HomeMy WebLinkAbout12062012PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2012 Chairman Dodd called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The pledge of allegiance was said by all. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Roth Mr. Dodd Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Carter EXCUSED: Mr. Paul Mr. Dyer (a) Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Durr Mr. Reyes ALSO PRESENT: Joe Griffin, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Planner Robert Ginsburg, City Attorney Jan King, Senior Planner/Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: . �. �� c .o '� Vi � �E� � � 0 �� � � ai .� .� C � N �' �'�n Chmn. Dodd stated Mr. Paul was excused from the meeting, and that Ms. Kautenburg would be voting in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Roth/Carter to approve the minutes of the August 2, 2012 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: None A. QUASItiIUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING — SITE PLAN — DOLLAR GENERAL — 9200 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD, SEBASTIAN CROSSING COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION — 9100 SF RETAIL BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS — CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT City Attorney Ginsburg read the agenda item. Chmn. Dodd asked the Commissioners if they had any exparte communications to disclose. There was none. He opened the hearing, and then swore in anyone that was going to offer testimony. Mr. Herb Green, P.E., civil engineer and representative for the developer/applicant, stated the project was fairly straight-forward, and the lot was part of an approved master plan for the Sebastian Crossings Commercial Subdivision. They were agreeable with staff's recommended conditions of approval [as listed in the staff report], and had met ail Land Development Code requirements. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 2012 Ms. Bosworth reviewed and discussed items that staff, the city's consulting engineer, and Mr. Green had worked on, including aligning the Sebastian Boulevard access driveway with the driveway on the Sebastian Crossroads Plaza property and applicable easement, construction of an off-site sidewalk, also needing an additional easement, a Traffic Impact Analysis study the County Traffic Engineering Department required, and the applicant's request to reduce the west side perimeter landscape strip to 5 feet. Recorded easement information and approval of the TIA would be needed before a Certificate of Occupancy/Completion was issued. Mr. Dodd had concerns with the access road in that traffic from Advance Auto would be using Dollar General's parking aisles to get to Sebastian Boulevard. Ms. Bosworth explained that the access road was designed by the subdivision developer to accommodate cross traffic from all four lots and an easement was recorded for that purpose. Mr. Qizilbash had questions regarding a north buffer for the residential subdivision. Mr. Carter was happy with the proposed building elevations, and asked questions regarding the alignment of the access driveways. Mr. Roth had questions regarding the location of the irrigation well, consultants and jurisdictions who reviewed the plan, construction and materials of the cross access driveway, and the photometric plan. Mr. Green addressed his concerns and questions, and stated the base of the driveway would be re-used with a new surface. Mr. Reyes discussed with Mr. Green relocation of a power pole, elevation grades by the dumpster, parking lot drainage, and truck access. Staff noted a truck access plan was provided separately. Chmn. Dodd opened the Public Input. No one spoke in favor of or against the project. Staff recommended approval of the site plan with the conditions as noted in the staff report. MOTION by Durr/Carter to approve the site plan application for pollar General with the staff's recommendations [for conditions]. ROLL CALL: Mr. Durr yes Ms. Kautenburg yes Mr. Roth yes Mr. Dodd yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Mr. Qizilbash yes Mr. Reyes yes Mr. Carter yes Mr. Dodd complimented the new construction at the Ay! Jalisco Restaurant. MEMBERS MATTERS: None DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Griffin asked the Commission to consider changing the time of the meetings to begin earlier. After discussion, and a show of hands, because of work schedules it was decided to continue to meet at 7 pm. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 2012 Jan King updated the Commission on the amendments to Articles V& VI (permitted and conditional uses), the amendment to Chapter 46 (flood damage prevention code), the back-out parking ordinances, a minor modification to the Ay! Jalisco site plan, and a minor modification to River View Plaza on US Highway #1. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chairman Dodd adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. (db) 3