HomeMy WebLinkAbout04192012LPA MinutesLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION) THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2012 Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT: Mr. Roth (arrived 7:15 pm) Mr. Dodd Mr. Durr Mr. Paul Mrs. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Dyer (a) Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter Mr. Reyes ALSO PRESENT: Joe Griffin, Community Development Director Jan King, Senior Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Planner/Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: � � ` � O C .... m � !_ �� � � � 0. � � � � � ,c� U = � � � C � C O o �N a`�' Chmn. Dodd welcomed Mr. Ted Dyer, a new alternate member of the Commission, to his first meeting. Mr. Dyer will be voting in place of Mr. Roth if he does not attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. DISCUSSION —COMPLETION OF REVIEW OF ARTICLE V, ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS, AND DISTRICT MATRIX, WITH REGARDS TO DIRECTION RECEIVED AT WORKSHOP, AND FINAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR NEW CONDITIONAL USE CRITIERIA. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING. Chmn. Dodd explained that the district matrix marked "draft" that the Commissioners had in front of them was compiled from a meeting he had with staff regarding the results from the recent workshop held with City Council. The draft matrix delineates how the uses would look from the workshop discussions. He used as an example the residential uses in CR, which had been proposed by the commission to be changed to conditional uses, and were now back to being shown [in the matrix] as permitted based on comments from the workshop. Mr. Carter stated the meeting with City Council was very instructional for him in getting clear direction for what the Council wanted them to do. Mr. Griffin stated, that as mentioned at the workshop, staff and the city manager felt it would be productive for the Commission and Council to hold similar workshops together every 6 months or so. The draft matrix was displayed on the overhead projector and reviewed by Mr. Griffin. He stated it reflected the original matrix with a few exceptions. Residential uses in the CR and CWR districts were brought back in as permitted, with child care and cultural civic facilities being revised back to the original. Bar and lounges were still being proposed added in as a permitted use to both CR & CWR. Mr. Griffin reviewed other uses being revised back to the original matrix along with some of the clean-up items such as marinas, crematories, mobile homes, etc. Mr. Dodd noted some of the uses being added to the IN and AI districts that he felt should remain. Mr. Paul noted that he felt the mini-storage use should remain permitted in the IN district instead of changing it to a conditional use. Mr. Reyes questioned where the area that trade and skilled services, marine-related, would now be allowed and why not the riverfront. Mr. Dodd reminded the commission that council felt the CWR area was "not broke, so don't fix it" and did not want to see changes. Some of the commissioners expressed their confusion because they thought their changes were mandated by the Comprehensive Plan, they had spent a lot of time working on the proposed changes, and were surprised this much time had passed before council directed them in another direction, but understood some of council's points. Mr. Durr also felt that trade and skilled services, marine-related should be allowed to stay as a new permitted use in the CR & CWR districts. Ms. King stated her sense of the workshop was that council was more concerned about taking away certain uses or property rights from the districts than worried about adding in new ones. Mr. Griffin also emphasized to the commission that he did not feel the Council had any intention of diminishing the Commission's work or responsibilities. [Mr. Roth arrived] Mr. Dodd discussed the year of the Commission's review and when he felt some of the undercurrents may have occurred. He still felt strongly that it was the Commission's responsibility to review the matrix as it relates to the Comp Plan, and he was not uncomfortable that what they did was not related to that. He also felt it was their responsibility to have the informal workshop with the council before a formal ordinance was presented to them. Mr. Durr stated he felt the Commission should not be shy about doing what the Comp Plan mandates, and that the changes should be sent to City Council as originally proposed, then City Council could make the changes they wanted. Mr. Roth stated he also took from the workshop that City Council did not want any changes to the CWR district, but the focus was on the residential. He went back over the matrix and saw uses he really did not think should be in the riverFront and therefore also agreed with Mr. Durr about leaving in the changes and presenting it as is to City Council. Mr. Paul reminded the Commission it was discussed at the workshop that the market would drive what was developed in the riverfront. Mr. Roth opined that it was part of the Commission's responsibility to give direction to the market. Mr. Dodd stated he did not want to send staff into an unfriendly environment before City Council with changes in CWR of any kind. Mr. Griffin reaffirmed his opinion that he felt any changes to the residential uses in CR & CWR would be at risk [of being denied]. Mr. Paul agreed with Mr. Durr, but as a compromise suggested taking out the changes proposed for residential uses in any of the districts, and leaving all other changes as is. Ms. Bosworth suggested adding back in any use that was proposed to be removed, but to keep in any of the uses they were adding into the districts for economic development purposes. Mr. Qizilbash agreed that any changes should be geared towards economic development. There was a discussion regarding the time already spent by the Commission on reviewing the districts, responsibilities of both the Commission and City Council to the community, and how the Commission should proceed [with regards to the proposed changes] from here. Mr. Ginsburg confirmed that City Council has the last word with respect to how the changes would be codified. He also stated his opinion that iYs not expected City Council and the Commission always see everything the same way - the Commission acts as a checks & balance for an elected group. He felt the workshop showed a very intelligent step in the process, and that the past year of reviews by the Commission was not a waste of time. The Commission further discussed Mr. Paul's suggestion, with staff's clean-up items to remain. Chmn. Dodd invited the public to attend the PZC meetings to help with reviews and input. MOTION by Paul/Roth that "we go ahead and with the modifications or changes that we just discussed and send this up as a recommendation to City Council." "And then the rest of the items that we've had changes to, to maintain the way that we have them existing right now. The only changes that are going back to the original are the residential uses, but then everything else after that to the way that we've done it right now." Ms. Bosworth clarified that at this time the motion was a direction to staff to prepare the ordinance for the public hearing as noted, and not currently a recommendation to City Council. Mr Paul so moved. ROLL CALL: Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Mr. Carter yes Mr. Durr yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Paul yes yes yes yes Mr. Dodd asked if only the matrix would be taken to City Council, or everything including new conditional use criteria. Mr. Ginsburg stated it was better if all was taken at the same time. Dates of the public hearing were also discussed, being either June 7th or the 21 St. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Dodd reiterated how important public input is to the Commission when they are reviewing the LDC, and again invited them to attend the meetings. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Durr agreed with Mr. Dodd and stated he appreciated the efforts put forth by the Commission. Mr. Paul commended Mr. Dodd for how he presented the Commission's position at the workshop, along with other Commissioners who were present and spoke. He then asked for updates on the Schumann Park project, Fisherman's Landing, and the Sembler chapel project. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Griffin asked the Commission if they would consider changing the meetings to an earlier start time. After discussion, the Commissioners decided, because of work schedules, to keep the start time at 7 p.m. Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. (db) 4