HomeMy WebLinkAbout10222012RECRECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 22,2012 The Sebastian Parks and Recreation Committee was called to order by the Vice Chairman. Roll Call was taken and the following members were present: Mr. Sims, Mr. Lucier, Mr. Tenerowicz Mr. Adams and Mrs. Webster. Chairman Simpson was absent excused and Mrs. White was absent. Staff inembers present were Linda Kinchen, Secretary; A1 Minner, City Manager and Chris McCarthy, Parks Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Tenerowicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 27, 2012 meeting. Second by Mr. Lucier passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 1) Review Pirate Ship information — Mr. Minner tells the committee that we will be piggybacking a bid from Palm Beach County and that the City Council is scheduled to review and approve on Wednesday night. Chris says it will be 60 days for installation. Mr. Minner says the first of the year the committee should see the base material installed the rubber surface is cost prohibitive wood chips will be used the committee looks at a sample supplied to them. Some of the members feel the wood chips are dangerous to the kids but Mr. Minner says it is the approved base for other playgrounds. The committee recommends using sand. The canopies will be installed in the next couple of weeks - 2) Multi Purpose field lighting — Will be awarded based on a piggy back contract from Clay County also on the City Council agenda on Wednesday. Chris says this will be 90 days out maybe in March. Joanne Webster asks about usage of the field and Mr. McCarthy says the leases may have to be renegotiated. 3) Park Reports by Members — Mr. Adams says Blossom Park is good Mrs. Webster says she hasn't been by Hardee Park but will check it this week. Mr. Tenerowicz says Filbert Street Park the Playground Equipment could use a pressure washing and Bryant Street is fine. Mr. Lucier says Garden Club Park the fence is missing some rails and the benches should be power washed. Mr. Sims says Schumann looks good — Mr. Minner says the restroom is almost finished — The tennis club was disappointed with the window. Parks and Recreation Minutes October 22, 2012 Page Two Mrs. Webster says she received high compliments about the football field but she asks if the dumpster could be bigger. Mr. McCarthy says always have had trouble with people putting their household garbage in there but will look into a bigger one. Mr. Tenerowicz says the one at the football field needs to be bigger also. NEW BUSINESS; None Mr. Minner says the shades for the baseball fields will be done in house and should be up by the end of the year. Mr. Lucier asks about the Easy Street light problem — Mr. McCarthy says he will be meeting with the light manufacturer to find out the problem. PUBLIC INPUT: Maria from the Dog Park — The small dog park area gets a lot of water by the gate and the fence is collapsing would like to see some fill put in there. She says a car comes there and dumps their household garbage all the time. Otherwise everyone is happy. Jim Sunnycalb — Asks about movie sin the park this year and Mr. McCarthy says there will be two. HE says Laport farms will have theirs the 3�d weekend in December. Mr. McCarthy says Little League will have theirs December 8th they are showing Polar Express. Mr. McCarthy says he is still working out the dates with Brevard County for ours. Mr. Sunnycalb asks if we can have the movie in the main park instead of across the street on Indian River Drive says he got a lot of complaints because there are no bathroom facilities over there. He asks bout changing out the Christmas tree lights this year and Mr. Minner says it will not happen this year doe to cost constraints he says the Council wanted the regular Christmas decorations to be upgraded and that's what he focused on this year. Mr. Sunnycalb says the Dog Park dumpster needs a sign. — Mr. McCarthy says signs won't work. Sunny says people in the park will watch if the signs are up and say something to people dumping illegally. Easy Street Park needs some pressure washing and if everyone has time they should go see the 5 new baby ducks at Easy Street. CHAIRMANS MATTERS; Mr. Sims says thanks to the staff for everything they have done. MEMBERS MATTERS; Mr. Lucier asks if there is room for another volleyball court at Riverview — Mr. McCarthy says no Parks and Recreation Minutes August 27, 2012 Page Three Mr. Tenerowicz says the Clambake is the 2, 3, 4of of November and don't forget to vote Mrs. Webster says the Baseball fields are awesome but the restrooms need wark. Mr. Minner says there is money in this year's budget to redo the restrooms at the ball fields and the football fields. The Little league offered to paint if needed. Mr. Adams — Thanks for all the hard work. STAFF COMMENTS; Mr. Minner says lets check the schedule for meetings thru the end of the year does the committee want to cancel the November meeting which would fall the Monday after Thanksgiving and the December meeting which will fall on a scheduled Holiday for the City. The committee decides they want to have the November meeting unless there is nothing for the Agenda then it can be cancelled but agrees to cancel the December meeting. Next Meeting 11-26 at 6PM With no other business to come before the Parks and Recreation Committee, Vice- Chairman Sims declared the meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM. Approved November 26, 2012 Regular Meeting. .� By cott Si on airman Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee