HomeMy WebLinkAbout02162012PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRAURY 16, 2012 Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by ail. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter EXCUSED: Mr. Paul Mr. Dodd Mr. Durr Mr. Reyes ALSO PRESENT: Joe Griffin, Community Development Director Jan King, Senior Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: \ � ` C .� �C � � � �� � � � �U�' � � � .0 � . � i �,O C1� N �' : Chmn. Dodd welcomed Mr. Larry Paul back to the Commission, being recently appointed, and excused him from the meeting as he was unable to attend. Mr. Dodd also stated Mr. Kayser and Ms. Hennessey resigned from their alternate positions this week because of personal matters, and thanked them for their service. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Durr/Reyes to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2011 Regular Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. MOTION by Reyes/Durr to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2011 LPA Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING — RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL — LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING — MUSCLE CAR MEMORABILIA SHOP [FKA IRC FIRE STATION NO. 9] — 1640 US HIGHWAY #1 — REQUEST IS FOR RMU (RIVERFRONT MIXED USE) LAND USE AND CR (COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT) ZONING. CURRENT LAND USE IS INS (INSTITUTIONAL) AND ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE) B. PUBLIC HEARING — RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL — SPECIAL EXCEPTION — REQUEST TO ALLOW VEHICULAR SALES AND RELATED SERVICES WITHIN THE CR ZONING DISTRICT — MUSCLE CAR MEMORABILIA SHOP —1640 US HIGHWAY #1 C. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — SITE PLAN MODIFICATION — MUSCLE CAR MEMORABILIA SHOP (FKA IRC FIRE STATION NO. 9) — 1640 US HIGHWAY #1 — CHANGE OF USE ALONG WITH UPDATED LANDSCAPING, PARKING, AND RENOVATED BUILDING ELEVATIONS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 2012 D. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT WAIVER — MUSCLE CAR MEMORABILIA SHOP — 1640 US HIGHWAY #1 — WAIVER REQUEST FROM AWNING REQUIREMENTS — LDC SECTION 54-4-21.A.5(b)(9): AWNING SEGMENTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 25% OF THE LENGTH OF A SINGLE FACADE After conferring with the City Attorney, Chmn. Dodd stated all four agenda items could be heard and discussed under one public hearing, and then separate motions would be made. He opened the hearing, City Attorney Ginsburg read the agenda items, and then swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony. The Commissioners were asked if they had any exparte communication to disclose. There was none. Mr. Joseph Schulke from Schulke, Bittle, & Stoddard, Vero Beach, representing the applicant, stated Mr. Jeff Ray, project architect, and Mr. Richard Peacock, applicant and property owner, were also present. He stated keeping the current land use and zoning designations would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He reviewed the history of the property with regards to the fire station and hurricane damage, and discussed the proposed changes and renovations noted on the site plan. He felt the project was consistent with the Riverfront District criteria given the circumstances of the property. The site plan proposed to meet the stricter landscaping requirements, provide ample parking, and clean-out and update the current exfiltration stormwater system. Traffic, the building, and storage of the cars were also discussed. Mr. Griffin stated this was a good project because it was eliminating a blighted parcel. Ms. King reviewed the Land Use and Rezoning applications, and agreed the existing Public Service zoning was no longer necessary and should be changed to commercial. She stated the Special Exception request was asking for a use [vehicle sales) that was allowed in other zoning districts but not in CR. She reviewed staff's consideration of the request and the three recommended conditions of approval as noted in the staff report and Resolution. Ms. Bosworth went over a few items relating to the site plan review including the absence of dumpster information as the business will be using curb-side garbage pick-up initially, the SJRWMD review of the project and request to have the existing permit transferred to the new owner, and the requirement for a conditional use application if vehicle maintenance was added in the future. She explained that the garages facing N. Central would be used for car storage, detailing, and customer viewing. She also reviewed the landscaping calculations, and explained staff's requirement for foundation landscaping only for the north side of the building. The proposed landscape plan met current overlay codes. Ms. Bosworth also went over the application for the Riverfront Overlay District waiver for the proposed awnings on the front and back of the building. The waiver was requested because the lengths of the awnings were more than 30% of the length of the fa�ade, which the code didn't allow. She stated staff felt the awnings were an integral part of the overall new look of the building. Mr. Roth had questions regarding current ownership of the parcel, number of cars stored inside the building, replacement of the overhead garage doors and the awnings, and the correct direction of a traffic control sign located near US #1. He also stated he thought some nautical hardscaping should be added to the site similar to what was requested of other recent site plans. Mr. Reyes asked if alcohol would be served by the business. Mr. Schulke clarified the wine cooler noted on the plans was for the owner's proposed apartment. Mr. Reyes discussed the store entrances and public access. Mr. Ray explained that the front garage doors may not always be open since that inside area would be air-conditioned. Mr. Reyes also had questions on the survey, and permits for recent landclearing. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Mr. Qizilbash verified that all the proposed uses were allowed in the CR zoning district. He also questioned the 20' wide two-way drive aisle in the parking lot. Staff stated the parking area was grandfathered in, and Mr. Schulke noted that with the new septic system and drainfield they were constricted with space to try and add an additional 2 feet of pavement to bring the drive aisle into compiiance. Mr. Durr had a question on the wording in the staff report regarding the awning waiver, and fire truck access clarification. Mr. Carter told the owner he appreciated his investment into Sebastian, and stated he also agreed with Mr. Roth that nautical hardscaping should be added to the site. Mr. Reyes asked about the well abandonment, and existing pipe inspections. He questioned if there would be millings, or any resurfacing of the concrete, for the outside car display area. Mr. Ray stated they had discussed doing a stamped concrete/brick design in that area. Mr. Reyes asked if a fence was proposed for the north property line. Ms. Bosworth stated new landscaping was being added. Mr. Roth asked about the color scheme for the shutters and building on the north and south elevation. Mr. Ray answered they would be same as the front and back. Chmn. Dodd opened the Public Input. No one spoke in favor of the project. Mr. Glenn Strunk, owner of the property to the north [Funeral Home], stated he has had to look at the abandoned, unkept, un-mowed fire station for the last six years, did not want another eyesore on the property, and requested the Commission not to consider a muscle car store. He stated when he bid on the property he was told that sewer had to be run to the site. Mr. Griffin noted the force main was located next to the railroad tracks, and it was Indian River County Utilities decision. Ms. Bosworth noted that the Environmental Health Dept. had signed off on the new septic system. Staff summarized that they recommended approval for the change to the land use and zoning, to approve the special exception for vehicular sales with conditions, approval of the site plan with conditions, and approval of the waiver as requested. Mr. Ginsburg advised the Commission to make four separate motions. Mr. Reyes asked if there was a well survey done for the adjacent properties. Ms. Bosworth stated that because of the width of N. Central Avenue to the east and the distances of the houses and properties from the new septic system, and the adjacent vacant lots, staff did not request a survey. MOTION on ITEM #C by Roth/Durr to approve [the site plan] with the staff's conditions, adding one more, that some landscaping with rope and posts be incorporated where safety-feasible to insure the fishing village theme is kept in tact. Mr. Dodd questioned if "where feasible" meant "if possible" or "if you can". Mr. Roth stated he wanted it to be a part of the motion, but did not want it to be a safety hindrance factor, but felt with the size of the site it could be incorporated. Mr. Reyes suggested putting the hardscape in areas where there is a sizable grade change. Mr. Schulke submitted a proposed hardscape plan and presented it to the Commission on the overhead projector. Mr. Roth stated the plan was acceptable and asked that approval of the hardscape plan be incorporated into the motion. Mr. Durr agreed. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Mr. Reyes suggested a condition to require fencing on the north side to accommodate the neighbor's concerns. Ms. Bosworth stated that even though it wasn't going to be a 6-foot buffer, the new Riverfront landscaping that would be planted in the perimeter would create a nice buffer on its own. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes Mr. Durr Mr. Carter The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. yes Mr. Dodd yes yes Mr. Qizilbash yes yes Mr. Roth yes MOTION on ITEM #A by Durr/Carter to recommend approval of the land use amendment and rezoning to City Council. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr Mr. Reyes Mr. Carter The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. yes Mr. Qizilbash yes yes Mr. Roth yes yes Mr. Dodd yes Chmn. Dodd then reviewed the three conditions suggested by staff for the Special Exception request. MOTION on ITEM #B by Roth/Qizilbash to approve the special exception for the subject property with the [suggested] conditions as a recommendation to City Council. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth Mr. Carter Mr. Dodd The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. yes Mr. Qizilbash yes yes Mr. Reyes yes yes Mr. Durr yes MOTION on ITEM #D by Roth/Carter to approve the Riverfront Overlay District waiver for the awnings on the subject property with a solid color awning close to the terra cotta awning shown on the drawings submitted. ROLL CALL: Mr. Roth yes Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Carter yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson: Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Durr yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Roth nominated Mr. Dodd for Chairperson. Mr. Reyes seconded the nomination. Mr. Dodd was reappointed Chairman unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Dodd nominated Mr. Roth for Vice-Chairperson. Mr. Carter seconded the nomination. Mr. Roth was appointed Vice-Chairman unanimously by voice vote. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Also, Chmn. Dodd discussed finalizing the schedule for the LDC changes that the LPA has been working on, suggesting a workshop/discussion of new Conditional Use criteria and final input to staff at the March 15th meeting, and a Public Hearing on April 5th to make recommendations to City Council. The Commissioners agreed. Ms. Bosworth stated she would send out an email with information on the new conditional uses created, and request the Commissioners send staff their suggestions for new criteria. MEMBERS MATTERS: None DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m. (db) 5