HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-2011 LPA MinutesChairman Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Mr. Paul Mr. Durr Mr. Carter (a) Mr. Hepler EXCUSED: Mr. Reyes ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Paul noted for the record that Mr. Reyes was excused and that Mr. Carter would be voting in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Durr requested that the minutes be modified on Page 2 to reflect that he asked Mr. Schulke if any "alternative plans or designs" were considered. MOTION by Durr /Roth to approve the minutes [of the April 7, 2011 Regular Meeting] with the stated amendment. Motion was approved unanimously by roll call. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2011 Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney A. DISCUSSION REVIEW OF LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE V, ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS CONSIDERATION OF PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USES FOR: 1. SECTION 54 -2 -5.3.1 COMMERCIAL -512 DISTRICT (C -512) 2. SECTION 54 -2 -5.3.2 COMMERCIAL LIMITED DISTRICT (CL) 3. SECTION 54 -2 -5.3.3 COMMERCIAL GENERAL DISTRICT (CG) oo C cs V1 p cc 0. o as D wa rn CI) N.2 Ms. Grohall explained the Commission could review each district separately as done in the past, or examine each use [as listed in the chart] separately for all three districts at the same time. She also noted that all the changes from tonight and past discussions would come back to the Commission for final review at a Public Hearing in an ordinance form. 1 1. Commercial -512 District (C -512): Mr. Dodd requested clarification of areas of the different zoning districts along CR 512, specifically the western part of the corridor. In the Residential Uses section there was a discussion regarding the existing permitted uses of: accessory uses to permitted uses, home occupations, and residential accessory uses; which although there were no residential uses listed in the C -512 district, should remain because they allow flexibility, such as the manager's apartment above the 512 Commerce Center storage facility. Mr. Dodd questioned why restaurants with drive through facilities weren't allowed in the corridor and felt the SE corner of Fleming Street and CR -512 was a good location for a drive -thru. Ms. Grohall verified that property was zoned PUD -C and a drive -thru was allowed as a conditional use. She stated the narrow lots zoned C -512 abutted residential lots to the rear and the drive -thru use was considered undesirable in those areas. The large required front setback in C -512 would also make it hard to design a drive -thru with good traffic flow. Mr. Roth stated he was going to suggest allowing business professional offices with drive through facilities as a conditional use, but wanted to clarify that the setback would create a hardship. Ms. Grohall stated yes, and also the noise generated from stacked vehicles and the proximity to the residences created a nuisance. Mr. Hepler questioned if the [Master Parking and Curb Cut Control Plan] affected the uses allowed in the district. He also had clarified the difference between the parks and recreation and commercial amusement uses. RESIDENTIAL USES: Mr. Roth questioned if the permitted uses should be changed to conditional uses, and questioned the home occupations. Staff used an example of a permitted nightwatchman's quarter wanting to do some part-time accounting out of the home. This would currently be allowed. The code has additional requirements for home occupations in Article VII which doesn't allow customer to come to the residence /site. There were no changes recommended in this section. COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Mr. Dodd questioned if schools, public or private, should be added as a conditional use since there were other existing schools in the area. Staff stated those schools were zoned PUD -C and PS. He also asked if the new "urgent care facilities" would fall into the Hospital and intensive care category. Staff stated they should probably be considered more as a doctor's office. There were no changes recommended in this section. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITES: 2 Hotel and motels, along with pawn shops were discussed as conditional uses to be added. The district was too close to the residential area for hotels and motels. Business and professional offices with drive thru's were reviewed again, and staff clarified the two existing banks along CR -512 (Bank of America PNC Bank) were zoned PUD's. Ms. Grohall also stated that the existing conditional use criteria for business drive thru's in the CG and CR zoning districts required them to be a minimum of 100 feet from a residential district, and in CL could not abut a residential district. Staff felt the intent was most likely the same reason they were not allowed in the C -512 district. Pawn shops were discussed, and staff stated there was existing conditional use criteria already in the code book. The Commission agreed to add pawn shops as a conditional use to the C -512 zoning district. 2. Commercial Limited District (CL): RESIDENTIAL USES: Mr. Dodd suggested eliminating "All uses permitted in RM -8" as a permitted use. He felt the residential uses in RM -8 didn't necessarily belong in the commercial district. Mr. Roth agreed. Ms. Grohall stated there was a townhouse development [Sandridge Estates] existing in the CL district, off of Schumann Drive. There was discussion regarding residential uses in the commercial and industrial districts. Staff stated RM -8 would allow apartment buildings, which was a good transitional use going from the single family areas into the heavier commercial areas. The Commission agreed to eliminate the RM -8 uses as permitted, but to allow "Multiple- family dwellings" as conditional. COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Staff requested the "Nursing homes" category be expanded to include assisted living facilities, not as a separate category but expanded along the with nursing home use. The Commission agreed. This would be for all zoning districts where allowed. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITES: Mr. Dodd asked if there were any plans to expand the CL district to other parts of the city. He suggested removing the Hotel and motels use because of their possible proximity to residential areas. The Commission agreed. 3. Commercial General District (CG): RESIDENTIAL USES: Removal of the RM -8 uses was discussed also for this commercial district, and applying the same recommendation of making the multiple family dwellings conditional as in the Commercial Limited district. After reviewing the location of some of the larger CG parcels, Mr. Paul felt the uses [of RM -8] should remain. A majority of the Commission agreed. 3 COMMUNITY FACILITIES: There were no changes recommended in this section. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITES: There was a discussion regarding the mixed -use nature of the district and whether the commercial uses had to adapt to the residential sites that could be adjacent to them. Mr. Dodd felt that the mixed -use zoning worked in the larger urban areas to the south, but might not be what Sebastian should develop. It was decided that the Commercial General district was the most intense commercial district and additional conditions should not be added to the permitted uses (specifically Business professional offices with drive through facilities) to accommodate residential uses. There were no changes recommended in this section. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Paul announced this would be his last meeting as his term was expiring and he could not be re- appointed due to term limits. He thanked staff and fellow commissioners for their hard work, and the public and council members for their support. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Roth stated he liked and appreciated the packet staff put together regarding the architectural guidelines for the Old Florida Fishing Village look. All of the Commissioners thanked Mr. Paul for his service and wished him well. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Rebecca stated there will be an Easter Egg Hunt and Earth Day Celebration at Riverview Park this Saturday, April 23 rd. ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Ginsburg also thanked Mr. Paul for his service and noted that in the 40 years he has worked with government service he is impressed with how well the Boards, Commissions, and Council in Sebastian work and function, agreeing and disagreeing amongst each other in such a professional manner. Chairman Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m. (05/12/11 db) 4