HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-2011 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 19, 2011 Vice Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Mr. Durr Mr. Hepler ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Kayser (a) Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter Mr. Reyes Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Al Minner, City Manager Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney C.� m rd • G E CO as Tro g O E-Ev29- 2.E. 0 0' aaa �N �'din Mr. Dodd welcomed Mr. Kayser as a new alternate to the Commission and Mr. Qizilbash as a new regular member, and noted Mr. Carter had also been recently appointed from an alternate member to a regular position. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Hepler /Durr to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2011 LPA Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — SITE PLAN MODIFICATION — BARBER STREET SPORTS COMPLEX — FOOTBALL FIELD EXPANSION AND RELOCATION OF PARKING AND SIDEWALKS — 1121 BARBER STREET — PS (PUBLIC SERVICE) ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Dodd opened the hearing and the Commissioners were asked if they had any exparte communication to disclose. There was none. Mr. Ginsburg swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony. Mr. Minner explained that the proposed project modified the existing football field, which was requested by the Sharks Youth Football League, whose use of the field usually runs from August to December, to expand to regulation size. The league's Governing Board was requiring all teams to have regulation -sized fields within the next couple of years. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 19, 2011 The City also wanted to expand its facilities. He stated the plan has been reviewed by the city's consulting engineer, Mr. Frank Watanabe of Neel- Schaeffer, Inc., the Parks and Recreation Committee, and City Council. The existing field is proposed to be moved to the north approximately 15 feet, to the west by 75 feet, and to the east, closer to Barber Street, by 14 feet. The surface will be torn out and sub -air systems will be placed underneath, drainage installed, and the surface re- crowned. Light poles and grass parking will need to be relocated. Sidewalk relocation and re- design is also proposed. Approximately 3 trees and some hedging will be affected. No structures are proposed. The amount of asphalt for the new drive aisles required the plan to be brought to the Commission. Mr. Qizilbash noted that at the entrance to the new parking there was a large, beautiful oak, and he requested that the tree be saved. Mr. Minner stated that one tree may have to be removed, but they would "meander" the driveway to save as many trees as possible. Mr. Roth asked when the project would start. Mr. Minner stated June 1st. He reviewed the budget, history, and proposed time frame for the components of the project, and stated the contract was for completion in 60 days. Mr. Roth questioned how high the "protective netting" fence was that was shown near Barber Street. He had concerns of kicked field goals and errant balls affecting Barber Street traffic. Mr. Minner stated it was scheduled to be 60 feet high but at this time was not being installed because of costs, not necessary if the full field wasn't utilized, and aesthetics. It was added to the site plan for future installation if needed. Mr. Kayser verified that the noted 421 feet was not the length of the football field but length of all improvements. Mr. Carter verified that the noted "asphalt parking lot" was actually grass parking with asphalt drive aisles and handicapped access areas. Mr. Durr had concerns that contracts and construction schedules had already been approved without review of the plan by the Commission. He clarified if the trees were to be removed or relocated. Mr. Minner stated removed because past oak tree relocations have not been successful. Mr. Durr stated his concern regarding lack of trees and shade for that area for spectators and would like to see some trees added. Discussion ensued regarding the immediate time frame for the improvements when the full field wasn't going to be used directly. Mr. Frank Watanabe answered questions regarding stormwater flow and structures. He also stated the existing irrigation system would be removed and replaced along with an underdrain system around the field. Mr. Hepler asked where the project funding was coming from. Mr. Minner stated $159,000 from Zone D recreation impact fees. Mr. Hepler also questioned the Toss of the basketball court. Mr. Minner stated it could be reviewed and possibly replaced in the future. Mr. Reyes reviewed his concerns regarding missing details and items on the plan. Mr. Watanabe stated the contractor had the compete set of construction plans that noted the missing items. Public Input was opened. There were no proponents or opponents who spoke. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 19, 2011 Mr. Roth had a few final questions and stated his reservation regarding not using the protective netting. He requested the issue be revisited 6 months after the new field is in use to see if it is needed. Mr. Durr stated he thought the quality level of the plans could have been better. Mr. Minner responded that it was a city project which meant staff had total control and the ability to correct deficiencies. MOTION by Roth /Reyes that the site plan modification to the Barber Street Sports Complex at 1121 Barber Street be approved as submitted with the staff's favorable recommendation. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr no Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 6 -1. Motion passed. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Dodd moved the Members Matters item up on the agenda to Chairman Matters. Re- Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman: Mr. Hepler nominated Mr. Dodd as chairman. Mr. Roth seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Dodd was approved unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Reyes nominated Mr. Hepler as vice - chairman. Mr. Roth seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Hepler was approved unanimously by voice vote. MEMBERS MATTERS: None DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Minner reviewed recent personnel changes that were budget initiated, who duties would be relocated to, and discussed initial budget and operating scenarios that he was going to present to the Budget Advisory Committee. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. (6/06/11 db) 3