HomeMy WebLinkAbout01102012BUD�� SE��N �� HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Dionna Farmer William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Jerry Klenck Harry Marshall Tim Slaven Christine Vicars Staff and Council Present: AI Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Director Ken Killgore, Finance Director Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS: Each member introduced themselves. At that time Mr. Herlihy turned over the meeting to Mr. Minner. Mr. Minner introduced himself and staff and explained that Nancy Veidt who is greatly involved in the budget process would be attending later meetings. All members were encouraged to contact staff at any time with questions or concerns. 5. SELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Minner welcomed the board and asked the members for nominations for Chairperson. Mr. Klenck nominated Mr. Herlihy. There were no other nominations. MOTION by Mr. Klenck to appoint Mr. Herlihy as Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. 6. SELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON: Chairman Herlihy asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Herlihy nominated Chris Vicars. There were no other nominations. MOTION by Mr. Herlihy to appoint Ms. Vicars as Vice Chairman passed on a unanimous voice vote. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 16, 2011 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Klenck and SECOND by Mr. Flaherty to approve the August 16, 2011 minutes as written, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Budget Advisory Meeting January 10, 2012 Page Two 8. COMMENTS BY CITY MANAGER: Mr. Minner gave a brief description of what is required of the board for the benefit of Mr. Slaven who is a new member. Mr. Minner explained that the main purpose of the meeting tonight was to go over the Fourth Quarter Report. The City provides the expenditure and revenue report to the budget committee for their input. Council wanted to make sure that the revenue and expenditures were monitored closely as possible. The Fourth Quarterly Report will go from the budget committee to Council for final approval. These numbers will close out the final quarter of 2011. March and April will start the annual budget. Mr. Minner explained that the City lost a little more cash this year due to the Police Department expenses and to early retirements. 9. REVIEW FOURTH QUARTERLY REPORT — FY 2011: Mr. Killgore explained the format would be the same and he wanted to point out that in the General Funds on page 1 that revenues went from $10,834,000 to $10,066,000 but on the bright side our expenditures went from $10,991,000 to $10,589,000. Mr. Killgore feels we are headed in the right direction. There has been a reduction in tax collection; DST money is slightly above in past years. The Golf Course fund continues to show some gains. There was a small loan to the Airport fund. On page 4 of the Quarterly Report is a breakdown of department budgets. The following page show some incomplete project balances that will be carried forward. Some of the project funding has been moved around but most were 100% complete at the end of the year. Mr. Herlihy asked the members for their comments on the Fourth Quarterly Report. He feels we are headed in the right direction in General Fund. Ms. Farmer didn't have any comments at this time. Mr. Flarety asked about the action of the gas tax, he remembers that it was to go back to Council. Mr. Minner said it was scheduled to go back to Council for discussion and there is still discussion on the County level. Second, what happened with contacting FP & L regarding turning off the street lights between the hours of 3:00 am and 5:00 am. What was their feedback? Mr. Minner did not get that done. He will have an answer for the next Budget meeting. Mr. Marshall had no comments at this time. Mr. Herlihy asked Mr. Minner if the County didn't address the gas tax issue in the last couple of months and was talking about adding gas tax money. Mr. Minner doesn't know what became of it. Mr. Minner will find out what happened to this before it goes to Council. Ms. Vicars asked for some details on completed projects in the CIP. When it states a project is complete is this the physical percent completed or expenditure percent complete. Mr. Killgore answered that yes. It is referencing the expenditure percent complete. Mr. Klenck asked about the Police car budget going up. Mr. Minner said that actually the numbers are coming down and he stated that yes, the Garage Manager is involved with the decisions of keeping car or purchasing new ones. Mr. Klenck wanted to know where Budget Advisory Meeting January 10, 2012 Page Three the benefit and cost savings was with allowing officers to take their police vehicles out of town. Mr. Minner said that this is part of the bargaining agreement. Mr. Slaven has no questions at this time. Ms. Farmer requested to ask her questions. She wanted to know the status of the FDOT grant for $1.4 million and the wind turbine out at the airport. Is this project complete? Mr. Minner said the turbines are installed but are not generating energy at this time. Ms. Farmer asked what the cost savings would be and Mr. Minner replied that he didn't know at this time. Ms. Farmer also asked how much the Latin Festival was charged to use the Airport facility. Mr. Minner explained that it was a political decision not to charge the school anything. The City co-sponsored the event with the school and tied it into a LoPresti grand opening event. Ms. Farmer asked that the City be mindful that the Airport needs to make some money. Ms. Farmer asked if the Cemetery purchased a new mower and no one was sure if they did but there was one budgeted for 2012 for $9,000. She would like that expenditure red flagged. Mr. Flaherty asked for clarification on the Riverfront Redevelopment CRA money and Recreation Impact Fee listed in the Fourth Quarter Report. Mr. Killgore stated that Riverfront Redevelopment CRA budget changed because the lift station was budgeted but we got a grant to fund it. Then although the President street project design money came from the CRA budget but construction funding was changed to the DST Fund. Therefore, the Riverfront Redevelopment CRA money was able to be redistributed. The Recreation Impact Fee budget change was due to US1 Improvement project. That project was also funded with DST funds which reduced the money budgeted in the CRA Fund, which made it possible to reallocated the money. 10. REVIEW DRAFT BUDGET CALENDAR AND SET NEXT MEETING: Mr. Herlihy asked the board to review the budget calendar to make sure everyone could attend all the meetings. He encouraged the members if they had any questions or concerns with the budget process to please feel free to go to staff. They are always available to help. Mr. Herlihy also reminded the members that they can't talk to each other about the budget because of the sunshine law. All members felt the draft calendar looked good. MOTION by Ms. Farmer and SECOND by Mr. Klenck to approve the draft calendar as written, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Klenck resigned from the board due to health issues. It was determined that Mr. Klenck was appointed by Mayor Hill, so the Mayor will have to appoint a replacement member. The Mayor will be informed. 11. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. � �. � �' ;� ; � � 3 1 � Citiz n Budget A visory Board Chairperson Signature Date