HomeMy WebLinkAbout07162009 PZ AgendaCmoF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ^ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ^ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2009 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 6/ 18/2009 6. OLD BUSINESS: 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing -Site Plan (Change of Use) -John R. and Nancy A. Laviska - Beugnot Professional Office - 1068 Main Street - 1,083 SF Residential Structure to be Converted into a Professional Office along with the Required Parking, Landscaping and Stormwater -Current Zoning is CG (Commercial General) and Land use is CG (General Commercial) 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (7'72)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN ~ C PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C .O ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ~ fA JUNE 18, 2009 ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ H Chmn. Paul called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. a The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ~ V ~-' ROLL CALL: .... ~ ~ ~ PRESENT: Mr. Dodd Mr. Hepler ~ .C Mr. Srinivasan Mr. Paul ~ ~ O o Mr. Neuberger (~ (V ~' 4 i EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Blais Mr. Simmons ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney AI Minner, City Manager Susan Lorusso, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Paul announced that Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Blais and Mr. Simmons are excused and Mr. Hepler and Mr. Neuberger will be voting. He added that Mr. Cardinale will join the meeting when he is done with the Budget Review Committee meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of 5/21/2009 LPA Meeting of 5/21/2009 MOTION by Neuberger/Srinivasan to approve the P&Z meeting minutes of 5/21/09 and LPA meeting minutes of 5/21/09. Motion was approved on roll call. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: A. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW 772 Kroegel Ave. - 20' X 30' Detached Garage -Russell Virgin Mr. Virgin presented his application and said the garage would be used to store his boat. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the staff report and said a revised plan had been delivered to the office which reduced the side setback to 10 feet. There were no questions or comments from the commission. E~ Q a c O PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2009 (Mr. Cardinale arrived and Took his seat.) MOTION by Dodd/Neuberger to approve the accessory structure for Russell Virgin at 772 Kroegel Avenue. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. 2. 773 Jordan Ave. - 24' X 30' Detached Garage -Fred Maio Mr. Maio presented his application and explained the layout of his property. Ms. Bosworth added that the garage would match in color to the main house and there would be no auxiliary driveway. There were no questions or comments from the commission. MOTION by Paul/Dodd to approve the accessory structure for Fred Maio at 773 Jordan Avenue. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Paul yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Dodd yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Srinivasan yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. B. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL --- REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS GREATER THAN $50,000 - 6 YEAR SCHEDULE FY 2009/10 THRU FY 2014/15 Mr. Minner gave a PowerPoint presentation depicting projects within the city that are completed, currently in progress and to be scheduled in the future. He explained the areas of income the city receives and how projects are funded. Mr. Dodd commented on the CR 512 triangle and the city's compound as it is a primary focal point of the city's entrance. Mr. Hepler talked about bringing green industry to the city. Mr. Cardinale agreed with looking into hybrid cars and bringing in green industry and asked about the future of the CRA fund. Mr. Minner said city council did not want to disband the fund. Mr. Srinivasan asked if special revenues could be used for operating expenses and Mr. Minner explained they could when the special revenues allow us to do so. He gave an example with the gas tax, which has an allowance to be used for roads or maintenance repairs. Mr. Neuberger commented on the changes that have occurred over the years in the city. Mr. Paul agreed with the comments on the CR 512 triangle and the need to improve that corridor. He also asked about the Barber Street project. Mr. Minner reassured the commission that Barber Street is scheduled for resurfacing and in some areas repair of the base material and there are no plans to widen that street. MOTION by Paul/Dodd to recommend .city council adopt the Capital Improvement Program and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000, 6 year schedule fiscal year 2009-10 through 2014/15, as presented by City Manager AI Minner. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2009 ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul yes Mr. Cardinale yes Mr. Neuberger yes Mr. Srinivasan yes Mr. Hepler yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passes unanimously. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Paul asked who is responsible to take care of the dip in the road at the intersection of US Hwy. 1 and Main Street. He also offered his congratulations to Deputy Chief Michelle Morris on her promotion to Chief and wished her good luck. MEMBERS MATTERS: NONE DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Grohall reminded the commission members that the 401 financial disclosure forms are due July 1St to the Supervisor of Elections. Also, the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Main Street project will be held on Saturday, July 11 at 9:00 A.M. ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Paul adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m. (6/19/09 sb/) 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2009 SPECIFIC ISSUES RAISED BY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ON THE CIP PRESENTATION - CR 512 Triangle - Moving the compound and preparing the land to be sold - Remove overhead power lines along Barber Street as well as U.S 1 and Indian River Drive - Street repairs - Hybrid or electric cars for non-critical use - Economic development -bringing in more business, especially green industry - Will the new golf course club house attract people to Sebastian - New cart barn at the golf course - Utilize poinciana trees for their fast growth to buffer the compound - Road resurfacing - The city manufacture solar panels for own use and possible sale - Traffic control in relation to speed - Potential drug activity where young people gather - Cav-cor property - Stay focused on property west of the railroad tracks - The commission was in agreement with the CIP proposals as presented 4 mra 5E$~T~N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Growth Management Department Site Plan (Change of Use) Staff Report 1. Project Name: Beugnot Professional Office 2. Requested Action: Site plan approval (change of use) for a residential structure converting to a commercial office along with required parking, landscaping, and stormwater improvements. 3. Project Location a. Address: 1068 Main Street b. Legal: Lot 4, Block 3, Repiat of School Park Subdivision c. Indian River County Parcel Number: 31-39-06-00005-0030-00004.0 4. Project Owner: John & Nancy Laviska 104 Harbor Point Drive Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 388-0959 fax: (772) 5. Project Agent: 6. Project Engineer: Mr. Todd Smith, P.E. Mr. Todd Smith, P.E. 121 Hinchman Avenue Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772) 589-8722 fax: (772) 581-8627 7. Project Surveyor: Hayhurst Land Surveying, Inc. 445 9th Street SW, Unit 7 Vero Beach, Florida 32962 (772) 569-6680 fax: (772) 770-3446 8. Project Description Narrative of proposed action: The applicant is requesting approval of a change of use for a residential structure to be converted to a small real estate office along with the required site improvements of parking, landscaping, and stormwater. The existing fences will either be replaced 1 b. c. North: East: South: West: and/or relocated, and the shed in the rear will be replaced. Anew handicap ramp is being constructed to the front porch for additional accessibility to the building. The property is connected to county water, and based on the small size of the office, and as approved by Environmental Health, will continue to use the existing septic tank and drainfield. Current Zoning and Land Use: CG (Commercial .General) CG (General Commercial) Adjacent Properties Zonin CG & PS CG CG CG Current Land Use Office Bldg & Police Station Vacant Residential Commercial Future Land Use CG & INS CG CG CG d. Site Characteristics (1) Project Area: .25 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Vacant Residential Structure (3) Soil: Astatula (4) Vegetation: Oaks & Sea grapes (5) Flood Hazard: Zone X (6) Water Service: Indian River County Utilities (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: Septic Tank & Drainfield (8) Parks: Friendship Park - 2 blocks (9) Police/Fire: Indian River Fire -'/z mile Sebastian Police - 75 feet 9. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent c. Housing: consistent d. Public Facilities: consistent 2 e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 10. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: 25.61' c. contours and designated number of dwelling units: 0 d. square footage of project area: provided - 10,978 SF e. building coverage: Total - 1,223 SF = 11.1% (30% maximum) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: impervious 3,667 SF = 33.4% (80% maximum) open 7,311 SF = 66.6% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: provided - in compliance with zoning regulations Required Proposed Front North 0' 22.1' West 6' 44.2' Side: East 5' 25.4' Rear: South 10' 48.7' h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: Provided i. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: Provided j. Building exterior construction materials and color: Provided k. building height: Existing/provided: 14.25 I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: Existing - no dumpster proposed, trash cans will used 3 m. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Business/Professional Office - 1 space for each 200 SF of office space Parking Required: 891 SF _ 200 SF = 4.5 spaces (5) Parking Provided: 5 spaces (4 regular, 1 H/C) o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided p. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided r. number of employees: s. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a u. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: provided v. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: location provided -separate permit required for all monument and facade signs. w. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided x. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: existing y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: provided z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: provided aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: provided bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: provided cc. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: provided 4 11. Site location and character of use: provided 12. Appearance site and structures: a. harmonious overall design: yes b. location and screening of mechanical equipment, utility hardware and waste storage areas: provided c. commercial and industrial activities conducted in enclosed buildings: yes d. exterior lighting: provided - a flood light will be attached to the building to provide lighting for the parking area 13. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: existing b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: provided 14. Traffic impacts: Traffic Impact Statement provided 15. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): Provided 16. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: Provided - A Type "A" opaque screen is being provided along the rear property line (south) to buffer the adjacent residential use (single-family home) 17. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: N/A 18: Surface water management: provided 19: Available potable water: County Water 20: Wastewater service: Existing Septic System 21: Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: provided 22. Performance Overlay District Requirements: N/A -this project is west of the railroad. 23. Additional considerations: The applicant is providing an off-site improvement by adding an additional four feet of pavement to Cross Street the length of the property. Future development of surrounding commercial properties will also be required to add pavement to the street to bring the width into compliance. 5 This structure is listed on the Florida Master Site File for historic properties and is within the "Old Town Sebastian Historic District", which is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is known as the John Beugnot House. The Beugnots were one of Sebastian's first resident families. The core of the house is said to have been built on the Sebastian River near where CR 512 crosses today. It served the railway junction known as Eureka (Kitching) between Sebastian and Fellsmere. It was moved to its present location in the early 1900's. 24. City Engineer's review: Applicant has addressed all engineering and jurisdictional agencies' comments 25. Conclusion: The proposed change of use site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. 26. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan. 4 a PREPARED BY DA E 6 Page 1 of 1 http://www.ircpa.org/Default.mapx?Todo=ZoomIn&xMin=399&yMin=215 &xMax=402&yMax=218&... 7/ 10/2009 ~ I :.n ~;,~;;~w ,ran - u w.uLdl- ~ n ~ n /1~r` ..o...... -S~ iap5 l._~!2 is-K SE;ti L''~ F. .'1p :i: w..n 'n'I a ~I'TE 1 ----r-=-- ~-~..:-~~--- .~ LOCATT~ON MAF~ N:T.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AU_ OF LOT 4, BLOCK 3 ~ REPEAT OF SCHOOL PARK SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 29 OF THE PUBUC'RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER CO... FLORIDA SAID. LANDS LYING IN INDIAN RIVER CO., FLORIDA. CONTAINING 0.25 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SURVEY NOTES: 1. (ANDS SHOWN'HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF.RECORD. 2. NORTH ARROW SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON RECORD PLAT.. 3. THIS SURVEY iS CERTIFlED ONLY TO THE. BELOW NAMED INDIVIDUALS. 4..ECEVATIONS (IF'SHOWN!) HEREON ARE BASED ON N.GV:D. (1929): UNLESS 01T9ERWISE NOTED. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBDUED BY.'CL'IENTS 6. NQ STRUCTURES OR UTILITIES THAT ARE BENEATH THE SURFACE HAVE BEEN LOCATED: CER'EFE'IED. T0: . JOHN R_ LaVISt~;4, ,R2. &' N?,NCY A IaVISKA DILL do EVANS; P.L. ATTORNEYS TYRE INSURANCE FUND,. INC. ' FLOOD ZONE:. X, PANEL NO'. tZ.06400076 E I I _!T -- _ - _ ~ .. I _- _ IL__ I J ~I~"~~r ,.._.~...1~~, MAR 13 .2009 CROSS STREET ~~~~y~~~ ~;:,~~<:. ( 40' RAW 14' PAVEMENT P:P~FND. CAP(5642) ' 0 2' NORTH 119 20 SET CAP ' . 89. . t I .44}6.. 4' C.Lf. i p~~' 0.7' CLI2. ~ ._ ~ ~ ' I N ]~. 4 C.LF. I f la ; 0.5' CLR:~ I I ~ ci t I ~. ~ W I ' W I ~ ~' ' ~ ~ < ~a #LP. i 40.3' - f ~ ~ 9LOCK 3 8 ~ D d27~ ^ LOT 4 - >N , CONC WALK . ~ ! r ' r ---- -- 6~. N 1 STORY N z n . . l l/ N - ? ~ ~ FRAME #]068 ' W ~ ~ CONC. o ~ 40.3' 22:1' s ' 6' WOOD FENCE ~ SUB ~ ~ STORAGE ~ ~ SHED ~ ~ ~ ~ Z •~ 0 5' CLR: ~ ,S •'~ ,,. . SEPTiC ~ . . _ O g . ~ Q ~ L ~..:T r . ~ 199' IN 'o ALUM. ~ I ' 9.. .. ; ~ ~ . , . 'a. . m. ' ~ .6 ^ SHED h y)^ ~r, ~' . v 1 1 9 2 I P ' ^ FND. t~PIRE '• ' . .. . V W I 0 N. O 3 . 0.3' NORTH . W ¢, . NL ~I _C1- ? I . .LEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS ~ . ~ ASBUILT ELEVATION ~p . CF~p NK FENCE . ' A DELTA . A/C AIR CONDhT10NFR I:P. .IRON' PIPE LR IRON `ROD ~ ~ ' ~ - B BCOGK~ ~ ' B.M:. BENCHMARK ~ ~. L LENGTH ~~ ~ " 8.8. BEARING BASE ~ M MEASURED ~ ~ / : ~ ~ ~ C . CALCULATED ~ NdA NAIL dr. DISK ~ PLAT P ; V' - . CB CHORD BEARING CD CHORO'DISiANCE PRN. PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT YTI•LL:T:AM~ E. HAY T '- p°o PP' POWER POLE ~ P O.B.S. CONCRETE'BLOCK ~ ~ R08'E99IONAL 9v ' RVEYOR ).[ADDER ' LATE 9ZGNED R RADIUS STRUCTURE CENTERLINE R/W R7GHT ~' WAY NarE' ALL sErcws LAeaFV Psi tlEH-4ae a D'Z:ORmA REOISI RATZON O 441e THIS' SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR COPIES THEREOF ARE . WM WATER METER R CLEAR ' COMBINED LGTS ~ sx~aRTED;xnN ~ !r'Laro`~s.~ ' NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGATURE. AND ORIGINAL. RAISED ' coNa. coNCRETE . c SEAL OE A FLO RIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. .. ~ ~ ST1kYkl' TYPE:. ~ . ~llA,~AIIIP BO.U~Iai4RY DATE: INT. ,REVISIONS: .HAY73iJRS'F LAND SURV~YII!TG INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORFZA'TION~NUMBER (L8 7364) oRAxx Br. ~.D.~.. :. `: SURVI,YING 8e. MAPPI'NG COMPANY aEaan~BY: W:E.H 446 . 9TH 3T. 9:917`. Vzait-'7- ' 30:1 ' VL+'RO~ HEACH; FL. 32962' '~ 680 PHONE: (772:)' 569=6 nA~ t0 30 0; . . FAX: (772) 77'0=3446 _ scALE. 1 -~~ . .rte IY • • •• ~ ' ¢' • 1!!c ~ ~ ~ T.~ IU ID 4 t ~ 1R .11 f. .p~f; ll L'h ` ~.'P. • LhT Q5: a 1~ R~:1' AT ~ ! ~ I q ~ l ,~In 1 ~ * • ,i. i~l Permit Application Nd"' I - 5 JI5 1 ~~~ City of Sebastian ~s . "`~ "°°~`_ Ilavalnnmant (~rt~pr Annlir_ati~n A licant If not owner, written authorization notarized from owner is r uired Name: ~-c+~nS ~ " ~v,s~- ~~ Np tJL A Z.Av ~Skr4 Address: I O~} I-~A~Bc(~ ~1 -r ~~,l~STIA~J i L 3~t~S~ Phone Number: (-~'~) ~~ - 0559 FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: al~a»t~e co Owner If different from a licant Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: Title of permit or action requested: 5 ,-rY ~ l..a., r~ ~P R ~~ ~ PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicablej: ^ [- L B~v6n~ts'7" t'(ZOT£SS-D/`Sfvl. _ O'r~1L f B. Site Information Address: 1 e G Q ~~ ~ ~ S'T: S~-C -SST ~>4 Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: Indian River County Parcel #: ' 31-3g-ab• G~ooS- Do3a-oooa ,o Zoning Classification: G~ Future Land Use: C~ Existing Use:S~~1r ~~,` (~~~~ Proposed Use: ~('~SS~cNPL ~' ~£ C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach r _ ~ t. _ -}D -~ale~~ss ~s,~Pt of,~s,,., c1~r+s~-c c~~.iv A~~ A1S SrZr-c~~.~'~-(~~~n~e te± ~o.I~.vwl,~eC' ~f~e~A~,i'^a+,~' -}'A-Ate' `~ I P r dSGr (~.NS ~ ~4 vt ~T1/v S ~: tt G~~l. nJ Ali P( byAl. ~~ DATE RECEIVED:3 /~3/ ~ ~ FEE PAID: $~ ~ D D RECEIVED BY: ~,, MAR 131009 ~~ ~~~~ Permit Application No. D. Pro'ect Personnel: A ent: Name: N`~, Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( } - E-Mail: Attome Name: N ~~ Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: En ineer: Name: - - I~DD N. Sc„~ ~ ~~- Address ~ ~~ ~~~ C.FI -wo~J .+d,a ~L fC. 3~ qS~' ~• SCI~AST11aN, Phone Number. (77a) ~~ - ~.~~~ FAX Number. (~~a ~~ ~ - ~`~~ E-Mail -j-~ 23e1~Sou~~. r1,~Q,~ Surve or: Name: 1^+v~~' ~ vfur~ ~N ~c Address 4y5 ~,~ ~ LL.. Sw U .~ ,, Y,EI'Zo ~f~t?~I~ tel. 3~L~ Phone Number: (.~~ } S~o~ - ~ ~~ FAX Number: {~.~~ ).770- 34~ G E-Mail: I, ~o{aN '~ , ~V ~ ~ ,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: ~ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, ND T AT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE T U T THE BEST OF MY KNOWLE GE AND BELIEF. ~- ~3 d p ATURE DATE WORN TO AN UBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY~~lG iJ~ /LJ" ~~~ l/i~~-~ WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN T E OR PRODUCED _ AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS-~~~AYOF //~i~i"~~i i r , 20 NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, ~ THE OWNER(S~ / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S~ OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE ~+~+NiNI:. ~' 2,oN~N~'1,_ BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION O/R THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS VIIAIVER f~VD COt~E~JT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PRQI~ES fA E B~ Y MPLOYEE, AGENT, GONTS2ACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. RE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before who is personally known to ,me c as identification, this ~~y Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary Commission No./Expiration Seal: Permit Application No. "~`~ ~ Supplementallnformation ~ ~~ Site Plan Approval ~~, -~ HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND /1. Site size in acres or square feet: , a5 .acccEs / 2. Area of impervious surtace in square feet: ~ 5S3 sf ~- Y 3. Area of pervious surface in square feet: "7 3 `j 5 .S'~ / 4. Attach the following: .~ a. Six copies of site plan with lot configuration, finished ground floor elevations, contours and designated number of dwelling units, and setbacks to scale indicating compliance with regulations. (Two sets must be sealed.) /- b. A scaled drawing of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure, generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure, building exterior construction material and color, and building ridgeline height. /~ c. A surtace-water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect / registered in the State of Florida. ~/ d. A land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor. ~e. A traffic impact analysis, if required. f. An erosion/sedimentation control plan. g. A copy of the landscape plan to meet the requirements of Article XIV, Tree Protection and Landscaping, or Article XXI Performance Overlay Districts, as stated in the Land Development Code. h. A verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property except publicly held corporations whose stock is traded on a nationally recognized stock exchange, in which case the name and address of the corporation and principal executive officers will be sufficient. J_ i. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred ~300~ feet of the parcel to be considered. Permit Application No. ~~/ 5. The following information is required on all site plans: a. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display. Y b. Locate on the site plan and show the dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways, including the number of spaces with their location and dimension, details of off-street parking and loading areas, all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering, surtace materials, number of employees and number and type of vehicles owned by the establishment. Any combined off-street parking facilities shall be submitted with an agreement specifying the nature of the arrangement, its anticipated duration; and signatures of all concerned property owners. ~c. Locate on the site plan all pedestrian walks, and height or orientation of all signs. ~_ d. Locate on the site plan and describe the character of landscaped areas and/or recreation areas. ~e. Locate on the site plan and describe the design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities such as water and wastewater disposal facilities, underground or overhead electric lines, gas transmission lines, or other similar facilities or services. ~f. Locate on the site plan and describe the height and general character of perimeter or ornamental wal{s, fences, landscaping, including berms and other required screening devices, and any other plans for protecting adjacent property owners. f g. Locate on the site plan existing easements and rights-of--way.