HomeMy WebLinkAbout06252012REC AgendaCm'c� �� T�� � �— .r'�a" �r � _� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 ❑ FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 25, 2012 6:00 PM 1) Cail Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Approval of Minutes: May 21, 2012 Regular Meeting 5) Old Business: 1) Finalize CIP improvements 6) New Business: None 7) Input from Public 8) Chairman's Matters 9) Member comments 10) Staff Comments 11) Set next meeting date and agenda 12) Adjourn ANY PERSON WHO DEC�DES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.� IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY�S ADA COORDINATOR AT 5H9-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ana S���' { � = . �= _ Q� � HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES May 21, 2012 - 6:00 p.m. 1) The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was cailed to order by Chairman Scott Simpson. 2) The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3) Roll Call: Present: Scott Simpson (Chair), Jerome Adams, John Tenerowicz, JoAnne White, JoAnn Webster (Alternate), and Stephen Lucier (Alternate) Vice Chairman Matthew Sims was absent and excused. Staff Members Present: AI Minner, City Manager; Parks Supervisor, Chris McCarthy; Sally Maio Recording for Linda Kinchen 4) Approval of Minutes: 4/23/12 Ms. White noted that she was in attendance at the 4/23 meeting, though marked as absent, clarified that Mr. Tenerowicz, on page 2, paragraph 6, was referring to the Creative Playground restroom as being a mess, and he confirmed he was referencing the Creative Playground. She then noted on the same page Mr. Sunnycalb's comment about "growing" the park should be changed. The City Manager rephrased the paragraph as follows: "Jim Sunnycalb said he was active in requesting improvements for the dog park. He went on to express that a restroom at the dog park would also be helpful for people walking or riding a bike." Mr. Sunnycalb agreed that was close enough. Mr. Tenerowicz said on page 3 in his comment about the Four Chaplains memorial, he had asked how much space we are losing for "spectators" not for "parking". Motion by Mr. Tenerowicz and second by Ms. White to approve the minutes with the amendments passed on a voice vote of 6-0. 5) Old Business: i. Stonecrop Update The City Manager said at the last meeting we had talked about a hearing on the Stonecrop issue for this meeting, but instead he gave a brief update on the overhead with photos of the waterway provided by Mr. McCarthy as provided in the agenda packet. He said this is in response to questions as to whether we can clean up the area to traverse the river from Stonecrop to the north on the Sebastian River, noting the photos depict an area hard to navigate, with lots of vegetative overhang and very shallow water in some spots. He said what will be difficult in a cleanup to open up the waterway, will be determining whose property is it. Mr. McCarthy said it would be a major project to clean up from the bridge south, that weeds are high, it might have to be done by boat, that the City can probably get logs out, but from 512 to the south it closes off, with pepper trees and it may have to be done with Parks and Recreation Committee May 21, 2012 a trickster or bulldozer. He said the Stonecrop area is really nice, and years ago the City proposed an overlook and the adjacent neighbors didn't like it then. Chairman Simpson, said from a volunteer prospective, do we need to know who to ask who would approve what types of trees we can cut, and said if we can get to it by kayak we can take care of it with hand clippers. Mr. McCarthy said Brazilian peppers are nuisance trees and can be cut at any time, and discussed Sebastian River Landings which runs along the west side of the Sebastian River noting they may want to keep privacy. Chairman Simpson said you can't see the houses there when you are in the water. Ms. White said if you could get volunteers like kayakers, would there be a liability issue for the City. The City Manager said it could be easy, but we need to brush up on laws of traversing the river, do some legal homework on private property issues and use of personnel and organizational issues. Ms. Webster also said if there are kayak volunteers interested, we need to find out from adjacent neighbors before we start. Ms. White said if we see that enough kayakers are interested we can present it to the Stonecrop neighborhood. The City Manager reiterated that we need to do step one first, get with the State, then the property owners and then do the clearing, that he will get with the City Attorney to see if there are any legal ramifications, and it might take a little while to get the information. Chairman Simpson asked, if a giant tree fell in the middle of the river, whose job would it be to have it cleared out, say by Dale Wimbrow Park. The City Manager responded that the river gets so wide there, a tree would not impede the flow, but over a road, or ditch or canal of course it would have to be cleared out. Ms. White said this doesn't have to happen in three months, but she would like to see the committee move forward on it. Mr. McCarthy described some of the property ownership on the south side of 512 along the river. Chairman Simpson said he spoke to a property owner to the south who said you used to be able to put in at the Concha Dam and take it all the way to 512. The City Manager said he would look into ownership and report back and reiterated it may take some time. CIP The City Manager had provided a list of projects the committee talked about at its last meeting, and then proceed from that point. He noted there are meetings scheduled in July on the budget calendar for the committee, though they may be able to formalize a CIP recommendation by their June meeting. He listed the items as follows: Lighting for multi-purpose field (in the CIP); Skate park replacements (quasi CIP and operational); New playground equipment (provided several options such as the pirate ship). The Committee discussed the playground equipment locations, Creative Playground, Riverview Park refurbishment. Mr. McCarthy noted the Schumann Park playground was removed. 2 . � � Parks and Recreation Committee May 21, 2012 Mr. McCarthy said he had submitted in his budget a small playground for the Community Center and resurfacing the clay tennis courts, at $4K a piece for four courts but all of that needs to go through several committees and Council. He said there is a fee for tennis and it is manned and we don't make any money on it, the same as the skate park. The City Manager said at the last meeting the committee talked about the lighting, Creative Playground equip, other playground equipment and thought Ms. Webster had asked about other baseball field improvements. Ms. Webster said it was the covered picnic tables. The City Manager said we are opening bids this Thursday on ballfield drainage fields from FY `12 CIP and will seek Council approval at the first Council meeting in June before it can start and try to wrap up the project in 60 days. He said they will see what balance remains before they pursue the bleacher shields and can then look at the picnic tables as well. He said the shades are noted in the CIP as playground improvements and we have not moved on that yet, and then we have the handicapped pier at the Yacht club, which staff has struggled with but think they can lower the pier on the south side at a cost of $15K. He said for next year they had put in $150K for the multi-use field lights but will freshen up to $185K. Ms. Webster asked if the multi-purpose field would be used for soccer, and the City Manager said that needs to be looked at and the soccer folks hoped to use it for practice, if they put lights on that field many people will want to use it and both he and Mr. McCarthy said we need to prioritize the use of all the city fields. Ms. Webster said Little League uses the multi-purpose for t-ball. Discussion took place on whether we could get by with two banks of lights and Mr. McCarthy said it would require four because it would not be safe, but we can look into it and skinny up the field and not light the whole thing. The City Manager said for FY `13 it appears we are going with the multi-use field lights, and add in two or three parks to add equipment along with the Creative playground. Ms. Webster said we need canopies and Mr. McCarthy said these canopies are like sails not like the one at the splash pad which are very expensive. Chairman Simpson said we need playground equipment first and Ms. Webster said the ship would be perfect. Discussion took place on the Jolly Roger for the Creative Playground, the need to add money for installation and ground cover. Mr. McCarthy said if they pick something he can come back with a firm number. Discussion took place on a small playground for Schumann, and providing some smaller playground equipment that toddlers can utilize. The City Manager said based on their feedback, staff will manipulate the numbers and bring back a new CIP chart. He reiterated for FY'13, $185K for lights, $75K for the Creative Playground equipment, preferably the Jolly Roger, $30K for shade shelters, and $20K for Schumann Park smal! playground equipment. Mr. Tenerowicz asked about covered picnic tables near the basketball courts and Mr. McCarthy said they are made in-house and paid from his operating budget, noting again he had submitted for a small playground at the Community Center and resurfacing of clay tennis courts. 3 Parks and Recreation Committee May 21, 2012 Mr. Tenerowicz asked if the skateboard park is safe and Mr. McCarthy said it can be pushed out another year if the money is not there, but some wood underneath is starting to rot. Chairman Simpson asked if it would all be taken out and replaced and Mr. McCarthy said it would be done in sections and that skateboarders give them suggestions for what they want. Chairman Simpson recapped the committee's recommendation, and discussion took place on the lifespan of playground equipment which depended on its location, that those near the riverfront deteriorate quicker, and the need to meet ADA requirements for all playground equipment. Discussion then took place on parks needing bicycle racks and encouraging people to ride bikes. Ms. White asked if the Easy Street bike rack can be moved to the where the handicapped area is located. Mr. McCarthy said a small rack can cost $500 to $600. Chairman Simpson asked the City Manager if he wanted them to discuss other items and the City Manager said the list is pretty pricey and he will manipulate into the CIP budget and bring back to the next meeting and they may be able to complete it by their June meeting. Chairman Simpson advised the committee they could decide if they wanted to add anything else at the next meeting. The City Manager said when the bal�field numbers come in it will have a trickle down effect and they'll massage the numbers. Ms. Webster asked if staff had heard any all grass infield suggestions, and Mr. McCarthy said he had already written out specs but maybe we could do that on the 1 St to 3`d base tines, noting there are pros and cons and it depends on how much play you get. In response to Ms. Webster, the City Manager said there are ballfield sheds scheduled for FY 14 at $100k. Mr. McCarthy said space is an issue with sheds at Barber Street. Ms. White asked if the baseball groups put in money and Ms. Webster said no but they did a concession in the past. 6) New Business - None 7) Input from the Public Marian ???, said someone had written racial graffiti at the bark park small dog park this past Saturday and they cleaned it up. It was suggested that if it happens again they report it to the Police before they clean it. Jim Sunnycalb thanked them for supporting the dog park, said the restrooms are going in thanks to Council, and said people want to have events and parties at the dog park to make it everybody's park. He said at the fountain with the handicapped arm you can't get a handicapped chair there and suggested it be moved out of the dog park and make it everybody's fountain. He said the Easy Street bike rack location is wrong and it should be chained to the fence post where the garbage can is. Mr. McCarthy said this can be done tomorrow. Ms. White said it should be next to the playground where the tables are as long as not really close to the fence. Mr. McCarthy said it has to be chained. � Parks and Recreation Committee May 21, 2012 Mr. Sunnycalb asked if the recycled stuff we put in the dog park can be put in the Easy Street parking area. Ms. White said she liked it being grass and Mr. Sunnycalb said it is now dirt and messy when it rains. Mr. Lucier suggested putting sod along the pads, and Mr. Sunnycalb said he was talking about the parking area. The City Manager said we will go with sod and see what the summer weather brings. In response to Ms. White, Mr. McCarthy said we can get more oaks for Easy Street, but the City Manager noted there is not much money left. Mr. Sunnycalb asked if they can post the dog park rules on Channel 25 and the City Manager told him to send them to him. 8) Chairman's Matters Chairman Simpson welcomed Steven Lucier to the committee. 9) Member Matters Ms. White said the concerts in Riverview Park have been wonderful and was told there is one more in June and then they start up again in February. Ms. Webster thanked Mr. McCarthy and his staff for taking such good care of the baseball fields and suggested having one day each year to do something fun in all the parks to promote them. Mr. Tenerowicz said for the benefit of the public the Memorial Day service is at the Veterans Memorial, and asked about the hold up on Schumann Park bathroom, and said the Creative Playground paint looks good. It was noted the memorial was at 11 a.m. 10) Staff Comments The City Manager noted there are some recreation impact funds being used for the memorial upgrade. 11) Set Next Meetinq Date and Aqenda Chairman Simpson noted the next meeting is June 25, 2012 a 6 pm. 12) Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m. Approved at the meeting. Scott Simpson, Chairman 5 Recreation Impact Fees Investment Income PROJECTED REVENUE Schumann Park Skate Park Office Splash Park Canopy Bryant Street Fencing Hardee Park Barber Street Field Expansion Easy Street Path Lights Schumann Park Pavillion Riverview Park Irrigation and Fountains Bark Park Amenities Riverview Park Electrical Powerline Road Periwinkle Park TOTAL FY 11 Mooring Fields Blueway/Signage Improvements Barber Street Baseball Field Drainage Barber Street Bleacher Shields Creative Playground Improvements Handicap Pier - Yacht Club TOTAL FY 12 Creative Playground Improvements Creative Playground Equipment Barber Street Multi-use Field Lights TOTAL FY 13 Schumann Park Playground Equipment Barber Street Equipment Buiiding TOTAL FY 14 Mooring Fields TOTAL FY 15 TOTAL FY 16 TOTAL FY 17 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCES FISCAL YEARS 2013-2018 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 $ 42,250 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 $ 38,350 7,223 6,085 3,325 1,621 1,026 1,080 1,356 1,634 $ 49,473 $ 44,435 $ 41,675 $ 39,971 $ 39,376 $ 39,430 $ 39,706 $ 39,984 5,780 83,754 36,168 20,802 5,118 - 2,568 185,895 486 62,514 380 28,340 8,262 - 16,738 1,450 100,000 7,389 43,743 2,271 (489) 307,595 5,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 15,000 436,836 75,000 25,000 185,000 285,000 25,000 100,000 125,000 15,000 31.738 TOTAL FY 18 p BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 1,106,309 $ 848,187 $ 455,786 $ 212,461 $ 127,432 $ 135,071 $ 174,500 $ 214,206 TOTAL REVENUES � 49,473 44,435 41,675 39,971 39,376 39,430 39,706 39,984 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 307,595 436,836 285,000 125,000 31,738 0 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE 848,187 455,786 12,461 127,432 135,071 174,500 214,206 254,19 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Recreation Impact Fees Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Investment Income Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Transfers: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones Ending Balances: Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D All Zones FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 203,222 177,289 71,975 15,051 (6,535) (8,385) (3,902) 618 60,323 71,494 69,114 84,818 106,765 133,021 161,384 189,938 96,804 71,660 5,618 4,759 (504) 1,124 3,083 5,057 745,962 527,745 309,080 107,834 27,707 9,311 13,936 18,594 1,106,310 848,188 455,787 212,462 127,433 135,072 174,501 214,207 11,050 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 22,100 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300 27,300 650 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 8,450 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 4,550 42,250 38,350 38,350 38,350 38,350 38,350 38,350 38,350 1,327 1,272 525 115 (53) (67) (30) 5 394 513 504 647 860 1,063 1,254 1,449 632 514 41 36 (4) 9 24 39 4,870 3,786 2,255 823 223 74 108 142 7,223 6,085 3,325 1,621 1,026 1,080 1,356 1,634 38,310 111,135 62,000 26,250 6,348 - - - 11,323 30,193 12,100 6,000 1,904 - - - 26,426 68,506 2,850 7,250 317 - - - 231,536 227,002 208,050 85,500 23,169 - - - 307,595 436,836 285,000 125,000 31,738 - - - 177,289 71,975 15,051 (6,535) (8,385) (3,902) 618 5,173 71,494 69,114 84,818 106,765 133,021 161,384 189,938 218,686 71,660 5,618 4,759 (504) 1,124 3,083 5,057 7,046 527,745 309,080 107,834 27,707 9,311 13,936 18,594 23,286 848,188 455,787 212,462 127,433 135,072 174,501 214,207 254,191 21