HomeMy WebLinkAbout07252011REC Agendaary or HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228 -7052 ❑ FAX (772) 228 -7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 25, 2011 6:00 PM 1) Call Meeting 10 Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Approval of Minutes: May 23, 2011 Regular Meeting June 6, 2011 Special Meeting June 27, 2011 Regular Meeting 5) Old Business: Review Pavilion Location Review CIP 6) New Business: None 7) Input from Public 8) Chairman's Matters 9) Member comments 10) Staff Comments 11) Set next meeting date and agenda 12) Adjourn ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 23, 2011 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Tenerowicz, Mrs. White, Mr. Sims, Mrs. Webster, Mr. Simpson AE, Mr. Adams, AE, Mr. VanArsdale, AE. Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Al Minner, City Manager, Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Sims made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 25, 2011 meeting. Second by Mr. Tenerowicz passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS ZONE POPULATIONS: Mr. Minner gave an update on the recreational zone populations — showed maps received from the county with improved properties and vacant lots. Keep an eye on Zone "D" Mr. Minner suggests losing the 7 year requirement if possible — Mr. Tenerowicz thinks we should stop all pocket parks until all other projects are completed and monies build up. NEW BUSINESS Ballfield Discussion tabled till next meeting — CIP RECOMMENDATIONS Send an email to the City or say them now. Mrs. White — 1) Land Purchases, 2) Waterway, 3) Bike Trails, 4) Night of weekend activities at the schools, 5) Keeping the website updated Mr. Tenerowicz — 1) Senior Center /card playing or checkers for seniors, 2) Small gazebos at Kildare Dr by the Bridge, 3) Develop the Island Mr. Sims — 1) Work with Schools, 2) More recreation Programs Parks and Recreation Minutes May 23, 2011 Page Two Mrs. Webster — 1) Baseball field improvements, 2) Handicapped or children's playground Note: was unaware of the playground behind the police department, 3) Community Center PUBLIC INPUT Lisanne Robinson- Speaks about the pavilion Location at Riverview Park Sunny — Speaks about Sebastian Bark Park.com website has added all parks and committee members and email addresses. Says Easy Street needs doggie bags, and wondered if we could put a kiosk there — MMr. Minner says no CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: Says there are three seats available — 2 members have reapplied — one has not MEMBER'S MATTERS Mr. Sims — None Mr. Tenerowicz — Swing set and fence look good at Hardee Park and Bryant Court — Need a sign at the Stormwater park all pets on leases only — Says there will be a servie memorial at 11 AM on Memorial Day Mrs. Webster — Asks about the parking on Tulip, says residents are using the dumpster and needs a sign telling them not to dump there. STAFF COMMENTS: - None The next meeting will be June 27, 2011 at 6PM The agenda for the next meeting will have the CIP Budget Discussion With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Mrs. White declared the meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM. Approved June 27th, 201 l Regular Meeting. „ 4;; ,) — -1-PP By JoAnn White, Chairman Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee CITY OF SEBASTIAN - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2011 MINUTES A Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee was held on Monday, June 6, 2011 in Riverview Park; Sebastian, Florida. The meeting was properly noticed. Chairperson JoAnn White called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Present at the meeting were Chairperson JoAnn White, Vice -Chair Matthew Sims, Committee Members Jerome Adams, John Tenerowicz and Alternate Member JoAnn Webster. Committee Member Scott Simpson was present, but arrived tardy at 6:05 PM. Staff present was Al Minner, City Manager. In attendance from the public were Bill Bodon, Ben Hocker, Louise Kautenburg, Lisann Robinson, Barbara Salmon and City Council Member Eugene Wolff. Vero News Reporter Debbie Caron and Keith Carson also were in attendance. The only item on the Special Meeting agenda was to discuss the motion made by City Council at their May 25, 2011 Regular Meeting to construct a new 28 -foot octagonal pavilion in the northeast corner of the eastern most portion of Riverview Park. To start discussion, Chairperson White verbally recapped the Pavilion Project from idea inception to the recommendation made by the Parks and Recreation Committee at their May 23, 2011 meeting to locate the pavilion in the south eastern corner of the eastern most portion of Riverview Park. Chairperson White recalled discussion from the May 23, 2011 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting where Lisann Robinson requested a different location for the pavilion. Chairperson White expressed understanding that while the Parks and Recreation Committee discussed multiple pavilion locations, her favored location was the southeast corner. Mr. Minner recalled that the Committee forwarded two pavilion locations to the Council; those being the northeast and southeast corners. Minner noted that the Committee anticipated the matter to be returned to them for final consideration; but, warned at the May 23, 2011 Committee Meeting, that Council may act at their discretion on a pavilion location. Next, each committee member gave opinions concerning the project and pavilion location. After each member provided input on pavilion location, the Committee visually inspected the southeast and northeast corners of the park. The visual inspection provided insight on determining (1) approximate layout; (2) functional size; and, (3) effects on scenic view /park ambiance. At this time, Committee discussion also included other issues including reducing pavilion size, different pavilion locations in Riverview Park and not constructing the pavilion. Mr. Minner indicated that there could be contractual obligations associated with terminating the project at this juncture. Next Chairperson White accepted comments from the public. All persons in attendance, listed as public herein, provided input. After further Committee discussion, Committee Member Simpson made a motion to recommend to the City Council that they reconsider locating the proposed pavilion in Riverview to the southeast corner, as the adopted northeast corner location will block the scenic view of the Indian River. The motion was seconded by Committee Member Sims and passed unanimously (5 -0). With no other business listed on the Special Meeting agenda, Chairperson White adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Al Minner City Manager -1 ` ()/L 7/ /1- Alp 7, - RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JUNE 27, 2011 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Tenerowicz, Mrs. White, Mr. Sims, Mrs. Webster, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Adams, AE, Mr. Scott, AE Staff members present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; Al Minner, City Manager, Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Tenerowicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 23, 2011 meeting. Second by Mr. Sims passed unanimously. Under discussion to approve the Special meeting minutes of 6 -6 -11, Mr. Tenerowicz stated that he did not remember offering two locations to the council for placement of the pavilion. Discussion ensued resulting in a motion to rescind the approval of the minutes for May 23, 2011 by Mr. Tenerowicz, second by Mr. Sims, passed unanimously. Both minutes were then tabled to the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS PAVILLION: A. Parks and Recreation to send a representative Council meeting to discuss B. Alternative locations — Hardee Park or Dog Park — Committee says Hardee C. If cancelled- will cost $6650 or 25% of the contract. Action Item: SE Corner is where the committee wants the pavilion to go — Ask council to reconsider 1) SE corner or 2) NE Corner — Mr. Sims says Hardee is his choice if not the SE corner, Mrs. Webster says Hardee or another park not the NE corner, Mr. Tenerowicz says — Hardee or SE corner, Mr. Simpson says SE or Hardee Park, Mrs. White says SE corner or Hardee Park. In addition to June 6th motion if not in SE Corner — put in Hardee park Motion made by Mrs. White, Second Mr. Tenerowicz passed unanimously. Mr. Sims to be the representative and he will call Mr. Minner the day of the meeting to discuss. Farmers Market, Mr. Minner speaks about councils recommendation — the RFP and no responses. The committee wants it brought up to Council again. Parks and Recreation Minutes June 27, 2011 Page Two Mrs. White asks where the RFP was advertised — Answer Press Journal, Website and at City Hall. She also asks Chris about the man from Cocoa who spoke to the committee and Chris to get his name and call him to see if still interested. Mr. Minner says no don't call him we need to go to council first. All in favor of finding an organizer to handle the Farmers Market if the council approves —A motion to recommend to City Council that they pursue a Farmers Market by RFP for an organizer was made by Mr. Simpson second Mrs. Webster, passed unanimously. CIP Review — Mr. Minner gives a brief review Blueways — 2011 -2012 Creative Playground improvements Canopy Pier Repairs Yacht Club lowering for handicapped accessibility BSSC Equipment building put off to 2012 -2013 July 25`h will discuss further and make a recommendation to P & Z Mrs. White has no questions Mr. Sims asks if canopies at the creative playground goes over with the residents can we put some in other parks such as Filbert street Mr. Simpson says Schumann and Filbert would be good Mrs. Webster says infield improvements to the ball fields didn't make the list but would like to see it included Chris says $43,000 Mr. Minner says he will bring a new draft budget on the 25`h with new drainage and more canopies. Mrs. Webster says they just put a canopy over the bleacher and it cost $6100. Mr. Tenerowicz asks how we can estimate these projects better so we can stay in budget — Mr. Minner says doesn't want to fluff the numbers because then we get fluff bids Mr. Minner says the budgets are always tight and sometimes goes over — Mr. Tenerowicz says budget over and come in under. Will bring back the CIP on July 25`h and then recommend to P and Z for August 4t1 NEW BUSINESS; Mrs. White wanted to welcome the new member but not here tonight but asks that he gets maps and folder like everyone else. Also says grants from DEP are available and would like someone to check the website periodically to see if the grants are available. Parks and Recreation Minutes June 27th, 2011 Page Three Chris says will watch his emails because they send available monies all the time and Mr. Sims says he will check periodically. Mrs. White feels that a member of the committee should be at each council meeting. July 13th Mr. Sims and Mr. Tenerowicz will attend. — July 27th — Mr. Tenerowicz will attend August 10th Mrs. White August 24th — Mr. Sims PUBLIC INPUT Mrs. Kautenburg asks when the movie in the park will happen that Brevard County still owes us and if not scheduled soon make them pay for the stage. Chris says still on the table trying to schedule Mr. Simpson says maybe try for a back to school thing. Ruth Hunter — Bark Park Representative — Thanks for the water, when are the amenities scheduled to start and what ever happened to their request for a kiosk. Chris says the pathways will be done in house. Mr. Minner says a design for the restrooms will be given to them at the next meeting — She also asks about getting bigger directional signs Mr. Simpson says talk to the local vets and ask them to tell their clients about the dog park. Jim Sunnycalb — The pavilion belongs in Riverview Park SE corner best place — likes the committee sticking to its guns about the location. Says he has had 41,000 hits on the Dog Park website and it will be one of our top parks Says we do not have any handicapped picnic tables in any of the parks and would like to see this taken care of Mrs. White asks for info on them and is told they are about $800. Pat Riviezzo — President of the Soccer League -Nets over the ball fields and bleachers are the best thing for the residents. Would like to suggest that lights be put on the multi purpose field which would make it beneficial to both soccer and Little League. The City Paid for two baseball fields at the schools and currently they can not be used — this needs to be changed. Mr. Minner says the school district has a facility request form which can be filled out for use of the fields. Mr. Sims says can't use till all school programs are over — says the maintenance crews should be taking care of the fields. The County School board and all clubs should get together for central scheduling. Mr. Minner says will get costs and bring back at the meeting on the 25th Parks and Recreation meeting minutes Page Four CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS: MEMBER'S MATTERS; Mrs. Webster - None Mr. Sims — Asks about two swings at Hardee Park and says we need toddler swings — Chris says can put up another set of swings. Says at the Splash Pad on the north West Side move a bench under the canopy. Also says can the timer be changed to let the sprinklers stay on longer. 3 work and 2 are capped. Mr. Tenerowicz says the old Walmart would be a good place to acquire but it is in the county. Also Blossom fountain isn't up yet Chris says just got electric will put up shortly. Mr. Simpson — Can we get new swings for the set at Schumann instead of the wood ones a new playground is going in. the Miller Drive property would be good for new soccer fields. Staff: None Next meeting July 25th, 2011 With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Mrs. White declared the meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Approved July 25th, 2011 Regular Meeting. By JoAnn White, Chairman Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee SIBATTIAN WAIL CI 711112101 IMMO AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Agenda No. Subject: Location of Pavilion In Park Approved for Submittal by: Al Minner, City Manager Department Origin: City Manager Admin Srvc: City Attorney: City Clerk: Date Submitted: 21 JUL 11 Council Date: 27 JUL 11 SUMMARY At the July 13 Regular Meeting, Council directed that the Park/Recreation Committee reconsider an alternate locations for a pavilion. Parks /Recreation is schedule to meet on Monday, July 25th. At the writing of this transmittal a Committee Recommendation is not available. However, attached are depictions of alternate pavilion locations. City staff will discuss these options with the Committee on Monday, July 25th and provide additional information /update for Council on July 27th Locations that are being considered by staff include: > Golf Course — 5th Tee Box > Golf Course — 15th Tee Box > Barber Street Sports Complex > Barber Street Sports Complex > Baber Street Sports Complex — > Baber Street Sports Complex — > Schumann Park — Location #1 • Schumann Park — Location #2 • Easy Street Park > George Street Park — Baseball Field center cluster — Between Concession Stand and Skate Park Creative Playground #1 Creative Playground #2 OUR '1 1-4 0 • BASEBALL FIELD CONLEX :ETWEEN CONCES ION STA I AND S E PAR rREATIVE PLAYGROUND CREATIVE PLAYGROUND #2 HUNANN N YI►l EASY STREET PARK E•RGE STREET PART RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2012 -2017 FY 09 -10 FY 10-11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15-16 FY 16 -17 Totals Recreation Impact Fees $ 26,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 166,000 Return from Main Street Project Tram - - Investment Income 12,256 8,500 8,500 8,033 4,374 2,105 1,269 1,907 46,944 PROJECTED REVENUE $ 38,256 $ 28,500 $ 28,500 $ 28,033 $ 24,374 $ 22,105 $ 21,269 $ 21,907 $ 212,944 Schumann Park 12,350 61.807 Barber Street Fence 1,705 Barber Street Special Needs (25,000) Skate Park Office 16,288 35,050 Splash Park Canopy - 20.802 Hardee Park - 35.705 Bark Park 1,569 Englar Park 5,405 Main Street (39) Airport Park 7,021 TOTAL FY 10 19,299 Barter Street Field won 173.660 Easy Street Path Lights 63.000 Puvenriew Park Payson 50.000 Riverview Park Irrigation and Faun 25000 Batt Park Amenities . 75,000 Rivers Park Street Parking 100,000 Pawetiie Road 61.000 Perirrirrlde Park (4891 TOTAL FY 11 700,535 Pier Repairs (Yacht Club) 50,000 Blueway /Signage Impry (StoneCropt/Concha) 25,000 BSSC - Baseball Field Drainage Improvements 50,000 BSSC - Baseball Filed Btecher Shields 50,000 Creative Playground in - =ovements 30,000 TOTAL FY 12 205,000 Multi Use Field Lights TOTAL FY 13 150,000 Barber Street Equipment Building 100,000 TOTAL FY 14 100,000 Azine Terrace Park 50,000 TOTAL FY 15 50,000 150,000 TOTAL FY 16 0 TOTAL FY 17 0 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 1,087,353 $ 1,106,310 $ 434,275 $ 257,775 $ 135,808 $ 60,182 $ 32,288 $ 53,557 $ 1,087,353 TOTAL REVENUES 38,256 28,500 28,500 28,033 24,374 22,105 21,269 21,907 212,944 EXPENDITURES +DEBT +TRANSFE 19,299 700,535 205,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 0 1,224,834 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 1,106,310 $ 434,275 $ 257,775 $ 135,808 $ 60,182 $ 32,288 $ 53,557 $ 75,463 $ 75,463 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 FY 13 -14 FY 14 -15 FY 15 -16 FY 16 -17 Totals BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Zone A 201,041 179,853 39,428 21,959 30,540 39,016 47,337 55,553 190,863 Zone B 28,848 28,077 (700) (3,964) (2,069) (50,101) (48,514) (46,735) 10,116 Zone C 102,346 93,958 (19,147) (45,776) (46,990) (47,721) (48,114) (48,334) 118,695 Zone D 755,118 765,199 410,032 330,894 299,664 314,326 326,916 338,410 713,719 All Zones 1,087,353 1,067,087 429,613 303,113 281,146 255,520 277,626 298,895 1,033,393 Recreation Impact Fees Zone A 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 64,000 Zone B 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 16,000 Zone C - - - - - - - - - Zone D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 80,000 All Zones 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 160,000 Investment Income Zone A 2,266 1,433 780 582 475 321 216 354 6,428 Zone B 325 224 (14) (105) (32) (413) (222) (298) (535) Zone C 1,154 748 (379) (1,213) (731) (393) (220) (308) (1,343) Zone D 8,511 6,095 8,113 8,770 4,662 2,590 1,494 2,159 42,394 All Zones 12,256 8,500 8,500 8,033 4,374 2,105 1,269 1,907 46,944 Transfers: Zone A 31,454 149,857 26,250 - - - 207,561 Zone B 3,097 31,000 5,250 - 50,000 - - - 89,347 Zone C 9,542 113,854 26,250 - 149,646 Zone D 8,430 371,263 97,250 50,000 - 526,943 All Zones 52,522 665,974 155,000 50,000 50,000 973,496 Ending Balances: ZoneA 179,853 39,428 21,959 30,540 39,016 47,337 55,553 63,908 53,730 Zone B 28,077 (700) (3,964) (2,069) (50,101) (48,514) (46,735) (45,033) (63,765) Zone C 93,958 (19,147) (45,776) (46,990) (47,721) (48,114) (48,334) (48,642) (32,293) Zone D 765,199 410,032 330,894 299,664 314,326 326,916 338,410 350,569 309,170 21