HomeMy WebLinkAbout08212012VAC�� �"°°,���� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012, 3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL Temporary Chairman, Ed Kilbane called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Jerry Piper, Chair, Commander of VFW Ed Irons, Vice Chair, Commander of American Legion Butch Dawson, Member VFW Ed Kilbane, Member American Legion Donna Goff, Member Ladies Auxiliary of VFW 4. NEW BUSINESS A. WELCOME — COUNCIL MEMBER ANDREA COY Council Member Coy welcomed the members, stating they are the first group of veterans to have an advisory board in Sebastian; they will have a say in what happens at Riverview Park and with grant money; and have intervention with City Council and the Parks and Recreation Committee. Mr. Kilbane asked about a veterans account that has some money in it. Ms. Coy said she was not aware of a veterans account but there is some leftover grant money earmarked for veterans that she would provide more information on. She invited them to represent the veterans as a united entity. B. SELECT A TEMPORARY CHAIR FOR ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSES Mr. Kilbane offered to act as temporary chairman. C. ELECT OFFICERS MOTION by Mr. Dawson and SECOND by Mr. Piper to have the American Legion Commander serve as chairman; and the Veterans of Foreign War Commander service as vice-chairman. AMENDED MOTION by Mr. Kilbane and SECOND by Ms. Goff to have the Veterans of Foreign War Commander service as chairman; and the American Legion Commander serve as vice-chairman. Veterans Advisory Board August21, 2012 Page Two Result of the AMENDED MOTION roll call vote: Ms. Goff — yes Mr. Piper — no Mr. Kilbane — yes Mr. Irons- yes Mr. Piper — yes Motion carried 4-1 and Commander Piper took over the gavel. D. SELECT PERMANENT MEETING DAY/TIME There was a consensus reached to meet every other month, on the first Monday at 3:00 p.m., starting October 1St, 2012. E. BRIEF ORIENTATION The Recording Secretary outlined the orientation packet and invited the members to contact staff whenever needed. The City Attorney explained he would not attend the meetings unless requested; there were a number of Constitutional amendments and Statutes that apply to both the board and each member; and he invited them to contact him whenever needed. Sunshine Law The City Attorney said the Sunshine Law requires their discussions to happen at public meetings, properly noticed so the public can participate with them otherwise penalties can occur rendering their action taken, as well as recommendations to Council, void. As an example of a situation, Chairman Piper asked if he could solicit information at another organization's meeting with Mr. Dawson �n attendance, does Mr. Dawson need to leave the room. The City Attorney responded that when things are discussed outside these meetings, and more than one member is there, it is a potential sunshine law issue. He gave an example that if two of them are discussing transportation at the veterans' hall, there is a Sunshine issue. He advised them to add such items to their agenda and discuss it at their board meetings. Chairman Piper noted the City's mission statement coincides with their joint Honor Guard Leadership initiative and asked how the Sunshine Law would apply to their initiative. The City Attorney said if Chairman Piper and a member of the Honor Guard discussed something, it would be an issue. He said their mission is very broad and covers many issues but it could be reduced by Council so they can discuss issues outside of their board meetings. Chairman Piper asked about activities they have started before the Board formation. The City Attorney advised the Sunshine Law would apply to those projects such as the bricks around the Four Chaplains Memorial. 2 Veterans Advisory Board August 21, 2012 Page Three Public Records Law The City Attorney said the public records law applies to any kind of document or transition that comes to you or created by you, that deals with the business affecting the Board and anybody can request that document or e-mail. He advised them to store letters or e-mails from any source with the City Clerk for public access. Ethics The City Attorney advised them they are here in a public capacity and they are not permitted to act in a way that the State calls a private interest. He said if they feel they might be in an area that might comprise a special, private benefit, give him a call to talk it over. He wished them the best of luck and hoped when their service is done, they could look back with pride. Chairman Piper asked if he could talk to his president about projects that are not related to the goal of the board, such as a Christmas parade. The City Attorney advised if the project will become a subject of the Board then the Sunshine Law is implemented. He invited all of them to call him to discuss any of these matters further. Mr. Kilbane asked to set the next agenda so they know what to talk about; and suggested not talking about the Riverview Park outside of the Board meetings. Chairman Piper said some of them were working with the North County Veterans Advisory Group on the bricks and suggested having the group come to their board meeting or speak to those members individually. The City Attorney said reality is most important but the tyranny is in appearances and they should be in compliance. He said they could decide who invites the North County group to the next meeting. Commander Irons asked Chairman Piper if Jack will continue on Brick Advisory Committee. Chairman Piper said he would like Jack to continue so he could provide a report to them at the next meeting. 5. MEMBERS MATTERS Mr. Dawson said he would like to have an update on what is happening in Riverview Park. Chairman Piper offered to have a member of the North County Group give them a briefing at the next meeting. Mr. Kilbane said some of the bricks around the Four Chaplains Memorial are great but some are terrible; and some are not placed where they should be. Chairman Piper agreed that the vendor changed the font; it is not as deep and black as the first bricks. The Board reached the consensus to have the ladies auxiliary member rotate every six months unless an extension is needed for a pressing issue. 3 Veterans Advisory Board August 21, 2012 Page Four 6. OTHER MATTERS A. SET NEXT MEETING DATE AND AGENDA Chairman Piper said he would like to invite the coordinator for the Sebastian Area Honor Guard Charlie Long or Andy Westerfield to the next meeting. 7. Being no further business, Commander Piper adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m. and the Board saluted the Flag. Approved at the October 1 St, 2012 Veterans Advisory Board meeting. C o M m af Ide erry Pi901 V hairman 4