HomeMy WebLinkAbout07032012NRB Agenda�� � �� HOME OF PELICAN ISIAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone (772)589-5570 Fax AGENDA NATURALRESOURCES BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2012 6:00 P.M. "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 5, 2012 regular meeting June 9, 2012 field trip minutes (Tree Planting) June 13, 2012 special meeting (Fertilizer Education Prog.) 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6 PRESENTATION: Dave Botto, Chairperson of the Fisheries Campaign, Marine Resources Council "Public awareness of nutrient pollution destroying our lagoon fishery" 7. PUBLIC INPUT: 8. OLD BUSINESS: A. Fertilizer Education Program — review of ideas 9. NEW BUSINESS: 10. MEMBER MATTERS: 11. STAFF MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS lS MADE, WHICH RECORD /NCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL /S TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED W/TH THE CITY CLERK'S OFF/CE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE W/TH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PR/OR TO TH/S MEET/NG. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE /N ATTENDANCE. 2 3 4 5 �: �� ,■ ��� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone NATURALRESOURCES BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. MINUTES "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairperson Graves called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Present: Robin Graves - Chair Eric Spokas - Vice Chair Ann Lucier Jane Schnee (A) Members Absent and Excused: Hank Kriss Staff Present: Ginny Sieferd, Board Liaison Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary Albert Alvarez Alan Northcott Gilbert Gordian Jr. Pat Casselberry (A) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 1, 2012 regular meeting MOTION by Ms. Graves and SECOND by Mr. Alvarez to approve the May 1, 2012 minutes as written, was passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: No announcements. PRESENTATION: Chairperson Graves introduced and welcomed Mr. Marc Virgilio, the Spoil Island Coordinator for the Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves which is a division of Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Virgilio gave a powerpoint presentation (see attached). Mr. Virgilio explained that the purpose of the IR Lagoon Aquatic Preserve was to protect and enhance the ecological integrity of the islands and encourage sustainable use and foster active stewardship by engaging local communities in the protection of aquatic preserves. His department relies heavily on the adoption of spoil islands, the Eagle Scout program and volunteers. The volunteer events consist of native re-plantings (planting Mangroves and other natives that benefit the island and animal life), exotic removals (eradicating Brazilian peppers, etc.), Island cleanups and constructing education kiosks, picnic tables, and fire rings. Mr. Virgilio said there are three types of spoil islands. They are conservation islands, recreation islands, and Natural Resources Board June 5, 2012 Page Two education islands. He let everyone know that the Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserve has a Facebook page, a website and they also have maps on Google maps. 1. IRL Spoil Island website: www.spoilislandproject.org 2. Google Maps: Spoil Island Project Map 3. Facebook: Spoil Island Project Mr. Virgilio mentioned that he spoke with Ms. Sieferd regarding doing an event with the City of Sebastian on Spoil Island IR1 sometime this fall. Ms. Casselberry asked how many islands were still up for adoption and Mr. Virgilio said that there were probably about three in both Brevard and Indian River County. The board thanked Mr. Virgilio for giving his presentation. Chairperson Graves let the board know that there was a new member and asked Ms. Pat Casselberry to introduce herself. Ms. Casselberry said she and her husband were big environmentalists and she felt this would be a good way to volunteer in the City of Sebastian. 7. PUBLIC INPUT: No public input. 8. OLD BUSINESS: A. Fertilizer Education Program — Ms. Graves reminded the board that we are having a special meeting on Wednesday, June 13th to go over in detail the fertilizer education program. Ms. Schnee brought up a variety of questions that couldn't be answered by the board and she was asked to bring these up at the special meeting where they can be addressed to Council Member Coy. Ms. Schnee let the board know that the Extension Office in Vero was a good source for informative books and catalogs. Ms. Graves said she has contacted different organizations, such as Harbor Branch, to get videos to show on COS channel 25. She feels there is a lot of good information out there and why reinvent the wheel. Ms. Graves also talked about the board being about more than just the fertilizer ordinance, that as an advisory board we need to focus on educating the public on proper tree care, natural Florida yards, and other things. Ms. Graves went to a Pruning Restoration Workshop by Dr. Gilmore from the University of Florida. Ms. Graves said we have the video they used at the workshop and would like to show it on channel 25 and on our website. We have their permission of replay it. Ms. Casselberry mentioned that she lives in a development and she would like to see more information given to new home owners about how they can have a natural Florida yard. She would like to see more awareness to Home Owner Associations to encourage a natural Florida yard as well. Ms. Graves concurred to having a speaker come in and talk about the benefits of having this type of yard. Ms. Graves said she would like to see more education on Florida drain fields and options for your front yards. Mr. Spokas thought it would be good to have someone from the University of Florida be a speaker and their talk could be on creating a Florida friendly yard. He also thought it would be good for Home Owners Associations to pass out the pamphlet by UF called "Create a Florida-Friendly Yard". 2 Natural Resources Board June 5, 2012 Page Three Ms. Schnee asked how we are going to get the word out. She mentioned she doesn't have cable TV so she doesn't get channel 25. She suggested someone could write articles for the local newspapers. Ms. Schnee also liked the idea of having members of this board go to different organizations to educate the public. She liked the idea of mailing out pamphlets and see if we can get grant money. Ms. Graves suggested a Facebook page for the Natural Resources Board. She feels it would be a great way to get the word out. Ms. Graves said she would create it and keep it up to date. Ms. Lucier really liked the idea for the Facebook page, that it would be a great way to get young people involved. Ms. Casselberry mentioned it would be a great way to link to other information. All the members liked the idea. Mr. Spokas talked about the presentation that Dr. Lapointe, from Harbor Branch, gave and said it was very informative. Ms. Graves said she emailed Harbor Branch regarding educational material and she's waiting to hear back from them. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proper Tree Care of City Trees: Ms. Graves asked about the maintenance of the trees that were going to be planted on Saturday by the board. It was suggested that a watering schedule be set up to keep the trees alive until the rainy season starts. Ms. Sieferd said they would need to be watered at least twice a week but every other day would be better for the first couple months. Ms. Sieferd will do the trees at the Stormwater Park. 10. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Gordian asked if the board was getting involved with the June 23rd educational waterway clean up. It was decided that the members could participate as individuals but not as a board event. The board will be involved with the Indian River Coastal Waterway Cleanup on July 21 with April Price's group. Mr. Spokas mentioned that KIRB is having a rain barrel demonstration & sale at Indian River Mall on Saturday, June 9th at 2:OOpm the cost is $40.00 11. STAFF MATTERS: Ms. Cyr asked if the board would like to set the date for the 2013 Earth Day celebration and reserve Riverview Park. The date was set for Saturday, April 20th, 2013. Ms. Cyr will email Chris McCarthy and reserve the date and see if the stage will be available. 12. Being no further business, Chairperson Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Natural Resources Chairperson Signature Date �� �_�±�IIMI�1 �!��"�� � .___-_ . HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589-5330 Phone NATURALRESOURCES BOARD SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 2012 - 8:00 A.M. MINUTES "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Present: Robin Graves - Chair Eric Spokas - Vice Chair Ann Lucier Ginny Sieferd, Staff Liaison Albert Alvarez Jane Schnee Gilbert Gordian Jr. This was a special meeting to plant trees in the City parks: The board members met behind City hall at 8:00 am. Car pools were established, the order of planting was decided on; 1St the Stormwater Park, 2"d Blossom Street Park, then Easy Street Park. Once at the Stormwater Park it was decided to plant more trees at the other two parks, since The Stormwater Park has a nice amount of trees. Planting proceeded at the other parks and all was complete by 10:45am. The board planted trees at: Stormwater Park Blossom Street Park Easy Street Park A watering schedule was discussed, it was decided that Ms. Sieferd would water the trees at the Stormwater Park, Ms Graves and Ms Lucier would water at Easy Street Park, Mr. Alvarez, Mr. Gordian and Mr. Spokas would water at Blossom Street Park. Until the trees get established the trees are going to be watered at least twice a week. All the members came back to City Hall (except Ms. Schnee, she had to check on her Scrub Jay's young) and helped Ms. Sieferd clean out her truck. Everything was complete and members left by 11 am. Natural Resources Chairperson Signature Date �� �r1��,�y HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone NATURALRESOURCES BOARD SPECIAL WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012 - 5:00 P.M. MINUTES "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairperson Graves called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Robin Graves - Chair Eric Spokas - Vice Chair Albert Alvarez - arrived at 5:08pm Ann Lucier Gilbert Gordian Jr. Jane Schnee(A) Pat Casselberry (A) Members Absent and Excused: Hank Kriss Alan Northcott Council and Staff Present: Council Member Andrea Coy Ginny Sieferd, Board Liaison Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. Fertilizer Education Program Chairperson Graves welcomed Council Member Coy to the meeting. Council Member Coy felt that one of her goals was to help the board explain the fertilizer ordinance in user friendly terms. She would like to see people use slow release nitrogen and not use phosphorus at all. Ms. Coy suggested using PowerPoint presentations, videos, pamphlets and handouts to help get the word out. The board liked the idea of creating a brochure. Ms. Coy thought that if we could get the brochure in Home Depot in the fertilizer area it would be helpful. She said that Home Depot said they would be willing to work with us. Ms. Coy wants to make sure that all information that is being given to the public is technically correct, accurate and professional. She also suggested going out and speaking to different groups and organizations to spread the word. She suggested the board could create its own Iogo so when people see it they will think of the Natural Resources Board. Natural Resources Board June 13, 2012 Page Two Ms. Schnee stated that she spoke with a representative from Scott's Fertilizer in Home Depot and he said by the end of next year they were removing all phosphorus from their fertilizers and this will be nation wide. Chairperson Graves said that she has been working on getting videos to be shown on channel 25, that there is a lot of good information out there. She said she has an email into Harbor Branch for anything they can offer. Ms. Graves asked if there would be any kind of funding by the City for purchasing DVD's and Ms. Coy said she would find the money. Mr. Spokas suggested explaining the effect of Stormwater runoff. He said there is a video called "After the Storm" put out by the EPA and the Weather Channel. Ms. Graves said she would contact Charles Johnson from DEP and see if he could get us a copy. Ms. Coy liked the idea but feels we should stick to fertilizer only right now and just briefly touch on Stormwater. Ms. Schnee suggested creating a PowerPoint presentation with all the information and taking it to different organizations. She also feels it would be good for the board members to go to area Home Owners Associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Elks Club and other groups and give talks using the PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Coy said if everyone got her the information she would put a PowerPoint presentation together. Ms. Coy said that she would ask the City Attorney if it is okay to bring in some specialists during a meeting and break off into subgroups during that meeting. Because of scheduling issues, it was decided that information would be sent via emails through the board secretary to Council Member Coy and the NRB members. Ms. Casselberry asked if part of the education could be to offer a positive visual alternative instead of just giving all negative aspects of not using fertilizer, etc. Ms. Coy suggested creating signs to give to citizens that have chemical free yards. The signs would say "My yard is chemical free". Ms. Schnee said she thinks these signs already exist and are available. She offered to check on the pricing of the signs. Mr. Gordian suggested getting young people involved such as the Green Club at Sebastian River High School, the area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. It was also suggested to take the brochures to the North County Library. After the suggestion of going to speak at the local schools and the discussion of how time consuming it is to get approval from the School Board, Ms. Coy said she would take care of this. Ms. Coy said she has some contacts on the School Board. When the Natural Resources Board has the letter ready Ms. Coy will present it to the School Board. Ms. Brooks-Reese will assist Ms. Coy in creating the brochure. Mr. Gordian asked about commercial applicators and their supporting the position on the ordinance. It was determined that we can't regulate the statute they follow, all the board can do is educate them. 2 Natural Resources Board June 13, 2012 Page Three Ms. Coy suggested that the NRB focus on three main areas at this time: Phosphorus, slow release nitrogen and how to read the fertilizer labels (what the numbers mean). Ms. Coy also suggested that each board member take a specific task: Mr. Gordian will be the photographer. Ms. Casselberry said she'd do research on Fertilizer labels and explain the numbering system and how to read them. Ms. Graves is working on getting videos to show on channel 25 on Best Management Practices, Florida Natural Yards, etc. Mr. Spokas is going to work on a glossary to explain the terminology of pollutants, and the Stormwater aspect of fertilizer use. Ms. Schnee will rewrite her highlighted points on Ordinance 0-12-06. Ms. Schnee asked who would contact the institutional applicators regarding the requirements of the fertilizer ordinance. Ms. Coy said we have Code Enforcement. The ordinance has no penalties so all we can do is educate the public. The members will start pulling their information together and getting it to Ms. Coy. 5 PUBLIC INPUT: There was no public input. 6. Being no further business, Chairperson Graves adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Natural Resources Chairperson Signature Date