HomeMy WebLinkAbout07012010 LPA Agenda1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 5. ADJOURNMENT: CIT O F IAAN SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589 -5518 FAX (772) 388 -8248 AGENDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2010 Immediately following Regular Meeting EAR PUBLIC HEARING A. Review the Evaluation and Appraisal Report {EAR} of the Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Make Recommendation to City Council regarding its approval ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)- 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE. PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Growth Management Department 1225 MAIN STREET SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589 -5518 FAX (772) 388 -8248 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 23, 2010 TO: Local Planning Agency/ Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Rebecca Grohall, Director SUBJECT: Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) The Sebastian Comprehensive Plan is a living document designed to steer development in the City. Changes in the community are reflected in amendments to the plan. Every seven years, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) requires the City to evaluate the effectiveness of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This evaluation is known as the "EAR the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. A draft of the City's Comprehensive Plan EAR has been compiled by our consultant, Outlier Planning. The document has been prepared following workshops, scoping meetings, individual interviews, input from City committees, comments from neighboring jurisdictions, data research and map updates. The EAR contains the following information, as required or recommended by Florida Statutes: Table of Contents i. Executive Summary ii. Introduction iii. City Profile iv. Levels of Service /Financial Feasibility Analysis v. Major Issues Analysis vi. Consistency with State and Regional Requirements vii. Other Statutory Requirements viii. Summary of Recommendations List of Maps List of Tables and Figures Please review the draft EAR, hold the public hearing, and make a recommendation to City Council. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 II. Introduction 3 I11. City Profile 4 Population 4 Land Area Annexations 7 Existing Land Use 7 Vacant Undeveloped Land 12 Projected Land Use Needs 15 IV. Levels of Service Financial Feasibility Analysis 18 Transportation 18 Sanitary Sewer 19 Solid Waste 19 Potable Water 20 Parks, Recreation and Open Space 20 Drainage 20 Schools 21 Financial Feasibility 21 V. Major Issues Analysis 23 Major Issue 1: Connectivity of arterial collector roads and alternative transportation modes 24 Major Issue #2: Economic Development and Job Creation 38 Major Issue #3: Balancing Sustainable Growth with Protection of Community Character 46 Major Issue #4: Future Development and Funding of the Park and Recreation System 52 Major Issue #5: Annexation and Service Delivery 63 VI. Consistency with State and Regional Requirements 72 Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes 73 Chapter 9J -5, Florida Administrative Code 83 State Comprehensive Plan 90 Treasure Coast Strategic Regional Policy Plan 92 VII. Other Statutory Requirements 93 Coordination with Public School Facilities 93 Water Needs 93 CHHA Property Rights Evaluation 93 Common Methodology for Measuring Impacts on Transportation Facilities VIII. Summary of Recommendations City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 94 95 SF TLkN HOME Of PLIIC Map 1: Annexations Since 1995 8 Map 2: 1998 Future Land Use Map 10 Map 3: Existing Land Use 13 Map 4: Future Land Use 14 Map 5: Vacant Land 16 Map 6: LOS D Roadway Segments 2007 25 Map 7: LOS D Roadway Segments 2015 26 Map 8: LOS D Roadway Segments 2025 27 Map 9: Existing Sebastian Transit Routes 33 Map 10: North Indian River County Greenways Plan Sebastian (from the Indian River MPO's North Indian River County Greenways Plan, 2008) 35 Map 11: Existing Zoning Overlays 48 Map 12: Parks Sebastian Vicinity 53 Map 13: Planned Greenways 59 Map 14: Blueways Existing and Potential Resources 60 Map 15: Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement Map (Revised January 2009) 67 Map 16: Proposed Annexation Reserve Area with County Future Land Use 68 List of Maps List of Tables and Figures Table 1: 1997 EAR Population Projections v. Actual Population 4 Table 2: Race by Percentage, 1990 and Today 6 Table 3: Educational Attainment (Population 25 6 Table 4: Occupation of Workers 16 and Over 6 Table 5: Industry of Workers 16 and Over 7 Table 6: Existing Land Use in 1995 9 Table 7: Existing Land Use in 2010 9 Table 8: Future Land Use Map Amendments Since the 1997 EAR 11 Table 9: Development Potential of Vacant Land 12 Table 10: Existing /Projected LOS D Roadways 18 Table 11: Current and Projected Park Facility Needs 20 Table 12: Existing /Projected LOS D Roadways 24 Table 13: Means of Transportation to Work 32 Table 14: Place of Work for Employed Population 41 Table 15: Current and Projected Park Facility Needs 52 Figure 1: Population Pyramid, 1990 Census 5 Figure 2: Population Pyramid, 2006 -2008 ACS 5 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 11 SF N dIW .411# Hoyt Of PE 1st \P I. Executive Summary The City of Sebastian is a small, quiet community on Florida's east coast between Vero Beach and Melbourne, with easy access to major metropolitan areas in South Florida and Orlando. Sebastian is the largest municipality in Indian River County, and is the population center of the northern part of the County. Natural beauty surrounds Sebastian, including the Indian River Lagoon and coastal resources that gave rise to the City's history as a fishing settlement. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) is essentially a summary audit of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and is required of all local governments in Florida. The EAR process is used to determine successes and failures of the Plan and its implementation, ensure continued compliance with state requirements and regional plans, respond to new data and update the Plan to address new issues and opportunities. The City's Comprehensive Plan was extensively updated in 2009, including major updates to the Future Land Use Element, Transportation Element, Housing Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Capital Improvements Element and Public School Facilities Element. As part of the EAR -Based Amendments, the data and analysis for the remaining elements should be updated. The City held a series of public workshops and hearings in the Spring of 2010 to identify the major issues for detailed analysis in the EAR. This process resulted in unanimous approval by the City Council of the following five major issues: 1. Connectivity of Arterial /Collector Roadways and Alternative Modes of Transportation 2. Economic Development and Job Creation 3. Balancing Sustainable Growth with Protection of Community Character 4. Future Development and Funding of the Park and Recreation System 5. Annexation and Service Delivery Like the rest of the country, and much of the rest of the work, Florida has been mired in a severe economic downturn for the last few years. The effects on Sebastian's residents has been severe, especially in terms of unemployment, partly because the Treasure Coast region is heavily dependent upon construction as an economic driver, one of the hardest hit sectors in the downturn. The poor economy has also affected the City's fiscal situation, and difficult decisions have had to be made in the City's budget. However, Sebastian has managed to avoid some of the problems faced by other communities, such as severe property maintenance issues related to home foreclosures. While economic development is a perennial issue for almost any city, the downturn has made the topic more stark and pressing. The recommendations in the EAR, especially those related to the five major issues, are largely built around providing the opportunity for long -term economic competitiveness for the City. These recommendations recognize that the City's character and quality of life, as well as its ability to foster and attract businesses that contribute to the green /sustainable economy, are essential to long term economic growth and prosperity. Included in the recommendations are strategies to protect and enhance the unique character of the Riverfront area; expand both recreational opportunities and opportunities for pedestrian /bicycle circulation through development of a greenway system in conjunction with Indian River County; diversify housing opportunities in order to ensure a well balanced community and attract young professionals and entrepreneurs; align land use and development form with transportation planning, including encouraging alternative forms of transportation; carefully planning for the City's expansion to City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 1 SETIAN HJ1tt Jf Pflli Al ISt „D provide land for housing and employment opportunities and ensure maximum efficiency in service delivery; ensure high quality, integrated and compatible development in the City's potential annexation areas through coordination and join planning initiatives with Indian River County; maximize use of the natural resources in and near the City for recreational opportunities and eco- tourism; and, attract green and sustainable industries and other targeted industries to the City. The recommendations resulting from the EAR analysis (see Section VIII Summary of Recommendations) will not only ensure that Sebastian continues to meet the mandates of Florida's growth management laws, but also set the City on a path to maintain and enhance its unique character and quality of life, and provide for a bright, prosperous future for current and future residents. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 2 SEeASTIAN HOME 01 PEIk. M ISf>V D II. Introduction The City of Sebastian is a small, quiet community on Florida's east coast between Vero Beach and Melbourne, with easy access to major metropolitan areas in South Florida and Orlando. Sebastian is the largest municipality in Indian River County and is the population center of the northern part of the County. Natural beauty surrounds Sebastian, including the Indian River Lagoon and coastal resources that gave rise to the City's history as a fishing settlement. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) process is undertaken primarily in response to requirements of state law, specifically s. 163.3191, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Specifically, the purpose of the EAR is to: identify major issues for the community; review past actions of the City in implementing the Comprehensive Plan since the last EAR; assess the degree to which plan objectives have been achieved; assess both successes and shortcomings of the plan; identify ways that the Plan should be changed; respond to changing conditions and trends affecting the City; respond to the need for new data; respond to changes in state requirements and the Treasure Coast Strategic Regional Policy Plan; and, ensure effective intergovernmental coordination. Under Florida's growth management system, the EAR is an important opportunity for monitoring and evaluation, an essential part of comprehensive planning. Through the EAR, the City will reassess its plan and recommend adjustments that will enable the community to meet its anticipated challenges, ensuring a continued high quality of life for Sebastian residents. The EAR has been developed with an extensive public involvement component. On March 25, 2010 an advertised public workshop was held with members of the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and members of the public, with exercises to identify a preliminary list of major issues. On April 1, 2010 the City held an advertised scoping meeting with LPA members and the public, with representatives of state /regional agencies and other local government invited to attend. At this meeting, the list of major issues was agreed by consensus to be recommended to the City Council. On April 14, 2010, at an advertised public hearing, the City Council unanimously approved the major issues. The Proposed EAR was presented to the LPA at an advertised public hearing for transmittal to DCA for courtesy review, and the final EAR was presented for approval to both the LPA and City Council at advertised public hearings. In addition to public workshops and hearings, members of the public were provided the opportunity to directly participate in creation of the EAR throughout the process. Draft work products were posted on the project website which can be accessed at SebastianEAR.com to allow the opportunity for members of the public to review and offer comments. Additionally, the EAR consultant's contact information was advertised extensively at the public workshops and scoping meeting early in the process, and members of the public were encouraged to offer comments, suggestions and information freely throughout the process. The EAR is also required to identify the schedule for adopting EAR -Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Adoption of the EAR by the City is anticipated by August 1, 2010, and a final determination of sufficiency from DCA is expected on approximately November 1, 2010. The EAR -Based Amendments, therefore, would be adopted no later than April 1, 2012. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 3 sEistAsTIAN tIJ \tt Jt PEI IC an IA AV, Year 1997 EAR Actual Difference Projection 1990 10,248 10,248 1995 13,488 13,488 2000 17,153 16,188 -965 2005 20,798 20,048 -750 2010 24,449 22,722 -1,727 III. City Profile A. Population According to the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) at the University of Florida, Sebastian's 2009 population was 22,722. As seen in the table below, population growth in Sebastian has lagged behind that projected in the 1997 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The current population is approximately seven percent below what was anticipated in the 1997 EAR. Table 1: 1997 EAR Population Projections vs. Actual Population Offical Census figure; all other actual figures are from Florida BEBR estimates. 2009 estimate; 2010 estimate is not yet available Nonetheless, growth has been substantial, and is expected to continue to be so. The City's Comprehensive Plan uses population projections provided by the Shimberg Center, which project a 2015 population of 28,069, a 2020 population of 31,734 and a 2025 population of 35,115. According to the latest Census American Community Survey (ACS) information (collected 2006 through 2008), the median age in Sebastian is 47.1, slightly higher than the 46.9 recorded by the 2000 Census. It is also slightly higher than the Indian River County figure (45.4), and much higher than the median age of Florida (40.1) and the nation (36.7). The City's relatively high median age reflects the area's status as a major retirement destination. The population pyramids on the next page compare the age distribution of the population in 1990 with those from the latest ACS. These show that, while population growth in the City has been widely distributed through age groups, the community's demographics reflect a population that continues to age. The City has become marginally more diverse racially and ethnically since 1990, as the table below shows. Sebastian remains overwhelmingly White (94.0 percent) and non Hispanic (96.1 percent). While their proportions remain relatively small, African Americans and Hispanics have each more than doubled as a proportion of the City's population since 1990. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 4 SER T AN 10 %11 Of Pt LI, A\ rta\o Sebastian Indian River County Education Level 2006- 1990 2006 -2008 1990 2008 Less than 9 grade 7.0% 1.9% 7.1% 4.3% 9 through 12 grade, no diploma 19.5% 10.0% 16.5% 9.0% High school graduate (includes equivalency) 38.3% 38.8% 30.6% 29.4% Some college, no degree 18.4% 22.8% 20.9% 22.6% Associates degree 6.9% 10.2% 5.83% 8.2% Bachelors degree 6.9% 11.0% 13.2% 16.9% Graduate or professional degree 3.1% 5.3% 5.9% 9.6% Occupation Sebastian Indian River County Management, professional and related 34.4% 31.2% Services 18.8% 20.6% Sales and office 24.4% 24.8% Farming, fishing and forestry 0.5% 1.4% Construction, extraction, maintenance and repair 13.8% 13.3% Production, transportation and material moving 8.2% 8.6% Race 1990 2006 2008 ACS White 97.4% 94.0% Black /African American 1.1% 2.8% American Indian /Alaska Native 0.2% Asian /Pacific Islander 1.0% 2.6 Other /Multiple Races 0.3% 1.1% Table 2: Race by Percentage, 1990 and Toda Source: 1990 Census; 2006 -2008 ACS Not sufficient sample data to reports results Unlike the 1990 Census, the ACS reports "Asian" and "Native Hawaiian /Pacific Islander" separately. Asians made up 2.6% in the ACS, but there was insufficient sample data to report for "Native Hawaiian /Pacific Islander" The City's level of educational attainment has risen substantially since 1990. The percentage of the population without a high school diploma has dropped from 26.5 to 11.9. At the same time, 16.3 percent of residents now have at least a bachelor's degree, far higher than the 10.0 percent reported in 1990. Table 3: Educational Attainment (Population 25+ Source: 1990 Census; 2006 -2008 ACS The tables below show the percentage of the City's and County's workforces by occupation, as well as by industry. These numbers are similar between the City and County. There is a heavy reliance upon construction in the community a sector of the economy hit particularly hard by the current downturn and relatively few jobs associated with primary (natural resource related) industries or manufacturing. Table 4: Occuuation of Workers 16 and Over Source: 2006 -2008 ACS City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 6 SET1AN 10 1 t *4 Pt I.li 4\ 1St AND Occupation Sebastian Indian River County Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 0.0 2.4 Construction 14.2% 13.8% Manufacturing 5.4% 5.5% Wholesale trade 2.4% 2.8% Retail trade 15.3% 13.8% Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 2.7% 3.9% Information 2.0% 1.4% Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing 6.1% 7.7% Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services 12.9% 12.1% Educational services, and health care and social assistance 22.3% 19.5% Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services 10.4% 9.0% Other services, except public administration 3.3% 5.1% Public administration 3.0% 3.1% Table 5: Industry of Workers 16 and Over Source: 2006 -2008 ACS B. Land Area /Annexations According to GIS calculations, the City's total land area is 9,218.5 acres, an increase of 575.5 acres, or 6.7 percent, over the total in 1995 (the data presented in the 1997 EAR). As shown on Map 1, annexations since 1995 have primarily involved larger tracts on the City's southern boundary and on the CR -512 corridor west of the City's former boundaries, as well as smaller, piecemeal annexations to the east and northeast. C. Existing Land Use The tables below show existing land uses in 1995 and in 2010. These sets of data are not directly comparable, as the 2010 existing land use is presented in terms of the City's future land use categories. Notable points about the City's 2010 existing land use pattern include: nearly 12 percent of the City's land is in conservation use; undeveloped /vacant land has, through annexations, remained at roughly the same level since 1995 even as development continued; and, assuming that "multi- family" in 1995 and medium density residential in 2010 are roughly similar, there has been little or no development of multi family housing since 1995. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 7 BAsT!t N NOW 01 fflh Kq.AND Land Use Acres Percentage Conservation 1,074.06 11.64 Agriculture 54.21 0.59 Very Low Density Residential .427.53 4.64 Low Density Residential 2,550.95 27.67 Mobile Homes 166.05 1.80 Medium Density Residential 154.46 1.68 Commercial Limited 3.98 0.04 Commercial General 146.15 1.59 Commercial 512 23.29 0.25 Riverfront Mixed Use 4.15 0.05 Industrial 86.34 0.94 Institutional (including parks, government facilities, schools, etc.) 1,112.79 12.07 Rights -of -Way (ROW) streets, drainage, public waterways, etc. 1,831.03 19.86 Undeveloped /Vacant 1,583.50 17.19 Total Acreage 9,218.50 100 Land Use Acres Percentage Single Family 4,050.03 47.86 Mobile Home 271.67 3.21 Multi- Family 151.23 1.79 Commercial 290.88 3.44 Industrial 142.13 1.68 Institutional 254.01 3.00 Golf Course 156.00 1.84 Parks 63.00 0.74 Street /Drainage ROW 1,246.45 14.73 Airport 454.00 5.36 Undeveloped /Vacant 1,563.00 18.47 Total Acreage 8,463.00 100 Table 6: Existing Land Use in 1995 Source: City of Sebastian 1997 EAR Table 7: Existing Land Use in 2010 Source: Indian River County Property Appraiser data; City of Sebastian EARs are required by statute to compare the location of development anticipated in the Plan to where development has actually taken place. Map 2 is the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) submitted as part of the City's 1998 EAR -based amendments, which is the Plan's expected development pattern. Table 8 below shows FLUM amendments since the 1997 EAR. Most of these amendments are the result of annexations, and simply apply an equivalent City land use category in place of a County category. However, some of these amendments indicate policy shifts, including those highlighted in the table. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 9 SEBASTIAN 111/ 415. HO■L tN P6LIC 4S NAND Year Location Acres Old FLU New FLU 2009 South of 99 Street/Vickers Road, west of the F.E.C. Railroad (Bridgeton Properties annexation) 5.9 Residential, 8 units per acre (Indian River County) Industrial 2009 13225 US -1 (Shady Rest Mobile Home Park) 17.14 Mobile Home Rental Park, 8 units per acre (Indian River County) Riverfront Mixed -Use 2009 West of US -1, between Shady Rest Mobile Home Park and St. Sebastian Catholic Church (Mustacchia annexation) 3 Low Density Residential Riverfront Mixed -Use 2007 9707 US -1 (9707 annexation) 3.87 Commercial /Industrial (Indian River County) General Commercial 2005 West of Cross Creek Lake Estates along Powerline Road south of Barber Street 25.5 Residential, 1 unit per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 US -1 near the City's northern limit (Shalhoub Part II annexation) .75 Residential, 8 units per acre (Indian River County) Riverfront Mixed -Use 2003 East side of 90 Avenue approximately .5 miles north of Wabasso Road. 74 Residential, 3 units per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 Along Powerline Road west of Barber Street 115 Residential, 1 unit per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 West of Sebastian River South Prong and east of CR 510 38.27 Residential, 1 unit per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 Adjacent to Sebastian Elementary School 56.25 Low Density Residential, 6 units per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 East and adjacent to Sebastian River Middle School (Sebastian Crossings Parcel B) 45.69 Residential, 3 units per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 North of CR 510 and southeast of Elkcam Dam 152.21 Residential, I unit per acre (Indian River County) Low Density Residential 2003 East and adjacent to Sebastian River Middle School 14.4 Residential, 3 units per acre (Indian River County) Commercial General 2001 North of Kildare Drive, south of S. Fischer Circle, approximately 80 Low Density Residential, 6 units per acre (Indian River County) Medium Density Residential 2000 Adjacent to 129 /Dale Street just south of 130 /Gibson Street 14.85 Low Density Residential Industrial 2000 Southwest of Wimbrow Dr 7.57 Commercial 512 Commercial General Table 8: Future Land Use Man Amendments Since the 1997 EAR Sources: City of Sebastian; Department of Community Affairs Plans /Amendments Archive Comparison of the 1998 FLUM with the 2010 Existing Land Use Map (page 13) also helps to determine the relationship between the Plan's anticipated land use pattern and that which has City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 11 SEBASTIAN 4111111r.. ..170 HOW 01 PEIIiA' KI'.V Maximum Density Development Future Land Use Acres Potential Density /Intensity Factor Capacity Very Low Density Residential 514.35 3 du /ac 90% 1,388 units Low Density Residential 762.04 5 du /ac 80% 3,048 units Mobile Homes 31.31 5 du /ac 75% 117 units Medium Density Residential 67.48 8 du /ac 75% 404 units Commercial Limited 7.92 0.6 FAR N/A 206,997 sq. ft. Commercial General 80.00 0.6 FAR N/A 2,090,880 sq. ft. Commercial 512 16.08 0.5 FAR N/A 350,222 sq. ft. Riverfront Mixed -Use 34.17 8 du /ac 0.6 FAR 30% 82 units/ 893,060 sq. ft. Industrial 51.81 0.5 FAR N/A 1,128,421 sq. ft. Institutional 18.38 0.6 FAR N/A 480,379 sq. ft. Total Vacant Land 1,583.50 5,039 residential units 5,149,959 sq. ft. non residential actually emerged. Of that land that has been developed, the land use pattern has adhered closely to that expected. However, there have been significant exceptions. One is the Sebastian Harbor Preserve, a rectangular- shaped area of over 150 acres north of Engler Drive and east of Easy Street. This area had been designated for Low Density Residential (up to four units per acre), but is now in conservation use. Also, nearly 15 acres adjacent to 129 /Dale Street just south of 130 /Gibson Street a FLUM amendment noted above in 2000 has been developed for industrial uses, whereas the Plan anticipated this parcel to be developed as Low Density Residential. The Riverfront Mixed -Use (RMU) area also, at first glance, appears to represent a divergence between anticipated and actual development, as relatively few parcels are mixed -use on the Existing Land Use Map. However, the RMU area allows, but does not mandate, mixed -use on a parcel -by- parcel basis. Rather, the designation seeks mixed -use on a district basis. The Future Land Use Element (Policy 1- 1.4.4) anticipates that the mix of uses in the RMU area, by 2025, will be 25 percent residential, 20 percent recreational /institutional and 55 percent commercial. According to Property Appraiser and City data, on an acreage basis residential uses currently make up about 28 percent, recreational /institutional about 3 percent and commercial about 44 percent. VacantUndeveloped Land There are 1,583.5 acres of vacant/undeveloped within the City of Sebastian limits. The Vacant Land Use Map shows the location of these lands, along with their Future Land Use designations. The Future Land Use Element updated in 2009 uses a "density factor" to determine potential residential units, which assumes that only a portion of each potential residential site will be used for residential due to conservation overaly and locational /density restrictions. This method is continued in Table 6 below, which estimates that development potential of the City's vacant /undeveloped land. Table 9: Development Potential of Vacant Land Source: City of Sebastian; Outlier Planning, April 2010 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 12 g H Y t LN PELICAN PIE 'NC However, it is likely that the actual, realistic development potential for residential units in Sebastian is substantially less than that technically allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. It is known anecdotally that many single family homeowners in Sebastian also own vacant Tots next to their home for purposes of an effectively larger yard or to prevent development next to their residence in any case, to effectively prevent development. A GIS analysis of Property Appraiser and future land use data in the City's single family neighborhoods suggests there are likely between 1,282 and 1,673 such single family lots that, while technically developable, are unlikely to be available for development over the planning horizon. Conservatively, using the lower number, total residential development potential is estimated at 3,757 additional units. Projected Land Use Needs In order to plan for future land uses, it is important to project the quantity of each land use type that will be needed. The projections below are largely taken from the analysis in the City's Future Land Use Element. Residential: The City's Housing Element projects a need for a total of 17,274 units by 2025 and states that this would amount to 7,596 more units than in 2005 (6,981 single family and 615 multifamily). In order to derive a more up -to- date figure, BEBR's 2009 population estimate for Sebastian (22,722) and the latest ACS estimate of household size in Sebastian (2.17) were used to estimate that Sebastian currently has about 10,471 units. Thus, there would need to be an additional 6,803 units by 2025 to reach the total projected need of 17,274 units. Using the same proportion of single family to multifamily units as the Housing Element projections, 6,252 of those units would be single family and 551 would be multifamily. Commercial: Based the existing proportion of commercial land uses to population in Sebastian, the Future Land Use Element projects a need for a total of 371 acres of commercial use in 2025. Existing commercial development plus available commercial land on the Future Land Use Map (including Riverfront Mixed Use) yields about 312 acres. Industrial: The Future Land Use Element projects a need for a total of 345 acres of industrial uses in 2025, again based on existing proportions of land use to population. Existing industrial land and vacant industrial land on the Future Land Use Map add to only 138.4 acres. However, according to the Future Land Use Element method of determining existing land use, there are currently 225 acres of industrial use, which when added to the 51.81 acres of vacant industrial on the FLUM, totals about 277 acres, suggesting a need for an additional 68 acres of industrial. A simple comparison between projected needs and available capacity is helpful, but does tell the entire story. Additionally, using a projection method that depends upon maintaining the existing proportion of a particular land use to population has its limitations, in the sense that it assumes that the existing proportion is desirable or likely in the future. In terms of residential demand, Sebastian will clearly need to designate some additional residential land uses by 2025, as the gap between estimated remaining capacity of 3,757 units and projected needs of 6,803 units is substantial. Some of this difference may be bridged through redevelopment in the Riverfront area densification or conversion of existing uses to mixed -use including residential. Using the Plan's 25 percent target for residential uses in the City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 15 SE HOME 'I PFIIC A, tiLA1D RMU and the maximum of eight units per acre, the RMU area could be expected to accommodate about 200 units beyond both those already existing units and potential units from vacant land in the RMU area. Assuming that the Very Low Density and Low Density land use categories can be used as a proxy for single family capacity and taking into account the estimated 1,282 units by which capacity has been reduced by homeowners holding adjacent lots, as discussed above total single family capacity on vacant land is estimated at 3,154 units. Similarly, assuming that units developed in the RMU area and in the Medium Density category will be multifamily, capacity for these units is estimated at 486, while remaining mobile home capacity is 117 units. Adding the estimated RMU residential redevelopment of 200 units (also assumed to be multifamily, bringing that total to 686) over the planning horizon yields a total capacity (including redevelopment) of 3,957 units, which leaves a remaining deficit of 2,845 units. The projections above would suggest that this additional capacity should be allocated as single family units. However, other policy goals including the promotion of alternative transportation modes (see Major Issue #1), energy- efficient land use patterns and various economic benefits to be gained through a variety of housing choices and coordination of housing with employment locations suggests that the City should strive for a significant share of additional units to be designated as multifamily, particularly in locations with easy access to existing and planned alternative transportation modes and in development forms, including mixed -use, that will appeal to young professionals (see Major Issue #2). The projections above would suggest a need to add approximately 59 acres of commercial land and an additional 68 acres of industrial land. However, as discussed in Major Issue #2, the City may benefit from significantly more employment that could make work trips shorter, as well as bring fiscal benefits. Further, while much of the City's industrial capacity is at the Airport, that location is not well- suited for all industries the City may wish to attract, and the lack of a quality industrial park or similar facility has been cited as a barrier to increased competitiveness in attracting targeted industries. Thus, the City may need to allocate additional industrial lands, including potentially in areas that are annexed in the future, as part of economic development efforts. Similarly, additional commercial capacity may be necessary for the purpose of creating more efficient land use patterns, with commercial uses nearby, and physically and functionally integrated with, residential uses in order to create areas suited for pedestrian and transit activity and dynamic activity, as well as to support such existing areas, such as the Downtown Riverfront. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 17 SE WV%JI P[LICAAI L4 b 2007/2009 Schumann Dr. CR -510 Barber St 2 9,952 573 480 760 Barber St US -1 Schumann Dr 2 5,361 269 250 530 Barber St Schumann Dr Englar Dr 2 9,837 53 480 670 Barber St Englar Dr CR 512 2 8.819 490 480 760 2015 Roseland Rd CR 512 North City Limit 2 14,323 686 480 760 Barber US -I Schumann Dr 2 10,833 527 530 660 2025 CR 512 (WB) 1,854 1.810 1,860 CR 512 (EB) 4 38.190 (Roseland CR 512 North City Limit 2 480 CR 510 70" Ave 66" Ave 4 24,747 1, 179 1.620 1 ,720 CR 510 66 Ave 58 Ave 4 23.876 1.137 1.120 1.620 Barber St US-1 Schumann Dr 2 12,941 608 530 660 IV. Levels of Service Financial Feasibility Analysis Transportation The Sebastian Comprehensive Plan has established a traffic level of service (LOS) standard of "D" for all arterial and collector roadways. The Transportation Element, updated in 2009, states that no arterial or collector roadways exceeded the established LOS D service volumes in 2007, and goes to project that all arterials and collectors in the City will operate within acceptable levels of traffic volume in both 2015 and 2025, accounting for planned roadway improvements. Planned improvements between now and 2015 including the expansion of CR -512 between CR- 510 and Roseland Road from four lanes to six, as well as the expansion of Schumann Drive between the south City limits and Barber Street from two lanes to four. Between 2015 and 2025, plans call for the improvement of the following roadway segments from two lanes undivided to two lanes divided: Roseland Road between CR -512 and the north City limits; Barber Street between US -1 and Schumann Drive; Barber Street between Schumann Drive and Englar Drive; and, Barber Street between Englar Drive and CR -512. Although no roadways are projected to exceed LOS D service volumes, several segments currently operate and /or are projected to operate at LOS D in 2015 or 2025, raising the possibility of LOS service failures on these roadways if traffic levels grow faster than expected. These segments, with existing /projected volumes are presented in the table below, as well as shown on Maps 6, 7 and 8. Additionally, projections indicate three roadway segments in 2025 will be very close to the maximum LOS D service volumes. These are highlighted in red in the table below. Table 10: Existing /Projected LOS D Roadways Name Frorn To Lanes AADT/ PSWADT Peak Hour Dir. Volume Max. LOS C Service Volume Max. LOS D Service Volume Source: City of Sebastian Transportation Element, April 2009: Indian River MPO AADT average annual daily traffic; PSWADT peak season weekday average daily traffic AADT /PSWADT figures are from 2009; peak hour directional volumes are from 2007 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 18 ,T.l nn►[ r[oKa% nuvn The ability to accommodate additional traffic and alleviate potential roadway LOS failures is limited in some cases, by the physical space required for additional lanes, fiscal constraints and other policy goals. For example, as discussed in Major Issue #2, US -1 through the Riverfront area should not be expanded beyond its existing four through lanes, due to the damage that such an expansion would cause to community character. Roadway expansion can also in some cases be a detriment to multi -modal mobility. Large roads with fast moving traffic can make pedestrian and bicycle travel dangerous, inconvenient and unpleasant, and requires resources that may be better spent on modes such as transit. It was in recognition of factors such as these as well as the fact that the traffic concurrency system in Florida has often had the unintended effect of discouraging infill and redevelopment, thereby precipitating urban sprawl that the Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 360 in 2009. Among other provisions, SB 360 made jurisdictions defined as "dense urban land areas" (DULAs, including the City of Sebastian, Transportation Concurrency Exception Areas (TCEAs). At this point, there is controversy as to whether the law simply removed the state mandate for concurrency in DULAs (meaning that DULA jurisdictions could choose to terminate their existing concurrency systems, or could choose to keep them) or whether the law rendered existing concurrency systems in these jurisdictions null and void. DCA has taken the position that it is the former, and for the time being, and for the time being the City's traffic concurrency standards, administered through Indian River County, continue to be enforced. Until this issue is settled likely through either the courts or clarifying legislation there is uncertainty that makes it difficult for Sebastian and other DULA jurisdictions to know how to proceed. This issue and potential policy options are discussed in greater detail as part of Major Issue #1. However, what is clear is that Sebastian now has greater policy options with respect to transportation, particularly as it relates to alternative travel modes. This may include supplementing existing traffic LOS standards, or perhaps replacing those standards with a mobility fee system or other alternative(s), again as further discussed in Major Issue #1. Sanitary Sewer All central sanitary sewer services in Sebastian are provided by Indian River County. This system is only available along arterial roadways and in newer subdivisions. The remainder of the City is served by private septic tanks. The City has adopted an LOS standard for sanitary sewer of 250 gallons per day per equivalent residential unit, consistent with the County's adopted LOS standard. According to the Indian River County Comprehensive Plan, planned capital improvements will continue to ensure that this LOS standard is maintained through the County's 2030 planning timeframe. Therefore, there are no existing or projected deficiencies in sanitary sewer service in the City of Sebastian, with the exception of any private septic tanks which may fail. Solid Waste Solid waste collection and disposal service is provided by Waste Management through a franchise agreement with the City. The City's adopted LOS for solid waste is 6.97 pounds per capita per day. Indian River County is responsible for providing sufficient solid waste capacity through its planning horizon. According to the County's 2007 Solid Waste Master Plan, demand for solid waste capacity will be 9.6 million cubic yards, while with current landfill segments and scheduled expansions, actual capacity in 2030 will be 13.5 million cubic yards. There are thus no existing or projected solid waste collection and disposal deficiencies. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 19 S BASTIAN HOME 01 1'ttliAR 114 ;NO Facility LOS Standard 2009 2015 2020 2025 Existing Demand Demand Demand Demand Neighborhood Parks (acres) 2 acres 1,000 pop. 45.44 56.14 63.47 70.23 52.15 Community Parks (acres) 2 acres 1,000 pop. 45.44 56.14 63.47 70.23 261.5 Tennis Courts 1 court 10,000 pop. 2 2 3 3 10 Basketball Courts 1 court 10,000 pop. 2 2 3 3 2 Baseball /Softball Diamonds 1 field 5,000 pop. 4 5 6 7 5 Football /Soccer Fields 1 field 25,000 pop. 1 area 7,500 pop. 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 3 7 Equipped Play Areas Boat Ramps 1 ramp 12,500 pop. 1 2 2 2 3 Shuffleboard Courts 1 court 5,000 pop. 4 5 6 7 4 Volleyball Courts 1 court 12,000 pop. 1 2 2 2 Golf Course (holes) 18 50,000 pop. 18 18 18 18 18 Potable Water All centralized potable water services in Sebastian are provided by Indian River County. The City has adopted an LOS standard for sanitary sewer of 250 gallons per day per equivalent residential unit, consistent with the County's adopted LOS standard. There are no existing deficiencies in the City. According to the County Comprehensive Plan, sufficient treatment capacity exists throughout its entire potable water system to accommodate expected demand through 2030. However, there is a need to address future water supply, including identification and proper development of alternative sources. In 2007, Indian River County prepared an Alternative Water Supply Master Plan. According to that plan, surface water may serve as an alternative to, or a supplement to, the Floridan Aquifer as the County's future potable water supply source. However, this will also require the development of a surface water storage system. Parks, Recreation and Open Space The City's adopted LOS for parks, recreation and open space is two acres of neighborhood parks per 1,000 population, two acres of community parks per 1,000 population, plus standards for a number of different recreational facilities. All of this information, as well as existing fiacilities, are presented in the table below. The City currently meets all of these LOS standards, with the exception that the existing number of volleyball courts is unavailable at this time. Table 11: Current and Projected Park Facility Needs Source: City of Sebastian Recreation and Open Space Element Detailed information and analysis regarding parks, open space and recreation is provided in Major Issue #4. Based upon that analysis, it is recommended that the distinction between community and neighborhood parks be ended for LOS purposes, and that the facility- specific LOS standards also be removed. This leaves a simple LOS standard of four acres of parks per 1,000 population. Based upon that recommendation, the City will meet this LOS standard for its 2025 projected population with existing facilities. Drainage The City's LOS standard for drainage facilities is as follows: Water Quantity Standards: Off -Site Standard: Post development runoff shall not exceed the pre development runoff rate for a 25 -year, 24 -hour design storm. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 20 SEBASTIAN HOW C I I'ELti 4\ L L -1 \D On -Site Standard: Post development runoff shall not exceed the pre development runoff rate for a 10 -year, 24 -hour design storm. Water Quality Standards: Water quality standards of Chapter 17 -25, F.A.C., shall be applied as the quantitative standard. Chapter 17 -25, F.A.C., requires Outstanding Florida Waters (i.e., Indian River Lagoon) to reduce pollution loads by an additional fifty (50 percent prior to discharge. Those standards are enforced through the development review and permitting process. Most of the City's residential areas rely on a swale system for drainage. There are some existing drainage problems and issues in the City resulting from older subdivisions, and generally relate to lack of culverts and problems with existing control structures, open channels and wet detention ponds. The City's 2004 Master Stormwater Management Plan ranked drainage projects using the following criteria: flood severity; public benefit; priority; permitting requirements; and water quality enhancement potential. In 2001, the City established the Sebastian Stormwater Utility, which levies an annual fee on a per unit/property basis, to address long -term solutions to drainage problems. An ongoing program for the installation of quarter -round pipe in much of the City's drainage swales has proven successful in remedying drainage problems, and the City has committed to continuing this project. Schools The LOS standard for schools throughout Indian River County is "100% of the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each year of the five year planning period and throughout the long term planning period for each School Service Area." Both Sebastian Elementary and Sebastian High School do not currently meet this standard. Programmed improvements are identified in the District's budget to address the deficiency in the middle school. The high school has capacity projects scheduled in the School District's Five -Year Capital Facilities Plan. Additionally, Sebastian Elementary School, Sebastian River Middle School and Sebastian River High School are projected to be over capacity in 2013 if there are no mitigating capital improvements. As per the requirements of school concurrency, the utilization of any school above 100% will be redistributed by the School District. Current and future projected middle school overcrowding is anticipated to be resolved with the opening of an additional middle school. Additional funds for capital improvements may come in the form of proportionate share mitigation where a development would otherwise cause a school to be over capacity. Financial Feasibility According to s. 163.3164, Florida Statutes (F.S.) "`Financial feasibility' means that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources for the first 3 years, or will be available from committed or planned funding sources for years 4 and 5, of a 5 -year capital improvement schedule for financing capital improvements, such as ad valorem taxes, bonds, state and federal funds, tax revenues, impact fees, and developer contributions, which are adequate to fund the projected costs of the capital improvements identified in the comprehensive plan necessary to ensure that adopted level -of- service standards are achieved and maintained within the period covered by the 5 -year schedule of capital improvements." The City is current on its annual Capital Improvements Element (CIE) updates. Additionally, City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 21 SER Oar -ref II..it 411110 a\Lt NM! drainage is the only facility /service subject to concurrency that has existing or projected deficiencies and for which the City has financial responsibility for capital improvements. The City is addressing existing drainage deficiencies through capital improvements, primarily the installation of quarter -round pipe in drainage swales, in a multi -year process that is included in the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) in the CIE. The financial feasibility of the SCI is demonstrated in the City's latest CIE annual update. Thus, the City's Comprehensive Flan is financially feasible. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR— DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 22 SET H, \tt Of PELICAN ISLAND V. Major Issues Analysis As part of the EAR process, the City of Sebastian has identified five Major Issues for detailed analysis. Through interviews with City officials and staff, feedback from Local Planning Agency (LPA) members and members of the public, input from other agencies and units of government, two advertised public workshops and approval at a City Council public hearing, these major issues were selected as the basis for reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and making changes to better meet the City's anticipated future challenges. Each Major Issue analysis includes a description of the issue, identification of Plan provisions relevant to the issue, analysis and recommendations. Major Issues are as follows: Major Issue 1: Connectivity of Arterial /Collector Roadways and Alternative Transportation Modes Major Issue #2: Economic Development and Job Creation Major Issue #3: Balancing Sustainable Growth with Protection of Community Character Major Issue #4: Future Development and Funding of the Park and Recreation System Major Issue #5: Annexation and Service Delivery City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 23 5 TAN HOW Of Pttli An !SLAV, Peak Max. Max. Name From To Lanes AADT/ Hour LOS C LOS D PSWADT Dir. Service Service Volume Volume Volume 2007/2009 Schumann Dr. CR -510 Barber St 2 9,952 573 480 760 Barber St US -1 Schumann Dr 2 5,361 269 250 530 Barber St Schumann Dr Englar Dr 2 9,837 532 480 670 Barber St Englar Dr CR 512 2 8,819 490 480 760 2015 Roseland Rd CR 512 North City Limit 2 14,323 686 480 760 Barber US -I Schumann Dr 2 10,833 527 530 660 2025 U ain SI CR 512 (i(lB) d 38190 1 ;851 IVY 1,860 US- CR 512 (WB) CR 512 (EB) 4 38,190 1.854 1,810 1,860 Roseland CR 512 idol North City Limit 2 16,599 795 480 760 CR 510 70' Ave 66 Ave 58 Ave 4 4 24,747 23,876 1.179 1,137 1,620 1,120 1,720 1,620 CR 510 66 Ave Barber St US -1 Schumann Dr 2 12,941 608 530 660 Major Issue #1: Connectivity of Arterial /Collector Roadways and Alternative Transportation Modes: Sebastian neighborhoods enjoy good interconnectivity, however, some local collector roadways are becoming congested and are projected to be overcapacity in future years. The City works with the MPO staff to explore methods to increase capacity through widening roads or developing new roadways options to facilitate east/west and north /south travel. The City of Sebastian, not unlike other communities, is dependent upon vehicles as the primary mode and while there are several transit routes serving the City, other alternatives to automobile travel, like rail, are not yet available. These topics will be examined in the context of improving mobility in Sebastian, as well as the relationship of these issues to community character and their relationship to changes in state mandated transportation requirements for comprehensive plans under Senate Bill 360 and House Bill 697. As noted neighborhood roadway connectivity in Sebastian is relatively good. However, better east -west and north -south connectivity essentially, additional route options particularly in the southeast area of the City, would relieve existing and projected congestion on some arterial and collector streets. While no roadway is currently, or projected in 2015 or 2025, to exceed the established level of service (LOS) 'D' service volumes, a number of segments are operating or expected to operate at LOS D, a less than ideal situation. Beyond this. in 2025 projected volumes on US -1 between Main Street and CR -512, and Roseland Road between CR -512 and the northern City limits, are projected to be very close to LOS D capacity, and could easily be over capacity in the future. It is interesting to note in this context that 2009 traffic counts have shown significant decreases of trips on Barber Street and significant increases on CR -512. In general, trips have been decreasing in Indian River County as a whole. Also important to consider is that the Comprehensive Plan has identified Barber Street, Main Street and US -1 as locations where there is little to no room to increase capacity. "fable 12: Existing /Projected I,OS 1) Roadways Source: City of Sebastian Transportation Element, April 2009; Indian River MPO AADT average annual daily traffic; PSWADT peak season weekday average daily traffic AADT /PSWADT figures are from 2009; peak hour directional volumes are from 2007 dutlieit. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 24 BAS�Tl N 110 \le PfIICA %NAND At the same time, state planning requirements related to transportation have been substantially modified by the Legislature through the passage of House Bill (HB) 697 in 2008 and Senate Bill (SB) 360 in 2009. In summary, each of these bills made the following changes as they relate to transportation: HB 697: The future land use plan must address the discouragement of urban sprawl, energy efficient land use patterns and greenhouse gas reduction strategies; and, The transportation element must address strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. SB 360: Removes state mandated transportation concurrency requirements in areas qualified by the legislation as "dense urban land areas" (the City of Sebastian is a "dense urban land area according to the statute's definition); By July 1, 2011, local governments qualifying as "dense urban land areas" must adopt into the local comprehensive plan "land use and transportation strategies to support and fund mobility including alternative modes of transportation." There are different interpretations regarding the transportation concurrency exception areas created by SB 360. DCA has interpreted the legislation to mean that the state no longer requires transportation concurrency in "dense urban land areas," but that local governments can retain those systems if they so desire. Others assert that SB 360 abolishes existing local government concurrency systems in dense urban land areas. This issue may ultimately be resolved by the courts. It is also possible that the Legislature will pass a "fix" to SB 360 that would immediately abolish transportation concurrency in "dense urban land areas." This uncertainty further complicates efforts to respond to the changes. In any case, these changes raise the question of how much roadway LOS standards should matter in efforts to promote mobility. Should they no longer be considered, or should they be part of a number of measures that also take into account alternatives modes of transportation? If so, what are those measures? HB 697 and SB 360 taken together clearly move the state in the direction of a transportation system that is more energy- efficient and multi modal, and less dependent upon the automobile. The most current draft of changes to Rule 9J -5, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) to implement HB 697 point to a number of familiar planning strategies, such as compact, mixed use development, jobs- housing balance, minimum /higher density /intensity standards, infill /redevelopment incentives, transit oriented development and urban design standards. Following are relevant provisions of the City of Sebastian's existing Comprehensive Plan relating to this issue. Please note that Major Issue #4 "Future Development and Funding of the Park and Recreation System" includes analysis of greenways, wherein there is a more detailed discussion of bicycle and pedestrian systems. Those parts of Major Issue #4 relating to those items should be considered incorporated into this analysis. Similarly, plan provisions relating most closely to those issues are identified as part of Major Issue #4. Relevant Plan provisions: Transportation Element: Objective 1.1: Level of Service. The City shall adopt and adhere to level of service standards for arterial and collector streets. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 28 SEAT, T bkN Z 110t11. 1{ PLLICA6 KLd C Policy 1.1.5: Policy 1.1.6: The City shall coordinate with FDOT to pursue a US 1 corridor study to identify and evaluate improvements and alternative corridors. Policy 1.1.7: The City shall coordinate with the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) corridor studies to identify new corridors to increase north -south and east -west connectivity. The following are possible corridors to study: Laconia Street Extension (north- south): from Concha Drive to County Road 510. The City shall continue to partner with local developers, Indian River County and other government agencies to construct new corridors to relieve arterial and collector road congestion. Objective 1.2: Roadway Network. The City shall undertake measures designed to assist in the free flow of traffic along major roads and strive to maintain and improve the LOS on those roadways if at any time they operate at a lower LOS than the adopted standard. Policy 1.2.1: Policy 1.2.4: Policy 1.3.1: The City shall coordinate with Indian River County and FDOT on a traffic flow management system (signal synchronization) for all future signalization along CR 512. The City shall continue to monitor any future collector and arterial roadway access any future deficiencies, and shall devise methods and budget monies to alleviate those deficiencies. Objective 1.3: Future Land Use, Housing and Population. The City shall coordinate the transportation system with the adopted Future Land Use Map series and shall ensure that existing and proposed population densities, housing and employment patterns, and land uses are consistent with the transportation modes and services proposed to serve these areas. The City shall review roadway improvements, new construction and roadway extensions proposed by other agencies for consistency with the Future Land Use Map series of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.3.4: The City shall require that new development be compatible with Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Transportation Element and that new development shall further the achievement of aforementioned Goals, Objectives and Policies, of the Transportation Element. Requirements for the compatibility of new development may include but are not limited to: Locating parking to the side or behind the development to provide pedestrian accessibility of building entrances and walkways to the City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 29 SETLAN 110 MI ac MAC an 1St a street, rather than separating the building from the street by parking. Providing clearly delineated pedestrian routes through parking lots to safely accommodate pedestrian and bicycle circulation and to minimize potential bicycle /pedestrian and automobile interaction. Objective 1.4: Intergovernmental Coordination. The City transportation system shall be coordinated with the work plans and programs of Indian River County, FDOT, the Florida Transportation Plan, and the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization. Policy 1.4.3: The City shall use County and State numerical indicators for measuring the achievement of City mobility goals. Numerical Indicators shall include: Modal Splits; Annual Transit Trips Per Capita; and Automobile Occupancy Rates. Objective 1.5: Connectivity. The City shall provide for the protection of existing and future right -of -way (ROW). Policy 1.5.1: The City shall develop a priority listing of needed ROW for the purpose of orderly and economical land acquisition. Policy 1.5.2: The City shall compile and maintain a listing of existing and projected needs for ROW within the urban area. Policy 1.5.4: The City shall establish standards for donation /dedication of ROW by developers. Policy 1.5.5: Corridors with inadequate ROW shall be inventoried and the City shall coordinate with Indian River County for reservation of adequate ROW. Policy 1.5.6: Wherever possible, the City shall require that future development reserve ROW in a gridded street network that ensures connectivity. Policy 1.5.8: The City shall require that roadways be dedicated to the public to connect with and shorten existing public roadways. Policy 1.5.9: The City shall require that future subdivisions with 25 units or more, at a minimum, have at least two (2) points of access open to motor vehicle traffic. Policy 1.5.10: New subdivisions shall be required to "stub -out" to adjoining undeveloped lands to promote road connectivity, and to connect to existing roadways that are "stubbed -out" at their boundaries. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 $EB T!AN 30 II i1 PC tli A'. 1St AN D Policy 1.6.11: The City shall develop standards, for new non residential development, to establish a maximum number of parking spaces allowed in excess of the parking space requirements of the City's land development regulations, in order to encourage walking, bicycling, ridesharing, and shared parking, and to minimize the creation of excess impervious surface area. Policy 1.6.12: Policy 1.6.14: Adequate pedestrian circulation and safety shall be considered as a required component of roadway system management, with implementation and required construction. By 2014, in coordination with the Indian River County MPO, the City shall evaluate the need for additional public transit routes in conjunction with the Indian River Transit GoLine bus system and major trip generators and attractors. Policy 1.6.15: By 2014, the City shall update the land development regulations to include site and building design standards for development in exclusive public transit corridors to assure the accessibility of new development to public transit. Intergovernmental Coordination Element: Policy 8- 1.3.1: Coordinate Regional /Sub- Regional Infrastructure Issues. The City shall work with various Indian River County Special Committees, including the North County Water and Wastewater District, the North County Fire District, the Joint Transportation Committee, and other similar committees in addressing issues surrounding regional or sub regional infrastructure systems. Issues which shall be coordinated include, but shall not be limited to, wastewater and potable water systems improvements within the North County area; maintenance of the fire protection and emergency medical service in the North County area; improvements to several State Roads and County Roads; solid waste and hazardous waste disposal; and plans for "district" or "urban" parks in the North County area. The City's policies related to additional east -west and north -south roadway connections and reservation of right -of -way are fairly well developed. However, most of these policies were instituted in April, 2009, and so there has not been sufficient time to evaluate their successes and failures. Currently, the Transportation Element specifically identifies only one additional roadway connection, which is an extension of Laconia Street from Concha Drive to CR -510. While much of this planned road is currently outside the City's jurisdiction, the CR -510 corridor is an area for potential annexation (see Major Issue #5), and in any case has the potential to create significant impacts to the City due to its proximity. The Laconia Street extension would provide alternative routes for those residents of the south and west parts of the City attempting to use US -1 to travel north or south. However, the primary east -west routes in this area, CR- 510 and Barber Street, are projected to operate at LOS D in 2025, although well below their maximum LOS volumes. Because the CR -510 corridor outside of the City is still largely undeveloped, the opportunity still exists to create a gridded, relatively dense street network in this area and provide additional east -west route options, lessening the traffic burden on CR -510 and Barber. Thus, the City should include in the Transportation Element a policy to pursue at City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 31 SEBASTIAN IK'. L CH VW KfAND Mode 2000 2006 -2008 Sebastian Sebastian Indian River County Florida Drove alone 81.4% 84.2% 82.4% 79.4% Carpooled 11.9% 9.2% 9.5% 10.5% Public Transportation 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 2.0% Walked 0.4% 0.3% 1.3% 1.6% Other means 1.9% 1.4% 2.5% 2.2% Worked at home 4.3% 4.9% 3.8% 4.2% least one additional east -west roadway between Barber Street and CR -510, connecting to the extended Laconia Street. The City should also concentrate pedestrian /bicycle improvements and advocate for transit improvements in this area in order to provide viable transportation alternatives and reduce auto trips, as discussed in more detail in Major Issue #4. This is a particularly important opportunity should the CR -510 corridor become a significant employment generating area. The transportation- related provisions of HB 697 and SB 360 (i.e. alternative travel modes, energy- efficient land use patterns, supporting and funding mobility) are so strongly related that they are best addressed together. One of the mandates of SB 360 was that DCA and FDOT jointly develop a Mobility Fee Study one possible policy option to consider as a replacement to transportation concurrency, either by the choice of local jurisdictions or by future mandate of the Legislature. According to the recommendations of the Mobility Fee Study, all new development would pay for its impact on the transportation system, not just if that development directly causes or worsens a level of service failure; through an interlocal agreement system, a mobility fee would apply countywide, but would vary by location and development type, charging more for development with more impact on the transportation system; the fee revenue would be shared by public entities responsible for effected transportation facilities; and, the fee would be based on, and help fund, mobility plans developed by local governments that consider multiple travel modes, not just the automobile. Sebastian, like most of Florida, is not currently "multi- modal." The table below presents Census data about commuting to work, clearly showing that driving a single- occupant vehicle is the dominant mode of transportation in Sebastian, at a higher rate than in Indian River County and Florida as a whole. Table 13: Means of Transportation to Work Sources: Census 2000; 2006 -2008 American Community Survey (ACS) Below is a brief assessment of existing and potential alternative travel modes in Sebastian: Local Transit Currently, GoLine Indian River Transit (IRT) provides limited service to the City of Sebastian with three (3) routes. Routes 5 starts at Sebastian River Medical Center on US 1, heads west on Main Street and circulates to the North County Transit Hub at CR- 512 and CR -510. Route 11 runs north -south along US -1. And Route 12 begins at the North County Transit Hub and runs east along Barber Street, then north on Schumann to US -1, where it heads south and terminates at the Publix at US -1 and Barber. (See cut- out of the GoLine Route Map). Beyond this, Routes 9 and 10 also begin and end at the North County Transit Hub, with the former heading south and east along the 510 corridor and eventually to the Indian River Mall. The latter connects with Feilsmere to the west. All of these routes operates Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 32 SEBASTIAN .40 It is apparent through examination of the transit route map that a logical connection between routes 9 and 12 and thus perhaps a much going to or returning from trips south toward the Indian River Mall would be via Schumann Drive /66 Avenue, a factor that should be kept in mind when planning for mobility. The 2030 Indian River County Long Range Transportation Plan has identified one additional bus route for the Sebastian area, connecting Sebastian with Fellsmere along CR 512. Although the Census statistics on transit use in Sebastian are not encouraging, transit ridership along the routes through the City have been rising steadily, a trend that is expected to continue in both the short- and long -term. In addition to participating with the IRT GoLine transit system, the City of Sebastian utilizes the County's transportation disadvantage program known as the Community Coach. The Community Coach vehicle is a smaller size bus than the full length traditional Route buses. The Community Coach system is operated by the Senior Resource Association and is headquartered in Vero Beach. This program was created to help provide a transportation option to individuals because of an ailment, age, or disability, are incapable of using private transportation. This system is available for transport to medical appointments, employment centers, education facilities and essential life supporting daily regimes. Bicycle /Pedestrian As mentioned above, this issue receives a more complete treatment as part of Major Issue #4. The portion of that analysis that deals with greenways should be considered to be incorporated into this analysis. Current bicycle facilities in Sebastian include an off -road bicycle /pedestrian path along the north side of CR 512 and on- street facilities on portions of US1. This three -mile path was a railroad right -of -way which the County converted into a recreation path. The City has a relatively comprehensive sidewalk system throughout the City. However, some portions of the City are disjointed, primarily Main Street on the west side of the City. Based on the current land development regulations, developments are required to construct sidewalks along collector and arterial roads. The North County Greenways Plan developed by the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) identifies a number of bicycle and pedestrian routes including both existing and proposed routes (see Map on next page from the Greenways Plan depicting greenways for the Sebastian area). The Greenways Plan identifies the major routes and improvements needed to complete that "backbone" system. Rail An active railroad system (the Florida East Coast or FEC railroad) runs parallel to US 1 on its west side. However, it is used predominately for freight transport of goods to and from south Florida. There are no passenger stations along this stretch of rail line within the City or within a close proximity. Nonetheless, there has been a consistent push by communities along the east coast of Florida to revive passenger service along the FEC railroad, in particular a high -speed line from Jacksonville to Miami. Preliminary plans developed do not include a station in Sebastian, but rather in Vero Beach. If passenger service does at some point return to this corridor, it would be most beneficial to the City if there is a station in Downtown Sebastian. However, if that cannot be accomplished, the City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 34 SSEBASTtAN 11 \tl 04 1'llli 411St. Am City should consider a direct shuttle from the Vero Beach station to Sebastian to make service for Sebastian residents and visitors as convenient as possible. The mandates, as well as the flexibility, afforded by both HB 697 and SB 360, are opportunities for Sebastian on a number of fronts. First, as reflected in the language in the Comprehensive Plan and the community's identification of major issues for this EAR, Sebastian residents are generally supportive of bicycle and pedestrian amenities. Second, participants in the EAR process have voiced their support for "green" initiatives, and real support for alternative transport modes will help the City reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve energy. A strong pedestrian bicycle system, along with the boost to the City's "green" credentials that it brings, may also help to attract "green" industries that the City has targeted in economic development efforts. It is clear from the language of SB 360 that alternative travel modes must be funded, as well as roads. Funding should be based on a plan for multi -modal transportation infrastructure. The mobility fee concept outlined in the DCA /FDOT Report seems to serve as a good basis for a funding mechanism, which would be based on a mobility plan considering all travel modes to determine what infrastructure or other allocations are needed. However, the Report seems to suggest that mobility fees specifically would need to be authorized (if not required) by the Legislature. The Report also recommends that mobility fees be applied at least countywide, suggesting that the City could not implement this precise concept on its own. At the same time, however, the language of SB 360 itself says that "The designation of a transportation concurrency exception area [pursuant to the bill] does not limit a local government's home rule power to adopt ordinances or impose fees." The fact that Sebastian meets the definition of a "dense urban land area while Indian River County does not, also creates practical difficulties for implementation of a mobility fee concept or other alternative to transportation concurrency and related impact fees. The City currently utilizes the County's transportation impact fee system. Implementing a new mobility fee system in the City would not only require the City to develop and administer a new (and likely expensive) system on its own, but would also likely result in challenges of coordination with the County and would be less than ideal from a policy perspective because as noted in the Mobility Fee Report the mobility fee concept should be applied on at least a countywide basis. All of this presents a quandary for the City. The City should consider amendments its Comprehensive Plan to institute a fee on all new development that would fund multi -modal improvements, either as a replacement to, or in conjunction with, existing impact fees. Similar to the concepts in the DCA /FDOT Report, the City should consider the following concepts with respect to a "local mobility fee charging all new development, as opposed to only that which causes or worsens an LOS failure; varying the fee based on geography to account for different transportation impacts; and, base the fee on a mobility plan that considers alternative travel modes. This approach may involve adopting pedestrian, bicycle, transit and other such standards in the Plan, similar to those currently adopted for roadways. If the City elects to move forward with this concept, it should also try to implement these it in coordination with Indian River County. By considering the implementation of mobility fees, the City will not only take steps to meet the HB 697 and SB 360 mandates, but also move forward with its own mobility objectives. Mobility planning should include consideration and evaluation of the following concepts: Identify existing and future "nodes" both within the City's current boundaries and in potential annexation areas of appropriate development and pedestrian amenities, City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 36 SE�T�N a 4IW -NO HOW 01 1'El r, Mt. KLa \Ct chosen based on factors such as existing and future pedestrian /bicycle infrastructure and transit stops. Prioritizing bicycle system improvements that provide direct and convenient connections between the "nodes." Minimum density /intensity standards within identified "nodes." Allowing for the payment of an in -lieu fee instead of constructing required off street parking, with the fee being used to construct public parking within the "node," preferably as on- street parking to enhance urban design. Base any future increases in residential density on the availability of transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Encourage bicycle parking for commercial development along significant existing /future bicycle routes by developing incentives. Credits to the "local mobility fee," or other incentives, to encourage such things as: transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements; employee bike storage and shower facilities for larger employers; preferred parking for compact /fuel- efficient vehicles. Finally, following are a number of recommendations based upon the above analysis, as well as ideas and discussions with community members. Again, much of the discussion and analysis in Major Issue #4 regarding greenways also applies to the land use /transportation issues discussed here. advocate for a transit connection between GoLine Routes 9 and 12 along Schumann Drive /66 Avenue; prioritize pedestrian bicycle improvements along Schumann Drive /66 Avenue between GoLine Routes 9 and 12; pursue the establishment of a grid street system along the CR 510 corridor south of the City's current boundaries, including at least one east -west collector roadway between CR -510 and Barber Street; prioritize multi -modal transportation infrastructure as development occurs along the CR- 510 corridor; the City should specifically review all road improvement plans for multi -modal opportunities, particularly with regard to routes identified on the North County Greenways Plan; coordinate with GoLine Transit to establish and operate a trolley system through the Downtown Sebastian section of US -1; make provisions to encourage the use of alternative and fuel- efficient vehicles. Examples include allowing golf carts on certain streets (e.g. those with bicycle lanes) and providing for motor scooter parking, particularly Downtown. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 37 SEAT N 1 ■fr NOAtt 04 PELICAN t«a\C Major Issue #2: Economic Development and Job Creation: Economic development and job creation are perennial issues, but even more in the current severe economic downturn. This analysis will build on the City's extensive previous work on economic development, and identify how the plan can best reflect and implement the City's economic policies. Particular topics identified for examination include development of the tourism industry, green industries, energy efficiency efforts and opportunities, the business climate in Sebastian, whether the city has adequate housing for different segments of the community and future industrial growth at the airport. Maintaining a jobs /housing balance, ensuring affordable housing and housing choices are key components of this issue. Like the vast majority of localities in the United States, and very many more around the world, Sebastian has suffered during the severe economic downturn of the past few years (the recession in this country officially began in December 2007). This downturn was precipitated in large part by a collapse in the residential real estate market and closely related crisis in the financial system. This downturn has hit Florida and places like Sebastian especially hard, as our economy was relatively dependent on the residential real estate market and closely related industries such as construction. In Sebastian, again like many localities, the results have been rising unemployment, financial distress for households and falling tax revenue for the City and other units of government. While it appears that an economic recovery is underway nationally, it is expected to be relatively slow, and it is unclear locally what will take the place of lost jobs, including those in the construction industry, which is a dominant sector in Sebastian. As part of the EAR, a new proposed economic development element is being developed. This will be included as an appendix in the final version of the EAR, and will contain a detailed and broad -based analysis of Sebastian's economic position. This major issue analysis will become part of the development of that element, but is focused specifically on the topics identified during the workshop process to craft the major issues. Those topics include: the tourism industry; green industries; energy efficiency; the businesses climate; industrial growth at the Sebastian Municipal Airport; housing (in relation to economic development) The following existing policies and objectives in the City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan relate directly to these topics: Future Land Use Element: Policy 1- 2.3.2: Pursue Selective Industrial Expansion Policy. The City shall pursue a strategy of selective expansion of its industrial base. The City shall encourage industries that contribute optimally to the City's economy and that of the Treasure Coast and Space Coast. Highest priority shall be directed toward recruiting industries which: a. Generate high levels of employment together with higher than average wage and salaries; City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 38 S BA TtAN HOW 01 I111C ISLAND Transportation Element: Objective 1.3: Housing Element: Policy 1.1.8: b. Promote an industrial mix to counterbalance the impact of cyclical economic changes; c. Produce services and /or products which complement the needs and resources of existing industry within City and the region. d. Provide industry and service activities required to support and attract prime industrial land uses which are compatible with the City's growth management and resource conservation goals, objectives and policies; e. Contribute a net revenue to the City of Sebastian and thus enhancing the fiscal capacity of the City; and f. Do not adversely impact the City's natural resources including groundwater quality; infrastructure; and public facility improvement needs. The City shall seek to work in partnership with industrial development interest groups to achieve competitive amenity packages including: Requisite transportation system improvements and other on- or off -site improvements; Access to public potable water and wastewater services; Efficient stormwater management systems; and Maintenance of adopted levels of services for infrastructure systems. Future Land Use, Housing and Population. The City shall coordinate the transportation system with the adopted Future Land Use Map series and shall ensure that existing and proposed population densities, housing and employment patterns, and land uses are consistent with the transportation modes and services proposed to serve these areas. The City shall promote mixed -use developments that include provisions for a wide variety of housing types and prices in close proximity to support facilities. Policy 1.2.5: The City shall, through the land development regulations, encourage the development /redevelopment of housing that will City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 39 SE BASTA N aotle 1-1 111.1k7NN LLA \D Policy 1.2.7: integrate divergent choices of housing, including housing type and ownership status, across all neighborhoods. The City shall continue to require that sites for affordable housing have access to the following facilities, services and /or activity centers: Potable water and central wastewater systems; Employment centers, including shopping centers which accommodate stores offering household goods and services needed on a frequent and recurring basis; A major street (i.e., included in the City's major thoroughfare plan); Public parks, recreation areas, and /or open space systems; and Adequate surface water management and solid waste collection and disposal. The City has already made concerted moves to develop and implement economic development strategies. In 2003, Patterson Bach Communications Inc. prepared a document "Economic Development Strategy Marketing Communications Plan The purpose of this study was to develop a plan to market approximately 160 acres of land located on the City of Sebastian's Municipal Airport. While this report ostensibly focused on the Airport, much of its analysis actually is directed toward the whole community, and capitalizing on the City's quality of life. Several of that study's findings are cited throughout this analysis. Six strategies were identified: 1. Develop a comprehensive strategic marketing communications plan; 2. Position the City of Sebastian as "What Florida is Supposed to be." Live work and raise your family in the "last," "real" Florida town. 3. For the purpose of economic development, build awareness, comprehension of and preference for relation and expansion opportunities in the City of Sebastian within the relocation /expansion consultant industry and the relocation /expansion and site selection media community. 4. Direct market the relocation /expansion opportunities in the City of Sebastian at the Sebastian Municipal Airport to aircraft owners that own a business in Miami -Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties through a highly targeted sales campaign. 5. Develop a promotional campaign to provide prospects with the opportunity to experience the City of Sebastian and the improvements at the Sebastian Municipal Airport and the features and benefits of locating a business in the City of Sebastian. 6. Partner with the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce to promote the City of Sebastian and the Sebastian River area capitalizing on the synergy of the combined strengths of the City and the Chamber. In 2007, the Sebastian City Council held an Economic Development Workshop. This initiative was conducted in conjunction with the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce. As a result of the workshop, the City Council agreed to create an Economic Development Plan, and the Chamber of Commerce created an Economic Development Task Force to assist in the preparation of the Plan. The Task Force met from November 2007 through April 2008, and members were appointed by the Chamber of Commerce. The prepared document "Economic Development Plan for the City of Sebastian" was presented to the City Council in a workshop on City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 40 5EN HOME CH PEI tcl January 7, 2009. This plan put together an overall strategy for implementing economic development policies in Sebastian. As suggested above, housing is a critical component for economic development. The labor force is obviously an indispensible factor of production, and all those members of the labor force require housing. One dimension of this topic is the affordability of housing. For example, many companies must consider the affordability of housing when making location decisions, as a workforce that must make long commutes from more affordable locales is likely to be less stable and demand higher wages. The housing affordability analysis presented in the City's Housing Element (updated last year) projects that by 2025, 55 percent of owner occupied households in Sebastian will pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing costs, the federally established threshold for affordability. Thirty -five percent of renter households are projected to pay more than 30 percent of monthly income for housing in 2025. At the same time, the topic of finding ways to keep Sebastian's children here to raise a family when they grow up was raised several times during EAR workshop discussions of economic development. The City does not appear ready to provide enough housing choices /styles for single professionals and young families just starting out. According to the Future Land Use Element, in 2008 the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) included potential for an additional 5,002 units, but only 718 of these potential units would occur in the Medium Density (typically developed as multifamily), Mobile Home or Riverfront Mixed Use areas, the three of which together represent the land use categories most likely to yield affordable and workforce housing opportunities. Additionally, an influx of retirees has traditionally been an economic driver for Sebastian. The number of households with members over age 65 is expected to approximately double by 2025, suggesting that additional housing choices appropriate for these households may help Sebastian to continue being an attractive place to retire. The location of housing in relation to employment is another important economic development factor. Large -scale suburbanization of population in the latter half of the 20 century often placed population centers and large job clusters far apart, raising commute times and the use of automobiles. In response, many suggested that the answer is a better geographic balance between jobs and housing. By providing housing opportunities close to employment, it is hoped, commute times and vehicle use will decrease, and lower income households for whom transportation costs are often a serious burden will have better access to jobs. It is difficult to get a precise measure of Sebastian's jobs- housing balance because of the lack of availability of data on the physical location of jobs at the municipal level. However, the Census does collect data regarding the location of employment versus the location of residence. Table 14: Place of Work for Employed Population Sources: Census 2000; 2006 -2008 ACS Includes that population living within an incorporated municipality. As can be seen from the data above, the proportion of workers residing in Sebastian who also work in Sebastian is only slightly lower than in Indian River County, although both the City and County are substantially higher than in Florida as a whole. This lends some support to the idea City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 41 SEBiaiTtAN 1A J1 1'ttIC I t> \CD Sebastian Indian River County* Florida* 2006- 2006- 2006- 2000 2008 2000 2008 2000 2008 Lived and worked in the same city 22.9% 20.9% 23.6% 21.1% 30.9% 32.8% Lived and worked in different cities 77.1% 79.1% 76.4% 78.9% 69.1% 67.2% January 7, 2009. This plan put together an overall strategy for implementing economic development policies in Sebastian. As suggested above, housing is a critical component for economic development. The labor force is obviously an indispensible factor of production, and all those members of the labor force require housing. One dimension of this topic is the affordability of housing. For example, many companies must consider the affordability of housing when making location decisions, as a workforce that must make long commutes from more affordable locales is likely to be less stable and demand higher wages. The housing affordability analysis presented in the City's Housing Element (updated last year) projects that by 2025, 55 percent of owner occupied households in Sebastian will pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing costs, the federally established threshold for affordability. Thirty -five percent of renter households are projected to pay more than 30 percent of monthly income for housing in 2025. At the same time, the topic of finding ways to keep Sebastian's children here to raise a family when they grow up was raised several times during EAR workshop discussions of economic development. The City does not appear ready to provide enough housing choices /styles for single professionals and young families just starting out. According to the Future Land Use Element, in 2008 the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) included potential for an additional 5,002 units, but only 718 of these potential units would occur in the Medium Density (typically developed as multifamily), Mobile Home or Riverfront Mixed Use areas, the three of which together represent the land use categories most likely to yield affordable and workforce housing opportunities. Additionally, an influx of retirees has traditionally been an economic driver for Sebastian. The number of households with members over age 65 is expected to approximately double by 2025, suggesting that additional housing choices appropriate for these households may help Sebastian to continue being an attractive place to retire. The location of housing in relation to employment is another important economic development factor. Large -scale suburbanization of population in the latter half of the 20 century often placed population centers and large job clusters far apart, raising commute times and the use of automobiles. In response, many suggested that the answer is a better geographic balance between jobs and housing. By providing housing opportunities close to employment, it is hoped, commute times and vehicle use will decrease, and lower income households for whom transportation costs are often a serious burden will have better access to jobs. It is difficult to get a precise measure of Sebastian's jobs- housing balance because of the lack of availability of data on the physical location of jobs at the municipal level. However, the Census does collect data regarding the location of employment versus the location of residence. Table 14: Place of Work for Employed Population Sources: Census 2000; 2006 -2008 ACS Includes that population living within an incorporated municipality. As can be seen from the data above, the proportion of workers residing in Sebastian who also work in Sebastian is only slightly lower than in Indian River County, although both the City and County are substantially higher than in Florida as a whole. This lends some support to the idea City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 41 SEBiaiTtAN 1A J1 1'ttIC I t> \CD that Sebastian may benefit from additional jobs to be in better balance with its resident workforce. As has been noted by the Patterson Bach report cited above, the City currently lacks sufficient industrial land to attract appropriate industrial growth. The CR -510 corridor to the south of the City has been put forward by some as a potential location for some commercial /industrial growth. As discussed in more detail in Major Issue #5, the City should work closely with County to plan for potential growth and development in that corridor, and in other parts of the City's proposed annexation reserve area. Increasingly, attracting employers revolves around quality of life factors. Because physical location has become less important for many companies such as Internet companies the quality of life offered for owners /executives and its effect on ability to attract skilled employees becomes more important. Sebastian has many advantages in this area, including the surrounding natural resources, climate, small town "old Florida" atmosphere, park system and easy access to major metropolitan areas. In order to attract a skilled workforce that will in turn attract high -tech employers, however, Sebastian must continue to build on these quality of life strengths. As noted above, it is important to provide appropriate housing for different segments of the community. However, Sebastian lacks a significant stock of multifamily housing such as apartments and condominiums that might appeal to younger individuals and families and others who cannot afford a single family home or who prefer other types of housing. A potential location for such housing would be as part of a balanced mix of uses along the CR- 512 corridor near 1 -95. This location has a number of advantages for higher density housing, including the potential to integrate alternative forms of transportation the North County Transit Hub is in this location, while the greenway along CR -512 is one of the first priorities of the North County Greenway Plan. The City should consider if this area is annexed in the future a horizontal mixed -use concept, and by applying the parking and pedestrian infrastructure strategies identified for nodes in Major Issue #1, Sebastian could foster a development type that leads to Tess automobile dependence and appeals more to young professionals. Alternative transportation and protection of the character of Sebastian's neighborhoods are also essential quality of life factors that Sebastian must foster. Strategies such as careful implementation of greenways development as discussed in Major Issue #4 can help the City to make strides in both of these areas. Through its past economic development efforts and the EAR Major Issues Workshop meeting, the City has identified green industries, as well as energy efficiency efforts, as desirable elements in an overall economic strategy. The trend toward more interest in green initiatives and industry is unmistakable, as interest in global climate change has increased and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (a.k.a. the "stimulus package has made a great deal of money available to advance the green economy and create "green jobs." Public agencies have an array of financing tools that can be used to provide public funding for renewable energy projects that will be publicly owned and also to encourage and assist in the financing of private community or residential installations. Tax Exempt Bonds. Traditional tax exempt bonds are bonds issued by a municipal, county or state government with interest payments that are not subject to federal income tax, and, in many cases, state income tax as well. Tax exempt bonds can be a source of capital for solar installation projects. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 42 SEB 411 016' HJttt OF 11W lit AND Tax Credit Bonds. Tax credit bonds include some of the newer and perhaps lesser known financing options, such as Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs), Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) and Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCBs), that have been authorized or enhanced due to federal stimulus legislation, such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Tax credit bonds are bonds that allow the holder to claim a federal tax credit instead of receiving tax exempt interest. Subsidized Taxable Bonds (Build America Bonds). One of the most popular financing programs authorized by the ARRA is the issuance of Build America Bonds (BABs). Like QECBs and QSCBs, BABs were created as a means to stimulate the economy by assisting state and local governments in financing public capital projects at lower borrowing costs. Loans and Grants. Public agencies may also be able to finance solar projects with loans or grants funded in whole or in part by the federal stimulus package. For example, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has established a $110 million Energy Efficiency Grant program that can fund solar energy improvements if combined with eligible energy- efficiency improvements. These programs have proved to be so popular that they are currently oversubscribed. Sustainable Energy Financing Districts. Sustainable energy financing districts offer loan programs that are user friendly, in that property owners are not strapped with large down payments or high financing costs. The loan is secured by contract assessments levied on the owners' properties. These districts can be used to finance energy- efficiency projects, solar panels and similar projects for both homeowners and commercial property owners. Public agencies and private businesses are increasingly looking to private investors and renewable energy developers to provide innovative funding mechanisms for renewable energy projects. At a time when public agencies face budgetary challenges and private companies may have difficulty obtaining traditional financing, the availability of private financing through such means as lease arrangements and power purchase agreements can be the most viable option. Power Purchase Agreements. Power purchase agreements (PPAs) can allow a private company or a public agency to purchase solar energy on a monthly basis from a private solar company, much like purchasing electricity from a local utility. Under the agreement, a public agency or business hosts the solar equipment on its property and pays for the energy generated at a set rate per kilowatt -hour, while the solar company maintains responsibility of ownership and /or maintenance of the system. A PPA provides financing flexibility and predictable future energy rates, with minimal upfront costs to the business or public agency. Private Tax Equity Financing. Tax equity financing is becoming one of the most common ways to fund large private solar projects. Under such arrangements, investors front the cost of the project in exchange for taking the tax credits available from the solar project. Tax equity investors then use those credits as part of a strategy to shelter otherwise taxable income. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 43 SETLAN II \1t Of PIED I'1 Traditional Financing. For a company that has available capital or access to traditional financing through real estate financing, capital financing or a line of credit, there can be advantages to self financing a renewable energy project. When a project is self financed, a company keeps the tax credits and incentives that would normally be given to tax equity investors. For a company with strong cash flow and profit, this may be particularly attractive, as the tax credits and accelerated depreciation of the solar project can provide an immediate tax benefit that will offset the cost of the project. Florida Enerqv Approach The Florida Energy Climate Commission was created by the Florida Legislature in 2008. It is housed within the Executive Office of the Governor and is the primary organization for state energy and climate change programs and policies. Comprised of nine members appointed by the Governor, Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and Chief Financial Officer, the Commission holds a variety of responsibilities, including administering financial incentive programs; completing annual assessments of Florida's Energy and Climate Change Action Plan; and providing recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature. The Commission will also work cooperatively with other state entities, including the Florida Public Service Commission, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and the Florida Energy Systems Consortium, to develop state energy and climate change policies and programs. Examples of programs being used in Florida include: State Energy Grant Program ARRA Funding and Opportunities State Energy Program (SEP): $126,089,000 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG): $30,401,600 Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate: $17,585,466 Energy Assurance Grant Program: $1,881,676 Tourism has also been identified as a potential employment growth area. The communities of the Sebastian River Area border the headwaters of the St. John's River adjacent to the Barrier Island and Atlantic Ocean, and nestle quietly between Vero Beach and Melbourne on the Indian River Lagoon. The unspoiled natural beauty of Sebastian is recognized for top fishing, surfing, skydiving, and watersport enthusiasts. Vestiges of 18th century Spanish culture can be revisited at the various historical and archaeological museums in the area, while treasure hunters continue to search these waters for gold, jewelry, and other artifacts lost in the sinking of the 1715 Spanish Fleet not far off our shores. The Sebastian River area is also host to a multitude of nature -based activities truly an eco- lovers paradise. Pelicans, bald eagles, manatees, loggerhead turtles and dolphin can be seen from the Indian River Lagoon. For kayakers, the Sebastian River is a trip through pristine wilderness. A boardwalk nature trail through the Environmental Learning center offers a view of pine trees, mangroves, thousands of species of animals, fish, birds and over 36 rare or endangered species. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 44 S HOW IN PIA IC AN 1St AN D Sebastian has the potential to increase tourism as part of an overall economic development strategy. Major Issue #4 discusses some of the area's assets, particularly with regard to water based eco- tourism, and how to continue development of those assets. It is important that the City ensure that uses supporting eco- tourism, such as kayak and bicycle rentals, hotels, etc. are allowed in appropriate locations and provided adequate regulations to ensure their compatibility with surroundings. Similarly, a pedestrian friendly, thriving Riverfront area is important to the development of additional tourism. The Riverfront area is the City's premiere location to showcase itself a genuine "old Florida" coastal town. Alternative transportation can also be a boon to tourism. The restoration of passenger service on the FEC Railroad bringing passengers to Sebastian whether via a stop in the Riverfront area or via shuttles from rail stops in Vero Beach /Melbourne would have the potential to bring many visitors to Sebastian. As the City continues to develop alternative transportation options, visiting Sebastian for several days without the need for an automobile could someday be a viable option. Recommendations: As mentioned above, a new Economic Development Element will be developed as part of the EAR process, to later be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The recommendations developed as part of this Major Issue will be incorporated into the proposed Element and other elements of the Plan. The following are recommendations resulting from the above analysis: Create a new Economic Development Element to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, and amend other elements as necessary for internal consistency. Amend the Future Land Use Element to ensure that the City's land development regulations will allow for eco- tourism related uses in appropriate locations and provide suitable regulations for those uses. Consider the potential for employment generating commercial /industrial uses in the CR- 510 corridor south of the City. Seek to undertake joint planning activities with the County consistent with recommendations of Major Issue #5. As part of these joint planning efforts, implement the greenways development and alternative transportation recommendations of Major Issues #1 and #4. Incorporate the Airport industrial land marketing strategies from the Patterson Bach report into the new Economic Development Element. Ensure that the new Economic Development Element is geared toward specific funding opportunities for green industries /jobs and energy- efficiency efforts. Encourage the further development of housing opportunities in the Riverfront area. Support greenways efforts (consistent with Major Issue #4) and use this to support the image of Sebastian as a more green alternative to other localities, emphasizing the open space and alternative transportation benefits of greenways development. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR— DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 $EBA0r14N 45 HJ \SL N ElI�A1 ILA C Major Issue #3: Balancing Sustainable Growth with Protection of Community Character: Most people that live in Sebastian do so because they like the city, its environs and the lifestyle it affords. Therefore, protection of the community's character is a priority for the community. At the same time, residents desire economic growth and job creation, which can produce side effects increased traffic, environmental impacts, etc. that threaten community character. This analysis will address how to balance the need for growth with protection of community character, including a review of existing zoning overlays that apply to the Riverfront and CR 512, areas that are important to the city both economically and as centers of community character. Sebastian has a unique, small coastal town character that its residents are proud of. Many factors contribute to the community's character, including the surrounding natural beauty of the Indian River Lagoon, Atlantic Ocean and St. Sebastian River. To preserve these features, several important areas are in public ownership, including the first national wildlife refuge in the United States, Pelican Island, the St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park, Sebastian Inlet State Park and several other examples. The City's parks and open spaces are also important to community character, and include about 315 acres of traditional parks, about 80 acres of undeveloped park properties, the 160 -acre municipal golf course property and approximately 670 acres formally in Conservation. Much of Sebastian's character is also due to its attractive and historic Downtown /Riverfront area. A number of historic properties exist in this area, Other commercial areas the in City affect the City's character, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Finally, the City boasts stable single family neighborhoods that are generally attractive and well -kept. Increasingly, issues of community character and quality of life are related to economic development. This has long been true, to some degree, for coastal Florida due to the important part played by tourism in the local economy. It is more important than ever, though, as many business location decisions now revolve around what places have a quality of life appealing to entrepreneurs /executives and to existing and prospective employees. But economic development itself can sometimes be a detriment to community character when not managed properly, whether it be from incompatible land uses or architectural design, too much traffic, environmental damage or other such impacts. On the other hand, excessive regulation may be a drag on economic development, preventing business expansion or causing a potential business to look elsewhere. Sebastian must continually search for the right balance as it seeks both economic prosperity and preservation of its small town character and quality of life. The policies included below are those that go beyond such commonplace Plan provisions as land use compatibility and are directly aimed at the issue of community character. Future Land Use Element: Policy 1- 2.1.3: Reinforce and Enhance Appearance of Residential Areas and Provide Amenities. The City, together with the private sector, shall consider enhancing preservation of open space for scenic vistas, especially along transportation corridors and along the Indian River, the Sebastian River, Schumann Lake, as well as along the Schumann, Elkcam and Collier Creek waterways or other similar aesthetic corridors adjacent to transportation facilities. Such enhancement shall include application of community appearance criteria which reinforces good principles of design. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 46 SF�TAN n stmt 01 I'fth.: 1St \L� Policy 1- 2.2.3: Improve the Image of the Downtown as the Central Commercial Core Area. The City shall continue to enforce the Riverfront design regulations, which provide a physical theme for development and redevelopment opportunities reinforcing the unique waterfront setting of the Downtown area. Policy 1- 2.6.1: Reinforce and Enhance the City's Community Appearance. Major attributes shall be preserved through application of design review standards and management of signs, landscaping, open space, tree protection, and other urban design amenities. Special emphasis shall be placed on preserving and /or improving the character of major natural and manmade corridors, including the intracoastal shoreline, the estuarine and river systems, major drainage corridors, and major transportation corridors which serve as a focal point for the motoring public and an inviting gateway to visiting tourists. Policy 1- 2.9.5: Preserving Riverfront Access. River access, either through boat ramps, docks and piers or through walkways, scenic easements or breezeways, is a treasure to be enjoyed by all of the citizens of Sebastian. The City shall continue to develop programs and identify funding sources to acquire access to the river. Policy 1- 2.9.6: Preservation of Existing Assets within the Riverfront. The protection, restoration, and enhancement of existing assets, including historical structures, is important in implementing the "Old Florida Fishing Village" theme. The City shall continue to enforce the procedures and ordinances adopted for this purpose. By 2010, the City shall develop programs and identify funding sources to protect, restore and enhance the historical structures in the Riverfront District. Policy 1- 2.9.7: Reinforce and Enhance Appearance of City Gateways along the US 1 and CR 512 Corridors. The City, together with the private sector, shall continue to introduce landscaping and urban sign amenities along gateways to the City particularly the US 1 and CR 512 corridors. Such enhancement shall include application of community appearance criteria which reinforces good principles of design as well as preserving unique characteristics and open space for scenic vistas. The gateway improvements shall also address the implementation of uniform streetscape amenities, enhanced signage and intersection improvements. The City currently has several ongoing regulatory measures, capital projects and the like to protect and enhance community character, beyond typical requirements. First, the City has three performance zoning overlays the Riverfront "Old Florida Fishing Village" Overlay district covering the Downtown /Riverfront area east of the FEC Railroad, the Sebastian Triangle Overlay District, located on several properties generally between the east- and west -bound branches of CR- 512 /Sebastian Boulevard west of the railroad, and the CR -512 Overlay District, which covers all properties abutting CR -512 that are within the Sebastian City limits (these zoning overlays are shown on the map on the following page). These overlays impose special regulations over and above those of the underlying zoning with regard to such things as site design, architecture, landscaping, signage and so on. Two historic districts and three historic City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 47 SEB 411ft ..100 I01.11 iN 1 LLA \L' properties are designated on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). While this does not confer any regulatory protections, the designation does carry with it prestige as well as access to federal tax credits for preservation and restoration, which can help to preserve historic assets. Additionally, the City has adopted regulations requiring that where a proposed development would impact a historic /archeological site that has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan, such impact must be mitigated. This is enforced through site plan review. Additionally, through the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), a quasi- independent tax increment financing district covering primarily the Downtown /Riverfront area, the City has been implementing property acquisitions and other activities to strengthen and enhance the City's working waterfront. The CRA also undertakes a number of other redevelopment activities within its area, such as funding for festivals and other Downtown promotion activities, public improvements and a facade /sign /landscape matching grant program, all of which help to retain and enhance the City's unique character. At this time, some potential activities or issues can be forecast which may significantly impact the community's character. First is the impact of land uses existing or potential nearby but outside the City's boundaries. Properties adjacent to or very near the City's existing boundaries are important because they are likely to be perceived as being part of the City even if they technically are not. Also, such properties may eventually become a part of the City through annexation. Also important, is potential development that, while it may be somewhat more distant, could have large impacts to the community's infrastructure due to its scale. This primarily refers to potential development in the City of Fellsmere, which in the past several years has rapidly expanded its boundaries and sought to increase potential development by many times. Fellsmere is currently working through a number of compliance issues with DCA with regard to plan amendments on about 18,000 acres. One area that promises the possibility of community character enhancement is the development of greenways, discussed in greater detail as part of Major Issue #1 and Major Issue #4. The MPO's North County Greenways Plan proposed enhanced bicycle pedestrian ways linking parks and other green spaces, links to surrounding natural areas. Most of these greenways would occur along major roadway corridors. This promises more green space, enhanced recreational opportunities and, with attention to land use and design, perhaps viable options for alternative transportation. Generally, the City's three zoning overlays have been very successful. As mentioned earlier, the overlays primarily address issues such as architecture, site design, signage and landscaping. All comments received have suggested that these regulations have increased the quality of development in the areas they cover, and have advanced Sebastian toward consistent design themes in these districts. Staff has expressed that there have been comments that overlays may be discouraging building due to cost factors in meeting the requirements. However, such claims are difficult to judge, as the real estate market and construction industry have been moribund for some time, and it does not appear this phenomenon has been more prevalent in Sebastian or in places with a more stringent level of design expectations. At the same time, weakening or lifting these additional regulations entirely is not something that should be taken lightly. Those who have developed their properties in these areas under existing regulations did so with reasonable expectation that others would follow the same or similar standards, thus helping to protect their own property value. Further, the overlays are plan implementation tools that, like much plan implementation, requires steadfast application over long periods of time to yield desired results. While the overlay provisions and their relation over both the short-term and long -term to encouraging development in Sebastian is a matter of balancing competing interests and may best be handled at the political level, one element City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 49 SE BASTIA N HOW 01 PEI IC A' 1St A that would be needed to make an informed decision is objective data and analysis comparing rates of development in these areas with those in similar areas in Sebastian or nearby that have both similar and less stringent requirements. This would help to determine whether, and if so to what extent, overlay requirements may be discouraging development. The Riverfront area is perhaps the most important exhibit of the City's character, as it has the beautiful view of the Indian River Lagoon, a concentration of historic properties and is overall the most pedestrian friendly part of the City, among other assets. The City has shown commitment to this area as its commercial and civic core through development regulations (including the aforementioned zoning overlay) and numerous public investments in parks, roadway improvements and pedestrian system enhancements. However, the character of the Riverfront area faces both threats and opportunities. One significant issue that the City has confronted is the potential widening of US -1 through the Riverfront, as well as the speed limit on US -1. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan is silent on these issues. The relationship between this roadway and the land uses in the Riverfront area and whether it functions more as an arterial moving people through Sebastian or as a complete, multi -modal street through a downtown location will have a profound impact on Sebastian's character. The effect of development in Fellsmere and nearby unincorporated land has been a source of concern in Sebastian, and was expressed several times during the EAR workshops. The City of Fellsmere has adopted comprehensive plan amendments adding development rights for thousands of homes and substantial commercial space on over 18,000 acres of currently agricultural land. However, the amendments are not yet in effect because DCA has found them not in compliance, largely based on failing to prevent urban sprawl and failing to show need. Some fears of Fellsmere's development impacts on Sebastian may be exaggerated. While population growth is expected in the area, proposed development in Fellsmere is well beyond any reasonable expected growth in the next couple of decades. With a reasonable amount of development capacity remaining in areas closer to the coast, including Sebastian, it is unlikely that a large number of people will choose to live further west where infrastructure largely does not yet exist. Also, in spite of changes to the development of regional impact (DRI) process under Senate Bill (SB) 360, the DRI process would still apply to large -scale development in Fellsmere. This process is a good opportunity to ensure that developers will mitigate for off-site infrastructure impacts. Unincorporated areas that are within the City's proposed annexation reserve area (per the proposed ISBA) should enhance, rather than detract from, Sebastian's character. General recommendations concerning annexation, land uses and joint planning with Indian River County are provided in Major Issue #5. Additionally, with respect to those areas south of the City that may eventually be annexed, the City should consider policies allowing for conservation development or other development regulations that will allow for retention of the agricultural function. Clustered development would not only be more efficient to serve with infrastructure including bicycle pedestrian facilities but would also retain a significant amount of existing open space, enhancing the City's character over the long term. Recommendations: Based on the analysis presented above, the Comprehensive Plan should be amended as follows: Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to specifically state that the City will make full use of the development of regional impact process as nearby lands seek development approval to ensure that impacts to Sebastian's infrastructure is mitigated to the greatest extent possible. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 50 SE T HJllt J{ Pftli 4\ 1.4' \L1 Ensure that upon annexation to the City of Sebastian, lands currently to the south of the City will be subject to the following regulatory provisions: Allowance for the optional use of conservation subdivisions or other similar provisions allowing clustering of development and preservation of the remainder for continued use as agriculture or open space. Application of a zoning overlay on the CR -510 corridor similar to that which currently exists along the CR -512 corridor within the City. Specifically include in the Transportation Element a policy statement that Sebastian considers the function of the Riverfront area a multi -modal commercial core a higher priority than the efficient movement of vehicles along US -1, and that the City's does not support any future widening /additional lanes on US -1 through the City's highway. Further, the Transportation Element should include a policy statement that the City supports maintaining a slow speed limit on US -1 with the City's boundaries consistent with a dense, pedestrian- oriented area. Amend the Transportation Element to include a policy that the City will continually seek funding for multi -modal streetscape enhancements within the Riverfront area. To ensure that properties that may be annexed are only developed in a high quality manner consistent with Sebastian's desired character, implement the recommendations in Major Issue #5 that pertain to these areas. To enhance community character by increasing green space, recreational opportunities and alternative transportation modes, implement the recommendations in Major Issues #1 and #4 concerning greenways and blueways. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 51 SFBASTWN HJI, Pali A. IAA\ Facility LOS Standard 2009 2015 2020 2025 Existing Demand Demand Demand Demand Neighborhood Parks (acres) 2 acres 1,000 pop. 45.44 56.14 63.47 70.23 52.15 Community Parks (acres) 2 acres 1,000 pop. 45.44 56.14 63.47 70.23 261.5 Tennis Courts 1 court 10,000 pop. 2 2 3 3 10 Basketball Courts 1 court 10,000 pop. 2 2 3 3 2 Baseball /Softball Diamonds 1 field 5,000 pop. 4 5 6 7 5 Football /Soccer Fields 1 field 25,000 pop. 1 1 1 1 3 Equipped Play Areas 1 area 7,500 pop. 3 3 4 4 7 Boat Ramps 1 ramp 12,500 pop. 1 2 2 2 3 Shuffleboard Courts 1 court 5,000 pop. 4 5 6 7 4 Volleyball Courts 1 court 12,000 pop. 1 2 2 2 Golf Course (holes) 18 50,000 pop. 18 18 18 18 18 Major Issue #4: Future Development and Funding of the Park and Recreation System: The City currently has a wide variety of parks, well distributed throughout the City, and the park system continues to grow incrementally. Additionally, the City has a dedicated financial resource in park and recreation impact fee funds to finance further capital improvements. As part of this analysis, the comprehensive plan's park system data regarding facility needs will be reexamined, and funding needs and sources for operations and maintenance will be considered. An area of possible further park development and one that could relate strongly to economic development via tourism is the development of greenways and blueways (water based trails). The Sebastian Park system consists of 19 developed park sites totaling approximately 315.01 acres, the City Golf Course facility (160 acres) and ten undeveloped park properties that total 79.6 acres. Much of this undeveloped park property though not all is suitable for passive recreation. Additionally, there are four County parks adjacent to Sebastian's boundaries, specifically the North County Regional Park on the north side of CR -512 west of the City boundaries, Dale Wimbrow and Donald MacDonald parks, located adjacent to one another between the St. Sebastian River and the Airport and West Wabasso Park north of CR -510. St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park is located just west of the City boundaries, on the west bank of the St. Sebastian River, extending west of 1 -95 and north into Brevard County. A map showing the locations of parks near Sebastian, including developed parks, the Golf Course, nearby county parks and the St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park is shown on the next page. The City's Schedule of Capital Improvements also indicates the development of a 3.8 -acre park at Barber Street and Acorn Terrace, as well as the development of a 1.9 -acre park at Celtic Avenue and Crown Street. The City's LOS standard for parks is two acres of community parks per 1,000 population, plus two acres of neighborhood parks per 1,000 population. The Recreation and Open Space Element further sets out LOS standards for a number of recreational facilities. The table below shows projected demand for parks and facilities through 2025 according to existing LOS standards, as well as existing facilities. Table 15: Current and Projected Park Facility Needs Source: City of Sebastian Recreation and Open Space Element City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 52 SEBATIAN 1-10l1L Hi A\ KU The City charges a Recreation Impact Fee (RIF) on new development to provide for expansion of the recreational system to serve the needs generated by new development. The City's parks system otherwise depends upon general fund revenue or grants for operations and maintenance. The City's Golf Course at the Airport property is financially self- sufficient for operations and maintenance. As the Major Issue description above notes, Sebastian is well served by parks, and they are well- distributed throughout the City. While undeveloped park properties the City has acquired from General Development Corporation (GDC) provide multiple opportunities to further expand the system if needed, the City's park system is nearing maturity. This, combined with the completion of the North County Greenways Plan by the Indian River Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) suggests that greenways and blueways may be appropriate foci for further development of the City's recreation system. This are also closely related to the issues of alternative transportation and economic development considered in Major Issues #1 and #2, respectively. The following are the provisions of the Sebastian Comprehensive Plan that relate most closely to this issue: Transportation Element: Objective 1.6: Policy 1.6.1: Policy 1.6.2: Policy 1.6.3: Policy 1.6.4: Multi -modal System. The City shall promote alternative modes of transportation to provide a safe and efficient multi -modal system and to provide for a possible reduction of individual motor vehicle travel. All major roadways shall be designed as complete transportation corridors incorporating bicycle and pedestrian features, and planning for transit features to start creating a true multi -modal system. By 2011, the City shall prepare a Greenways Plan for Bicycle and Pedestrian access. The City should provide adequate ROW and construct bicycle ways along corridors to be specified in the Bicycle Plan. Bike -paths shall be established linking arterial and collector streets. Policy 1.6.5: Sidewalks, shall be mandatory on all new roadway construction. a Sidewalks shall be constructed, concurrently with new non- residential development, by the developer. b New residential developments with densities of one or more dwelling units per acre shall provide sidewalks on both sides of every street. Policy 1.6.6: A Pedestrian Improvement Plan shall be prepared, adopted and implemented by 2011. Policy 1.6.8: By 2011, the City shall develop standards in the land development regulations for access to bicycle and pedestrian systems (such City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 54 SEBASTLAN =s HOW 01 Pall. 4. NAND Policy 1.6.9: Recreation and Open Space Element: Policy 7- 1.1.1: Level of Service Standards for Park and Recreation Facilities [lengthy, expresses the City's adopted park and recreation LOS standards] Policy 7- 1.1.3: Policy 7- 1.1.5: standards shall apply to new developments, substantial improvements of existing developments, and to road improvements). By 2011, the City shall review the land development regulations and address the provision of bicycle parking and circulation, pedestrian walkways, and handicap accessible facilities within new developments and existing developments undergoing substantial improvements. Mandatory Land Dedication or Fees in Lieu Thereof. The City shall enforce provisions for the mandatory dedication of land for parks and recreation or fees in lieu thereof contained in §20A- 17.1(H) of the Subdivision Regulations. These regulations are intended to assure that new development provides necessary recreation lands, facilities, and /or fees in lieu thereof in order to accommodate the demands generated by new development. Maintenance of Existing Recreation Lands and Facilities. The City shall maintain existing recreation and facilities through the use of proper management and funding techniques. The City shall assure that recreation facilities are well managed, well maintained, and that quality recreation programs are available to all residents. This shall be partially achieved by continuing efforts toward collecting, maintaining, and updating data concerning public and private resource inventory, recreation improvement, and demand factors, and by improving design criteria and evaluation to attain a high quality park and recreation system. Policy 7- 1.2.1: Implementing Land Development Code. In addition to the subdivision ordinance mandatory park and recreation land and facilities regulation, the City shall enforce land development regulations which include specific open space definitions and standards addressing protection of open space, natural vegetation, landscape, and signage. Regulations shall include stipulations governing the provision and use of open space for buffering, protection or natural corridors, including drainageways, as well as other commonly accepted uses. OBJECTIVE 7 -1.3: ACCESS FACILITIES. After January 2004, all public parks and recreational facilities shall have operational automobile, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Policy 7- 1.3.1: Right -of -Way Improvements. The City has established vehicle access facilities serving all public and private recreational sites. As future roadway improvements are analyzed, the City shall provide for nonmotorized transportation needs using FDOT design standards for City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 55 sEBASTrAN low Hi�At( JI I'LLki 0.N' LLA1L, Capital Improvements Element: Policy 7- 1.3.3: Policy 7- 1.5.4: Policy 7- 1.5.10: Policy 1.2.9: bicycle facilities. No new roadway improvements are currently scheduled by the City. Bicycle /Pedestrian Accessways. All neighborhood parks are provided with bicycle and pedestrian accessways. In planning and designing these accessways, the City shall remove barriers limiting access to the physically handicapped. OBJECTIVE 7 -1.4: ACCESS TO INDIAN RIVER LAGOON AND TRIBUTARIES. By December 31, 2001 the City shall adopt amended land development regulations which include performance criteria designed to preserve access points to the Indian River Lagoon, St. Sebastian River, and their tributaries. Utilize Grantsmen and Other Appropriate Fiscal Advisors. The City shall assure that the advantages of all appropriate local and non -local sources of financial and technical assistance are sought and received. Alternative funding sources and impacts must be monitored continually so that appropriate evolving State and federal assistance programs shall be aggressively pursued to ensure the attainment of recreation objectives in a cost effective and fiscally equitable manner. Fiscal Management. Review and evaluate park land acquisition proposals and recreation development programs to determine changing fiscal implications. Each year fiscal management policies including the capital improvement program and budget shall be reviewed, evaluated, and refined to reflect current program priorities for parks, recreation and open space. The capital improvement program shall reflect changes in recreation needs based on consumer demands and the impact of development trends and shifts in population magnitude and distribution. Adequate Parks and Recreation Funding. The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for parks and recreation capital projects: Grants shall be pursued and used for the completion of parks and recreation capital projects. Funds collected through the implementation of the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee. As can be seen from the data presented above, the City is currently meeting all parks and recreation LOS standards (exception: no data was available regarding the existing number of volleyball courts). With the addition of 5.7 acres of neighborhood park and with the scheduled development of parks at Barber and Acorn, and at Celtic and Crown, LOS standards for acres of neighborhood parks would continue to be met beyond 2015, while existing community parks are City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 56 SE H0 \1L Of 1111C 41 ISL ANC, adequate to serve projected population well beyond the City's 2025 long range planning horizon. With some exceptions, existing facilities would satisfy LOS standards in many cases. The parks and recreation LOS standards as currently devised are of limited usefulness at this stage of Sebastian's development. While the City finds itself with more than adequate park land to meet an overall LOS standard of four acres per 1,000 population (two acres of neighborhood parks plus two acres of community parks per 1,000 population), it could be expected to fall short of neighborhood parks, according to projected population, sometime between 2015 and 2020. One of the main purposes of distinguishing between neighborhood and community parks is to ensure that residents have parks nearby their homes, in other words to effect a more equitable spatial distribution. However, City staff has observed that park preferences differ between different areas of the City, with some areas preferring not to have additional neighborhood /pocket parks, and that, in general, those areas that want these types of facilities currently have them. The City could remedy its projected neighborhood park LOS deficiency by building additional neighborhood parks. However, if this results in neighborhood parks being built in places where they are not wanted, then the LOS standard has become counterproductive as policy. Likewise, the facility- specific LOS standards contained in the Recreation and Open Space Element (number of tennis courts, basketball courts, etc.) no longer seem to make sense as Sebastian's development continues. First, they do not appear to have provided a practical, real world guide to facility development. For example, the City now has 10 tennis courts and seven "equipped play areas" (playgrounds), far beyond what is projected to be needed even in 2025 to meet LOS standards. Meanwhile, the City has developed an entire skate park facility, a dog park and several walking trails, none of which were driven by LOS standards, but rather by opportunities and community desires. These facility- specific LOS standards have not been updated in over 10 years, even as community preferences have changed. This is largely because the standards were included in the Comprehensive Plan, which is updated relatively rarely. Fortunately, the City's park system was developed with the flexibility to respond to evolving preferences. These facility- specific LOS standards should be removed from the Plan to reflect that reality. The concept of greenways was popularized in the United States in the 1990s, and has remained an important planning tool for recreation, conservation, open space and transportation. There are a variety of definitions for greenways, but the one used in the North County Greenways Plan will form a starting point for this discussion: The North Indian River County Greenways Master Plan was adopted by the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in late 2008. The goal of the plan is "...to establish an interconnected system of greenways and blueways in Indian River County that promotes multi -modal transportation, connects urban and rural areas locally and regionally, and enhances recreation and conservation opportunities." This plan builds upon several other plans and initiatives, including the St. Sebastian River Greenways Plan and the conservation boardwalk near Sebastian City Hall. linear open space along natural or manmade corridors with facilities for non motorized travel, including walking, bicycling, running, horseback riding, and other uses." City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 57 5FB SWWWN 110 %II 01 I'ELIi V. 151 A \D The North County Plan recognizes the utility of greenways for both recreation and multi -modal transportation, and establishes the framework for an interconnected system of greenways and blueways. The Plan provides a strong framework for Sebastian to continue to improve recreational opportunities for residents despite less expected construction of traditional parks, provide residents and visitors with convenient and non motorized access to the recreational opportunities of nearby rural and marine natural resources and provide for alternative means of transportation, primarily through better pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The Plan also takes note of the economic benefits of greenway development, which is primarily via improvements in quality of life and enhanced eco- tourism activities. The map on the following page shows existing and planned greenways according to the North County Plan, along with existing City, County and State park and recreation facilities as well as conservation areas. A blueway is a water path or trail that is developed with launch points, camping locations and points of interest for canoeists and kayakers. The blueway concept is similar to that of greenways, except that the corridors are waterways, and focus is almost entirely recreational, as opposed to a means of transportation. Prominent examples of blueway systems in Florida include the Great Calusa Blueway in Lee County, the Paradise Coast Blueway in Collier County and the Charlotte County blueway system. The Indian River Lagoon Blueway has been designated by the State of Florida. The Lagoon is North America's most biologically diverse estuary, and many believe that the Lagoon offers some of the best flat -water kayaking in the world, making this natural resource a potential tourism asset. A Plan for the Blueway managed by the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) calls for public acquisition of 26,610 acres on the east and west sides of the Lagoon. Acquisition sites near Sebastian include an addition to the Pelican Island public holdings and a site on the west side of the Lagoon near CR -510. Likewise, the St. Sebastian River is popular with canoeists and kayakers, and offers natural scenery enhanced by Indian River County recreational facilities: camping and launching opportunities at Dale Wimbrow and Donald MacDonald Parks and a canoe /kayak launch area, complete with paved parking, off of CR -510 just north of CR -512. The Blueways Resources map shows existing and potential blueways resources. The larger canals within Sebastian have less to offer environmentally, of course, than the Indian River Lagoon or the St. Sebastian River, but nevertheless should not be ignored. Via canal a canoeist or kayaker could feasibly access Schumann Lake Island, the Stormwater Park and Hardee Park, and on to the St. Sebastian River and, eventually, the Lagoon. Many people living along such canals already have this opportunity. Needed improvements, however, to make access convenient to the general public would be minimal, such as ensuring that the launching of small craft is possible at each of the parks along a canal. Directional signage is also a possibility, but again the needed improvements would be minimal. The greenways planned through Sebastian by the MPO should be considered the "backbone" of the future pedestrian bicycle system. The City should evaluate the need for other greenways besides those designated by the MPO's plan based on such factors as: opportunities to improve the connectivity of the City's open space /greenway system; the need to improve access in any part of the City that would otherwise have inadequate access to the open space /greenways system; or, providing connections between land uses that would benefit from the availability of improved bicycle pedestrian infrastructure, particularly where this might result in a reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Once complete, most residents of Sebastian would have easy access to the greenways system. Based on population distribution as of the City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 58 SFTIAN HOW i I Vtt�i 0.A M 2000 Census, 81.3% of the population would be within one quarter mile (about a 5 minute walk) of a greenway. When including both parks and greenways, 90.6% of residents would be within one quarter mile of public open space. Given this, Sebastian should primarily focus greenways efforts on ways to make implementation of the North County Greenways Master Plan a success, should coordinating with other transportation and recreation agencies for implementation activities. Two greenways projects significant to Sebastian emerged as Tier 1 priorities in the MPO plan, meaning that some implementation activities would occur in the first five years of the plan. The first project in overall priority is the Trans Florida Coastal Railroad Corridor, which connects Sebastian (vicinity of the CR- 510/CR -512 intersection) to the Fellsmere Water Conservation Area to the west. The next priority is the South Sebastian Greenway Corridor, which runs north from Barber Street through the Stormwater Park and Sebastian Harbor Preserve, also connecting to Easy Street Park and Schumann Drive Park. This greenway would also connect to the North Sebastian Greenway Corridor, which would further connect these assets with Sebastian Elementary School, City Hall, the North Sebastian Conservation Area (NSCA) and, possibly, Roseland Road to the north of the City limits. More details about these and other projects can be found in the North County Greenways Plan. Several policies in the Transportation Element seem to address the need for detailed bicycle, pedestrian and greenways planning in Sebastian. The policies use the terms "Bicycle Plan "Greenways Plan" and "Pedestrian Improvement Plan or which the latter two are to be done by 2011. It is unclear whether these are supposed to refer to the same document or separate documents. Also to be done by 2011 are reviews of the land development regulations to address access to bicycle and pedestrian systems, bicycle parking and circulation, pedestrian walkways and handicapped accessible facilities. Given the requirements of SB 360 (discussed in more detail in Major Issue #1), it seems that these policies should be clarified, and these pedestrian, bicycle and greenways plans should be completed together as part of a plan for multi -modal mobility. Future funding of the parks and recreation system has become a concern for Sebastian. While the City's Recreation Impact Fee (RIF), along with grants, have generally provided adequate revenues to fund needed capital improvements, concern has focused on the cost of operations and maintenance of park facilities once they are built. This is reflected both in comments by City officials and in the FY 2009 -2010 Budget Document, which states that: previously scheduled neighborhood parks and playground improvements projects have been cancelled due to concerns that the City will not be able to maintain them properly." As touched upon earlier, the City is unlikely to continue to develop parkland at rates seen previously. The City should begin to shift further development of open space and recreation to extend outward from its parks throughout the City, connecting the City's existing parks resources via the greenways discussed above to create a more integrated open space system. This will improve access to recreational facilities, make the City's park system more accessible and provide a green, nonmotorized connection between the developed environs within the City's jurisdiction and the recreational opportunities afforded by the beautiful natural resources surrounding Sebastian. This shift makes fiscal sense for several reasons. First, the greenway system serves two purposes: first, as open space /recreational opportunity; and second, as infrastructure for walking, bicycling and other non motorized transportation modes. Thus, capital funding, and in some cases maintenance funding, may come from transportation funds in addition to recreation City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 61 SESTtAN Ho. 01 1 k a4 1St a \D funds. This is essentially a savings through efficiency, as the same infrastructure is used for two purposes. Because the trails planned through Sebastian are part of the MPO's broader plan, a large portion of funding would come from outside sources. For example, greenways are heavily funded under the federal Transportation Enhancements (TE) program, for which strictly recreational facilities would not be eligible. Additionally, greenways improvements can be integrated into ongoing infrastructure projects, substantially lowering their cost. The North County Greenways Plan estimates an annual operations and maintenance cost of $21,000 per mile, and a GIS analysis indicates that there would be approximately 26 miles of greenways at buildout of the system, representing an annual cost of $546,000. Maintenance, however, could be expected to be a multi- agency collaboration, and any portion of costs for which the City might be responsible would likely be negotiated on a case -by -case basis. Recommendations Based on the above analysis, the following are recommendations for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Also note that those recommendations of Major Issue #1 that relate to encouraging bicycle and pedestrian activity are also related to this Issue. Revise the recreation and open space LOS standards to a simple standard of four acres per 1,000 population, ending both the distinction between community and neighborhood parks for LOS purposes and removing the facility- specific LOS standards currently in the Plan. Include policies encouraging public private partnerships with local organizations that promote bicycling, hiking, canoeing /kayaking and other forms of eco- tourism. Revise policies in the Transportation Element calling for pedestrian, bicycle and greenways planning and for land development code reviews dealing with similar issues, to clarify that such plans and studies are to be conducted together, as part of a plan to improve multi -modal mobility in Sebastian. On an ongoing basis, review right -of -way width requirements for roadways to ensure that there is adequate space for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, including greenways where applicable. Include policies in the Transportation and Intergovernmental Coordination Elements to review all proposed road improvements in and near Sebastian to ensure that any opportunities for advancement of the North County Greenways Master Plan have been included. Include policies to ensure that the land development regulations will ensure interconnection of new development with any adjacent designated greenway. If mobility fees or a similar concept (discussed at more length in Major Issue #1) are instituted in Sebastian, consider redirecting a portion funding from roadways to bicycle pedestrian facilities, including greenways. Include a policy in the Parks and Recreation Element to consider the future use of Recreation Impact Fees (RIF) to fund development of greenways. Include a policy the Recreation and Open Space Element that to the extent feasible, all parks located adjacent to a canal shall have an area suitable for launching a canoe, kayak or similar small craft. Revise the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to address implementation of the North County Greenways Master Plan. Include policies in the Future Land Use Element to review the land development regulations to ensure that kayak rentals, bicycle rentals and similar uses associated with eco- tourism are permitted and adequately regulated in the Riverfront Mixed -Use (RMU) area. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 62 SERAsTIAN tl� t4 i?1 I`t11i 4S. a Major Issue #5: Annexation and Service Delivery: Annexation has been a contentious issue in Sebastian's past, largely because of its association with growth and development of vacant land on the City's municipal boundaries. But annexation is a complicated issue that is tied to a myriad of other factors including economic development, fiscal resources, service delivery, intergovernmental coordination and others. Analysis of this issue will include identifying potential annexation opportunities and annexation strategies; as well as the impact of development in the land adjacent to but outside of municipal boundaries and Interlocal agreements. From the City's perspective, expansion of its municipal boundaries entails costs and benefits that must be weighed carefully. Rationales for annexation include providing sufficient land for growth and development of the city; recognition that a municipal government is the most logical provider of general government or other services for existing or expected development; improving a city's fiscal position; gaining regulatory control of land use and other matters near the municipality; and others. Residents and property owners may favor being annexed because they desire the services that this entails, such as police protection, etc., may prefer the City's land development regulations either for their own property or their neighbors' or for other, less tangible reasons. For both a city and for residents and property owners, annexation involves trade -offs, including higher expenditures for service provision for municipalities, and higher taxes and often more regulation for property owners. All of these factors are likely to be influential as Sebastian continues to figure out its municipal boundaries through the Plan's 2025 timeframe. As noted above, annexation policy and activities have implications for economic development, the city's fiscal position, the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery and intergovernmental coordination. Both the City's Comprehensive Plan and the County's Comprehensive Plan include objectives or policies directly addressing annexation. The City's policies are as follows: Future Land Use Element: Policy 1- 1.2.2: Agriculture for Annexed Lands. The City shall utilize the Agriculture Land Use classification for future annexations of existing agricultural lands until such a time that urban growth is contiguous and agricultural activities are no longer economically sustaining. Objective 1 -2.10: ANNEXATION STUDIES. The City of Sebastian acknowledges a need to prevent urban sprawl and disjointed urban service delivery systems. In addition, the City desires to develop a plan for managing annexation of unincorporated enclaves as well as fringe areas adjacent to the City, especially for potential industrial centers within the incorporated area. Therefore, the City of Sebastian may require an analysis on a case by case basis for areas considered for annexation. Policy 1- 2.10.1: Parameters of the Annexation Studies. A City of Sebastian annexation study may include: 1. Review and evaluation of Indian River County land development forecasts within the unincorporated urban area together with supportive documentation. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 63 sEBATtq(y oitp —0 1.10M L or Pith a' KLAy Intergovernmental Coordination Element: 2. Analysis of area to be annexed of unincorporated enclaves and subareas within the unincorporated urban area, including: Population and housing Traffic circulation system Water and wastewater service Drainage and natural water basins Impact of development on of state and federally listed protected species. 3. Protect urban population and employment trends and estimate land area required to accommodate projected residential and nonresidential activities. 4. Fiscal impact analysis and determination of future capital improvements to meet such basic services such as police protection, utilities, code enforcement, building and zoning, permitting and inspection services to meet City of Sebastian standards. 5. Analysis and determination of impacts to municipal and County services including police fire protection, utilities, permitting and inspection, school capacity etc to meet standards outlined in Interlocal agreements (including the Interlocal Boundary Services Agreement between the County and the municipalities). 6. Analysis of current land uses to determine contribution to the City's tax base. Policy 1- 2.10.2: Annexation Strategy. The City shall develop an annexation strategy for planning and managing development within the unincorporated urban area, including annexation alternatives. The strategy shall include but not be limited to: Procedures for intergovernmental coordination of land use policy governing development within unincorporated urban areas (including isolated enclaves) which are logical targets for incorporation into the City of Sebastian; and Policies and or actions for developing efficient systems for: 1) delivering municipal services; 2) achieving diversification of the municipal tax base. Policy 8- 1.1.3: The City shall pursue resolution of development and growth management issues with impacts transcending the City's political jurisdiction, by participating in the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Advisory Committee. Issues of regional and state significance shall be coordinated with the regional or State agencies having jurisdictional authority. Issues to be pursued include but are not limited to the following: Impacts of development proposed in the Comprehensive Plan on Indian River County, the region or the State. Indian River County land development activities adjacent to the City's corporate limits. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 64 5BASTIAN How 01 Pill,: a% 1St AN C, OBJECTIVE 8 -1.3: INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS AND LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS. The City will maintain the adopted concurrency management program (refer to Objective 9 -1.5) that requires specific issues surrounding level of service standards for existing and proposed public facilities within the City and adjacent areas be coordinated with all State, regional, or local agencies or private entities having existing or proposed future responsibility for the operation and maintenance of such facilities. This objective shall be measured through the implementation of the following policies. Policy 8- 1.3.1: Indian River County Future Land Use Element: Policy 13.2: Policy 13.3: City of Sebastian land development activities adjacent to the unincorporated area of the County. Potential annexation issues. Proposed North County central water and wastewater systems. Areawide drainage and stormwater management master plan, proposed improvements, and implementing programs. Solid waste disposal, especially improvements required in order to comply with the 1988 Solid Waste Recovery Act. Level of service standards for infrastructure system impacting the City and adjacent unincorporated areas. [policy has been abridged here to exclude bullets that do not pertain directly to this major issue] Coordinate Regional /Sub- Regional Infrastructure Issues. The City shall work with various Indian River County Special Committees, including the North County Water and Wastewater District, the North County Fire District, the Joint Transportation Committee, and other similar committees in addressing issues surrounding regional or sub regional infrastructure systems. Issues which shall be coordinated include, but shall not be limited to, wastewater and potable water systems improvements within the North County area; maintenance of the fire protection and emergency medical service in the North County area; improvements to several State Roads and County Roads; solid waste and hazardous waste disposal; and plans for "district" or "urban" parks in the North County area. Relevant Indian River County Comprehensive Plan policies are as follows: Indian River County, through coordination with municipalities within the county, shall ensure that future annexation will not create enclaves. By 1999, the County shall encourage municipalities to identify potential areas for annexation, develop criteria for annexation decisions, and execute interlocal agreements with the County to formalize these criteria. [The County's draft EAR -Based Amendments would change the year in this policy to 2011] City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 65 sE TIAN u' FlaNSIt IN raw AT hLA',t [Policies 13.4, 13.5 and 13.6 regarding elimination of enclaves are proposed for deletion as part of the County's EAR -Based Amendments] Proposed Policy 13.4: Indian River County shall work with municipalites in the County to amend the proposed interlocal service boundary agreement between the county and municipalities to address annexation issues, maintenance of established level of service standards, extra jurisdictional development impacts, upfront coordination on land use amendments and rezonings and establishment of a dispute resolution process. According to GIS calculations, Sebastian has added approximately 575.5 acres to its and area since 1995, the year reported in the last EAR. These annexations have been concentrated, first, among small properties along the US -1 corridor, particularly in the northern part of Sebastian and second, among several larger parcels in the southwest part of the City, especially near CR -512 and CR- 510/90 Avenue. There have also been annexations of larger interior parcels. During recent rapid growth years, annexations became a hot political issue in Sebastian, largely as a proxy for the issue of land development on the City's fringe. For over two years, the City has been in negotiations with Indian River County and the other municipalities in the county enact an Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement (ISBA), primarily to address the issue of annexation. Although the Town of Indian River Shores has withdrawn from the process, the other municipalities are still working toward enactment. Prior to the past decade, there was relatively little annexation activity in Indian River County. However, the City Fellsmere, west of Sebastian, annexed nearly 25,000 acres of land between 2000 and 2008. The City of Fellsmere has passed large future land use amendments that greatly increase development potential, raising concerns for the impacts of such growth on other communities and, for Sebastian, remaining opportunities for future expansions of the municipal boundary. Fellsmere and DCA are currently in negotiations to reach a settlement agreement on the proposed amendments. The ISBA would create "annexation reserve areas" for each municipality in the County participating in the agreement, outside of which annexation would not be allowed. It would also create a new committee made up of one elected official from each participating government. This committee would review requests for annexations and land use changes for annexed properties. Unanimous agreement of committee members would be required to approve land use amendments resulting in substantive changes in density /height allowances for properties outside for the County Urban Service Area (USA) and /or County changes to the USA. However, this unanimous consent requirement would have exceptions including most potential annexations in Sebastian's reserve area. See the map on the following page for latest draft of municipal annexation reserve areas. Sebastian's proposed reserve area includes all of that portion of the Indian River County mainland north of the City's boundaries and east /south of the St. Sebastian River, large areas west of the City on CR -512, large areas to the south, all of the US -1 corridor to the east of the current City boundaries on the mainland and all existing unincorporated enclaves surrounded by Sebastian's jurisdiction. While there is agreement between the prospective parties on most ISBA issues, final approval of the ISBA has taken on a lower priority as growth pressures have slowed substantially and as Fellsmere continues negotiations with DCA. There are a number of annexation possibilities within the proposed annexation reserve area. To the north of is the Roseland community, as well as mostly commercial properties on the US -1 corridor. Due to its proximity and the possibility of making service delivery more efficient, City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 SEBASTIAN sow tom 01 1'f tIC I.L 66 Roseland may be a logical annexation target. However, potential issues stand in the way. First, annexing the entire community at once would be nearly impossible via voluntary annexation, since each and every property owner must agree; second, it is not clear that Roseland residents favor annexation; and third, without further study it is not clear that annexation would be a net fiscal benefit to Sebastian, which would nullify the benefit from service delivery efficiency. At the same time, pursuing annexation of the neighborhood in a piecemeal fashion would only serve to further exacerbate service delivery inefficiencies. Those properties along the US -1 corridor offer a different situation. By pursuing voluntary annexation of contiguous properties, the City has been able to expand the City's boundaries in a logical fashion. To the east of the City's current boundaries, surrounding the US -1 corridor to the south of the Downtown, is a significant amount of area that remains unincorporated. There are several compelling reasons why these properties should be a target of annexation. Functionally, they are nearly a de facto part of the City today, and while they may not directly receive city services as they would upon annexation, they certainly benefit by being next to a well -run city i.e. road maintenance, police protection, nearby parks, the City's economic development efforts, etc. At the same time, "squaring up" this boundary would improve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. Law enforcement is an excellent example, as Indian River County Sheriff deputies now must expend resources serving an area that could be more efficiently served by the City's police department, and which except for the existing, somewhat arbitrary city boundary are essentially part of the Sebastian community. This same logic applies to enclaves, which are basically unincorporated islands that are surrounded by land within the city. On the other hand, property owners in these areas may wish to avoid the additional taxes that would come with annexation. To the west of the City, primarily in the CR -512 corridor, is a significant amount of vacant land in the City's proposed reserve area. It should be anticipated that these areas will eventually be annexed. This area is important for a number of reasons, including being a gateway to the community and the excellent access afforded by the 1 -95 interchange. Additionally, this area is home to the North County Transit Hub where sever GoLine bus routes meet North County Regional Park, and is near the intersection of several future greenways, including one along the CR -512 corridor that is a high priority for greenways implementation. These factors make the area or part of it appropriate for consideration as a future "node" as discussed in Major Issue #1, an area of enhanced alternative transportation amenities with the possibility of future higher densities /intensities. Such a form of development is unlikely to take place without proactive planning to set out appropriate parameters such as mixed -use guidelines and urban design provisions. Finally, to the south of the City's boundaries is a substantial amount of land, as can be seen on the latest ISBA Map, most of which is vacant or in agricultural use. If this area is eventually developed with other than rural uses, it should become part of Sebastian. However, there is enough land in this area to accommodate a substantial amount of development, likely much more than would be needed over the Comprehensive Plan's 2025 horizon. A more immediate concern is the CR -510 corridor, and the area between the corridor and the City's current boundaries. Existing County land use designations in this corridor include agriculture /rural density residential, as well as more suburban density residential further east, nearer the Indian River Lagoon. The City of Sebastian has a great interest in this corridor whether it is within the City's boundaries or not. Any development there will have large impacts positive, negative or both to the City and its residents, and will affect the City's image. Additionally, the City is seeking adequate commercial and industrial lands to accommodate its economic development needs, and many have pointed to the 510 corridor as a place to meet those needs. At the same City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 69 sEBALs4LAN rs 1 t<L OF PELICAN ISLAND time, piecemeal annexation poses a number of problems, not only for service delivery but also for the logical and orderly growth and development of the corridor. Some property owners may choose to request annexation or to specifically not request annexation because they prefer either the municipal or county regulatory regime to control development of their property. The result of adjacent properties along the same corridor being governed by two different sets of development regulations is more likely to result in a lack of coordination leading to poor urban design and a corridor that does not function as well as it should. There are a number of tools that could deal with this issue, including joint planning and development of consistent regulations for the corridor, as well as encouraging blocks of property owners to request annexation of larger contiguous areas, as opposed to piecemeal annexation. As discussed earlier, the Comprehensive Plan includes a number of provisions that relate to annexation. In general, the objectives and policies are clear and thorough and provide a relevant guide for the City's general approach to annexation. However, the analysis presented in the EAR and the progress of the proposed ISBA reveal ways that the City could amend the Plan to incorporate more focused policies addressing the City's specific annexation issues. This is consistent with existing FLUE Policy 1- 2.10.2 (Annexation Strategy). It is also important to coordinate and where possible reach consensus with Indian River County on annexation issues, and the recommendations that follow also respond to the policies of the County Plan as cited above. The City continues to pursue enactment of the ISBA, which would provide a logical framework for annexation decisions in the County, binding participants for the next 20 years. However, in is unsure that that ISBA enactment will be accomplished. It is important for the City to continue to carefully pursue a rational annexation policy that is consistent with possible enactment of the ISBA, but is not dependent upon it. Recommendations The Sebastian Comprehensive Plan should be amended to include provisions to: Pursue joint planning arrangements with Indian River County to plan for future growth and development of the CR -510 Corridor south of the City, and the CR -512 corridor west of the St. Sebastian River. Joint planning arrangements could include such things as joint corridor planning, adoption of identical land development regulations for the corridor. Require property owners requesting voluntary annexation to pay for an annexation study complying with FLUE Policy 1- 2.10 -.1, unless an annexation study covering the same area has previously been completed. Such a study should be completed by a competent, independent third party acceptable to both the City and property owner(s). Because economies of scale are assumed in the preparation of such annexation studies, this requirement should serve as an incentive for property owners to apply jointly for annexation. Require a future and use map amendment application to be submitted concurrently with annexation requests over a land area size to be determined. This will allow both the City and the County to concurrently review proposed uses for property to be annexed. For voluntary annexation requests involving property that is already developed and where use and character are already established, the City should provide a specifically designed process designed to be Tess burdensome and more affordable for property owners. Pursue establishment of formal processes with the County that would provide the City the opportunity to review and comment on all Comprehensive Plan, zoning and development applications for land near the City. Such processes may be included in the ISBA if it is eventually adopted. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR— DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 5113A-nAN 70 HO tit CH Pftl.: 41 l±l alI, For enclaves and those areas east of the City's current boundaries and south of the Downtown area, work with property owners and the County to encourage voluntary annexations, as well as to consider the use of annexation by interlocal agreement for larger areas. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 71 SEBASTIAN l -r. VI. Consistency with State and Regional Requirements S. 163.3191, F.S. requires that the EAR evaluate whether changes in Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., Rule 9J -5, F.A.C., the State Comprehensive Plan or the applicable strategic regional policy plan (in this case the Treasure Coast Strategic Regional Policy Plan) require changes in the City's Comprehensive Plan. What follows is an evaluation of how changes in these statutes, rules and plans, since the City's last EAR in 1197, that are applicable to the City of Sebastian, have been addressed or, as necessary, need to be addressed through the EAR -Based Amendments. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 72 SETLAN HOt1LJ1 AND Amendment Needed By Element 1986: [Ch. 86 -191, SS.7 12, 18 31, Laws of Florida) 1992: [Ch. 92 -129, Laws of Florida, and Ch. 92 -279, S. 77, Laws of Floridaj 1993: [Ch. 93 -206, Laws of Florida (aka the ELMS bill) and Ch. 93 -285, S. 12, Laws of Florida) Addressed (where /how) Throughout the Future Land Use Element See Consistency with SCP section CIE Policy 1.2.1 and in each of the functional elements. CIE Objective 1.6 and implementing policies. Future Land Use Element, Coastal Management Element Future Land Use Element FLUE Objective 1 -2.9, Policies 1- 2.2.2, 1 -2.2.3 and 1 -2.9.1 1 -2.9.7 Throughout Plan Housing Element Chapter 163, F.S. Citations 163.3177(6)(a) 163.3177(10) CO CO CD 163.3161(9) 163.3177(6)(f)1. Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. A Future Land Use Element must have "goals, policies, and measurable objectives," rather than "measurable goals, objectives, and policies." Required each local government to review and address all State Comprehensive Plan provisions relevant to that jurisdiction. Recognized that local governments are charged with setting level of- service standards. Public facilities and services needed to support development shall be available concurrent with the impacts of development. (11)(a): Recognized the need for innovative planning and development strategies to address the anticipated continued urbanization of the coast and other environmentally sensitive areas. (11)(b): Stated that plans should allow land use efficiencies within existing urban areas, and should also allow for the conversion of rural lands to other uses. (11)(c): Provided that plans and land development regulations (LDRs) should maximize the use of existing facilities and services through redevelopment, urban infill, and other strate• ies for urban revitalization. Amended the intent section to include that constitutionally _protected property rights must be respected. Amended the requirements for the housing element by: Having the element apply to the jurisdiction, rather than the area. Including very-low income housing in the types of housing to be considered. Provided guidance that the creation or preservation of affordable housing should minimize the need for additional Amendment Needed By Element Addressed (where /how) c o (a c o o U as c E c m c m �w N c o a) E c6 a) LLl N a) c E a) D E o 0 o_T E a>i m co U Chapter 163, F.S. Citations cfl Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. local services and avoid the concentration of affordable housing units only in specific areas. SIC�.IIII Il;dl IL iiiipeiuib 011 SL"d LC 01 Ily.lurldl ldUUnICS. A process for mitigating extrajurisdictional impacts in the jurisdiction in which they occur. A dispute resolution process. A process for modification of DRI development orders without loss of recognized development rights. Procedures to identify and implement joint planning areas. Recognition of campus master plans. Requiring each county, all municipalities within that county, the school board, and other service providers to enter into formal agreements, and include in their plans, joint processes for collaborative planning and decision making. Created a new section for concurrency which: Provides concurrency on a statewide basis only for roads, sewers, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, and mass transit; a local government can extend concurrency to public schools if it first conducts a study to determine how the requirement would be met. Set timing standards for concurrency of: For sewer, solid waste, drainage and potable water facilities, in place no later than the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. For parks and recreation facilities, no later than 1 year after issuance of certificate of occupancy. For transportation facilities, in place or under actual construction no later than 3 years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Allows development that does not meet concurrency if the local government has failed to implement the Capital Improvements Element, and the develoser makes a bindin• Amendment Needed By Element 1999: [Ch. 99 -251, ss. 65 -6, and 90; Ch. 99 -378, ss. 1, 3 -5, and 8 -9, Laws of Florida] 2002: [Ch. 2002 -296, ss. 1 11, Laws of Florida] Public Facilities Element; Capital Improvements Element; possibly others. Public Facilities Element The regional water supply plan (RWSP) should be reviewed during preparation of the EAR -Based Amendments to determine whether the Conservation Element needs be updated to support the RWSP. Addressed (where /how) Transportation Element; Capital Improvements Element Transportation Element Intergovernmental Coordination Element The required interlocal agreement has been executed. Intergovernmental Coordination Element Chapter 163, F.S. Citations (e)(t-)096£'£96 1 163.3180(1)(b) 163.3177(4)(a) 163.3177(6)(c) cn cei 163.3177(6)(h) 163.3177(6)(h)4. 163.3177(6)(h)6., 7., &8. Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. Made transportation facilities subject to concurrency. Required use of professionally accepted techniques for measuring level of service for cars, trucks, transit, bikes and pedestrians. Required coordination of local comprehensive plan with the regional water supply plan. Required that by adoption of the EAR, the sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element consider the regional water supply plan and include a 10 -year work plan to build the identified water supply facilities. Required consideration of the regional water supply plan in the preparation of the conservation element. Required that the intergovernmental coordination element (ICE) include relationships, principles and guidelines to be used in coordinating comp plan with regional water supply plans. Required the local governments adopting a public educational facilities element execute an inter -local agreement with the district school board, the county, and non exempting municipalities. Required that counties larger than 100,000 population and their municipalities submit an inter -local service delivery agreements (existing and proposed, deficits or duplication in the provisions of W to O Y 3 U ca t U C O E c O a°)) m O N Y O U v 0 c 0 W c n r= 7 O U) c O c 0 f0 Z a) .a) .0 O (0 eL c _c? z W o O ,U °o 0 a) a) U a) (15 .c a) o E•> m O 0 N m N D E c cr 1 3 �0E u .S 0 N a) c U co C 0 Q (0 E C U N O O O U N O O rn 0 (6 0) U N 0 O O N ,7 w 0 m o� c a) U C C w ti O E ui ti0 u)(1) O M C a) U cla)a)c(�0 C a) rn j 0 m O O N am cn a) �c0 U N C 0 a) 0 (6 n3 -C N i v) a N X 00ma) 0 C •0 L c0 (n c a. co m Q 0) 0) Y 00 o o c 0 U a) C N O d W 3 U a) t O U Q m O cn Q Q C O O o E Q 0) X -o T. a) (0 3. c 0 a) E (0 y a) in- U U C a) D aoi( 0 O N Q O c C 0 a)E o c o a) 4) c o c0 (0 a)� D Y 0 0. E N L O C o a)3 c (7a uj E E x, 112 c U Q a) a) E E w o (0 (0 -a c as C C 4) a) 0 a) m E _o E u.W QW W_ 0 D a) 0 a) c 0 0) 0 a) 0 L Q (0 L U) L 0 c (0 a) .0 O U c Q a) c y L O_ R 0 U m 0 a) O C O O E O (6 z B E t a C o •0 a j a) 0. to o _c O (6 ca a c t+ C U C .r+ a) (a O' V2 i 0 c (a ca a7 -5 Q 8)R o Qpa) °o c >4 2 y E c O a) 4 C E L E m m m o E c c (0 O Q 0 O a) C c o_ 0 E E E Q' a) a) o a) -a a5 O Q Q as a) a) N OO E te t: a Q N 2 N o t co L O O U 2 8ocO a) O Q (0 CO U N O O Q a) c E o a) g a) 0 N N a C CO d N O_ 5 L a) 0 a L O 0 r a)_� rx co (0 .<1 a) c O 0 0 U O O co C O Q a� Q co p E o N (0 (0 CD C d a) (0 D o 0. (0 a) Q N (0 5 O cr It c E a co Amendment Needed By Element C N Q 0 C N O C N O L.i N a) U (0 N Q CC (1) O N _C W 0 U N U U (6 CL LL Coastal Management Element Land Development Regulations Addressed (where /how) C O c O U (6 C O E N 4.=. 1) 4) a) C C a) N a) N W W N N U U (3 a LL LL O O L L U U U) 7 w U 0 U 0 .g a 1 CL Interlocal agreement entered into Public School Facilities Element; Capital Improvements Element Chapter 163, F.S. Citations LLL4£'£9L. 163.3178 163.3180 Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. (6)(h)1.: The intergovernmental coordination element must address coordination with regional water supply authorities. (2): Required the public schools interlocal agreement (if applicable) to address requirements for school concurrency. The opt -out provision at the end of Subsection (2) is deleted. (2)(g): Expands requirement of coastal element to include strategies that will be used to preserve recreational and commercial working waterfronts, as defined in s.342.07, F.S. (1)(a): Added "schools" as a required concurrency item. 2)(a): Required consultation with water supplier prior to issuing building permit to ensure "adequate water supplies" to serve new development will be available by the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Amendment Needed By Element Iq« _a u) 22 7 f E a w k c E E 2(0 E >0 2 2 o 7 c 2ƒ •2Eu) Eo Ef 0 m °mss as R a0Ct Addressed (where /how) e 2 f E a) 2 as 2 w co co 0 o 2 co ƒ 0 cn cu o Cr) m D E .0 0 f k E I I in d 5 I w a y Eo 22 u 6 o c LL 0 E_ E 0 I m< Chapter 163, F.S. Citations Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. G,_ 0 RS CD g 2 ƒ a\ c� 0(0 k 0 n» co e co o- P 5 5// E E .c _c e 0_ C "CS m o 0 e 2 a E o Q (7, 0> o M C m 6 C o :o f c E (0 t$ f E 2S f ib y c oe 2 e 2 c E (D_ -0 -r u ®■e£- c 3 f \-E; 0 2 •E o 2 2° E Q 0 5 .R E CO a e E a o =E /2 2 7 o 5, 7 Gw23 5 E m ƒ fy .f% 0 P\ Q o r 0) c a m� 2 .0 7 0 Q_0§ r a o ��w c E (0\ 2 0 0� co f a 0 3 3 E g o 0°5 c =c JE 5 c e /3= o a CDo e 2± 20 I\ cu\ 0 E \�C fi t£ ocu m f E� o c o e2 CD f 0 0 w §�0 e 0 oE o u E£ E o-' C 2 X 3 0 g as S 15 o m k 2 0 20 E 2 E a. E o 0- \f 2= 7 Q0 E° 2 moo o c u) °ow o cm t� f t f\ ��o G t Jo Amendment Needed By Element 2006 [Ch. 2006 -68, Ch. 2006 -69, Ch. 2006 -220, Ch. 2006 -252, Ch. 2006 -255, Ch. 2006 -268, Laws of Florida] Coastal Management Element Coastal Management Element; Transportation Element Coastal Management Element; Transportation Element Coastal Management Element; Future Land Use Map a) D C m J C a) a) 3 N LL W Addressed (where /how) Chapter 163, F.S. Citations 163.3178(2)(h) 163.3178(9)(a) [New] 163.3178(9)(b) [New] 163.3178(2)(c) co CD Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. Changes the definition of the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) to be the area below the elevation of the category 1 storm surge line as established by the SLOSH model. Ch. 2006 -68, LOF. Adds a new section allowing a local government to comply with the requirement that its comprehensive plan direct population concentrations away from the CHHA and maintains or reduces hurricane evacuation times by maintaining an adopted LOS Standard for out -of- county hurricane evacuation for a category 5 storm, by maintaining a 12 -hour hurricane evacuation time or by providing mitigation that satisfies these two requirements. Ch. 2006 -68, LOF. Adds a new section establishing a level of service for out -of- county hurricane evacuation of no greater than 16 hours for a category 5 storm for any local government that wishes to follow the process in s.163.3178(9)(a) but has not established such a level of service by July 1, 2008. Ch. 2006 -68, LOF. Requires local governments to amend their Future Land Use Map and coastal management element to include the new definition of the CHHA, and to depict the CHHA on the FLUM by July 1, 2008. Ch. 2006 -68, LOF. local government has not established such standards; establishes procedures for the review of applications for the location of a new substation; allows local governments to enact reasonable setback and landscape buffer standards for substations. Ch. 2006 -268, LOF. Amendment Needed By Element 2007 [Ch. 2007 -196, Ch. 2007 -198, Ch. 2007 -204, Laws of Florida) Public School Facilities Element 2008 [Ch. 2008 -191 and Ch. 2008 -227, Laws of Florida) Conservation Element Future Land Use Map Housing Element Addressed (where /how) Capital Improvements Element The City is current with required annual CIE updates. Housing Element FLUE Objective 1 -2.9 and implementing policies FLUE Policies 1 -4.5.2 and 1 -4.5.3 FLUE Policies 1 -4.2.2 through 1- 4.5.7 TE Policies 1.2.1, 1.3.7, 1.5.6, 1.5.8, 1.6.1 through 1.6.15 and Objective 1.6 Chapter 163, F.S. Citations CO CO N 163.3180 (e)(9)LL 6£'£91. 163.3177(6)(a) 163.3177(6)(a) 163.3177(6)(d) 163.3177(6)(d) pue U' 6(4)(9)LL 6£'£9 6 163.3177(6)(j) Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. (2) Clarifies that financial feasibility is determined using a five year period (except in the case of long -term transportation or school concurrency management, in which case a 10 or 15 -year period applies). Ch. 2007 -204, LOF. (3)(b)1. Requires an annual update to the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements to be submitted by December 1, 2008 and yearly thereafter. If this date is missed, no amendments are allowed until the update is adopted. Ch. 2007 -204, LOF. (6)(f)1.d. Revises the housing element requirements to ensure adequate sites for affordable workforce housing within certain counties. Ch. 2007 -198, LOF. (13)(e)4. A development precluded from commencing because of school concurrency may nevertheless commence if certain conditions are met. Ch. 2007 -204, LOF. The future land use plan must discourage urban sprawl. Ch. 2008- 191, LOF. The future land use plan must be based upon energy- efficient land use patterns accounting for existing and future energy electric power generation and transmission systems. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. The future land use plan must be based upon greenhouse gas reduction strategies. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. The conservation element must include factors that affect energy conservation. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. The future land use map series must depict energy conservation. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. The housing element must include standards, plans and principles to be followed in energy efficiency in the design and construction of new housing and in the use of renewable energy resources. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. Local governments within an MPO area must revise their transportation element to include strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ch. 2008 -191, LOF. Amendment Needed By Element November 22, 1989 17666 `CZ 4 Coastal Management Element Intergovernmental Coordination Element. These should be updated to acknowledge the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan. Addressed (where /how) Capital Improvements Element Capital Improvements Element Capital Improvements Element General Monitoring and Review Criteria (Chapter of Comprehensive Plan) Capital Improvements Element; Transportation Element 9J -5, F.A.C. Citations SS00'S 6 91-0 9J- 5.016(4)(a)2. 9- 5.005(1)(c) 9- 5.005(7) in Changes to Rule 9J -5, F.A.C. Required local governments to adopt a concurrency management system in their comprehensive plans and established requirements for such systems. Required the capital improvement element to include requirements to ensure an adequate concurrency management system is implemented. Clarified requirements relating to projected revenue sources that are contingent upon ratification by public referendum. Required local comprehensive plans to include a countywide marina siting plan for participating local governments in the coastal area and intergovernmental coordination processes. Revised monitoring and evaluation requirements to include a description of the public participation process and components of the evaluation and appraisal process. Note: Revised February 25, 2001. Revised requirements for the concurrency management system to include provisions regarding level of service standards, and minimum requirements for concurrency, and authorized local governments to incorporate within their concurrency management system optional long term concurrency management systems, transportation concurrency management areas, transportation concurrency exception areas; concurrency exceptions for projects that promote public transportation, and provisions for private contributions to local government capital improvement plannin. Amendment Needed By Element Coastal Management Element data and analysis should be updated as part of the EAR -Based amendments to consider the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan. Coastal Management Element should be updated to acknowledge the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan, as well as include policies to incorporate any recommendations from an interagency hazard mitigation report into the Comprehensive Plan. Addressed (where /how) FLUE Objective 1 -4.1 (hazard mitigation report- related) Housing Element Housing Element 9J -5, F.A.C. Citations 9J- 5.006(3)(b) 9J- 5.010(1) and (2) (£)01.0 9J- 5.012(2) CD Changes to Rule 9J -5, F.A.C. Required the Future Land Use Element to include objectives to encourage elimination or reduction of uses that are inconsistent with an interagency hazard mitigation report. Required the Housing Element inventory and analysis to: Use data from the affordable housing needs assessment; Address housing needs of existing and future residents; Avoid the concentration of affordable housing; and Address the needs of very-low income families as well as low and moderate income families. Required Housing Element objectives to address: Housing needs of current and future residents; Sites and distribution of housing for very-low income and low- income families; and Use of job training, job creation and economic solutions to address affordable housing concerns. Required Coastal Management Element inventories and analyses to be coordinated with the countywide marina siting plan. Required Coastal Management Element policies to: Incorporate recommendations from interagency hazard mitigation reports; Address the relocation, mitigation or replacement of infrastructure within the coastal high- hazard area; Include criteria consistent with the countywide marina siting plan; and Include a procedure to resolve inconsistencies between the local comprehensive plan and the deepwater port master plan. Amendment Needed By Element Coastal Management Element should be updated to acknowledge the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan. May 18, 1994 The EAR -Based Amendments should include updated existing and future conditions maps to show the updated CHHA boundaries. There are no potable waterwells or wellhead protection areas within Sebastian's jurisdiction. Addressed (where /how) Transportation Element Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map PFE Objective 4 -4.1 and implementing policies Future Land Use Element tuawei 6uisnoH 9J -5, F.A.C. Citations 9J- 5.012(4) 61.O f6 9J- 5.005(1) 9J- 5.006(3) o o 9J -5.010 Changes to Rule 9J -5, F.A.C. Required affected local governments to incorporate the marina siting plan in the Coastal Management Element. Required local governments having all or part of their jurisdiction within the urbanized area of a Metropolitan Planning Organization to prepare and adopt a transportation element which replaces the traffic circulation element, the mass transit element, and the ports, aviation and related facilities element and established requirements for the transportation element. Revised comprehensive plan content requirements to clarify that the future land use map or map series must be included in the adopted comprehensive plan. Required goals, objectives and policies to establish standards for the use of land and guidelines for land development regulations. Required policies of the Future Land Use Element to address protection of potable water wellfields by designating appropriate activities and land uses within wellhead protection areas. Required public potable waterwells, wellhead protection areas, and coastal high hazard areas to be shown on the future land use map and provided that educational uses, public buildings and grounds and other public facilities may be shown as one land use category. Provided that if mixed use categories are used, policies must specify types of land uses allowed, the percentage distribution among the mix of uses or other objective measurement, and the density and intensity of each use. Required the Housing Element to address housing for moderate income, low income, and very low income households, group homes, foster care facilities, and households with special housing needs, including rural and farmworker housing. Amendment Needed By Element Housing Element Future Land Use Map This data and analysis described should be updated in the Public Facilities Element as part of the EAR -Based amendments. Although these issues are addressed in the Conservation Element, this analysis should be updated as part of the EAR -Based amendments. Addressed (where /how) Housing Element (Data, Inventory and Analysis, updated April 2009) Future Land Use Map; HE Policies 1.1.5 and 1.1.7 HE Policy 1.1.5 PFE Policy 4 -1.1.1 Conservation Element CONS Policies 6- 1.2.1, 6- 1.2.5, 6- 1.2.7 and Objective 6 -1.4 and implementing policies. 9J -5, F.A.C. Citations (2)01.0 "S C6 9J- 5.010(3)(b) 9J- 5.010(3)(c) (l-) i 60 "9 r6 9J- 5.011(2) (1.)£ 1,0 C as Changes to Rule 9J -5, F.A.C. Required the Housing Element analysis to address the existing housing delivery system. Required objectives of the Housing Element to address adequate sites for mobile and manufactured homes. Required policies of the Housing Element to: S Include specific programs and actions to streamline the permitting process and minimize costs and delays for housing; S Establish principles and criteria guiding the location of manufactured homes; S Designate sufficient sites at sufficient densities to accommodate affordable housing. Required the data and analysis of the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element to identify major natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, including areas identified by the water management district as prime or high groundwater recharge areas. I Required the policies of the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element to establish water quality standards for stormwater recharge. Required the Conservation Element to identify and analyze groundwater and important fish or shellfish areas. Required policies of the conservation element to address land uses known to affect adversely the quality and quantity of water sources, including natural groundwater recharge areas, well head protection areas and surface waters used as a source of public water supply, and the protection and conservation of wetlands. II C. State Comprehensive Plan The following lists the changes to the State Comprehensive Plan since the City's last EAR was completed in 1997. Each listed change is following by comment regarding its applicability to Sebastian and whether any change to the City's Comprehensive Plan is recommended. 1) In 1999, Goal (17), the Downtown Revitalization goal, was renamed the Urban and Downtown Revitalization goal. In addition, nine (9) new policies were added to the goal. These changes are show below in strike through and underline format (see Section 6 of Chapter 99- 378, Laws of Florida): (17) URBAN AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION. (a) Goal. —In recognition of the importance of Florida's vital urban centers and of the need to develop and redevelop developing and redeveloping downtowns to the state's ability to use existing infrastructure and to accommodate growth in an orderly, efficient, and environmentally acceptable manner, Florida shall encourage the centralization of commercial, governmental, retail, residential, and cultural activities within downtown areas. (b) Policies.— 4. Promote and encourage communities to engage in a redesign step to include public participation of members of the community in envisioning redevelopment goals and design of the community core before redevelopment. Comment: The Community Redevelopment Plan for the City's downtown core was conceived and written with substantial public participation, as will be the case with any future Redevelopment Plan updates or any other redevelopment plans. However, consistent with this new policy in the State Comprehensive Plan, a policy should be added to the City's Future Land Use Element, under Objective 1 -2.9, stating that any future redevelopment planning or updates to existing redevelopment plans will include strong design components with public participation as a vital part of the planning process. 5. Ensure that local governments have adequate flexibility to determine and address their urban priorities within the state urban policy. Comment: Not applicable to Sebastian. 6. Enhance the linkages between land use, water use, and transportation planning in state, regional, and local plans for current and future designated urban areas. Comment: The linkages between land use planning and water use planning have been increased through implementation of requirements set forth in 2005's Senate Bill 360. A number of other recommendations throughout this EAR, particularly those associated with Major Issue #1, thoroughly address increased linkages between land use and transportation planning. 7. Develop concurrency requirements that do not compromise public health and safety for urban areas that promote redevelopment efforts. Comment: Sebastian's Comprehensive Plan complies with this policy. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 90 SE 110%11 01 P111C A\ 15LA■0 8. Promote processes for the state, general purpose local governments, school boards, and local community colleges to coordinate and cooperate regarding educational facilities in urban areas, including planning functions, the development of joint facilities, and the reuse of existing buildings. Comment: This policy would appear to apply primarily to state government. However, the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan includes a number of provisions for coordination between the City and various other public entities, including educational providers. 9. Encourage the development of mass transit systems for urban centers, including multimodal transportation feeder systems, as a priority of local, metropolitan, regional, and state transportation planning. Comment: Several recommendations in this EAR address ways to promote transit by encouraging appropriate development in terms of density, mix of uses and design near transit stops, as well as the further development of other alternative modes of transportation. This is the primary way that Sebastian may affect development of transit systems, as it is not a primary provider of mass transit service. 10. Locate appropriate public facilities within urban centers to demonstrate public commitment to the centers and to encourage private sector development. Comment: A number of public facilities and other public investments have been made in the City's CRA area notably development and improvement of civic uses such as parks that demonstrate the City's commitment to its urban center. 11. Integrate state programs that have been developed to promote economic development and neighborhood revitalization through incentives to promote the development of designated urban infill areas. Comment: The City seeks all feasible opportunities to integrate appropriate state programs to promote economic development and neighborhood revitalization to promote development of urban infill areas. 12. Promote infill development and redevelopment as an important mechanism to revitalize and sustain urban centers. Comment: The City of Sebastian currently has adequate processes in place to promote urban infill and redevelopment, including the CRA. 8) In 2002, Goal (1) Education and its associated policies were deleted (see Section 1056 of Chapter 2002 -387, Laws of Florida. As a result, all the remaining goals were renumbered. None of these changes relate to land use or growth management. Comment: Not applicable to the City of Sebastian's Comprehensive Plan. 9) In 2008, the following changes were made (see Section 5 of Chapter. 2008 -227, Laws of Florida): a) A new policy was added under Goal (10) Air Quality: City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 91 SE 1101.9t t f PCO.k AN 1St ANC, 6. Encourage the development of low- carbon emittinq electric power plants. b) Goal 11 Energy was revised as follows: Florida shall reduce its energy requirements through enhanced conservation and efficiency measures in all end -use sectors and shall reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide lam, while at the same time promoting an increase use of renewable energy resources and low- carbon emitting electric power plants. c) A new policy was added under Goal (15) Land Use: 8. Provide for the siting of low- carbon emitting electric power plants, including nuclear power plants, to meet the state's determined need for electric power generation. Comment: The City should amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to include a policy that the City will work in partnership with electric power generators and providers, other local governments including Indian River County and other appropriate stakeholders to site low- carbon emitting electric power plants as such a need and demand may arise, and ensuring that any such siting does not diminish quality of life for Sebastian residents or hamper the City's economic development efforts. D. Treasure Coast Strategic Regional Policy Plan The Treasure Coast Strategic Regional Policy Plan has not been amended since the City's last EAR was completed in 1997. Thus, there are no relevant changes to analyze. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 92 SFTN HJNt JI Ct l AR Kt. AND VII. Other Statutory Requirements Coordination of the Comprehensive Plan with Public School Facilities s. 163.3191(2)(k), F.S. requires that the EAR address coordination of the comprehensive plan with existing public schools and those identified in the applicable educational facilities plan adopted pursuant to s. 1013.35. The assessment shall address, where relevant, the success or failure of the coordination of the future land use map and associated planned residential development with public schools and their capacities, as well as the joint decisionmaking processes engaged in by the local government and the school board in regard to establishing appropriate population projections and the planning and siting of public school facilities." Public schools in Sebastian have been successfully and compatibly integrated into their neighborhoods. Although there are schools over capacity (see LOS Analysis), this is anticipated to be remedied over time by the School District's capital plan and the ongoing implementation of school concurrency, as well as through continued coordination with the School District in planning new residential development. In terms of coordination of school siting, the Intergovernmental Coordination Element does state where the land development regulations shall allow public schools. However, it does not directly address coordination between the City and the School District on school siting decisions. While Public School Facilities Element Policy 1.7.6 discusses the method for student enrollment projections which are of course closely related to population projections the Comprehensive Plan does not directly address coordinating population projections with the School District. The City should consider approaching the County, other municipalities and the School District in order to better coordinate population projections. Water Needs s. 163.3191(2)(I), F.S. requires that local governments evaluate in the EAR "The extent to which the local government has been successful in identifying alternative water supply projects and traditional water supply projects, including conservation and reuse, necessary to meet the water needs identified in s. 373.0361(2)(a) within the local government's jurisdiction. The report must evaluate the degree to which the local government has implemented the work plan for building public, private, and regional water supply facilities, including development of alternative water supplies, identified in the element as necessary to serve existing and new development." The City of Sebastian is not involved in gathering, storing, treating or distributing potable water supplies. Rather, these services are provided by Indian River County. However, the City's Conservation Element should be updated to include specific measures to reduce per capita potable water use in the City of Sebastian. CHHA Property Rights Evaluation s. 163.3191(2)(m), F.S. requires an EAR for any jurisdiction at least partly within a Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) to evaluate whether any past reduction in land use density impairs the property rights of current residents when redevelopment occurs, including, but not limited to, redevelopment following a natural disaster. The property rights of current residents shall be balanced with public safety considerations. The local government must identify strategies to address redevelopment feasibility and the property rights of affected residents..." City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 93 SEB4TIAN efts IOW Of l IICk' 1St V The CHHA is defined by s. 163.3178(2)(h), F.S. as the area below the elevation of the category 1 storm surge line as established by the SLOSH model. Very little of Sebastian's jurisdiction falls within this area (a map of storm surge areas in Indian River County can be viewed on the County's Emergency Management Division website at http: /www.irces.com/ Emergency_ Management _Division /IndianRiverSurge.pdf). In any case, properties within these areas built within allowable densities, and the City has not lowered allowable densities in these areas. Common Methodology for Measuring Impacts on Transportation Facilities s. 163.3191(2)(p), F.S. requires that the EAR include "An assessment of the extent to which changes are needed to develop a common methodology for measuring impacts on transportation facilities for the purpose of implementing its concurrency management system in coordination with the municipalities and counties..." Given that the passage of SB 360 in 2009 made the City of Sebastian a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA), and the City therefore is no longer required by the state to have a transportation concurrency management system (CMS), it is unclear whether this requirement is applicable to Sebastian. Nonetheless, the City uses the same CMS as Indian River County, and as impacts in the City and the County are measured the same way, they are coordinated. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 94 SFBASTtAN tiOsit I'llli iM1 ISLi \o Number Recommendation Page Reference Future Land Use Element (FLUE) FLUE -1 Ensure that proposed future land uses are based upon the availability of water supplies. 77 FLUE -2 Amend the existing conditions maps and Future Land Use Map or future conditions maps to depict the Coastal High Hazard Area per the definition in s. 163.3178(2)(h), F.S. 80 85 FLUE -3 Introduce policies to address siting of electric distribution substations and allow such substations in all land use categories except those related to preservation, conservation or historic preservation. 80 FLUE -4 Amend the future conditions map series to depict energy conservation, such as natural areas, greenways, wetlands, parks, forests, treed roadway corridors, and similar natural and environmental resources that reduce energy demand. 81 FLUE -5 Duplicate TE Policy 1.3.8 in the Future Land Use Element. 82 FLUE -6 Ensure that sufficient sites are designated at sufficient densities to accommodate needed affordable housing per the Housing Element. 86 FLUE -7 Add a policy under Objective 1 -2.9, stating that any future redevelopment planning or updates to existing redevelopment plans will include strong design components with public participation as a vital part of the planning process. 90 FLUE -8 Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to include a policy that the City will work in partnership with electric power generators and providers, other local governments including Indian River County and other appropriate stakeholders to site low- carbon emitting electric power plants as such a need and demand may arise, and ensuring that any such siting does not diminish quality of life for Sebastian residents or hamper the City's economic development efforts. 92 FLUE -9 Add a policy to ensure that the City's land development regulations will allow for eco- tourism related uses in appropriate locations and provide suitable regulations for those uses. 45 FLUE -10 Encourage the further development of housing opportunities in the Riverfront area. 45 FLUE -11 Add provisions to ensure that upon annexation to the City of Sebastian, lands currently to the south of the City will be subject to the following regulatory provisions: o Allowance for the optional use of conservation subdivisions or other similar provisions allowing clustering of development and preservation of the remainder for continued use as agriculture or 51 VIII. Summary of Recommendations City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 95 5 BAsTtAN Hoyt >E Pt IIC ISt_4ND City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 96 open space. o Application of a zoning overlay on the CR -510 corridor similar to that which currently exists along the CR -512 corridor within the City. FLUE -12 Add a policy to ensure that the land development regulations will ensure interconnection of new development with any adjacent designated greenway. 62 FLUE -13 Add policies to review the land development regulations to ensure that kayak rentals, bicycle rentals and similar uses associated with eco- tourism are permitted and adequately regulated in the Riverfront Mixed -Use (RMU) area. 62 FLUE -14 For enclaves and those areas east of the City's current boundaries and south of the Downtown area, work with property owners and the County to encourage voluntary annexations, as well as to consider the use of annexation by interlocal agreement for larger areas. 71 FLUE -15 Add provisions to require a future land use map amendment application to be submitted concurrently with annexation requests over a land area size to be determined. This will allow both the City and the County to concurrently review proposed uses for property to be annexed. For voluntary annexation requests involving property that is already developed and where use and character are already established, the City should provide a specifically designed process to be Tess burdensome and more affordable for property owners. 70 FLUE -16 Require property owners requesting voluntary annexation to pay for an annexation study complying with FLUE Policy 1- 2.10-.1, unless an annexation study covering the same area has previously been completed. Such a study should be completed by a competent, independent third party acceptable to both the City and property owner(s). Because economies of scale are assumed in the preparation of such annexation studies, this requirement should serve as an incentive for property owners to apply jointly for annexation. 70 FLUE -17 Consider the potential for employment generating commercial /industrial uses in the CR -510 corridor south of the City. Seek to undertake joint planning activities with the County consistent with recommendations of Major Issue #5. As part of these joint planning efforts, implement the greenways development and alternative transportation recommendations of Major Issues #1 and #4. 45 Transportation Element (TE) TE -1 Ensure that the hurricane evacuation requirements of Rule 9J -5 are complied with, including consideration of the methods allowed by s. 163.3178(9)(a), F.S. 80 TE -2 Include a policy or policies addressing site planning requirements to ensure safe and convenient on -site traffic flow. 87 TE -3 Add a policy that the City will advocate for a transit 37 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 96 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 97 SE�T HOW of Pt u: ne ia> connection between GoLine Routes 9 and 12 along Schumann Drive /66 Avenue. TE -4 Prioritize pedestrian bicycle improvements along Schumann Avenue between GoLine Routes 9 and 12. 37 37 TE -5 Add a policy to pursue the establishment of a grid street system along the CR 510 corridor south of the City's current boundaries, including at least one east -west collector roadway between CR -510 and Barber Street. 37 TE -6 Add provisions to prioritize multi -modal transportation infrastructure as development occurs along the CR -510 corridor. 37 TE -7 Add a policy to specifically review all road improvement plans for multi -modal opportunities, particularly with regard to routes identified on the North County Greenways Plan. 37 TE -8 Add a policy to pursue coordination with GoLine Transit to establish and operate a trolley system through the Downtown Sebastian section of US -1. 37 TE -9 Make provisions to encourage the use of alternative and fuel- efficient vehicles. Examples include allowing golf carts on certain streets (e.g. those with bicycle lanes) and providing for motor scooter parking, particularly Downtown. 37 TE -10 Add a policy statement that Sebastian considers the function of the Riverfront area a multi -modal commercial core a higher priority than the efficient movement of vehicles along US -1, and that the City's does not support any future widening /additional lanes on US -1 through the City's highway. 51 TE -1 1 Add a policy statement that the City supports maintaining a slow speed limit on US -1 with the City's boundaries consistent with a dense, pedestrian- oriented area. 51 TE -12 Add a policy that the City will continually seek funding for multi -modal streetscape enhancements within the Riverfront area. 51 TE -13 Revise policies calling for pedestrian, bicycle and greenways planning and for land development code reviews dealing with similar issues, to clarify that such plans and studies are to be conducted together, as part of a plan to improve multi -modal mobility in Sebastian. 62 TE -14 On an ongoing basis, review right -of -way width requirements for roadways to ensure that there is adequate space for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, including greenways where applicable. 62 TE- l 5 Include a policy to review all proposed road improvements in and near Sebastian to ensure that any opportunities for advancement of the North County Greenways Master Plan have been included. 62 TE 16 If mobility fees or a similar concept (discussed at more length in Major Issue #1) are instituted in Sebastian, consider redirecting a portion funding from roadways to bicycle pedestrian facilities, including greenways. 62 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 15 2010 97 SE�T HOW of Pt u: ne ia> Housing Element (HE) HE 1 Add an objective and supporting policies addressing the use of renewable energy resources in residential development. 81 HE -2 Add provisions to address specific programs and actions to streamline the permitting process and minimize costs and delays in the construction of new housing. 86 Public Facilities Element (PFE) PFE -1 Comprehensively update the PFE data and analysis. 1 PFE -2 Amend the PFE to include a 10 -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. Because centralized water service in Sebastian is provided by Indian River County, this Work Plan will be consistent with the County's. 76 77 PFE-3 Amend the PFE to be consistent with the Regional Water Plan's latest update. 77 78 Coastal Management Element (CME) CME -1 Comprehensively update the CME data and analysis. 1 CME -2 Amend the CME to include strategies to preserve recreational and commercial working waterfronts. 78 CME -3 Update the definition of the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA per s. 163.3178(2)(h), F.S. 80 CME -4 Update the CME to acknowledge the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan, as well as to consider these criteria in the updated data and analysis for the element. 83 -85 Conservation Element (CONS) CONS -1 Comprehensively update the Conservation Element data and analysis, which update must not exclude identification and analysis of groundwater and important fish or shellfish areas. 1 CONS -2 Through the update of the element's data and analysis, determine whether any changes to objectives and policies are necessary to support the Regional Water Supply Plan. 76 CONS -3 Update the Conservation Element to include consideration of, and policies toward, factors that affect energy conservation. 81 CONS -4 Update the Conservation Element to include specific measures to reduce per capita potable water use in the City of Sebastian. 93 Recreation and Open Space Element (ROS) ROS -1 Comprehensively update the Recreation and Open Space data and analysis, and add waterways to the subjects addressed. 1 78 ROS -2 Amend the ROS Element to remove the distinction between community and neighborhood parks for LOS purposes, as well as to remove facility- specific LOS standards, in favor of a simple LOS standard for parks of four acres per 1,000 population. 20 62 ROS -3 Include policies encouraging public private partnerships with 62 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 98 SEBASTIAN 11C AN f <I AND City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 99 SFBA H0111 ♦'F AN ISLAND local organizations that promote bicycling, hiking, canoeing /kayaking and other forms of eco- tourism. ROS -4 Include a policy in the Parks and Recreation Element to consider the future use of Recreation Impact Fees (RIF) to fund development of greenways. 62 ROS -5 Add a policy stating that to the extent feasible, all parks located adjacent to a canal shall have an area suitable for launching a canoe, kayak or similar small craft. 62 Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) ICE -1 Add a policy to specifically recognize the airport master plan. 82 ICE -2 Amend the ICE to include a mandator dispute resolution process. 82 ICE -3 Amend the ICE to provide for an interlocal agreement between the City and Indian River County regarding airport zoning regulations. 82 ICE -4 Add a policy to acknowledge the marina siting criteria found in the Indian River County Manatee Protection Plan. 83 ICE -5 Amend the ICE to include an objective to ensure adoption of interlocal agreements within one year of adoption of an amendment ICE. 88 ICE -6 Amend the ICE to include policies that spell out procedures to identify and implement joint planning areas for purposes of annexation, municipal incorporation and joint infrastructure areas. 88 ICE -7 Amend the ICE to include policies addressing the establishment of joint processes between local governments for the siting of facilities with county -wide significance. 89 ICE -8 Amend the Intergovernmental Coordination Element to specifically state that the City will make full use of the development of regional impact process as nearby lands seek development approval to ensure that impacts to Sebastian's infrastructure is mitigated to the greatest extent possible. 50 ICE -9 Include a policy to review all proposed road improvements in and near Sebastian to ensure that any opportunities for advancement of the North County Greenways Master Plan have been included. 62 ICE 10 Revise the ICE to address implementation of the North County Greenways Master Plan. 62 ICE-11 Pursue establishment of formal processes with the County that would provide the City the opportunity to review and comment on all Comprehensive Plan, zoning and development applications for land near the City. 70 ICE -12 Pursue joint planning arrangements with Indian River County to plan for future growth and development of the CR- 510 Corridor south of the City, and the CR -512 corridor west of the St. Sebastian River. Joint planning arrangements could include such things as joint corridor planning, adoption of identical land development regulations for the corridor. 70 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 99 SFBA H0111 ♦'F AN ISLAND ICE -13 As determined through update to the Public Facilities Element, amend the CIE as required to be consistent with the Regional Water Supply Plan. 76 ICE -14 Amend the CIE to include any guidelines for granting concurrency exceptions. 79 Public School Facilities Element PSFE -1 Update the PSFE to include future conditions maps depicting the general location of new schools and school improvements. 78 General Recommendations GEN 1 Amend the Future Land Use, Transportation and Capital Improvements Elements to include land use and transportation strategies to support and fund mobility. Mobility planning should include consideration and evaluation of the following concepts: o Identify existing and future "nodes" both within the City's current boundaries and in potential annexation areas of appropriate development and pedestrian amenities, chosen based on factors such as existing and future pedestrian /bicycle infrastructure and transit stops. o Prioritizing bicycle system improvements that provide direct and convenient connections between the "nodes." o Allowing for the payment of an in -lieu fee instead of constructing required off street parking, with the fee being used to construct public parking within the "node," preferably as on- street parking to enhance urban design. o Base any future increases in residential density on the availability of transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. o Encourage bicycle parking for commercial development along significant existing /future bicycle routes by developing incentives. o Credits to the "local mobility fee," or other incentives, to encourage such things as: transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements; employee bike storage and shower facilities for larger employers; preferred parking for compact /fuel- efficient vehicles. o Minimum density /intensity standards within identified "nodes." 36, 37 81 GEN -2 Amend the Land Development Regulations to require that the City consult with the water supply agency prior to issuing a building permit to ensure that adequate water supplies to serve new development will be available by the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 78 GEN -3 Amend the Land Development Regulations to integrate the 93 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 100 SEBASTIAN HOW OF PEW' 1St'ONC. City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 101 SE BASTIA N ..af 110MI 11111 NN. IS1 \\D school concurrency system. GEN -4 Consider approaching the County, other municipalities and the School District in order to better coordinate population projections. 93 GEN -5 Consider amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to institute a "local mobility fee" to fund multi -modal improvements, either as a replacement to, or in conjunction with, existing impact fees. 36 GEN -6 Create a new Economic Development Element to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, and amend other elements as necessary for internal consistency. 45 GEN -7 Incorporate the Airport industrial land marketing strategies from the Patterson Bach report into the new Economic Development Element. 45 GEN -8 Ensure that the new Economic Development Element is geared toward specific funding opportunities for green industries /jobs and energy- efficiency efforts. 45 GEN -9 As part of economic development efforts, market the City as a more "green" alternative to other localities, emphasizing the green /sustainable efforts that are recommended in the EAR. 45 City of Sebastian 2010 EAR DRAFT 6 -15 -2010 101 SE BASTIA N ..af 110MI 11111 NN. IS1 \\D