HomeMy WebLinkAbout12032012VAC Agendacm Of SASS�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,2012,3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES pgs 2 -4 A. OCTOBER 1, 2012 MEETING pgs 5-6 B. NOVEMBER 5, 2012 MEETING 5. OLD BUSINESS A. UPDATE FROM THE HONOR GUARD COORDINATOR — CHARLIE LONG pg 7 B_ UPDATE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION R -12 -34 REGARDING SOLICITATION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 6. NEW BUSINESS A. DISCUSSION OF VETERANS TRANSITION HOUSE 7. MEMBERS MATTERS 8. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589 -5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. 1 of 7 1. 2. CITY L-f SE IAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2012,3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL Chairman Piper called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL 4. R Jerry Piper, Chair, Commander of VFW Ed Irons, Vice Chair, Commander of American Legion Butch Dawson, Member, VFW Pete Puzzo, Member, American Legion Donna Goff, Member, Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Ed Kilbane, Alternate Member, American Legion Also Present: Council Member Andrea Coy City Attorney Richard Ginsburg Recording Secretary Jeanette Williams APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. AUGUST 21, 2012 MEETING CRAFT MOTION by Mr. Kilbane and SECOND by Mr. Puzzo to approve the August 21, 2012 minutes passed with a voice vote of 6 -0. NEW BUSINESS A. BRICK ADVISORY COMMITTEE David Wortmann, Brick Coordinator for the Four Chaplains Memorial, stated the balance of the brick account was $10,631.94; they have postponed further marketing until it is decided if they are pleased with the progress. He said Real Stone and Granite has made the first three orders of bricks and he requested delay of payment for the second and third orders because of the quality. He said he was interested in having a company called Brick Markers from Riviera Beach finish up the remaining bricks or pull up all of the bricks and have them redone. 2of7 Veterans Advisory Committee October 1, 2012 Page Two In response to Mr. Kilbane, he said there wasn't a contract but it looked like Lary Wapnick made an agreement with Real Stone and Granite and he was not sure if they could receive a refund. Chairman Piper said the North County Committee would still make the decisions as to continuing or replacing the bricks and with respect as to who should replace the treasurer that is moving out of town. The City Attorney agreed, the Sebastian Committee could give recommendations to the North County Committee. Chairman Piper asked Mr. Wortmann to keep them apprised of what is going to happen. Mr. Wortmann said the North County Committee is planning another marketing push, they have 1,800 bricks for sale, and they are planning to send a letter to Mayor Hill for the outstanding work completed by the Public Works Department. He invited the Committee members to look at the sample bricks or books at any time. Amy Roberts, representing Real Stone and Granite, displayed a sample brick of what was approved for installation. Mr. Wortmann noted it did not have the quality and it was the consensus of the Sebastian Committee to see what the North County Committee decides on the bricks. B. HONOR GUARD COORDINATOR &R-A A F- T A member of the Honor Guard Committee was not present therefore this item will cant' forward to the December and meeting. C. CONSIDER RESOLUTION TO CITY COUNCIL RE: CHARITIABLE SOLICITATION WITHIN CITY Council Member Andrea Coy stated about a year ago City Council decided the City will no longer issue permits for street solicitation but there is still outside solicitation taking place on private property. She asked the Committee to consider sending a resolution to City Council recommending that only the VFW Post 10210 and American Legion Post 189 be the two local organizations authorized to seek donations because money to any other organizations will more than likely disappear. She said Chief Morris has offered to have the Department's Community Spokesman speak to the businesses. Chairman Piper and Vice Chairman Irons said it was a good idea; and Mr. Kilbane suggested adding the in -house divisions as authorized solicitators. Council Member Coy suggested having the commanders approve all of the organizations with one signature in a letter. MOTION by Mr. Kilbane and SECOND by Vice Chair Irons to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution to City Council requesting a letter or resolution for distribution. The City Attorney stated he is not a fan of curtailing discussion, but wanted to note they are dealing with 18t Amendment territory where the Supreme Court has said solicitations are speech. Managers at Walmart, Publix, and Winn Dixies can make their own decisions on private property without consequences but when government takes steps, there could be consequences. He said he would prefer not to involve the Police Department because he is concerned with the perception of the Police Department prohibiting an individual's expression and making distinctions. 3 of 7 DRAFT Veterans Advisory Committee October 1, 2012 Page Three He offered to draft a resolution without involving the Police Department, but with information letting people know some basic facts to get the word out. Council Member Coy asked if it was inappropriate to recommend using local organizations so money stays locally. The City Attorney said the resolution would have an emphasis on providing information. Chairman Piper called for a Special Meeting November 5t" at 3:00 p.m. to review and approve the resolution before sending it to City Council. 6. MEMBERS MATTERS Chairman Piper said it is time for Indian River to have a veterans' transition house, there are disabled veterans looking for jobs and living in the streets, and they should do their homework to get emergency shelter for those who need it. He suggested a vacant building at a church and asked if anyone knows of a real estate agent that could help. There was no objection to placing Chairman Piper's request on the December agenda for discussion. 7. OTHER MATTERS DRAFT A. SET NEXT MEETING DATE AND AGENDA As previously discussed, a special meeting will be held on November 5`h to review a resolution to be drafted by the City Attorney regarding solicitation within the City. The December 3rd agenda will include a presentation from the Honor Guard and the discussion of a veterans' transition house. 8. The Committee saluted the flag, and Chairman Piper adjourned the meeting at 3:54 p.m. Approved at the November 5, 2012 Special meeting. By: Jerry Piper, Chairman 4of7 �lll OF SEE; 'TIA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2012,3:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN ST, SEBASTIAN, FL 1. Chairman Piper called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL IDR 01 Present: Jerry Piper, Chair, Commander of VFW Ed Irons, Vice Chair, Commander of American Legion Butch Dawson, Member, VFW Pete Puzzo, Member, American Legion Donna Goff, Member, Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Tom Nagle, Alternate Member, VFW Not Present: Ed Kilbane, Alternate Member, American Legion 4. OLD BUSINESS A. REVIEW DRAFT RESOLUTION TO PRESENT TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE SOLICITATION OF CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF VETERANS Chairman Piper said they were assembled to go over the resolution in regards to solicitation on behalf of the veterans of Sebastian. There were no corrections or deletions from the other members and he read the title of the resolution for the benefit of the audience. Vice Chairman Irons asked what would be considered a bona fide credential. Chairman Piper said anyone wanting to solicit should have a letter signed by the commander of one of the two posts to be bona fide; any other solicitors without a letter are not to be validated. Discussion followed on including the letter that would serve as the bona fide credential in the resolution. The Recording Secretary offered to ask the City Attorney to define bona fide and provide that to the members after the meeting. log.. rko 5of7 Veterans Advisory Committee November 5, 2012 Page Two DRAFT Mr. Dawson suggested that if City Council passed the resolution, Committee Members should personally explain this to the managers of the stores. The Committee Members would be at their own meeting on November 14th therefore the Recording Secretary offered to place the resolution on the November 10, 2012 City Council agenda. A unanimous vote was taken by Chairman Piper to send the resolution to City Council. 5. MEMBERS MATTERS Chairman Piper announced the next meeting would be December 3, 2012. 6. Being no further business, Chairman Piper adjourned the special meeting at 3:07 p.m. Approved at the December 3, 2012 Veterans Advisory Committee meeting. DRAFT Jerry Piper, Chairman 6of7 Regular City Council Meeting November 14, 2012 Page Six 13. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution R -12 -34 Regarding Solicitation on Private Property — Recommended by Veterans Advisory Committee (Committee Transmittal, R- 12 -34) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, URGING MANAGERS AND OWNERS OF PRIVATE, COMMERCIAL AND RETAIL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA AND THE GREATER SEBASTIAN RIVER AREA TO CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE CREDENTIALS AND BONA FIDES OF ANY ORGANIZATION THAT REQUESTS PERMISSION TO SOLICIT CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF VETERANS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read Resolution No. R -12 -34 by title only. MOTION by Ms. Coy and SECOND by Mr. Hill to approve Resolution No. R- 12 -34. There was no public input. Mr. Hill said he was a huge supporter of veterans' organizations but was concerned with endorsing these agencies and leaving hundreds of other charities off which would be a disservice. Ms. Coy responded that the resolution does not specify who to give to and not give to, but from her personal experience, there are disreputable organizations taking citizens' money and very little of that money goes to veterans and their families. The intent was for the Legion and VFW commanders to go to local businesses with the resolution asking the businesses to personally look into the charities. She said she hoped Council would reconsider this. Mr. Adams said in looking through the resolution, it is not saying to only go to the VFW or American Legion but at the bottom it says to look at the credentials of any organization, and if the wording is causing confusion, he would be in support of re- wording the resolution. Mr. Hill suggested not mentioning any organization at all as it falls back on personal responsibility. Mr. Wright suggested re- wording the resolution to indicate they want the business community to be careful about who was selected, without identifying the two organizations. Ms. Coy said this was to give businesses an introduction to the two organizations in the City limits and suggested they ask questions of Commander Piper. Mayor McPartlan agreed there are a lot of people collecting for bogus organizations; he could support changing the language to be cautious about any organizations that want to collect money. In response to Ms. Coy, the City Attorney said the veterans could go out to the businesses with their own letters of introduction. Result of the roll call vote: , AYE: Coy NAY: McPartlan, Wright, Adams, Hill Failed 4 -1. 7 of 7