HomeMy WebLinkAbout04162009 PZ AgendaQiYOF ~. _ _, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ^ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 s FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2009 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 3/ 19/2009 6. OLD BUSINESS: ?. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accessory Structure Review -Section 54-2-?.5 - 1565 Quiescent Lane - 1,000 SF Detached Garage -Eduardo Giambanco B. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing -Conditional Use Permits -Model Home Renewal - 909 Landsdowne Drive -North South Builders 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN r PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ~ C o MARCH 19, 2009 •~ • m ,,,~ y Chmn. Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ~ •~ ~ ~ I~ ~ The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ~, ROLL CALL: ~ ~ PRESENT: Mr. Paul Mr. Simmons r:~ f~~ ~ ~' Mr. Dodd Mr. Hepler ~ ~~ ~ ~ Mr. Srinivasan Mr. Cardinale ~ ~ ~ Mr. Blais Mr. Neuberger :~ _~ ~ ~~ ~ EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Administrative Assistant ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Paul announced that Mr. Buchanan is excused and Mr. Neuberger will be voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 2/19/09 MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the P&Z meeting minutes of 2/19/09. Motion was approved. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: A. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING -CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS - MODEL HOME RENEWALS: 1. 1631 Barber St. -Green Brothers Construction 2. 449 Briarcliff Cir. - Ashbury Subdivision -Green Brothers Const. 3. 1652 Barber St. - Ando Building Corp. Chmn. Paul opened the hearing and asked for ex pane communications. There were none. Chmn. Paul then swore in all people that would be speaking. Ms. King reviewed each of the staff reports and noted that Code Enforcement has- inspected each site and they are all in compliance. Staff recommends approval of all three renewals. No one spoke from the public. Chmn. Paul closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 MOTION by Dodd/Cardinale to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Green Brothers Construction, 1631 Barber Street. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Cardinale yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. MOTION by Dodd/Paul to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Green Brothers Construction, 449 Briarcliff Circle, Ashbury Subdivision. ROLL CALL: Mr. Blais yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. MOTION by Paul/Srinivasan to approve the conditional use permit for one year for Ando Building Corp., 1652 Barber Street. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Blais yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Simmons yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. B. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING -SITE PLAN -PUBLIC DOG PARK ALONG WITH REQUIRED PARKING, LANDSCAPING AND FENCING - TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF TRACT B, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 14, WITH ENTRANCE OFF KEEN TERRACE - CURRENT ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE) AND LAND USE IS INS (INSTITUTIONAL) Chmn. Paul opened the hearing and asked for ex parte communications. There were none. Chmn. Paul then swore in all people that would be speaking. Ms. Grohall presented the application on behalf of the city. She gave a brief history of the project and details of the Keen Terrace Park, which is 7.4 acres, 1.4 would be utilized for the dog park. She noted that the parking would have two handicap spaces and there is area for additional parking if needed. There will be a double gate entrance, known as a sally port. The dog park will be fenced and landscaped. Mr. Dodd asked if a white privacy fence would be part of the plan between the park and residential area. Ms. King said the plan presented to Growth Management has a chain link fence with landscaping. Mr. Neuberger was concerned about the liability aspect of the area near the water and the possibility of alligator attacks on dogs and people. Mr. Ginsburg said the city's responsibility is to act reasonable with the creation of this dog park and its fencing and so forth. As long as the city does that, there won't be liability. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 At this point Chmn. Paul explained to the people in attendance that there will be public input after the commissioners have asked their questions. Mr. Simmons asked for the distance between the dog park fence and residential yards abutting the property and hours of operation. Ms. Grohall said the fence is setback about 25 feet from the rear property lines and the park would be open the same as all our other parks, dawn to dusk. Mr. Blais inquired about the height of the fence. Ms. Grohall said six feet with an angled topper that would keep dogs from jumping over the fence. The following people spoke in favor of the application: Linda Scott, Sebastian, in favor of the park and allowing dogs to run free off of leashes. Don Wright, Chairman Park and Recreation Advisory Committee, reviewed the progression of the dog park and said the committee supports the Keen Terrace location. Kate Stenslin, has brought her dogs to other dog parks and never had any problems. Rom Heier, sees the park as a great use The following people spoke in opposition of the application: Joe Walton, Sebastian, does not see a need for a dog park as dog owners just need to be responsible with their pets and is concerned about the cleanup after the dogs. John Tenerowicz, South Wimbrow, Sebastian, concerned about the noise and maintenance. Andre Dorawa, had concerns about children in the neighborhood and asked for added vegetation buffers. Mike Mosha, not actually opposed to the park but had concerns about how the rules would be enforced. Chmn. Paul closed the public hearing. The commissioners discussed the various issues brought up by the public. Chmn. Paul asked again about liability of park participants and attendants. Mr. Ginsburg said again the dog park would have to be operated in a manner consistent with the way other similar facilities are operated in other areas of Florida and around the country and I'm going to assume that the city manager when he promulgates the rules and regulations for the use of this park will look at those and take those into consideration. MOTION by Dodd/Srinivasan to approve the site plan for the location of the dog park at the Keen Terrace Park. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Blais no Mr. Simmons yes Mr. Cardinale yes The vote was 6-1. Motion passed. MEMBERS MATTERS: 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2009 Mr. Hepler asked what was being surveyed on Barber Street. Ms. Grohall explained it was road resurfacing, regarding and drainage work that is being made possible by stimulus monies. Mr. Dodd complimented the city on the maintenance, health and appearance of the medians on U.S. Highway 1. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Paul asked if the work on Barber Street would include widening and Ms. Grohall said there are no plans now or in the immediate future to widen Barber Street. DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m. (3/20/09 sbl) 4 sm a S~B~T~ ...;.. HOME OF PELIG4N 15IAND Growth Management Department Accessory Structure Staff Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Property Owner: Contractor: Requested Action: Project Location: Current Zoning: Required Findings: Edoardo & Francesca Giambanco North-South Builders, Inc. Approval of a 40' X 25' detached garage 1565 Quiescent Lane Lots 5 & 23, Block 356, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 RS-10 Current Land Use: Single-family Residence Does Com 1 Does Not Com 1 A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed ~~ $8 ; or house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure ; or located. on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unity of title / V uNi~Y of TITLE a~ s- B. No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal structure setback is a5'. $ ~ .Accessory structure setback is /Sa' 2. Front yard on ~ lot: Accessory structures may not be located in the secondary front yard of an improved corner lot unless the corner lot is joined in unity of title with an interior lot that contains the principle structure. However, said accessory structures shall not be located closer than 25 feet from the secondary front property line in the RS-10 zoning district, and in all other zoning districts shall meet required ~/ front yard setbacks. Secondary front yard setback is a5-~ ,and proposed accessory structure front yard setback is $S' SEE' ~4~~rT~~nfFi-. Cb M-'-'1 i~TS ~Ekr~ 3 Does Does Not Com 1 Com 1 3. Side yard: Required side setback is /D t Accessory structure side setback is /5'~ ~/o' . 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is o~0 ~ A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided it meets all the following: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a ~'1 ' setback. b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is /p ~ and proposed setback is o~7 ~ c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed accessory structure is ~ 000 square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is (9.(, ~ feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the above four requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is a0' Proposed accessory setback is a~~ C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) Gf~JgGr-E' E. Must comply with all city codes. ~ F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed height of principal structure. House is approximately ~'/. S' ,and / accessory structure will be I Q . Csz r , V G. Attached or detached Quonset-type or style accessory structures are prohibited. H. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum 1000 square feet. Property square footage „~ Ipooo SP x .OS = Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures /~ppp , / Existing accessory structures Proposed accessory structure ~ o00 Total existin and ro osed ~ ~ 0 0 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Does Does Not Com 1 Com 1 A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained from corrugated metal or corrugated metal-looking products. B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch of 3:12. ~-: i ~ C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. N q' D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing ~ S _ materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required ~,o M~-~.r- on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways - and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 Low inches in height at planting. yo ~ do -r a ~ t ~ ~ -Ica - 3 Lineal dimension totals 1 1 ~ - 3 = - Total Shrubs Required 31 Review fee has been paid: YES NO 8. Additional Considerations: 1) Additional fill is not being used on the rear lot where the garage is to be constructed. Therefore, the five foot height difference will be reduced by appro~mately 3 feet (based on finished floor elevations (FFE) -see survey) visually. The detached structure is 78' from the main residence, and 37' from the rear of the pool enclosure. The adjacent neighbor's house south of the proposed garage (1574 Ridgely Lane) is 21.5 feet in height and has a FFE of 24.3'. 2) If approved, a condition should be required that the detached garage be re-submitted with architectural additions so it will be of the same architectural design of the primary residence. ~~ ~ 0 0 Prepared by Date 3 ~ro>e ~'F~~° ~~. y9P~~::~~~°' s'° o= §z 66^P?~i 3a~ n°°°m°~ °i" ,.,a mad°~mrm> m ~ ~€~~ ~~~am ~~s„ ~ ~~n~s~~~ ~~~~~~~_~~~ p of rya ~~ ~~Fm ~'~ ~=~~~~~ >~$m>~a~~sme~>~ ~~ s~~~ ~ a~~4' ~Q°a~~~4 aim a~~~ ~°~~N ~ ~°~m~ .~ z c ~~3 ~yz ~i ~ ~$~ A gg~ ~ ~ 9~ -~ o ~. PPA mmo 8~ ~- _ ~ m pc. ~ o v j o~ >~ ozA z~o ~~ m~~ ~Drn ~~ o ~ a~° ~~ QUIESCENT LANE A m ` $ ~ c so• rvw ~ a zo• ..war - ~ - ~ ~ `'o ~°. N~ :< __:'. .80.00' 4 N~ `` 534'20'20'E u _ ~/ 685:0' ~ >^;'..,: _ a D~-7 -- ~ .1,...,, ~ ---~-- ~~i\1~~ ~~~ ~ :~ ~~ N~Z ~ A~~ -~ rn ~ rnDc ~= 0 ~ z°N. x? ~ Z 0n-1 m N }oD. N N ? ~ D D ~" ~ ~ ~.N O Q1. (~" < Z O w`~ ` n~< rn~ N' 0~-rnC o ~ rt ~ N ~ ~~G) DMZ ~~~ ~ a ~~ .~ p A~ y w w N~ ~~ a, ~ cn cn m o O ~ :~ .. ~o z . ; ~, o I . ~~ rn Z P 1 S ` •1 y S4 ~~' ... +SI~ ~ n'~ l , \A~ : . 4 "' y U P Zi.T ~• o u'Zr Y I .. . .Cu ~ n ~ m ~ "I ~`~ I rn ~ ,: o ~T. I ~• O i ^ ~ur ~~ n ~ ~ I I o ~ >:If ~ `' ~ I ~ ~E - c ,.3 J __ it . ~ =~~ o w unm ~ u ','+~C ~~ ~usoo~r ~ ; ° I - 1 ~ iN -~ ~~ ~ d ~ ~~~ ~ g ®m ? # ~ ~ ~ I ~~~ I _~~$o O Orn~N \ tP O~ <ip Oy ~~N~ m^t~ 1~ < <- n ~ I ~ n ~~ w - ~ - I <~ c 'nl~ y, ~.~ ~~ 1 WOpN ~ I p ~ UAL TK ~ ~ ~ I °~ ~ ~ I ~~$ P ~ o ~~ 685-0' ~ v'~ : N3d'9n•~n-w _ _ ~ - ~ ., _ - ~iNAm ~ o : FAa ~ A N rnA$o. ~o~rn0 ~ rn _D~ Z~F2 +~ ~^~O + Z N O. §~~ f I 2 nj~ i ~ N , 4 D A ~ D- f s i~~Yxil 3 ~ m f ~ ; + ~ Z ) a ° ~,i 80.00• - _ ~. v _ RIDGELY LANE . 'O (50' R/W ~ 1B' P4waf y 11 ~ J p~p ld~ U 1'.'' 2 f Otm V m' C70: (TO AZWD C' z' D' tn N.l7 ~1~ ' m0' p ;0-D O ~mzo~ F^. mzz yDp mtn mrs ~p p~RlOyx z°~- ~.Zp7 .'S)Z z zp p j!°/+~j,°~[p ~ ~ ~~y ? ~ r<A- < ~ ~r0 i' '{`+ Z rO~OD 'f' 0 fin. ~p o~o C3 O z ~ mz O m Nm~ C O+~NORf ~'~ c{ A' p0 o ~ • O~~ p ~ z °D ~ - rn~m x O vvT~- ~ f I A z m o:+ Z ~ z Zyo mm .mo- V1Np zzo ~ _ < O" ~ ~vzv ~ D DV~ tn C C .. ~N~ ~ ~ OZ F ~<_ N~<~~~~ D ~~~ ~ N xVNx O p~ rx'I p ~ p <'~O: r m ~r ~ zmvmi Om z'v~~m °z ~ ~ o m-m o c~p ~ m mompD ~ pz~ VI{SZ ~ Z tDi+p A Or~~OL~ [n r ~p1 vr0-mA p w m-r O ~D m fi ~n '~A~DN N OpD ~m rm m -o~oy m A. ~m z ~ VI pOC~ ~+ m oDCmCm N u. . c D ~~ . D p ~ ~ o m _ v ~ a n o o f r~+ w mo t'-~ ~ - ~. f `~ N -~'~ :' 0 ~ : \- ~~ AO •i 3 ~ `~..~: q I~t~ Page 1 of l http://www.ircpa.org/Default.mapx?Todo=To~gleSelectedFeatureCalloutV isibility& Width=809&Height=... 4/9/2009 Page 1 of 1 '1565 QUIESCENT LANE http://www.ircpa.org/UserControls/Default.picx?ResourceType=Photos&Website-IndianRiverFL_Auditor... 4/9/2009 Page 1 of 1 X74 RIDGELY L~-~lE http://www.ircpa.org/L1serControls/Default.picx?ResourceType=Photos&Website=IndianRiverFL Auditor... 4/9/2009 Page 1 of 1 ;~.: X550 ~~~~~L,~ ~~N~ http://www.ircpa.org/UserControls/Default.picx?ResourceType=Photos&Website=IndianRiverFL Auditor... 4/9/2009 y 6 _ an~o~ ~~ `~"~,~ R~~~ Y ~~~ ~,~,, y _ HQME C-F~PECICAN ISI:AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE: (772)589-5537 • FAX (772) 589-2566 PERMIT # TYPE OF WORK: NEW ~ ADDITION ~ ALTERATION ~ REPAIR ~ DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135 INDIAN RNER COUNTY PARCEL ID # ~ ~ 3R~.1-~.~xx~L35r' `~ ~S RECENED BY: LOT: ~ `~ Zj BLOCK:_?~~(o SUBDNISION:~, •~-~, h I~U r~5 FLOOD ZONE: WORK INCLUDES: STRUCp~TURAL ELECTRICAL ~ PLUMBING ~ MECHANICAL ~ ROOFING OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: " ~~~ (~ , ~ ~ pD~ ~ ~- ESTIMATED JO~B/V1ALUE: $ ~ , p(yJ . a~ TOTAL S/F Gf1 ~J ~ UNDER AIR_~_ JOB NAME: __ VX ~v~~ ~n~,~MbAt~ftl.t~ JOB ADDRESS: (~(p 6 ~ G 1~$ -~- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:.~~ ~h ~e~,,p ~-I,~,~,~,~j ~~ ~ PHONE: _ ADDRESS: 15(fl6 ~u~;SPAn, ~~ CITY/STATE: _~ ~S^~-c i„ ~ ZIP CODE CONTRA( ADDRESS CITY/STA' CITY/STATE: ARCIIITECT/ENGINEER: ~ J ilvti, ,n~~t,n~;,a ,~ a ,~ ~ PHONE: ADDRESS: p _ 5~~-L ~..~ iZ CITY/STATE _ ~c~ s ~w.y, 'F 1. ZIP CODE: ~7_G'1.Q ~ 1 Z'~-~ PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: yCD~a a ~ OCCUPANT LOAD: NUMBER OF: STORIES ~~ BAYS ~ UMTS ~ BEDROOMS ® HEIGHT ('' ~" TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ~ ~5 OCCUPANCY TYPE: ~~ AREA ~ Bpd IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? YES ~ NO~v" BONDING COMPANY; ADDRESS: MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: ADDRESS: LICENSE #:.~,S~.Gas~ ~~j PHONE: 77z: x.73 .C~°t6`j ZIP CODE 3z~t{L PHONE: PHONE: CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: PHONE: 1707246 RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFREY K BARYON, CLERK CIRCUIT COURT INDIAN RIVER CO FL, BK: 1965 PG: 1559, 11/30/2005 12:37 PM DECL~R.a'I~iON OF [ti`tITY OF TITLE CITY OF SEBASTLat`t WHEREAS, the undersigted is the fee simple owner (s) of the following descnbed property situate in Indian River County, Florida; SEf.SftSltr¢u ~cghtAw~S U,utT tl ~Lk 3~(0 ~oT~3 Pte" 7'S~vl,~ And; Seb~-s~tw~,. ~1~yhL~s utitT t~ 13c.k 3s~ DoT 5 /~g.~ 7-s61~ WHEREAS, the undersigned has made application for issuance of a development order affecting the above described parcels, and WHEREAS, the parcels meet the requirements for issuance of such development order only if the parcels are held as a single parcel of land, NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, in consideration of the issuance of said development order by the Ciry of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, covenants that the above-described parcels of land will be he{d in common ownership as a single parcel of land and will not be subdivided. Any conveyance, enctunbrance, or lease of less than all of the above-described parcels (but not including a conveyance of an undivided interest, remainder interest, life estate, or estate for years in the entire parcels or the grant of a public-utility or drainage easement over a portion of the parcel} without the recorded written consent of the City of Sebastian shall be a violation of this covenant and may result in the property bevtg in violation of the ordinances of the City of Sebastian, and such violation shall not be allowed to continue pursuant to Article VIII of the Land Development Code. This restrictive covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding on the undersigned's succegsors in title. Witness the hand and seal of the undersigned, this ~S day of /UyUPK.t, {3P~ , 200 Signed in our presence: ~ ' Signa re of W fitness Printed Name: ~~h H `~ _ \T't ~Ol'1 Signature of W i ess II,,'' f Printed Name:L_A ~ M~~~ ~e ~C~ Sigta re of W' ess ~? Printed Name:~W,~ ~7'" ~~ Sigtature of Wi ess J Printed Name: ~~_ ~ ~~~~F~ ct ,~G- ~7L~~lfJ Signature of Appli ant PiintedNarne:_~~O~DU ~rlt,ia{yq-ct~ iS~S QUt~S`~~T ~''J S~~A--S~; ,~,~ ~~, 3295 4---. S D ,~" . Si afore oC Applicant , Pnnted ivame: rrRAtJ CPSClj ~~ /iua~UC l) A TRUE COPY CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE J.K BARTON~ CLERK fl1Y OF 5~~.~s~"1°' _. .~ ' Hd1~fE dF PELICAN ISLAND Growth Management Department Conditional Use Permit Application -Staff Report Model Home Renewal 1. Project Name: North-South Builders Model 2. Requested Action: Approval of a conditional use permit for a model home. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 909 Landsdowne Drive b. Legal: Lot 1, Block 221, Sebastian Highlands Unit 8 4. Project Owner: a. Name: North-South Builders, Inc. b. Address: 13250 79'h Street Fellsmere, FL 32948 c. Agent: Gary Gehrke 5. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: North-South Builders Inc. is requesting a model home permit renewal for the single-family residence they constructed at 909 Landsdowne Drive, on the NE corner of Landsdowne and Barber Street. b. Current Zoning: RS-10 c. Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North: RS-10 East: RS-10 South: RS-10 West: RS-10 d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: Vacant Residence Residence Residence .26 acres LDR LDR LDR LDR (2) Current Land Use(s): Single family residence 6. 7. Annnirorl Fintlinrre• -__~ a Does Does Not Com 1 Com I a. Be so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that ~ the ublic health, safe and welfare will be rotected. b. Not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in `~ the impacted area in which it is located. The scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or hazards to Conti uous residential ro erties. c. Conform to all applicable provisions of the district in which ~ the use is to be located. d. Satisfy specific criteria stipulated for the respective `~ conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4 29 . r'nnrlii~innol 7Ten ~'ritaria• -- Does Com I Does Not Com I a. Not to be used as contractors main office. `~ b. Meets district re ulations for lot and and dimensions. `~ c. No construction materials ore ui ment stored at model. `~ d. Business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 .m. Limit of two staff. ~ e. All si ns conform to ci code; illuminated si ns rohibited. `~ f. No lare or traffic im ediment from house illumination. ~ g. Provide 5 parking spaces, l0' from side property line, 30' from corner. ~ 8. Additional Considerations: As shown on the site plan, the circular driveway accommodates the five parking spaces requirement. There have not been any complaints or violations at this address within the last year. 9. Analysis: None 10. Conclusion: The proposed use is consistent with Section 54-2-6.4(29) of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian. 11. Recommendation: Staff recommends renewal of this model home permit for a one year period. Prepared by Dat-~~ ' ~ ~®~ ~ ~ - ~~©~~ ~~ .f ~ v~~~~ I I I . I I ~ ~ . I I I I . I I I 1 LR.c. = 50.46 34.80° -~~ o pCISTING 24.80' WELL 20' D~U EASEP~AEiVT' ~ ~ A ~ ~ Q I ~ _- ~------43.0' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~,,` POOL AREA - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ 29.00", ^COV'DR .b I ~ ~ ~ L9 I , ~ ~ Q ,g.~ PORCt-9 0~ ~ i ~. ~ I ~ ~ a C ~.3' 6~J ~ ®~ ~ ° ONE STORY ~ @~ ~ ~ ® ~ :~J a o FaESIDENCIE I P. ~ I ~ ~ =53.77 I ~ ~ F-F• ~ I ~ _12.0'. ®i ~, N 1 . ~'14.3~b' 91 ~' i® I ®1 '21.34' ~ ~ r ® 21.10' ~ I _ o _ a I ~~ ~ ~®~ `~ I ~ I ~ . FND 5~8` S s '~sW [~ DMZ _ I.R.c. _ - - I FND 5/8' - - .® ° (~~ 89.9' (6Vd) I.R.c. ~ g g ~- I - • II STOP SIG ~ _ _ ~° ~ e e e 0 TA+LI30TT V ~..~.'.~.~ INC. 1 qpp p..EVA~ JOB FIO. t18-8?21-L1 ~ ~~Qp~D~ ~~~D~~~~ Pnor~,aiowv_a~~•-~~ ~3MC3DDMD~000~] ~ ~.'~'~ ""~'~ ~+.-~+~ ~ NM[~D4 ~ ~ C3d06C3 ~q o City of Sebastian Development Order Application .`;, Permit Application No. Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: U' ~ ~ ,~ Address: Phone Number. (-7~Z) Lfr13 - (~~~ FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail:~~ ~~ S~iJ~C~ r~~ ~I Y_"i~~~c>i;~'~, o Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number. ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail Type of permit or action requested: ,~n PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 81/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project's Name (if applicable): B. Site Information Address: /~l j) jj ,, ii !~ _ rr-- __ '' '"(~~ C~GLV~O~ Glfh~-'1~ ~ ~U~ v\. ``-- ~ Yl GI,YtLt.IJ Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: ~~~~ 1 Indian River County Parcel #: ~13~t3 Uc'~oU 22~.-1 bc~Ubt .C:U Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: Existing Use: ~~~~ { 10~~ Proposed Use: inn ~~~ C. Description of proposes activity ana~p`urpose or the requestea permit or actwn ~attacn extra sneers it necessary): ~GLJI~s a'~ l~e~ ~~V~S ~ r DATE RECEIVED: ~/~/ O ~ FEE PAID: $ RECEIVED Form CD-2001 Pa e 1 of 3 Development Application A roved: 08/27/97 Revision: File Name: Doa Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: ,rl ~~ Address ~~ '7~~ "`~ ,z-}'1~ ~'~ ~ ~CJ Ut~1f~~~ --~~ Phone Number. (~'IL) - ~ ~:~-~ L,I~J ~ FAX Number. ( } - E-Mail: ~~~l~::k~~. ~til~~u~ -~~d--- Attomey: Name: Address Phone Number. ( } - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number. ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: Surveyor: Name: Address Phone Number. ( ) - FAX Number. ( ) - E-Mail: I ~,`Qit. C~1Q~ ,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: ~ I AM THE OWNER _ I, AM THE LEGAL EPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT 7HE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURAT D UE TO E EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ~1~~~ SIG ATURE DATE SWORN Td1AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY(~ ~~/~~1C~- WHO I$.2ERSONALLY KNOWI~'O ME OR AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS ~ DAY OF NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: Form CD-2001 Pa e 2 of 3 Development Application A roved: 08/27/97 Revision: File Name: Doa Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendment (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/V1/E, ~ THE OWNERS} _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPER gE'SCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE ~ 4WY~,'~~VLC~ ~ Z~.~y~ BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN (THE "BOARD"/"COMMISSION°} TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/V1/E HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAI AND CON T IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PRO S E, BY A PLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF T]HE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. ~1 ~r l c~~l IGNATU E /~' ,/~ DATE Swom to and subscribed before me by ~ C.9L~2kt- who i ersonally cno to me or pro uce as identi (cation, this day of i , 1y,~~_a Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary "'• ~° Commission No./Expiration '"~. ~ * 6Y~PIAES• August 2, 2010 Seal: i0''~„•~,~~Oe BondedrnmBudpetNoiaryServlwt Form CD-2001 Pa e 3 of 3 Development Application A roved: 08/27/97 Revision: File Name: Doa Permit Application No. ~. Supplementallnformation o~ Conditional Use Permit, Model Home q'~' .,l 1. Type of permit : initial application renewal 2. Describe the hours of business: ~ 1~- '~ ~ `~ 1M 3. Describe any on-premise signs (size and location). 4. Is the proposed model home to be illuminated? If so, describe illumination plan 5. Attach the following: a. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. b. A survey of the lot where the model home is located showing the location of the required five parking spaces, any signs, and any illumination. 6. Describe how the proposed use is designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. If not, why not: Form CD-2005 Pa e 1 of 2 CIJP Model Home A roved: 08/27/97 1?evision: File Name: Sicu mh Permit Application No. 7. Describe how the propose use will not adversely effect other properties. If not, why not: Form CD-2005 Pa e 2 of 2 CUP Model Home A roved: 08/27/97 Revision: File Name: Sicr~ mh