HomeMy WebLinkAbout11062012NRB� 3. � 5 �� ���� ��� � � . __._ _,_--s-- �� ��,� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 (772)589-5330 Phone NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. MINUTES "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" Chairperson Graves called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Present: Robin Graves - Chair Eric Spokas - Vice Chair Hank Kriss Ann Lucier Gerald Deredita (A) Staff Present: Ginny Sieferd, Board Liaison Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary Albert Alvarez Alan Northcott Gilbert Gordian Jr. Pat Casselberry (A) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 2, 2012 regular meeting MOTION by Ms. Graves and SECOND by Mr. Kriss to approve the October 2nd, 2012 minutes as written, was passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chairperson Graves welcomed Gerald Deredita to the Natural Resources Board and asked him to introduce himself. Mr. Deredita said he has been a resident of Sebastian since 2002 and has seen real concerns with the lagoon. He feels this is a wonderful way to give back to the community. Ms. Graves let the board and TV viewers know that at 7:OOpm the Election Results will start being televised on cable Channel 25 but the Natural Resources Board meeting will be shown in it's entirety during reruns throughout the month. 6. PRESENTATION: Ms. Graves read the bios of Mr. John Lenhardt, Executive Director and Jeff Bolling, Chief Operations Officer, of The National Elephant Center in Fellsmere. Mr. Lenhardt and Mr. Bolling gave a talk and PowerPoint Presentation on the Elephant Center (See attached). The Center is expected to be completed by spring of 2013. The Center is a planned sanctuary for both African and Asian elephants. Mr. Bolling explained the training technique that will be used at the Center. Natural Resources Board Nov. 6, 2012 Page Two After the presentation there were questions from the Board and members of the audience. Mr. Lenhardt answered a question regarding when the first elephants were due to arrive and he said that the Center is on target to be completed by around March of 2013 and the first elephants should arrive a couple months after that. Mr. Gordian asked about donations from area residents and businesses. Mr. Lenhardt said the out pour of materials such as telephone poles and other materials has been wonderFul. Mr. Lenhardt stated that they posted a"wish list" on their website and the donations keep coming in. Ms. Graves asked if the Elephant Center would like to be linked to the new NRB webpage and Mr. Lenhardt said that would be great www.nationalelephantcenter.orq Mr. Kriss asked about the need for volunteers at the National Elephant Center and Mr. Bolling stated that they were going to start an outreach program. There was discussion regarding volunteering duties at the Center. Ms. Casselberry asked how long it took to socialize new elephants to the group and Mr. Bolling explained that they introduce them slowly and get them use to a matriarchal society. Ms. Lucier asked how long the elephants are in quarantine before they are introduced into the general population. Mr. Bolling explained that when an elephant is shipped to them they will have a complete bill of health so the Center will know exactly what they are getting. They will know of any health issues. Mr. Spokas asked about human access to the Center and Mr. Lenhardt said at this time because there are no public roads and they are in the middle of the groves it is by invitation only. They are planning on opening an Educational Center with class rooms and an observation platform in the future. Mr. Alvarez asked where the elephants come from and Mr. Bolling said they can come from anywhere mostly in North America. They could come from zoos, private owners, anywhere. Mr. Lenhardt said the best welfare for an elephant is to live in a natural, multi-generational social group and that is what their goal is to provide. Mr. Northcott asked about post degree enforcement and also the use of elephant guides to handle the elephants. Mr. Lenhardt explained that an elephant guide is only used if absolutely necessary. The Center promotes the protected contact process and in extreme circumstances if the person must share a space with an elephant they would carry with them an elephant guide. Ms. Sieferd asked about the maximum number of elephants that could be housed at one time at the facility and Mr. Lenhardt said it is 36. The Center is on 225 acres and the owner has many more acres available. Ms. Sieferd asked how long it takes to train an elephant and she was told that it is very fast using positive reinforcement. That elephants are very intelligent. Ms. Graves invited the National Elephant Center to have a table at the 2013 Earth Day celebration and they said that would be great. Mr. Lenhardt passed out a flyer for the National Elephant Center to the board (see attached). 7. PUBLIC INPUT: No public input. 8. OLD BUSINESS: Natural Resources Board Nov. 6, 2012 Page Three A. Fertilizer Education Proctram — Mr. Spokas updated the board on the Sebastian Rivers Landing Home Owners Association meeting on November 20th at 6:OOpm. He has prepared six slides for the talk he is going to give on fertilizer. Ms. Sieferd will assist Mr. Spokas. Council Member Coy sent an email updating the board on her PowerPoint Presentation of the fertilizer program. She is still working on it. The Board Secretary updated the board on the webpage stating that it is still in the design stage but looks great. Ms. Brooke-Reese is still on schedule to have it done by the end of the month and present it to the board at the December meeting. B. Earth Dav, Saturday, April 20, 2013 — Ms. Graves said she wanted to contact FP&L regarding Earth Day but realizes they are busy helping out with Hurricane Sandy in the northeast. Mr. Gordian said he contacted Fishn Chics and they were interested in having a table at Earth Day. He also said he spoke with Charles at the Clean Marina Program. Ms. Sieferd said she has a name of someone in Fellsmere who works with bees and she will see if they would come to Earth Day. Ms. Cyr let the board know that the stage will be available for use at Earth Day. Mr. Gordian asked if the time for Earth Day could be extended until 3:OOpm. Ms. Graves let him know that they use to have it until 3:OOpm and very few people showed up after 1:OOpm so they changed the time. She said the vendors were the first to start packing up around 1:OOpm so the decision to change the time happened last year. Ms. Sieferd asked if the board would be interested in having the bee keeper be a speaker at one of the NRB meetings. The members liked the idea. Ms. Lucier said she spoke with Kevin Lowry the Ranger with Fish & Wildlife regarding Earth Day and he was sent all the paperwork. She said he is very excited to participate. Ms. Lucier also said she is in contact with Justin Riney, the gentleman who is paddling the Indian River, about speaking to the board. Mr. Gordian said he was in contact with Hale's Grove and Jong's Market for some produce. Ms. Graves mentioned the co-op in Fellsmere. Ms. Sieferd said she spoke with HALO and they were interested in attending Earth Day. Mr. Gordian asked about Shady Grove Nursery because they are always wonderFul in donating trees for Earth Day. 9. NEW BUSINESS: No new business. 10. MEMBER MATTERS: No new business. 11. STAFF MATTERS: Ms. Cyr let the members know that their meeting in January will be on the 8th due to the New Year holiday. Regarding the Clean Marina program, Ms. Sieferd said she really didn't have anything to update. Ms. Graves and Mr. Gordian said they really want this to happen and Ms. Sieferd agreed. 12. Being no further business, Chairperson Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:05p.m. ; , � ,� �. � r-, ��i" r / � . Natu al Resources Chairperson Signature Date