HomeMy WebLinkAbout03132012BUD AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY — MARCH 13, 2012 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roil Call 4. Introduction of New Member Gary O'Hara 5. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of January 10, 2012 6. Memorandum on Additional Information Requested 7. Comments by City Manager 8. Review First Quarterly Report — FY 2012 9. Discuss Next Meeting Date (Tuesday, May 15, 2012) 10. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of January 10, 2012 Memorandum on Additional Information Requested — Dated February 29. 2012 First Quarterly Report — FY 2012 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DEC/SlON MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONS/DERED AT THIS MEETlNG WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDlNGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEED/NGS !S MADE, WH/CH RECORD lNCLUDES THE TESTlMONY AND EV/DENSE UPON WH/CH THE APPEAL !S TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0905) /N COMPL/ANCE WITH THE AMERICAN W1TH D/SABILlTIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECtAI ACCOMODATlON FOR TH/S MEETlIVG SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS /N ADVANCE OF TH1S MEETING. �_ M# . CiTIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 'i 0, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at E>:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Presen#: Dionna Farmer William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Jerry Klenck Harry Marshall Tim Slaven Christine Vicars Staff and Council Present: AI Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Dire+�tor Ken Killgore, Finance Director Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. INTRODUCTION �F MEMBERS: Each rnember introduced themselves. At that time Mr. Herlihy turned over the meeting to Mr. Minner. Mr. Minner introduced himself and staff and explained that Nancy Veidt who is greatly involved in the budget process would be attending later meetings. A(I members'were encouraged to contact staff at any time with questions or cancerns. 5. SELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Minner welcomed the board and asked the members for nominations for Chairperson. Mr. Klenck nominated Mr. Herlihy. There were no other nominations. MOTION by Mr. Klenck to appoint Mr. Herlihy as Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. 6. SELECTION OF V10E CHAIRPERSON: Chairman Herlihy asked for nominations for V�ce Chairman. Mr. Herlihy nominated Chris Vicars. There were no other nominations. MOTION by Mr. Herlihy to appoint Ms. Vicars as Vice Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 16, 2011 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Klenck and SECOND by Mr. 1=laherty to approve the August 16, 2011 minutes as written, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. ' Budget Advisory Meeting January 10; 2012 ' Page Two $. COMMENTS'BY CITY MANAGER: Mr. Minner gave a brief description of what is required of the board for the benefit of Mr. Slaven who is a new rnember. Mr. Minner explained:that the main purpose of the meeting tonignt was;to go over the Fourth Quarter Report. The City provides #he expenditure and revenue repor# #o the budget committee for their input. Council wanted to make sure that the revenue and expenditures were monitored closely as possible, The Fourth Quarterly Report wiN go from #he budget committee to Council for finat approval. These numbers wifl close out the final quarter of 2011. March and April will' start the annual budget. Mr. Minner explained that the City iost a little more cash this' year due to the Police Department expenses ��nd to early retirertients. 9. REVIEW FOURTH QUARTERLY' REPORT — FY 201!1: Mr. Kiilgore explained the format would be th�'same and he wanted to point out that in the General Funds on page 1 that revenues went from $10,834,000 to $10,066,000 but on the bright side our expenditures went from $1Q,991,000 to $10,589,000. Mr. Killgore feels we are headed' in the right direction. The�re has been a reduction in tax collection; DST money is slightly above in past years. Tt�e Goif Gourse fund continues to show some gains. There was a small loan to the Airport fund. On page 4 of the Quart�rly ' Report is a breakdown of departmen# budgets,,' The fiollowing page show,some: incompfete project balances that will be carried forward. Some of the project funding has been moved around but most were 100% compleie at the end` of the :year. Mr. Herlihy asked the members #or their comments on the Fourth Quarterly Report_ He feels v�e are headed in the right direction in G�neral Eund. :: Ms. Farmer didn't have any camments at this time. IVIr. F{arety asked about the action of the gas i:ax, he remembers #hat it was to go back to Council. Mr. Minner said it was scheduled to c�o back`to Council for discussion and there is still discussion on the County level. Seconcl; what`happened with contacting FP & L regarding turning ofF the street lights between the hours of 3:00 am and 5:00 am. What was their feetlback? : Mr. Minner did not get that done. He wifl have an answer for the next Budget meeting. Mr. Marshall had no comments atthis time. Mr. Herlihy asked Mr. Minner if the County didn't address the gas tax issue in the last couple of months and was talking about adding gas tax money. Mr, Minner doesn't know what became of it. Mr Minner will find �ut what happened to this before it goes to CounciL Ms. Vicars asked for some details on completed projects in the CIP. When it states a project is complete is this the physical percent completed or'expenditure percent complete. Mr.; Killgore answered that yes. It is referencing the expendituce percent complete. Mr. Klenck asked about the Police car budget going up. Mr. Minner said that actually the numbers are coming down :and he stafed that yes, the Garage Manager is involved with the decisions of keeping car or purchasing new ones: Mr. Klenck wanted to know where Budget Advisory Meeting January 10, 2012 ' ' Page Three ihe benefit and cost savings was with allowing;officers to iake their police vehicles out ofi iown. Mr. Minner said thaf this is part of the bargaining agreement. Mr. S(aven has no questions at #his time. Ms. Farmer requested to ask ner questions. She wanted to know the status of the FDOT grant for $1.4 milfion and the wind turbine �ut at the airport.' Is this project comp[ete? Mr. Minner said the turbines are installed but are not generating energy at this tirne. Ms. �arrner asked what the cost savings would be and Mr. Minner replied ihat he didn't know at this time. Ms. Farrner,also asked how much the Latin Festival was charged #o use the Airport'facility. Mr. Minner explained that it was a politicat decision not to charge #he school anything. The City co=sponsored #he event with the school and tied it into a LoPresti; grand opening event. Ms. Farmer asked that the City be mindful' that the Airport needs to make some money. Ms. Farmer asked if the Cemetery purchased a new mower and no one was sure if they;did but there was one budgeted for 2012 for $9,000. She would like that expenditure red flagged. Mr. Flaherty asked for clarification on the Riverfront Redevelopment CRA money and ' Recreation Impact Fee listed in the Faurth Quarter Report. Mr. Killgore stated that Riverfron# Redeveiopment CRA budget changed because the lift station was budgeted but yre got a grant to fund it. Then although the President street ptoject design money came from the CRA budget but construction funding was changed!to #he:DST Fund. ` Therefore, the RiverFront Redevelopment CRA`money was able to'be redistributed. The Recreation Impact Fee budget change was due to US1 Improvement project. That project was also funded with DST funds which reduced the monsy budgeted in the CRA Funtl, which made it possible to reallocated the money. 10. REVIEiN DRAFT BUDGET CALENDAR:AND SET NEXT MEETING: Mr. Herlihy asked the board to review the budget calendar to make sure everyone could attend all the meetings. He encouraged the members if they had any questions or concerns with the budgei process to please feel free to go to staff.' They are aiways available to help. Mr. Herlihy also reminded the members that they can't talk to each ! other about the budget because of the sunshine law. All members felt the tlraft calendar looked good. MOTION by Ms. Farmer and SECOND by Mr. Klenck to approve the draft calendar as written, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. ` Mr. Klenck resigned from the board due to health issues. It was determined that Mr. Klenck was appointed by Mayor Hill, so the Mayor will have to appoint a replacement ' member. The Mayor will be informed. 11. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the'meeting at 6:30 p.m. Citizen Budget Advisory Board Chairperson Signature Date ' . , } , k .���'+�,�� �.., ����f�. ��' .� Memoranclum 'I'o: Citizen Budget Review Advisory Board Thru: Kenneth Killgore, Finance Director Froua: Debra Krueger, Administrative Services Director ,�.,�lf`"t:� �b�� J� , Date: February 29, 2012 Re: Additional Information Requested At the January 10, 2012 Budget Advisory Committee Meeting, City staff was directed to provide additional information and or answers to the following three (3) items. 1. Status on the additional once cent gas tax request to the County. This matter was discussed at the Regular City Council Meeting on February �2, 2012. It was the direction of City Council not to praceed with this additional tax. See Atta.chment A, Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from February �2, 2012, Page Four and Five for further details. 2. Response to Budget Advisory Board Members, Jerry Klenck and Ed Herlihy, to send a letter to FPL requesting the street lights be turned off from 3am to Sarn daily. Administrative Services has completed an analysis of the City street light expenditures. Attachment B, Florida Power & Light — Street Light Cost Analysis, shows the calculations and assumptions used. The spreadsheet illustrates the City would realize an estimated savings of $422 for five (5) months of usage if we turned off all street lights for two (2) hours. It is has not been determined if FPL could even accomplish this, and additionally this item would require City Council approval. This could potentially be a safety issue. Request for projected savings on the newly installed Wind Turbines at the Municipal Airport. Attachment C is the Return on Investment Worksheet, prepared for the Florida Department of Transportation Grant document and subsequent award. ATTACHMENT A page 1 Regular City Council Meeting February 22, 2012 Page Four 12. � 2.026 He asked for help with advertising on Channel 25 and put br�chures in City Hall. He was told to get with the City Manager. Jim Hutchinson, Sebastian, discussed the dangerous intersection at Fleming Street and Vocelle Avenue, where in the last two years he had come close to having accidents, because there is no stop sign on Fleming going north, and peopfe stop at the sign heading south and then pull out into oncoming traffic. He suggested another sign at the two stop signs on Fieming and Vocelle to read "remain stopped for all oncoming fraffic." Charles Clark, Ellingsen Ave, said if we dan't lower speed limits in the City we wili have problems and slower speeds would have great environmental impacts and provide safety. Ben Hocker, said from his observation, the City went through a{ot of time to rewrite signage ordinances, and spent a lot of CRA money for various signs such as Earl's, but when you drive on indian River Drive you see a wooden sign for �isherman's Landing and usualiy there is color, and coming south there is no o#her sign, and that Crab-E Bill has a sign in the City easement and people ask when a new fish market came in. He asked that ihe sign be maved off the right-of-way. NEW BUSINESS A. Ir�dian River County Impact FeeslGas Ta,�Bond Discussion (Citv lVianaqer Transmittal} (Vlr. Wright distributed background information on his ideas on the impact fee issue the Caunty is considering and use of the additional motor fuei tax. (See his memo and exhibits attached). He said the County Commission will consider the status of impact fees on March 13`h, and requested City Councii consensus for him to attend and address the Commission on behalf of Council. MOTION by lUlr. Gi{imar and SECOND by IVIs. Coy to make a presenta4ion to the County Comrnission on March 13tn Mayor Hill said he agreed on eliminating the impact fees but did not agree with imposition of another gas tax. Mr. Wright said the County Commission had the same concern with eliminating one fee and replacing it with another tax. Mayor Hill said IRC staff wouid love to pass a gas tax. Ms. Coy agreed that the gas tax blew her away, but would buy into the elimination of impact fees, though was concerned with using the 2004-2006 boom year because of the hurricanes, saying those numbers were unrealistic. After some discussion Mayor Hill said we could be radical and just say eliminate the impact fees and when it is needed again, it takes three votes. Mr. Wright said there should be guidelines, the unemployment number is important, that every time there is boom there is knee jerk reaction. He said they could evaluate the need annually and Ms. Coy said if they evaluate every year, we don't need a number. 0 ATTACHMENT � page 2 Regular City Council: Meeting February 22, 2012 Page Five Mr. Gillmor said it bears fooking at; that eventually we wili have growth and money will be needed down the road. He said he was concerned about un�sed pots of mQney which have been laying around for years, noting over $7M sitting in Enterprise Fforida for advertising, and he applauds the County for giving money back to residents_ Mr. Wright said he had taiked to the City Manager and noted he manages the City's funds wisely. Mr. Gillmor said when you look at the County as a whole; one aspect for use af gas tax is if it was earmarked for paving some of the dirt roads throughout the Co�nty. Mr. Wright said many roads are eligible for State and Federal funding. . Mr. McPartlan said he is fine with getting rid of impact fees, but not impose a gas tax. He said a lot of families he comes into contact with are liuing d'ay to day and said that eve�tually funding will be replaced with new building. He said he drives daily from Ft. Pierce to Okeechobee and is looking to buy a motorcycl� to save money. Mr. VV/right said he hears clear Council support for getting rid of impact fees but no new gas tax, we are affected by many things the County does, and we need to give our input. Ma�or Hifl asked if it was alright for Vice Mayor Wright to represent Council before the Cornr�nission. The City Attorney said there is a motion on the floor and to wrap up the discussion after the motion, Mr. Gillmor added to the motion that they recommend getting rid of impact fees and leave a gas tax alone. Ms. Coy seconded. Result of the roll call: Ayes All Nay�s: None Passed 5-0 12.022 B. Land Development Requlation Modification Discussion (Communitv Redevelopment Transmiftal, Draft Resolution) The City Manager said one of the recent workshop goais was to review the LDC, and he and tt�e Community Development Director recommended formation of an advisory committee at the next meeting by resolution, or Couneil could decide not to have a committee at all, or give direction back ta staff, and he was seeking direction. Mayor Hill said he found it disturbing to have a committee look into two issues in the LDC when the Business Development Committee which found some issues should just bring it to Council for discussion, noting any changes wilf have to go to P& Z and then come to CounciL Mr_ Wright said the ideas were bought to the City Manager. Mayor Hill said they should have been brought to Council, said he was opposed to a Council member serving on a committee, and said why don't we just circumvent that, have the Business Development Committee bring the issues to us, we look at it and send it to P& Z. Mr. Wright said that was a brilliant idea. Mr. Gillmor echoed that sentiment, said we had already looked at signage and made modifications, but landscaping does need fo be looked at. He agreed he did not want to put together a committee this way. Mayor Hil{ noted previous Council rewrote the LDC itself. W � _ � � � V � � •F-+ Q � � � J Q Z Q f— � � U H 2 � J �- w w � � � _ C� N 0 N i � Q � m w � � O J � otS Q � W � O d Q � � O J L.L ATTACHMENT :`C --..--..... _... ___._ _ _ . u. �tTVOF .. � ��� g�i I� I� d� HOMF O� PELtCAN !S[.AND � SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIR�ORT 202 AIRPORT DRIVE EAST � SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 PHONE 772-228-7013 � FAX 772-228-7078 jQriffin citvofsebastian org � www.sebastianairport.org ROI WORKSHEET Assumptions: l. Energy costs remain @: $0.125 2. Energy buyback @: $O.OS l 3. Energy use remains @: $200/mo 4. Average Wind: 9.44 mph/50% of the time (see NASA tabte} 5. Analysis does not include availability of Federal Credits/Grants or Florida tax credit for renewable energy sources (FS Title XIV, 196.175) ANALYSIS F�R MINIIVIUM GENE�ZA'TIOI� VWT Cost: $52,371.92 Minimum Generatian @ 9.44 mph: 6.Q kw/h Generation/month 4320 kw/month Current Use/month 1600 kw/month Excess Energy Generated 2724 kw/month Return on Excess Sold to FPL , $138.72/month Monthly Reduction in Airport Cosis $338,72/inontla (Return on excess energy + current monthly costs) ($4065/yr) Time to Full Return on Investment 12 9 vears ANALYSIS FOR NOMINAL GENERATION VWT Cost_ $52,371.92 Minimum Generation @ 9.44 mph: 7.5 kw/h Generation/month 5400 kw/month Current Use/month 1600 kw/month Excess Energy Generated 3800 kw/month Return on Excess Sold to FPL $193.80/month 10�Ionthly 12eductian on Airport Costs $393.80/month (Return on excess energy + current monthly costs) ($4,725/yr) Time_to Fuil Retvrn on Investment 11 1 vears �� ��� w •� ' �� �a�� ar ��.t�a �sc�t��s Cit of Sebastian, Florida Subject: Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Agenda No. Fiscal Year 20l 1-12 Budget. Department Origin: Administrative Services: Approved for Submittal by: City Attorney: Al Minner, City Managel• City Clerk: Date Submitted: March 21, 2012 For Agenda of: March 28, 2012 Exhibits: • Resolution No. R-12-10 • Ig` Quarter Comparison of Actuai to Budget • Capitai Project Status Reports as of December 31, 2011 • Schedule of Investments as of December 31, 2011 • ls` Quarter Accomplishments SI11VIlVIARY Pursuant to City iinancial policies, budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included. No adjustments are necessary during the period that would require approval by the City Council. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implemcnt programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate fimds to and from expen.diture accounts and capital prajects as necessary during the quarter. These changes and their affect on the total budget of each Fund are siunmarized in Exhibit `'A" attached to the Resolution. Essentially, General Fund appropriations were acijusted to replace a badge printer for $2,129 and to use $1,722 of inslirance proceeds for the repair damage to a truck. In the Discretionary Sales Tax Fund (DST) appropriations were increased $516,712 that added $150,000 authori-r_.ed by the City Council to be spent from DST reserves on the Presidential Streets project and a total of $366,712 for untinished 2Q11 projects that needed to be carried forward to 2Q12. Similarly, he approved adjustments that carried forward $594 for an outstanding purehase order for a project in the Riverfi•ont Redevelopment Fund and by $263,886 for uniinished 2011 projects in the Recreation Impact Fee Fund that also needed to be carried forward to 2012. Lastly, because the Parking In-Lieu-Of Fees Fund was established at the end of 2011 and did not get included in the initial 2012 budget, an adjustment was made to establish budgetary accounts for this new Fund. RECOMMFNDED ACTION Move to apprave R-12-10. RESOLUTION NO. R-12-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2011 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adapted Resolution No. R-11-22 on September 28, 2011 approving the City's 2011-12 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended December 31, 2012 has indicated that adjustments are necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previous approved these adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October l, 2011 and ending September 30, 2012 be amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and more particularly identified as E�ibit "A", the revised appropriations set out therein are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Ivtayor Jim Hill Vice-Mayor pon Wright Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Richard H. Gillmor Councilmember Bob McPartian The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 28th day of March 2012. ATTEST: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA : Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Sally A. Maio, MMC Robert A. Ginsburg, City Clerk City Attorney r FUND TITLE GENERAL Revenues Expenditures LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX Revenues Expenditures DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX Revenues Expenditures RIVERFRONT CRA Revenues Expenditures PARKING IN-LIEU-OF FEES Revenues Expenditures RECREATION IMPACT FEE Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER UTILITY FEE Revenues Expenditures LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE Revenues Expenditures DST DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures GOLF COURSE Revenues Expenses AIRPORT Revenues Expenses BUILDING Revenues Expenses TOTAL BUDGET EXHIBIT "A" FY 2012 AMENDED BUDGET BEFORE 1ST QUARTER BUDGET AFTER ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENTS $ 9,921,464 $ 3,851 $ 9,425,315 9,921,464 3,851 9,925,315 648,511 - 648,51 I 648,511 - 648,51 I 2,390,391 516,712 2,907,103 2,390,�91 516,712 2,907,103 286,022 594 286,616 286,022 594 286,616 - 13,800 13,800 - 13,800 13,800 185,000 263,886 448,886 185,000 263,886 448,886 938,623 - 938,623 938,623 - 938,623 10,125 - l 0,125 10,125 - 10,125 1,022,333 - 1,Q22,333 1,022,333 - 1,022,333 440, I 23 - 440,123 440,123 - 440,123 1,305,753 - 1,305,753 1,305,753 - 1,305,753 436,649 - 436,649 436,649 - 436,649 4I3,059 - 413,�59 413,059 - 413,059 $ 17,998,053 $ 798,843 $ 18,796,896 Description GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FfNES AND FORFEITS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTALSOURCES CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS GROWTH MANAGEMENT NON-DEPARTMEN7AL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF iST QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 1stQtrYTD BUDGET % 1stQtrYTD BUDGET % 1stQtrYTD BUDGET % 3,432,196 7,531,430 45.6% 3,120,719 7,179,708 43.5% 2,835,607 6,684,535 42.4% 9,758 51,400 19.0% 3,841 44,650 8.6% 7,615 36,150 21.1% 283,430 1,723,105 16.4% 285,828 1,836,540 15.6% 295,506 1,880,400 15.7% 62,189 289,147 21.5% 66,987 286,550 23.4% 65,562 284,603 23.0% 16,871 55,000 30.7% 18,683 65,500 28.5% 12,509 74,000 16.9% 78,853 423,190 18.6% 49,252 305,585 16.1% 28,128 276,498 10.2% 191,222 848,909 22.5% 184,182 753,759 24.4% 171,750 689,129 24.9% 4,074,519 10,922,181 37.3% 3,729,492 10,472,292 35.6% 3,416,677 9,925,315 34.4°/a 5,166,999 5,255,327 98.3% 4,962,399 5,068,245 97.9% 4,733,552 4,711,377 100.5°/a 9,241,518 16,177,508 57.1°!0 8,691,891 15,540,537. 55.9% 8,150,229 14,636,692 55.7% 10,708 52,117 20.5% 10,950 49,708 22.0% 58,549 254,480 23.Q% 50,784 234,642 21.6% 96,273 296,444 32.5% 71,662 272,792 26.3% 16,642 125,340 13.3% 16,017 125,785 12.7% 117,659 492,658 23.9% 115,061 478,562 24.0% 52,161 266,913 19.5% 57,149 248,908 23.0% 1,079,782 4,675,788 23.1% 1,062,526 4,790,650 22.2% 788,993 3,694,008 21.4% 648,853 3,385,604 19.2% 85,260 437,156 19.5% 77,280 348,734 22.2% 343,563 627,277 54.8% 272,246 536,9Q7 50.7% 2,649,590 10,922,181 24.3% 2,382,528 10,472,292 22.8% 6,591,928 5,255,327 125.4% 6,309,363 5,068,245124.5% 9,241,518 16,177,508 57.1% 8,691,891 15,540,537 55.9% 11,D09 50,283 21.9% 50,719 234,046 21.7% 96,436 304,390 31.7% 17,744 107,710 16.5% 112,017 477,869 23.4% 30,245 160,125 18.9% 993,685 4,429,395 22.4% 717,364 3,215,690 22.3% 51,731 248,150 20.8% 272,950 697,657 39.1% 2,353,900 9,925,315 23.7% 5,796,329 4,711,377 123.0% 8,150,229 14,636,692 55.7°/a Tax collections during the first quarter this year are lower than last year, as a result of keeping the same millage with reduced taxabie values. Licenses and permits include driveway and alarm permits and fees for zoning, site plan and piat changes. Fines and Forfeits inciude collection of Code Enforcement liens. Miscellaneous Revenues includes investment income. Totai Sources inciudes the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves. For the 2012 Annual Budget, we do not anticipate using any cash reserves. It is aiso noted that actuat Beginning Cash Reserves as of October 1, 2011 were $4,733,552, which was $22,175 more than the $4,711,377 we had estimated when we adopted the 2012 Annual Budget. We are pieased that our estimate was so close. Spending by alt the Departments are ali within the 25% of budget (one-fourth of the fiscai year) except City Clerk, which is because of the payment to Indian River County for the costs of the election and Non-Departmental, which is due to the City's contribution to the CR,4 Fund being made in the first quarter. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 98,521 818,000 12.0% 97,240 623,521 15.6% 92,712 598,253 15.5% BEGtNNiNG CASH RESERVES 52,854 152,559 54.3% 1,392,655 1,401,543 99.4% 58,562 50,258 116.5% TOTAL SOURCES 181,375 970,559 18.7% 1,489,895 2,025,064 73.6% 151,274 648,511 23.3% DEBT SERVICE - 300,000 0.0% 132,207 264,463 50.0% 132,783 265,792 50.0% OTHER EXPEIVQITURES 52,866 293,000 18.0% 48,578 250,000 19.4% 51,548 257,719 20.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 0.0% 697,040 1,461,429 47.7% 31,250 125,000 25.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 52,866 593,000 8.9% 877,825 1,975,892 44.4% 215,581 648,511 33.2% ENDING CASH RESERVES 128,509 377,559 34.0% 612,070 49,172 n/a (64,307) n!a TOTAL USES 181,375 970,559 78.7% 1,489,895 2,025,064 73.6% 151,274 648,511 23.3% 1st quarter revenue reflects just two months payments. Beginning Cash Reserves as of October 1, 2011 were $58,562, which was $7,891 more than the $50,671 we had estimated when we adopted the 2012 Annuai Budget. DISCRETfONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 331,194 2,510,445 13.2% 330,734 2,349,593 14.1% 331,630 2,907,103 11.4% BEGINIVING CASH RESERVES 683,036 1,904,156 35.9% 1,379,095 1,292,080 106.7% 1,623,442 1,255,592 129.3°!0 TOTAL SOURCES 1,014,230 4,414,601 23.0% 1,709,829 3,647,673 47.0% 1,955,072 4,162,695 47.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 579,711 3,673,830 15.8% 464,275 2,718,788 17.1% 518,876 2,907,103 17.8% TOTAL EXPENQITURES 579,711 3,673,830 15.8% 464,275 2,718,788 17.�% 518,876 2,907,103 17.8% ENDWG CASH RESERVES 434,519 740,771 58J% 1 245,554 922,885 135.0% _ 1,436,196 1,255,592 114.4% TOTAL USES 1,014,230 4,414,601 23.0% 1,709,829 3,641,673 47.0% 1,955,072 4,162,695 47.0% 1st quarter revenue reflects just two months payments, because the October payment for September coliections was accounted for in 2010. 2011 Projects, including Powerline Road and Excavation Equipment, that we were carried forward to 2012 are the reason Beginning Cash Reserves were higher than estimated. Description RIVERFRONT CRA FUND CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 1ST QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % TQTAL REVENUES 430,387 440,535 97.7% 298,917 300,382 99.5% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 984,638 638,242 154.3% 682,591 676,714 1�0.9% TOTAL SOURCES 1,415,025 1,078,777 131.2% 981,508 977,096 100.5% Year Revised % Year Revised % TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,731 654,369 3.3% 70,549 179,655 39.3% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 15,000 60,000 25.0% 26,800 382,494 7.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,378,294 364,4Q8 378.2% 884,159 414,947 213.1% TOTAL USES 1,415,025 1,078,777 131.2% 981,508 977,096 100.5% The City and County both pay the CRA tax increment before December 31st of each year. PARKING IN-LIEU-OF FUND 256,170 263,716 97.1 % 455,810 498,934 91.4% 711,880 762,650 93.4% Quarter Revised % 43,707 126,616 34.5% 15,000 160,000 9.4% 653,273 476,034 137.2% 711,980 762,650 93.4% TOTAL REVENUES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 3,452 13,800 25.0% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 12,632 - 0.0% TOTAL SOURCES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 16,084 13,800 116.6% EXPENDITURES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - Q.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 16,084 13,800 116.6% TOTAL USES - - 0.0% - - 0.0°/a 16,084 13,800 116.6% This Fund will record collections of the new parking in-lieu-of fee and any subsequent spending of those monies. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 5,878 56,247 10.5% 4,057 30,791 13.2% 16,670 28,500 58.5% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,095,485 884,464 123.9% 1,106,310 998,826 110.8% 848,187 436,731 194.2% TOTAL SOURCES 1,101,363 94Q,711 117.1% 1,110,367 1,029,617 107.8% 864,857 465,231 185.9% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 1,556 251,246 0.6% 13,536 620,519 2.2% 28,282 448,886 6.3% TOTAL EXPENDfTURES 1,556 251,246 0.6% 13,536 620,519 2.2% 28,282 448,886 6.3% ENDfNG CASH RESERVES 1,099,808 689,465 159.5% 1,096,831 409,098 268.1% 836,575 16,345 5118.2% TOTAL USES 1,101,363 940,711 117.1% 1,110,367 1,029,617 107.8% 864,857 465,231 185.9% Several projects were underway and needed to be carried fonvard to 2012, resulting in Beginning Cash Reserves being higher than estimated. STORMWATER UTILTY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 590,195 877,344 67.3% 608,723 843,200 72.2% 610,712 818,450 74.6% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 795,650 651,397 122.1% 588,841 601,040 98.0% 450,156 316,537 142.2% TOTAL SOURCES 1,385,845 1,528,741 90.7% 1,197,564 i,444,240 82.9% 1,060,868 1,134,987 93.5% OTHER EXPENDITURES - 100 0.0% - 100 0.�% - 100 0.0% TRANSFERS TQ OTHER FUNDS 234,561 1,020,454 23.0% 234,719 1,138,877 20.6% 385,707 938,523 41.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 234,561 1,020,554 23.0% 234,719 1,138,977 20.6% 385,707 938,623 41.1% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,151,284 >, 508,187 226.5% 962,845 305,263 315.4% 675,161 196,364 343.8% TOTAL USES 1,385,845 1,528,741 90.7% 1,197,564 1,444,240 82.9% 1,060,868 1,134,987 93.5% The excavation equipment budgeted in 2011 was not paid for until 2012, resuiting in Beginning Cash Reserves being higher than estimated. LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 732 10,200 7.2°l0 840 10,250 8.2% - 10,125 O.Q% BEGINNfNG CASH RESERVES 54,018 20,970 257.6% 73,160 52,609 139.1% 66,585 80,062 83.2% TOTAL SOURCES 54,750 31,170 175.6% 74,000 62,859 117.7% 66;585 90,187 73.8% EXPENDITURES 3,179 - 0.0% 614 - 0.0% - - 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 51,571 31,170 165.5% 73,386 62,859 116.7% 66,585 90,187 73.8% TOTAL USES 54,750 31,170 175.6% 74,000 62,859 117.7% 66,585 90,187 73.8% These tunds are used for the DARE Program, for vehicie towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 258,966 1,035,869 25.0% 249,389 997,557 25.0% 249,348 999,933 24.9% MISC. REVENUES 199 1,0�0 19.9% 460 22,854 2.�% 294 22,400 1.3% TOTAL REVENUES 259,165 1,036,869 25.0% 249,849 1,020,411 24.5% 249,642 1,022,333 24.4% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,409,493 214,358 657.5% 1,554,654 1,541,577 100.8% 1,556,577 1,542,409 100.9% TOTAL SOURCES 1,668,658 1,251,227 133.4% 1,804,503 2,561,988 70.4% 1,806,219 2,564,742 70.4% OPERATING EXPENDtTURES 375 300 125.Q% - 300 0.0°/u - 300 0.0% DEBT SERV►CE - 1,036,569 0.0% - 1,019,279 0.0% 375 1,022,033 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES' 375 1,036,869 0.0% - 1,019,579 0.0% 375 1,022,333 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,668,283 214,358 778.3% 1,804,503 1,542,409 117.0% 1,805,844 1,542,409 117.1% TOTAL USES 1,668,658 1,251,227 133.4% 1,804,503 2,561,988 70.4% 1,806,219 2,564,742 70.4% At the end of 2009, with the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve, additional funds had to be transferred to the Bond Fund Cash Reserves. Thus, the YTD Actual Beginning and Ending Cash Reserves in 2010 were much higher than originally budgeted. CtTY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF iST QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 Descriqtion 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % STORMWATER UTIL{TY BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 109,560 435,240 25.0% 109,719 438,877 25.0% 109,631 439,023 25.0% MISC. REVENUES 5 120 3.8% 42 1,122 3.7% 66 1,100 6.0% TOTAL REVENUES 109,565 438,360 25.0% 109,761 439,999 24.9% 109,697 440,123 24.9% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 144,635 20,686 699.2% 182,951 T82,932 100.0% 183,020 183,020 100.0% TOTAL SOURCES 254,200 459,046 55.4% 292,712 622,931 47.0% 292,717 623,143, 47.0% DEBT SERVICE 89,118 438,360 20.3% 84,893 439,911 19.3% 79,999 440,123 18.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89,118 438,360 20.3% 84,893 439,911 19.3°/a 79,999 440,123 18.2% ENDING CASH RESERVES 165,082 20,686 798.0% 207,819 183,020 113.5% 212,718 183,020 176.2% TOTAL USES 254,200 459,046 55.4% 292,712 622,931 47.0% 292,717 623,143 47.0% Principal and interest payments are being made as scheduled. GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 374,168 1,483,200 25.2% 351,816 1,261,474 27.9% 348,486 1,270,793 27.4% MISC. REVENUES 8,617 112;713 7.6% 7,326 36,410 20.1% 8,181 34,960 23.4% TOTAL REVENUES 382,785 1,595,913 24.0% 359,142 1,297,884 27.7% 356,667 1,305,753 27.3% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (67,076) 764,318 -8.8% (335,947) (367,001) 91.5% (216,241) (249,485) 86.7% TOTAL SOURCES 315,709 2,360,231 13.4°!0 23,195 930,883 2.5% 140,426 1,056,268 13.3% PERSONAL SERVICES 75,433 350,023 21.6% 74,845 340,270 22.0% 59,781 278,843 21.4% OPERATING EXPENSES 208,902 922,750 22.6% 223,896 921,634 24.3% 243,839 999,410 24.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY - 10,000 0.0% - - 0.0% 25,311 27,500 92.0% DEBT SERVICE 1,075 313,100 0.3% - 1,075 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 285,410 1,595,913 17.9% 298,741 1,262,979 23.7% 328,931 1,305,753 25.2% ENDING CASH RESERVES 30,299 764,318 4.0% (275,546) (332,096) 83.0% (188,505) (249,485) 75.6% TOTAL USES 315,709 2,360,231 13.4% 23,195 930,883 2.5% 140,426 1,056,268 13.3% Shortfalls in actual revenues required the use of Cash Reserves to meet totai expenditures over the past few years. It is norma►ly our intent to maintain Cash Reserves exceeding liabilities but at the beginning of 2012, we would not have enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and refund prepaid memberships and customer credits. 2010 was the last year of debt service on the Bonds and we are hopeful that we can begin to correct this. AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES 67,732 371,219 18.2% 90,788 345,855 26.3% 88,544 398,641 22.2% MISC. REVENUES 4,081 17,OOd 24.0% 2,906 20,000 14.5% 3,417 25,600 13.3% TOTAL REVENUES 71,813 388,219 18.5% 93,694 365,855 25.6% 91,961 424,241 21.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (51,665) 65,784 -78.5% (57,243) (96,942) 59.0% (66,889) (57,243) 116.9% TOTAL SOURCES 20,148 454,003 4.4% 36,451 268,913 13.6°!0 25,072 366,938 6.8% PERSONAL SERVICES 55,405 231,369 23.9% 51,689 230,275 22.4% 52,243 236,970 22.0% OPERATING EXPENSES 72,539 148,306 48.9% 49,186 156,245 31.5% 60,179 182,429 33.0% TRANSFER TO PROJECTS 4,795 8,550 56.1% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% DEBT SERVICE - - 0.0% - 8,550 0.0% - 17,250 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 132,739 388,219 34.2% 100,875 395,070 25.5% 112,422 436,649 25.7% ENDING CASH RESERVES (112,591) 65,784 -171.2% (64,424} (126,157} 51.1% (87,350) (69,651) 125.4% TOTAL USES 20,148 454,003 4.4% 36,451 268,913 13.6% 25,072 366,998 6.8% Cash Reserves have been used to meet total expenditures and required grant matching funds over the past several years. It is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves exceeding liabilities but at the end of each year, we have not had enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and other (iabilities. BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES 140,153 489,334 28.6% 143,252 355,650 40.3% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 651,126 779,429 83.5% 554,519 504,899 109.8% TOTAL SOURCES 791,279 1,268,763 62.4% 697,771 860,549 81.1% PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 87,482 379,674 23.0% 81,922 367,626 22.3% 23,734 109,660 21.6% 22,895 98,114 23.3% 111,215 489,334 22.7% 104,817 465,740 22.5% 680,064 779,429 87.3% 592,954 394,809 150.2% 791,279 1,268,763 62.4% 697,771 86Q,549 81.1% 160,771 389,150 41.3% 460,448 431,386 106.7% 621,159 820,536 75.7% 69,491 322,OOQ 21.6% 21,292 91,059 23.4% 90,783 413,059 22.0% 530,376 407,477 130.2% 621,159 820,536 75.7% Ending Cash Resenres have steadily declined due to the economic stump. However, Beginning Cash Reserves for 2012 were slightly higher than anticipated. � CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 1ST QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 Description 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % ist Qtr YTD BUDGET % 1st Qtr YTD BUDGET % GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMc'NTS CITY COUNCIL Personnel Operating Totais CITY MANAGER Personnei Operating Totals CITY CLERK Personnel Operating Totals LEGAL Personnel Operating Totals ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel Operating Totals MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals POLiCE DEPARTMENT Persannel Operating Capitaf Outlay Totals PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals PLANNING 8� ZONING Personnei Operating Totals NON-DEPARTMENTAL Personnel Operating Transfers to Other Funds Totals TOTAL EXPENDITURES Personnel Operating Capital Outiay Transfers to Other Funds Totais ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 5,700 22,742 25.1% 5,695 22,761 25.0% 5,695 22,747 25.0% 5,009 29,375 17.1% 5,255 26,947 19.5% 5,314 27,536 19.3% 10,708 52,117 20.5% 10,950 49,708 22.0% 11,009 50,283 21.9% 55,473 250,455 22.1% 50,361 229,734 21.9% 49,912 230,746 21.6% 3,075 4,025 76.4% 423 4,908 8.6% 807 3,300 24.5% 58,549 254,480 23.0% 50,784 234,642 21.6% 50,719 234,046 21.7% 54,070 240,794 22.5% 52,695 243,373 21.7% 53,605 249,468 21.5% 42,203 55,650 75.8% 18,967 29,419 64.5% 42,831 54,922 78.0% 96,273 296,444 32.5% 71,662 272,792 26.3% 96,436 304,390 31.7°!0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 16,642 125,340 13.3% 16,017 125,785 12.7% 17,744 107,710 16.5% 16,642 125,340 13.3% 16,017 125,785 12.7% 17,744 107,710 16.5% 90,660 408,939 22.2% 87,979 397,517 22.1% 86,908 399,060 21.8% 26,999 83,719 32.2% 27,082 81,045 33.4% 25,109 78,809 31.9% 117,659 492,658 23.9% 115,061 478,562 24.0% 112,017 477,869 23.4% 45,660 206,855 22.1% 44,401 203,713 21.8% 25,095 117,000 21.4% 5,201 28,735 18.1% 12,748 40,195 31.7% 5,150 30,996 16.6% 1,301 31,323 4.2% 0 5,000 0.0% 0 12,129 0.0% 52,161 266,913 19.5% 57,149 248,908 23.0% 30,245 160,125 18.9% 980,123 4�250,025 23.1% 959,611 4,397,021 21.8% 886�955 3,996,037 22.2% 99,659 398,892 25.0% 101,996 392,709 26.0% 106,730 433,358 24.6% 0 26,871 0.0% 919 920 99.9% 0 0 0.0% 1,079,782 4,675,788 23.1% 1,062,526 4,790,650 22.2% 993,685 4,429,395 22.4% 596,141 2,563,799 23.3% 498,497 2,348,344 21.2% 502,032 2,160,971 23.2% 180,852 1,118,209 16.2% 148,926 1,024,460 14.5% 195,853 1,034,719 18.9% 12,000 12,000 10d.0% 1,430 12,800 11.2% 19,479 20,000 97.4% 788,993 3,694,008 21.4% 648,853 3,385,604 19.2% 717,364 3,215,690 22.3% 83,028 372,436 22.3% 69,957 312,127 22.4% 48,482 227,698 21.3% 2,233 64,720 3.4% 7,323 36,607 20.0% 3,249 20,452 15.9% 85,260 437,156 19.5% 77,280 348,734 22.2% 51,731 248,150 20.8% 0 15,000 0.0% 0 15,000 0.0% 17,014 139,436 12.2% 343,563 612,277 56.1% 272,246 521,907 52.2% 255,936 497,221 51.5% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 61,000 0.0% 343,563 627,277 54.8% 272,246 536,907 50.7% 272,950 697,657 39.1% 1,910,855 8,331,045 22.9% 1,769,196 8,169,590 21.7% 1,675,698 7,543,163 22.2% 725,435 2,520,942 28.8% 610,983 2,283,982 26.8% 658,723 2,289,023 28.8% 13,301 70,194 18.9% 2,349 18,720 12.5% 19,479 32,129 60.6% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 61,000 0.0% 2,649,590 10,922,181 24.3% 2,382,528 10,472,292 22.8% 2,353,900 9,925,315 23.7% 6,591,928 5,255,327 125.4% 6,309,363 5,068,245124.5% 5,796,329 4,711,377 123.0% 9,241,518 16,177,508 57.1% 8,691,891 15,540,537 55.9% 8,150,229 14,636,692 55.7% GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 Project Number Descriotion C1108 Excavation Equipment C1109 Telephone System A1210 Garage Equipment A1211 Repaint City Hali/PD A1212 Police Vehicle Replacement CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Project Number C0721 C0921 C1122 C1123 C1125 C1126 C1129 A1221 A1222 A1223 A1224 A1225 At226 CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT 12/31l2011 Description Hardee Park Improvement (Zone A) Schumann Park Improvements Riverview Park Paviiion (Schumann Park) Bark Park Amenties Riverview Park Irrigation Fountains Presidental Streets Easy St Park Improvements Mooring Fieids Blueway Signage Bleacher Shields Creative Playground Handicapp Pier Riverview Park Electrical TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 Project Number C0735 C0834 C1131 G1132 P0001 A1231 Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budvet To Date Encumbrances Remaininq Encumbered 166,053.62 166,053.62 - - 100.00% 60,000.0� 212.74 - 59,787.26 0.35% 23,000.00 3,927.00 - 19,073.00 17.07% 75,000.00 0.00 - 75,000.00 0.00% 182,871.00 105,677.30 47,173.00 30,020.70 83.58% 506,924.62 275,870.66 47,173.00 183,880.96 63.73% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budqet To Date Encumbrances Remainina Encumbered 50,000.00 47,432.01 - 2,567.99 94.86% 204,460.00 149,464.61 13,241.00 41,754.39 79.58% 30,680.00 26,980.48 1,701.07 1,998.45 93.49% 75,000.00 1,450.00 - 73,550.00 1.93% 25,000.00 8,261.52 - 16,738.48 33.05% 473,500.00 12,906.00 20,094.00 440,50a.00 6.97% 63,000.00 1,136.26 33,6Q0.00 28,263.74 55.14% 15,000.00 0.00 - 15,000.00 0.00% 25,000.00 0.00 - 25,000.00 0.00% 50,000.00 0.00 - 50,000.00 0.00% 30,000.00 0.00 - 30,Q00.00 0.00% 15,000.00 0.00 - 15,000.00 0.00% 7,500.00 0.00 7,266.04 233.96 96.88°/a 1,064,140.00 247,63�.88 75,902.11 740,607.01 30.40% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Description Budqet To Date Encumbrances Remaininq Encumbered Powerline Road 1,222,250.00 870,104.13 319,294.39 32,851.48 97.31% 512 Corridor (DST - FDOT Grant) 288,723.00 276,348.38 31,192.95 (18,818.33) 106.52% US 1 improvements 300,000.00 13,577.29 280,572.97 5,849.74 98.05% Gateway Enhancement 25,000.00 0.00 - 25,000.00 0.00% Road Paving 39,554.57 13,749.50 - 25,805.07 34.76% Cav Corp Enhancements 75,000.00 0.00 - 75,000.00 0.00% 1,950,527.57 1,173,779.30 631,060.31 145,687.96 92.53% STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 Percent Project Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Number Descriqtion Budaet To Date Encumbrances Remaininp Encumbered C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,00 4,925,102.11 4,917,877.11 9,225.00 (2,000.00) 100.04% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) 2,647,720.00 2,317,508.60 13,335.40 316,876.00 88.03% C16Q1 Stormwater Master Plan 50,000.00 27,500.00 - 22,500.00 55.00% A1261 BBSC Drainage 50,000.00 0.00 - 50,000.00 0.00°/a 7,672,822.11 7,262,885.71 22,560.40 387,376.00 94.95% AIRPORT PRQJECTS FUND 455 Percent Project Project Expenditures Funds Expended! Number Description Bud et To Date Encumbrances Remaininq Encumbered C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) 1,450,000.00 1,300,715.87 7,316.03 141,968.10 90.21% C1152 Install Security Cameras 43,000.00 0.00 - 43,000.00 0.00°/o 1,493,000.00 1,300,715.87 7,316.03 184,968.10 87.61% � � _ , �` ., � ��� � i ,�► � � s I �� c.c � l..y n�I�EEIf ,,� �%4°�i� ����� ��uli li �� iillt�tl�!l��i�,l �il � � ��x� � �~������W `�" ��»� �� ��'° °"�� ° ` � u, ��., �� � �� � ,.,��n:,; ' � � . . , QUARTERL� INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2�11 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of December 31, 201 I, the total available funds of the City were $12,134,711. $2,800,523 was held in an interest bearing checking account and $9;547,275 was invested in the SBA and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Tvpe Amaunt State Board of Administration (SBA) :$ 3,519,488 US Govemment Treasury and Agency Bonds $,027,787 Tota1 Fair Ualue of Investments ' 9.547.275 The details of each investment types arepresented on the following pages. CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 12/31/2011 STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRAT[ON INVESTMENT ALLOCATION General Fund + Performance Deposits Local Option Gas Tax Fund Discretionary Sales T� Fund Riverfront Redevelopment Fund Parking In-Lieu-Of Fund Recreation Impact Fee Fund Stormwater Utility Fund Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund Discretionary Sales Tax, Debt Service Fund Stormwater Series 20Q3 Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements Fund Transportation Fund Stormwater Projects Fund Golf Course Fund Airport Fund Building Department Fund Cemetery Trust Fund Performance Deposits Fund Sub-Total cashsbal231 3/6/2012 PERCENT 42.55% 0.00% 6.72% 3.13% 0.46% 4.20% 2.30% 1.67% 15.08% 2.84% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.40% 10.24% 10.82% 100% CURRENT BALANCE 1,497,51834 236,380.3 l 110,108.32 16,013.95 147,876.I4 80,788.94 58,833.88 530,585.27 100,110.43 360,297.04 380,975.51 3,519,488.13 ASSET NAME U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note FNMA Note FHLMC Note FHLB Note TOTAL SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 12/31/2011 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT YIELD TO DATE OF MATURITY PURCHASE 0.5082% 11/30/l0 0.4315% 12/08/10 0.7917% 03/31/11 0.�840% 12/08/t0 0.6578% ]2/08/10 0.8641% 03/31/11 ALLOCATION BY FUND General Discretionary Sales Tax DST Bond Reserve Account Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency Recreation Tmpact Fee Stormwater Revenue Building Cemetery Trust TOTAL cashsba1231 3/6/20 t 2 PURCHASE PRICE $ 997,460.94 1,004,687.50 99b,836.00 1,008,840.00 999,330.00 1,002,670.00 12/31/20] 1 FAIR VALUE $ 1,001,992.00 1,002,891.00 1,005,195.00 1,005,371.00 1,003,892.00 I ,008,446.00 S 6,009,824.44 $ 6,027,787.00 $ 2,496,966.94 602,343.75 1,008,840.00 333,110.00 666,220.00 200,000.00 20Q000.00 �02,343.75 $ 2,504,430.04 604,144.07 ],011,855.29 334,105_62 668,211.24 200,597.77 200,597.77 503;845.19 $ 6,009,824.44 $ 6,027,787.00 MATURITY DATE ]0/12/12 OS/31/12 02/28/13 07/30/12 12l28/12 03/27/13 CUSIP NUMBER 912828PD6 912828NE6 912828QK9 31398AT77 3137EACQ0 313372RK2 � [ � A � � A . .��. .. �� ' �'� Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Al Minner, City ivlanager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: March 21, 2012 Re: l S` Quarter Accomplisliments Fiscal Year 2012 F,nclosed please find the 1 S` Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended December 31, 2012. CITY CLERK Leqisiative Support Matters • Prepared agenda packets and minutes for four Regular City Council meetings — attended meetings for 11.25 hrs. • Six resolutians were adopted • Two ordinances were adopted • One ardinance was passed on first reading • One proclamation prepared and presented • Placed two legal notices in Press Journal • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press • Provided monthly regionai and county board meeting calendars to Council • Provided notice to regional boards and committees of new Council appointees • Coordinated attendance of c(ergy for Council meeting invocations • Goordinated travel reimbursement for Gillmor/FLC meeting Records Manaqement Proqram • Responded to 1 i 5 public records requests • 8 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned & l 0 baes of dupl icate and OSA records destroyed by Shred-It Recycling — 8 trees saved • Scanned into Laserfiche — 20 sets of mrnutes, 12 agenda packets, 6 Resolutions, 2 Ordinances, I 1 agreements and 132 Cemetery files — 21 other documents • 228 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Bui(ding Dept. Election Matters • All Candidate and YAC G2, G3, and G4 reports timely submitted as well as some termination reports • Chaired, prepared minutes and attended four City Canvassing Board Meetings at Supervisor of Elections Office with C:ity Attorney and City Manager • Advertised two referendum ads • Coordinated use of ciry fiaciliry and staff for two candidate forums • New process initiated due to approval of referendum on swearin� at first meeting following certification of results — swore in three elected members at 11/16/11 regular meeting • Orientation for one new Council member conducted • One outgoing plaGue prepared for departing Council member • Six of Eight Charter amendments that passed were provided to Department of State and MCC for codification Citv Board Matters • Filled five board vacancies ' • Prepared two certificates of appreciation • RPM attendzd and recorded three Natural Resources Board meetings • City Clerk attended and recorded Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities meeting in November in Fellsmere • City Glerk took over secretarial responsibilities for TGCLG and recorded November meeting in Jensen Beach Cemeterv Matters •` Certificates of Interment Rights issued for eight locations for a total of $10,000 Communitv/Staff Matters ' • Responded to 61 e-mails to the General City of Sebastian e-mail address and/or forwarded to appropriate departments for response • Clerk, Deputy Cierk & Records Program Manager volunteered at Sebastian Clambake `• RP1vI participated in the Friends of SE. Sebastian River °Family Fun Under the Sun" with the NRB 10/22/2011 + City Clerk obtained IRC permit, Council approval and assisted with coordination of Christmas parade • RPM weekly update of City Hall marquee • City Clerk and Deputy Clerk made "Sebastian" promotion basket that was raffled at Institute : Personnel/Educational Matters • Deputy City Glerk and Records Program Manager attended IIMC/FACC Certification Institute ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared the 4`�' Quarter 2011 Budget Amendment to the Gity CounciL • Submitted the approved 2012 Operating Budget to the Govemment Finance Officers Association Awards Program. • Assisted Auditors with interim audit work. • Closed financial records for year-end and opened up the new budget year on the accounting software. • Began preparation of the financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2011. • Handled normal processing of payroil, accounts payable and cashiering. • Hosted the Annual Awards Banquet in December. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major'contracts. • Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • The Sebastian Police Department was reaccredited through Commission for Florida Law Enforcement, • Continued review af agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Administrarion attended 4 Council meetings and 2 candidate forums. • Attended over 52 Law Enforcement related meerings and 9 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. » Interviewed for the Records Clerk II Position and hired to fill vacancy. • Had a meeting/breakfast for the police volunteers. • Command staff attended Legal & Best Law Enforcement Practice training course. • Hosted Dispatch training class. • Conducted an Onsite for the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. • Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into IMC... 350 • Arrest Reports (Juveniles) ..................................................................... 6 • Arrests Reports (Adults) ...................................................................... 79 • Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into IMC......... 84 ( 56 Accidents; 28 Driver Exchanges) • Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC ........................................I98 (Civil — 153; Criminal — 28; Citation Arrests — 14; Voided - 3) • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ........................ 3 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC .................... 959 • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed ............................................ 285 (Oct. - 101 Nov. — ] 61 Dec. -23) • Fingerprinting Service: Oct. - 12; Nov. - 18; Dec. - 18 ......................... 48 2 ' Road Patrol • Officers were dispatched to 2,633 calls for service, and self-initiated 8,456 events. • 80 adult and 6 juvenile arrests were made. • Of�icers issued 182 citations, 3 parking citations, and 1,039 written warnings. • Officers completed 350 offense reports and 84 crash reports. Special OPerations Citations Warnin�s Incidents Arrests • Traffic Homicides (0) • Boat Officers 27 21 24 7 • K-9 Officers 236 177 i3 24 • 33 K-9 Usage/Activity Reports: • 360 K-9 Training hours • 6 K-9 Demonstrarions • 5 K-9 Felony and 4 Misdemeanor Apprehensions • 18 :K-9 Narcotic Searches Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and to maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Communitv Policin�/Trainin� • Attended 24 business contacts/meetings. These locations include numerous fmancial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Substance Awareness Gouncil and other local businesses & committees. • Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages. . • Officer Marcinik completed approximately 50 hours on backgrounds for applicants. • Officer Marcinik conducted approximately 10 hours of car seat inspection & education to the public. • Officer Marcinik had approximately 20 hours of community problem solving/intervention in response to various neighborhood issues and helping with crimeprevention and reduce redundant calis for service. • Of�'icer Marcinik had 4 hours of Recruiting. This includes phone calls, walk-in inquiries and location presentations. • Officer Marcinik conducted 13 bicycle and pedestrian safety programs at three schools, resulting in the distribution of approximately 75 bike helmets in an on going effort for safe bicycling and compliance with Florida law. + Officer Marcinik conducted 3 chiid I.D. programs, which provided 24 families with child ID's . • Officer Marcinik has approximately 6 hours working with DCF regarding adults in need of seryices and the Deparnnent's RUOK automated calling program. • Officer Marcinik has completed 80 hours of training resulting in recertiiication in Computer Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) and Middle Management. ` • Officer Marcinik has numerous hours invested in the planning, facilitating and participation with numerous events to include the Latin Fest, Clam Bake, CTST meetings, S.A.F.E. Program, NOPE program, National Night Out, Cirizens Academy & DEA Take Bake program. Communitv'Volunteer IInit • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,243 hours during this quarter. • 73 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Rall saving time for the employees by not having to leave their assigned duties. ` • 2 tr�c control detail was assib ed. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 379 house watches/close patrols were completed. • l O l vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. • 266 business checks were made_ These business checks are done and help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. • 179 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 37 Airport checks were made. Again the visibility helps to deter crime. • 133 special details were assigned. • 5 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personneL • 148 paper runs ie: State Attorneys Office, Sheriffls Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as councilpackages, State Attorneys packets and what ever other items are needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 0 traffic crash scene_ • 0 warnings/tickets for handicapped parking and 0 warnings/tickets for other parking issued. • 97 citizen contacts. • 391 Miscellaneous jobs. 3 Investigations • 52 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. • 9 felony and 0 misdemeanor arrests were made. • 9 cases being cleared. • 31 cases were inactivated due to no leads. • 49 reports/supplements were completed. • 307 active cases are assigned. • Detectives attended over 80 hours of training during this quarter. Communications Division • 14,542 calls entered into C.A.D. {IMC) of that • 3,566 were dispatched calls for service • 1,621 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls • 8,533 were O�cer Initiated calls • 643 were Volunteer Initiated calls • 19 were duplicate calls • Total9ll calls received 2,115 of that: • 1,481 were from cell phones • 463 were residential and/or business land lines • 171 were computer phones '+ 749 calls were transferred to other agencies : • 211 hang-ups • 37 TDD used • Incoming Admin Lines answered on blackphones oniy are 6,728 of that: ' • 1,234 were transferred out of dispatch • 600 were abandoned • Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones. • Equipment Repairs: Radio,'Net Clock & 911 Phones • Training attended: : • Dispatcher attended FDLE eAgent hands on • Dispatchers attended CTO (Communications Training Officer) • Dispatcher attended Excel computer training • 1 Dispatcher started. During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation ` sign ofPs, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. We take and dispatch all non-emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Gode ` Enforcement and Volunteer services. We assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls 10 citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FGIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide services to non-residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We also assist other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. ' Alarm Assessments + $560 in alarm permits. + $2,835 in false alarm fines. • 164 alarm responses by officers, 94 of these were false. • 34 new permits issued. Code Enforcement Division • Issued 325 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 467 Code Violations and 515 Code Services. • 585 re-inspections. 318 of the violations were complied with, 43 were not complied with, 141 were posted for abatement and 77 were abated by vendors. • 43 Liens filed. 12 releases of liens. • 212 violation letters sent. For various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. In an attempt to gain compliance. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT En�ineerin� • Assisted on a daily basis in reso]ution of numerous drainage and signage inquiries and complaints from residents. • Reviewed/coordinated numerous permitting and site plan review items with Building Department and Growth Management. • Reviewed for approval numerous FEMA / FIRM flood map revisions (in conjunction with Growth Management). • Handled 8 new pool construction inspections. • Handled 69 new home construction inspections. • Handled 20 new home drainage permits. • Handled 40 new fence permits. •, Set elevarion for'/o round project driveway pipes. '• Set elevation and grade for 8 road crossing pipes •_ Coardinate with Growth Management on 2 FEMA applications. `• Designed 6 catch basins •, Worked with FPL on the installation of new street lights. ' Traffic'Division • Installed Regulatory signs - 40 • Warning signs &Rl-la— 14 • Street signs =12 • Temp signs - 61 • Specialty Signs -12 • Decals - 15 • Pavement Markings - 30 ft • Arrows -� . Legends (only, school, stop) -Q : • RPMs 20 ' • Beacon Maintenance — 20 hours • Straighten Posts — 60 • Painting HC spots - 8 : • Painting/stenciling - 00 : • Paving duties/Inspection -0 • Striping inspections - 0 • BalJard repair/Inst. - 2 • Site plan review - 2 ` All in all things are going well. I have been out on work comp. and doing therapy with work restrictions. Production is down. Roads and Maintenance • Set np and break down for ,the 4"' of July. + Repair potholes throughout the city. • Clean up tree trimmings after the ditch cutting crew. • Repair street light by Squid Lips and Captain Butcher • Trim trees off the roads throughout the city. • Help the City Garage take and pick up vehicles. • Cut all bridge approaches throughout the city. • Cut all ditches on Indian River Dr. • Cut around the guardrails throughout the city. • Weed eats'ditch at new pack and 512. • Weed eats and mow ditch at the Golf course. • Install bricks at the clock. • Fill and grade parking lot and fix the walking trail at Hardee Park_ • Weed eats along the railroad tracks at Schuman Dr. • Edge and weed eat curb and gutter on Fleming, Main, Power line and Louisiana • Clean up the big building. • Pick up dead animals throughout the city. • Repair parking stops tlu�oughout the city. • Dirt on the edge of roads throughout the city E • Sweep streets throughout the city 241 miles, 8 dumps and i l loads of water. • Replace photo ceil at Main St. boat ramp. • Repair fence at overtlow park lot. + Edge and weed eat sidewalks Engler Dr., Periwinkle Dr. Laconia Av. Tulip Dr and Bevan Dr. • Demo house at 519 Wimbrow Dr.: • Clean up the lsland after the fireworks, ' • Haul milling for the Airport. • Clean up trash at Fulton way, Clearmont Stand Tuxedo Ter. • Build 2 catch basin for Storru Water one for Fa�eld and the other for Michael St. • Pick up brush at 402 Layport Dr and Balboa St... • Repair screening on the fence at the c Compound. • Trench in new inigation lines at the Golf course. • Help Storm Water clean up tree from rear ditch at Mulberry St. • Get tree permit and have trees removed from 1310 Cheltenham St. in rear right of way. • Nims training. • Cap wells at 519 Wimbrow Dr. • Build catch'for Tulip Dr. • Build catch basin for Benedictine Ter. • Help park catch up on weed eating. • Install replacement bench at Riverview Park. • Haul milling from road crossing paving. • Put up new no parking signs at the Fishennan's Landings. • Install delineators on Potomac. • Haul concrete for Jack. • Remove no parking signs from Tulip St. • Put speeding fines signs up on Easy St. + Cut, weed eats and clean up;Cornpound. • Put rock on the road at the Cemetery. • Help Parks install field goal posts. ;• Clean up behind houses at the Palm Lake Club_ • Install new storm shutters at the compound and Sign Shop. • Install shutters at old building department. :• Repair the drain at the Splash Pad. • Cut back easement on S. Easy and Fleming St. • Cut back easement at 781 TuYedo Ter. • Help top dress fields for Parks. • Work on Schumann Park restrooms. • Cut back easement at Empire Ter. and Douglass Av. • Road crossing at Tulip Dr. • Road crossings Benedictine Ter. and Mistletoe St. • Haul tree trimming from the football fields for parks. • Road crossings at Shakespeare St. and Seashore Ave. • Repair elec. at Blossom Park for the fountain. • Road crossing s at Herndon St. and Michael St. • Road crossing Fulton Way and Lorca St. • Road crossing Columbia Ave. and Mulberry St. • Clean up at the fill pile. • Training on the forklift. • Build new bench for the Dog Park. • Ctean up curb and gutter at Mabry, Crawford and Spring Valley. • Repair clean and touch up all wood sign in the city. • Replace ballardes at Hardee pedestrian bridge. • Cut back right of ways at 193 and I87 Delmonte Rd and Rolling Hili Dr.. • Work new water line at Riverview Park restroom. � Repair mailbox at 1061 Barber St. 6 l • Paint graffiti on the road on Greenbrier Ave. • Help Golf Course repair elec. far irrigation. '• Remove dead tree from right of way at 634 Bayfront Ter. • Trim trees at City Hall. • Work on lights on the pedestrian bridges. • Replace photo cell at Garden Club Park. • Pick up couches on George St. • Repair net at the Golf Course. Parks and Recreation • Prepared Indian Rive brive & Riverview Park for 4'�' of July Celebration. '• Made many irrigation repairs & replaced turf on U.S. 1 medians due to traffic accident. • Replaced fountain pump at Blossom Park damaged by lightening strike. • Replaced recirculation pump & motor, cleaned maintained & took daily chemical readings at Splash Pad. • Repaired fence at playground, replaced fountain pump & replaced irrigation heads in Riverview Park. • Replaced 2 tennis nets, 4 basketball nets, removed graffiti, repaired drinking fountain, repaired electrical outlet, timer & lights damaged by lightening strike at Schumann Tennis Park. • Assisted with Patriot Day Ceremony, National Night Out and Movie in the Park at Riverview Park. • Roto — tilled walking traiis at Filbert and George St. Parks twice. • Replaced 6 valves, $ solenoids & ran new wire for irrigation at Friendship Park Tennis Courts damaged by lightening strike. • Made many irrigation repairs, lighting repairs, repaired residents fence, prepared fields for playoffs, installed 2 new pitching rubbers & 2 new home plates on baseball fields at Barber Street Sports Complex. • Improved drainage, added new goalposts, installed new fence & enlarged the north football field at Barber Street Sports Complex. • Roto-tilled warning tracks and graded clay infields at Barber Street Sports Complex � Trimmed trees,installed new swing set & repaired exercise equipment at Hardee Park. • Removed 2 dead trees firam Periwinkle Park • Installed new fence & bush hogged interior of Bryant Ct. Park. • Continued regular maintenance. Cemeterv • The Cemetery Division confinued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. • Fertilized and applied weed killer. • Made necessary irrigation repairs. + Installed all necessary memorial plaques. : Fleet Management ; • Completed .67 repair work orders, 15 preventive maintenance services, and 11 service/road calls. • In addition to the in-house vehicle/equipment work arders, 46 vehicle and equipment repairs by outside vendors. • Completed the foilowing projects in the past quarter: +` Two safety meetings, held on July 26 and Sept 29, 201 L • Conducted Forklift Training for_8 employees on 8/2312011. • Completed the purchase and delivery of one mower for SW Department. . • Completed the annual end of year fleet inventory audit. Facilities Maintenance were scheduled and completed • Relocated Airport Director to vacant office at CH Cleaned carpet, installed cable TV line, and rearranged furniture. • Acquired three prices to replace shingles with metal roofing, repaired rotted wood and install gutter at P. W. Compound Hired Sean Tor roofing and monitored job until completion. • Replace defective A/C in cemetery office. • Repaired two building exhaust fans at Golf Course maintenance Bldg. • Instalied new key switches at P.D. for sallyport Gates • Took tables and chairs to old hurricane Harbor for Treasure Coast Luncheon meeting, set up, take down and returned. • Rebuilt lift station at Hurricane Harbor, 2 new pumps all new relays, switches and contactors. • Monitared instaliation of new lift station at Riverview Park • Replaced burned out contactor and relay at splash pad lift station. • Replaced 2 burned out emergency light ballasts at PD and 1 at CH • Conducted Quarterly testing of sprinkler, fire systems at PD, CH, Lopresti • Repaired Roof on restrooms at Riverview Park • Replaced burned out A.C. Compressor at Hurricane harbor • Pumped and washed down septic tanks at Football Field • Installed new A.C. Evaporator Coil and Pan at Football Field Concession • Pumped and washed down 1ift station at Yacht Club and Installed new cover with access door • Replaced broken door on ladies room at G.C. Club House. : • Completed 38 work.orders Stormwater . • Installed a total of 2020 LF of the following feet of pipe • l2" - 890 LF + 15" - 220 LF • 18" - 830 LF • 24" - 80 LF + Replaced 21 driveways in conjunction with the %< round project • Piped 6 side ditches • Installed 7 catch basins • Replaced 4 Road Crossings • Mowed Unit 1 and 2 with long arm � • Did Armadillo Work on seven (7) streets • Did 1.4 maintenance Easy Street Area, S Easy Area, George St to Carnation/Melrose Area BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year 19 new single-family homes were issued building permits. This number is a significant increase over the l i homes that were permitted in the previous quarter. The increase in new home construction is mostiy attributed to one home builder who is actively building and seliing several homes a month along with one or two other home builders who are building homes less frequently. Other permits of significance were 8 commercial alterations, 5 residential aiterations and a total of 69 air conditianing replacements during the peak of the summerseason. In all, 411 building permits were issued in the third quarter. Over all permitting activity has decreased with 73 fewer permits than the third quarter but due to the increase in residential construction, the monthly revenues over all have roughly stayed the same. • Total number of inspections for the fourth quarter was 1,281 for an average of 21 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter has remained about the same as the third quarter. • The building department brought a case to the Construction Board involving a contractor who was originally approved to iake a painting contractor's license exam by the board in 2004. The contractor was eventually issued a license and remained active for two years before becoming inacrive due to various reasons including some health issues. This .contractor now wished to reactivate his ]icense and was seeking the boards' approval since a provision of the City Code of Ordinances requires a licensee who has let their license expire for more than three yeazs to retake the exam. The board ruled in favor to re-instate the contractor's painting licenses on a condition that the contractor will pay outstanding late fees as determined by the board. • The following Business Tax Receipts were issued in the fourth quarter: New Businesses-44, Renewals-882, Transfers-8, Duplicates-2, Home Based Businesses-16, Commercial Businesses-25, Insurance Companies-5, Solicitor Permits-9. Business Tax Receipts have increased considerably due to the renewal cycle that occurs during this quarter. Renewals for Contractor Licenses also occurs this quarter, so the department has been very busy sending out renewal notices, collecting fees and logging in license renewals for both Business Tax Receipts and Contractor Licenses. AIRPORT • Completed construction of Hangar B • Completed FDOT Grant approval for wind turbines • Initiated wind turbines canstruction. Economic Development • Coordinated activities of the Airport, Building Department and Planning and Zoning • Continued review of estabiished policies and procedures • Considered best management practices to accomplish the department's goals and objectives. GOLF COURSE + Total revenue for 4�' quarter: $183,790, an increase of $8,070 over Fiscal 09-10 4`� quarter.. • Golf Rounds for 4'�' quarter: 9,410, an increase of 24 over Fisca109-10 4`� quarter. • Green Fee revenue for 4'" quarter: $53,156, an increase of $592 over Fisca109-10 4`�' quarter. • Cart Fee revenue for 4�` quarter: $101,068, an increase of $2,641 over Fisca109-10 4`�' quarter. + Golf shop revenue for 4`�' quarter: $16,951, an increase of $4,955 overFisca109-10 4�' quarter. • Driving range revenue for 4`�' quarter: $5,710. • Discount Card revenue for 4`�' quarter: ;$0 (All sales inainly occur during I S` and 2"a quarter.)_ • Club Rental & Club Storage revenue for 4`h quarter. $266. • Computerized golf handicap revenue for 4`�' quarter: $0 (All sales mainly occur during ] 51 and 2"d quarter.) • Rents & Royalty revenue for 4`�' quarter: ;$6,343, an increase of $1,259 over Fisca109-10 4`t' quarter, •, Professional golf lesson revenue for 4th quarter: ,$284. • Annual Membership/Initiation reyenue for 4�',quarter: $0 (All sales mainly occur during 151 and 2"d quarter.). • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 4`i' quarter included:Sebastian River High School Touchdown Booster Club Tournament (72 players), North Indian River County Republican Club Golf Toumament(32 players) and Sandy's Gri11e Golf Tournament (72 players), Palm Bay High School Class Reunion (20 players) & Habitat Golf Club Traveling Group (60 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for is` quarter (2011-12) include Central Baptist Church, Sebasrian Italian-American Club, Suzi's Tiki Bar Tournament, St. Sebastian Church, Sebastian Ellcs, 2011 Sebastian Amateur, No Name Bar Christmas Classic and Sebastian Rotary Club Golf Tournament. • Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. • In July, offered summer junior golf clinics, which were conducted each Thursday afternoon. Averaged 22 juniors per session. • Golf course condition in excellent shape, several customers frequently offered positive comments about condition of golf course and overall shape and speed of greens. Small landscaping projects accomplished throughout the property and around the clubhouse. • 2011 Sebastian Amateur, the premier golf tournament for Sebastian Golf Club, scheduled far November 19`�' and 20�`; 2011. • Entered into advertising agreements with Jack FM Radio, BogobIast and Advertising Concepts. • Director of Goif, Greg Gardner, PGA, coached the Sebastian River High School Boy's Golf Team. The team had a season record of 16 wins, 4 losses and 1 tie and qualified for the Florida High School Athletic Association Regional Championship by finishing 3`d in the District Golf Championship, which was played at Sebastian Golf Course. • Director of Go1f, Greg Gardner, PGA, attended Florida State Golf Association Handicapping Seminar, received official certification and licensing to operate the FSGA Handicapping Network at Sebastian GC.