HomeMy WebLinkAbout02042013BUD AgendaW673 c(FENIFT-E.; AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY —FEBRUARY 4,2013 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Introduction of Members 5. Selection of Chairperson & Selection of Vice-Chairperson 7. Approval of Minutes: a. Meeting of August 14, 2012 8. Comments by City Manager— Chart on Funding Sources and Uses 9. Review Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2012 10. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, March 18, 2013) 11. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of August 14, 2012 Chart on Funding Sources and Uses Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2012 Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. 4 3 4. CRYOF SEBASTLAV HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Present: William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Tim Slaven Not Present: Christine Vicars (excused) Gary O'Hara Harry Marshall Dionna Farmer Staff Present: Al Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Director Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary Approval of Minutes: July 17, 2012 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Marshall and SECOND by Ms. Farmer to approve the July 17, 2012 minutes with a change on the last page, second line, Council Budget Workshop is on August 22nd that should read Council Budget Workshop is on August 20th, passed on a unanimous voice vote. 5. Budget Update by the City Manager: Mr. Minner gave his PowerPoint presentation of the updated proposed Fiscal Year 2013 Budget (see attached). Because of changes in some unresolved issued at the time of the budget preparation he wanted to update the board with what transpired. The four unresolved issues were Health Care, General Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance, Janitorial Services and Ditch and Swale Maintenance. Because of these changes to the budget Mr. Minner was able to offer the board two different options to recommend to Council. One was to change the millage rate to $3.5646 with no asphalt paving program. Two would be to continue with the original recommended millage rate of $3.7166 and include street resurfacing. At the completion of his presentation, Mr. Minner introduced Nancy Veidt to the board and thanked her for all her hard work on preparation of the budget. He then asked for questions from the board. There were no questions from the board. Budget Advisory Meeting August 14, 2012 Page Two 6. Memorandum on Budget Changes and Proposed Draft of Budcom Report: Mr. Herlihy asked the board for their pleasure as far as going with the recommendation to Council of a millage rate of $3.7166 leaving in the roads or going with the $3.5646 rate. He asked for questions. Ms. Farmer said she did have a question regarding road resurfacing, she wanted to know if the City would be repaving the roads or patching. Mr. Minner said it depended on the road. He said the south east portion of town needed work. The base was solid, so those roads would be resurfaced unless problems were found. Mr. Minner said the plan was to fill in any pot holes like a patch job then overlay the whole road. Mr. Slaven asked if we don't repave this year, will it cost more next year and the City Manager stated he doesn't know. He feels the longer we ignore the roads the more the base will decay so it could cost more. 7. Committee Comments and Direction on Committee Report to the City Council: Mr. Herlihy brought up that he received his tax bill from the County and he said he was amazed at the fact that his property assessed valuation went down 7 % % which is above the 6% that was expected and his Sebastian taxes went down. Given the fact that we need to do road repairs, he is for staying with the recommended rate of $3.7166 Mr. Slaven agreed. Mr. Herlihy made an informal motion to recommend to Council to stay at the $3.7166 millage rate. The members agreed. There were no changes to Mr. Herlihy's draft memo to Council. 8. Review of 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment: Ms. Krueger gave an overview of the Third Quarter Budget Amendment explaining that the departments are at or below 75% of spending which is where they should be. Everything looks good. Building revenues are up from this time last year. There were no questions or comments from the members. MOTION by Mr. Herlihy and SECOND by Ms. Farmer to approve Resolution R -12 -22 Third Quarterly Report as submitted and recommended to Council, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. 9. Other Discussion /Questions by Committee Members: There were no other comments or questions from the board members. Mr. Minner thanked the members for all their hard work this year on the fiscal 2013 budget. Mr. Minner also thanked Staff and the Department Heads for their hard work in putting together the budget and employees for their hard work. 10. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. Citizen Budget Advisory Board Chairperson Signature Date d a° w N i 3 a y oa CO � Q O d O vLL H m a V w d O} 3 r.. a.. O W L O N c .23 2 O N w O m U m try V Lcu LL Q1 - C o N O L m N CO C U C @ mEcai CD C7 C c O N ' E O r _> 0 LL O C a C C C >N C 4 s �'i@ C °' >. m U m m m ° U U m 0 m a 0 a .N. x 3 0 Q m c Q o 0$! y N C C m W moo 9 c 3 E S E U 'N a p m CL CL Im M m'V Uom.. 0) E C E W ti5 mU m L m a C �E CD -0 EO10 0 3 c m o 0 O C C a U U m m 1 v O v '[2 O7 xx0 y O N w 'O aD t6 m V Lcu N Cj U m O L m N m U) IL 0 a' c O C O ? E 14 O C a C C C c m CcD rnc E U n m m m ° U U m 0 m a 0 QE O m Cc c� C Na '-CO 0$! y N C C ca E > -O 'N a W m U Q 0 c LL, ti5 mU m L U N O7 xx0 y U N w x li m 4D ,F wU Lcu N Cj N O O mOnCL N �Er w 0. U- m N N w C N C m m e 3 m c N Cj N O O C N LL c CD CL LL CD cL c 3 m 0 C W m m O N N C Cl. O W >> �U o > O E m xOx_ m E CL O N 0- C C C ca O m -O 'N W n c 0 OQ L N ma C �E CD m O Q .mi O C C N O 0 m 1 v O v U ? 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U > a) > > > U'- cl m CD O O 7 W ❑ m N d CtL 3 lL o m ? w N m ai c (D D c lL ccaa t1 LL V- O o N LL Cl) 'C(3 ° a c 3 N 1E) LL m m m ML �U o m E m LL m d m m LL C C EL 2 Y U� m � F O.N 0 C m> L U C -0 C N C C O N Q .mi O- C C C C C t �U v > � > a) > > > U'- cl m W 7 O O 7 W N d CtL O N O� �� CD ta Wi° CO W W CL ¢ C 3pLL U N m w N m ai LL D E N N b a m ~ O c N a; m a c 3 E o N 4 m '@tL E m ML �U o U U ca LL m U a2' cQ C C z O N O N CD N N b a m ~ E C O ai d J O ti oNi N m wC N> C7 F OC) U> t) p m wo 4 m '@tL F m ML �U o LL m O ❑ a2' cQ A cp C C LL Y U� m O.N C C C. dII U a (D Q .mi LL Q rm af1f cw SIEBASTMN HOME OF PEUCMf ISLAND city of Sebastian, Florida Subject: Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Agenda No. J Z , 0 d 4 Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Budget. A1Jprove4ffor Submittal by: Department Orig ;n- Administrativ City Attorney: , City Manager I City Clerk: Date Submitted: December 5, 2012 For Agenda of: December 12, 2012 Exhibits: • Resolution No. R -12 -39 • 4`h Quarter Comparison of Actual to Budget • Capital Project Status Reports as of September 30, 2012 • Schedule of Investments as of September 30, 2012 • 4`h Quarter Accomplishments SUMMARY Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. Capital project status reports, investment reports and accomplishments are also included. Review by the Budget Review Advisory Committee will be done at their initial meeting, which will be conducted following City Council's appointments for the next budget cycle. In accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council ". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to reallocate funds to and from expenditure accounts and capital projects as necessary during the quarter. These changes and those approved by the City Council during the quarter are summarized in Exhibit "A" attached to the Resolution. In the quarter, General Fund appropriations were changed to adjust the State's contribution to the Police Officers Pension Plan. In the Discretionary Sales Tax Fund (DST) appropriations of $38,014 were decreased by the City Manager to reflect the end of projects to: complete the Stormwater Master Plan, purchase police vehicles, assist with the Four Chaplain's project, purchase garage equipment and install the new telephone system. The Recreation Impact Fee Fund budget was reduced by the City Manager by $26,189 to reflect the end of projects for improvements to Easy Street Park, baseball field drainage and the mooring fields (mooring fields were reprogrammed to FY2014 -15). Lastly, the Airport Budget was increased by $4,125 received for equipment sales that was applied to expenses on equipment repairs. RECOMMENDED ACTION Move to approve R- 12 -39. YEARS END OF 4TH QUARTER FISCAL 4 1 1 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Description 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TAXES 7,400,141 7,531,430 98.3% 6,733,190 7,179,708 93.8% 6,320,547 6,684,535 94.6% LICENSES & PERMITS 33,182 51,400 64.6% 23,645 44,650 53.0% 22,430 36,150 62.0% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 1,997,119 1,857,957 107.5% 2,002,032 1,970,017 101.6% 2,078,686 2,019,663 102.9% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 282,530 289,147 97.7% 260,838 286,550 91.0% 290,951 300,061 97.0% FINES AND FORFEITS 71,415 55,000 129.8% 80,653 65,500 123.1% 52,307 74,000 70.7% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 286,894 423,190 67.8% 242,822 338,124 71.8% 227,378 276,498 82.2% TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 764,888 764,888 100.0% 736,727 736,727 100.0% 692,716 689,129 100.5% TOTAL REVENUES 10,836,169 10,973,012 98.8% 10,079,907 10,621,276 94.9% 9,685,015 10,080,036 96.1% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 4,472,233 5,255,327 85.1% 5,228,495 5,535,011 94.5% 4,733,552 5,068,245 93.4% TOTAL SOURCES 15,308,402 16,228,339 94.3 % 15,308,402 16,156,287 94.8% 14,418,567 15,148,281 95.2% CITY COUNCIL 48,017 52,117 92.1% 47,060 52,117 90.3% 49,225 50,283 97.9% CITY MANAGER 249,378 254,480 98.0% 232,469 233,196 99.7% 223,900 234,046 95.7% CITY CLERK 292,968 296,444 98.8% 272,886 272,792 100.0% 301,395 304,390 99.0% LEGAL 104,586 125,340 814% 98,712 125,785 78.5% 94,718 107,710 87.9% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 489,025 492,658 99.3% 481,051 478,562 100.5% 478,043 477,869 100.0% MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES 265,375 266,913 99.4% 274,797 248,908 110.4% 161,526 160,125 100.9% POLICE DEPARTMENT 4,968,164 4,959,722 100.2% 5,073,186 4,941,466 102.7% 4,515,749 4,568,658 98.8 % PUBLIC WORKS 3,541,756 3,694,008 95.9% 3,201,255 3,385,604 94.6% 3,112,210 3,231,134 96.3% GROWTH MANAGEMENT 410,050 437,156 93.8% 349,388 348,734 100.2% 237,575 248,150 95.7% NON - DEPARTMENTAL 622,565 627,277 99.2% 544,046 552,107 98.5% 607,545 697,671 90.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,991,884 11,206,115 98.1% 10,574,850 10,639,271 99.4% 9,781,886 10,080,036 97.0 % ENDING CASH RESERVES 5,228,495 5,022,224 104.1% 4,733,552 5,517,016 85.8% 4,636,681 5,068,245 91.5% TOTAL USES 15,308,402 16,228,339 94.3% 15,308,402 16,156,287 94.8% 14,418,567 15,148,281 95.2% Property tax collections are lower than last year due to the decline in taxable values and lower receipts from Franchise Fees and Utility Taxes. Licenses & Permits were less than anticipated. Intergovernmental Revenues were increased for the State's Police Pension contribution and are just slightly above the same amounts as last year. Charges for Services are lower than budgeted but greater than last year. Fines and Forfeits include collection of Code Enforcement liens, which were less than prior years. Miscellaneous Revenues continues to fall lower than budget because of declining investment returns but should improve with the change to Seacoast National Bank. Total Sources includes the amount of actual and estimated cash reserves. In 2012, we used $96,871 of cash reserves based on unaudited figures, essentially because total revenues were not as high as planned. $71,875 of this was expected, when we made our projections for the 2013 budget. It is also noted that the Ending Cash Reserves of $4,636,681 were just $24,996 less than the $4,661,677 we projected would be available, when we did our projections for the 2013 budget. Total spending by all Departments, was 97.3% under budget. The slight overage in MIS was due to expensing the $1,085 trade -in value for the old firewall product to reflect the total price of the new firewall and the charge to expense is offset by that revenue. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 3,080,591 3,167,006 97.3% 576,906 623,521 92.5% 2,861,116 2,944,511 97.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 82,579 152,559 54.1% 1,392,655 1 477 988 94.2% 58,562 50,258 116.5% TOTAL SOURCES 3,163,170 3,319,565 95.3% 1,969,561 2,101,509 93.7% 2,919,678 2,994,769 97.5% DEBT SERVICE 1,256,960 1,256,960 100.0% 264,463 264,463 100.0% 2,330,742 2,352,910 99.1% OTHER EXPENDITURES 324,523 324,100 100.1% 259,591 250,000 103.8% 274,405 291,601 94.1% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 189,032 1,585,946 1,386,945 1 461 429 94.9% 124,258 300,000 41.4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,770,515 3,167,006 55.9% 1,910,999 1,975,892 96.7% 2,729,405 2,944,511 92.7% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,392,655 152 559 912.9% 58,562 125,617 46.6% 190,273 50,258 378.6% TOTAL USES 3,163,170 3,319,565 95.3% 1,969,561 2,101,509 93.7% 2,919,678 2,994,769 97.5 % Tax collections were 1.3% less than last year. Refinancing the Paving Loan provided funds for paving and also lowered the annual debt service requirement by extending the maturity dates. Most of the Ending Cash Reserves are the funds provided by the Loan which are already committed to that paving project. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES 2,913,062 2,510,445 116.0% 2,364,053 2,349,593 100.6% 2,491,406 2,380,150 104.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 958,676 1,904,156 50.3% 1,379,095 1,379,095 100.0% 1,623,442 1,292,080 125.6% TOTAL SOURCES 3,871,738 4,414,601 87.7% 3,743,148 3,728,688 100.4% 4,114,848 3,672,230 112.1% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 2,492,643 3,405,210 73.2% 2,119,706 2,164,057 98.0% 2,099,275 2,996,807 70.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,492,643 3,405,210 73.2% 2,119,706 2,164,057 98.0% 2,099,275 2,996,807 70.1% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,379,095 1,009 391 136.6% 1,623,442 1,564,631 103.8% 2,015,573 675 423 298.4% TOTAL USES 3,871,738 4,414,601 87.7% 3,743,148 3,728,688 100.4% 4,114,848 3,672,230 112.1 % Tax collections in 2012 were higher than the prior year. Transfers to Other Funds were adjusted during the quarter as a result of several projects being closed. This $38,014 adjustment included police vehicles, 4 Chaplains memorial, garage equipment, stormwater plan and City -wide telephone system. e R t, I In END OF 4TH QUARTER YEARS FISCAL I I L Principal and interest payments were made as scheduled. Ending cash reserves are at required amounts 5 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Description 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL REVENUES 2,993,550 440,535 679.5% 319,036 300,382 106.2% 268,509 263,716 101.8% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 984,638 795,308 123.8% 682,591 676,714 100.9% 455,810 434,338 104.9% TOTAL SOURCES 3,978,188 1,235,843 321.9% 1,001,627 977,096 102.5% 724,319 698,054 103.8% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 129,352 152,118 85.0% 188,918 120,727 156.5% 140,967 126,022 111.9% CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3,096,416 540,520 572.9% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 69,829 69,830 100.0% 356,899 382,494 93.3% 104,458 160,594 65.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,295,597 762,468 432.200 545,817 503,221 108.500 245,425 286,616 85.6% ENDING CASH RESERVES 682,591 106,249 642.4% 455,810 473,875 96.2% 478,894 411,438 116.4% TOTAL USES 3,978,188 868,717 457.9% 1,001,627 977,096 102.5% 724,319 698,054 103.8% Operating expenditures exceeded the FY2012 budget because payments include fagade /sign grants that were authorized in prior year budgets. There were no changes during the quarter to amounts budgeted for Transfers. PARKING IN- LIEU -OF FUND TOTAL REVENUES - - 0.0% 12,632 - 0.0% 13,833 13,800 100.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 12,632 - 0.0% TOTAL SOURCES - - 0.0% 12,632 - 07MFO 0 EXPENDITURES - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES - - 0.0% 12,632 - 0.0% 26,465 13,800 191.8% TOTAL USES - - 0.0% 12,632 - o 0 This fund records collections of the parking in- lieu -of fee and any subsequent spending of those monies. RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 38,256 56,247 68.0% 49,473 30,791 160.7% 62,889 28,500 220.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,087,353 884,464 122.9% 1,106,310 998,826 110.8% 848,187 441,652 192.0% TOTAL SOURCES 1,125,609 940,711 119.7% 1,155,783 1,029,617 112.3% 911,076 470,152 193.8% CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 0.0% 5,118 - 0.0% - - 0.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 19,299 291,232 6.6% 302,478 765,949 39.5% 217,854 443,962 49.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 19,299 291,232 6.6% 307,596 765,949 40.2% 217,854 443,962 49.1% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,106,310 649,479 170.3% 848,187 263,668 321.7% 693,222 26,190 2646.9% TOTAL USES 1,125,609 940,711 119.7% 1,155,783 1,029,617 112.3% 911,076 470,152 193.8% Transfers to Other Funds were reduced during the quarter, due to adjustments to close out the Easy Street Park Improvements, Mooring Fields and Baseball Field Drainage projects. STORMWATER UTILITY FUND TOTAL REVENUES 858,665 897,200 95.7% 816,415 843,200 96.8% 813,004 818,450 99.3% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 787,481 651,397 120.9% 588,841 336,270 175.1% 450,156 336,270 133.9% TOTAL SOURCES 1,646,146 1,548,597 106.3% 1,405,256 1,179,470 119.1% 1,263,160 1,154,720 109.4% OTHER EXPENDITURES 97 3,500 2.8% 104 100 104.0% 8,348 100 8348.0% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 1,057,208 1,019,228 103.7% 954,996 1,104,931 86.4% 1,087,257 1,089,599 99.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,057,305 1,022,728 103.4% 955,100 1,105,031 86.4% 1,095,605 1,089,699 100.5% ENDING CASH RESERVES 588,841 525,869 112.0% 450,156 74,439 604.7% 167,555 65,021 257.7% TOTAL USES 1,646,146 1,548,597 106.3% 1,405,256 1,179,470 119.1% 1,263,160 1,154,720 109.4% Stormwater fee collections and investment income were lower than last year. Some of the decline was due to property owners receiving credits allowed by the Ordinance for stormwater facilities they made to their properties. LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND TOTAL REVENUES 25,575 10,200 250.7% 906 10,200 8.9% 14,559 10,125 143.8% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 53,600 20,970 255.6% 73,160 20,970 348.9% 66,585 52,609 126.6% TOTAL SOURCES 79,175 31,170 254.0% 74,066 31,170 237.6% 81,144 62,734 129.3% EXPENDITURES 6,015 - 0.0% 1,600 - 0.0% 12,239 - 0.0% CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 0.0% 5,881 - 0.0% - - 0.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 73,160 31,170 234.7% 66,585 31,170 213.6% 68,905 62,734 109.8% TOTAL USES 79,175 31,170 254.0% 74,066 31,170 237.6% 81,144 62,734 129.3% These funds are used for the DARE Program, for vehicle towing charges pending reimbursement and to provide drug investigation monies. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX BOND FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,162,586_ 1,035,869 112.2% 997,557 997,557 100.0% 1,016,206 999,933 101.6% MISC. REVENUES 7,038 1,000 703.8% 5,747 22,854 25.1% 4,994 22,400 22.3% TOTAL REVENUES 1,169,624 1,036,869 112.8% 1,003,304 1,020,411 98.3% 1,021,200 1,022,333 99.9% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 1,409,493 338,906 415.9% 1,554,654 1,541,577 100.8% 1,538,346 1,542,409 997% TOTAL SOURCES 2,579,117 1,375,775 187.5% 2,557,958 2,561,988 99.8% 2,559,546 2,564,742 99.8% OPERATING EXPENDITURES 675 300 225.0% 675 300 225.0% 300 300 100.0% DEBT SERVICE 1,023,788 1,036,569 98.8% 1,018,937 1,019,279 100.0% 1,022,067 1,022,033 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,024,463 1,036,869 98.8% 1,019,612 1,019,579 100.0% 1,022,367 1,022,333 100.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 1,554,654 338,906 458.7% 1,538,346 1,542,409 99.7% 1,537,179 1,542,409 997% TOTAL USES 2,579,117 1,375,775 187.5% 2,557,958 2,561,988 99.8% 2,559,546 2,564,742 99.8% Principal and interest payments were made as scheduled. Ending cash reserves are at required amounts 5 Principal and interest payments were made as scheduled. Ending cash reserves are at required amounts GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 1,263,860 COMPARISON OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET 85.2% 1,298,370 1,261,474 102.9% 1,310,964 1,270,793 END OF 4TI4 QUARTER 43,772 45,198 96.8% 33,226 36,410 91.3% FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 123.2% TOTAL REVENUES 1,307,632 1,528,398 85.6% 1,331,596 FY2010 102.6% 1,354,042 FY2011 103.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES FY2012 (299,486) Description 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % STORMWATER UTILITY BOND FUND 1,000,760 1,048,399 95.5% 1,137,801 1,152,221 98.7% PERSONAL SERVICES 333,105 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 476,221 438,240 108.7% 440,018 438,877 100.3% 439,674 439,023 1001% MISC. REVENUES 455 120 379.2% 128 1,122 11.4% 174 1,100 15.8% TOTAL REVENUES 476,676 438,360 108.7% 440,146 439,999 100.0% 439,848 440,123 99.9% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 144,635 85,876 168.4% 182,951 182,932 100.0% 183,020 183,020 100.0% TOTAL SOURCES 621,311 524,236 118.5% 623,097 622,931 100.0% 622,868 623,143 100.0% DEBT SERVICE 438,360 438,360 100.0% 440,077 439,911 100.0% 440,290 440,123 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 438,360 438,360 100.0% 440,077 439,911 100.0% 440,290 440,123 100.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 182,951 85,876 213.0% 183,020 183,020 100.0% 182,578 183,020 99.8% TOTAL USES 621,311 524,236 118.5% 623,097 622,931 100.0% 622,868 623,143 100.0% Principal and interest payments were made as scheduled. Ending cash reserves are at required amounts GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE 1,263,860 1,483,200 85.2% 1,298,370 1,261,474 102.9% 1,310,964 1,270,793 103.2% MISC. REVENUES 43,772 45,198 96.8% 33,226 36,410 91.3% 43,078 34,960 123.2% TOTAL REVENUES 1,307,632 1,528,398 85.6% 1,331,596 1,297,884 102.6% 1,354,042 1,305,753 103.7% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (102,364) (299,486) 34.2% (330,836) (249,485) 132.6% (216,241) (153,532) 140.8% TOTAL SOURCES 1,205,268 1,228,912 98.1% 1,000,760 1,048,399 95.5% 1,137,801 1,152,221 98.7% PERSONAL SERVICES 333,105 345,523 96.4% 297,407 340,270 87.4% 284,128 278,843 101.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 901,300 913,790 98.6% 914,895 956,539 95.6% 976,975 1,001,004 97.6% CAPITAL OUTLAY - 23,500 0.0% 4,699 - 0.0% 25,311 25,906 97.7% TRANSFER TO PROJECTS FUND - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 39,002 - 0.0% EXPENSE FROM PROJECT FUND - - 0.0% - - 0.0% (12,513) - 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 301,699 313,100 96.4% - 1,075 0.0% - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,536,104 1,595,913 963% 1,217,001 1,297,884 93.8% 1,312,903 1,305,753 100.5% ENDING CASH RESERVES (330,836) (367,001) 90.1% (216,241) (249,485) 86.7% (148,613) (153,532) 96.8% TOTAL USES 1,205,268 1,228,912 98.1% 1,000,760 1,048,399 95.5% 1,164,290 1,152,221 101.0% Total Revenue for FY2011 was above the amount estimated and above the prior year. Transfers to the Project Fund, less amounts expensed to it, resulted is Expenditures exceeding budget. At the end of FY2010, $200,000 was loaned from General Fund to meet cash flow needs. At the end of FY2011, $100,000 was needed and at the end of FY2012 $65,000 was needed. The negative Cash Reserves is mostly due to $57,722 of prepaid memberships and $65,524 of accrued leave and benefits. AIRPORT FUND LEASE REVENUES 379,847 371,219 102.3% 372,837 345,855 107.8% 422,506 413,241 102.2% MISC. REVENUES 19,113 17,000 112.4% 4,164 20,000 20.8% 17,205 25,600 67.2% TOTAL REVENUES 398,960 388,219 n/a 377,001 365,855 103.0% 439,711 438,841 100.2% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES (28,370) 65,784 -43.1% (38,903) (14,679) 265.0% (66,889) (57,243) 116.9% TOTAL SOURCES 370,590 454,003 81.6% 338,098 351,176 96.3% 372,822 381,598 97.7% PERSONAL SERVICES 233,677 231,369 101.0% 229,397 230,275 99.6% 208,175 221,620 93.9% OPERATING EXPENSES 158,265 86,962 182.0% 167,040 156,245 106.9% 255,529 249,540 102.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,001 61,338 14.7% - - 0.0% - 22,500 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 8,550 8,550 100.0% 8,550 8,550 100.0% 8,550 17,250 49.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 409,493 388,219 105.5% 404,987 395,070 102.5% 472,254 510,910 92.4% ENDING CASH RESERVES (38,903) 65,784 -59.1% (66,889) (43,894) 152.4% (99,432) (129,312) 76.9% TOTAL USES 370,590 454,003 81.6% 338,098 351,176 96.3% 372,822 381,598 97.7% Total Revenue for FY2012 was above the amount estimated due to new tenants. At the end of FY2012, $40,550 was loaned from General Fund to meet cash flow needs. The negative Cash Reserves is mostly due to $6,825 of prepaid rent and $63,757 of accrued leave and benefits. An addition was made to the budget for $4,125 in equipment sales that was applied to equipment repairs. BUILDING FUND TOTAL REVENUES 370,287 489,334 75.7% 404,822 465,740 86.9% 426,219 465,740 91.5% BEGINNING CASH RESERVES 634,962 1,035,000 61.3% 520,554 779,429 66.8% 460,448 628,794 712% TOTAL SOURCES 1,005,249 1,524,334 65.9% 925,376 1,245,169 74.3% 886,667 1,094,534 81.0% PERSONAL SERVICES 375,458 379,674 98.9% 366,911 367,626 99.8% 311,877 367,626 84.8% OPERATING EXPENSES 109,237 109,660 99.6% 98,017 98,114 99.9% 87,619 98,114 89.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 484,695 489,334 99.1% 464,928 465,740 99.8% 399,496 465,740 85.8% ENDING CASH RESERVES 520,554 1,035,000 50.3% 460,448 779,429 59.1% 487,171 628,794 77.5% TOTAL USES 1,005,249 1,524,334 65.9% 925,376 1,245,169 74.3% 886,667 1,094,534 81.0% Revenue for 2012 exceeded the prior year and Expenditures have been reduced. Cash Reserves are sufficient to cover $94,916 of accrued leave and benefits and $68,010 of deferred revenue, while leaving an available balance of $324,245. CI'T'Y OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA COMPARISON OF AC'T'UAL, TO BUDGET END OF 4TH QUARTER FISCAL YEARS 2010, 2011 AND 2012 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Description 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % 4thQtr YTD BUDGET % GENERAL FUND DETAIL ON DEPARTMENTS CITY COUNCIL Personnel 22,413 22,742 98.6% 22,747 22,742 100.0% 22,746 22,747 100.0% Operating 25,604 29,375 87.2% 24,313 29,375 82.8% 26,479 27,536 96.2% Totals 48,017 52,117 92.1% 47,060 52,117 90.3% 49,225 50,283 97.9% CITY MANAGER Personnel 243,715 250,455 97.3% 229,007 229,734 99.7% 220,244 230,746 95.4% Operating 5,663 4,025 140.7% 3,462 3,462 100.0% 3,656 3,300 110.8% Totals 249,378 254,480 98.0% 232,469 233,196 99.7% 223,900 234,046 95.7% CITY CLERK Personnel 240,519 240,794 99.9% 242,478 243,373 99.6% 247,927 249,468 99.4% Operating 52,449 55,650 94.2% 30,408 29,419 103.4% 53,468 54,922 97.4% Totals 292,968 296,444 98.8% 272,886 272,792 100.0% 301,395 304,390 99.0% LEGAL Personnel 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Operating 104,586 125,340 83.4% 98,712 125,785 78.5% 94,718 107,710 87.9% Totals 104,586 125,340 83.4% 98,712 125,785 78.5% 94,718 107,710 87.9% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Personnel 401,668 408,939 98.2 % 398,534 397,517 100.3% 399,962 401,420 99.6% Operating 87,357 83,719 104.3% 82,517 81,045 101.8% 78,081 76,449 102.1% Totals 489,025 492,658 99.3% 481,051 478,562 100.5% 478,043 477,869 100.0% MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES Personnel 203,325 206,855 98.3% 231,290 203,713 113.5% 117,621 117,000 100.5% Operating 44,833 42,840 104.7% 43,142 45,195 95.5% 38,642 38,946 99.2% Capital Outlay 17,217 17,218 100.0% 365 0 0.0% 5,263 4,179 125.9% Totals 265,375 266,913 99.4% 274,797 248,908 110.4% 161,526 160,125 100.9% POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel 4,531,184 4,384,877 103.3% 4,577,428 4,515,298 101.4% 4,060,040 4,135,300 98.2% Operating 400,948 546,204 73.4% 451,680 389,533 116.0% 451,520 433,358 104.2% Capital Outlay 36,032 28,641 125.8% 44,078 36,635 120.3% 4,189 0 0.0% Totals 4,968,164 4,959,722 100.2% 5,073,186 4,941,466 102.7% 4,515,749 4,568,658 98.8% PUBLIC WORKS Personnel 2,503,831 2,557,799 97.9% 2,199,973 2,345,644 93.8% 2,132,928 2,176,307 98.0% Operating 986,653 1,118,664 88.2% 988,178 1,027,160 96.2% 953,748 1,033,627 92.3% Capital Outlay 51,272 17,545 292.2% 13,104 12,800 102.4% 25,534 21,200 120.4% Totals 3,541,756 3,694,008 95.9% 3,201,255 3,385,604 94.6% 3,112,210 3,231,134 96.3% DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Personnel 368,225 372,436 98.9% 311,678 312,127 99.9% 223,308 227,698 98.1% Operating 41,825 64,720 64.6% 37,710 36,607 103.0% 14,267 20,452 69.8% Totals 410,050 437,156 93.8% 349,388 348,734 100.2% 237,575 248,150 95.7% NON - DEPARTMENTAL Personnel 20,040 15,000 133.6% 31,163 15,000 207.8% 105,610 110,969 95.2% Operating 602,525 612,277 98.4% 512,883 537,107 95.5% 501,935 558,221 89.9% Transfers to Other Funds 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Totals 622,565 627,277 99.2% 544,046 552,107 98.5% 607,545 669,190 90.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES Personnel 8,534,920 8,459,897 100.9% 8,244,298 8,285,148 99.5% 7,530,386 7,671,655 98.2% Operating 2,352,443 2,682,814 87.7% 2,273,005 2,304,688 98.6% 2,216,514 2,383,002 93.0% Capital Outlay 104,521 63,404 164.8% 57,547 49,435 116.4% 34,986 25,379 137.9% Transfers to Other Funds 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Totals 10,991,884 11,206,115 98.1% 10,574,850 10,639,271 99.4% 9,781,886 10,080,036 97.0% ENDING CASH RESERVES 4,316,518 5,022,224 85.9% 4,733,552 5,517,016 85.8% 4,636,681 5,068,245 91.5 % TOTAL USES 15,308,402 16,228,339 94.3% 15,308,402 16,156,287 94.8% 14,418,567 15,148,281 95.2% CAPITAL P ,, . REPORT 9/30/2012 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 310 Project Number Description C1108 Excavation Equipment (CLOSED) C1109 Telephone System (closed) A1210 Garage Equipment (closed) A1211 Repaint City Hall/PD (closed) A1212 Police Vehicle Replacement (closed) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 320 Project Number Description C0721 Hardee Park Improvement (Zone A) CLOSED C0921 Schumann Park Improvements C1122 Riverview Park Pavilion (Schumann Park)(CLOSED) C1123 Bark Park Amenties C 1124 Lift Station - Riverview Park C 1125 Riverview Park Irrigation Fountains C1126 Presidental Streets C1129 Easy St Park Improvements (CLOSED) A1221 Mooring Fields (CLOSED) AI222 Blueway Signage A1223 Bleacher Shields A1224 Creative Playground A1225 Handicapp Pier A1226 Riverview Park Electrical (Closed) A1227 Four Chaplains Memorial Sidewalk/Landscape (closed) A1261 BBSC Baseball Field Drainage (CLOSED) TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 330 Project Project Number Description C0735 Powerline Road (Closed) C0834 512 Corridor (DST - FDOT Grant)- CLOSED C1131 US I Improvements - CLOSED C1132 Gateway Enhancement P0001 Road Paving A1231 Cav Corp Enhancements A1233 Indian River Drive Parking A1234 Davis Street Sewer STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 363 Project Number Description Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,000) CLOSED 4,920,862.11 4,920,862.11 - (0.00) 100.00% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) - CLOSED 2,651,170.28 2,651,170.28 - - 100.00% C1601 Stormwater Master Plan CLOSED 27,500.00 27,500.00 - - 100.00% 15,199,064.78 7,599,532.39 3.00 3.00 100.00% AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) CLOSED C1152 Install Security Cameras Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 100.00% 43,000.00 216.49 - 42,783.51 0.50% 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 0.00% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 166,053.62 166,053.62 - - 100.00% 65,835.69 65,835.69 - - 100.00% 19,865.01 19,865.01 - 0.00 100.00% 9,700.00 9,700.00 - - 100.00% 169,870.20 169,870.20 - - 100.00% 431,324.52 431,324.52 - 0.00 100.00% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,000) CLOSED 4,920,862.11 4,920,862.11 - (0.00) 100.00% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) - CLOSED 2,651,170.28 2,651,170.28 - - 100.00% C1601 Stormwater Master Plan CLOSED 27,500.00 27,500.00 - - 100.00% 15,199,064.78 7,599,532.39 3.00 3.00 100.00% AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) CLOSED C1152 Install Security Cameras Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 100.00% 43,000.00 216.49 - 42,783.51 0.50% 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 0.00% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budge To Date Encumbrances Remaining _Encumbered 47,432.01 47,432.01 - - 100.00% 246,460.00 208,796.68 2,148.00 35,515.32 84.72% 28,720.71 28,720.71 - - 100.00% 100,000.00 11,478.50 - 88,521.50 11.48% 100,586.50 62,862.49 - 37,724.01 62.50% 25,000.00 8,261.52 - 16,738.48 3105% 473,500.00 33,179.44 - 440,320.56 7.01% 57,886.77 57,886.77 - - 100.00% - - 31,276.18 - 0.00% 25,000.00 - . - 25,000.00 0.00% 50,000.00 86.49 - 49,913.51 0.17% 30,000.00 - 17,375.00 12,625.00 0.00% 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 0.00% 7,389.16 7,389.16 - - 100.00% 32,428.56 32,428.56 - - 100.00% 43,923.31 43,923.31 - - 100.00% 1,825,772.66 1,283,327.02 740,889.37 721,366.37 70.29% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,000) CLOSED 4,920,862.11 4,920,862.11 - (0.00) 100.00% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) - CLOSED 2,651,170.28 2,651,170.28 - - 100.00% C1601 Stormwater Master Plan CLOSED 27,500.00 27,500.00 - - 100.00% 15,199,064.78 7,599,532.39 3.00 3.00 100.00% AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) CLOSED C1152 Install Security Cameras Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 100.00% 43,000.00 216.49 - 42,783.51 0.50% 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 0.00% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 1,076,348.30 1,076,348.30 - - 100.00% 303,862.44 303,862.44 - - 100.00% 309,120.84 309,120.84 - 0.00 100.00% 25,000.00 - - 25,000.00 0.00% 214,554.57 22,199.74 - 192,354.83 10.35% 75,000.00 43,863.84 26,276.18 4,859.98 58.49% 125,000.00 5,593.75 - 119,406.25 4.48% 150,000.00 - 5,000.00 145,000.00 0.00% 2,278,886.15 1,760,988.91 31,276.18 486,621.06 77.27% Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered C4606 Collier Creek Improvements (DEP GRANT $500,000) CLOSED 4,920,862.11 4,920,862.11 - (0.00) 100.00% P0003 1/4 Round Swale Rehab (DST) - CLOSED 2,651,170.28 2,651,170.28 - - 100.00% C1601 Stormwater Master Plan CLOSED 27,500.00 27,500.00 - - 100.00% 15,199,064.78 7,599,532.39 3.00 3.00 100.00% AIRPORT PROJECTS FUND 455 Project Number Description C0951 Construct Hangars (1,160,000 grant) CLOSED C1152 Install Security Cameras Percent Project Expenditures Funds Expended/ Budget To Date Encumbrances Remaining Encumbered 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 100.00% 43,000.00 216.49 - 42,783.51 0.50% 1,317,196.63 1,317,196.63 - - 0.00% cmoF SE13AST k HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER , 2012 Prepared by Administrative Services Department As of September 30, 2012, the total available funds of the City were $10,717,414. $3,183,415 was held in an interest bearing checking account and $7,533,999 was invested in the SBA and other investment vehicles. The investments consist of the following: Investment Type Amount State Board of Administration (SBA) $ 3,526,649 US Government Treasury and Agency Bonds 4,007,350 Total Fair Value of Investments $ 7,533,999 The details of each investment types are presented on the following pages. CITE' OF SEBASTIAN SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 9/30/2012 cashsba0930 11/29/2012 CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION PERCENT BALANCE General Fund + Performance Deposits 50.58% 1,783,897.76 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 0.00% - Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 23.77% 838,200.13 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 4.27% 150,460.81 Parking In- Lieu -Of Fund 0.75% 26,465.10 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 0.51% 18,017.97 Stormwater Utility Fund 0.31% 11,047.15 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1.67% 58,953.59 Discretionary Sales Tax, Debt Service Fund 0.00% - Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 0.00% - Capital Projects Fund 0.00% - Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% - Transportation Fund 0.00% - Stormwater Projects Fund 0.00% - Golf Course Fund 0.00% - Golf Course Projects Fund 0.80% 28,168.35 Airport Fund 0.00% - Building Department Fund 10.24% 361,030.13 Cemetery Trust Fund 7.10% 250,408.14 Performance Deposits Fund - Sub -Total 100% 3,526,649.13 cashsba0930 11/29/2012 SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS 9/30/2012 TOTAL ALLOCATION BY FUND General Discretionary Sales Tax Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency Recreation Impact Fee Stormwater Revenue Building Cemetery Trust TOTAL cashsba0930 11/29/2012 PURCHASE YIELD TO DATE OF ASSET NAME MATURITY PURCHASE U.S. Treasury Note 0.5082% 11/30/10 U.S. Treasury Note 0.7917% 03/31/11 FHLMC Note 0.6578% 12/08/10 FHLB Note 0.8641% 03/31/11 TOTAL ALLOCATION BY FUND General Discretionary Sales Tax Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency Recreation Impact Fee Stormwater Revenue Building Cemetery Trust TOTAL cashsba0930 11/29/2012 PURCHASE 9/30/2012 MATURITY CUSIP PRICE FAIR VALUE DATE NUMBER $ 997,460.94 $ 1,000,190.00 10/31/12 912828PD6 996,836.00 1,001,990.00 02/28/13 912828QK9 999330.00 1,001,120.00 12/28/12 3137EACQ0 1,002,670.00 1,004,050.00 03/27/13 313372RK2 $ 3,996,296.94 $ 4,007,350.00 $ 2,496,966.94 $ 2,503,873.11 100,000.00 100,276.58 333,110.00 334,031.32 666,220.00 668,062.65 200,000.00 200,553.17 200,000.00 200,553.17 $ 3,996,296.94 $ 4,007,350.00 ClIY OF SFOIDASTILM ROME Of PELICAN ISLAND Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Al Minner, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Director of Finance Date: December 5, 2012 Re: 4t' Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2012 Enclosed please find the 4 "' Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2012. CITY CLERK Legislative Support Matters • Prepared agenda packets and minutes for five Regular City Council meetings, and two Council workshops One CRA meeting - attended meetings for total of 13.75 hrs. • Three ordinances adopted, one passed on first reading. • 14 resolutions adopted. • One official document recorded with Clerk of Court. • Coordinated with recipients for preparation and presentation of ten proclamations. • Placed two courtesy meeting ads in the Press Journal. • Placed two legal notices in the Press Journal. • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press. • Provided monthly regional and county board meeting calendars to Council. • Prepared FLC Annual conference travel reimbursements for four Council members. • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations. • Distributed one City Code supplement. • Prepared travel for one Council member to attend Advanced Institute for Elected Municipal Officials. • Coordinated 3 day visit for FLC Legislative Advocate Amber Hughes — Shadow Program. Records Management Program • Responded to 60 public records request. • 39 boxes of records that reached retention or were scanned & 16 bags of duplicate and OSA records destroyed by Shred -It Recycling - 17 trees saved. • Scanned into Laserfiche - 19 sets of minutes, 25 agenda packets, 15 Resolutions, 3 Ordinance, 13 agreements and 103 Cemetery files — 10 other documents. • 315 Building Contractor Files and Permit Folders with Plans scanned by the Building Dept. • Continued overhaul of vault and safe filing system. Election Matters • Placed two legal ads in Press Journal as required by Florida Statutes. • Coordinated Primary Election Early Voting Site in Chambers for Supervisor of Elections. • Received Q2 (PAC) and GI (PAC and Candidate) reports. • Qualified four candidates and submitted ballot to SOE. Board Matters • City Clerk prepared agendas /notices, and provided secretarial services for TCCLG meetings. • Deputy Clerk attended and recorded three TCCLG meetings and prepared minutes. • Filled seven board vacancies. • Prepared two certificates of appreciation for presentation to board members by Mayor. • RPM attended and recorded three Natural Resources Board meetings. • City Clerk attended and recorded one Natural Resources Board meeting. • RPM attended and recorded two Budget Review Advisory Board meetings. • Deputy Clerk attended and recorded two Veterans Advisory Board meetings. • Deputy Clerk assisted Supervisor of Elections Office with five outstanding financial disclosure reports. • City clerk coordinate meeting die for North County Senior Needs Assessment Study. Cemetery Matters ® Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 8 locations for a total of $10,000. Community Matters • Responded to 68 e -mails to the General City of Sebastian e -mail address (Cityseb and Webmaster) and/or forwarded to appropriate departments for response • Deputy Clerk monitored sound system duting F.I.N.D. Board Meeting — August 18, 2012. • RPM assisted in coordinating & participated in Spoil Island Cleanup on zjuly 215` and recorded minutes. Personnel /Educational Matters • Deputy Clerk attended two hour e -mail management webinar. • Deputy Clerk attended records management seminar September 18`h in Ft. Pierce, FL. • RPM attended two — two hour e -mail management webinars. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Prepared the P Quarter 2012 Budget Amendment to the City Council. • Worked with City Manager and Budget Committee to finalize the 2013 Capital Improvement program and Operating Budget recommendations. • Prepared agenda items for Budget approvals and sent the final Budget document to the printer. • Submitted required budget and millage information to the Property Appraiser and to the State. • Conducted year -end audits of cashier cash balances, Golf Course Pro Shop inventory and Garage inventory. • Completed conversion to Seacoast National Bank. • Worked with Seacoast National Bank to implement desk -top deposit of checks, whereby checks are scanned and sent to Bank electronically, saving trips to deposit the daily receipts. • Meet with Investment Advisors to discuss the City's investment portfolio and strategies. • Conducted annual open enrollment sessions for employee health insurance. • HandIed normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Participated in negotiations of the Collective Bargaining Agreements. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with ICMA. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Recruited, interviewed, and hired replacements for vacant positions. 0 , _ 1 • Incident Reports processed/dispersed to proper agencies and entered into IMC... 494 • Arrest Reports ( Juveniles) ................................... ............................... 8 • Arrests Reports ( Adults) ..................................... ............................... 108 • Accident Reports /Driver Exchanges processed, dispersed/entered into IMC....... 63 ( 47 Accidents; 16 Driver Exchanges) • Traffic Citations processed and entered into IMC ....... ............................... 188 (Civil — 131; Criminal — 45 ; Citation Arrests — 19; Voided - 0) • Parking Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ..................... 10 • Warning Citations processed, followed up and entered into IMC ................... 699 • Subpoenas signed, processed and distributed ............. ............................... 217 • Public Records Request: Jul. 51; Aug. 68; Sept. 42 .......................... 161 • Completed sergeants promotional process. • Continued review of agency policies as per accreditation standards. • Administration attended 6 Council meetings and 3 special meetings. • Attended over 60 Law Enforcement related meetings and 14 public meetings and/or speaking engagements. • Conducted 1 onsite and 2 mock onsites for Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. • Agency completed in house training for all sworn members for mandatory's and skill enhancement. • Four 911 Operators completed and passed exams to become certified. All currently employed operators are now state certified as per state statute. • Continued monthly Chief's Reports on Channel 25 and Channel 10. Volunteers ® Volunteers worked a total of 2,066 hours during this quarter. ® 54 bank deposit details were made. This service is done to save time for City Hall employees. ® 2 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at City events, road closures, etc. ® 952 house watches /close patrols were completed. ® 65 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. ® 181 business checks were made. These business checks are done and help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which cuts down on crime. ® 105 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times help to deter crime. • 32 Airport checks were made. Again, the visibility helps to deter crime. ® 36 special details were assigned and there were 2 miscellaneous assist for law enforcement personnel. ® 92 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorneys Office, Sheriff s Office, etc. Volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney packets and whatever other items are needed. ® Assisted with traffic control on 2 traffic crash scenes. ® 1 warnings /ticket for handicapped parking and 0 warnings /tickets for other parking were issued. ® 135 citizen contacts and 371 miscellaneous jobs. Road Patrol and Special Operations ® Officers were dispatched to 3,793 calls for service, and self - initiated 8,942 events. ® 109 adult and 8 juvenile arrest were made.. ® Officers issued 195 citations, 10 parking citations, and 699 written warnings. ® Officers completed 494 offense reports and 63 crash reports. Citations Warnings Incidents Arrests ® Traffic Homicides (0) • Boat Ofc (ID 447) Temporarily assigned to Road Patrol • K -9 Ofc's (41/38/46) 216 142 18 12 • TOTALS 216 142 18 12 • K -9 Usage /Activity Reports: 35 • K -9 Training hours 250 combined hours. • K -9 Demonstrations 5 • K -9 Apprehensions 9 misdemeanor and 3 felony • K -9 Narcotic Searches 18 Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Community Policing /Training • Attended 20 business contacts /meetings. These locations include various financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, VFW and other local businesses & committees. • Assisted road patrol duties to handle calls for service and covering shift shortages. • Officer Marcinik completed approximately 160 hours on CVSA's and backgrounds for applicants. • Officer Marcinik conducted approximately 4 hours of car seat inspection & education to the public. • Officer Marcinik also had approximately 10 hours of community problem solving /intervention. This activity is responding to various neighborhood issues and helping with crime prevention and reduce redundant calls for service. • Officer Marcinik had 8 hours of Recruiting. This includes phone calls, walk -in inquiries and career fair presentations at various location. • Officer Marcinik conducted 2 bicycle and pedestrian safety programs at our three schools this quarter. The bike safety program has resulted in the distribution of approximately 6 bike helmets in an on going effort for safe bicycling and compliance with Florida law. • Officer Marcinik conducted 12 child I.D. programs, which provided numerous families with child ID's . • Officer Marcinik has approximately 14 hours working with DCF regarding adults in need of services and the Department's RUOK automated calling program to assist seniors that are home bound or alone. • Officer Marcinik has performed 14 hours of training for Crossing Guards, Community Service Volunteers, Crime Prevention Awareness and Robbery Prevention Training. • Officer Marcinik has numerous hours invested in the planning, facilitating and participation with numerous events to include the National Peace Officer Memorial Week, CTST meetings, S.A.F.E. Program, HOPE program, Special Olympics, National Night Out, Funeral Escorts and DEA Take Back program. • Officer Marcinik has provided 4 tours with local scout groups promoting good citizenry, safety and crime prevention. Investigations a 47 cases were assigned. Numerous vehicle burglaries, residential burglaries, frauds, sexual battery, thefts, possession of narcotics, stolen vehicle. a 9 arrest and 18 warrants for arrests were obtained. a 17 total cases were cleared. a 88 reports /supplements were completed. Communications Division ® 12,735 calls entered into C.A.D. (IMC) of that: a 3,793 were dispatched calls for service a 2,009 were Code Enforcement Initiated calls a 9,497 were Officer Initiated calls a 1,211 were Volunteer Initiated calls Total 911 calls received 2,507 of that the breakdown of the lines are as follows: a Wireless 911 calls — 1,764 (cell phones) a Wire -line 911 calls — 535 (residential and /or business land lines) a VOIP 911 calls — 208 a 523 of the calls were transferred to other agencies a 483 were hang -ups Training attended: a 2 attended HigherGround WebEx recorder training ® 2 Dispatchers took the State Certification Test a 1 went to FDLE Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC) Training a 1 went to DAVID Point of Contact Training a 2 went to FDLE TAC Meeting. a One Dispatcher returned from maternity leave, one was hired, one was terminated and one quit. During this quarter as in all quarters, we assisted the Citizens with house watch requests and cancellation services, citation sign off s, information, phone numbers and other services by contacting other Agencies and/or Departments for them. We take and dispatch all non- emergency and emergency phone calls, as well as requests for Law Enforcement, Code Enforcement and Volunteer services. We assist the Officers, Detectives, Code Enforcement and Volunteers with placing phone calls to citizens, parents of juveniles, State Attorney, Court House, Tag Office, Drivers License Office, key holders and any other agency requests they may have as well as sending teletype messages to DHSMV, FCIC/NCIC and other Law Enforcement Agencies regarding cases our agency is working. We also provide services to non - residents by answering questions, giving phone numbers, referring them to the proper agency, etc. We also assist other agencies with information and /or requests they may have. Alarm Assessments • $1,060 in alarm permits • $300 in false alarms fines • 178 alarm responses by officers, 84 of these were false. • 63 New permits issued. Code Enforcement Division • Issued 518 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 551 Code Violations • 487 Code Services. • 981 re- inspections, 414 violations complied with, 59 were not complied with, 233 were posted for abatement, 94 abated by vendors. • 414 violations complied. • 64 Liens filed, 18 liens released. • 349 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. PUBLIC WORDS DEPARTMENT Engineering Traffic Division • Installed Regulatory signs — 137 • Warning signs &RI -la — 61 • Guide Signs — 74 • Specialty Signs —187 • Pavement Markings — 2400 ft • RPM's — 36 • Post Maintenance — 200 • Beacon Maintenance — 40 hours • I have also been helping on the asphalt crew. In addition, I have been given cold patch duty. Things are going well as can be expected. Roads and Maintenance • Clean up in the compound. • Weed eat ditches on I.R.D. • Set up for the fourth of July. • Pick up dead fish at Ditch on 512 by New pack store. • Work on Schumann Restroom. • Paint bollard at the gas pumps in the Compound. • Work on city docks. • Break down the Fourth of July. • Repair potholes through out the city. • Fill in low spots in park lot behind Hess. • Help Parks with the baseball fields repairs. • Work with Jack Regan on cart path repairs at the Golf Course. • Put dirt it each end of the new footbridge at the dog park. • Haul extra dirt out of the Cemetery from the graves that where dug. • Builds catch basin for the Golf Course. • Build new barricades and repair the old ones. • Install cover on the gas regulator at the Four Chaplains. • Work on lights at Easy St. Park. • Trim trees at the Cemetery. • Edge and weed eat curb and gutter on Fleming St. Powerline Rd and Main St. • Mow Fleming St. • Pave road crossings on Stevenson St., Barker St. Landsdown and South Wimbrow • Repair in front of the driveway on Braddock St. • Repair the monument at the War memorial that was knocked down. Roads and Maintenance - Continued • Install new benches one at Riverview Park and one at Easy St. • Bob M. helping at the Cemetery • Clean up around the guardrails through out the city. • Help storm water clean quarter round through out the city. • Repair the fence at the Compound. • Cut trees back off the road through out the city. • Weed eat and edge the sidewalk on Main St., Easy St., Fleming St., and Lake Dr ... Orange Av., Wimbrow Dr. and Barber St. • Install new bricks at the Four Chaplains. • Repair the Yacht club dock. • Weed eat and edge sidewalks and around the trees and clean up the pine needles out of the storm drains. • Install new bricks at the Clock. • Repair lights at Easy St. Park. • Build head walls for storm water on Jordan Av. • Clean out old building department for the Senior Center. • Replace parking stop at Riverview Park. • Install two new doors at the Senior Center and patch all the holes in the walls • Work on the decks of the pedestrian bridges. • Repair fascia at the Golf Course. • Install rumble strips on Barber St. • Clean up Big Building. • Build catch basins for Storm Water on Ponoka St. • Help Parks with the walking trail at the Dog Park. • Put up barricades on the flooded roads. • Repair clock at Riverview Park. • Repair street light on I.R.D. that was hit by a car. • Pick up carpet on Admiral Dr. for cod enforcement. • Install new bench at Easy St. Park. • Fix elec. at Good Guy Property. • Clean up in the Sign Shop. • Repair lights on Main St. boat ramp. • Work on repairing lighting on pedestrian bridges. • Pick up dead animals through out the city. • Cut tree off stop signs through out the city. • Cut ditch on 512 and New pack. • Pick up tree debris after the ditch cleaning crew. • Repair lights on LR.D • Clean up the fill pile. • Pick up trees that fell in the storm. • Remove strips at city hall so we can install two new handicap parking spots for the senior center. • Install second batch of bricks at the Four Chaplains. • Weed eat along the railroad tracks at Schumann Dr. and Essex Ln. • Sweep Streets 281miles 8 dumps 7 fills. Cemetery • The Cemetery Division continued regular routine maintenance of mowing, weed eating and edging. • Made necessary irrigation repairs. • Fertilized and applied weed killer. • Installed all necessary memorial plaques. • Handled burials. 0 Parks and Recreation • Prepared Indian Rive Drive & Riverview Park for 4`h of July Celebration. • Replaced chlorine feeder and pressure cleaned mold & mildew at Splash Pad. • Repaired fence at playground and replaced fountain pump in Riverview Park. • Replaced 2 tennis nets and repaired lights at Schumann Tennis Park. • Assisted with Patriot Day Ceremony, 5K Run and SRHS Homecoming Parade at Riverview Park. • Resurfaced two clay courts and repaired hog damage on baseball field at Friendship Park • Repaired wind screen and fence damaged by storm at Friendship Park Tennis Courts • Renovated and improved drainage on baseball infields at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Fertilized all turf areas and sprayed for weeds at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Repaired dugouts, two scoreboards and fences at Barber St. Sports Complex • Installed new bases, pitching rubbers and home plates at Barber St. Sports Complex • Repaired two basketball hoops and fence and relocated benches at Football Field • Striped parking lot at Barber St. Sports Complex baseball fields. • Installed walking trail and bridge at Bark Park. • Continued regular maintenance. Fleet Management ® The Fleet Management staff completed 221 repair work orders, ® 53 preventive maintenance services, 36 service calls and 4 road trips to pick up repair parts. ® In addition to the in -house vehicle /equipment work orders, 41 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. ® The Fleet Management Division has completed the following projects in the past quarter: • A .... One safety meeting, held on July 19, 2012 regarding flammable storage. • B ..... Sold vehicles /equipment using GovDeals.com for a net total of $5,500 (for a yearly total of $34,000). • C.....Public Works Fuel Tank upgrade project. Completed the extended fuel hose on pump #2 and installed fuel hose retractor system. • D.....Completed upgrade of PD units 57 and 58 for use by the police volunteers. • E.....Completed the Annual Repair parts inventory. ® Fuel costs as of September 30, 2012 are as follows: ® $3.37 per gallon of gasoline, increase of 16% over the past 90 days. ® $3.65 per gallon of diesel fuel, increase of 12% over the past 90 days. Facilities Maintenance • Pumped tanks at Riverview Park, Splash Pad and yacht Club. • Painted Golf Course — Eagles Nest (Blue Ribbon Painting) • Pumped tanks at Football Field • Trane inspection at City Hall and Police Department • Got the pest control bid awarded • Worked on Janitorial Bid • Set up chambers for Early Voting • Did Renovations at old KIRB for new Senior Center • Repaired A/C at Community Center • Replaced condenser at Airport • Replaced compressor at Community Center • New Carpet in Eagles nest and Golf Shop • Painted outside of old Chambers, Kirb, Art Club • Did Quarterly sprinkler tests • Repaired backflow at Community Center and yacht club. • Started Ameron on new pest control contract. • Conducted interviews for custodian positions • Continued daily and monthly maintenance in buildings • Completed 30 work orders. Stormwater • Installed a total of 800 LF of the of pipe • Replaced 17 driveways in conjunction with the t/4 round project • Installed 5 catch basins • Replaced 4 Road Crossings • Did 1/4 round maintenance • Bush hog Mowing • Vac Truck Cleaned • 11 catch basins ® 50 driveway pipes ® 5 road crossings GOLF COURSE ® Total revenue for 4th quarter: $170,873. (Main weather highlight for 4th quarter entailed over 20 days of rain for the month of September.) • Golf Rounds for 4th quarter: 8,629. • Green Fee revenue for 4th quarter: $51,065. • Cart Fee revenue for 4th quarter: $95,429. • Golf shop revenue for 0' quarter: $10,190. • Driving range revenue for 4th quarter: $5,967, an increase of $258 over the 4th quarter of FY2010 -11. • Discount Card revenue for 4th quarter: $0 (Almost 100% of Discount Card sales and Annual Memberships occur during the 1St and 2nd quarters.) • Club Rental & Club Storage revenue for 4th quarter: $227. • Computerized golf handicap revenue for 4th quarter: $40. • Rents & Royalty revenue for 4th quarter: $7,455, an increase of $1,112 over the 4th quarter of FY2010 -11. • Professional golf lesson revenue for 4th quarter: $490, an increase of $206 over the 0' quarter of FY2010 -11. • Annual Membership /Initiation revenue for 4th quarter: $0. ® Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for 0' quarter included Richard Gillmor for Congress Tournament (16 players), Larry Smith Benefit (128 players), Sebastian River High School Boys & Girls Golf Team Benefit (108 players) and Sebastian River High School Football Touchdown Club Tournament (60 players). ® Charity, Corporate and Special Golf Tournaments scheduled for I" quarter (2012 -13) include Central Baptist Church, Sebastian Italian- American Club, The Tiki Bar Golf Tournament, St. Sebastian Church Tournament and The Sebastian Amateur. ® Donated rounds of golf and/or golf course merchandise to numerous charitable fundraisers and events. By donating to worthy causes, SMGC provides key support to numerous community endeavors. ® Golf course condition in excellent shape, several customers frequently offered positive comments about condition of golf course and overall shape and speed of greens. Small landscaping projects accomplished throughout the property and around the clubhouse. ® The premier golf tournament for SMGC, the 2012 Sebastian Amateur is scheduled for November 17th and 181h ® The outside of the Clubhouse was painted, inside received new carpet throughout the entire building, restrooms painted and new vanity installed in men's restroom. ® 7,000 square feet of cart path was repaired (new concrete) to golf course cart- paths. ® Sebastian Junior Golf Academy in July had over 40 juniors participate. ® Since inception of Sebastian River High School (beginning in 1994), SMGC served as the home golf course for the Sebastian River High School Boy's and girls golf teams. PGA Director of Golf, Greg Gardner, has served as golf coach since 1996. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the 4"' quarter of this fiscal year a total of 11 new single- family homes were issued building permits. This is only about half of the additional new homes that were reported in the 3rd quarter. Other permits of significance include no new commercial buildings, 1 commercial addition, 6 commercial alterations, 1 residential addition and 8 residential alterations. In all, only 420 building permits were issued in the 4th quarter. This is an approximate 30% decrease from the figures shown in the 3rd quarter. • Total number of inspections for the 4t11 quarter was 1,353 for an average of 22 inspections per working day. The number of inspections this quarter has decreased by about 18% from the 3rd quarter of this year. • The building department issued 26 certificates of occupancy for new single family residences during the 4th quarter. This number increased slightly from the 3rd quarter. • A proposed ordinance changing wind speeds, unsafe structures code language and updating other code sections to current standards in Chapter 26 of the City Code of Ordinances was presented to the City Coucil. The proposed ordinance was approved at first and second readings and adopted by the City Council. • The following list of Business Tax Receipts was issued in the 4th quarter: New Businesses -34, Renewals -500, Transfers -2, Duplicates -1, Home Based Businesses -17, Commercial Businesses -17, Insurance Companies -4, and Solicitor Permits -17. In addition, there have been 43 requests from lien/title companies for permit records on properties within the city. AIRPORT • Monitored FDOT Grant process for installing security cameras. • Reduced staffing by one Maintenance Worker. Services will be provided by General Fund as needed. Economic Development • Coordinated activities of the Airport, Building Department and Planning and Zoning. • Continued review of established policies and procedures. • Considered best management practices to accomplish the department's goals and objectives. 9 CITY OF .. FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 BUDGET C 4*,LEVD-,k-T DATE DAY EVENT 01/23/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Budget Calendar Approval 02/04/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board — Review 4th Quarter Budget Report 02/27/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Goal Setting Discussion 03/18/13 Monday Departments Receive Instructions for Capital Improvement Program 03/18/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — Review 1St Quarter Budget Report 03/27/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Approve 1St Quarter Budget Report 04/17/13 Wednesday Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Finance Director 04/18/13 Thursday Departments Receive Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation 05/16/13 Thursday Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Finance Director 06/03/13 Monday Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/10/13 Monday Start City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 06/17/13 Monday DR -420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/17/13 Monday Finish City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 06/17/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board — Review 2nd Quarter Budget Report 06/24/13 Monday Parks and Recreation Board @5:30pm - City Manager Review of Capital Improvement Program 06/26/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm —Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Report/Receive Preliminary Budget Review Advisory Board Report 07/01/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — City Manager's Presentation of Budget Recommendations 07/10/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm - Approve Proposed Millage 07/15/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — Review and Discussion of Budget Recommendations 07/17/13 Wednesday City Council Receives Capital Improvement Program and Operating Budget 07/17/13 Wednesday Planning and Zoning Board Receives Capital Improvement Program 07/24/13 Wednesday Send DR -420 Proposed Millage Form to Property Appraiser 08/01/13 Thursday Planning and Zoning Board @7:OOpm — Approval of Capital Improvement Program 08/05/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — Discuss Final Budget Report to City Council 08/12/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — Approve Final Budget Report to City Council 08/14/13 Wednesday City Council @6:30pm — Discussion of Capital Improvement Program 08/19/13 Monday City Council @6:OOpm — Special Meeting/Workshop on Budget Recommendations 09/09/13 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:OOpm — Review 3rd Quarter Budget Report 09/05/13 Thursday First Public Hearing on County Budget 09/11/13 Wednesday Final Adoption of School Board Budget 09/12/13 Thursday Final Adoption of County Budget 09/16/13 Monday City Council @6:OOpm — Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on Millage and Budget /Approval of Capital Improvement Program 09/21/13 Saturday Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budget 09/25/13 Wednesday CRA Meeting @6:OOpm - Approve Community Redevelopment Agency Budget City Council @6:30pm — Final Public Hearing on Millage and Budget 09/26/13 Thursday Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser Approved As of January 23, 2013 — With Addition of Goal Setting Discussion