HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-2011 LPA AgendaCITY OF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589 -5518 FAX (772) 388 -8248 AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2011 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 7, 2011 Regular PZC Minutes 5. OLD BUSINESS: 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion Review of Land Development Code Article V, Zoning District Regulations Consideration of Permitted Conditional Uses for: 1. Section 54 -2 -5.3.1 Commercial -512 District (C 512) 2. Section 54 -2 -5.3.2 Commercial Limited District (CL) 3. Section 54 -2 -5.3.3 Commercial General District (CG) 7. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 8. MEMBERS MATTERS: 9. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 10. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)- 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. PLANNING as ZONING COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED TO FOLLOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED Chairman Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Carter (a) Mr. Paul ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Paul noted for the record that Mr. Hepler is excused and that Mr. Carter would be voting in his place. Also, Mr. Cardinale has resigned from the Commission. He served 6 years on the Tree Board and the last 7 years with the Planning and Zoning Commission. His unselfish and committed public service was appreciated. Mr. Paul also mentioned his appreciation for the large crowd present, and staffs compilation of architectural guidelines for the riverfront redevelopment area. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Dodd /Durr to approve the minutes of the March 17, 2011 Regular Meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by roll call. OLD BUSINESS: CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 7, 2011 EXCUSED: Mr. Hepler Mr. Dodd Mr. Reyes Mr. Durr Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Al Minner, City Manager A. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICT WAIVER FISHERMAN'S LANDING 1532 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE WAIVER REQUEST FOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS CWR (COMMERCIAL WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Paul opened the hearing and the Commissioners were asked if they had any exparte communication to disclose. There was none. Mr. Ginsburg swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony. Mr. Joe Schulke of Schulke, Bittle, Stoddard, LLC, representing the tenants of the development, Fisherman's Landing, reviewed that because of the deadlines for the oj F.S.). C a 0 H o rThilie -0 c 2 L 0 q) 0 aaa co N a 65 cc a PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 7, 2011 required public notifications the landscape waiver was being heard tonight instead of with the previously held site plan hearing. He discussed the requirements of the riverfront landscaping needed for this "working waterfront" project and stated that based on the proposed busy nature of the two new buildings with pick -ups, fork lifts, crates, ice bags, etc. they were asking for a waiver from the foundation plantings on three sides of the structures. However, all of the required amounts of canopy trees and hedges for all four sides would be planted on the front. Because of this concentration, they were asking for a waiver from the understory trees, also, as this would be too much for healthy growth, and they would also hide the new attractive buildings. Ms. Bosworth verified that Mr. Schulke's calculations were correct, reviewed the staff report, and read the four waiver requests: 1) no foundation planting on the north, south, and east perimeters of the two new buildings; 2) reduce foundation planting strips from 10 feet to 5 feet; 3) reduce canopy tree heights from 12 feet to 8 feet; and 4) waiver from all understory trees. Staff recommended approval of the waiver. She stated this was different from the previous requested landscape waiver from Clams R Us because that was a new project on vacant property, and Fisherman's Landing was a redevelopment project of an existing site. Mr. Paul asked the city attorney if questions regarding the site plan could still be asked at this hearing. Mr. Ginsburg responded only if the question involves the landscaping or would help make a decision regarding the landscaping waiver. Mr. Durr verified the number of understory trees to be waived is 18. He asked if there was any effort when designing the site to try to meet the landscape requirements. Mr. Schulke stated the site has plenty of green space, but that stormwater would be located in some of those areas. The parcel boundary areas were defined. Mr. Durr felt that 12 foot trees, after a few years of growth, would not block the buildings, and that 8 foot trees would be more of a detriment. Mr. Carter also questioned efforts with regards to meeting the code. Mr. Schulke stated the understory trees would make it too dense, and pointed out that existing landscaping on the north side of the property, including a very large Banyan Tree, was not shown on the plan. The proposed landscaping plan was displayed on the overhead. Mr. Carter also agreed that 12 foot trees would be better for the site. Mr. Dodd asked if the trees on the west side parking area that needed replacing would be done as part of this project. Ms. Grohall stated they will be replaced as part of the ongoing maintenance the city is doing on the project. He stated he was for the waivers as they made sense with the projected busy nature of the site. Mr. Roth agreed the understory trees would be too many, and that the 8 foot trees were too low for line -of -sight and architectural reasons. The Commission and Mr. Schulke reviewed the truck and fire rescue u- shaped traffic pattern of the site, along with public safety measures. Ms. Grohall added that the intent is to direct visitors to the Hurricane Harbor site and boardwalk for additional pedestrian safety. Public Input was opened. There were no proponents or opponents who spoke. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 7, 2011 Staff revised its recommendation based on the comments from the Commission, recommending approval of items #1, #2, and #4, removing approval for item #3, waiver request for 8 foot high trees. Mr. Schulke then withdrew the request for item #3 and said they will plant 12 foot high trees. MOTION by Dodd /Roth to approve the waiver for landscape requirements for Fisherman's Landing as outlined in Section 7 items 1, 2, and 4 of the staff report. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Carter yes The vote was 6 -0. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: B. QUASI- JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN MAJOR MODIFICATION SEBASTIAN CHARTER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 782 WAVE STREET PHASED PLAN CONSISTING OF BUILDING 1- 16,500 SF BUILDING 2 3,530 SF, REVISION TO PARKING, DRIVE AISLES, LANDSCAPING, STORMWATER, AND REMOVAL OF MODULAR BUILDINGS PUD -C (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Paul announced there was a small modification that this item was actually a "Public Hearing Recommendation to City Council" instead of a quasi-judicial hearing. He opened the hearing and Mr. Ginsburg read the title of the item. Mr. John Rivera, President and Chairman of Sebastian Charter Junior High School, gave a presentation on the history programs of the school and reason for the application. Currently, there are 160 students, 6 thru 8th grade. He stated the school is a non -for- profit 501(c3) corporation and the Board of Directors is a volunteer board. The school has been an "A school for the last five years. However, the facilities have become very limiting, are all modular buildings that are linked together, and many hours are spent on repairs. Life expectancy on the buildings is four years, which they have been used for ten [years]. Ms. Amy Banov, of Banov Architecture and Construction, Inc., introduced the rest of the design team of Todd Howder of MBV Engineering, and Brian Good, traffic engineer, of Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. She reviewed how charter schools were funded. The project is estimated to cost 3 to 3.5 million dollars and will be funded with capital savings, a one -time allocation from the IRC school district, fundraising, and private donations. Ms. Banov presented a power -point show which detailed the existing site, setbacks and granted setback variances, buffer and easements, details of the proposed site plan, parking and queuing, construction phasing details, student safety, a 3 -D view of proposed elevations, proposed floor plans, cafeteria design for school and community use, and architectural elements. Mr. Todd Howder reviewed the engineering design plans, explaining this project was a part of a master PUD plan, including stormwater and water sewer. Phase I consisted 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 7, 2011 of a modification to the parking area, increasing to 24 spaces, fill culvert a large swale adjacent to the Collier waterway for safety purposes, and install a water line for a fire sprinkler system. He also reviewed the landscaping that will be installed in Phase I. Phase II will begin construction of the school structure and completion of the angled parking after the existing modular structure is removed. With the completion of the total parking spaces (27), allowable student population can be 270. Ms. Grohall reviewed her on -site meeting with the applicants regarding the trees and noted that they are not asking for any landscaping waivers. She explained staffs recommended condition regarding the off -site stormwater drainage system modification, and reviewed with the Commission a condition from R- 00 -32, the resolution that approved the original site plan for the school, which required the school to install a sidewalk along Wave Street to connect to the Fleming Street sidewalk system at such time the Fleming Street sidewalk was constructed. Mr. Paul asked for clarification regarding the piping of the swale and the location was shown on the site plan. Mr. Durr had concerns with the short length of Wave Street and traffic back -up during student pick -up times. Mr. Brian Good spoke regarding the traffic study done for the project and indicated additional queuing space was being added, going from approx 250 lineal footage existing to 500 LF on the new site plan. Mr. Reyes questioned the dumpster area in Phase I that would become the bicycle rack area for the competed project and noted there was not a sidewalk for student access to that area. After discussion, Mr. Howder stated he would work with staff to find an area for at least a 2 -foot wide bicycle pathway to the rack. Mr. Roth asked if there was need for a wheel stop in the handi- capped parking area because he could not determine if it was a raised sidewalk in front of the spaces. Mr. Howder verified it was a flush sidewalk system and that Section Detail B -B showed a visual. The trees in the perimeter, the chain link fencing, and proposed lighting were also discussed. Ms. Banov further explained the lighting /luminary plan. Mr. Roth also questioned if there was a time frame for when the sidewalk along Wave Street would have to be installed and would it be at the developer's or city's expense. Staff stated the sidewalk would be a PUD improvement required by a developer. A sidewalk on the school's property without any connection was discussed. Mr. Dodd had clarified by staff which site plan was being modified and history of the two variances [for setbacks and the temporary modular building]. He also felt the developer of the PUD should build the sidewalk from the school's property to Fleming Street. He asked if they could recommend to City Council to rescind that condition and re -do the wording. Staff stated the Commission could add it to their motion. Mr. Dodd stated he would like to see the school have to put in a sidewalk on their property only at the time when the Fleming Street/adjacent property sidewalk system is installed. Mr. Dodd asked to define what "serving kitchen" meant. Ms. Banov stated food service for the school was done off -site and brought in, because the mechanics of a full kitchen was more than what the school wanted on their site. He asked if the science labs would have hazardous waste. Ms Banov stated no, and there would be no propane usage either for burners. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 7, 2011 Mr. Paul asked if there was any future plans to purchase any of the vacant property adjacent to the school. Mr. Rivera stated no. Mr. Paul stated he was pleased with the architectural elevations and liked the angled parking design. He asked if the proposed bell tower was symbolic and or functional. Mr. Rivera stated it would not be operational. The service court was explained as the area for school deliveries, recycle area, etc., and the playing fields would remain grassed. Mr. Paul asked what the timeframes were for the phases. Ms. Banov stated the Phase I parking expansion and building should begin this summer, with possible occupancy in early 2012. Public Input was opened. Mr. John Maylie, 771 Carnation Drive, had concerns regarding traffic on Wave Street especially during student pick -up, did not feel an additional 250 lineal feet of queuing space was enough, and requested the traffic study be re- reviewed. He also disagreed that a sidewalk to nowhere was not needed. He felt a sidewalk at least on the school's property still helped with safety. And also felt the lighting [fixtures] should be low as can be. Dr. Martha McAdams, Principal, had all the students and parents who were present supporting the project stand to be acknowledged. She stated that by looking at the proposed elevations of the new school and comparing with the existing, it was clear this project would be an asset not only to the school but the community. She felt they already had a great school, they just needed a new building. Mrs. Dale Simchick, 766 S. Easy Street, stated she was on City Council when the variances were approved and they had questions regarding traffic also. She felt aesthetically the new building would improve the area immensely. It was a good project for the community, the children, and the neighbors. Mr. Roth asked how high the light poles were going to be. Mr. Howder stated 20 feet. Ms. Banov reviewed the Site Lighting Fixture Schedule sheet and luminary candle numbers. Mr. Reyes had some additional fencing, setback, cupola, and flood zone questions. Mr. Paul asked if the lights were on timers, and it was verified they would be. Ms. Grohall stated staff was recommending approval with the conditions outlined in the staff report on page 8 [items 1 2] and additional recommendation to modify the sidewalk requirement established by Resolution R- 00 -32. Mr. Ginsburg stated the modification would read "At such time as the Fleming Street sidewalk is constructed to the school property at Wave Street, the applicant shall install a sidewalk from its northern property line to its southern property line" [item #3]. MOTION by Roth /Reyes to recommend to City Council approval of the major site plan modification [for Sebastian Charter Jr. High School] with the three items contained in the staff report. ROLL CALL: Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Durr yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Paul yes The vote was 6 -0. Motion passed. 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 7, 2011 CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Paul reviewed his opinions of some of the styles shown in the Architectural Guideline packet they had recently received from staff. He asked about the status of Tire Kingdom and the Schumann Park bathrooms. Ms. Grohall stated staff was reviewing the revised plans for TK and the park bathrooms were waiting for their Health Dept. permit. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Roth stated he also enjoyed and appreciated the Architectural Guideline packet. Mr. Reyes asked if the Commissioners could receive the original site plan when they were reviewing a modification application. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Grohall stated the City was holding an Easter Egg Hunt and Earth Day Celebration at Riverside Park on Saturday, April 23 ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Paul adjourned the meeting at 9:13 p.m. (4/13/11 db) 6 SL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589 -5518 FAX (772) 388 -8248 C -512 (COMMERCIAL -512) ZONING DISTRICT AREA DEFINED: Unique aspect of district: 40' wide lots This district is located adjacent to and on the south side of CR -512 (aka Sebastian Boulevard) It begins at 197 Sebastian Boulevard at the eastern end of the district (vacant property adjacent to and west of Acorn Mini Storage Facility); And ends at 989 Sebastian Boulevard on the western end of the district (the vacant Century 21 real estate office just east of PNC Bank) CL (COMMERCIAL LIMITED) ZONING DISTRICT AREA(S) DEFINED: Unique aspect of district: Adjacent to residential areas There are only two small areas of this district within city limits: 1 Located on CR 510 west of town: Location of Space Coast Credit Union and Anytime Fitness buildings. One developable parcel remaining. 2 Schumann Drive S. Easy Street area: Location of Pelican Gardens Assisted Living facility and Sandridge Townhomes. Ten developable parcels remaining. CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT AREA(S) DEFINED: Unique aspect of district: Very broadest of commercial districts 1 Small area north of Friendship Park, much larger area adjacent and south of Main Street and next to (east) of Post Office 2 Western area of CR -512 Triangle and tow parcels on both sides of the CR -512 entrance to Ashbury Subdivision 3 Commercial area/buildings behind first row of buildings along roadway of 512 Commerce Center 4- Sebastian Crossings Commercial Subdivision adjacent to CR -512 on north side: area from Burger King west to Advance Auto. Publix shopping center Sharkmart Mobile gas station located at the south east corner of 512/510 intersection 5 Schumann Drive US Highway #1 intersection area 6 Barber Street US Highway #1 intersection area CITY OF SEBASTIAN ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS LDC5:47 54 -2 -5.14 P Permitted Use C Conditional Use 4+ a 0 0 0 C) 0 a P4 I NI P1-1 a &A D x a N; c) a d} a X 0 a a C.) 1 1 I Rit4. I J 1 1 I fib,,. 1 1 I A. 00 1 I i(; 1 199. 1 I 1 1 1 0 CL 1 1 I 112 I I I 1piL I IN.. 1 1-D f '0 1 1 I 1 10 1 1A., I A 1 IQ& 1 IA.y t gI9 A IAl t 1 1 1 Y I0 0 a a, HN I aaa w 0 0 p, p, 8 C.) C.) U C.) w n. t) C) 4.1 fil O I SU U -StI C.) V C lo -32t C) C) C) RESIDENTIAL USES s2uiTTamp Sirurei- ar2inc liupiex dwellings iviuttipie- family dwellings vemcular storage areas Accessory uses to permitted uses I roster care/group home with <6 resi- a roster care/group homes with 6 resi- dents samou TaPow I cxuest houses Home occupations I Accessory residential uses ttesidential uses accessory to permitted uses I All uses permitted in RM -8 co ti saP1Tr3ET a,zodaty 1 I saarnaas a.IEO PTnTr sarlrMEJ 31A10 .10 re.marnri I I schools, public and private 1 'Educational institutions, marine related! I Equestrian facilities golf course and support facilities Hospitals and intensive care facilities samou 2uisanv CITY OF SEBASTIAN ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS LDC5:47 54 -2 -5.14 P Permitted Use C Conditional Use 54-2Z.14 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE LDC5:48 C.) C..) o Pi 00 I Scf U U U U Pi Pi a.0 U NI 0 P. 0 a s P. C.) P. C) X CU U UAW U ap.UaI aa+J 94 v a Pi 00 U 0 a 4 a s U U Pi C.) CG 44 ict4 104 C) 10 I 0 DO I 0 0. 1 a 0 0 I P. P.101.1:11,1 10 0 I 0 l I 0 W 0 P. 0 1113.10.11P. 10101 0 gig-31 01 1 !a a. a, Iv I I I 0 0 0 HI/1 x l 0 0 0 0 U 8 U V U U U 0 0r U 0g-sari Og Ofr Il COMMUNITY FACILITIES Churches Clubs and lodges, public and private Administrative services, public and pri- vate 'utilities, public and private aggnd `uotlnaaaaa pun s i.re,TI 2utlq q uinipels glTm aggnd sIlan; I 1'rotective and emergency services, pub- lic I COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES I Accessory uses to conditional uses Accessory watchman facilities I Adult entertainment sdogs apjanl puu yr 1 'Bars and lounges lsnprnaag pue PaTI I Boat sales and rentals Business professional offices, exclud- ing drive- through facilities Business professional offices, with drive- through facilities I Uommercial amusement, enclosed I Commercial amusement, unenclosed 1 I'flme share facilities 1 I Commercial retail 5 5,000 sq. ft. !Commercial retail 5,000 sq. ft. •bs 000`0I lrelaa le?aaaurtaoc I m Comercial retail 10,000 sq. ft. l Commercial retail 20,000 sq. ft. 54-2Z.14 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE LDC5:48 ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 54 -2 -5.14 0 LDC5:49 cfr 0 0 c 0 U a FY a a, a, a a a s w 0 U Ci a U a CR C.) Ai C.) II. aa a a t u 0a 0 aq< c) 10101 I IQ 10 IA+ I 1 I I iA+ 10 la 1 la la IQ.) 141,104 I i 1 I 11 10 1 U 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 10 1 1• I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 la l I I .144 IA., 1 1) la 1 OT Og Ois 1 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES lu ommercial retail 20,000 sq. ft. 1.aTj.reuz s,aot uE t 1' Irish markets and packing facilities 4a)1asui EeT,,T raven snops r uneral homes Hotels and motels 69111-M43U TBU1snpuT ivlarine fuel sales lviarine power sales and service Marine related specialty retail sales service !medical services Mini- storage saBae2 2unTau,- 1rarking lots without buildings on the lot1 solaesanu �us1fT ttestaurants, excluding drive- through fa- cilities ttestaurants, including drive- through fa- cilities 1 `saes auum [trade and skilled services 1 a.2uao1C ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 54 -2 -5.14 0 LDC5:49 cfr 1 sd l Q y as proo`ovai as 0`Og/t as p00`OT/L l aaas s/u a g O d V/N V/N V/■ V/N dO U L V/N 09 DO I lga, .•C u ww 98 98 9Z 98 l 9Z 1 1 98 I 2iovvas tunutlugl G:1 co I:4 t 9Z 9Z 8 fi) 9Z 01 OT CO w og s2I OZ 91 (7) 01 *9T OT 10 or 10 1 Of i 9, I (t) 9Z 9Z OZ l sqnp lgasj I>L f 01 U PO 08 Of Of' 98 y 4. V p Q a p 09 99 09 09 08 Minimum Lot 1 E)4. t 091 001 001 001 091 9Zi LJOT 08 08 OL 9ZT �y— L V/N 000`017 960'OZ 009`6 10,000 1 009`L 000`02 7ou C4 CONSERVATION C 1 Conservation F: W I Residential Estate 1 1 Residential Single Family 1 Residential Single Family Medium Density Multi Residential: One -story 1 /'gaols one auto Iigow r AL C -512 Limited Commercial Front yard abuts 512 spasf luoa3 aaglo IIV q FA W' Ch ch oo Z 0U 1 sd l I NI a ac dO U DO I lga, io 70 I I l-- ZI3 1 1 I HTIt-2I 8 for -su og s2I op-au 1COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES aoinaas Palslaa pus saps JP-Flamm aausualutsui pus aarnaaS aslnaiil8A 1 Veterinary services l 1 Wet/dry storage of boats l saatnaas pus saps.r alssaptuA l sqnp lgasj 54 -2 1 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE cct o 44 o 0 Efi 0 0 o a) -0 b 0 i U Q) a) a) F. U cn o En o 7:1 Cll a a) o m v 0 -d 0 0 N o at 6 S 4' v 0 a LDC5:50 ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 54 -2 -5.3.1 (6) Minimum living area: 900 square feet (h) Common vehicular storage areas: All developments having a R -MH zoning classification shall be permitted to provide common areas for the storage of recreational equipment including boats and recreational vehicles: (1) Surface. Storage areas shall have a surface meeting the provisions of section 54 -3 -10.9. (2) Screening. All storage areas shall be enclosed by a security fence and properly screened from neighboring residences with a 'Type "A" opaque screen. All storage areas shall be a minimum of 30 feet from the nearest home site. (3) Site plan. review. Such storage areas shall undergo a site plan review in accordance with article XVIII of this code. Sec. 54- 2 -5.3. Commercial districts (subsections 54 -2 -5.3.1 through 54- 2- 5.3.3). General intent of commercial districts. The overall purpose and intent of the commercial districts is to provide a management framework for implementing comprehensive plan commercial development objectives and policies. The location and distribution of specific types of commercial activities shall be determined based on the following considerations: Trip generation characteristics, including impact on transportation facilities and off- street parking systems; Location and site requirements based on specific needs of respective commercial activities, their market area, anticipated employment generation and floor area requirements; Compatibility with and impact on nearby residential and other surrounding commer- cial activities; Relationship to surrounding land uses and natural systems; and Impact on existing and planned community services and utilities. All commercial development shall comply with the comprehensive plan, performance criteria in chapter III, as well as all other applicable land development regulations. Following is a description of the purpose of each zoning district herein established, including reference to the comprehensive plan future land use map designation which shall be implemented through the land development regulations. Sec. 54- 2- 5.3.1. Commercial -512 District (C -512). (a) Intent. The C -512 District is established to implement comprehensive plan policies for managing land designated for commercial development along segments of C.R. 512. (1) Traffic impacts along C.R. 512 corridor. The purpose and intent of the C -512 District is to provide a well planned and equitable growth management policy for directing future development within the C -512 District boundaries. The existing pattern of LDC5:11 54 -2 -5.3.1 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE development without such regulation violates accepted principles and practices of traffic engineering, county road policies and standards, and adversely impacts the safety, welfare, and convenience of the motoring public. This statement acknowledges the fact that C.R. 512 is identified as an arterial highway on the major thoroughfare plans of both the City of Sebastian and Indian River County. Both acknowledge that C.R. 512 is a major regional transportation facility linking U.S. 1 and I -95, and also linking the cities of Sebastian and Fellsmere with Indian River County, and the City of Vero Beach urban areas to the south. (2) Plan for off-street parking and controlled curb cuts. The purpose and intent of the C -512 District is also to restrict the location of curb cuts within the district, require compliance with a master plan for parking and curb cut control, and regulate the timing and intensity of land development in order to alleviate potential traffic congestion along the C.R. 512 corridor. Although presently land within this district is relatively undeveloped, if the regulations prescribed herein were not duly adopted, future development within this district would generate unsafe and dangerous conflicts in traffic flow along C.R. 512. (b) Uses permitted: Cultural or civic facilities Churches Administrative services, public and pri- vate Clubs and lodges, public and private Business and professional offices, exclud- ing drive through facilities Medical services Commercial retail 5,000 sq. ft. (c) Conditional uses: Child care services Nursing homes Protective and emergency services, public Utilities, public and private (d) Dimensional regulations: (1) Maximum FAR: 50% (2) Maximum height: 35 feet. LDC5:12 Home occupations Plant nurseries Commercial amusements, enclosed Restaurants, excluding drive through fa- cilities Trade and skilled services Residential uses accessory to permitted uses Accessory uses to permitted uses Parks and recreation, public Gasoline sales, retail Veterinary services Commercial retail with 5,000 sq. ft. Accessory uses to conditional uses (3) Lot coverage: Maximum building coverage: 35% Maximum impervious surface: 80% ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 54 -2 -5.3.1 Minimum open space: 20% (4) Lot dimensions: Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet. Minimum width: 125 feet. Minimum depth: 160 feet. (5) Minimum setbacks: Front yard: If abutting CR 512: 74 feet; Otherwise, all other front yards: 10 feet. Side yard: None if' the building is built to the side property line(s); otherwise a minimum of 10 feet. Rear yard: 10 feet. (6) Rear yard landscape requirements: a rear yard buffer strip shall be required pursuant to section 54 -3 -14.16 in order to provide satisfactory screening of the district from abutting residentially zoned property. (e) Unified control of land. All development proposals having a C -512 designation must demonstrate that all land within the project is held under common ownership whether an individual, a partnership or corporation, submits the proposal. (f) Mandatory Compliance with Master Parking and Curb Cut Control Plan MPCCCP). The MPCCCP is hereby adopted by reference and shall apply to all developments within the C -512 District. The MPCCCP is on file in the planning and growth management department. (g) Expansion of uses to adjacent lot(s). An existing permitted land use within the C -512 District may be expanded to an adjacent lot or lots of less than 80 feet width providing the following conditions are met and the planning and zoning commission approves the site plan for the expansion: (1) The subject lot or lots shall be under unified control with the adjoining subject developed properties pursuant to section 54- 2- 5.3.1(e); (2) All such extensions must be constructed as a contiguous extension to an existing structure on the adjoining lot; and (3) The proposed development shall comply with all codes and ordinances of the City of Sebastian and reasonable conditions affixed to the site plan by the planning and zoning commission and/or the city council. (h) Compatibility of building lines. No structure within the C -512 District shall be set back more than 84 feet from the front property line in order to ensure a uniform pattern of development along the CR 512 corridor. LDC5:13 54- 2- 5.3.2 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Sec. 54 -2- 5.3.2. Commercial Limited District (CL). (a) Intent. The CL District is established to implement comprehensive plan policies for managing land designated for limited commercial development. Areas designated for limited commercial development shall not accommodate large -scale retail sales and trade activities generally serving regional markets. Such stores usually differ from limited commercial shops since the former generally require a larger floor area, carry a relatively larger inventory, and require a substantially greater off street parking area. Uses which are not accommodated within the limited commercial area include the following: large scale discount stores or supermarkets; department stores; wholesale and warehousing activities; sales, service or repair of motor vehicles, machine equipment or accessory parts, including tire and battery shops; automotive services centers; and fast food establishments with drive -in or drive- through facilities. (b) Permitted uses: Business and professional offices, exclud- ing drive through facilities Cultural or civic facilities Medical services Commercial retail 5 5,000 sq. ft. Home occupations Parking garages (c) Conditional uses: Child care services Nursing homes Commercial retail 5,000 sq. ft. Gasoline sales, retail Parks and recreation areas, public Utilities, public and private LDC5:14 Churches Administrative services, public and pri- vate Clubs and lodges, public and private All uses permitted within the RM -8 Zon- ing District Accessory uses to permitted uses Protective and emergency services, public Business and professional offices with drive through facilities Hotel and motels Qualified affordable housing Restaurants, excluding drive- through fa- cilities (d) Dimensional regulations: (1) Maximum FAR: 60% (2) Maximum height: 35 feet (3) Lot coverage: Maximum building coverage: 30% Minimum open space: 20% (4) Lot dimensions: Minimum lot size: 10,000 square feet Minimum width: 75 feet Minimum depth: 125 feet (5) Minimum setbacks: Front yard: 10 feet Side yard: 5 feet minimum, except 30 feet when abutting a residential district. Rear yard: 10 feet; except 30 feet when abutting a residential district. (Ord. No. 0- 01 -07, 1, 4 -11 -2001) Sec. 54 -2- 5.3.3. Commercial General District (CG). (a) Intent: The CG District is established to implement comprehensive plan policies areas designated "CG" on the comprehensive plan future land use map. (b) Permitted uses: Cultural or civic facilities Churches Parking garages Clubs and lodges, public and private Business and professional offices, exclud- ing drive through facilities Medical services Commercial retail S 20,000 sq. ft. Plant nurseries Gasoline sales, retail ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS Supp. No. 1 LDC5:15 Veterinary services Funeral homes Accessory uses to conditional uses 54 -2 -5.3.3 Maximum impervious surface: 80% for Restaurants, excluding drive- through fa- cilities Trade and skilled services Hotels and motels Vehicular sales and related services Administrative services, public and pri- vate Accessory uses to permitted uses Home occupations All uses permitted within the RM -8 Zon- ing District 54 -2 -5.3.3 SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (c) Conditional uses: Bars and lounges Commercial retail 20,000 sq. ft. Business and professional offices with drive through facilities Farmer's market Funeral homes Pawn shops Nursing homes Child care services Utilities, public and private (d) Dimensional regulations: (1) (2) (3) Maximum FAR: 60% Maximum height: 35 feet. Lot coverage: Maximum building coverage: 30% Maximum impervious surface: 80% Minimum open space: 20% (4) Lot dimension: Minimum lot size: 10,000 square feet Minimum width: 75 feet Minimum depth: 125 feet (5) Minimum setbacks: Front yard with sidewalks, curb and gutters: None required. Front yard without sidewalks, curb and gutters: 6 feet Side yard: 5 feet minimum, except 30 feet when abutting a residential district. Rear yard: 10 feet; except 30 feet when abutting a residential district. Sec. 54 -2 -5. ommercial Riverfront (CR). (a) Intent: The purpose a for implementing comprehensive plan designation illustrated on the future land use m Riverfront District shall comply with the comprehens III, as well as other applicable land developme preserve the existing character of the rive Supp. No. 1 nt of the CR District is to provide and policies 1 a agement framework the riverfront mixed use evelopment in the Commercial plan, p ance criteria in chapter egulations. The CR Dis is intended to nt area. The existing assets, including historical LDC5:16 Parks and recreation, public Protective and emergency services, public Restaurants with drive through facilities Vehicular service and maintenance Veterinary services Wholesale trades and services Commercial amusements, enclosed Accessory uses to conditional uses Mini- storage