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WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2012 - 6:30 P.M.
1. Mayor Hill called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Pastor Richard Jones of the Sebastian United Methodist Church gave the invocation.
3. Vice Mayor Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Council Present:
Mayor Jim Hill
Vice-Mayor Don Wright
Council Member Andrea Coy
Council Member Richard H. Gillmor
Council Member Bob McPartlan
Staff Present:
City Manager, Al Minner
City Attorney, Robert Ginsburg
City Clerk, Sally Maio
Deputy City Clerk, Jeanette Williams
Community Development Director, Joseph Griffin
Police Chief, Michelle Morris
Parks Supervisor, Chris McCarthy
MIS Senior Systems Analyst, Barbara Brooke-Reese
5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous voted of City Council Members
Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and brief timely announcements by Council and Staff. No public
input or action under this heading.
A. Proclamation – Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Week – July 16th – 21st, 2012
– Accepted by Steve Haigis
Mayor Hill read and presented the proclamation to Vince Nelson and April Price. Ms.
Price thanked Council for recognizing the importance of the cleanup and the Natural
Resources Board for their participation at the Main Street site.
B. Proclamation – Park and Recreation Month – July 2012 – Accepted by Parks
Superintendent, Chris McCarthy
Mayor Hill read and presented the resolution to Parks Superintendent Chris McCarthy
who thanked all the Public Works staff for keeping up the City’s parks.
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Regular City Council Meeting
July 12, 2012
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Mayor Hill presented a City pin and the Tales of Sebastian to Amber Hughes, Legislative
Advocate, from the Florida League of Cities who spent the last three days shadowing
City officials to see how the League could better serve the City.
Brief Announcements
Ms. Coy announced a super fall schedule of 39 classes at the Sebastian Campus of
Indian River State College and invited those interested to contact Katie Nall at the
campus on Tuesdays for registration information
All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate
discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be
removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she
should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand
to be recognized.
A. Approval of Minutes – June 27, 2012 Regular Meeting
12.090 B. Request for Use of Community Center on August 11, 2012 – A/B Request –
Permittee DOB Confirmed (Parks Transmittal, Application, Receipt)
MOTION by Mr. Gillmor and SECOND by Mr. Wright to approve items A and B.
Result of the roll call vote:
NAYS: None
Passed 5-0.
Damien Gilliams, 1623 US Highway 1, said he did not feel this was the appropriate time
to consider a tax increase, real estate values have dropped, people are hurting, there
250,000 foreclosures per month in this country, there is money in the reserve, and asked
why they couldn’t send the message that they will hold the line on taxes. He asked the
community to wear red shirts to protest the tax increase at the upcoming budget
Ben Hocker, Sebastian, complimented the City for the 4th of July fireworks. He thanked
Code Enforcement for removing the political signs put out in advance of the City’s
ordinance. He suggested additional phone calls be made to relocate the signs in the
right of way.
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Regular City Council Meeting
July 12, 2012
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12.091 A. Authorize Contracts with Asplundh Environmental Services and Tag Grinding
Services, Inc. for Stand-By Emergency Debris Removal (Public Works
Transmittal, Bid Tab, Asplundh Proposal, Tag Proposal, DRC One Year
The City Manager said they try to have two or three contracts ready to collect debris;
they included FEMA guidelines for reimbursement in the request for proposal; and
recommended contract approval to Asplundh Environmental Services and Tag Grinding
MOTION by Mr. Wright and SECOND by Ms. Coy to accept staff’s recommendation.
The City Attorney advised on page 23, Article 5, the words “the City” should be included
in the second line to read, “The Contractor shall indemnify, hold the City harmless, and
procure and maintain . . .”
Mr. Wright and Ms. Coy amended the motion to include that revision.
Result of the roll call vote:
NAYS: None
Passed 5-0.
12.092 B. Introduction Resolution R-12-18 Stormwater Fee Increase (City Manager
Transmittal, Draft R-12-18, Forecast, Shortfall, Comparisons)
The City Manager said the resolution was placed on the agenda to give the public an
opportunity to digest a possible increase in the stormwater utility fee. He gave a
PowerPoint presentation outlining the current state of the utility fund. (see attached)
7:10 pm
Public Input
Damien Gilliams, 1623 US Highway 1, asked Council to find another way to raise the
$186,000. He said this reminds him of the working waterfront noting we bought a
stormwater park, partnered with St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)
and now the City is footing the bill. He asked Council to cut the spending, move things
around such as using the recreation impact fees for the stormwater park. He asked the
community to wear red shirts when Council adopts the resolution. He said the fee
should be sunsetted as site plans include stormwater drainage provisions.
Council Input
Mr. Wright said their philosophy for the past five years has been that they don’t want to
take additional money from the public but at some point it gets critical to pay for essential
services, there is potential for severe flooding problems, they have gotten through
hurricanes and storms with little damage, and to maintain the work he did not think
asking people to pay an extra $12 a year is a financial disaster and stewardship is
maintaining the community, in addition to keeping taxes at the lowest level as they
possibly can.
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July 12, 2012
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Ms. Coy said prior to the City Manager’s arrival in early 2005, if a citizen had a problem
with a ditch the response would be, “We’re sorry that’s the homeowner’s problem,” and
after the 2005 hurricanes, Council took responsibility for the ditches, canals and
stormwater flow. She said they have not raised the rate and accomplished so many
good things, and if they want to keep Sebastian special they have to keep being
proactive, and one dollar a month is going to get her vote.
Mr. Gillmor asked if it would, without the increase, take a lot longer to fix the swale
problem. The City Manager said it would. Mr. Gillmor agreed with Mr. Wright and Ms.
Coy, that there has been a tremendous difference in recovery with large amounts of rain.
He said it is worth a dollar to advance the progress made so far.
Mr. McPartlan said they have done a great job with the stormwater, asked if every year
they put the dollar off, what would it cost the following year--$1.20 or $1.40 to make up
what they didn’t come up with. He asked why Port St. Lucie is so high and if they were
comparable to Sebastian. Mayor Hill responded that Port St. Lucie is a General
Development community just like Sebastian and was one of the first to install the quarter
round. Mr. McPartlan said they should put this forward for a public hearing and look at
adding a dollar a month.
Mayor Hill said when he first ran in 1999, the number one issue was drainage which was
horrendous, there wasn’t a huge uproar when the fee was put in place because people
wanted it fixed. He said there hasn’t been an increase in 11 years and the cost has
gone up and he will support this to keep the quality of life they enjoy.
The City Manager said the August 22nd meeting is stacking up and cautioned they may
need an extra meeting.
A. Mayor Hill
Mayor Hill congratulated the City on another spectacular 4th of July event.
B. Vice Mayor Wright
Mr. Wright said it has been interesting to watch the national news reporting cities
declaring bankruptcy and Council should be aware as they balance income with
expenses. He noted one Pennsylvania Mayor paid the City employees minimum
wage last week leaving a balance of $5,000 or less in the coffers. He said the
cause varies but in many cases it is the cost of pension plans, long term
obligations, and over-extending credit; yet, they have been fiscally responsible
but as revenues decline, they have to be careful with long term commitments to
make sure the City is financially healthy going forward.
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July 12, 2012
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C. Council Member Coy
Ms. Coy thanked the Lions Club and everyone who made the 4th of July so
D. Council Member Gillmor
Mr. Gillmor thanked the City employees who set up and cleaned up afterward for
the 4th of July event. He said after the event, folks requested lights for the volley
ball court, and a designated kayak launching area. It was the consensus of
Council to have a sign installed designating the kayak launching area.
Mayor Hill suggested receiving input from the Parks and Recreation Committee
on lighting the volleyball court. Ms. Coy cautioned they should first see if the
Cavcorp project will relocate the court. Mr. Wright cautioned that the light might
detract the migrating turtles.
The City Manager said the Parks and Recreation Committee has discussed this
but set it aside because of the Cavcorp project, environmental issues, and
everyone wanting to make the right decision for the coveted park.
He said there is time to put this on the Parks and Recreation Committee’s August
agenda and then bring it back to Council in the CIP process which will coincide
with the Cavcorp project.
E. Council Member McPartlan
Mr. McPartlan said the 4th of July parade and fireworks were really enjoyed by his
children and was happy to see the flame was lit on the Four Chaplains Memorial.
17. Being no further business, Mayor Hill adjourned the regular meeting at 7:39 pm
Approved at the July 25, 2012 Regular City Council meeting.
Jim Hill, Mayor
Sally A. Maio, MMC – City Clerk
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