HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-2011 LPA MinutesLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Kayser (a) Mr. Dodd Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Durr Mr. Carter Mr. Hepler Mr. Reyes EXCUSED: Ms. Hennessey (a) ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Joe Griffin, Community Development Director Jan King, Senior Planner Dorri Bosworth, Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Chmn. Dodd noted for the record that Ms. Hennessey was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: cso 0 — 41 CO � �i E c \ (7) Es V- "E 2 2 a c. El) V) N � �' MOTION by Hepler /Durr to approve the minutes [of the August 4, 2011 Regular Meeting]. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. DISCUSSION — REVIEW OF LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE — ARTICLE V, ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS — CONSIDERATION OF PERMITTED & CONDITIONAL USES FOR: 1. SECTION 54 -2 -5.6 — INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (IN) 2. SECTION 54 -2 -5.8 — PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT (PS) 1. Industrial District (IN): Ms. King pointed out where the permitted and conditional uses for the Industrial District are found in the LDC, and definitions for the uses. She reviewed the individual uses, pointing out that "heavy industrial" is not allowed per the Comprehensive Plan, i.e. concrete plants. Chmn. Dodd reviewed the zoning map, describing the locations of the industrial areas. Ms. King explained that the industrial area in the Triangle Overlay District was not rezoned, but that some allowed uses were removed from this area only, such as vehicular service, adult entertainment, etc. The Commission reviewed the Land Use - District Matrix chart for suggested changes: RESIDENTIAL USES: Mr. Roth requested that "accessory uses to permitted uses" be clarified. It was the only residential permitted use allowed in industrial, and he questioned if any residential uses should be allowed in industrial. Mr. Dodd suggested it would allow a security or watchman's quarters as part of an industrial project. Ms. King read the definition of "accessory use" from the LDC, and stated she also thought this was an odd permitted use since no other residential uses were listed in this area of the chart. She pointed out that under commercial activities watchman facilities were allowed, and as it was listed on page LDC5:22, "accessory uses to permitted uses" made sense. The Commission suggested removing this item from this section at this time. COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Mr. Reyes suggested adding schools, public and private, and educational institutions, to include any flight or aviation schools out at the airport. Mr. Dodd then questioned allowing adult entertainment in industrial, now possibly near a school. Staff explained that the conditional use criteria for adult entertainment had distance requirements from a school, bar and lounge, and other adult establishments. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITES: Mr. Dodd reminded the members that at a previous meeting the Commission requested that crematoriums be added as a permitted use to the industrial district only. Mr. Carter suggested adding farmer's markets and fish markets & packing facilities as permitted uses. Ms. King clarified "industrial activities" for Mr. Kayser, as defined under definitions on page LDC22:39. Mr. Dodd suggested parking garages, and parking lots without buildings. Mr. Griffin explained that FAA requirements do no allow buildings within a certain distance from the runways, but parking areas would work. Mr. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, asked if there were any restrictions on the storage of large tanks of propane, and if the buildings were required to be explosion - proof. Staff explained these items would be reviewed at the site plan and building permit stage of a project. Mr. Reyes also read from the Comp Plan some of the definitive heavy industrial uses that were not allowed. Mr. Dodd reviewed the proposed changes. Mr. Durr stated the uses that were added were considered for the airport, but asked if the Commissioners also wanted those uses in the triangle or along CR 512. Mr. Dodd stated the parking garage had already been added to the triangle. 2. Public Service District (PS): 2 Ms. King explained that the only permitted uses in PS were Parks and Recreation, and accessory uses to those parks. Schools, golf courses, churches, and a good many other uses were conditional. RESIDENTIAL USES: Mr. Dodd suggested, as the same in the industrial district, that "accessory uses to permitted uses" be removed from this section [of the chart]. COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Mr. Dodd also felt that the conditional community activities should be changed to permitted. Staff reviewed the conditional criteria, and after discussion, it was decided to leave them conditional. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITES: He pointed out that "accessory uses to conditional uses" was listed under commercial activities of the chart and should be removed also. Mr. Dodd questioned what the next step would be since the Commission had now finished reviewing the zoning districts. Mr. Ginsburg explained that appropriate ordinances would be prepared and then bought back to the Commission to make a recommendation to City Council. Staff would prepare new conditional use criteria, if necessary, for the members to review. After further discussion, it was decided to remove "accessory uses to permitted uses" and "accessory uses to conditional uses" from the chart only, but to have them remain in each zoning district section of Article V. A footnote ** will be added at the end of the chart. Mr. Reyes suggested adding wet/dry storage of boats as a permitted use in the industrial district. The members agreed with the suggestion. B. DISCUSSION — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT VS. THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE — SUGGESTED CHANGES TO THE CODE — DIRECTION TO STAFF Mr. Griffin stated that one of the complaints he is always told of doing business in the city is the weighty landscaping requirements of the LDC and how it affects an incoming business. He felt in certain districts of the city we would want to make it pleasing to the eye with a lot of greenery, but on the other side is the expense, maintenance, and upkeep of the landscaping. Staff would like direction with confronting some of the cumbersome areas of the LDC that create burdens for the business community. Mr. Hepler questioned enforcing the maintenance of the landscaping for those who don't. He understands the need to reduce the requirements but wants to see also a minimal landscape plan be maintained, even if it requires code enforcement. 3 Mr. Dodd felt it was nonsense to say Sebastian has an issue with growth, and growing jobs because they wanted too many trees planted. If a business wants to come into town they will, such as Tire Kingdom. They didn't balk at trees. He opined that the LDC was not a business venture, and should not be used to entice businesses to Sebastian. It's a bible for what we want the city to look like. The LDC supports the Comprehensive Plan, which directs the city's vision of a Fishing Village. He felt there was nothing in the LDC that prevented any of the directives in the recently added Economic Development Element of the Comp Plan, such as fast - tracking, providing an advocate for the permitting process, etc. However, that was not saying that the landscaping requirements couldn't be adjusted. Mr. Reyes stated he did not think the landscaping requirements were too stringent and thought they were comparable to other jurisdictions in the area, adding that a waiver process was available. Mr. Durr agreed but was not against reviewing the code to make it better. He would like to adjust wetlands being counted towards open space requirements. Mr. Dodd stated the length of time to complete the site plan process in Sebastian was not as bad as in Miami or West Palm Beach. He would be in favor of reviewing the landscape code to reduce the requirements for residences. Mr. Hepler asked if there was a plan to entice a business to Sebastian. Mr. Griffin reviewed the financial difficulties of having a limited budget to market the city. He stated it was hard to market the industrial property at the airport with hardly any infrastructure in place, which would be a 2 to 3 million dollar investment. Mr. Helpler suggested a Resource Team pulling in retired seniors. Mr. Dodd suggested the LDC be reviewed for compliance with the new Economic Development Element to make sure it doesn't hinder the directives, such as streamlining the site plan process. He felt there were codes in Article 18 that may hinder the process. There was discussion regarding using volunteers for marketing the city, making up man hours for the limited staff, and searching for grant money. There was also discussion on approved, but un -built subdivisions, project updates (Sonic Restaurant), and expanding the city's boundaries. Mr. Kayser mentioned he had spoken to Mr. Minner about being a Sister City to a town in China, where his wife was from, which program would be a great international marketing tool for Sebastian. Mr. Griffin stated he would get an update. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Dodd stated he felt that the suggestion of a Citizen's Academy that is always brought up at the Council meetings is already in place, and that the members of the Boards that support the staff in doing the business of the city form that role. He would like to see quarterly, interactive workshops with members of all of the boards and committees, organized possibly by Mr. Ginsburg, to discuss their working relationship with Council, with staff, Sunshine Law, Florida Statutes, connection of the Comp Plan and LDC, etc. 4 MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Reyes asked for a status of the 512 Landscaping project. Mr. Griffin updated the Commission. Mr. Carter stated he thought the Tire Kingdom looked fabulous with the landscaping and nautical touches, and we should continue to request that standard from other developments. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. (11/09/11 db) 5