HomeMy WebLinkAbout06282011BUD AgendaCITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY - JUNE 28, 2011 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes: A. Meeting of June 9, 2011 5. Results of One Cent Gas Tax Presentation to City Council 6. Board Discussion of Draft Budget Documents — FY 2011/2012 7. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of June 9, 2011 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. GIN OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 6:00 P.M. THURSDAY — JUNE 9, 2011 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Ed Herlihy called the Budget Meeting to order at 6 pm. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Roll Call Present: Dionna Farmer William Flaherty Jerry Klenck Harry Marshall Christine Vicars Brad White Ed Herlihy - Chairman Al Alvarez (alternate) Also Present: Vice Mayor Don Wright Staff Present: City Manager, Al Minner Administrative Services Director, Debra Krueger Finance Director, Ken Killgore City Clerk, Sally Maio Airport Director, Joe Griffin Chairman Herlihy introduced new member Dionna Farmer and Alternate member Albert Alvarez. 4. Approval of Minutes: A. Meeting of May 24, 2011 MOTION by Mr. White and SECOND by Ms. Vicars to approve the May 24, 2011 minutes passed on a voice vote of 7 -0. 5. Board Discussion of Upcoming Budget — FY 2011/2012 A. Estimated Taxable Values B. City Manager's Budget Summary The City Manager introduced the Budget Team - Administrative Services Director, Debra Krueger, and Finance Director, Ken Killgore and noted that Nancy Viedt, Finance Accountant was a member of the team but not in attendance tonight. Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board June 9, 2011 Page Two The City Manager then gave a power point presentation (see attached), and highlighted some areas for the Board members. He said staff is still examining special revenues, briefly described enterprise fund activities, cited the $880,000,000 assessed valuation recently received from the Property Appraiser, a 10.8 % reduction from the last fiscal year and 40% reduction over four years. He exhibited a chart (see attached) showing three alternative plans for fiscal year 2012, Options A, B and C. Plan C — Where the City Should Be The City Manager noted he has stated for the past several years that one of these days we will have to raise taxes but each year, internal efforts are made to stave off that occurrence and staff continues to deliver service without a drastic change to the community. He described the effect of passage of State amendment #1 in 2009 which increased assessed value reductions by adding an additional $25,000 exemption and by capping the way in which elected officials can increase the millage rate by requiring supermajority votes, and put in a CPI index which judged where those rates need to be. He said his concern was if we continue on the current path, we would need a supermajority vote to balance the budget. He then described the areas in yellow on the chart which show financial weaknesses eventually will need to go back into the budget: 1) furlough days which currently saves taxpayers $300,000; 2) local option gas tax funds which are currently being transferred into the general fund which restricts use of those funds for other capital purposes; 3) a portion of the stormwater funds currently being transferred into the general fund which takes away the ability to do some stormwater projects; 4) reworking of the whole of the general fund, airport fund, golf course fund, and building fund to increase cash to the enterprise funds, at a cost of $225,000 from the general fund; and 5) he noted the final weakness in the general fund is reduction of capital expenditures. He said if we were to do all of that there would be a $1.15M deficit with the existing millage rate, and which would have to be increased to 4.6912 mills to accomplish. He said council would lose their heads when they go to Publix, the political winds don't support it, and though we would still be below 2009 taxing levels, the citizens don't want increases and it is felt we can continue to try to do more with Tess. Plan B — Middle Point The City Manager said it has been contemplated that if we go to the rolled -back millage of 3.6947, there are some things we can accomplish. He said there have been three middle management retirements from Police Department, those retirements allow us to use attrition, and he is looking to the Chief and Deputy Chief to take on more of the work load, have less middle management and trade the three management positions for one new position, with a result of 36.5 officers, which would save almost $296,000. He said we could add back in the enterprise fund expenses which would increase the budget to almost $10.3 M. He said although the rolled -back millage of 3.6947 is not technically a tax increase, it could result in some residential as well as businesses tax increases because of the Save our Homes Act, though this option is a realistic proposal. 2 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board June 9, 2011 Page Three Plan A — Reinventing Local Government The City Manager said in Plan A we assume the deficit with $880,000,000 in assessed value, take a complete conservative revenue approach resulting in approximately $9.996 M in revenues, and with personnel cuts recently made there will be a total cost for personnel of $8,046,079. He said on a year to year basis operating expenses run anywhere from $2.2 M to $2.4 M and he projects 2012 expenses to be $2.29 M which is about a $50K decrease from where we were two weeks ago, and for which he was proud of department heads. He said if we purchase a new City phone system with DST funds we can eliminate the annual maintenance cost, we plan to reduce building facilities costs, and we have $30K in capital items we need to purchase and recommend utilizing a transfer from general fund reserves, because it is a non - recurring expense and the cash reserve is still in a position to absorb those funds. He said with all of that there is a $370K deficit, and to balance it, we go back to the Police Department reorganization, not replace management staff that is leaving, transfer the Detective Bureau Sergeant to Road Patrol Sergeant, shift supervision of the Detective Bureau to the Chief and Deputy Chief for a total savings of $370K which gives you a balanced budget. He said staff recommends Plan A, a tough decision because it continues to put stress on the organization, keep the millage at 3.3041, noting major cuts have been made, said early retirement buyouts are no longer conducive because of the cash we would have to pay out in the future, noted staff middle management has been reduced in every general fund department we have, thus putting the load on upper management. He said if we continue to have reductions some day we may have to increase taxes. He recommended "keeping the powder dry", but as we go forward, we need to eventually get back to the issues of Plan C. He said if we go to Plan B this year, next year we will need another tax increase, stating he believed a future tax increase is imminent, and it would be better to fight that battle in a year when it will give us maximum return for that dollar, and put us in a position where we can tackle some of the issues we need to tackle in Plan C. The City Manager cautioned that several factors could affect the numbers such as the collective bargaining agreements to come, going in with no COLA/merit and continuing furloughs, SPD retirement issues, health care and dependent care coverage concerns, possible general liability and property casualty anticipate increases, fuel cost issues, noting staff is working on anticipated fuel costs for next year, possible inclusion of $2M new construction estimates, and a couple more unknowns. He noted the budget is a work in progress until about August when numbers start to come in, and said he thought we have done a good job up to this point. Dionna Farmer inquired about the $30,000 capital cost and maintenance cost savings from purchase of a new phone system. The City Manager responded that the City's phone system is a 10 year old Siemens system, we are losing our ability to link Outlook and the phones together, it has become difficult to get parts, it has been put off for a couple of years and we need it. He said it can be done by not taxing the general fund, taking the expense out of DST funds, and then we save $12K per year in the general fund by eliminating the current maintenance cost. He said the hitch is if we procure now, by October 1 we can start putting it in, but he can't get rid of the maintenance contract until we get the new system. 3 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board June 9, 2011 Page Four He said the $30,000 for capital costs is a mower for parks, a mower for the cemetery, and hardware and software for the MIS Department. He said the MIS people came up with a new computer plan to divide segments of the server to serve multiple functions and keep systems running efficiently. He said the big system users are MUNIS, Building Permits, Police Records, and Laserfiche. He said we are looking at $30,000 capital expenses in a $10M budget. William Flaherty said in looking at the $880M assessed value and the millage rate, is there an assumption that we will collect 100% of those funds. The City Manager said you can get into a scenario where if you underbudget your tax revenues and only budget 75 %, you can get into a situation where you artificially kick up your taxing levy because you budget at such a low amount, that creates fluff in the budget, and artificially keeps taxes high. He said Tallahassee tells us how much we have to program and sets the number we cannot budget below at 95% of the assessed value. He said if you do a calculation on that number, $880M times 95% divided by $1000 times the millage rate, plus $30,000 gives you the number before you. He said the City has been collecting revenues at about 96% for the past several years, and it has not dipped below yet. Jerry Klenck said he had asked for a report back from the Administrative Services Director regarding seeking the additional sales tax on gas, and Ms. Krueger said she had provided the Board with an email on March 23rd reflecting the July 20th City Council meeting where the Board Chairman brought it before them and the issue essentially died. Mr. Klenck said he would like to make that recommendation again, and Chairman Herlihy said the appropriate time to do that is when we make our budget report to Council in July. Mr. Klenck said that would be too late because it has to be in before July and that is why we lost it last time. The City Manager said if there is an approved motion he can bring it forward to City Council on June 22nd MOTION by Mr. Klenck and SECOND by Dionna Farmer to forward a request to City Council to recommend the additional one cent gas tax to the County at the June 22nd Council meeting. Mr. Klenck noted that a Florida League of Cities representative told them we are one of the few counties in the State that does not impose the additional tax. Brad White said even if the County approved it, there would be no guarantee they would share the money with the City. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 6 -1 (Marshall — nay) The City Manager said he would put the Board Chairman on the agenda to make a presentation to City Council. Mr. Klenck asked if the Finance Director had looked up the collision deductible. 4 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board June 9, 2011 Page Five Mr. Killgore said the cost is $7,500 per year for all City vehicles, that prior to May there had been no accidents for which city staff was responsible, but since May we have spent $8,500 for accidents caused by City staff. He said the collision deductible was $1,000. Mr. Klenck said costs for others' vehicles would come under liability, though he thought $7,500 was reasonable cost for collision. Mr. White expressed his appreciation for the City Manager's presentation and said Council has tough decisions to make. Harry Marshall asked about the Police Department pension plan. The City Manager said it was a defined benefit plan for police officers, and other employees have a defined contribution plan. He further pointed them to the chart under Total General Fund Revenues that shows the expenditures for retirement contributions and the Chapter 185 retirement contributions, noting that the retirement contributions are 9% for all employees who are not a part of the defined benefit plan and accounts for about $275K, and for the 38.5 police officers in the defined benefit plan the City's contribution has dropped to 22% and accounts for about $514K. Mr. Marshall asked what it takes to change this and the City Manager said this is the million dollar question that all local governments are trying to resolve. He said while retirement benefits are not items in the collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), to change any benefits we have to change the CBA, for the police retirement fund, which is a Chapter 185 local plan managed by the City that follows FS 185, the State made changes this year that will affect us and the statutes, but they really won't affect us because one of those changes was that it will require an employee contribution into the plan and we are already requesting a 5% employee contribution, the plan receives approximately $140K which is derived from casualty insurance from the State, and the City contributes $515,000. He said we have to follow 185 rules to receive State money. He said under the new legislation, to continue to receive State funding those officers have to contribute at least 3 %, and the other change is that at retirement age if you have accrued leave up to certain limits and you get those funds paid out, those payments do not become a factor of your last year's earnings which increase your retirement pension, a change that will affect our Police Department. Harry Marshalls asked how we could change this for new hires. The City Manager said under the current CBA there is an entitlement in the contract that new hires get the same as those in the existing plans, so for the City to change this for new hires we would have to collectively bargain. In response to Mr. Marshall, the City Manager said the agreement is strictly between the City and the bargaining unit, but there are statutory limits established by the State in 1999 that you cannot drop below, and if you do that you lose State funding. He noted there are at least two communities that have said retirement pensions have become so burdensome that they have collectively bargained and rejected State money so they can bargain. He said they will be talking about some of those issues as we go into bargaining. 5 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board June 9, 2011 Page Six Chairman Ed Herlihy said the presentation was excellent as usual, echoed the City Manager's thoughts on the need for the new phone system, the concept is a modern system where we are not stuck having to buy equipment from one manufacturer, which is currently Siemens, and they are getting to the point where they won't or can't support the system. He then advised the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 28th, the proposed budget will be submitted to the Board on June 17th and if any of the Board members should want a workshop once they see the budget, they should let the Finance Director know and it can be held in the conference room, Tess formally as has been done before. The City Manager closed by saying that if anyone needed more detail about the budget or would like to speak with him, they should feel free to contact him at 388 -8200 or aminnercityofsebastian.orq. In response to Mr. Klenck, he said he will call when the proposed budgets are ready and would personally deliver his if need be. 6. Being no further business, Chairman Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 7:05 pm. Approved at the June 28th, 2011 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting. Ed Herlihy, Chairman Sally Maio, City Clerk Recording 6 FISCAL YEAR 2011 - 2012 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM As of June 17, 2011 CITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND (772) 589 -5330 CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 -2012 ANNUAL BUDGET 1 SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION Change Amended FY 11/12 From cro Org FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10 /11 FY 10 /11 Adopted FY 10 /11 Increase Code Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Budget (Decrease) 010001 City Council $ 50,101 $ 51,313 $ 48,016 $ 49,708 $ 50.303 $ 50,283 575 1.1° -0 010005 City Manager 259,187 270,318 249,377 234,642 233,060 242,142 7,500 3.2 °ro 010009 City Clerk 272,331 290,270 292,969 272,792 272,237 309,755 36,963 13.6% 010010 City Attorney 215,665 184,450 104,585 125,785 102,332 107,710 (18,075) - 17.7 ° -o 010020 Administrative Services 660,776 556,216 489,026 478,562 476,195 482,544 3,982 0.800 010021 Management Information Svs. 222,868 262,444 265,376 248,908 272,126 160,899 (88,009) - 32.3 °'0 010041 Police Administration 978,191 1,095,779 781,955 663,341 635,571 656,243 (7,098) 1.1 °0 010043 Police Operations 2,414,034 2,606,975 2,534,599 2,398,150 2,459,210 2,354,582 (43,568) - 1.8 ° 0 010047 Police Detective Division 730,737 661,582 1,042,894 1,101,797 1,045,493 998,695 (103,102) 99 °0 010049 Police Dispatch Unit 472,647 495,769 475,756 480,087 482,861 511,290 31,203 6.5 °0 010045 Code Enforcement Division 155,213 139,478 132,959 164,614 159,614 163,033 (1,581) -1_0% 010052 Roads and Maintenance 1,193,224 1,241,246 914,388 867,504 813,688 845,213 (22,291) 2.7 ° -0 010053 Stormwater Utility 1,275,691 1,268,576 1,055,577 1,092,457 1,061,282 1,035,750 (56,707) 5.3 ° -0 010054 Vehicle Maintenance 158,370 218,740 210,676 140,219 141,665 157,117 16,898 11.9% 010056 Facilities Maintenance 264,322 275,126 235,324 252,565 220,576 237,781 (14,784) 6.70 010057 Parks and Recreation 1,100,415 1,148,407 983,198 927,627 920,481 906,606 (21,021) -2.3% 010059 Cemetery 198,134 167,293 142,586 105,232 104,016 164,506 59,274 57.0% 010080 Growth Management 382,516 380,503 410,049 348,734 344,206 172,512 (176,222) -51.2% 010099 Non Departmental 771,776 710,713 622,565 552,107 511,915 531,756 (20,351) -4.0% Total General Fund Expenditures $ 11,776,197 $ 12,025,198 $ 10,991,875 $ 10,504,831 $ 10,306,831 $ 10,088,417 (416,414) - 4.0 °-0 Total Revenues and Transfers 11,691,116 11,534,018 10,836,169 10,504,831 10,122,020 9,996,931 (125,089) -1.2go Change in Fund Balance $ (85,081) $ (491,180) $ (155,706) $ (0) $ (184,811) $ (91,486) (91,486) 6/16/20119:03 AM CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE G -2 General Fund Revenues Detail GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL Code: 001501 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Bud2et FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 Adopted Bud2et TAXES 311000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 4,634,338 4,225,106 3,716,797 3,097,353 3,097,353 2,762,228 311001 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 2,906 41,236 15,305 15,000 15,000 15,000 311002 Penalty on Delinquent Taxes 8,419 10,458 2,296 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES 4,645,663 4,276,800 3,734,398 3,122,353 3,122,353 2,787,228 FRANCHISE FEES 313100 Electric Franchise Fees 1,140,994 1,260,484 1,159,433 1,385,000 1,200,000 1,285,200 313700 Solid Waste Franchise Fees 58,768 66,769 69,259 65,085 67,000 67,000 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 1,199,762 1,327,253 1,228,692 1,450,085 1,267,000 1,352,200 UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 314100 Electric Utility Service Tax 1,130,033 1,174,792 1,305,187 1,462,000 1,300,000 1,413,000 314300 Water Utility Service Tax 217,920 219,953 222,524 220,570 226,000 232,000 314800 Propane Utility Service Tax 30,408 29,606 22,098 29,000 25,000 25,000 314950 CST Revenue Sharing 872,420 917,107 887,241 895,700 880,000 880,000 TOTAL UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 2,250,781 2,341,458 2,437,050 2,607,270 2,431,000 2,550,000 TOTAL TAXES & FRANCHISE FEES 8,096,206 7,945,511 7,400,140 7,179,708 6,820,353 6,689,428 LICENSES AND PERMITS 321000 Business Taxes 107,083 0 0 0 0 0 321100 Business Tax - Penalties /Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 321050 Contractor License 0 0 0 0 0 0 321150 Contractor License - Penalties 0 0 0 0 0 0 322050 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 322060 Driveway Permit Fees 7,600 5,925 10,405 7,500 7,500 7,500 322075 Reinspection Fees 70 0 0 0 0 0 322700 Accessory Structure 100 100 300 0 700 250 322900 Other Permits & Fees 1,877 2,256 2,191 1,750 2,000 2,000 329100 Zoning Fees 18,017 7,800 7,381 12,000 7,500 7,500 329200 Site Plan Review Fees 16,450 7,300 7,445 12,000 7,500 7,500 329300 Plat Review Fees 2,950 750 1,200 5,000 5,000 5,000 329400 Plan Checking Fees 5,200 3,400 2,600 5,000 5,000 5,000 329500 Alarm Permits 1,500 1,320 1,460 1,200 1,200 1,200 329600 De- Watering Permits 100 300 200 200 200 200 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 160,947 29,151 33,182 44,650 36,600 36,150 (CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Revenues Detail - Continued Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual FY 10/11 Adopted Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 Adopted Budget INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: FEDERAL GRANTS 331200 Fed Grant - Public Safety 19,458 41,743 31,218 40,000 40,000 40,000 331204 Fed - LLEBG 0 0 5,834 5,000 5,000 5,000 331901 FEMA - Federal Grant 9,946 0 0 0 0 0 331902 FHWA Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS 29,404 41,743 37,052 45,000 45,000 45,000 STATE GRANTS 334100 FL Urban & Forestry Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 334900 FEMA -State matching 0 0 0 0 0 0 334901 FEMA -State Grant 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE GRANTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATE SHARED REVENUES 335120 Municipal Revenue Sharing 424,592 373,205 376,297 345,000 375,000 375,000 335122 8th Cent Motor Fuel Tax 159,488 149,968 154,094 142,000 155,000 155,000 335140 Mobile Home Licenses 9,844 9,621 9,545 11,000 9,700 9,700 335150 Alcohol Beverage Licenses 10,275 10,700 10,850 10,700 10,700 10,700 335180 Local Half -Cent Sales Tax 1,385,407 1,277,853 1,274,429 1,282,840 1,282,840 1,285,000 335200 Police Pension State Shared Revenue 122,800 137,782 134,852 0 0 0 TOTAL STATE SHARED REVENUES 2,112,406 1,959,129 1,960,067 1,791,540 1,833,240 1,835,400 TOTAL INTER -GOV'T REVENUE 2,141,810 2,000,872 1,997,119 1,836,540 1,878,240 1,880,400 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 341910 Sales -Maps & Publications 157 25 0 50 0 0 341920 Cert. Copying, Record Search 2,467 2,171 1,318 1,800 1,500 1,500 341930 Election Fees 549 488 305 0 0 0 342100 PD Overtime Service Fees 13,184 5,025 26,230 14,000 12,000 12,000 342200 PD Fingerprinting 1,367 1,643 1,190 1,200 1,400 1,200 343805 Cemetery Fees 12,791 11,549 9,129 10,000 10,000 10,000 347550 Skate Facility Fees 8,637 6,358 3,885 6,500 7,000 6,500 347555 Tennis Facility Fees 22,407 18,910 20,130 21,000 21,000 21,000 347556 County Impact Fees Admin. Fees 11,890 2,325 2,211 5,000 5,000 5,000 347557 Community Center Rec Revenues 40,444 38,947 35,820 40,000 40,000 40,000 349140 RRD- Management Fees 12,826 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 349410 Golf Course - Management Fees 50,036 49,509 54,460 59,906 59,906 65,897 349450 Airport- Management Fees 50,036 52,592 36,656 42,980 42,980 44,203 349455 Maintenance Service Fees -AP 2,695 1,329 1,540 1,800 1,800 1,800 349480 Building Dept Administrative Fees 83,394 84,089 75,680 68,112 68,112 61,301 349485 Maintenance Services Fees -Bldg Dept. 1,031 719 774 1,000 1,000 1,000 349900 Project Personnel /Equipment Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 349950 Special Events Pers Svc Fees 5,212 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CHGS FOR SERVICE 319,123 288,881 282,530 286,550 284,900 284,603 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Revenues Detail - Continued Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual FY 10/11 Adopted Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 Adopted Budget FINES AND FORFEITS 351100 Court Fines 21,395 18,507 14,585 12,500 15,000 15,000 351115 Police Education -$2.00 Funds 2,707 2,394 1,532 1,500 1,500 1,500 351120 Drivers Education 4,334 2,771 1,790 2,500 2,500 2,500 351130 Court Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 351140 Parking Fines 1,990 700 1,150 1,000 2,500 2,000 354100 Code Enforcement Fines 12,602 34,402 49,878 45,000 50,000 50,000 359000 Other Fines /Forfeits 3,104 637 2,480 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITS 46,132 59,411 71,415 65,500 74,500 74,000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: INTEREST EARNINGS 361100 Interest Income 151,388 183,892 138,121 86,000 86,000 86,000 361105 State Board Interest Earnings 47,670 6,030 4,069 2,500 5,000 5,000 361121 Special Assessment - Interest 0 3,357 0 0 0 0 361150 Other Interest 3,324 847 172 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL INTEREST EARNINGS 202,382 194,126 142,362 89,500 92,000 92,000 RENT AND ROYALTIES 362100 Rents and Royalties 3,768 3,843 5,370 4,400 5,000 5,000 362150 Nontaxable Rent 95,516 72,960 74,808 76,400 76,400 76,400 363150 Special Assessment - Riverfront 0 3,849 0 0 0 0 TOTAL RENT AND ROYALTIES 99,284 80,652 80,178 80,800 81,400 81,400 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 4,994 3,925 15,765 16,000 17,000 17,000 365000 Sale of Surplus Material /Scrap 9,174 5,084 11,349 6,500 5,000 5,000 TOTAL SALES OF FIXED ASSETS 14,168 9,009 27,114 22,500 22,000 22,000 CONTRIBUTIONS /DONATIONS 366000 Contributions & Donations 200 14,649 250 41,038 32,000 10,000 366100 Donatons - Car Seat Program 222 (642) 0 0 0 0 366150 75th Annuversary Revenues 350 250 450 350 600 350 366200 Contribution/Greer Trust 20,400 6,740 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 366604 Donations - Public Safety Employees 1,657 1,785 2,213 2,000 2,400 2,000 366605 Donations - General Empl Fund 2,583 3,030 1,929 3,000 3,000 3,000 366805 4th of July Donations 8,470 2,650 2,600 2,500 5,300 2,600 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS /DONATIONS 33,882 28,462 13,442 54,888 49,300 23,950 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 367000 Gain /Loss on Sale of Investments 0 (8,218) (14,839) 0 0 0 369100 Motor Fuel Tax Rebate 12,286 12,466 11,387 12,000 12,000 12,000 369200 Insurance Proceeds 10,940 3,785 968 3,000 3,000 3,000 369400 Reimbursements 19,422 57,078 19,834 63,421 25,000 25,000 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 4,713 9,956 5,127 10,000 5,000 5,000 369955 Vend Mach Sales -Gen Empl Fund 1,453 1,323 777 1,500 1,000 1,000 369995 Cash Over /Short 14 15 (5) 15 0 0 369999 Prior Year Recoveries (8,184) 0 550 500 0 0 TOTAL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV. 40,644 76,405 23,799 90,436 46,000 46,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 390,360 388,654 286,895 338,124 290,700 265,350 TOTAL REVENUES 11,154,578 10,712,480 10,071,281 9,751,072 9,385,293 9,229,931 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Revenues Detail - Continued Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual FY 10 /11 Adopted Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 Adopted Budget INTERFUND TRANSFERS 381120 Transfer from 120 LOGT 0 215,784 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 381130 Transfer from 130 DST 0 0 0 0 0 0 381140 Transfer from 140 CRA 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 381163 Transfer from 163 STORMWATER 500,000 512,500 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 381601 Transfer from 601 CEMETERY TRUST 36,538 33,254 29,888 1,727 1,727 2,000 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 536,538 821,538 764,888 736,727 736,727 737,000 TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 11,691,116 11,534,018 10,836,169 10,454,340 10,122,020 9,966,931 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 389991 Decrease in Fund Balance 85,079 482,962 0 17,032 0 30,000 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 85,079 482,962 0 17,032 0 30,000 TOTAL REV. AND OTHER SOURCES 11,776,195 12,016,980 10,836,169 10,504,831 10,122,020 9,996,931 RECOMMENDED FULL -TIME AND PART -TIME POSITIONS Department/Division Actual FY 2007/2008 Actual FY 2008/2009 Amended FY 2009 /10 Budget FY 2010 /1011 Budget FY 2011/2012 Increase/ (Decrease) F/T P/T F/T P/T F/T P/T F/T P/T F/T P/T F/T P/T City Council 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 City Manager 2.5 I 2.5 0 2.5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 City Clerk 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 City Attorney 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administrative Services 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 Finance 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mgmt Information Svcs 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 2 2 2 1 0 Human Resources 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Growth Management 5 0 5 0 5 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 Police Administration 9 8 9 8 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 Police Operations 29 1 30 1 27 1 27 1 26 1 1 0 Police Detectives 6 0 6 0 10 8 10 8 9 8 1 0 Police Dispatch 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 0 0 Code Enforcement 2.5 1 2.5 0 2.5 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 Engineering 5 4 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roads & Maintenance 10 0 10 0 12 0 12 0 1 1 0 1 0 Stormwater Utility 13 0 11 0 12 0 12 0 10 0 2 0 Vehicle Maintenance 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 Parks & Recreation 15 17 15 17 14 18 12 18 11 18 1 0 Cemetery 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 ( 1) 0 Facilities Maintenance 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Golf Course Administration 3 5 3 5 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 (I Golf Course Carts 0 7 0 7 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 0 Airport 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 Building Department 6 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 SUB - TOTALS 140 51 138 49 130 49 125 51 116 52 9 1 TOTALS 191 187 179 176 168 8 Summary of Changes for FY 2010/11 City Manager /Code Enforcement - Retirement of one (1) Full Time Employee (1/2 time Code Enforcement, 1/2 time City Manager) Growth Management - Reclassification of(1) Full time employee (1/2 time Code Enforcement, 1/2 time Growth Management) Central Garage, Parks, Cemetery - Four (4) vacant positions not being tilled Summary of Changes for FY 2011/12 MIS - Elimination of MIS Director Position Growth Management - Elimination of Growth Management Director and Enviromental Planner Positions Police Operatons - Elimination of Captain Position Police Detectives - Elimination of Captain Position Roads & Maintenance - Elimination of (1) Maintenance III Position Stormwater - Eliminations of (1) Maintenance 11I and (I) Maintenance 1 positions Parks & Rec - Transfer of (1) Maintenance I Position to Cemetery Golf Course Administration - Elimination of Asst. Pro Position, Addition of part-time cashier position 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 -2012 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION AND CHARACTER LEVEL CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 Department Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 22,779 $ 22,753 $ 22,413 $ 22,761 $ 22,747 $ 22,747 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 27,322 28,560 24,819 26,947 27,556 27,536 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 784 - - - TOTAL $ 50,101 $ 51,313 $ 48,016 $ 49,708 $ 50,303 $ 50,283 CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES $ 254,023 $ 260,836 $ 243,716 $ 229,734 $ 229,626 $ 238,842 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5,164 9,482 5,661 4,908 3,434 3,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 259,187 $ 270,318 $ 249,377 $ 234,642 $ 233,060 $ 242,142 CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES $ 242,901 $ 250,520 $ 240,520 $ 243,373 $ 243,150 $ 254,833 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 29,430 39,750 52,449 29,419 29,087 54,922 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 272,331 $ 290,270 $ 292,969 $ 272,792 $ 272,237 $ 309,755 CITY ATTORNEY PERSONAL SERVICES $ 209,562 $ 78,310 $ - $ - $ - $ - OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,103 106,140 104,585 125,785 102,332 107,710 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 215,665 $ 184,450 $ 104,585 5 125,785 $ 102,332 $ 107,710 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES $ 577,960 $ 475,013 $ 401,669 $ 397,517 $ 397,321 $ 403,735 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 82,816 81,202 87,357 81.045 78,874 78,809 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 660,776 $ 556,216 $ 489,026 $ 478,562 $ 476,195 $ 482,544 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES $ 198,088 $ 209,848 $ 203,325 $ 203,713 $ 229,342 $ 119,903 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 15,450 48,139 44,834 40,195 37,784 30,996 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,329 4,457 17,217 5,000 5,000 10,000 TOTAL $ 222,867 $ 262,444 $ 265,376 $ 248,908 $ 272,126 $ 160,899 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES $ 344,247 $ 364,709 $ 368,224 $ 312,127 $ 308,953 $ 161,320 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 35,844 15,794 41,825 36,607 35,253 11,192 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,425 - 2,531 - - - TOTAL $ 382,516 $ 380,503 $ 410,049 $ 348,734 $ 344,206 $ 172,512 POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES $ 864,466 $ 965,085 $ 671,784 $ 545,161 $ 518,730 $ 544,335 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 96,942 130,694 107,640 118,180 116,841 111,908 CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,783 - 2,531 - - - TOTAL $ 978,191 $ 1,095,779 $ 781,955 $ 663,341 $ 635,571 $ 656,243 POLICE DEPARTMENT - OPERATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,133,640 $ 2,379,437 $ 2,319,598 $ 2,212,532 $ 2,228,470 $ 2,147,077 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 244,162 155,811 183,270 152,324 198,815 207,505 CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,232 71,727 31,731 33,294 31,925 - TOTAL $ 2,414,034 $ 2,606,975 $ 2,534,599 $ 2,398,150 $ 2,459,210 $ 2,354,582 POLICE DEPARTMENT - DETECTIVE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 613,450 $ 572,907 $ 954,641 $ 1,007,012 $ 953,221 $ 906,598 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 115,587 85,903 86,483 91,444 89,119 92,097 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,700 2,772 1,770 3,341 3,153 - TOTAL $ 730,737 $ 661,582 $ 1,042,894 $ 1,101,797 $ 1,045,493 $ 998,695 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 -2012 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND OPERATING SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT /DIVISION AND CHARACTER LEVEL POLICE DEPARTMENT - DISPATCH PERSONAL SERVICES 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 Department Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget POLICE DEPARTMENT - DISPATCH PERSONAL SERVICES $ 456,751 $ 485,844 $ 473,307 $ 473,697 $ 476,953 $ 504,345 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 14,756 3,615 2,449 6,390 5,908 6,945 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,140 6,310 - - - - TOTAL $ 472,647 $ 495,769 $ 475,756 $ 480,087 $ 482,861 $ 511,290 CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES $ 115,045 $ 119,031 $ 111,852 $ 143,419 $ 139,886 $ 142,465 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 22,740 20,447 21,107 21,195 19,728 20,568 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,427 - - - - - TOTAL $ 155,212 $ 139,478 $ 132,959 $ 164,614 $ 159,614 $ 163,033 PUBLIC WORKS - ROADS AND MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 986,384 $ 1,070,698 $ 758,644 $ 742,664 $ 697,934 $ 724,150 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 194,555 165,296 123,463 124,840 114,089 121,063 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,285 5,252 32,281 - 1,665 - TOTAL $ 1,193,224 $ 1,241,246 $ 914,388 $ 867,504 $ 813,688 $ 845,213 PUBLIC WORKS - STORMWATER UTILITY PERSONAL SERVICES $ 540,745 $ 525,786 $ 596,385 $ 596,056 $ 564,387 $ 520,579 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 679,136 739,766 459,192 496,401 496,895 515,171 CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,810 3,024 - - - - TOTAL $ 1,275,691 $ 1,268,576 $ 1,055,577 $ 1,092,457 $ 1,061,282 $ 1,035,750 PUBLIC WORKS - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 127,864 $ 174,408 $ 163,773 $ 120,048 $ 117,475 $ 132,756 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 30,506 41,387 34,903 20,171 24,190 24,361 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 2,945 12,000 - - - TOTAL $ 158,370 $ 218,740 $ 210,676 $ 140,219 $ 141,665 $ 157,117 PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS & REC PERSONAL SERVICES $ 811,308 $ 879,834 $ 747,688 $ 689,547 $ 685,151 $ 668,675 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 268,072 268,573 230,091 225,280 223,891 226,931 CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,036 - 5,419 12,800 11,439 11,000 TOTAL $ 1,100,416 $ 1,148,407 $ 983,198 $ 927,627 $ 920,481 $ 906,606 PUBLIC WORKS - CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES $ 125,618 $ 138,155 $ 122,322 $ 87,157 $ 86,456 $ 129,701 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 23,006 22,131 20,264 18,075 17,560 25,805 CAPITAL OUTLAY 49,509 7,007 - - - 9,000 TOTAL $ 198,133 $ 167,293 $ 142,586 $ 105,232 $ 104,016 $ 164,506 PUBLIC WORKS - FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 102,071 $ 117,684 $ 115,020 $ 112,872 $ 112,215 $ 116,355 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 162,251 157,442 120,304 139,693 108,361 121,426 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 264,322 $ 275,126 $ 235,324 5 252,565 $ 220,576 $ 237,781 NON - DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1,268 $ 22,687 $ 20,040 $ 15,000 $ 22,000 $ 30.000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 770,508 688,026 602,525 537,107 489,915 501.756 INTERFUND TRANSFERS OUT - - - 54,435 - - CONTINGENCY - - - - - - TOTAL $ 771,776 $ 710,713 $ 622,565 $ 552,107 $ 511,915 $ 531,756 TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 8,728,170 $ 9,113,545 $ 8,534,921 $ 8,154,390 $ 8,034,017 $ 7,768,416 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 2,824,350 2,808,158 2,353,221 2,296,006 2,219,632 2,290,001 CAPITAL OUTLAY 223,676 103,494 103,733 54,435 53,182 30,000 GRANTS AND AIDS - - - - - - INTERFUND TRANSFERS OUT - - - - - - CONTINGENCY - - - - - - TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 11,776,195 $ 12,025,198 $ 10,991,875 $ 10,504,831 $ 10,306,831 $ 10,088,417 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL Code: 010001 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Legislative Salaries 19,800 19,800 19,500 19,800 19,800 19,800 512100 FICA Taxes 2,892 2,892 2,863 2,913 2,913 2,913 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 87 61 50 48 34 34 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,779 22,753 22,413 22,761 22,747 22,747 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel & Per Diem 20,995 22,464 20,575 22,000 22,000 22,000 534101 Telephone 246 90 116 116 110 110 534105 Cellular Telephone 748 956 656 656 970 970 534110 Internet Access 69 77 80 80 81 81 534630 R & M Office Equipment 0 126 500 0 500 500 534800 Promotional Activities 1,157 1,192 500 500 400 400 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,489 560 463 500 500 500 535210 Computer Supplies 353 709 179 500 500 500 535410 Dues and Memberships 0 200 200 200 200 200 535420 Books and Publications 250 336 300 300 200 200 535450 Training and Education 2,015 1,850 1,250 2,095 2,095 2,075 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 27,322 28,560 24,819 26,947 27,556 27,536 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 784 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 784 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 50,101 51,313 48,016 49,708 50,303 50,283 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY COUNCIL Projected Adopted PAY Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 Mayor 5,400 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 5,400 $ 5,400 Vice -Mayor 3,600 1.00 1.00 1.00 3,600 3,600 Council Member 3,600 3.00 3.00 3.00 10,800 10,800 5.00 5.00 5.00 FICA Taxes Worker's Comp Insurance $ 19,800 $ 19,800 2,913 2,913 34 34 $ 22,747 $ 22,747 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY MANAGER Code: 010005 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 186,680 193,517 182,311 173,032 173,032 173,032 512100 FICA Taxes 13,506 13,299 12,913 13,512 13,512 13,512 512225 Deferred Compensation 16,247 17,416 16,784 15,897 15,897 15,897 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 15,300 17,736 16,739 12,906 12,906 16,033 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 17,803 14,642 10,851 10,363 10,363 16,452 512309 Employee Assistance Program 54 46 46 46 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 715 600 492 378 270 270 512601 Auto Allowance 3,718 3,580 3,580 3,600 3,600 3,600 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 254,023 260,836 243,716 229,734 229,626 238,842 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 388 542 0 0 318 320 534101 Telephone 555 270 347 370 330 330 534105 Cellular Phone 374 299 479 558 186 0 534110 Internet Services 42 38 40 40 40 40 534120 Postage 64 117 113 100 50 50 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 806 810 1,003 1,365 250 250 534800 Promotional Activities 672 1,309 607 250 100 150 534920 Legal Ads 0 441 245 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 578 1,127 142 500 500 500 535210 Computer Supplies 30 123 758 100 50 50 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,321 3,746 1,589 1,275 1,160 1,160 535420 Books and Publications 10 10 0 100 0 0 535450 Training and Education 325 650 338 250 450 450 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5,164 9,482 5,661 4,908 3,434 3,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 259,187 270,318 249,377 234,642 233,060 242,142 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY MANAGER POSITION City Manager Executive Assistant P/T General Services Technician PAY RANGE 43,861 / 79,218 22,909 / 41,376 GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 64C 1.00 1.00 1.00 10 0.50 0.00 0.00 Projected Adopted Expenditures Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 110,076 $ 110,076 62,956 62,956 2.50 2.00 2.00 FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Auto Allowance Total Personal Services $ 173,032 $ 173,032 13,512 13,512 15,897 15,897 12,906 16,033 10,363 16,452 46 46 270 270 3,600 3,600 $ 229,626 $ 23 8, 842 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY CLERK I.UUG. uluuu7 Account Number Descri s tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Salaries 181,006 188,706 182,109 185,737 185,737 190,209 512100 FICA Taxes 13,760 14,048 13,281 14,209 14,209 14,551 512225 Deferred Compensation 16,290 16,983 16,390 16,716 16,716 17,119 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 20,627 21,230 21,172 19,433 19,433 24,151 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 10,420 8,899 7,018 6,804 6,696 8,437 512309 Employee Assistance Program 69 69 69 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 729 585 481 405 290 297 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 242,901 250,520 240,520 243,373 243,150 254,833 533400 Other Contractual Services 1,631 3,481 1,252 1,700 1,600 1,600 533490 Codification Services 3,155 1,529 3,410 3,000 3,600 4,500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,887 671 117 1,022 1,200 1,150 534101 Telephone 797 539 707 610 660 660 534110 Internet Services 147 134 130 142 142 142 534120 Postage 406 573 455 400 310 310 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 9,432 12,658 8,918 9,550 9,550 9,685 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 46 343 332 300 100 150 534920 Legal Ads 8,124 6,826 2,218 1,800 2,400 2,400 534990 Election Costs 0 8,618 31,630 8,600 7,000 32,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,073 1,461 516 400 300 300 535210 Computer Supplies 1,332 1,689 1,757 800 800 800 535410 Dues and Memberships 395 435 665 560 875 775 535420 Books and Publications 364 414 192 100 100 100 535450 Training and Education 640 379 150 435 450 350 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 29,430 39,750 52,449 29,419 29,087 54,922 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CITY CLERK 272,331 290,270 292,969 272,792 272,237 309,755 ** 534990 Odd year election costs are $2.00 per registered voter. ** 533490 Anticipated increase in Ordinances ** 534920 Anticipated increase in Ordinances PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CITY CLERK POSITION City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Records Program Manager PAY RANGE 39,783 / 71,853 35,367 / 63,877 F /T /E GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 1.00 1.00 64 1.00 1.00 60 1.00 1.00 11 =12 1.00 1.00 1.00 Projected Adopted Expenditures Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 84,421 $ 85,852 57,246 58,569 44,070 45,788 3.00 3.00 3.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 185,737 $ 190,209 14,209 14,551 16,716 17,119 19,433 24,151 6,696 8,437 69 69 290 297 243,150 $ 254,833 *increase due to 5% longevity increase City Clerk 2/2011 5% longevity increase Deputy City Clerk 5/2011 5% longevity increase Records Mgr 1/2012 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 /2012 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY ATTORNEY Code: 010010 Account Descri i tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 152,162 72,836 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 11,106 1,734 0 0 0 0 512225 Deferred Compensation 22,239 523 0 0 0 0 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 13,768 2,347 0 0 0 0 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,062 520 0 0 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 8 0 0 0 0 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 461 342 0 0 0 0 512601 Auto Allowance 3,718 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 209,562 78,310 0 0 0 0 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 517 103,200 100,183 121,000 100,000 105,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 789 0 428 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 413 270 347 360 330 330 534105 Cellular Phone 321 23 0 0 0 0 534110 Internet Services 42 38 40 40 41 40 534115 On -Line Services 1,202 939 1,309 1,620 1,428 1,430 534120 Postage 16 4 9 50 16 10 534130 Express Mail 0 0 0 50 50 0 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 806 810 714 965 150 150 534995 Litigation Expenses 794 7 2 1,000 0 500 535200 Departmental Supplies 196 197 0 100 62 100 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 0 50 49 50 535410 Dues and Memberships 500 283 150 450 0 0 535420 Books and Publications 10 369 207 100 206 100 535450 Training and Education 497 0 1,196 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6,103 106,140 104,585 125,785 102,332 107,710 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LEGAL DEPARTMENT 215,665 184,450 104,585 125,785 102,332 107,710 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Code: 010020 Account Number Descri • tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr Request PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 444,734 360,447 315,719 315,039 315,039 315,039 511400 Overtime 574 337 331 500 500 500 512100 FICA Taxes 33,052 27,099 24,215 24,139 24,139 24,139 512225 Deferred Compensation 34,465 32,471 28,445 28,398 28,398 28,398 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 52,821 46,557 31,507 28,408 28,408 34,762 512305 Dependent Insurance 10,609 6,775 499 230 230 290 512309 Employee Assistance Program 180 154 115 115 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,525 1,173 838 688 492 492 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 577,960 475,013 401,669 397,517 397,321 403,735 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 3,449 1,578 7,940 2,000 2,000 2,000 533175 Employee Background Testing 4,005 4,184 5,984 3,500 4,500 4,500 533400 Other Contractual Services 3,267 2,474 34,815 2,200 1,700 1,800 533200 Audit Fees 31,986 35,943 1,587 35,504 35,504 33,855 534000 Travel and Per Diem 2,134 1,980 2,264 1,756 1,950 1,881 534101 Telephone 1,587 899 724 800 660 660 534105 Cellular Telephone 369 299 480 558 560 560 534110 Internet Access 366 172 101 102 102 102 534120 Postage 2,050 1,856 2,064 1,800 1,650 1,720 534130 Express Mail 162 170 178 200 0 100 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 17,739 18,676 20,367 21,745 20,000 20,866 534700 Printing and Binding 2,566 2,271 2,093 2,250 2,298 2,150 534800 Promotional Activities 923 906 490 700 610 475 534920 Legal Ads 150 419 448 500 0 200 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,452 3,691 3,358 3,000 3,000 3,000 535205 Bank Charges 49 59 189 200 75 100 535210 Computer Supplies 1,931 1,632 771 750 750 980 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,610 1,944 1,503 1,615 1,625 1,625 535420 Books and Publications 2,366 1,259 1,326 1,115 1,115 1,485 535450 Training and Education 1,655 790 675 750 775 750 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 82,816 81,202 87,357 81,045 78,874 78,809 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 660,776 556,216 489,026 478,562 476,195 482,544 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE Projected Adopted POSITION RANGE GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 09 -10 10 -11 Admin Services Director 79,970 / 144,435 87 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 88,521 $ 88,521 Director of Finance 67,708 / 122,288 82 1.00 1.00 1.00 86,753 86,753 Junior Accountant 40,607 / 73,340 39 1.00 1.00 1.00 58,665 58,665 Human Resources Specialist 32,336 / 58,403 33 1.00 1.00 1.00 49,607 49,607 Accounting Clerk II 26,545 / 47,943 26 1.00 1.00 1.00 31,493 31,493 5.00 5.00 5.00 $ 315,039 $ 315,039 Overtime 500 500 FICA Taxes 24,139 24,139 Deferred Compensation 28,398 28,398 Group Health Insurance Premium 28,408 34,762 Dependant Health Ins Premium 230 290 Employee Assistance Program 115 115 Worker's Comp Insurance 492 492 Total Personal Services $ 397,321 $ 403,735 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Code: 010021 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 141,232 158,511 154,182 154,069 180,909 83,006 511300 Temporary Salaries 9,041 3,139 1,873 4,000 4,000 6,000 511400 Overtime 3,841 0 0 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 11,609 12,328 11,902 12,092 12,092 6,809 512225 Deferred Compensation 11,662 14,266 13,877 13,866 13,866 7,471 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 17,965 21,039 21,015 19,266 18,163 16,293 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 2,081 0 0 0 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 63 69 69 69 61 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 594 496 407 351 251 278 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 198,088 209,848 203,325 203,713 229,342 119,903 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 405 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 137 36 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 484 7,515 9,905 7,480 8,576 2,400 534105 Cellular Phone 1,191 968 1,166 1,245 800 800 534110 Internet Access 2,197 3,044 2,481 2,520 2,255 1,876 534120 Postage 24 0 0 0 120 120 534130 Express Mail 199 191 112 150 383 150 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 753 3,477 119 0 0 0 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 4,429 30,331 23,199 21,500 21,500 21,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 374 292 121 350 350 350 535210 Computer Supplies 4,593 1,604 7,171 5,400 2,500 3,500 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 43 191 0 100 0 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 125 303 225 250 100 100 535420 Books and Publications 0 187 85 0 0 100 535450 Training and Education 496 0 250 1,200 1,200 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 15,450 48,139 44,834 40,195 37,784 30,996 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 9,329 4,457 17,217 5,000 5,000 10,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,329 4,457 17,217 5,000 5,000 10,000 TOTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 222,868 262,444 265,376 248,908 272,126 160,899 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES PAY POSITION RANGE Network Director 62,599 / 113,062 Systems Engineer 37,886 / 68,425 Senior System Analyst 36,782 / 66,432 Systems Analyst 35,367 / 63,877 Audio Visual Aid (Temporary) GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 79 1.00 1.00 1.00 62 0.00 0.00 1.00 61 1.00 1.00 1.00 60 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 98,856 $ 37,221 45,785 45,785 36,268 4,000 4,000 4.00 4.00 4.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Deterred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance $ 184,909 $ 87,006 12,092 13,866 18,163 61 251 6,656 7,471 16,293 46 251 Total Personal Services $ 229,342 $ 117,723 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES DESCRIPTION 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL Server virtualization Software $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Drive Imaging Software 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ Total $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Code: 010080 Account Number Descri s tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 255,930 274,026 275,642 235,151 235,927 111,816 511400 Overtime 1,617 721 708 750 750 750 512100 FICA Taxes 18,683 19,831 20,108 18,046 18,106 8,611 512225 Deferred Compensation 23,179 24,717 24,871 21,231 21,301 10,131 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 32,937 33,455 35,120 25,777 21,900 16,498 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 10,923 11,021 10,923 10,435 10,435 13,149 512309 Employee Assistance Program 111 109 115 104 81 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 867 829 737 633 453 319 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 344,247 364,709 368,224 312,127 308,953 161,320 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533120 Consultants 15,000 0 27,949 22,032 21,645 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 533480 Temporary Employment Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,073 1,177 591 900 0 0 534101 Telephone 807 449 579 460 550 550 534105 Cellular Telephone 748 599 682 690 470 0 534110 Internet Services 153 153 162 160 162 162 534120 Postage 1,946 1,226 509 500 600 600 534130 Express Mail 145 264 235 100 100 100 534620 R & M- Vehicles 390 63 58 200 3 0 534630 R & M- Office Equipment 3,382 2,373 2,671 2,365 2,680 2,680 534700 Printing and Binding 812 299 0 250 0 0 534920 Legal Ads 3,033 5,176 4,730 3,200 4,500 4,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,536 1,864 354 1,350 1,350 1,350 535210 Computer Supplies 1,083 618 1,039 1,800 1,000 1,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 13 0 0 0 0 0 535260 Gas and Oil 1,230 595 563 500 300 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 603 553 588 600 593 0 535420 Books and Publications 280 0 695 700 500 250 535450 Training and Education 610 385 420 800 800 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 35,844 15,794 41,825 36,607 35,253 11,192 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 2,425 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,425 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT 382,516 380,503 410,049 348,734 344,206 172,512 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT POSITION Growth Management Director Growth Management Manager Environmental Planner Adminstrative Assistant Zoning Technician PAY RANGE 65,104 / 123,464 43,030 / 89,967 39,783 / 79,218 35,367 /67,071 30,797 / 61,323 GRADE 81 67 64 60 33 F /T /E Projected Adopted POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 0.00 $ 94,296 $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 67,922 67,922 1.00 0.50 0.00 29,815 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 43,894 43,894 5.00 3.50 2.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 235,927 $ 111,816 750 18,106 21,301 21,900 10,435 81 453 750 8,611 10,131 16,498 13,149 46 319 $ 308,953 $ 161,320 Elimination of Environmental Planner /Growth Mgmt Directors positions CONSOLIDATED POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Projected 1 2012 Budget Change from 2011 Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 864,466 $ 965,085 $ 671,784 $ 545,161 $ 518,730 $ 544,335 - 826.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 96,942 130,694 107,640 118,180 116,841 111,908 - 6,272.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,783 - 2,531 - - - 0.00 TOTAL $ 978,191 $ 1,095,779 $ 781,955 $ 663,341 $ 635,571 $ 656,243 - 7,098.001 POLICE DEPARTMENT - OPERATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,133,640 $ 2,379,437 $ 2,319,598 $ 2,212,532 $ 2,228,470 $ 2,147,077 - 65,455.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 244,162 155,811 183,270 152,324 198,815 207,505 55,181.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,232 71,727 31,731 33,294 31,925 - - 33,294.00 TOTAL $ 2,414,034 $ 2,606,975 $ 2,534,599 $ 2,398,150 $ 2,459,210 $ 2,354,582 - 43,568.001 POLICE DEPARTMENT - DETECTIVE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 613,450 $ 572,907 $ 954,641 $ 1,007,012 $ 953,221 $ 906,598 - 100,414.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 115,587 85,903 86,483 91,444 89,119 92,097 653.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,700 2,772 1,770 3,341 3,153 - - 3,341.00 TOTAL $ 730,737 $ 661,582 $ 1,042,894 $ 1,101,797 $ 1,045,493 $ 998,695 - 103,102.001 POLICE DEPARTMENT - DISPATCH PERSONAL SERVICES $ 456,751 $ 485,844 $ 473,307 $ 473,697 $ 476,953 $ 504,345 30,648.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 14,756 3,615 2,449 6,390 5,908 6,945 555.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,140 6,310 - - - - 0.00 TOTAL $ 472,647 $ 495,769 $ 475,756 $ 480,087 $ 482,861 $ 511,290 31,203.001 POLICE DEPARTMENT - CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES $ 115,045 $ 119,031 $ 111,852 $ 143,419 $ 139,886 $ 142,465 - 954.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 22,740 20,447 21,107 21,195 19,728 20,568 - 627.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,427 - - - - - 0.00 TOTAL $ 155,212 $ 139,478 $ 132,959 $ 164,614 $ 159,614 $ 163,033 - 1,581.00 1 TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 4,183,352 $ 4,522,304 $ 4,531,182 $ 4,381,821 $ 4,317,260 $ 4,244,820 - 137,001.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 494,187 396,470 400,949 389,533 430,411 439,023 49,490.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 73,282 80,809 36,032 36,635 35,078 - - 36,635.00 TOTAL $ 4,750,821 $ 4,999,583 $ 4,968,163 $ 4,807,989 $ 4,782,749 $ 4,683,843 - 124,146.001 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 /2012 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE ADMINISTRATION Code: 010041 Account Number Descri s tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 494,601 569,971 371,728 381,142 361,490 376,442 511300 Temporary Salaries 43,452 41,589 48 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 6,114 3,395 118 3,000 3,000 3,000 512100 FICA Taxes 40,211 45,791 27,313 29,466 27,736 29,424 512215 Clothing Allowance 2,160 2,046 1,125 1,040 1,080 1,080 512225 Deferred Compensation 24,005 28,231 16,567 17,347 15,570 17,002 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 158,588 184,387 47,687 46,790 46,790 42,590 512251 Chapter 185 State Shared Revenue 0 0 134,852 0 0 0 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 56,923 56,302 47,264 43,609 41,732 52,411 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 23,262 19,544 19,233 17,775 17,734 18,725 512309 Employee Assistance Program 199 201 161 161 141 161 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 14,950 13,628 5,688 4,831 3,457 3,500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 864,466 965,085 671,784 545,161 518,730 544,335 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 2,212 0 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 533400 Other Contractual Services 750 21,624 0 0 0 0 533415 Janitorial Services 19,500 19,284 16,740 11,520 11,520 11,520 534000 Travel and Per Diem 5,391 2,881 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 4,501 10,919 10,930 11,080 11,345 8,280 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,940 1,257 1,166 1,350 1,350 1,350 534110 Internet Services 350 976 1,031 1,035 1,035 1,035 534120 Postage 1,279 1,353 1,218 1,000 952 952 534310 Electric 5,395 35,300 31,756 35,200 30,215 30,215 534320 Water /Sewer 447 2,762 2,247 2,275 2,865 2,865 534500 Insurance 105 4,681 131 0 131 4,700 534610 R & M- Buildings 0 0 264 500 250 400 534620 R & M- Vehicles 2,609 1,598 1,354 1,500 1,200 2,000 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 0 2,294 22,260 28,035 28,035 26,791 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 13,742 0 213 0 0 0 534650 R & M -Radio 301 515 0 100 50 100 534800 Promotional Activities 1,856 815 423 300 436 500 534820 Designated Expenditure (Greer Donatior 618 3,243 275 6,000 9,208 6,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 9,102 6,324 4,618 3,585 3,585 4,000 535210 Computer Supplies 3,973 1,908 1,685 2,700 2,196 2,400 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 707 204 0 500 326 400 535260 Gas and Oil 10,170 7,667 6,703 7,000 7,742 4,000 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,177 708 456 400 400 400 535275 Safety Equipment 84 0 0 100 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 1,128 1,466 1,170 1,500 1,500 1,500 535420 Books and Publications 0 118 0 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 8,605 2,797 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 96,942 130,694 107,640 118,180 116,841 111,908 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 16,783 0 2,531 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,783 0 2,531 0 0 01 TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 978,191 1,095,779 781,955 663,341 635,571 656,243 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POSITION Chief of Police Deputy Chief of Police Administrative Assistant Records Specialist II Clerical Assistant I Clerical Assistant II PAY RANGE GRADE 75,387 / 136,157 85 59,731 / 107,881 77 28,196 / 59,662 28,196 / 59,662 24,252 / 54,508 24,252 / 54,508 29 29 23 23 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Expenditure Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 95,410 $ 95,410 93,076 93,076 54,859 54,859 25,171 27,663 15,203 27,663 77,771 77,771 7.00 7.00 7.00 $ 361,490 $ 376,442 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Chapter 185 Pension Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services 3,000 27,736 1,080 15,570 46,790 41,732 17,734 141 3,457 518,730 3,000 29,424 1,080 17,002 42,590 52,411 18,725 161 3,500 544,335 *Change in personnel/positions partially vacant FY 10/11 Records Specialist II /Clerical Asst I 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 /2012 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE OPERATIONS Code: 010043 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11 /1: City Mgi Propose, Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 1,388,775 1,505,975 1,399,126 1,340,315 1,340,349 1,290,95 511300 Temporary Salaries 2,232 5,545 10,451 8,000 24,000 24,00 511400 Overtime 146,885 166,768 157,043 130,800 130,800 130,80 512100 FICA Taxes 116,702 127,022 118,900 114,880 114,880 113,51 512215 Clothing Allowance 15,436 15,323 14,062 14,580 14,580 14,04 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 201,057 299,147 383,315 363,365 363,365 314,20 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 183,427 182,282 167,507 164,234 164,234 185,61 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 25,418 31,363 27,130 31,608 31,608 31,39 512309 Employee Assistance Program 657 645 588 622 622 59 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 53,051 45,367 41,476 44,128 44,032 41,94 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,133,640 2,379,437 2,319,598 2,212,532 2,228,470 2,147,07 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533500 Investigations 0 183 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 18 0 0 534101 Telephone 4,000 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 2,071 2,953 1,741 1,895 1,900 1,67 534110 Internet Access 7,695 6,399 7,764 8,255 7,835 7,83 534120 Postage 163 0 99 300 50 10 534130 Express Mail Charges 0 536 295 300 50 10 534310 Electric 17,384 0 0 0 0 534320 Water /Sewer 1,439 0 0 0 0 534620 R & M- Vehicles 25,129 20,721 25,152 10,000 30,000 27,00 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 1,988 1,025 196 2,000 500 50 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 22,553 7,197 9,748 8,000 6,000 6,00 534650 R & M -Radio 1,212 1,801 1,411 1,500 1,600 1,50 534810 K -9 Expenditures 4,040 3,095 4,173 2,000 7,500 2,00 534800 Promotional Activities 99 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 13,732 10,467 7,294 11,000 11,000 11,00 535210 Computer Supplies 1,948 1,629 4,785 500 1,000 1,00 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,205 499 3,164 324 500 1,50 535260 Gas and Oil 116,929 81,700 95,820 90,000 115,000 133,40 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 20,123 15,737 20,690 15,000 15,000 13,00 535275 Safety Equipment 363 845 494 750 500 50 535410 Dues and Memberships 674 0 0 0 0 535420 Books and Publications 415 1,024 426 500 380 40 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 244,162 155,811 183,270 152,324 198,815 207,50 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 36,232 71,727 31,731 33,294 31,925 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,232 71,727 31,731 33,294 31,925 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS DIVISION 2,414,034 2,606,975 2,534,599 2,398,150 2,459,210 2,354,58 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 9 8 7 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE OPERATIONS DIVISION POSITION Captain Sergeants Officers Part-time Officer PAY RANGE GRADE 57,428 / 103,722 74 46,980 / 105,594 30 37,148 / 83,494 27 F /T /E 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 91,605 $ 287,204 293,933 961,540 997,023 24,000 24,000 27.50 27.50 26.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Chapter 185 Retirement Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 1,364,349 $ 1,314,956 130,800 130,800 114,880 113,510 14,580 14,040 363,365 314,208 164,234 185,618 31,608 31,398 622 599 44,032 41,948 $ 2,228,470 $ 2,147,077 Not full staffed FY 10/11 1 sergeants 7.5% longevity 1 sergeants 5% longevity 1 officer 5% longevity Eliminate Captain Position CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUI)GE'l CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Code: 010045 Account Number Descri I tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 74,829 78,550 73,508 104,480 104,480 104,480 511400 Overtime 592 79 87 300 300 300 512100 FICA Taxes 5,607 5,894 5,507 8,016 8,034 8,034 512215 Clothing Allowance 0 0 0 0 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 6,002 7,077 6,624 9,430 9,430 9,430 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 20,818 24,088 23,278 19,080 15,741 18,159 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 457 502 490 452 452 570 512309 Employee Assistance Program 69 69 61 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 6,671 2,772 2,297 1,592 1,140 1,183 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 115,045 119,031 111,852 143,419 139,886 142,465 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,130 947 482 500 500 500 534101 Telephone 645 359 463 490 440 440 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,200 968 529 465 470 470 534110 Internet Services 84 77 81 1,300 1,200 1,200 534120 Postage 6,998 6,355 6,130 6,000 3,628 3,628 534620 R & M- Vehicles 1,190 1,268 1,479 500 1,800 1,400 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 1,233 663 528 550 0 300 534650 R& M -Radio 0 75 0 100 0 100 534910 Clerk of Court Filing Fees 1,800 2,158 3,607 4,000 3,800 3,800 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,440 1,550 1,186 1,000 800 1,000 535210 Computer Supplies 384 179 246 400 300 300 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 27 180 499 100 100 90 535260 Gas and Oil 5,256 4,409 4,704 4,700 5,500 6,350 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 658 363 528 400 500 300 535275 Safety Equipment 0 86 0 100 100 100 535410 Dues and Memberships 45 60 90 90 90 90 535450 Training and Education 650 750 555 500 500 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 22,740 20,447 21,107 21,195 19,728 20,568 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 17,427 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,427 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISIOI\ 155,213 139,478 132,959 164,614 159,614 163,033 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PAY POSITION RANGE Code Enforcement Officer 29,874 /67,145 Administrative Asst P/T General Services Technici 22,909 / 41,376 GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 32 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 21 0.50 0.00 Projected Expenditure 10 -11 Adopted Budget 11 -12 2.00 $ 63,930 $ 63,930 1.00 40,550 40,550 0.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 104,480 $ 104,480 300 300 8,034 8,034 240 240 9,430 9,430 15,741 18,159 452 570 69 69 1,140 1,183 $ 139,886 $ 142,465 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION Code: 010047 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 404,619 368,507 554,841 596,413 548,535 506,767 511300 Temporary Salaries 0 0 44,071 48,000 44,000 44,000 511400 Overtime 42,732 35,559 50,559 52,000 52,000 52,000 512100 FICA Taxes 34,277 30,350 47,643 54,015 50,005 46,809 512215 Clothing Allowance 7,623 6,042 8,502 9,660 9,120 9,120 512225 Deferred Compensation 3,529 3,734 2,785 2,658 2,662 2,662 512250 Chapter 185 Retirement 53,382 65,126 139,738 137,662 141,027 116,951 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 40,728 34,870 55,103 58,265 57,550 72,847 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 10,866 15,735 28,930 27,292 27,292 34,388 512309 Employee Assistance Program 180 144 192 230 210 207 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 15,514 12,840 22,277 20,817 20,820 20,847 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 613,450 572,907 954,641 1,007,012 953,221 906,598 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 63,505 63,505 53,428 53,428 53,428 55,491 533400 Other Contractural Services 11,641 0 0 0 0 0 533500 Investigations 953 759 2,581 3,000 1,000 1,500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 1,237 2,000 1,500 3,000 534101 Telephone 1,980 0 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 2,585 2,132 1,946 2,175 1,950 1,715 534110 Internet Access 104 0 0 1,200 0 0 534115 On -line Services 690 780 925 1,500 900 900 534130 Express Mail Charges 450 299 192 150 300 400 534310 Electric 4,796 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Water /Sewer 397 0 0 0 0 0 534400 Rent/Leases 391 0 391 391 391 391 534420 Equipment Leases 408 0 0 0 0 0 534620 R & M- Vehicles 2,176 2,461 1,978 4,000 3,000 2,500 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 0 0 0 200 200 200 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 0 0 0 200 50 100 534650 R & M -Radio 150 657 76 200 0 100 534800 Promotional Activities 99 0 0 485 1,500 600 534967 G.R.E.A.T. Expenditures 390 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 5,219 5,645 3,682 4,315 7,000 4,500 535210 Computer Supplies 1,190 711 1,978 1,200 1,000 1,200 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,323 910 1,387 1,400 1,300 1,000 535260 Gas and Oil 13,786 7,377 10,825 10,000 9,000 13,200 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,147 399 2,272 3,000 1,500 1,750 535275 Safety Equipment 57 0 50 200 150 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 150 150 200 200 400 300 535420 Books and Publications 0 118 85 200 50 50 535450 Training and Education 0 0 3,250 2,000 4,500 3,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 115,587 85,903 86,483 91,444 89,119 92,097 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 1,700 2,772 1,770 3,341 3,153 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,700 2,772 1,770 3,341 3,153 0 TOTAL POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION 730,737 661,582 1,042,894 1,101,797 1,045,493 998,695 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE DETECTIVE DIVISION POSITION Captain Sergeants Investigators Evidence Technician School Resource Officer Community Policing Officer Crossing Guards Temp PAY RANGE 52,089 / 103,072 46,980 / 105,594 37,148 / 83,494 30,797 / 59,219 37,148 / 83,494 37,148 / 83,494 GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 74 1.00 1.00 0.00 30C 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 5.00 5.00 5.00 33 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 1.00 1.00 1.00 27 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Projected Expenditure 10 -11 $ 92,576 91,472 208,920 29,579 62,555 63,433 44,000 Adopted Budget 11 -12 91,472 259,194 29,579 62,555 63,967 44,000 14.00 14.00 13.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Chapter 185 Retirement Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 592,535 $ 550,767 52,000 52,000 50,005 46,809 9,120 9,120 2,662 2,662 141,027 116,951 57,550 72,847 27,292 34,388 210 207 20,820 20,847 $ 953,221 $ 906,598 2 vacant investigator positions 2011 Comm Policing longevity Oct 2010 Elimination of Captain Position 1 Crl Y OF SEBAS'IIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUIGEI POLICE DISPATCH UNIT ** 534630 911 Software Support Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 296,068 316,992 310,523 326,356 301,356 338,500 511300 Temporary Salaries 6,674 0 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 40,441 40,775 42,743 22,000 50,000 22,000 512100 FICA Taxes 25,786 26,590 26,293 26,649 26,879 27,578 512225 Deferred Compensation 28,574 32,008 30,569 29,102 29,372 30,195 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 50,363 57,227 52,995 52,330 52,330 64,828 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 7,503 11,032 9,146 16,236 16,236 20,457 512309 Employee Assistance Program 207 205 194 207 196 207 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,135 1,015 844 817 584 580 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 456,751 485,844 473,307 473,697 476,953 504,345 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 60 0 500 600 500 534101 Telephone 5,361 0 0 0 0 0 534105 Cellular Telephone 434 299 202 300 235 235 534110 Internet Access 116 0 0 800 800 560 534310 Electric 5,395 0 0 0 0 0 534320 Sewer /Water 447 0 0 0 0 0 534630 R & M- Office Equipment 0 0 316 1,590 2,077 2,850 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 0 44 273 100 0 100 534650 R & M- Radios 356 461 419 300 54 300 534800 Promotional Activities 42 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,240 1,286 1,013 1,000 600 750 53.5210 Computer Supplies 1,261 893 134 900 900 900 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 0 360 0 200 0 0 53.5275 Safety Equipment 16 0 0 0 0 0 535410 Dues and Memberships 88 212 92 200 222 250 535450 Training and Education 0 0 0 500 420 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE` 14,756 3,615 2,449 6,390 5,908 6,945 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 1,140 6,310 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,140 6,310 0 0 0 0 TOTAL POLICE DISPATCH UNIT 472,647 495,769 475,756 480,087 482,861 511,290 ** 534630 911 Software Support PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE POLICE DISPATCH UNIT POSITION Communications Supervisor Communication Technician Communication Technician F /T /E PAY POSITION YEARS RANGE GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 36,852 / 73,340 39 1.00 1.00 1.00 28,196 / 63,373 29 8.00 8.00 8.00 (Part-time) 0.50 0.50 0.50 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 56,500 $ 56,500 219,856 257,000 25,000 25,000 9.50 9.50 9.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 301,356 $ 338,500 50,000 22,000 26,879 27,578 29,372 30,195 52,330 64,828 16,236 20,457 196 207 584 580 $ 476,953 $ 504,345 *vacancies in fy 10/11 CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROADS & MAINTENANCE 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Projected 2012 Budget Change from 2011 Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 986,384 $ 1,070,698 $ 758,644 $ 742,664 $ 697,934 $ 724,150 (34,494.00) OPERATING EXPENDITURES 194,555 165,296 123,463 124,840 114,089 121,063 (2,400.00) CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,285 5,252 32,281 - 1,665 - (32,281.00) TOTAL $ 1,193,224 $ 1,241,246 $ 914,388 $ 867,504 $ 813,688 $ 845,213 $ (69,175)1 STORMWATER PERSONAL SERVICES $ 540,745 $ 525,786 $ 596,385 $ 596,056 $ 564,387 $ 520,579 (75,806.00) OPERATING EXPENDITURES 679,136 739,766 459,192 496,401 496,895 515,171 55,979.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,810 3,024 - - - - 0.00 TOTAL $ 1,275,691 $ 1,268,576 $ 1,055,577 $ 1,092,457 $ 1,061,282 $ 1,035,750 $ (19,827)1 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 127,864 $ 174,408 $ 163,773 $ 120,048 $ 117,475 $ 132,756 (31,017.00) OPERATING EXPENDITURES 30,506 41,387 34,903 20,171 24,190 24,361 (10,542.00) CAPITAL OUTLAY - 2,945 12,000 - - - (12,000.00) TOTAL $ 158,370 $ 218,740 $ 210,676 $ 140,219 $ 141,665 $ 157,117 $ (53,559)1 BUILDING MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES $ 102,071 $ 117,684 $ 115,020 $ 112,872 $ 112,215 $ 116,355 1,335.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 162,251 157,442 120,304 139,693 108,361 121,426 1,122.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - 0.00 TOTAL $ 264,322 $ 275,126 $ 235,324 $ 252,565 $ 220,576 $ 237,781 $ 2,4571 PARKS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 811,308 $ 879,834 $ 747,688 $ 689,547 $ 685,151 $ 668,675 (79,013.00) OPERATING EXPENDITURES 268,072 268,573 230,091 225,280 223,891 226,931 (3,160.00) CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,036 - 5,419 12,800 11,439 11,000 5,581.00 TOTAL $ 1,100,416 $ 1,148,407 $ 983,198 $ 927,627 $ 920,481 $ 906,606 1 $ (76,592)1 CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES $ 125,618 $ 138,155 $ 122,322 $ 87,157 $ 86,456 $ 129,701 7,379.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 23,006 22,131 20,264 18,075 17,560 25,805 5,541.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 49,509 7,007 - - - 9,000 9,000.00 TOTAL $ 198,133 $ 167,293 $ 142,586 $ 105,232 $ 104,016 $ 164,506 t $ 21,920 1 TOTALS PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,693,990 $ 2,906,565 $ 2,503,832 $ 2,348,344 $ 2,263,618 $ 2,292,216 (211,616.00) OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1,357,525 1,394,595 988,217 1,024,460 984,986 1,034,757 46,540.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 89,131 11,221 49,700 12,800 13,104 11,000 - 38,700.00 TOTAL $ 4,140,646 $ 4,312,381 $ 3,541,749 $ 3,385,604 $ 3,261,708 5 3,337,973 $ (203,776)1 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROADS AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010052 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10/11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 652,591 755,185 516,635 509,691 490,537 493,619 511300 Temporary Salaries 22,679 10,046 0 0 0 0 511400 Overtime 8,429 11,558 9,891 6,000 6,000 6,000 512100 FICA Taxes 49,670 57,162 38,435 40,252 38,070 38,304 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,440 1,440 1,200 1,200 1,080 1,080 512225 Deferred Compensation 59,482 67,207 47,387 47,248 44,690 44,966 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 110,250 102,623 90,113 82,790 76,380 95,002 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 38,192 26,634 29,658 34,710 24,842 31,301 512309 Employee Assistance Program 349 340 276 278 255 255 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 43,302 38,503 25,049 20,495 16,080 13,623 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 986,384 1,070,698 758,644 742,664 697,934 724,150 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 0 228 0 0 0 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 6,780 4,632 0 0 200 0 533415 Janitorial Services 4,500 4,331 558 476 476 500 533420 Pest /Weed Control /Mowing 0 0 864 3,528 1,000 2,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,352 960 389 500 415 500 534101 Telephone 10,185 8,471 1,875 2,500 1,355 1,355 534105 Cellular Telephone 6,038 4,781 2,429 2,784 2,700 2,700 534110 Internet Services 559 654 158 102 100 101 534120 Postage 224 329 163 50 120 102 534130 Express Mail Charges 0 18 0 0 0 0 534310 Electric 7,589 9,706 2,349 2,600 1,700 1,650 534320 Water /Sewer 836 1,061 261 225 305 305 534380 Trash Pickup /Hauling, Etc. 3,676 6,242 4,997 6,000 3,500 3,000 534400 Rents and Leases 4,610 0 0 0 0 0 534420 Equipment Leases 1,387 0 182 500 500 500 534620 R & M- Vehicles 18,023 22,340 18,311 20,000 21,000 21,000 534630 R & M- Office Equipment 5,935 2,741 1,223 1,500 1,000 1,000 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 26,370 16,693 17,787 16,000 16,000 18,000 534830 Special Events 1,861 1,040 1,468 1,500 1,500 2,000 534920 Legal Ads 0 142 155 200 200 200 535200 Departmental Supplies 17,241 19,969 13,090 10,500 10,500 10,500 535210 Computer Supplies 704 874 947 600 500 400 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 7,017 4,791 4,699 3,500 3,500 3,500 535260 Gas and Oil 46,490 28,523 26,212 27,000 26,000 26,850 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 3,631 2,940 3,121 2,925 2,500 2,000 535275 Safety Equipment 1,031 1,447 1,156 1,000 1,000 1,000 535310 Road Materials & Supplies 11,493 15,334 12,627 15,000 12,000 15,000 535350 Cement 4,400 4,875 7,518 5,000 5,000 6,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 696 445 439 450 450 450 535420 Books and Publications 277 647 180 100 100 100 535450 Training and Education 1,650 1,082 305 300 468 350 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 194,555 165,296 123,463 124,840 114,089 121,063 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606310 IOTB - Fencing 12,285 0 0 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 5,252 32,281 0 1,665 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,285 5,252 32,281 0 1,665 0 TOTAL ROADS & MAINTENANCE 1,193,224 1,241,246 914,388 867,504 813,688 845,213 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE ROADS AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION POSITION Public Works Director Administrative Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Construction Specialist Civil Engineering Technician Environmental Technician Sign/Traffic Technician Maintenance Worker III Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I PAY RANGE 67,708 / 134,822 32,699 / 73,495 32,699 / 73,495 31,721 / 71,296 30,797 / 69,218 30,797 / 69,218 26,544 / 59,662 26,544 / 59,662 25,063 / 56,331 23,580 / 53,000 F /T /E Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 82 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 78,598 $ 78,598 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 62,955 62,955 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 51,051 51,051 34 1.00 1.00 1.00 44,372 44,843 33 1.00 1.00 0.00 46,743 33 0.00 0.00 1.00 - 46,743 26 1.00 1.00 1.00 44,358 46,751 26 2.00 1.00 1.00 36,984 37,202 24 2.00 3.00 3.00 93,997 93,997 22 2.00 1.00 1.00 31,479 31,479 12.00 11.00 11.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 490,537 6,000 38,070 1,080 44,690 76,380 24,842 255 16,080 $ 493,619 6,000 38,304 1,080 44,966 95,002 31,301 255 13,623 $ 697,934 $ 724,150 Construction Specialist Longevity June 2012 Sign Technician Longevity June 2011 Maintenance III Longevity March 2011 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION Code: 010053 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVILLS 511200 Regular Salaries 362,442 358,837 407,992 406,500 384,767 346,544 511400 Overtime 4,925 591 1,481 3,000 3,000 3,000 512100 FICA Taxes 27,250 26,507 30,156 31,437 29,774 26,823 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,420 1,200 1,320 1,440 1,440 1,080 512225 Deferred Compensation 32,281 32,348 36,853 36,985 35,029 31,556 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 68,758 69,618 78,395 72,389 72,151 73,313 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 13,484 15,415 16,423 21,550 21,550 27,153 512309 Employee Assistance Program 269 253 276 276 276 230 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 29,916 21,017 23,489 22,479 16,400 10,880 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 540,745 525,786 596,385 596,056 564,387 520,579 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533150 Engineering Services 15,031 324 6,248 250 250 250 533400 Other Contractural Services 3,952 4,200 2,543 0 2,300 0 533420 Pest /Weed Control /Mowing 35,770 37,969 42,889 45,000 41,000 45,000 533425 Contract Mowing Services 362,439 410,609 211,503 225,000 220,000 225,000 533427 Contract Qtr Round Maintenance 7,707 12,495 12,500 12,500 12,000 15,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 720 679 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 365 90 330 100 805 805 534105 Cellular Telephone 4,135 3,142 1,800 2,160 1,845 1,845 534110 Internet Services 21 19 37 41 41 41 534120 Postage 7 1 51 50 10 10 534130 Express Mail 25 0 0 50 50 50 534310 Electric 1,886 1,641 1,338 1,500 800 800 534320 Water /Sewer 439 656 1,491 1,500 2,070 2,070 534380 Trash Pickup /Hauling, Etc. 6,422 14,708 9,198 8,000 10,404 8,000 534420 Equipment Leases 140 1,261 40 1,500 1,000 1,500 534620 R & M- Vehicles 17,944 15,524 19,902 20,000 27,000 24,000 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 581 562 1,301 1,300 2,000 2,000 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 52,838 58,580 28,462 47,500 50,000 50,000 534920 Legal Ads 0 198 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 4,691 9,283 3,265 4,500 4,500 4,500 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 7 300 0 0 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 3,537 3,510 791 2,000 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 52,052 33,256 38,795 37,000 37,000 44,050 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 2,803 2,788 2,716 2,500 2,380 2,000 535275 Safety Equipment 821 340 1,139 1,000 1,000 1,000 535310 Road Materials & Supplies 18,408 28,234 20,494 16,250 15,000 15,000 535320 Sod 20,185 26,112 11,833 20,000 17,000 20,000 535350 Cement 22,087 34,963 19,255 20,000 20,000 20,000 535355 Culvert Pipe 43,631 38,297 19,544 26,250 26,250 30,000 535410 Dues and Memberships 122 110 113 150 116 150 535420 Books and Publications 137 0 35 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 240 215 1,572 0 74 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 679,136 739,766 459,192 496,401 496,895 515,171 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606300 IOTB Fencing 0 1,850 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 55,810 1,174 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,810 3,024 0 0 0 0 TOTAL STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 1,275,691 1,268,576 1,055,577 1,092,457 1,061,282 1,035,750 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION POSITION Stormwater Superintendent Stormwater Supervisor Construction Inspector Maintenance Worker III Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I PAY RANGE 46,541 / 97,308 32,699 / 73,495 30,797 / 69,218 26,544 / 59,662 25,063 / 56,331 23,580 / 53,000 Projected Expenditure GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 70 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 58,672 35 2.00 2.00 2.00 71,067 33 1.00 1.00 1.00 53,910 26 4.00 3.00 2.00 79,772 24 0.00 2.00 1.00 50,476 22 4.00 3.00 3.00 70,870 Adopted Budget 11 -12 $ 58,672 71,067 53,910 61,970 30,055 70,870 12.00 12.00 10.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 384,767 $ 346,544 3,000 3,000 29,774 26,823 1,440 1,080 35,029 31,556 72,151 73,313 21,550 27,153 276 230 16,400 10,880 $ 564,387 $ 520,579 Maintenance III Position Deleted Maintenance II Position deleted 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 /2012 ANNUAL BUDGET VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010054 Account Number Descri • tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City, Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 93,096 126,325 123,045 87,105 87,698 97,098 511400 Overtime 1,378 608 1,256 600 600 600 512100 FICA Taxes 7,134 9,362 9,488 6,712 6,718 7,483 512215 Clothing Allowance 240 360 360 120 120 120 512225 Deferred Compensation 7,425 10,263 8,283 6,787 6,088 7,634 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 13,685 20,262 17,814 17,009 15,008 18,112 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 1,818 3,331 309 0 0 0 512309 Employee Assistance Program 69 92 71 69 63 63 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,019 3,805 3,147 1,646 1,180 1,646 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 127,864 174,408 163,773 120,048 117,475 132,756 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 2,640 750 1,500 1,300 1,500 1,600 533410 Environmental Services 0 50 350 220 220 250 533415 Janitorial Services 3,600 3,561 2,558 476 476 500 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 0 150 168 220 534101 Telephone 707 449 579 600 550 550 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,091 1,205 550 360 756 756 534110 Internet Access 42 38 40 40 40 40 534310 Electric 3,133 3,420 3,704 4,000 3,040 3,040 534320 Water /Sewer 280 340 261 275 305 305 534610 R & M - Buildings 543 289 0 200 100 250 534620 R & M- Vehicles 838 1,637 980 750 1,200 1,400 564330 R & M - Office Equipment 111 255 175 250 250 400 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 2,848 11,185 5,769 3,000 4,400 3,400 535200 Departmental Supplies 6,450 6,429 9,909 2,000 4,000 3,800 535210 Computer Supplies 0 528 253 800 1,200 1,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 3,394 5,816 2,601 2,000 2,000 2,200 535260 Gas and Oil 3,894 3,569 3,175 3,000 2,500 2,400 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 935 1,636 1,839 400 1,000 750 535275 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 200 350 300 535420 Books and Publications 0 230 660 100 100 100 535450 Training and Education 0 0 50 35 1,100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 30,506 41,387 34,903 20,171 24,190 24,361 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 2,945 12,000 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 2,945 12,000 0 0 0 TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISI 158,370 218,740 210,676 140,219 141,665 157,117 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISION POSITION Garage Superintendant Head Mechanic Mechanic Clerical Assistant PAY RANGE 30,663 / 68, 918 28,196 / 63,373 25,063 / 56,331 11.01 / 24.75 GRADE 35 29 24 21 F /T /E POSITION YEARS Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 0.00 1.00 1.00 $ 35,589 $ 44,989 1.00 1.00 1.00 39,109 39,109 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.50 0.50 0.50 13,000 13,000 3.50 2.50 2.50 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 87,698 $ 97,098 600 600 6,718 7,483 120 120 6,088 7,634 15,008 18,112 0 0 63 63 1,180 1,646 $ 117,475 $ 132,756 *Superintendant position vacant for 3 months of FY 10 -11 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DIVISION Code: 010056 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 63,794 75,482 74,317 73,933 73,933 73,933 511400 Overtime 8,624 7,767 6,805 6,500 6,500 6,500 512100 FICA Taxes 5,254 6,078 5,882 6,162 6,162 6,162 512215 Clothing Allowance 90 120 120 120 120 120 512225 Deferred Compensation 6,115 7,492 7,301 7,250 7,250 7,250 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 11,162 13,865 13,848 12,658 12,658 15,785 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,586 3,707 4,092 3,896 3,896 4,909 512309 Employee Assistance Program 42 46 46 46 46 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,404 3,127 2,609 2,307 1,650 1,650 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 102,071 117,684 115,020 112,872 112,215 116,355 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 24,220 24,749 18,215 21,000 21,000 21,500 533410 Environmental Services 0 0 0 0 25 0 533415 Janitorial Services 24,900 24,633 22,634 18,000 18,000 18,000 533420 Pest /Weed Control 3,218 3,233 3,291 3,800 3,800 3,800 534000 Travel and Per Diem 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 323 90 116 130 110 110 534105 Cellular Telephone 748 599 431 468 470 470 534110 Internet Services 21 19 20 20 21 21 534610 R & M - Buildings 84,197 79,563 49,178 70,000 40,000 50,000 534620 R & M- Vehicles 1,783 1,559 919 3,000 2,500 3,000 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 0 0 479 475 475 475 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 716 409 271 500 500 500 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,416 2,795 2,219 2,100 2,400 2,500 535210 Computer Supplies 0 0 86 150 150 150 535220 Cleaning Supplies 10,695 12,215 12,856 12,000 11,000 12,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 2,104 1,607 1,662 1,800 1,700 1,800 535250 Building Supplies 1,917 1,984 3,325 2,000 2,000 2,000 535260 Gas and Oil 4,018 2,817 3,257 3,000 3,000 3,850 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 812 936 1,058 950 900 950 535275 Safety Equipment 163 234 287 300 300 300 535450 Training and Education 0 0 0 0 10 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 162,251 157,442 120,304 139,693 108,361 121,426 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 264,322 275,126 235,324 252,565 220,576 237,781 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE F /T /E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 32,699 /73,495 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 47,697 $ 47,697 Maintenance Worker II 25,063 / 56,331 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 26,236 26,236 2.00 2.00 2.00 $ 73,933 $ 73,933 Overtime 6,500 6,500 FICA Taxes 6,162 6,162 Clothing Allowance 120 120 Deferred Compensation 7,250 7,250 Group Health Insurance Premium 12,658 15,785 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,896 4,909 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,650 1,650 Total Personal Services $ 112,215 $ 116,355 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/12 ANNUAL BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION Code: 010057 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10/11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 483,286 536,310 447,109 415,723 415,723 393,299 511300 Temporary Salaries 68,307 80,335 71,032 70,000 70,000 70,000 511400 Overtime 11,031 10,470 10,943 8,000 8,000 8,000 512100 FICA Taxes 40,657 45,599 38,257 37,862 37,862 36,137 512215 Clothing Allowance 1,440 1,440 1,320 1,200 1,080 1,080 512225 Deferred Compensation 44,600 47,709 41,225 38,243 38,243 36,214 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 100,774 102,920 91,594 76,229 76,229 81,709 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 31,433 31,787 28,342 26,992 26,992 31,716 512309 Employee Assistance Program 344 342 307 276 276 253 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 29,436 22,922 17,559 15,022 10,746 10,267 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 811,308 879,834 747,688 689,547 685,151 668,675 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 4,938 2,650 0 985 100 0 533415 Janitorial Services 16,920 16,756 13,809 6,690 6,690 6,688 534000 Travel and Per Diem 593 460 0 810 810 837 534101 Telephone 3,206 3,005 2,374 2,500 2,370 2,370 534105 Cellular Telephone 5,528 4,282 2,511 2,680 2,715 2,575 534110 Internet Services 26 19 20 20 21 21 534120 Postage 145 217 209 150 150 150 534310 Electric 76,157 101,618 93,082 103,000 89,800 90,500 534320 Water /Sewer 6,938 9,339 11,342 9,400 10,960 10,960 534380 Trash Pickup /Hauling, Etc. 378 979 159 400 200 200 534420 Equipment Leases 262 280 0 200 0 100 534620 R & M- Vehicles 4,070 6,458 4,705 5,000 8,500 8,500 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 581 562 653 646 622 622 534640 R & M - Operating Equipment 23,200 26,522 18,741 14,000 18,000 20,000 534680 R & M - Irrigation Systems 7,005 5,426 4,724 4,000 4,000 3,500 534685 R & M - Grounds Maintenance 21,202 21,582 14,331 15,000 14,000 13,000 534686 R & M - Parks Facilities 28,590 15,292 17,680 15,000 17,000 17,500 534830 Special Event Expense 3,474 2,985 2,327 2,500 2,500 2,500 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,994 3,175 2,773 3,500 2,500 2,500 535210 Computer Supplies 401 0 1 0 76 80 535220 Cleaning Supplies 331 365 28 300 100 200 535221 Fertilizer /Chemical Supplies 12,706 12,995 10,846 12,000 12,000 12,000 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 9,444 4,799 1,719 2,500 2,500 2,500 535260 Gas and Oil 33,219 22,587 23,053 20,000 24,000 26,050 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 3,393 4,015 3,404 2,574 2,500 1,800 535275 Safety Equipment 1,351 883 765 600 500 500 535410 Dues and Memberships 435 773 655 385 823 823 535420 Books and Publications 90 90 0 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 495 459 180 440 454 455 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 268,072 268,573 230,091 225,280 223,891 226,931 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606300 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 2,475 0 0 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 21,036 0 2,944 12,800 11,439 11,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,036 0 5,419 12,800 11,439 11,000 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 1,100,415 1,148,407 983,198 927,627 920,481 906,606 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION POSITION Parks Superintendent Parks Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Foreman Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Skate Park Attendants'" Gymnastic Assistant" Tennis Courts Attendants"' PAY RANGE 46,541 / 97,308 32,699 / 73,495 32,699 / 73,495 28,196 /63,373 25,063 / 56,331 23,580 / 53,000 GRADE 70 35 35 29 24 22 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Projected Adopted Expenditure Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 66,775 $ 66,775 37,691 39,601 37,698 37,698 29,578 29,578 108,775 109,252 135,206 110,395 29,000 29,000 24,500 24,500 16,500 16,500 23.00 21.00 20.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 485,723 $ 463,299 8,000 8,000 37,862 36,137 1,080 1,080 38,243 36,214 76,229 81,709 26,992 31,716 276 253 10,746 10,267 $ 685,151 $ 668,675 (1) F /T /E position years represents full time equivalent positions. For Gymnastic Assistants, 4.5 equals nine temporary part-time positions. For Skate Park Attendants, 2.5 equals five temporary part-time positions. For Tennis Courts, 2 equals four temporary part-time positions. CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION Description 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL Mower $ 11,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 11,000 Pick Up Truck - 18,000 18,000 - - 36,000 Mower - 12,000 12,000 $ 11,000 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 12,000 $ $ 59,000 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET CEMETERY DIVISION Code: 010059 Account Number Descri s tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 84,720 95,284 85,152 62,955 62,955 87,766 511400 Overtime 957 1,095 601 1,000 1,000 1,000 512100 FICA Taxes 6,021 6,823 6,094 4,902 4,902 6,809 512215 Clothing Allowance 240 240 240 120 120 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 7,711 8,674 7,718 5,767 5,767 8,011 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 13,553 13,984 12,282 6,485 6,485 15,867 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,985 7,195 5,976 3,444 3,444 7,673 512309 Employee Assistance Program 46 46 38 23 23 46 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,385 4,814 4,221 2,461 1,760 2,289 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 125,618 138,155 122,322 87,157 86,456 129,701 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 533415 Janitorial Services 3,000 2,960 2,084 255 255 255 534101 Telephone 1,377 1,387 1,526 1,500 1,615 1,615 534105 Cellular Telephones 391 299 480 550 560 700 534110 Internet Access 575 573 528 575 575 575 534310 Electric 1,827 2,105 1,836 1,950 1,855 1,855 534610 R & M - Buildings 812 555 143 0 0 200 534620 R & M- Vehicles 480 117 0 250 150 250 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 2,484 2,769 3,093 2,500 2,500 2,500 534685 R & M - Grounds Maintenance 3,757 3,255 4,103 5,000 5,000 2,505 535200 Departmental Supplies 3,629 3,899 3,999 3,000 3,000 3,000 535210 Computer Supplies 0 441 0 150 100 150 535220 Cleaning Supplies 197 258 0 250 200 250 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 947 446 0 100 100 700 535260 Gas and Oil 2,336 1,536 1,558 1,300 1,300 1,550 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 582 695 715 695 350 500 535275 Safety Equipment 217 441 199 0 0 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 395 395 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 23,006 22,131 20,264 18,075 17,560 25,805 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 49,509 7,007 0 0 0 9,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 49,509 7,007 0 0 0 9,000 TOTAL CEMETERY DIVISION 198,134 167,293 142,586 105,232 104,016 164,506 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE CEMETERY DIVISION F /T /E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION YEARS Expenditure Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 10 -11 11 -12 Cemetery Supervisor 32,699 / 73,495 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 62,955 $ 62,955 Maintenance Worker I 23,580 / 53,000 22 1.00 0.00 1.00 0 24,811 2.00 1.00 2.00 $ 62,955 $ 87,766 Overtime 1,000 1,000 FICA Taxes 4,902 6,809 Clothing Allowance 120 240 Deferred Compensation 5,767 8,011 Group Health Insurance Premium 6,485 15,867 Dependant Health Ins Premium 3,444 7,673 Employee Assistance Program 23 46 Worker's Comp Insurance 1,760 2,289 Total Personal Services $ 86,456 $ 129,701 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE CEMETERY DIVISION Description 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL Skag's Riding Mower $ 9,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ $ $ - $ $ 9,000 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010 /2011 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND NON - DEPARTMENTAL Code: 010099 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 512500 Unemployment 1,268 22,687 20,040 15,000 22,000 30,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,268 22,687 20,040 15,000 22,000 30,000 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 533100 Professional Services 0 540 0 0 0 0 533120 Consultants 53,185 6,178 0 15,200 15,200 0 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 2,120 0 1,425 500 533415 Janitorial 6,600 6,529 6,360 5,880 5,880 5,880 533425 Contract Mowing Services 25,375 30,595 29,943 25,000 30,000 25,000 534101 Telephone 5,633 6,161 6,472 6,500 6,750 6,750 534110 Internet Services 4,048 5,056 4,805 5,000 4,755 4,755 534120 Postage 7,663 2,642 6,626 0 185 185 534310 Electric 44,131 45,653 40,926 44,100 39,115 39,115 534320 Water /Sewer 6,579 5,593 6,345 6,800 4,140 4,140 534500 Insurance 258,834 233,686 202,372 215,000 165,000 215,000 534501 Claims 45,369 19,687 17,348 15,000 15,000 15,000 534630 R &M Office equipment 1,528 917 0 0 0 0 534700 Printing and Binding 10,256 4,984 5,035 0 0 0 534805 4th of July 18,412 18,250 18,500 17,750 18,500 18,500 534815 Paver Bricks 225 0 247 250 350 200 534825 Advertising Expenditures 2,882 1,978 2,128 1,600 4,330 2,396 534830 Special Events Expense 900 900 900 900 900 900 534835 Special Employee Events 2,757 3,007 2,028 2,000 1,902 2,000 534944 Supplies -PS Empl Exp Fund 430 2,157 2,486 1,000 1,500 1,500 534945 Supplies - General Empl Exp Fund 3,147 2,733 4,456 1,000 2,570 1,500 534955 Refunds 792 0 677 0 0 0 534980 Payment- Riverfront CRA Fund 250,499 273,888 223,426 155,427 153,900 138,510 535200 Departmental Supplies 1,672 1,551 1,082 1,000 1,300 1,050 535410 Dues and Memberships 2,451 258 2,381 1,200 2,371 2,375 535454 PBA Tuition Reimb Plan 928 587 1,407 1,000 383 1,000 535455 CWA Tuition Reimb Plan 1,297 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 535710 Non -Ad Valorem Tax 14,915 14,496 14,455 14,500 14,459 14,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 770,508 688,026 602,525 537,107 489,915 501,756 GRANTS AND AIDS 708199 Grants and Aids 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANTS AND AIDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON - OPERATING 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON - DEPARTMENTAL 771,776 710,713 622,565 552,107 511,915 531,756 DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND (DST) PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11-12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals DST Revenue $ 2,328,150 $ 2,356,000 $ 2,356,000 $ 2,414,900 $ 2,475,273 $ 2,537,154 $ 2,600,583 $ 2,665,598 $ 19,733,658 Principal from $285,000 Airport Advance 0 0 0 0 600 624 624 624 2,472 Interest from $285,000 Airport Advance 8,550 8,550 8,550 8,550 11,400 11,376 11,376 11,376 79,728 Principal from $290,000 Airport Advance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 900 Investment Income 16,915 15,600 15,600 26,743 30,848 23,418 23,457 24,495 177,076 DST PROJECT REVENUE $ 2,353,615 $ 2,380,150 $ 2,380,150 $ 2,450,193 $ 2,518,121 $ 2,572,572 $ 2,636,040 $ 2,702,993 $ 19,993,833 Return on Blossom Ditch (509,921) Potomac Road Crossing 34,510 18,091 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) 1,162,586 Police Cars 181,838 29,610 1/4 Round Swale Improvement 1,135,358 TOTAL FY 10 $ 2,004,371 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) 984,268 Police Cars 276,500 Powerline Road 217,408 MIS Equipment for Broadcasting 75,000 Phone System 60,000 512 Corridor 9,195 Stormwater Master Plan 50,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvement 493,581 Airport Advance for Grant Matching 290,000 TOTAL FY 11 $ 2,503,653 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) 997,391 Police Cars 185,000 Building Painting 75,000 Fleet Maintenance Equipment 23,000 US #1 Improvements 300,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvement 500,000 TOTAL FY 12 $ 2,080,391 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) 994,621 Police Cars 250,000 Pipe Sliplining (Martin) 80,000 Parking Improvement Share 250,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvement 500,000 TOTAL FY 13 $ 2,074,621 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) Police Cars /Boat Schumann & Barber Intersection 1/4 Round Swale Improvement TOTAL FY 14 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) Police Cars Barber Street Field Lights Barber Street Bridge Repairs 1/4 Round Swale Improvement TOTAL FY 15 995,116 300,000 1,500,000 500,000 $ 3,295,116 995,944 300,000 300,000 500,000 500,000 $ 2,595,944 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) 1,013,962 Police Cars 300,000 Road Crossings /Sideyard Pipes 250,000 Stormwater Pond Installation 500,000 1/4 Round Swale Improvement 500,000 TOTAL FY 16 $ 2,563,962 City Hall Debt (Retires 2018) Police Cars Road Crossings /Sideyard Pipes 512 Median Landscaping 1/4 Round Swale Improvement TOTAL FY 17 1,011,560 300,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 $ 2,561,560 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 958,676 $ 1,307,920 $ 1,184,417 $ 1,484,176 $ 1,859,748 $ 1,082,753 $ 1,059,381 $ 1,131,459 $ 958,676 BUDGET RESERVE - 10% OF EXPENSES 200,437 250,365 208,039 207,462 329,512 259,594 256,396 256,156 256,156 RESERVE FOR ADVANCE TO AIRPORT 285,000 285,000 575,000 575,000 575,000 574,400 573,776 573,152 573,152 UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE $ 473,239 $ 772,555 $ 401,378 $ 701,714 $ 955,236 $ 248,758 $ 229,209 $ 302,151 $ 129,368 TOTAL REVENUES 2,353,615 2,380,150 2,380,150 2,450,193 2,518,121 2,572,572 2,636,040 2,702,993 19,993,833 TOTAL EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFERS 2,004,371 2,503,653 2,080,391 2,074,621 3,295,116 2,595,944 2,563,962 2,561,560 19,679,618 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 822,483 $ 649,052 $ 701,137 $ 1,077,286 $ 178,241 $ 225,387 $ 301,286 $ 443,583 $ 443,583 19 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 TOTALS Stormwater Fees $ 819,859 $ 815,000 $ 815,000 $ 839,450 $ 864,634 $ 890,573 $ 917,290 $ 944,808 $ 5,961,805 Investment Income 38,806 3,450 3,450 3,028 2,708 2,574 2,724 3,119 56,740 SW PROJECTED REVENUE 858,665 818,450 818,450 842,478 867,342 893,146 920,014 947,927 6,018,545 Profesional Services 97 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 476,221 Transfer for Collier Creek and George Street 80,987 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 500,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY10 1,057,305 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 438,857 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 500,000 Excavation Equipment+ 113,797 Backhoe 20,000 Dump Bed 18,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY11 1,090,754 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 438,523 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 500,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY12 938,623 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 439,284 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 479,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY13 918,384 Profesional Services 100 NPDES 5 Year Permit 7,988 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 440,652 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 458,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY14 906,740 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 438,866 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 437,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY15 875,966 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 438,377 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 416,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY16 854,477 Profesional Services 100 Series 2003 Issue (Retires 2022) 439,980 Transfer to General Fund for Swale Maintenance 395,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FY17 835,080 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE BUDGET RESERVE - 15% OF EXPENSES UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE ANNUAL REVENUES ANNUAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 787,481 $ 588,841 $ 316,537 $ 196,364 $ 120,459 $ 81,060 $ 98,241 $ 163,777 $ 787,481 158,596 163,613 140,793 137,758 136,011 131,395 128,172 125,262 125,262 628,885 425,228 175,744 58,607 (15,552) (50,335) (29,931) 38,515 662,219 858,665 818,450 818,450 842,478 867,342 893,146 920,014 947,927 6,966,472 1,057,305 1,090,754 938,623 918,384 906,740 875,966 854,477 835,080 7,477,328 $ 430,245 $ 152,924 $ 55,571 $ (17,299) $ (54,951) $ (33,154) $ 35,606 $ 151,363 $ 151,363 25 Local Option Gas Taxes FOOT Lighting Agreement Paving Loan Proceeds Investment Income Local Option Gas Tax Fund Revenues TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights,etc.) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund Go -Line Grant Match Financing Costs Street Repaving (Paving Loan) Street Repaving TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights,etc.) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund Go -Line Grant Match TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights,etc.) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights,etc.) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund Street Repaving TOTAL Debt Payment Operating Costs (Street Lights) R/R Crossing Maintenance Transfer to General Fund Street Repaving TOTAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE BUDGET REQUIREMENT - 15% OF EXPENSES UNRESTRICTED RESERVE BALANCE TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFERS ENDING FUND BALANCE LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 $ 595,746 $ 585,900 $ 585,900 $ 597,618 $ 609,570 18,559 9,353 9,353 9,353 9,353 2,462,000 0 0 0 0 4,287 3,000 3,000 2,178 2,107 $3,080,592 $ 598,253 $ 598,253 $ 609,149 $ 621,031 1,256, 960 202,193 41,231 175,000 50,000 31,100 14,032 1,237,435 0 81,219 1,770,516 $ 82,579 70,264 $ 12,315 3,080,592 1,770,516 $1,322,391 264,463 203,000 4,719 175,000 50,000 2,015,836 $ 1,392,655 64,200 $ 1,328,455 598,253 2,015,836 $ (89,128) 265,792 203,000 4,719 175,000 648,511 $ (24,928) 56,700 $ (81,628) 598,253 648,511 $ (131,886) 20 264,335 203,000 4,719 150,000 622,054 $ (75,186) 52,950 $ (128,136) 609,149 622,054 $ (141,042) 264,855 203,000 4,719 125,000 597,574 $ (88,092) 49,200 $ (137,292) 621,031 597,574 $ (113,835) FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals $ 621,762 $ 634,197 $ 646,881 $ 4,230,693 9,353 9,353 9,353 74,677 0 0 0 2,462,000 2,401 3,070 3,120 20,043 $ 633,516 $ 646,620 $ 659,354 $ 6,787,413 265,049 203,000 4,719 100,000 572,768 $ (64,635) 45,450 $ (110,085) 633,516 572,768 $ (49,337) 265,073 203,000 4,719 75,000 100,000 647,792 $ (3,887) 41,700 $ (45,587) 646,620 647,792 $ (46,759) 264,461 Final FY21 -22 200,000 4,719 50,000 150,000 669,180 $ (5,059) $ 82,579 37,500 37,500 $ (42,559) $ 45,079 659,354 7,446,768 669,180 7,544,231 $ (52,385) $ (52,385) RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals Recreation Impact Fees $ 26,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 166,000 Investment Income 12,256 8,500 8,500 8,783 9,647 10,536 11,452 12,396 82,070 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 38,256 $ 28,500 $ 28,500 $ 28,783 $ 29,647 $ 30,536 $ 31,452 $ 32,396 $ 248,070 Schumann Park 12,350 61,807 Barber Street Fence 1,705 Barber Street Special Needs (25,000) Skate Park Office 16,288 35,050 Splash Park Canopy 20,802 Hardee Park 35,705 Bark Park 1,569 Englar Park 5,405 Main Street (39) Airport Park 7,021 TOTAL FY 10 19,299 Barber Street Field Expansion 173,660 Easy Street Path Lights 63,000 Riverview Park Pavillion 50,000 Riverview Park Irrigation and Fountains 25,000 Bark Park Amenities 75,000 Riverview Park Street Parking 100,000 Powerline Road 61,000 Periwinkle Park (489) TOTAL FY 11 700,535 Pier Improvements 50,000 Playground Improvements 30,000 Floating Dock 100,000 TOTAL FY 12 180,000 TOTAL FY 13 TOTAL FY 14 TOTAL FY 15 TOTAL FY 16 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FY 17 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 1,087,353 $ 1,106,310 $ 434,275 $ 282,775 $ 311,558 $341,205 $ 371,741 $ 403,193 $ 1,087,353 TOTAL REVENUES 38,256 28,500 28,500 28,783 29,647 30,536 31,452 32,396 248,070 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFE 19,299 700,535 180,000 0 0 0 0 0 899,834 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 1,106,310 $ 434,275 $ 282,775 $ 311,558 $ 341,205 $371,741 $ 403,193 $ 435,589 $ 435,589 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: ZoneA 201,041 179,853 39,428 3,209 11,310 19,665 28,281 37,163 190,863 Zone B 28,848 28,077 (700) (7,714) (5,957) (4,144) (2,274) (345) 10,116 Zone C 102,346 93,958 (19,147) (64,526) (66,564) (68,656) (70,806) (73,015) 118,695 Zone D 755,118 765,199 410,032 347,144 368,108 389,679 411,878 434,728 713,719 All Zones 1,087,353 1,067,087 429,613 278,113 306,896 336,543 367,079 398,531 1,033,393 Recreation Impact Fees Zone A 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 64,000 Zone B 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 16,000 Zone C - - - - - - - - - Zone D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 80,000 All Zones 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 160,000 Investment Income ZoneA 2,266 1,433 780 101 356 616 882 1,156 7,589 Zone B 325 224 (14) (244) (187) (130) (71) (11) (107) Zone C 1,154 748 (379) (2,038) (2,092) (2,149) (2,209) (2,271) (9,236) Zone D 8,511 6,095 8,113 10,963 11,571 12,200 12,850 13,522 83,825 All Zones 12,256 8,500 8,500 8,783 9,647 10,536 11,452 12,396 82,070 Transfers: ZoneA 31,454 149,857 45,000 - - 226,311 Zone B 3,097 31,000 9,000 - - - 43,097 Zone C 9,542 113,854 45,000 - - - - 168,396 Zone D 8,430 371,263 81,000 - - 460,693 All Zones 52,522 665,974 180,000 - 898,496 Ending Balances: ZoneA 179,853 39,428 3,209 11,310 19,665 28,281 37,163 46,319 36,141 Zone B 28,077 (700) (7,714) (5,957) (4,144) (2,274) (345) 1,644 (17,088) Zone C 93,958 (19,147) (64,526) (66,564) (68,656) (70,806) (73,015) (75,286) (58,937) Zone D 765,199 410,032 347,144 368,108 389,679 411,878 434,728 458,250 416,851 All Zones 1,067,087 429,613 278,113 306,896 336,543 367,079 398,531 430,927 376,967 21 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 /12 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE Description Total Revenues Total GC Administration Division Total GC Greens Division Total GC Carts Division Total Expenses Amended FY 11/12 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10 /11 Adopted Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget $ 1,455,749 $ 1,408,534 $ 1,297,411 $ 1,297,884 $ 1,302,628 $ 1,306,753 941,717 600,123 152,500 1,694,340 1,305,643 561,584 593,465 593,465 156,111 156,111 2,055,219 1,311,160 555,204 561,013 146,762 1,262,979 533,296 548,217 138,653 1,220,166 515,409 574,291 141,253 1,230,953 1 Change in Unrestricted Reserves $ (238,591) $ (646,685) $ (13,749) $ 34,905 $ 82,462 $ 75,800 6/14/201112:39 PM GOLF COURSE REVENUE Code: 410010 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual FY 10/11 Amended Budget FY 10/11 Dept Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget CHARGES FOR SERVICES 347501 Green Fees 523,161 529,583 477,049 480,000 480,000 481,500 347502 Cart Rentals 689,668 663,201 603,424 606,000 606,000 607,500 347510 Driving Range Fees 43,944 43,571 38,626 39,000 39,000 43,000 347512 Club Storage Fees 1,364 2,123 2,046 2,000 2,200 2,225 347513 Club Rentals Fees 2,146 2,073 1,796 1,900 2,100 2,100 347520 Initiation Fees 3,200 3,800 4,500 4,500 3,000 3,000 347521 Membership Fees 65,071 62,090 61,539 61,539 59,704 62,683 347522 Handicap Fees 5,850 6,000 5,620 5,560 5,150 5,200 347523 Resident Card Fees 41,750 38,100 36,370 36,400 31,620 33,525 347530 Non - Taxable Sales 69 108 52 75 60 60 347540 Pro Shop Sales 74,577 68,201 66,760 70,000 70,000 70,000 347541 Cost of Sales -Pro Shop (50,637) (46,975) (44,143) (45,500) (31,000) (40,000) 362100 Rents and Royalties 29,308 31,178 29,744 30,000 30,000 30,000 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 3,149 0 2,512 1,500 1,500 1,500 369941 Sales Tax Commissions 360 360 360 360 360 360 369945 Pro Lesson Fees 5,266 3,264 5,020 4,000 2,500 4,000 369995 Cash Over /Short (13) 256 21 150 354 0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,438,233 1,406,933 1,291,296 1,297,484 1,302,548 1,306,653 NON - OPERATING REVENUE 361100 Interest Earnings 3,246 144 254 300 80 100 361 105 SBA Interest Earnings 14,270 3,093 219 100 0 0 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 0 0 987 0 0 0 365000 Sale of Surplus Mater /Scrap 0 22 0 0 0 0 367000 Gain/Loss on Sale of Investments 0 (1,658) 4,448 0 0 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 0 207 0 0 0 TOTAL NON - OPERATING REVENUE 17,516 1,601 6,115 400 80 100 TOTAL GOLF COURSE REVENUES 1,455,749 1,408,534 1,297,411 1,297,884 1,302,628 1,306,753 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 238,591 646,685 0 67,515 0 0 TOTAL GOLF COURSE SOURCES 1,694,340 2,055,219 1,297,411 1,365,399 1,302,628 1,306,753 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/12 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Code: 410110 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES: 511200 Regular Salaries 208,266 200,716 186,992 189,010 164,545 143,225 51 1300 Temporary Salaries 2,878 0 0 0 3,000 6,000 511400 Overtime 831 1,267 1,224 1,500 1,500 1,500 511500 Lesson Bonus 3,046 2,219 2,974 5,000 5,000 5,000 512100 FICA Taxes 14,748 14,757 14,213 14,957 13,085 11,913 512225 Deferred Compensation 14,498 15,282 15,174 15,436 13,234 11,315 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 20,469 21,128 21,046 18,848 18,848 16,225 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 14,347 10,717 10,923 10,435 10,435 13,149 512309 Employee Assistance Program 125 121 115 115 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 6,249 4,666 3,404 3,093 2,212 1,739 512500 Unemployment Insurance 0 0 47 0 0 0 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 765 796 613 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 286,222 271,669 256,725 258,394 231,974 210,181 OPERATING EXPENSES: 0 533100 Professional Services 1,075 2,911 1,752 2,200 2,048 2,048 533200 Audit Fees 1,938 2,450 3,274 2,947 2,947 2,710 533201 Admin Services provided by GE 50,036 49,509 54,460 59,906 59,906 65,897 533400 Other Contractual Services 0 0 148 0 80 100 533415 Janitorial Services 5,100 5,045 3,604 911 861 911 533420 Pest/Weed Control 634 648 248 250 168 168 533440 Electronic Security Services 426 422 427 444 518 518 534000 Travel and Per Diem 116 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 2,210 3,445 2,075 2,400 2,260 2,260 534105 Cellular Telephone 374 349 483 560 560 560 534110 Internet Access 405 488 680 494 495 495 534120 Postage 127 94 113 100 60 60 534310 Electric 35,315 27,580 23,871 25,700 32,150 32,120 534320 Water /Sewer 10,758 13,483 12,770 15,000 11,620 11,620 534445 Airport Property Lease 173,000 164,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 534500 Insurance 6,895 4,875 5,360 5,361 4,000 5,361 534610 R & M - Buildings 1,556 5,832 1,327 1,750 1,750 2,000 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 4,337 3,870 1,640 4,235 3,400 4,000 534845 Golf Course Promotions 252 203 293 250 150 0 534846 Golf Course Advertising 6,857 7,703 5,027 5,000 5,000 5,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,269 3,165 3,063 2,500 3,000 3,500 535205 Bank Charges 22,390 22,627 22,101 24,500 24,500 24,500 535210 Computer Supplies 1,054 895 80 750 500 750 535220 Cleaning Supplies 2,872 3,520 2,267 2,000 2,000 2,000 535250 Building Supplies 0 623 312 500 500 500 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 312 0 0 200 200 200 535410 Dues and Memberships 507 507 507 500 507 507 535710 Non -Ad Valorem Tax 2,231 2,253 2,277 2,277 2,443 2,443 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 333,046 326,497 283,159 295,735 296,623 305,228 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 8,733 84,962 0 0 4,699 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,733 84,962 0 0 4,699 0 DEBT SERVICE: 707145 Principal - Golf Course 270,000 590,000 0 0 0 0 707245 interest - Golf Course 43,215 32,015 20,125 0 0 0 707300 Other Debt Service Costs 500 500 1,575 1,075 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 313,715 622,515 21,700 1,075 0 0 909901 Contingency 0 0 34,905 0 0 TOTAL NON - OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 34,905 0 0 TOTAL GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION 941,717 1,305,643 561,584 590,109 533,296 515,409 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GOLF COURSE ADMINISTRATION POSITION Golf Course Director Head Golf Professional Head Cashier Administrative Secretary (P /T) Assistant Cashier (P /T) Assistant Cashier (TEMP) PAY RANGE 46,541 / 97,308 36,782 / 69,754 26,545 / 69,662 12.76 /28.68 9.23 / 20.76 GRADE 78 61 26 26 15 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 Projected Adopted Expense Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 77,269 $ 77,269 21,320 - 41,956 41,956 24,000 24,000 3,000 6,000 4.00 4.50 3.50 Overtime Lesson Bonus FICA Taxes Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Unemployment Insurance Total Personal Services $ 167,545 $ 149,225 1,500 1,500 5,000 5,000 13,085 11,913 13,234 11,315 18,848 16,225 10,435 13,149 115 115 2,212 1,739 1,000 $ 231,974 $ 211,181 GOLF COURSE GREENS DIVISION Code: 410120 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10/11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING EXPENSES 533440 Electronic Security Services 612 493 521 549 582 600 533445 Groundskeeping Service 522,099 537,762 493,700 504,264 493,700 514,356 534310 Electric 18,884 22,221 17,510 21,000 17,385 17,385 534610 R & M - Buildings 1,083 2,365 1,385 1,602 1,600 2,000 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 10,575 13,117 15,457 15,000 15,000 17,000 534680 R & M - Irrigation Systems 19,210 12,542 9,189 15,000 15,000 16,000 534685 R & M - Grounds Maintenance 4,636 797 1,656 2,898 4,000 6,000 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,209 2,496 522 500 800 750 535220 Cleaning Supplies 0 182 47 100 50 100 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 203 0 0 0 0 0 535250 Building Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 579,511 591,975 539,987 561,013 548,217 574,291 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 20,612 1,490 22,500 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,612 1,490 22,500 0 0 0 I TOTAL GREENS DIVISION 600,123 593,465 562,487 561,013 548,217 574,291 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/12 ANNUAL BUDGET GOLF COURSE CARTS DIVISION Code: 410130 Account Number Descri s tion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 46,094 38,725 38,685 42,000 35,000 35,000 511300 Temporary Salaries 26,084 30,443 29,150 32,000 32,000 32,000 511400 Overtime 1,206 1,780 1,533 800 1,100 1,100 512100 FICA Taxes 5,471 5,604 5,287 5,722 5,210 5,210 512309 Employee Assistance Program 161 138 138 138 138 138 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 2,579 2,115 1,589 1,216 870 1,216 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 81,595 78,805 76,382 81,876 74,318 74,664 OPERATING EXPENSES 534420 Equipment Leases 65,835 71,820 62,873 63,286 62,935 62,935 534610 R & M - Buildings 0 0 0 500 400 500 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 222 683 739 500 500 500 535200 Departmental Supplies 58 190 460 300 300 300 535220 Cleaning Supplies 177 0 185 200 100 100 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 0 0 0 100 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 66,292 72,693 64,257 64,886 64,335 64,435 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 4,613 4,613 0 0 0 2,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,613 4,613 0 0 0 2,500 TOTAL CARTS DIVISION 152,500 156,111 140,639 146,762 138,653 141,599 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE GOLF COURSE CART DIVISION F /T /E Projected Adopted PAY POSITION Expense Budget POSITION RANGE GRADE 08 -09 09 -10 10 -11 10 -11 11 -12 Golf Course Attendant (1 P /T) 9.23 / 20.76 15 0.50 0.00 0.00 $ - $ Cart Attendants (P /T) 7.25 / 13.09 9 3.00 3.00 3.00 35,000 35,000 Cart Attendants (TEMP) 3.50 3.50 3.50 32,000 32,000 7.00 6.50 6.50 $ 67,000 $ 67,000 Overtime 1,100 1,100 FICA Taxes 5,210 5,210 Employee Assistance Program 138 138 Worker's Compensation 870 870 Total Personal Services $ 74,318 $ 74,318 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE GOLF COURSE CART DIVISION Description 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 TOTAL 3 Gang Range Picker $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ $ - $ 2,500 Range Ball Dispenser $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Range Ball Cleaner $ 2,000 $ 2,000 - $ $ 2,500 $ 6,000 $ $ $ - $ 8,500 GOLF COURSE FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals Charges for Services $ 1,297,783 $ 1,269,334 1,272,293 1,272,293 1,272,293 1,272,293 1,272,293 1,272,293 $ 10,200,875 Rents 29,744 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 239,744 Other Revenue 9,107 3,214 4,360 4,360 4,360 4,360 4,360 4,360 38,481 Note Proceeds - 2,500,000 2,500,000 Investment Income 4,921 80 100 294 360 496 693 2,453 9,397 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 1,341,555 $ 1,302,628 $ 1,306,753 $ 1,306,947 $ 1,307,013 $ 1,307,149 $ 1,307,346 $ 3,809,106 $ 12,988,497 Operating Costs 1,266,226 Debt Service 321,700 Capital 22,500 TOTAL FY 10 1,610,426 Operating Costs 1,215,467 Capital 4,699 TOTAL FY 11 1,220,166 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Capital 2,500 TOTAL FY 12 1,230,953 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Capital 52,200 TOTAL FY 13 1,280,653 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Capital 24,000 TOTAL FY 14 1,252,453 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Capital 0 TOTAL FY 15 1,228,453 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Debt Service 0 Clubhouse and Improvements 0 TOTAL FY 16 1,228,453 Operating Costs 1,228,453 Debt Service 0 Clubhouse and Improvements 2,500,000 Capital 0 TOTAL FY 17 3,728,453 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ (98,395) $ (367,266) $ (284,804) $ (209,004) $ (182,710) $ (128,150) $ (49,454) $ 29,439 $ (98,395) TOTAL REVENUES 1,341,555 1,302,628 1,306,753 1,306,947 1,307,013 1,307,149 1,307,346 3,809,106 12,988,497 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRFS 1,610,426 1,220,166 1,230,953 1,280,653 1,252,453 1,228,453 1,228,453 3,728,453 12,780,010 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ (367,266) $ (284,804) $ (209,004) $ (182,710) $ (128,150) $ (49,454) $ 29,439 $ 110,092 $ 110,092 23 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET AIRPORT Amended FY 11/12 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10 /11 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Total Revenues $ 390,077 $ 372,768 $ 409,481 $ 365,855 $ 395,958 $ 424,241 Total Airport Administration 724,246 434,766 409,494 395,070 401,086 439,328 Change in Unrestricted Reserves $ (334,169) $ (61,998) $ (13) $ (29,215) $ (5,128) $ (15,087) 6/14/201112:41 PM AIRPORT REVENUE Code: 450010 Account Number Descristion FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 344100 Fuel Sales 158,833 94,611 89,058 80,000 103,540 128,000 347541 Cost of Sales (136,680) (71,523) (60,945) (60,000) (83,250) (102,400) 362150 Nontaxable Rents 5,376 2,000 391 391 391 391 362100 Rents and Royalties 288,835 275,004 303,710 268,701 305,787 330,200 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 66,840 64,933 66,256 64,000 61,000 59,300 369941 Sales Tax Commission 181 204 245 263 50 300 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 383,385 365,229 389,715 353,355 387,518 415,791 OTHER NON - OPERATING REVENUE: 361100 Interest Earnings 678 806 (165) 500 40 50 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 2,089 0 0 0 0 0 364100 Sale of Fixed Assets 3,925 0 0 0 0 0 365000 Sale of Surplus Materials /Scrap 0 0 207 0 0 0 366000 Contributions & Donations 0 5,000 0 2,000 0 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 1,733 9,204 10,000 8,400 8,400 381455 Transfer from Fund 455 0 0 10,520 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON - OPERATING REVENUE 6,692 7,539 19,766 12,500 8,440 8,450 TOTAL AIRPORT REVENUES 390,077 372,768 409,481 365,855 395,958 424,241 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 334,169 61,998 0 29,215 0 0 TOTAL AIRPORT SOURCES 724,246 434,766 409,481 395,070 395,958 424,241 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2010/2011 ANNUAL BUD 1 AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION Code: 450110 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10/11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 175,698 174,863 172,550 167,429 167,429 169,793 511400 Overtime 377 186 1,087 500 500 500 512100 FICA Taxes 11,930 11,980 11,868 12,865 12,865 13,046 512215 Clothing Allowance 240 240 240 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 14,600 15,483 15,161 15,135 15,135 15,348 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 16,140 21,149 21,074 18,723 18,723 24,030 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 7,744 14,847 13,185 10,662 10,662 13,240 512309 Employee Assistance Program 69 69 69 69 69 69 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 5,916 5,374 4,431 4,652 3,330 3,383 512600 OPEB Accrued Expense 1,690 1,758 (5,988) 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 234,405 245,949 233,677 230,275 228,953 239,649 OPERATING EXPENSES 533100 Professional Services 1,119 0 0 0 0 0 533200 Audit Fees 6,580 4,692 2,517 2,265 2,265 2,039 533201 Admin Services provided by GF 50,036 52,592 36,656 42,980 42,980 44,203 533400 Other Contractual Services 566 5,450 3,268 1,570 1,700 1,500 533415 Janitorial Services 4,500 4,308 5,461 4,600 4,482 4,582 533420 Pest/Weed Control /Mowing 2,598 800 600 1,200 300 1,000 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,439 0 0 0 0 0 534101 Telephone 12,607 14,342 17,564 6,600 7,910 7,910 534105 Cellular Phone 1,191 968 888 1,020 1,035 1,035 534110 Internet Access 105 109 1,157 1,200 1,185 1,185 534120 Postage 285 239 299 360 350 250 534310 Electric 14,771 15,816 24,988 25,500 26,130 26,000 534312 Water /Sewer 1,309 944 1,511 1,250 2,025 2,025 534500 Insurance 18,368 13,129 13,715 25,000 19,435 20,000 534610 R & M Buildings 1,564 1,077 6,949 2,500 2,500 2,500 534620 R & M- Vehicles 2,117 2,840 2,455 2,000 2,150 2,250 534630 R & M- Office Equipment 1,076 584 18 1,000 1,000 500 534640 R & M- Operating Equipment 14,614 7,094 6,784 5,000 8,500 6,500 534681 R & M- Fencing 1,164 219 1,413 2,000 2,000 2,000 534685 R & M- Grounds Maintenance 1,646 1,323 2,025 1,500 1,500 1,750 534700 Printing and Binding 0 439 0 500 600 300 534825 Advertising Expenditures 1,804 1,874 2,878 3,500 3,680 4,000 534920 Legal Ads 103 0 0 0 0 0 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,427 1,269 603 1,000 1,050 1,000 535205 Bank Charges 4,488 2,610 2,406 2,000 2,400 3,000 535210 Computer Supplies 80 476 263 800 500 800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 801 505 819 1,000 500 800 535260 Gas and Oil 11,506 6,864 6,762 8,000 10,000 11,000 535270 Uniforms & Shoes 532 790 628 600 50 500 535275 Safety Equipment 100 161 0 300 300 300 535410 Dues and Memberships 775 525 494 500 400 500 535420 Books and Publications 0 0 0 0 0 0 535450 Training and Education 110 75 20 0 0 0 535710 Non -Ad Valorem Tax 10,756 9,878 9,965 10,500 16,656 10,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: 171,137 151,992 153,106 156,245 163,583 159,929 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 8,105 5,160 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: 0 8,105 5,160 0 0 0 NON - OPERATING EXPENSES 707246 Interest - DST Fund Advance 0 8,550 8,550 8,550 8,550 17,250 909545 Intrafund Trfr to AP Capital 318,705 20,170 9,001 0 0 22,500 909901 Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL NON - OPERATING EXPENSES 318,705 28,720 17,551 8,550 8,550 39,750 TOTAL AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION 724,246 434,766 409,494 395,070 401,086 439,328 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION POSITION Airport Director Airport Operations Specialist III Maintenance Worker I PAY RANGE GRADE 60,192 / 114,149 78 26,545 / 59,662 26 23,581 / 53,000 22 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 09 -10 10 -11 11 -12 Projected Expense 10 -11 Adopted Budget 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 73,446 $ 73,446 1.00 1.00 1.00 47,223 47,223 1.00 1.00 1.00 46,760 49,124 3.00 3.00 3.00 Overtime FICA Taxes Clothing Allowance Deferred Compensation Group Health Insurance Premium Dependant Health Ins Premium Employee Assistance Program Worker's Comp Insurance Total Personal Services $ 167,429 500 12,865 240 15,135 18,723 10,662 69 3,330 $ 169,793 500 13,046 240 15,348 24,030 13,240 69 3,383 $ 228,953 $ 239,649 * Maintenance 1 longevity increase 2011 AIRPORT FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals Net Fuel Sales $ 19,113 $ 20,290 $ 25,600 $ 26,240 $ 26,896 $ 26,896 $ 27,568 $ 27,568 $ 200,172 Non - taxable Rents 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 391 3,128 Golf Course Rents 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 1,080,000 Taxable Rents 168,710 170,787 195,200 200,080 205,082 205,082 210,209 210,209 1,565,359 Other Revenue 75,912 69,450 68,000 68,000 68,000 68,000 68,000 68,000 553,362 DST Grant Matching Advances - 290,000 - 290,000 Investment Income (165) 20 50 71 79 87 96 106 345 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 398,961 $ 685,938 $ 424,241 $ 429,782 $ 435,448 $ 435,456 $ 441,264 $ 441,275 $ 3,692,366 Operating Costs 386,781 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 8,550 Capital 5,160 Transfer to Construction Fund (1,519) TOTAL FY 10 398,972 Operating Costs 392,536 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 8,550 Transfer to Construction Fund 290,000 TOTAL FY 11 691,086 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 17,250 Transfer to Construction Fund 22,500 TOTAL FY 12 439,328 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 17,250 Transfer to Construction Fund - TOTAL FY 13 416,828 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 20,700 Transfer to Construction Fund - TOTAL FY 14 420,278 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 20,700 Transfer to Construction Fund 0 TOTAL FY 15 420,278 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 20,700 Transfer to Construction Fund 0 TOTAL FY 16 420,278 Operating Costs 399,578 Repayment of DST Fund Advance 24,500 Transfer to Construction Fund 0 TOTAL FY 17 424,078 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ (51,652) $ (51,663) $ (56,811) $ (71,898) $ (58,944) $ (43,773) $ (28,595) $ (7,609) $ (51,652) TOTAL REVENUES 398,961 685,938 424,241 429,782 435,448 435,456 441,264 441,275 3,692,366 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFERS 398,972 691,086 439,328 416,828 420,278 420,278 420,278 424,078 3,631,126 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ (51,663) $ (56,811) $ (71,898) $ (58,944) $ (43,773) $ (28,595) $ (7,609) $ 9,588 $ 9,588 22 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 -2012 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT Amended FY 11/12 FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10 /11 Adopted Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Budget Total Revenues and Transfers $ 381,143 $ 362,105 $ 367,001 $ 355,650 $ 374,900 $ 389,950 Total Expenses 594,039 521,535 484,694 465,740 459,954 465,218 Change in Unrestricted Reserves $ (212,896) $ (159,430) $ (117,693) $(110,090) $ (85,054) $ (75,268) 6/14/201112:41 PM BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUE Code: 480010 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10 /11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget OPERATING REVENUE 321000 Business Taxes 3,247 102,448 100,162 100,000 100,000 100,000 321100 Business Taxes - Penalties /Transfers 604 3,535 2,860 3,500 4,500 4,000 321050 Contractor License 19,150 17,214 15,888 17,000 17,000 17,000 321150 Contractor License - Penalties 2,147 5,525 2,931 2,000 2,000 2,300 322050 Building Permits 199,091 133,196 119,800 88,900 120,000 130,000 322055 Roofing Permits 0 0 11,578 13,000 16,000 16,500 322060 Driveway Permits 100 0 0 0 0 0 322065 Alumimum Structure 0 0 0 9,500 7,200 7,500 322070 Shed Permits 0 0 0 5,500 4,000 4,000 322075 Reinspection Fees 8,755 5,232 7,403 7,000 4,000 4,500 322100 Land Clearing Permits 3,090 2,655 2,380 5,100 6,000 6,000 322150 Tree Removal Permits 3,415 2,650 2,475 0 0 0 322200 Electrical Permits 15,533 10,285 9,816 10,300 12,500 13,000 322225 Plumbing Permits 10,904 6,958 8,225 10,250 11,000 11,250 322230 Pool Permits 0 0 0 11,000 6,200 6,500 322240 Solar Permits 0 0 0 5,500 2,400 2,500 322250 Mechanical Permits 24,315 17,876 24,621 20,000 20,000 22,000 322300 Fencing Permits 11,442 8,825 11,166 9,000 11,500 11,500 322400 Irrigation Permits 1,350 525 575 0 0 0 322500 Sign Permits 4,315 3,615 4,176 2,800 3,500 3,200 322600 Expired Permit Fee 11,800 6,089 4,658 6,500 1,300 1,400 329400 Plan Checking Fees 16,310 9,209 13,486 16,000 15,500 16,000 341920 Cert. Copying/Record Research 411 349 735 500 600 500 347556 County Facility Admin Fee 11,890 2,324 2,210 3,000 3,000 3,000 359000 Other Fines and Forfeitures 50 8,885 10,755 4,000 3,500 3,500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 347,919 347,395 355,900 350,350 371,700 386,150 OTHER NON - OPERATING REVENUE: 361100 Interest Income 21,599 23,381 5,714 4,200 1,200 2,000 361105 SBA Interest Earnings 12,354 1,739 1,080 800 1,200 1,000 367000 Gain/Loss on Investment 0 - 21,961 3,944 0 0 0 369400 Reimbursements 0 1,542 0 0 0 0 369900 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 760 10,009 363 300 800 800 369998 Prior Year Refunds -1,489 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER NON - OPERATING REVENUE 33,224 14,710 11,101 5,300 3,200 3,800 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVENUES 381,143 362,105 367,001 355,650 374,900 389,950 USE OF UNRESTRICTED RESERVES 212,896 159,430 0 110,090 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOURCES 594,039 521,535 367,001 465,740 374,900 389,950 1 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2011 -2012 ANNUAL BUDGET BUILDING DEPARTMENT Code: 480110 Account Number Description FY 07/08 Actual FY 08/09 Actual FY 09/10 Actual Amended FY 10 /11 Budget FY 10/11 Projected FY 11/12 City Mgr. Proposed Budget PERSONAL SERVICES 511200 Regular Salaries 307,698 303,035 285,883 280,747 280,793 280,793 511400 Overtime 2,256 47 76 0 0 0 512100 FICA Taxes 22,716 21,619 21,189 21,496 21,499 21,499 512215 Clothing Allowance 360 240 240 240 240 240 512225 Deferred Compensation 27,508 25,891 25,366 25,289 25,293 25,293 512301 Group Health Insurance Premium 31,404 29,851 30,155 28,303 28,303 34,557 512305 Dependant Health Ins Premium 9,978 6,752 6,692 6,393 6,393 8,055 512309 Employee Assistance Program 134 115 115 115 115 115 512400 Worker's Comp Insurance 14,267 8,688 7,161 5,043 3,607 3,607 512500 Unemployment Compensation 18,425 6,325 4,675 0 0 0 512600 OPED Accrued Expense 1,137 1,183 (6,095) 0 0 0 512602 Termination Health Benefits 721 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 436,604 403,746 375,457 367,626 366,243 374,159 OPERATING EXPENSES 533200 Audit Fees 1,307 815 1,099 989 989 897 533201 Administrative Services Provided by GF 83,394 84,089 75,680 68,112 68,112 61,301 533400 Other Contractural Services 15,977 0 67 0 0 0 534000 Travel and Per Diem 1,186 380 643 465 560 550 534101 Telephone 1,841 1,688 1,505 1,600 1,430 1,430 534105 Cellular Telephone 1,803 1,337 1,081 1,000 1,090 1,090 534110 Internet Services 674 728 742 743 742 742 534120 Postage 1,481 1,917 2,122 2,000 1,885 1,885 534130 Express Mail 0 0 0 0 0 0 534310 Electric 3,841 3,892 3,435 3,700 3,200 3,200 534320 Water / Sewer 270 265 186 170 264 264 534400 Rents and Leases 18,750 0 0 0 0 0 534500 Insurance 10,543 9,650 8,685 5,000 3,364 5,000 534620 R & M- Vehicles 2,016 1,171 876 1,200 0 1,200 534630 R & M - Office Equipment 3,486 3,848 4,594 4,835 4,300 4,300 535200 Departmental Supplies 2,929 1,708 1,193 1,400 900 1,100 535210 Computer Supplies 68 382 897 800 800 800 535230 Small Tools and Equipment 42 232 48 150 50 100 535260 Gas and Oil 4,568 4,032 4,663 4,000 4,500 4,800 535270 Uniforms and Shoes 427 0 239 250 100 250 535275 Safety Equpment 0 0 0 100 50 75 535410 Dues and Memberships 435 345 480 400 375 375 535420 Books and Publications 1,094 420 202 400 250 900 535450 Training and Education 1,302 890 800 800 750 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 157,435 117,789 109,237 98,114 93,711 91,059 CAPITAL OUTLAY 606400 Vehicles and Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 594,039 521,535 484,694 465,740 459,954 465,218 1 PERSONAL SERVICES SCHEDULE BUILDING DEPARTMENT POSITION Building Official Chief Inspector Plans Examiner Administrative Supervisor Local Business Tax Specialist PAY RANGE 60,192 / 114,149 43,030 / 85,683 43,030 / 85,683 32,699 /73,495 26,545 / 59,662 GRADE 78 44 44 35 26 F /T /E POSITION YEARS 09 -10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10 -11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11 -12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Projected Adopted Expense Budget 10 -11 11 -12 $ 81,841 $ 81,841 51,057 51,057 64,878 64,878 36,750 36,750 46,267 46,267 5.00 5.00 5.00 TOTAL SALARIES $ 280,793 $ 280,793 Overtime FICA Taxes 21,499 21,499 Clothing Allowance 240 240 Deferred Compensation 25,293 25,293 Group Health Insurance Premium 28,303 34,557 Dependant Health Ins Premium 6,393 8,055 Employee Assistance Program 115 115 Worker's Comp Insurance 3,607 3,607 Unemployment Insurance Total Personal Services $ 366,243 $ 374,159 BUILDING FUND PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals Operating Revenue $ 355,901 $ 371,700 $ 386,150 $ 393,873 $ 401,750 $ 401,750 $ 409,785 $ 409,785 $ 3,130,696 Other Revenue 363 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 5,963 Investment Income 10,738 2,400 2,200 1,156 1,020 891 771 658 19,834 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 367,002 $ 374,900 $ 389,150 $ 395,829 $ 403,570 $ 403,442 $ 411,356 $ 411,244 $ 3,156,493 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 10 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 11 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 12 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 13 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 14 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 15 Operating Costs TOTAL FY 16 484,694 484,694 459,954 459,954 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 Operating Costs 465,268 TOTAL FY 17 465,268 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 636,483 $ 518,791 $ 433,737 $ 357,619 $ 288,180 $ 226,482 $ 164,656 $ 110,744 $ 636,483 TOTAL REVENUES 367,002 374,900 389,150 395,829 403,570 403,442 411,356 411,244 3,156,493 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFERS 484,694 459,954 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 465,268 3,736,256 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 518,791 $ 433,737 $ 357,619 $ 288,180 $ 226,482 $ 164,656 $ 110,744 $ 56,720 $ 56,720 32 CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2012 -17 List of Projects FY 2011 -12 FY 2012 -13 FY 2013 -14 FY 2014 -15 FY 2015 -16 FY 2016 -17 Total General Government Fleet Maintenance Equipment $ 23,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 23,000 Building Painting 75,000 75,000 Police Department Police Vehicle Replacement 185,000 250,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,635,000 Roads and Special Projects Barber Street Bridge Repairs - 500,000 - 500,000 Schumann & Barber Intersection - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 Street Repaving - 100,000 150,000 250,000 U.S. #1 Improvements 300,000 - - 300,000 Gateway Enhancements 25,000 - - 25,000 512 Median Landscaping - 500,000 - 500,000 Parking Improvements 75,000 750,000 - - 825,000 Parks & Recreation Barber Street Field Lighting - 300,000 300,000 Pier Improvements 50,000 - 50,000 Playground Improvements 30,000 - 30,000 Floating Dock 100,000 - - 100,000 Stormwater Road Crossings /Sideyard Pipes - - - 250,000 250,000 500,000 Pipe Sliplining - 80,000 - - 80,000 Stormwater Pond Installation - - 500,000 - - 500,000 1/4 Round Swale Rehab 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000 Cemetery Redo South Paved Roadway 50,000 - 50,000 Retaining Wall 75,000 75,000 Golf Course New Clubhouse/Tee Box Improvements - 2,500,000 2,500,000 Airport Runway 8/26 Survey & Rehabilitation 100,000 100,000 Maintenance Equipment 100,000 - 100,000 Build Taxiways/Install Lighting - 3,158,000 3,158,000 Main Street Access Road - 1,200,000 1,200,000 Construct Hangars - - 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 Rehab Apron F 500,000 - - 500,000 Construct Access Road West - - 800,000 - 800,000 Construct Aviation Facility - 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total 1.563.000 $ 4.738.000 $ 3.550.000 5 4.100.000 $ 2.450.000 5 5275.000 5 21.676.000 172