HomeMy WebLinkAbout05152012BUD AgendaSEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY — MAY 15, 2012 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of March 13, 2012 5. Comments by City Manager 6. Review Second Quarterly Report — FY 2012 7. Discuss Next Meeting Date (Tuesday, June 12, 2012) 8. Discussion/Questions by Committee Members 9. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of March 13, 2012 Second Quarterly Report — FY 2012 ANY PERSON WHO DEC/DES TO APPEAL ANY DEC/S/ON MADE W/TH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONS/DERED AT TH/S MEET/NG WlLL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEED/NGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. �� ���r� \ ��� HOME OF PELICAN ISIAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Dionna Farmer William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Harry Marshall Tim Slaven Christine Vicars Gary O'Hara Staff and Council Present: AI Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Director Ken Killgore, Finance Director Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. Introduction of Member Garv O'Hara: Mr. O'Hara introduced himself to the board. 5. A�proval of Minutes: January 10, 2012 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Marshall and SECOND by Mr. Flaherty to approve the January 10, 2012 minutes as written, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. 6. Memorandum on Additional Information Requested: Mr. Herlihy read from the memo submitted in the agenda on the additional information that was requested by the board. The three items in question were the one cent gas tax which went before Council and they decided not to go forward with the tax. The second item was that the board had discussed many times to request to FPL to turn off street lights in certain locations for two hours a day to cut costs. An analysis was done by staff and the savings would only be about $422 for five months. The third item requested was the projected savings on the Wind Turbine at the Airport. Mr. Herlihy said the return on investments was about eleven years but in the long run with electricity costs going up it will be a savings. Ms. Vicars asked about the calculation on the FPL street lights. She didn't think the numbers were correct. It appeared that they were only calculated for two hours a month for five months. Ms. Vicars calculations came out to $12,895.56. Ms. Krueger said if the board wanted to proceed with this item it would have to go before Council approval, Budget Advisory Meeting March 13, 2012 Page Two FPL would have to be notified to see if they can even do this and then the Chief of Police would have to weigh the safety issue. Mr. Flaherty said this item should be discussed and the risk vs savings needs to be reviewed. He asked if Chief Morris had been notified and what her feelings were. Ms. Krueger said the Chief had not because she wasn't even sure FPL could turn off the lights. Ms. Krueger will contact FPL to see if it was possible to have the street lights turned off and she will email the response to the board. Mr. Slaven asked how daylight saving would fall into this plan? Ms. Krueger stated that she just took an average of the last five months so the daylight savings time wasn't part of the calculations. Mr. Flaherty asked if staff expected the return on investment on the Wind Turbine to be so long and Mr. Minner said they actually expected it to be worse. Ms. Krueger confirmed to Mr. O'Hara that the calculations for the FPL savings was an average for the last five months. Mr. O'Hara said if that true the total savings for the year would be around $30,000. Mr. Minner explained that the average calculated was for the listed street lights and they would double check their math. 7. Comments bv Citv Manaqer: There were no comments from the City Manager. 8. Review First Quarterly Report — FY 2012: Mr. Killgore gave an explanation of the first quarterly report. The report documents the changes to the budget during the first quarter of the year. This report will go before Council by resolution for their approval. The changes were by approval by the City Manager or by the results of Council actions. Mr. Killgore wanted the board to note that in the Enterprise Funds that the Building Fund went up a little for the first quarter. There were no comments or questions from the board. For the benefit of the public, Mr. Herlihy wanted the public to know that in the first quarter in the General Fund, the total expenditures were 23.7% which means we're below target. The key point in the Enterprise Funds is the Golf Course is just a little over target and the Airport is below target. The Building Fund is higher than projected. Also, Mr. Herlihy wanted the public to know that in the Enterprise Funds they do not use any tax revenue. MOTION by Mr. Flaherty and SECOND by Mr. Slaven to approve the First Quarterly Report as submitted and recommended to Council, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. 9. Discuss Next Meetinq Date (Tuesday, Mav 15, 2012): There were no comments regarding the next meeting date. Ms. Krueger thanked Ms. Vicars and let the board know her calculations on the FPL numbers were incorrect and the yearly savings were $30,946.00. She will get with our Public Works Dept. and see if it is even feasible to do this. Budget Advisory Meeting March 13, 2012 Page Three Mr. Herlihy reminded the board to go to staff with any questions and to review old budgets. He offered Mr. Minner's power point presentation from last year as a useful tool. Mr. Herlihy explained that the function of this board is to present budget recommendations to Council regarding the annual budget. He recommended that the members familiarize themselves on how the City raises it's funding and how the City comes up with the property rate or millage rate. 10. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. Citizen Budget Advisory Board Chairperson Signature Date �� SE.��T�IV ; �.,��. HOME � PELICAPI 15t1►PID Cit of Sebastian, Florida Subject: Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Agenda No. Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget. Department Origin: Administrative Services: Approved for Submittal by: City Attorney: A1 Minner, City Manager City Clerk: Date Submitted: May 16, 2012 For Agenda of: May 23, 2012 Exhibits: • Resolution No. R-12-XX • 2"a Quarter Comparison of Actual to Budget • Capital Project Status Reports as of March 3l, 2012 • Schedule of Investments as of December 31, 2012 • 2"a Quarter Accomplishments SUMMARY Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. These changes and those approved by the City Council during the quarter are summarized in Exhibit "A" attached to the Resolution. Essentially, General Fund appropriations were not changed. In the Discretionary Sales Tax Fund (DST) appropriations were increased $3,644 to add funding for the telephone system project; $20,000 to fund the Four Chaplains Memorials project; and an administrative correction to reflect that $151,076 intended to fund the excavation equipment will come from the Stormwater Fund and not DST. The Recreation Impact Fee Fund was reduced by $111 for the unexpended balance of the project to do electrical work at Riverview Park and the Stormwater Fund was increased $151,076 by the previously mentioned administrative correction. The Airport Fund budget was increased to allow a$4,475 budget for the cost of repairing fencing that was recovered from insurance proceeds and to increase the grounds maintenance account $6,000 from the added revenue received from a lease option payment. RECOMMENDED ACTION Move to approve R-12-XX. RESOLUTION NO. R-12-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2011 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-11-22 on September 28, 2011 approving the City's 2011-12 budget, also referred to as the Annual Budget Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian adopted Resolution No. R-12-10 on March 28, 2012 regarding revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended December 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months ended March 31, 2012 has indicated that adjustments are necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previous approved these adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida far the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2011 and ending September 30, 2012 be amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A", the revised appropriations set out therein are hereby made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill Vice-Mayor pon Wright Councilmember Andrea Coy Councilmember Richard H. Gillmor Councilmember Bob McPartian The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 23`d day of May 2012. ATTEST: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA : Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and content for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Sally A. Maio, MMC Robert A. Ginsburg, City Clerk City Attorney FUND TITLE GENERAL Revenues Expenditures LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX Revenues Expenditures DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX Revenues Expenditures RIVERFRONT CRA Revenues Expenditures PARKING IN-LIEU-OF FEES Revenues Expenditures RECREATION IMPACT FEE Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER UTILITY FEE Revenues Expenditures LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE Revenues Expenditures DST DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Expenditures GOLF COURSE Revenues Expenses AIRPORT Revenues Expenses BUILDING Revenues Expenses TOTAL BUDGET EXHIBIT "A" BUDGET BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS $ 9,925,315 9,925,315 648,511 648,511 2,907,103 2,907,103 286,616 286,616 13,800 13,800 448,886 448,886 938,623 938,623 10,125 10,125 1,022,333 1,022,333 FY 2012 2nd QUARTER ADJUSTMENTS $ - (127,432) (127,432) (111) (111) 151,076 151,076 � � 440,123 - 440,123 - 1,305,753 - 1,305,753 - 436,649 10,475 436,649 10,475 413,059 - 413,059 413,059 - 413,059 $ 18,796,896 $ 34,008 $ 18,830,904 AMENDED BUDGET AFTER ADJUSTMENTS $ 9,925,315 9,925,315 648,511 648,511 2,779,671 2,779,671 286,616 286,616 13,800 13,800 448,775 448,775 1,089,699 1,089,699 10,125 10,125 1,022,333 1,022,333 440,123 440,123 1,305,753 1,305,753 447,124 447,124 Description GENERAL FUND SUMMARY C[TY OF SEBAST[AN, FLORIDA COMPAR[SON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET % 2nd Qtr YT� BUDGET % 2nd Qtr YT� BUDGET % TAXES 4,824,326 7,531,430 64.1% 4,201,952 7,179,708 58.5% �ICENSES & PERMITS 16,813 51,400 32.7% 12,425 44,650 27.8% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 813,304 1,723,105 47.2% 770,955 1,836,540 42.0% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 151,601 289,147 52.4% 134,576 286,550 47.0% FINES AND FORFEITS 34,484 55,000 62.7% 37,323 65,500 57.0% MISCEL�ANEOUS REVENUES 106,343 423,190 25.1% 109,813 338,124 32.5% TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 382,444 848,909 45.1% 368,363 753,759 48.9% TOTAL REVENUES 6,329,315 10,922,181 57.9% 5,635,407 10,504,831 53.6% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 5,534,856 6,131,749 90.3% 4,962,399 5,068,245 97.9% TOTAL SOURCES 11,864,171 17,053,930 69.6% 10,597,806 15,573,076 68.1% CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS GROWTH MANAGEMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 22,277 52,117 42.7% 116,187 254,480 45.7% 154,065 296,444 52.0% 50,925 125,340 40.6% 361,062 759,571 47.5% 2,214,526 4,675,788 47.4% 1,670,847 3,694,008 45.2% 175,469 437,156 40.1% 491,362 627,277 78.3% 5,256,720 10,922,181 48.1 % 6,803,879 6,131,749 111.0% 11,864,171 17,053,930 69.6% 21,584 49,708 43.4% 104,272 234,642 44.4% 128,773 272,792 47.2% 48,917 125,785 38.9% 360,555 727,470 49.6% 2,209,726 4,807,989 46.0% 1,451,630 3,385,604 42.9% 165,923 348,734 47.6% 381,681 552,107 69.1 % 4, 873,061 10,504,831 46.4% 5,724,745 5,068,245 113.0% 10,597,806 15,573,076 68.1% 3,888,945 6,684,535 58.2% 13,226 36,150 36.6% 800,481 1,880,400 42.6% 145,027 284,603 51.0% 31,378 74,000 42.4% 90,058 276,498 32.6% 345,569 689,129 50.1 % 5,314,684 9,925,315 53.5% 4,733,552 4,711,377 100.5% 10,048,236 14,636,692 68.7% 22,836 50,283 45.4% 108,977 234,046 46.6% 165,432 304,390 54.3% 48,855 107,710 45.4% 344,339 637,994 54.0% 2,174,171 4,429,395 49.1 % 1,504,454 3,215,690 46.8% 116, 978 248,150 47.1 % 446,648 697,657 64.0% 4,932,690 9,925,315 49.7% 5,115,546 4,711,377 108.6% 10,048,236 14,636,692 68.7% Property tax collections during the second quarter are lower than last year, as a result of keeping the same millage with reduced taxable values. Licenses and permits include driveway and alarm permits and fees for zoning, site plan and plat changes. Fines and Forfeits include collection of Code Enforcement liens. Miscellaneous Revenues includes investment income. Total Sources includes the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves. For the 2012 Annual Budget, we do not anticipate using any cash reserves. Spending by all the Departments are all within the 50% of budget (one-half of the fiscal year) except the City Clerk, Administrative Services and Non- Departmental. City Clerk is higher due to election costs and annual equipment maintenance contract payments. Administrative Services is slightly higher because of the payment for the annual audit. The Non-departmental category is over 50% of budget because the City's total annual contribution to the CRA Fund was made in the first quarter. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 2,715,729 3,167,006 85.8% 236,584 623,521 37.9% 239,715 598,253 40.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 82.854 152,559 54.3% 1,392,655 1,401,543 99•4% 58,562 50,258 116.5% TOTAL SOURCES 2,798,583 3�319,565 84.3% 1,629�239 2,025,064 80.5% 298,277 648�511 46.0°/a DEBT SERVICE 1,180,439 1,180,439 100.0% 132,207 264,463 50.0% 132,783 265,792 50.0% OTHER EXPENDITURES 188,118 324,100 58.0% 155,415 250,000 62•2% 148,595 257,719 57.7% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS - 1,250,461 ���% 949,586 1,461,429 65.0% 62.500 125,000 50.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,368,557 2,755,000 49•7% 1,237,208 1,975,892 62.6% 343,878 648,511 53.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,430,026 564,565 253.3% 392,031 49,172 797.3% (45,601) - 0.0% TOTAL USES 2,798,583 3,319,565 84.3% 1,629,239 2,025,064 80.5% 298,277 648,511 46.0% Refinancing the Paving Loan provided funds for additional paving work and lowered the annual debt service requirement. 2011 actual beginning cash reserves included the amount of loan proceeds that had not been expended by the end of last fiscal year. 2nd Quarter Year-to-Date Revenue reflects just five monthly payments, due to accruals. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTALREVENUES BEGINNING CASH RESERVES TOTAL SOURCES TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 982,322 2,510,445 39.1% 979,159 2,349,593 41.7% 1,404,945 1,904,156 73.8% 1,329,570 1,292,080 102.9% 2,387,267 4,414,601 54.1% 2,308,729 3,641,673 63.4% 1,120,494 3,673,830 30.5% 909,191 2,728,324 33.3% 1,120,494 3,673,830 30.5% 909,191 2,728,324 33.3% 1,266,773 740,771 171.0% 1,399,538 913,349 153.2% 2,387,267 4,414,601 54.1% 2,308,729 3,641,673 63.4% 1,015,170 2,380,150 42.7% 1,623,442 1,292,080 125.6% 2,638,612 3,672,230 71.9% 1,418,280 2,779,671 51.0% 1,418,280 2,779,671 51.0% 1,220,332 892,559 136.7% 2,638,612 3,672,230 71.9% 2nd quarter revenue reflects just five months payments, because the October payment for September collections was accounted for in 2011. 2011 Projects, including Power Line Road and Excavation Equipment, that were carried forward to 2012 are the reasons Beginning Cash Reserves were higher than estimated. C[TY OF SEBAST[AN, FLOR[DA COMPAR[SON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER F[SCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 Description n tr o n tr o RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES 431,689 440,535 98.0% 299,070 300,382 99.6% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 984,638 638,242 154.3% 682,591 676,714 100.9% TOTAL SOURCES 1,416,327 1,078,777 131.3% 981,661 977,096 100.5% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 57,068 168,100 33.9% 107,778 120,727 89.3% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 38,301 60,000 63.8% 197,235 382,494 51.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4. 0 5, 5, . o ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,320,958 850,677 155.3% 676,648 473,875 142.8% TOTAL USES 1,416,327 1,078,777 131.3% 981,661 977,096 100.5% Funds paid by the City and County are included in the second quarter year-to-date revenues. FY 2012 0 0 256,232 263,716 97.2% 455,810 498,934 91.4% 712,042 762,650 93.4% 82,253 126,616 65.0% 32,841 160,000 20.5% , 4 4 . o 596,948 476,034 125.4% 712,042 762,650 93.4% PARKING IN-LIEU-OF FUND TOTAL REVENUES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 6,909 13,800 50.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 12,632 - 0.0% TOTAL SOURCES - - . o - - . o . o EXPENDITURES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 19,541 13,800 141.6% TOTAL USES - - . o - - . o . o This Fund records collections of the parking in-lieu-of fee and any subsequent spending of those monies. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 20,673 56,247 36.8% 13,722 30,791 44.6% 27,392 28,500 96.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,095,485 884,464 123.9% 1,106,310 998,826 110.8% 848,187 436,731 194.2% TOTAL SOURCES 1,116,158 940,711 118.7% 1,120,032 1,029,617 108.8% 875,579 465,231 188.2% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 16,586 251,246 6.6% 57,254 620,519 9.2% 89,755 448,775 20.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,586 251,246 6.6% 57,254 620,519 9.2% 89,755 448,775 20.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,099,572 689,465 159.5% 1,062,778 409,098 259.8% 785,824 16,456 4775.3% TOTAL USES 1,116,158 940,711 118.7% 1,120,032 1,029,617 108.8% 875,579 465,231 188.2% Several projects were underway and needed to be carried forward to 2012, resulting in Beginnning Cash Reserves being higher than estimated. STORMWATER UTILTY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 713,877 877,344 81.4% 693,837 843,200 82.3% 683,597 818,450 83.5% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 795,650 651,397 122.1% 588,841 601,040 98.0% 450,156 316,537 142.2% TOTAL SOURCES 1,509,527 1,528,741 98.7% 1,282,678 1,444,240 88.8% 1,133,753 1,134,987 99.9% OTHER EXPENDITURES - 100 0.0% - 100 0.0% - 100 0.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 535,754 1,020,454 52.5% 469,439 1,138,877 41.2% 620,338 1,089,599 56.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 535,754 1,020,554 52.5% 469,439 1,138,977 41.2% 620,338 1,089,699 56.9% ENDING CASH RESERVES 973,773 508,187 191.6% 813,239 305,263 266.4% 513,415 45,288 1133.7% TOTAL USES 1,509,527 1,528,741 98.7% 1,282,678 1,444,240 88.8% 1,133,753 1,134,987 99.9% The excavation equipment budgeted in 2011 was not paid for until 2012, resulting in Beginning Cash Reserves being higher than estimated. LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 6,099 10,200 59.8% 881 10,250 8.6% 85 10,125 0.8% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 54,018 20,970 257.6% 73,160 52,609 139.1% 66,585 80,062 83.2% TOTAL SOURCES 60,117 31,170 192.9% 74,041 62,859 117.8% 66,670 90,187 73.9% EXPENDITURES 4,079 - 0.0% 1,260 - 0.0% - - 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 56,038 31,170 179.8% 72,781 62,859 115.8% 66,670 90,187 73.9% TOTAL USES 60,117 31,170 192.9% 74,041 62,859 117.8% 66,670 90,187 73.9% These funds are used for the DARE Program, for vehicle towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUND: 517,932 1,035,869 50.0% 498,778 997,557 50.0% 498,696 999,933 49.9% MISC. REVENUES 1,287 1,000 128.7% 2,166 22,854 9.5% 5,759 22,400 25.7% TOTAL REVENUES 519,219 1,036,869 50.1% 500,944 1,020,411 49.1% 504,455 1,022,333 49.3% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,409,493 214,358 657.5% 1,554,654 1,541,577 100.8% 1,556,577 1,542,409 100.9% TOTALSOURCES 1,928,712 1,251,227 154.1% 2,055,598 2,561,988 80.2% 2,061,032 2,564,742 80.4% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 675 300 225.0% 675 300 225.0% DEBTSERVICE 889,947 1,036,569 85.9% 897,841 1,019,279 88.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 890,622 1,036,869 85.9% 898,516 1,019,579 88.1% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,038,090 214,358 484.3% 1,157,082 1,542,409 75.0% TOTAL USES 1,928,712 1,251,227 154.1% 2,055,598 2,561,988 80.2% At the end of 2009, with the rating downgrade of the insurer of our bond reserve, additional funds had to be transferred to the Bond Fund Cash Reserves. Thus, the YTD Actual Beginning and Ending Cash Reserves in 300 300 100.0% 915,138 1,022,033 89.5% 915,438 1,022,333 89.5% 1,145,594 1,542,409 74.3% 2,061,032 2,564,742 80.4% Description CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 n tr o n tr a o 0 STORMWATER UTILITY BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUND� 219,120 438,240 50.0% 219,439 438,877 50.0% MISC. REVENUES 310 120 258.3% 110 1,122 9.8% TOTAL REVENUES 219,430 438,360 50.1% 219,549 439,999 49.9% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 144,635 20,686 699.2% 182,951 182,932 100.0% TOTAL SOURCES 364,065 459,046 79.3% 402,500 622,931 64.6% DEBT SERVICE 89,118 438,360 20.3% 84,893 439,911 19.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89,118 438,360 20.3% 84,893 439,911 19.3% ENDING CASH RESERVES 274,948 20,686 1329.1% 317,607 183,020 173.5% TOTAL USES 364,065 459,046 79.3% 402,500 622,931 64.6% Debt service to date includes the payments of principal and interest on the bonds. GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 841,700 1,483,200 56.7% 860,328 1,261,474 68.2% MISC. REVENUES 20,586 112,713 18.3% 16,614 36,410 45.6% TOTAL REVENUES 862,286 1,595,913 54.0% 876,942 1,297,884 67.6% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (67,076) 764,318 -8.8% (335,947) (367,001) 91.5% TOTAL SOURCES 795,210 2,360,231 33.7% 540,995 930,883 58.1% PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 155,059 350,023 44.3% 151,134 340,270 44.4% 464,645 922,790 50.4% 463,846 956,539 48.5% - 10,000 0.0% - - 0.0% 7,375 313,100 2.4% - 1,075 0.0% 627,079 1,595,913 39.3% 614,980 1,297,884 47.4% 168,131 764,318 22.0% (73,985) (367,001) 20.2% 795,210 2,360,231 33.7% 540,995 930,883 58.1% 219,261 439,023 49.9% 92 1,100 8.4% 219,353 440,123 49.8% 183, 020 183, 020 100. 0% 402,373 623,143 64.6% 79,999 440,123 18.2% 79,999 440,123 18.2% 322, 374 183, 020 176.1 % 402,373 623,143 64.6% 903,172 1,270,793 71.1 % 26,777 34,960 76.6% 929,949 1,305,753 71.2% (216,241) (249,485) 86.7% 713,708 1,056,268 67.6% 137,034 278,843 49.1% 501,407 999,410 50.2% - 27,500 0.0% - - 0.0% 638,441 1,305,753 48.9% 75,267 (249,485) -30.2% 713,708 1,056,268 67.6% Shortfalls in actual revenues required the use of Cash Reserves to meet total expenditures over the past couple of years.lt is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves and pro shop inventory exceeding liabilities but at the end of 2012, we would not have enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and refund prepaid memberships and customer credits. 2010 was the last year of debt service on the Bonds and we are hopeful that we can begin to correct this. Revenues appear strong compared to prior years and expenses are just less than 50%. AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES 186,945 371,219 50.4% 189,131 345,855 54.7% 203,876 409,116 49.8% MISC. REVENUES 31,148 17,000 183.2% 6,296 49,215 12.8% 8,152 38,008 21.4% TOTAL REVENUES 218,093 388,219 56.2% 195,427 395,070 49.5% 212,028 447,124 47.4% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (51,665) 65,784 -78.5% (57,243) (96,942) 59.0% (66,889) (57,243) 116.9% TOTALSOURCES 166,428 454,003 36.7% 138,184 298,128 46.4% 145,139 389,881 37.2% PERSONAL SERVICES 109,895 231,369 47.5% 104,233 230,275 45.3% 115,616 236,970 48.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 94,768 148,300 63.9% 88,370 156,245 56.6% 103,355 192,904 53.6% CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,105 - 0.0% - - 0.0% 3,500 - 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 8,550 8,550 100.0% 8,550 8,550 100.0% - 17,250 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 221,318 388,219 57.0% 201,153 395,070 50.9% 222,471 447,124 49.8% ENDING CASH RESERVES (54,890) 65,784 -83.4% (62,969) (96,942) 65.0% (77,332) (57,243) 135.1% TOTAL USES 166,428 454,003 36.7% 138,184 298,128 46.4% 145,139 389,881 37.2% Cash Reserves have been used to meet total expenditures and required grant matching funds over the past several years. It is normally our intent to maintain Cash Reserves exceeding liabilities but at the end of each year, we have not had enough cash on hand to pay off accrued compensated absenses and other liabilities. BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES 217,011 372,250 58.3% 233,531 355,650 65.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 651,126 779,429 83.5% 554,519 504,899 109.8% TOTALSOURCES 868,137 1,151,679 75.4% 788,050 860,549 91.6% PERSONAL SERVICES 180,462 379,674 47.5% 178,298 367,626 48.5% OPERATING EXPENSES 60,209 109,660 54.9% 55,942 98,114 57.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 240,671 489,334 49.2% 234,240 465,740 50.3% ENDING CASH RESERVES 627,466 662,345 94.7% 553,810 394,809 140.3% TOTAL USES 868,137 1,151,679 75.4% 788,050 860,549 91.6% 241,629 389,150 62.1 % 460,448 431,386 106.7% 702,077 820,536 85.6% 152,891 322,000 47.5% 44,999 91,059 49.4% 197,890 413,059 47.9% 504,187 407,477 123.7% 702,077 820,536 85.6% Ending Cash Reserves have steadily declined due to the economic slump. However, Beginning Cash Reserves for 2012 were slightly higher than anticipated. Description CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET END OF 2ND QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY 2012 2nd Qtr YTD BUDGET % 2nd Qtr YT� BUDGET % % BUDGET % GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMENTS CITY COUNCIL Personnel Operating Totals CITY MANAGER Personnel Operating Totals CITY CLERK Personnel Operating Totals LEGAL Personnel Operating Totals ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Totals GROWTH MANAGEMENT Personnel Operating Totals NON-DEPARTMENTAL Personnel Operating Transfers to Other Funds Totals TOTAL EXPENDITURES Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Transfers to Other Funds Totals ENDING CASH RESERVES TOTAL USES 11,390 22,742 50.1% 11,382 22,761 50.0% 11,381 22,747 50.0% 10,887 29,375 37.1% 10,202 26,947 37.9% 11,455 27,536 41.6% 22,277 52,117 42.7% 21,584 49,708 43.4% 22,836 50,283 45.4% 113,547 250,455 45.3% 103,280 229,734 45.0% 107,654 230,746 46.7% 2,640 4,025 65.6% 992 4,908 20.2% 1,323 3,300 40.1% 116,187 254,480 45.7% 104,272 234,642 44.4% 108,977 234,046 46.6% 109,870 240,794 45.6% 108,074 243,373 44.4% 119,331 249,468 47.8% 44,195 55,650 79.4% 20,699 29,419 70.4% 46,101 54,922 83.9% 154,065 296,444 52.0% 128,773 272,792 47.2% 165,432 304,390 54.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50,925 125,340 40.6% 48,917 125,785 38.9% 48,855 107,710 45.4% 50,925 125,340 40.6% 48,917 125,785 38.9% 48,855 107,710 45.4% 275,633 615,794 44.8% 270,896 601,230 45.1% 249,532 516,060 48.4% 84,129 112,454 74.8% 89,659 121,240 74.0% 90,629 109,805 82.5% 1,300 31,323 4.2% 0 5,000 0.0% 4,178 12,129 34.4% 361,062 759,571 47.5% 360,555 727,470 49.6% 344,339 637,994 54.0% 1,987,317 4,250,025 46.8% 1,956,680 4,381,821 44.7% 1,950,505 3,996,037 48.8% 196,428 398,892 49.2% 222,009 389,533 57.0% 220,289 433,358 50.8% 30,781 26,871 114.6% 31,037 36,635 84.7% 3,377 0 0.0% 2,214,526 4,675,788 47.4% 2,209,726 4,807,989 46.0% 2,174,171 4,429,395 49.1% 1,185,833 2,563,799 46.3% 1,015,071 2,348,344 43.2% 1,046,438 2,160,971 48.4% 468,967 1,116,609 42.0% 435,129 1,024,460 42.5% 437,531 1,033,519 42.3% 16,047 13,600 118.0% 1,430 12,800 11.2% 20,485 21,200 96.6% 1,670,847 3,694,008 45.2% 1,451,630 3,385,604 42.9% 1,504,454 3,215,690 46.8% 168,591 372,436 45.3% 142,349 312,127 45.6% 107,568 227,698 47.2% 6,878 64,720 10.6% 23,574 36,607 64.4% 9,410 20,452 46.0% 175,469 437,156 40.1 % 165,923 348,734 47.6% 116,978 248,150 47.1 % 11,095 15,000 74.0% 8,154 15,000 54.4% 80,717 139,436 57.9% 480,267 612,277 78.4% 373,527 537,107 69.5% 365,931 497,221 73.6% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 61,000 0.0% 491,362 627,277 78.3% 381,681 552,107 69.1% 446,648 697,657 64.0% 3,863,276 8,331,045 46.4% 3,615,886 8,154,390 44.3% 1,148,888 2,519,342 45.6% 1,224,708 2,296,006 53.3% 48,128 71,794 67.0% 32,467 54,435 59.6% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 5,060,292 10,922,181 46.3% 4,873,061 10,504,831 46.4% 6,803,879 6,131,749 111.0% 5,724,745 5,068,245 113.0% 11,864,171 17,053,930 69.6% 10,597,806 15,573,076 68.1% 3,673,126 7,543,163 48.7% 1,231,524 2,287,823 53.8% 28,040 33,329 84.1% 0 61,000 0.0% 4,932,690 9,925,315 49.7% 5,115,546 4,711,377 108.6% 10,048,236 14,636,692 68.7% GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 Project Number Descriptio❑ C1108 Excavatioo Equipment (CLOSED) C1109 Telephone System A1210 Garage Equipment A1211 Repaint City Hall/PD A1212 Police Vehicle Replacement CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Project Number Description C0721 C0921 C ll 22 C ll 23 C1124 C1125 C1126 C1129 A1221 A1222 A1223 A1224 A1225 A1226 A1227 CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT 3/31/2012 Hardee Park lmprovement (Zone A) Schumann Park Improvements Riverview Park Paviliou (Schumann Park) Bark Park Amenties Lift Station - Riverview Park Riverview Park lrrigation Fountains Presidental Streets Easy St Park improvements Mooring Fields Blueway Signage Bleacher Shields Creative Playground Handicapp Pier Riverview Park Electrical (Closed) Four Chaplains Memorial Sidewalk/Landscape TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 Project Number Description C0735 Powerline Road C0834 512 Corridor (DST - FDOT Graot)-CLOSED C ll 31 US 1 improvements - CLOSED C 1132 Gateway Euhaucemeut P0001 Road Paving A1231 Cav Corp Enhancements STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 Project Number Description C4606 Collier Creek lmprovements (DEP GRANT $500,000) P0003 1/4 Rouud Swale Rehab (DST) C 1601 Stormwater Master Plan A1261 BBSC Baseball Field Drainage AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budaet To Date Encumbrances RemaininQ Encumbered 166,053.62 166,053.62 - - 100.00% 63,644.00 16,584.37 47,862.57 (802.94) ]01.26% 23,000.00 4,347.00 13,297.00 5,356.00 76.71% 33,000.00 - - 33,000.00 0.00% 182,871.00 167,982.25 - 14,888.75 91.86% 468,568.62 354,967.24 61,159.57 52,441.81 75.76% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budaet To Date Encumbrances Remainine Encumbered 50,000.00 47,432.01 - 2,567.99 94.86% 246,460.00 149,614.61 23,514.12 73,331.27 70.25% 30,680.00 28,720.71 - 1,959.29 93.61% 75,000.00 1,450.00 - 73,550.00 1.93% 99,683.00 62,862.49 - 36,820.51 63.06% 25,000.00 8,261.52 - 16,738.48 33.05% 473,500.00 33,179.44 - 440,320.56 7.01% 63,000.00 51,058.42 3,308.50 8,633.08 86.30% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 50,000.00 - - 50,000.00 0.00% 30,000.00 - - 30,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 7,389.16 7,389.16 - - 100.00% 20,000.00 - 2,018.87 17,98113 10.09% 1,225,712.16 389,968.36 28,841.49 806,902.31 31.82% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budaet To Date Encumbrances Remainine Encumbered 1,198,338.00 1,074,398.30 1,425.00 122,514.70 89.78% 303,862.44 303,862.44 - - 100.00% 309,120.84 309,120.84 - 0.00 100.00% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 39,554.57 13,749.50 - 25,805.07 34.76% 75,000.00 2,246.96 67,893.06 4,859.98 93.52% 1,950,875.85 1,703,378.04 69,318.06 178,I79.75 87.31% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budaet To Date Encumbrances RemaininQ Encumbered 4,925,102.11 2,647,720.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 4,917,877.11 9,225.00 2,505,927.10 22,36520 27,500.00 - (2,000.00) 119,427.70 22,500.00 50,000.00 100.04% 95.49% 55.00% 0.00% 15,124,12632 7,672,822.11 221,520.39 189,930.19 97.11% Percent Project Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Number Description Budaet To Date Encumbrances RemaininQ Encumbered C0951 Coustruct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) 1,450,000.00 1,313,083.81 7,802.82 129,ll3.37 91.10% C1152 lnstall Security Cameras 43,000.00 - - 43,000.00 0.00% 1,450,000.00 1,313,083.81 7,802.82 129,113.37 0.00% �� � � . : � ,,,,., �, ,::,,; ,�- �• _ r .. .. HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2011 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of March 31, 2012, the total available funds of the City were $11,216,221. $1,675;238 was held in an interest bearing checking account and $9,540,983 was invested in the SBA and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Type State Board of Administration (SBA) US Government Treasury and Agency Bonds Total Fair Value of Investments Amount $ 3,521,335 6,019,648 9,540.983 The details of each investment types are presented on the following pages. CITY OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2012 STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION INVESTMENT ALLOCATION General Fund + Performance Deposits Local Option Gas Tax Fund Discretionary Sales Tax Fund Riverfront Redevelopment Fund Parking In-Lieu-Of Fund Recreation Impact Fee Fund Stormwater Utility Fund Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund Discretionary Sales Tax, Debt Service Fund Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements Fund Transportation Fund Stormwater Projects Fund Golf Course Fund Golf Course Projects Fund Airport Fund Building Depariment Fund Cemetery Trust Fund Performance Deposits Fund Sub-Total cashsba0331 4/23/2012 PERCENT 61.28% 0.00% 1.03% 5.97% 0.55% 2.78% 5.14% 1.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00°/a 0.51% 0.00°/a 10.24% 10.82% 100'% CURRENT BALANCE 2,158,019.15 36,412.12 210,218.56 19,523.29 97,927.49 180,883J9 58,864.75 17,824.05 360,486.08 381,175.39 3,521,334.67 ASSET NAME U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note FNMA Note FHLMC Note FHLB Note TOTAL SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 3/31/2012 CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT YIELD TO DATE OF MATURITY PURCHASE 0.5082% ll/30/10 0.4315% 12/08/] 0 0.7917% 03/31/11 0.5840% 12/08/] 0 0.G578% 12/08/10 0.8641% 03/31/11 ALLOCATION BY FUND General Discretionary Sales Tax DST Bond Reserve Account Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency Recreation Impact Fee Stormwater Revenue Building Ccmctery Trust TOTAL cashsba0331 4/30/2012 PURCHASE 3/31/2012 PRICE FAIR VALUE � 997,460.94 � 1,001,211.00 1,004,687.50 1,001,016.00 99G, 83 6.00 1, 003 ,672.00 1,008,840.00 t,003,193.00 999, 3 3 0.00 1,003,064.00 1,002,670.00 1,007,492.00 $ 6,009,824.44 $ 6,019,648.00 $ 2,496,966.94 $ 2,SO1,048.44 602,343.75 603,328.33 1,008,840.00 1,010,489.03 333,110.00 333,654.50 666,220.00 667,308.99 200,000.00 200,326.92 200,000.00 200,326.92 502,343.75 503,164.87 $ 6,009,824.44 $ 6,019,648.00 MATURITY DATE 10/12/12 OS/31/12 02/28/ 13 07/3 0/ 12 12/28/12 03/27/ 13 CusIP NUMBER 912828PD6 912828NE6 912828QK9 31398AT77 3137EACQ0 313372RK2 allf OF �� •���C1E� ., �.�.� � � HOME OF PELlGN ISWVD Memaandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: A1 Minner, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: May 8, 2012 Re: 2"d Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2012 Enclosed please find the 2°d Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended March 31, 2012. CITY CLERK Leqislative Support Matters • Prepared agenda packets and minutes for six Regular City Council meetings, one Council Workshop, two CRA meetings, and two Board of Adjustment meetings — attended meetings for total of 15.25 hrs. • One ordinance adopted, four passed on first reading • Twelve resolutions adopted • Two official documents recorded w/Clerk of Court • Coordinated with recipients for preparation and presentation of five proclamations • Placed two courtesy meeting ads and two legal notices in Press Journal • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press • Provided monthly regional and county board meeting calendars to Council • Prepared travel for one Council member to attend FLC Institute for Elected Municipal Officials • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations Records Manaqement Proqram • Responded to 80 public records requests • 12 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred-It Recycling - 7.5 trees saved • Scanned into Laserfiche - 26 sets of minutes, 33 agenda packets, 10 Resolutions, 1 Ordinance, 4 agreements and 207 Cemetery files — 30 other documents • 144 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept. Election Matters • Coordinated with SOE for Early Voting in old schoolhouse offices for Presidential Primary • All termination reports for 20] 1 e(ection filed by 2/6/] 2 deadline Board Matters • City Clerk prepared agendas/notices and provided secretarial services for TCCLG meetings • Deputy Clerk attended and recorded three TCCLG meetings and prepared minutes • Filled two board vacancies • Prepared five certificates of appreciation for presentation to board members by Mayor • RPM attended and recorded four Natural Resources Board meetings • City Clerk attended and recorded one Natural Resources Board meeting • RPM attended and recorded one Budget Review Advisory Board meeting • City Clerk received plaque of appreciation for serving as secretary to TCRLC for one year Cemeterv Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 19 locations for a total of $20,500. Communitv Matters • Responded to 68 e-mails to the General City of Sebastian e-mail address (Cityseb) and/or forwarded to appropriate departments for response PersonnellEducational Matters • All staff participated in Laserfiche Avante webinar — 1/18/12 • Deputy Clerk participated in FACC Webinar on the Florida Administrative Code — 2/22/12 • Deputy Clerk attended FACC Advanced Records Management Workshop in Clermont, FL — 3/30/12 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared the 151 Quarter 2012 Budget Amendment to the City Council. • Worked with Auditors to complete the FY201 I audit and prepared the financial statements. • Submitted FY2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the Government Finance Officers Association's Awards Program. • Developed budget calendar for events that will keep preparation of the FY2013 budget on schedule. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwark on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Completed our 4�' Citizens Academy, graduating 27 students. • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Administration attended 6 Council meetings. • Attended over 50 Law Enforcement related meetings and 12 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Completed 2 D.A.R.E classes and graduated more than 200 students. • Agency began in house training for all sworn members for mandatory's and skill enhancement. • 911 Dispatchers began participating in state mandated testing process for certifications. • Began monthly Chie�s Report on Channe125. • Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into IMC... 423 • Arrest Reports (Juveniles) .................................................................. 15 • Arrests Reports (Adults) .................................................................... 99 • Accident Reports/Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into IMC....... 84 ( 21 Accidents; 42 Driver Exchanges) • Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC ...................................... 145 (Civil — 100; Criminal — 25 ; Citation Arrests — 19; Voided - 1) • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ..................... 10 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ...................1,061 (Jan. — 317; Feb. — 358; March — 386) • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed ............................................ 320 (Jan. — 118; Feb. — 68; March. -134) • Fingerprinting Service: Jan. - 15; Feb. - 37; March. - 23 ................... 75 • Public Records Request: Jan. 106; Feb. 113; March - 98 .....................317 Road Patrol • Officers were dispatched to 2,611 calls for service, and self-initiated 7,728 events. • 99 adult and 15 juvenile arrests were made. • Officers issued 100 citations, 10 parking citations, and 1,061 written warnings. • Officers completed 408 offense reports and 63 crash reports. Special Operations Citations • Traffic Homicides (0) • Boat Ofc (ID 447) 5 • K-9 Ofc's (41/38/46) 27 • TOTALS 32 • K-9 Usage/Activity Reports: • K-9 Training hours • K-9 Demonstrations Warnin�s incidents Arrests 12 36 5 118 20 15 130 56 20 15 390 combined hours. 6 • K-9 Apprehensions 8 misdemeanor & 3 Felony • K-9 Narcotic Searches 18 Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Communitv Policing/Training • Attended 20 business contacts/meetings. These locations include numerous financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, Substance Awareness Council and other local businesses & committees. • Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages. • Officer Marcinik completed approximately 12 hours on backgrounds for applicants. • Officer Marcinik conducted approximately 10 hours of car seat inspection & education to the public. • Officer Marcinik also had approximately 8 hours of community problem solving/intervention. This activity is responding to various neighborhood issues and helping with crime prevention and reduce redundant calls for service. • Officer Marcinik had 6 hours of Recruiting. This includes phone calls, walk-in inquiries and career fair presentations at various location. • Officer Marcinik conducted 7 bicycle and pedestrian safety programs at our three schools this quarter. The bike safety program has resulted in the distribution of approximately 15 bike helmets in an on going effort for safe bicycling and compliance with Florida law. • Officer Marcinik conducted 2 child I.D. programs, which provided 32 families with child 1D's . • Officer Marcinik has approximately 14 hours working with DCF regarding adults in need of services and the Department's RUOK automated calling program. • Officer Marcinik has performed 20 hours of training for Crossing Guards, Community Service Volunteers, Crime Prevention Awareness and Robbery Prevention Training. • Officer Marcinik has numerous hours invested in the planning, facilitating and participation with numerous events to include the National Peace Officer Memorial Week, Pelican Island Wildlife Festival, CTST meetings, S.A.F.E. Program, NOPE program, Special Olympics, Citizens Academy & DEA Take Back program. • Officer Marcinik has provided 2 tours with local scout groups promoting good citizenry, safety and crime prevention. Community Volunteer Unit • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 2,243 hours during this quarter. • 73 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall saving time for the employees by not having to leave their assigned duties. • 2 traf�ic control detail was assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 379 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 101 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs etc. • 266 business checks were made. These business checks are done and help the patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. • 179 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 37 Airport checks were made. Again the visibility helps to deter crime. • 133 special details were assigned. • 5 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 148 paper runs ie: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorneys packets and what ever other items are needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 0 traffic crash scene. • 0 warnings/tickets for handicapped parking and 0 warnings/tickets for other parking issued. • 97 citizen contacts. • 391 Miscellaneous jobs. Investigations • 38 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. • 8 felony arrest and 9 warrants for arrests were obtained. • 22 total cases were cleared. • 16 cases were inactivated due to no leads. • 43 reports/supplements were completed. • 249 active cases are currently assigned. Communications Division • 13,817 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that: • 3,715 were dispatched calls for service • 1,626 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls • 7,820 were Officer Initiated calls • 473 were Volunteer Initiated calls • Tota1911 calls received 2,374 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: • Wireless 911 calls — 1,641 (cell phones) • Wire-line 911 calls — 515 (residential and/or business land lines) • VOIP 911 calls — 213 858 of the calls were transferred to other agencies 185 were hang-ups 36 TDD was used • Incoming Admin Lines answered on black phones only are 6,751 of that: • 1,442 were transferred out of dispatch • 718 were abandoned • Unknown total calls received on the Siemens phones. • Equipment Repairs: Radio, Net Clock, computers & 911 Phones • Training attended: • Dispatchers took the dispatch certification test • (2) Dispatchers resigned During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign off s, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Deparhnents for them. We take and dispatch all non-emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. We assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide services to non-residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We also assist other agencies with information and/or requests they may have. Alarm Assessments • $540.00 in alarm permits • $1,250.00 in false alarms fines • 200 alarm responses by officers, 92 of these were false. ** • 31 New permits issued. **The Airport was still having issues with their alarm system. Code Enforcement Division • Issued 317 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 508 Code Violations • 568 Code Services. • 456 re-inspections, 274 violations complied with, 47 were not complied with, 97 were posted for abatement, 46 abated by vendors. • 274 violations complied. • 57 Liens filed, 31 liens released. • 152 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering • Assisted on a daily basis in resolution of numerous drainage and signage inquiries and complaints from residents. Reviewed/coordinated numerous permitting and site plan review items with Building Department and Growth Management. • Reviewed for approval numerous FEMA / FIRM flood map revisions (in conjunction with Growth Management). • Handled 8 new pool construction inspections. • Handled 69 new home construction inspections. • Handled 20 new home drainage permits. • Handled 40 new fence permits. • Set elevation for'/4 round project driveway pipes. • Set elevation and grade for 8 road crossing pipes • Coordinate with Growth Management on 2 FEMA applications. • Designed 6 catch basins • Worked with FPL on the installation of new street lights. Traffic Division • Barricade and cone delivery and set up — 31 times. • Traffic ControUFlagging - 10 Times • Assisting Asphalt crew - 5 Times. • Filling pot holes with cold patch - 8 Times. • Graffitti on Streets — 4 Times • Curve projectlResident Complaint - One time, 2 days. • Site reviews - 3 • Regulatory signs - 106 • Warning signs - 40 • Guide si�s - 104 • Specialty/temp signs - 150 • Phone complaints - 50-75? • Pavement markings - 880 ft. Roads and Maintenance • Installed new lights and sidewalk at Easy Street Park. • Clean up in big building. • Edge and weed-eat sidewalk, curb and gutter throughout the City. • Work on school zone lights. • Repair parking stops throughout the City. • Removed tree from 512 and US 1. • Built catch basin for Storm Water. • Weed-eats along new seawall on Layport Dr. and Wimbrow Dr. • Picked up brush on Bayfront Ter. in the 300 block for Code enforcement. • Worked on pedestrian bridges. • Repaired potholes throughout the City. • Cleaned up tree trimmings after the ditch cutting crew. • Trimmed trees off the roads throughout the city. • Helped the City Garage take and pick up vehicles. • Cut all bridge approaches throughout the City. • Cut all ditches on Indian River Dr. • Cut around the guardrails throughout the City. • Weed-eats ditch at new park and 512. • Weed-eats and mowing ditch at the Golf Course. • Install bricks at the clock. • Work at Art Festival. • Paint over graffiti on bridges throughout the City. • Worked on light on I.R.D. • Moved Fire extinguishers in the big building. • Got prices for Golf Course. • Worked on sidewalk repairs on 1.R.D. and Englar Dr. • Installed new bench at Riverview Park. • Built catch basin for Salem Ave. • Bob M. helped at the Cemetery. • Built Catch basin for Caravan Ter. • Checked electric at Riverview Park for the Art Festival • Hauled tree trimming out of the Cemetery. • Obtained handrail for Power Line Rd. • Built catch basin for Mulberry St. • Repaired fence at the Community Center. • Repaired barricades. • Set up and brake down for the Art festival. • Hauled concrete for the sidewalk repairs. • Got prices to repair the playground at Riverview Park. • Removed old playground equipment at Creative Playground. • Cut back side lot on Kildare at 142. • Built catch basin for 732 Mulberry St. • Picked up brush on Pelican Island Pl. • Trimmed trees in Easy St. Park. • Picked up stone for Park to do Fishermen landing parking lot. • Trimmed tree at Riverview Park. • Planted new plants at 764 Layport Dr. • Helped put stone in the parking lot at Fishermen Landing. • Mowed and weed-eat Golf Course ditch. • Weed-eats and clean up in the Compound. • Helped Storm Water with one person for 3 weeks. • Helped Building Maint. Repair the lights in the lobby of City Hall. • Finished the Go Line bus stops on Main St. • Installed new grates in the catch basin on Dryden Av. twice but used epoxy on them the second time. • Trimmed trees on Golf Course ditch. • Removed dead animals throughout the City. • Hauled brush to the landfill. • Installed new Pete Harris plaque. • Put barricades out for 2 Sk runs. • Put in new cables for the banners over 512. • Picked up millings and grade the driveway and parking lot. • Helped Parks top dress the football fields. • Removed old railing and installed new railing at Lime St. and Power Line Rd. • Dug out and graded in new sand for the new volleyball court at Riverview Park for Parks. • Cleaned curb and gutter on Power Line Rd. • Swept streets throughout the City 264 miles, 9 dumps and 12 loads of water. • Repaired screening on the fence at the Compound. • Hauled concrete for Jack. • Replaced bollards at Hardee pedestrian bridge. • Picked up one load of mulch for the Cemetery. • Repaired dumpster gate behind Hess. • Built catch basin for Easy St . • Picked up rock and graded the parking lot at Hardee Park. • Built catch basin for Wentworth Av. • Started site work for the Four Chaplins Memorial. • Repaired evidence lockers at the P.D. • Built catch basin for Vocelle Av. • Picked up Brush at 816 Bermuda Av. • Weed-eats and cleaned curb, gutter and sidewalk on Louisiana Av., High St. and Main St. • Cleaned curb and gutter at Riverview Park. 6 • Removed old concrete pipe out of the river front. • Set up and break down for the Pelican Island Festival. • Picked up trash on Sunport. • Picked up brush on Hibiscus Av. • Pick up brush on Laconia St. • Worked on lights at Main St. boat parking lot. • Built catch basin for Arbor St. • Picked up brush on Blossom Dr. • Weed-eats along railroad track on Schumann Dr. and Essex Ln. • Picked up trash on Barker St. • Tried to remove graffiti off a bench at the river. • Installed new fence at the Golf Course for Joe Grif�in. • Removed pepper trees off the Island at Easy St. Lake. • Installed new light pole on LR.D. by Earls that was hit. • Took Stage to Point West and set it up. Parks and Recreation • Replaced 2 irrigation valves on U.S.1 medians. • Removed 2 trees on U.S. 1 medians. • Fertilized all turf areas on U.S. 1 medians. • Set up for rentals, installed new tree and grinded 1 stump at Yacht Club. • Installed new volleyball court & added sand to existing court in Riverview Park. • Repaired irrigation, trimmed trees and maintained fountain in Riverview Park • Set up and maintained Riverview Park for Fine Art & Music Festival, 4 Concerts in the Park and the Pelican Island Wildlife Festival. • Opened and closed Indian River Drive for 2 SK Runs. • Delivered, set up and closed stage for 2 events. • Repaired fence, handicap rails, replaced bulbs & flush valve at Community Center. • Replaced 2 tennis nets, repaired vandalism damage, fence gates and removed graffiti at Schumann Park • Roto tilled walking trails at Filbert St. and George St. Parks • Repaired fence from car damage at Bryant Ct. Park. • Replaced tree at Splash Pad. • Set up for 4 Chaplains ground breaking at Veterans Memorial. • Replaced tire swing, slide, flagged turtle burrows and trimed trees at Filbert St. Park. • Packed walking trail, filled holes and removed graffiti at George St. Park. • Fertilized all athletic fields and turf on City properties. • Applied Top Choice insecticide to all athletic fields. • Prepared baseball fields for new season at B.S.S.C. • Repaired netting over bleachers at B.S.S.C. • Repaired scoreboards & replaced lighting at Skate Park and B.S.S.C. • Removed 2 wooden playgrounds at B.S.S.C.. • Over seeded north football field & top dressed both football fields at B.S.S.C. • Replace section of fence and screens twice at 1080 Persian Lane behind B.S.S.C. • Repaired home plate & base lines and installed new bases at B.S.S.C. • Repaired fence, bleachers, removed broken soccer goals and graf�iti at B.S.S.C. • Replaced 4 basketball nets at B.S.S.C. • Replaced main control panel for football field lights at B.S.S.C. • Made many irrigation repairs at B.S.S.C. • Repaired irrigation on Schumann Drive medians • Repaired playground fence at Blossom Park. • Trimmed trees at City Hall, Police Department and several Parks. • Started maintenance of new hangar area at Airport • Removed roots from trail and repaired exercise stations at Hardee Park • Continued regular maintenance. Cemetery • The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. • Made necessary irrigation repairs. • Installed all necessary memorial plaques. • Handled burials. Fleet Management • The Fleet Management staff completed 219 repair work orders, 51 preventive maintenance services, 35 service calls and 25 road trips to pick up repair parts. • ln addition to the in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 58 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • The Fleet Management Division has completed the following projects in the past quarter: • One safety meeting was held on February 10, 2012. • Implemented sale of vehicle/equipment using GovDeals.Com. Three vehicles sold for a net total of $3,881.67. • Completed the prep and delivery of 3 Police patrol vehicles. • Completed the prep and delivery of 1 Code Enforcement vehicle. • Both mechanics attended training for Air Conditioning Updates on February 22, 2012. • Fuel costs as of March 30, 2012 are as follows: • $3.74 per gallon of gasoline, an increase of 15% over the past 90 days. • $3.83 per gallon of diesel fuel, an increase of 10% over the past 90 days. Facilities Maintenance • Replaced relays for HVAC #2 (heater) at Golf Course. • Repaired roof at Fisherman's Landing. • Removed cabinet and patched wall in Golf Pro Shop. • Replaced faucet in men's room at Creative Playground. • Repaired A.C. in Old City Hall (81bs of Freon). • Repaired roof at City Hall and Police Deparhnent. • Tested Backflow Preventers. • Conducted quarterly tests for sprinkler systems. • Repaired table in Old Council Chambers. • Called Florida door control for PM on gates at P.D. • Removed rugs and furniture from Yacht Club. • Power washed Main Street Restrooms. • Power washed Yacht Club. • Repaired A.C. in Volunteer's room (Freon). • Repaired the A.C. in Eagles Nest Kitchen. • Installed 2 new roll up doors at G.C. Maintenance Barn. • Installed 4 new ashtrays at Golf Course. • Conducted annual fire alarm testing. • Continued all P. M. where needed. • Completed 26 work orders. Stormwater • Worked on !/4 round project Phase 2 and 3. • Rear Ditch Excavation all in Phase 2 and Phase 3. • Pipe replacements: • 1590 feet of 12" • 320 feet of 15" • 460 feet of 24" • Driveway culverts replaced 67. • Road Crossings Replaced — 5. • Catch basins built and installed — 5. • Cut back mowing with long arm — Completed 3 Units. • Excavator mowing Stormwater Park. • Armadillo work — 7 streets. • Vac Truck: • _ Driveway culverts cleaned — 425 • Road Crossings cleaned — 34 • Catch basins cleaned — 23 • Side yard pipes cleaned — 17 GOLF COURSE • Total revenue for 2°d quarter: $562,267, an increase of $22,863 over Fiscal 10-11 2°d quarter. • Golf Rounds for 2"d quarter: 17,004. • Green Fee revenue for 2"d quarter: $249,388, an increase of $10,112 over Fiscal 10-11 2°d quarter. • Cart Fee revenue for 2"d quarter: $256,876, an increase of $11,323 over Fiscal 10-11 2°d quarter. • Golf shop revenue for 2"d quarter: $17,632, an increase of $30 over Fiscal 10-11 2°d quarter. • Driving range revenue for 2"d quarter: $18,102, an increase of $36 over Fiscal 10-11 2"d quarter. • Discount Card revenue for 2"d quarter: $8,912, an increase of $1,022 over Fiscal 10-11 2"d quarter.). • Club Rental & Club Storage revenue for 2"d quarter: $968. • Computerized golf handicap revenue for 2°d quarter: $560. • Rents & Royalty revenue for 2"d quarter: $7,665, an increase of $514 over Fiscal 10-11 2"d quarter. • Professional golf lesson revenue for 2"d quarter: $1,249, an increase of $289 over Fiscal 10-11 2"d quarter. • Annual Membership/Initiation revenue for 2"d quarter: $2,224, an increase of $1,161 over Fiscal 10-11 2"a quarter.). • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 2"d quarter included 2012 Hangover Open (108 players), Sebastian River High School Touchdown Club (72 players), Woodfield Homeowners Association (80 players), Sebastian Rotary (60 players), Vista Del Mar Homeowners (80 players), ls` Inaugural Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament (157 players), Vista Gardens Howeowners (100 players) and Sebastian Eagles Lodge (118 players). • Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for 3`d quarter (2011-12) include Sebastian Elks Lodge, Sebastian River Oriels, Sebastian Chamber of Commerce, Brevard Rugby, Kings Baptist Church, Sebastian PEA Union, Sandy's Grille and Elect Richard Gillmor Golf Tournament • Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. • Developed, organized and conducted the 1s1 Inaugural Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament, which was held on Saturday, March 17. With a record number of players participating in a single-day same-time-start-tournament (157 players), this tournament will be offered yearly with proceeds going toward Leukemia research. The ls` Inaugural Michael Nichols Memorial Golf Tournament raised over $12,000, which went to the Nichol's Family. • Golf course condition in excellent shape, several customers frequently offered positive comments about condition of golf course and overall shape and speed of greens. Small landscaping projects accomplished throughout the property and around the clubhouse. • Sebastian Municipal Golf Club has a presence at the Honda Classic, a PGA Tour Event. Director of Golf, Greg Gardner, PGA served as a"Pace of Play" Official in the Pro-Am portion of the event. • All leagues showed increased play in comparison to Fiscal 10-11 2"d quarter. • Good presence in regard to advertising and other media during the 2"d quarter, which included several mentions in the Press Journal's Golf Page, radio commercials on Jack FM and Ocean, online coupons and other specials from Bogoblast, GolfNow & The Entertainment Guide. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the second quarter of this fiscal year a total of 13 new single-family homes were issued building permits. The number of new homes is about the same number as we had in the first quarter. Other permits of significance include 1 new commercial building, 4 commercial alterations, 2 residential additions and 14 residential alterations. In all, 479 building permits were issued in the second quarter. Construction activity has remained steady and stiIl appears to be on the rise. • Total number of inspections for the fourth quarter was 1386 for an average of 24 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter has increased slightly over the first quarter of this year. • The building department issued 19 certificates of occupancy for new single family residences during the second quarter. • The building department continues to monitor and enforce the penalties for unlicensed contractor activity and work being done without permits. • The following list of Business Tax Receipts was issued in the second quarter: New Businesses-35, Renewals- 23, Transfers-5, Duplicates-1, Home Based Businesses-22, Commercial Businesses-17, Insurance Companies-0, and Solicitor Permits-8. In addition, there have been 34 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. AIRPORT • Secured rent option for future tenant. • Completed FDOT Grant process for wind turbines • Completed wind turbines construction. Economic Development • Coordinated activities of the Airport, Building Department and Planning and Zoning. • Continued review of established policies and procedures. • Considered best management practices to accomplish the department's goals and objectives. ]0