g. 01 5 4,401.35 C111;41 E Rcpuiptilcnt ....,7 47 0 :46 203.'21 ^1;11,ti(K) 00 11 4.365 14 79 1, Al 9 -37.162 31 1:.437.53 2200031 Curren/ Pi ens' ?lir ef:t Vual Vcsir Tv -Mar rquiphci 11.211,:rivius3 iiixtgr 1..xwm1io l'irpc0:11401cl h.,Nyr_0(1,310Ir> 2: ..:urlibi ILI tr.: rz; c`oulpic lc L]1721 1 iat ukc Patl, In:A.:re:N luilt (/..ort:_. A) :50.::0:1 21,1]18.32 1129474 36,21 In 00 C0474 Prr:trinkle Sie,rm.senier PHA Enhancesnenrs 5,511 39 `1.,51.1...1 5,511.39 (74921 hto r-avA :Tilptuvullii.111.5 204, 00 142 653_11 142,11S3 11 7,910 DO '.1....C., 89 C921 Splash Pa:11: Ca:.Qpy „1:1!") 2:0$02.33 27.S02.38 211W 54 C €C..22 ihnir Park g /IN:E. i Fill) 11,00o:3XJ 33,7 ia,114 15,525 23 rlS Cc 3.13 25 (2,321 44: C1121 ]4a1ir.:1 SliCrI Fiuld EA.pon....c.i 12.5,170100 hfia MI 661 t :,8 26 110„,, 14 1._ 1122 Aistremsk Ptitk l'avilless sf.L.,000.00 50."10(.• CO 17112 h:tri., Park AfnenfiES 75,121,111,00 C1124 i .ift Matson dr:A PAsi 100,000 33 1.:Ns,i'.110 13 C312, Rreurou ?ask br134.43.0rii :5. imnsio 4.014 X 1 05 7 1313 C1126 Rrverricw Park SiToci Patkinr. 113,510.00 I '3,50'. LC 100,01-10 00 C1127 flirkirT :i4sI1y I( '8 A) yid:xi 6.0 27.v4 44 27,404. 2,595..56 .11 1 ',W;sr.cili 001 ltriKA'olic..v. 4 A; 0 161_57! il 10 1,"42S 84.74. 1 114971 i'1 218,178 72 7704. 476 163 20 1.'401_ 61 6(8, 14 sHANsroKTATT(rp: (.....'s II TA I. P Rf)JF.(7.8 1 1 1 l 114 33111 Crifirir ?FAA Yr.a rs lialLttcr 1'10 Vriir Yczr T 2q8 :1' "4 :4/7104;.,1 174!]...3 IOW 1 )946C Milt', rr 5 FNIAcnifilunt r x p;11•11 re i pcIl-brerxx,.$ Ceni?Icic t.,:umpirlt C0773 1..oreerl :Ile Road 1,15 .2 00 1_ 7 4 I 4 I 32.61 l 65,Fkr0 34 53,717,50 9 14 14 4:0814 .512 Corridor (1.).ST 4:1)01 6:-_itt1: 279,528 00 714.87. 21,989 ,7 24,704 20 144.827») 8 84% C10,31 2010 Bank Note :Wad Inpu7VT,11.1Clith i 256.16 .00 gb3.0 :1,025.64 876.: 18 0 1 .?1,25 11 4301,1 77 :it csre c1131 115 1 liftpruvrrnrics )50.11C11-.0:) Ss 849 89 4,....14 3.5119 76 230,561.) 35 2: ('1132 ki..tterAvav 1 .1.3.000,(1) 2s,t.8.3.-I1 0.C1r4 HAY): komst vsnlz 4 5 3 4 36 03. 11 A36 00 8I,187 9 moo tiitlewall,Ti kr Nah 1.1-.0,,Trr 59,019 00 5 i 31 44 13L00 4.q8 c8) 01 7 2• 1 .4, 7197 .1516111i 1.138,994.1-3 38..2,3 j.9 1,844 2-16 6s 1 II rutrlf Prloi Yr....lis Balnice. i'rclial YzJI Yezt 1.)-1)fc it", 191111113C1 i')....... 11u,11 4:-.40 r.•.. 1 F,?121::. kmara141,101- rai r Q:1€1 (:PITIII1C1C (..le kilck11.! StarKirOr J.11117te V L'IliCt I} 3:::1;61 1911 1 191,N61 :1 ix: .:4+ 1/.327.50P 1,1 3; 59 77 1 '44:1r1, CA/ler i'i'. I rr rni v :211.14.711N ft 2f. vl 5 4 MO) 4, r 1 4 341 -,01.) 11 4.01.7,7i 01 1.! I 4: 01: 2.2118 4) ?4,54.19, 36,718 98 '..3 20', 99 71% (Win 1 P•ihorifit: Road C"r1=1"., 6.440 0.) 81,811 02. 24 38'!..s. wall 1.1 Bk. s:r.d Sw:.lc lirhd iri :!.14 7.7x .00 ,kr.".2:1-!).1 tr; ,10,111011 N6 51:i 7 2 168.74 I to i '1 1. A 0C1 PI 111L 27.500 Lii:i 22.5y) ix. (.1. .141 I 4]2 ltomi S.'rema mt. R crm 6 I.:44/ zr.r 4. 213 1 81: 7 h 111,171 1 i 275 10.39 1; 7887(141-2 7,062,418.41 103, 81 53 46 46 a7 32`A C it 11:01 P1101 1 ear4 Ycal Y car '1L4-1:, 10 11,,..1.r.Lr k ,,r,....... '0 rt., 1' Yx41411141I1, 1:■q 1 V Iiii:It.:%; 1],'- ]48; t.) SQ 937.8wX s> 07,89s,ry ,4i1),CY.Y..1 N.; 18 813 '8 1 1,D8.3,702 XS 17 L .K 1, 1 !7 17 2.%! 2_ K7.10- 39 844Y4:9401 441_584.5 1_ i 4 1,1'81 30? XS 174,03:4 7 area SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2011 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of March 31, 2010, the total available funds of the City were S14,006,419. ,$3,438,221 was held in an interest hearing chc :king account and S10,568,198 was invested in the SL A and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Type Amount State Board of Administration (SBA) 3,984,070 Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 568,766 I;S Government "1 reasury and Agency Bonds 6.015,842 'T'otal Investments S 11.0,568,1 c)$ The details of each investment types arc presented on the following pages. CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANC E General Fund 1 Performance I)eprsita 41.28% 164.1,455.52 Lou: Option Gas Tax Fund 6.73% 267,969.12 Discietionary Sales Tax Fund 4.95% 197,314.08 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 1.93% 76.716.85 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 8.82% 351,309.53 Stonnw.rter Utility Fund 13.40% 533,755.56 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1.23% 48,838.56 Stormwater Projects Fund 2.74% 1 09,056.10 Building, Department Nand 9.51% 379,010.33 Cemetery trust Fond 9.43% 375,644,13 Sub-Tote 100% 3,984,069.78 ca Sh sh303 3 1 5!15/2011 CTI'Y OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3131/2011 STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION 1). OF PRINCIPAL MATURITY INSTITUTION Pl. R[:IIASI: BALANCE Y IFl.I) DATE PNC E3:_nk 12!15'o 1 568.286.15 2.456%. {}6;15111 TOTAL 568,286.13 L.ah4,1 SJ1[:2ii11 CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2011 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ('1 f RiRENE INVCSTh1I N1' Al IAIi:A'11 ON P}' RcE;NT BALANCE ice :ra! Puna I (i?.iltl°•i 568,286,15 1'01 AL I 563,236.15 ASSET NAM E (I S. Treasury Note 1'_S. Treasury Note L.S. '1'rcasury Note FNMA Note 1=11LML' Note FIILI3 Note TOTAL Comm 1 Local Option Gas Fax Discretionary Sales Tax DST Bond Reserve Account Rivet Community Redevelopment Agency Recreation 'Impact l'ee Stormwater Revenue Building Cetn. cry Trust i:.Itili h:1113; 1 YIELD TO MATURITY 0.5082% 0.4315% 0.7917% 0.5840% 0.6578% 0.8641% o SCHEDULE OF' INVESTMENTS 3/3112011 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT DATE O PURCHASE 1 1;30+10 1210810 03;3111 12 12/08. 03.31 ?11 PURCHASE PRICE 997.460 94 1,004.852.34 997,362.43 1.012,840.00 999.434.17 1,003.892.22 S 6,015,542.10 2,248,008.61 50,060.95 602,47 8.99 1,012,840.00 533,217.04 666,322.76 200.243.79 200.243.79 512,426.17 TOTAL S 6,015,842.10 MATURITY DATE 1002/12 12 05J31r'12 02/28/13 07./30.'12 12/28.12 0327;13 CIJSII' NUMBER 9 I 2828PD6 912828N lib 9 2828QK9 3139SAT77 3137LACQ0 313372RK2 To: Mayor and City Council Thru; Al Mintier, City Ivinnasrer From: Kenneth W. Kilhtore, i)irector of finance Date: May 20_2011 Re: 2" [Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2011 �stv SL� Of elliCAN SIAM Memorm Enclosed pleases find the 2 Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and recited by the Adnrtnistrativ<e Services Department for the three months ended lvfarc?t 31, 2011. CITY CL.FRI( Legislative Support Maltcrs Prepared agenda packets and minutes for six Regular City Council meetings, one Joint Cnuncil'Schnnl 13ndrd meeting, two CRA meetings, and two Beard of Adjustment mectines attended mectines for total of 20' firs. One ordinance adopted, one piasse on first reading Eight Council resolutions adopted One official document recorded wA'lerk of (.:our; Coordinated with recipients for preparation and presentation oi'three proclamations Placed lour courtesy meeting ads in the Press Jnurnta] Placed kw) legal notices in Press Journal Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press- Provided monthly regional and county board nesting calendars to Council Prepared travel for one Council member to attend FI.0 Advanced Institute for Elected Municipal Officials Recorded and prepared minutes for Mayors' Mccting in Sebastian on ]!l011 I C :c'ordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations Record 'z M an age ment Program Responded to 40 public rem :orris request 9 boxes of rec,ords that reached retention or were scanned 16 hags of duplicate and OSA records dust roved hy Shred It Recycling 6 trees saved Scanned into aserfiche IS sets of minutes. 30 agenda packets, 8 Resolutions, 1 Ordinances, 9 agreements uiid '4 C'ernetery files 1.5 other documents 120 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept- SubniiFte:d anruai Public Ree:n C'otnpli :sage forgo to State. cif Florida Hied ion Mutters All 'I It (I'errnination Reports) from 2010 Election submitted by 1131 deadline Set t.p lobby [.able to instruct residents about qualifying. early and absentee voting, and voter registration Prepared ten qualifying handbooks for interested residents Pre-qualified one candidate for November election on I 8.'11 Attended 3:7/11 meeting wiCity Attorney at SOP proposed 1nteriocal Agreement between SOL City Beard Matters Provided secretarial services, prepared agendas and minutes for 'treasure Coast Regional League of Cities meetings in Januaryr'St. Lucie Village and MarchfFellsmere City C.lcrk and Deputy Clerk attended and recorded three Cha er Review Committee monthly meetings Filled six board vacancies Prepared four Certificates ofAppreciution for presentation to board members by Mayor RPM attended and recorded four Natural Resources Board meetings Cetnetery Matters Certificates of Interment Rights issued fbr 14 locations for a total of 513.700.00 Community Matters Responded to 59 c -mails to the general City of Sebastian e -mail address or forwarded to appropriate departments Swore in three police Officers Worked with Historical Society with cemetery, General Development and Elected Officials information in their preparation of Third Tales of Sebastian Pcrsonne1LLducational Maters All attended Granicus Wcbinar on 311.1 1. Essential Records Webinar on 3/14/11, and Social Media Webinar on 3/145111 ADM 1N!STRATI V F SFRVICFS Worked with Investment Advisor and purchased additional securities to provide better diversification and yield. Presented the 1 S Quarter 201 1 Budget Amendment to the City Council. Worked with Auditors to complete the FY 2010 financial audit and financial statements. Submitted FY2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in the Uovemment Finance Officers Association's Awards Progatn. Developed budget calendar for events that will keep preparation of the FY2012 budget on schedule. I landled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Coordinated the quancrly employee investment meetings with ICMA. Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other Crams. Monitored and approved payments on manor contracts. Recruited. interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. MIS Upgraded the Building Department's IMS web -based real time interface. Fought off every attempt to breach our security, (racked and stopped 107 attacks. Continued to maintain all communications equipment and operate free from any interruption in services. Upgraded the Police Department to the latest version of IMC. Set up a new Munis Server for Finance on a windows platform. Upgraded all servers. workstations and laptops to the newest version of virus software. Set up a sign shop request form to help with their work order Ilow. Improved monitoring and produced reports to reduce the number of alarms generated to the Police Department. Put together and installed 90•I„ of the new AV automation, camera and production equipment. Used the camera to filth 4 different events for future footage. Processed 2267 work orders during the quarter, compared to 2008 the fast quarter. Ran broadcast station Channel 25 and provided 9 websites to rnlvrm the residents. Working on automating the broadcasting equipment to program and remotely update the time our shows will air. Performed 72 workstation preventive maintenance task. Performed 87 user training hours. Working on tightening network security'. Installed new server at the Airport to be the disaster backup server. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration Conducted intcrvicws for poi icc officer and records specialist positions. Hired 3 full-time police officers, 3 dispatchers and I records specialist (all replacements). Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. Administration attended 7 City Council and Special Meetings. Attended over 50 law enforcement related meetings and 10 public meetings anddor speaking engagements. Completed a 13 week citizen's academy with over 25 graduates. 351 incident reports processed•'dispersed to proper agencies and entered into !MC: Incidents Arrest Burglary 44 6 Thr~ft V hicle 3 0 'Thefts 75 15 Fraud 10 1 Murder 0 0 f)rug:Nam:Ey: p 1 12 Motor Vehicle Theft 4 a Domestic Violence 26 I)UI 11 Special Detail: 27 Calls for Service: 15,224 Self Initiated: 13,985 Dispatched: .3,239 Building Checks: 3.419 Area C'hecks`l)irrcfive Patrol: 2,149 .Arrest Reports (Juveniles) 24 Arrests Reports (Adults) 87 Accident R.eports!Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed and entered into IMC,. 89 (71 Accidents 18 Driver Exchanges) Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC: 384 (Civil 320; Criminal 34; Citation Arrests 26; Voided 4) Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC 104 Wartting Citations processa followed up and entered into IMC 1,459 Subpoenas Signed, processed and distributed 417 Jan. 132; Feb. 130: Mar- 155 1'ineerprinting Service: .[an. 27; Feb. 31: Mar. 39 i17 Supplement' 80 1'ralEc Enforcernents 1.648 Red Notices 138 Public Record Requests: 3an 137; Feb. 138; Mur. 155 430 Road Patrol Officers responded to 15.224 calls for service. and self-initiated 11,985 events. 87 adeilI and 24 juvenile arrests were made Officers issued 384 citations. 104 parking citations, and 1489 written warnings. Officers completed 351 oflcnse reports, 1 1 1 arrest reports. and 71 crash reports. Special Op* ri.tions Citations Warn_ugs incidents Arrests I'raftic l lomicides (D BOA Oillcei's 1) 0 0 0 K -9 Officers (41.(38F46/31) 55 271 15 25 15 K -9 t)hage'Activity Reports: 420 K -9 Training hours (i K -9 Demonstrations 4 1 clam- and 1) NI isdern anor Appr4licnsiuny Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and to maintain the community policing philosophy. During this quarter the department began its annual mandatory retraining. which consists of a 40 hour training block. During this quarter three officers Officer Ashley Lockhart, Officer Strawn Daley and Officer Milton Martin) were hired and began the FieId Training Program. The Marine LJnit had maintenance performed in preparation for the training the assigned Marine officer was going to attend. Community Policinarfraining Attended 9 business contacts /meetings. Such as numerous financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Substance Awareness Council, Laic' Enforcement Special Olympics Porch Run and other local businesses. Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages. Officer Marcinik completed approximately 200 hours on backgrounds for applicants. Officer Marcinik conducted 3 hours of car scat education to the public. Officer Marcinik also had 3 hours of community problem solving,'intervention. 'I his activity k responding to various neighborhood issues and helping with crime prevention. Officer Marcinik had 1 hours of Recruiting. This includes phone calk and walk -in inquiries. Officer Marcinik instructed and attended the Citizens Academy which began in January. Officer Marcinik gave 3 department tours. This was for a scout group and citizen academy participants. Officer Marcinik conducted a security survey for a resident. Conducted 7 hours of instruction and observation on the crossing guards. School Resource Unit 20 DARE classes running through a 10 week period Officer Jursik was assigned to Road Patrol during this rating period and his stats will be reflected in that Division. Cum triunity Volunteer Unit The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2416 hours during this quarter. 62 hank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall saving time for the employees by not having to leave their assigned duties. 3 traffic control detail was assigned. The cnnsist of directing. traffic at city events, road closures, etc. 126 hoarse watches.'close patrols were completed. 106 vehicle transports were made consisting °flaking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. 487 business checks were made. These business checks are dune and help the patrol officers keep an cyc on the business community which cuts down on crime. 210 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. 57 Airport checks were made_ Again the visibility helps to deter crime. 195 special details were assigned, 8 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. 195 paper runs ie: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff's Office. etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages. State Attorney packets and what ever other items arc needed. Assisted with traffic control on 3 traffic crash scene. 3 warning fur handicapped parking ticket issued and 0 warning for other parking issued. 31 citizen contacts. 448 Miscellaneous jobs. 'Training Unit Processed numerous schools for the department which totaled 272 course hours of training. Assisted with the citizen's academy. Setting up and maintaining FDLE inandatory re- training for officer's certifications n vestieation s 12 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. 3 felony arrests were made. 16 cases being cleared. 26 cases were inactivated due to no leads. 54 rcportsrsupplements were completed. 6 warrants were obtained for burglary oFdweliing. burglary of vehicle. fraud and theft. etc. 164 active cases are assigned. Communications Division 15,224 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that 3,239 were dispatched calls for service 1,439 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls 10.020 were Officer Initiated calls 525 were Volunteer Initiated calls I was handled by civilians 'total 911 calk received. 1,746 of that: 609 calls were transferred to other agencies 129 hang -ups 45 TDD used The breakdown of the lines is as follows: Wireless 911 calls 1.142 (ce;1 phones) Wire -line 911 calls 564 (residential and/or business lines) VOIP 911 calls 39 (computer phone) Unknown line 1 Incoming Admin Lines answered on black: phones only are 6.020 of that: 1,175 were transferred out of dispatch 642 were abandoned Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones_ Equipment Repairs: Radio, Nel Clock 911 Phones I'rainine attended: 2 Dispatchers attended FT)L.E Regional Work group Meeting 2 Dispatchers attended FDLE Terminal .Agency Coordinator (TA() of which we hosted in the City Council Chambers. 1 Dispatcher attended FDL_F Point of Contact for t )1IS1`r v. 3 new dispatchers hired end in training. Lost one dispatcher to another division within the department, During this quarter as in all quarters, Communications.Reeords assisted the Citizens of Sebastian with house watch requests and cancellation services. citation sign riff s, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies ancFcr Departments for them. Communications takes and dispatches nil non emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code 1_nfbrcemcnt and Volunteer services. Cornrnunication, assist the Officers, IDetectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles. State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, kcy holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to Dt-ISMV, FCICNCIC and other Law 1nforeement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide sen'ices to non- residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers,. referring them to the proper agency, etc. We also assist other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. Alarm Aiuessments $300.00 in alarm permits $600.90 in false alarrns fines 104 alarm responses by off icerw. 24 New perm issued. Code Enforcement Division Issued 450 written warnings /'his range from grass and weeds loo high, trailers parked in front of the property Tine, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth ofadjcuining lot, no permit for a fence install. etc. 446 Code Violations. 653 Cndc Services. 620 re- inspections. 354 of the violations were complied with, 66 were not complied with. 144 were posted for abatement 65 abated by vendors. 100 Closed cases. 52 Liens filet/_ 22 releases of liens. 159 violation letters sent. For various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown Tots, etc. In an attempt In vain compliance. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Eimincering Assisted cm a daily basis in resolution of numerous drainage and signage inquiries and complaints from residents. Reviewed and coordinated numerous permitting and site plan review items with Building Department and Growth Management. Reviewed for approval numerous FEW r' t lR M flo map revisions (in conjunction with Growth Management). worked on the DUI' Barber St. project Field Investigations 1landled new pool construction inspections. !kindled 55 new home construction inspections. Handled 12 new hurr_e drainage permits. Ilandled 60 new fence permits. set elevation for round project driveway pipes. Set elevation and grade for 4 road crossing pipes Coordinate with Growth Management on 4 FEMA 1 plicatiorn. Designed 4 catch basins X•1 isce1laneous Worked with !'PL on the installation of new street lights. Traffic Division Regulatory signs 100 Warring signs &R1 -1a 31 Street signs 24 Temp signs -47 Specialty Signs -48 Decals 27 Pavement Markings 2500 ft Arrows 8 Legends (only, school, stop) -0 RPMs -40 Beacon Maintenance 40 hours Straighten Posts 180 Painting HC spots 6 Paintinglstenciling 200 ft. Paving duties/Inspection -D Striping inspections 1 Ballard repair /Inst.- 6 Site plan review 4 Rnxds and Maintenance Complete the Skate Park. Haul dirt to the Golf Course for the air port project. Work an the fence at the compound. Work on the Tight on the pedestrians footbridges. Work on the lights on Indian River Drive by Earls Hideaway that was it Trim trees at the Golf Course for Airport project_ Fix the sign at the Golf Course. Repair the roof leak at the Compound. Work on the trailer for the events barricades. Dig out for the playground at Hardee Park. Meet with Work Force Solutions at River View Park for the elec for the mobile unit. Get the slab poured and install Lions Club drinking fountain. Pick up truck from welding shop for the Garage. Patch pothole throughout the City. Measure and order the sod for the Airport project. Repair the info centers at the Cemetery Repair the paver at the Main St boat ramp. Cut and clean up at Schumann along the railroad tracks. Cut around the guardrail throughout the city. Take the roller to the Golf Course for Sean to use. Cut and clean the ditch at 512 and Wimbrow DR. Cut all bridge Approaches throughout the city. Cut whir at Main St and Hardee Park. Pick up couch on Wave St. for Code Enforcement. Fix the letters for the sign at old city hall and change them to black letter. Cut retention ponds in Schumann area Clean up in the Compound. Repair Yacht Club dock. Set up and breakdown parking and road close for the Art Show Order concrete for the Golf Course. Cut and clean trash out of the big ditch in front of the Golf Course. Repair the pump at the compound that the bug people broke. Repair the lights in the big building. Build catch basin for Fairfield for Storm Water. Help Storm Water flag on Barber St. Help Jerry with drilling holes in the roads for testing. Help parks with the fountain at the Garden Club Park. Fll holes around the sidewalk at Rrverview Park Haul dirt to Hardee Park Remove stop sign on Barber St. Work on Fixed assets. Remove dead pine tree from the ditch at 814 Maple St. for Code Enforcement. Clean up trash in the right of ways on Laconia St and Periwinkle Dr. Replace stolen storm grate on Joy Av. and Vocelle Av. Cut pepper trees, vines and dead pine trees and remove it all at 785Dock Av. Clean up the lot next to 898 Tulip Dr. and the right of way. Cleanup right of way on Main St and S. V>✓rmbrow Dr. .Trim palm trees behind 186 Main St. Grade the parking lot behind Hess. Sweep Golf Course, City Hall and P.D. Parking lots. Pick up Dump truck from Palm Bay for the Garage. Haul 3 loads of dirt to the Dog Park. Fix the approaches to the park lot behind the Splash Pad_ Work on the light at the airport. Repair drinking fountain at the Bark Park. Repair parking lot at the Storm Water Park. Build new sign and install It at Hardee Park. Build catch basin for Fairfield Ln, Set up and break dawn for Pelican Island Remove the gutter for 367 Wallis S; that was damages by the long arm. Install new bench at Riverview Park. Haul concrete out of the fill pile Install drains for the gutters at the Skate Park. install new rules sign at the Skate Park. Help the Cemetery. Install new plaques on the Lions Club drinking fountain Install new light pole and bollards across for Mel Fisher Museum Put gravel in the Main St perking lot. Build and install new sign Barber St sports complex. Install address number on the Skate Park Cut and remove dead pine tree on 331 Columbus St. Repair the water line to the fish cleaning table at the Yacht Club. Help the garage work on the sweeper truck. Repair the lights on Indian River Dr Repair lights at the compound and the Garage. Haul dirt out of the Cemetery. Cut and clean up curb and gutters and the sidewalk on Main St. Remove dead tree that fell in the road at Spinnaker Ln and Ablett Ter. Build a catch basin for Genesee Av. Swept streets and parking lot 283miles, 11 dumps and 15 fills. parrs and Recreatioq Replaced irrigation valve, pipes heads on U.S.1 medians due to traffic accidents. Trimmed trees on U.S. 1 medians, City Hall and Police Department. Replaced pump start relay for 11.5. 1 median. Set up for rentals replaced 4 parking stops at Yacht Club. Installed no smoking signs in Riverview Park. Repaired fence around playground and replaced fountain pump at Riverview Park Set up and maintained Riverview Park for Fine Art Music Festival, Concerts in the Park, Pelican Island Wildlife Festival. Vietnam Veterans Service and Rotary Home and Garden Show. Sat up stage for Relay for Life event at McDonalds In Roseland. Removed graffiti from picnic tables at Riverview Park. Replaced 2 lights, 2 tennis nets and removed graffiti at Schumann Park Roto tilled walking trails at Filbert St., Bryant Ct. and George St. Parks Repaired benches and playground at Bryant Ct. Park. Replaced two feature valves at Splash Pad. Installed new chlorine feeder shade canopies at Splash Pad. Planted Oak tree, repaired existing play area installed new playground at Hardee Park. Removed several dead trees at Periwinkle Park. Resurfaced four clay courts, replaced lights and re hung wind screens at Friendship Park. Fertilized all athletic fields and City properties. Applied Top Choice insecticide to all athletic fields. Prepared baseball fields for new season at Barber St. Sports Complex. Repaired 2 scoreboards and irrigation at Barber St. Sports Complex. Replaced 3 ballast and 12 light fixtures at Barber St. Sports Complex. Repaired 2 dugout benches and installed no smoking signs at Barber St. Sports Complex. Removed dead shrubs and replanted 2 trees at City Hall. installed new drain, 8 pallets of sod and made many irrigation repairs at Dog Park Repaired playground equipment and removed graffiti at Creative Playground. Repaired 2 picnic tables at George St. Park Mowed fire break in Storm Water Park Trimmed trees and shrubs In Schumann Drive medians Continued regular maintenance. Cemetery '1 he Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. I'ertiliLtcd and applied weixl killer. Made necessary irrigation repairs. Installed all necessary rnernorial p :aques. City (Arne The fleet staff completed 168 repair work orders (a 28% increase over last quarter) and 64 Preventative Maintenance services (a 49% increase over last quarter) from January through March 2011. In addition to the in -house vehicielequipment work orders, 50+ vehicle /equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outsioe vendors. These repairs were needed due to a large backlog of overdue vehicle repairs and PM services. The Fleet Staff has completed the parts inventory and has identified the obsolete inventory to be exchanged or to be sold at auction. Repair parts are now being restocked to increase vehicle repair production. The use of Governmental contracts to purchase items to maintain the City Fleet has been expanded from tires and fuel, to include filters, batteries and all auto and light truce repair parts. The use of these contracts has reduced the purchase cost of parts_ The parts are oeing delivered, thus saving time and travel for shop staff, and reducing the quantity of inventory stacked. The Fleet Management shop has completed the upgrading of their safety programs as follows' MSDS Files and employee training PPE... Issued and employee training Inspection of vehicle lifts (annually) Relocating the compressed gas storage Installation of a new eye wash station Replacement of all safety signage in the fleet shop area. Fuel costs as of March 31. 2010 were: $3.94 per gallon for gas an increase of 14% over the past 90 days $3 71 per gallon for diesel an increase of 18% ever the past 90 days The fuel costs are increasing more than expected due to conflicts in other parts of the world. Facilities Maintenance Replaced exhaust fan motor PD Roof Semi Annual A.C. Inspections at C.H. and P.D. Quarterly testing of sprinkler systems at City Hall and AD and Lopresti hangar Annual Backflow preventer testing City wide Replace batteries in all T -stats and handicapped devices city wide Purn p septic tank Riverview park for Art and Music festival Replace Exhaust fan motor C.H. Installed 2 designated 120V circuits in MJ S. office Installed new eye wash and shower station at garage. Installed 2 -20 amp 120 volt designated circuits in broadcast room Repaired minor roof leaks, patched numerous blisters and recauked joints on curbing at City Hall and Police Department Replaced worn out and leaking concealed door closers on front and rear doors at Golf Course club house Installed backflow preventer on Indian River Drive for combination drinking fountain Replaced rotten siding and trim boards and vapor barrier on gable end of City garage and repainted. Installed backflow preventer at skate park Switched exterminating company from Orkin to Sebastian River Exterminating and Sandpiper pest control. Had minor mold remediation performed at P❑ Evidence area and purchased and installed air purification machine. Conducted annual testing of fire alarm sys :ems at City Hall. P©, School, Airport Admin Bldg and Lopresti hangar. Reset all city timers to daylight savings time Completed 55 work orders in a timely manner. Storm water Driveway replacements for Y4 round 100 Pipe replacements 1826. LF 1 535 feet of 12° 60 feet of 15" 130 feet of 18" 100 feet of 36' Catch basins built and installed 4 Page Six 1st Quarter Report Public Works Department Road crossings repaired 1 Cut back Mowing with long arm Completed 2 Units— 2 and 3 'Around improvements Laconia, and surrounding streets 3 sliplining projects at Tulip, Main Street and Airport Drive East Vac Truck cleaned 60 driveways and 10 catch basins GROWTH MANAGEMENT Site Plan Review (major, minor and administrative): Site plan heurings/appravals -4 Site plan (commercial) inspections 5 Appeals O Extensions 0 Pre Application Meetings 7 Subdivision and Pill) Reviews: Division ofa single lot 1 Preliminary plats 0 Construction plans 0 Final pints 0 Extensions t) Annexations: 0 Land Use and Zoning changes: 0 F'FvMA: Flood zone determinations 2 LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) Applications 6 Code Amendments: T and Development 1 (Flood Damage Prevention) Comprehensive Plan 0 Discussions/Work:Jn p 2 (CWK L:K Zoning Districts) Zoning Applications; Variances 2 Conditional use permits 1 Overlay District waivers 2 Special evrcntsrl emporar'' use permits 4 Accessory Structures (over 500 sq, ft.) 1 11:lorlel home permits new renewals) 0 Sign per :nits 19 'Total 17 permanent. 2 temporary, 0 A -frame Release of unity of Pities 0 Abandonment of Easements 1 ROW Dedications 0 Residential 'Cuntmerciallnspections: Final tree inspections- 25 Land clearing permits 17 14 Residential, 1 Commercial, 2 Grubbing Tree Removal permits 18 I)ewatcring 0 Erosion Sediment 12 5' Code FnForeement Nuisance 32 Final P&Z (New Construction) -4 Fill/Excavation 0 Comprehensive Plan: 1} RECYCLE BINS: 211 County Residents Key accomplishments Fisherman's Landing site plan review. approval and right of way encroachment agreement Facade, Sign and l.rind.scaping 11 grants awarded Riverfront Parking Study completed. approved DCA approval of Capital Improvements Element Ongoing FEMA map review, including protest on several areas of proposed map revision. City has successfully been recertified fur the 11 year as a "'Tree City LISA" community. BUILDING DEPARTMENT In the second quarter of this fiscal year 13 new single- farnily homes were issued building permits. Ibis is a marked increase from the previous quarter. The increase can mainly be attributed to one homebuilder who is new to our community and is now building homes in two of our existing developments, Collier Club and Athbury. Other permits of significance were 1 new commercial building and 16 commercial alterations. In all, 542 building permits were issued in the second quarter. Permitting activity steadily increased with the most significant increases occurring in the month of March. Total number of inspections for the second quarter was 1,259 for an average of 21 inspections per working clay. The number of inspections this quarter has also increased steadily from month to month. The Building Department has witnessed a significant increase in permitting activity during this quarter. This increase has enabled the building department to meet over all budget goals. It is hoped that this trend will continue. The Building Department presented a resolution to the City Council for their approval to modify the City Code of Ordinances entitled Chapter 46 which is being re- written as a result of an audit in 2010 conducted by the Florida Division of Emergency Management. These changes will bring the City's flood plain ordinances into compliance with the latest FIMA model codes. The following, list of Business Tax Receipts were issued in the second quarter: New Businesses -45, Renewals --,f]. 'lrrnsf'ers {i, Duplicates -O. Ilome Based Businesses -24, Commercial Businesses -19, Insurance Companies -2. Solicitor Permits-13. Business Tax RL.,.ipts have decreased slightly as compared to the first quarter. GOLF COURSE Total revenue f o r 2 quarter: $540.439, an increase of $58,346 over fiscal 09- I 0 2nd quarter. s Golf Rounds for 2 quarter: 11.260, an increase of 1,97N over fiscal 09 -10 2 quarter. Green Fee revenue for r quarter: $239 ,276_ an increase of $26.084 over fiscal 09 -10 2" quarter. Cart Fee revenue for 2 :quarter: $245,554, an increase of $30,820 over fiscal 09 -10 2" t quarter. Golf shop revenue for 2 quarter: $17,602 Driving range revenue for 2" quarter: I8,0f67, an increase Hof $3,953 over fiscal 09 -10 2 quarte=r, Discount Card revenue for 2' quarter: S7,980. Club Rental Club Storage revenue for 2' quarter: $1,233, an increase of 5501 over fiscal 09-10 2 quarter. Cotnputerized golf handicap revenue for 2" quarter: $620, an- increase of $80 over fiscal 09 -10 2" quarter. Rents Royalty revenue for 2°d quarter: $7,152. Professional golf lesson revenue for 2 quarter: $961. Annual Membership/Initiation revenue for 2"` quarter: S1,063. Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 2" quarter included New Year's Day Hangover Open (I 12 players), Skydive Sebastian V Annual "Paragolf" Tournament (28 players), Melbourne Golf Association (48 players). Sebastian Women's Golf Association President's Cup (28 players), Sebastian Men's Golf Association President's Cup (100 players), Sebastian E_ugles lodge (.soil" Tournament (1 14 players), 2011 Sebastian 2- Person Team Championship (38 players), Vista Del Mar Homeowners Gail (48 players), Vista Gardens Golf Tournament (120 players). Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 3 quarter include Sebastian River Middle School Band, I larris Corporation, Sebastian River Chamber of Commerce. 13revard Rugby. Sebastian River High School Athletic Fundraiser, Sebastian Oriels and The No Name Bar fournament. Donated rounds of golf andior golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events, By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. Offered free junior golf clinic for Sebastian River Mvliddle School students. FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 BUDGET CALENDAR 05/11111 I),Ail F. IIAY EVENT. *'/3/2.2211 Tuesday Budget t Review :1, Roan' ,crio•0t.;prn 1 Quarterly Report Revrcw'Budgct Calendar Review 03/2311 I Wedneulay City Ccrntcil 114,6.311p m Quarterly Rep nrl apprnva,'13udre Calendar Approval rai*: Friday 1)cpartmenrs rectify ir.sh'uctrctrso :i Capita: improvement Proerant 04/I5/11 Friday Budget loyln.:.tion PGckels distributed to Deparrment Directors 04 S :I I Friday D pr.rtrrents s team Capital 1riprov ements fragrant Regiest to Finance Director 05/0)111• Monday litrilget Ra4ie* Advisor p- Board- :()14.Kr -2"` Quakerly-Report Riprrew__ Changed to (15116/ 05 1 1 4 a d t e r ri C't•r }cil 4 7 ,31prrt 2"- QuarteFly Rirp ovt App/ w &4 (hrurgcd to 1)5/25 1 4.-5.41-444 Monde' :,c: )r11^2"` barter1!..] udget- 14,5pert- 1tdview-- 5/24,111 05.1 2'i i -05125111 Wednesday W.dnes-day Carr Manager rev_cw with Dcparan nl on Budget and Capita] Improvements Program 05: Tuesday Budget Rev iew Advisory Board ;r ti;QO pm 2'" Quarterly Budge: Report 05/25!I 1 Wednesday City (.:cluneil `,r +;3Op :n 2" Quarterly Budget Report Review [1¢r111: 1 1 Wednesday Estimate of Property Value recc:vcd from I'rupcity Appraiser ii6,1 )f i 1 'Thursday Bud et RcviCW Advisory Board .;06:01 Budget Discuss ten (6117/1: Fricav City Mar agcr'.• 13�dget Projections sent to I3udt c* Review Advisory Board C.6123/11 'Tuesday Budge: Review Ailvt.,ory liu<.r ;i 0�(r I'1lepnr Review Recomm ndctl Budget II I C I 1 I 1 Friday Form DR -42 :1 C ci trtnx1 I a:cable 1'a ucs i eeeived warn Pi'opvi1y Appraiser 4,''1);1 I 'Tuesday Parks ar.c Recreation Board D:scussion of Rcc on Impact Fcc Capitol Itnprevoricris 11+;'15/1'. (Friday ('ity Manager's Reronirnurded Ilt:ci.k.&t'ahryrttcd to City C'ounr.il .1;7 3'ueeday Budget Revicv.r Advisory Board ,_r?(i :O0pm- Final Discussion Du Report to City Council 11 Al trnda}' Parka anc Recreation 3aer.3 Discass:o;t of Recreation Itr:pact Fee Capital Improvements 07527111 Wedneyctay City Coireil (a?G:3Opin- F:na1 Report by Budget Review Advisory Board 0":52"■1 I 1 W'cdnesduy City C'ounc:I �1. ge.3 )per; Apprayal of Proposed Millaie V..27:1 I `VVcd.restiay Cap tact .nrpruverrcirls Noel—am -u rui1 :ec1 to City (uuncrl u 11 cm:ng licnird 07 'I.tu °slay bore./ 1)R-420 ('Grtt:ica.ion of Proposed MI`lage delivered to Property Appraiser 01.3704/1 1 I'hursdiy Planning Set :err? iii 00prn Approval o' Capital Impraverrcnt, Prograri oS /10/1 1 Wcdncsday City Council [ri,f •20pr1- lye ;.CL ;stor of Capital Improvements Program i'1116/11 'Tuesda} Budget Rzvicw Advisory Board r1,'_i;.b 00prt 3 Quarterly Report Review 113'2251 Monday City Council *15 .3or in Special Mecriag'Wrrra+hup nn Proptn.cd Budget 08124f 1 Wednesday City Council `.c Cr.30pm Quarterly Report Approval (1')A11,11 "Thursday F'itml Arcptu•n D "i'rn ;nty `tit.hool 131•irt'_ Bridget (ril'] t31.Yprr. 091(1,1/1 I Wodne5da. I'ir-t Publ :c Hejntri tri :ounly 13uclt'et i ;5 -111 pr 09/14 Wednesday Fina. Adopricn or County 2r.dgct ,:q>,5:0 I pm 09119'l 1 Monthly- City C'uur.eil 0 Special F1cctrrg for First Public Hauteg on City Btidll et nrd Approval of Coital linprovanunts Pm 09124/ 1 Saturday Advertising oldie final Village Kate a r.l Cily Proposed Budget {10/2Kr'11 1Vcdncsday (RA Ll.etirtg (rr?S• k(tpni 5l-cc :al 41ttl :rvt tier hitolttt ;acv, C1t Budget 09r2') %11 '1 hursdav City C Kei;t.l:r' Meeting anJ Final Fublx Hcer t :i on City 13adgc1 Rc o L' IrianS Ado1'nrlg I hirliagc and liu: :t i sc::t to Property Ap:ir;irser and To. Collector