HomeMy WebLinkAbout08142012BUD�� HOME OF PEUCAN ISLAND CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. City Council Chamber, 1225 Main Street, Sebastian Mr. Ed Herlihy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: William Flaherty Ed Herlihy Tim Slaven 4 Not Present: Christine Vicars (excused) Gary O'Hara Harry Marshall Dionna Farmer Staff Present: AI Minner, City Manager Debbie Krueger, Administrative Services Dtrector Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Donna Cyr, Recording Secretary Approval of Minutes: July 17, 2012 Regular meeting MOTION by Mr. Marshall and SECOND by Ms. Farmer to approve the July 17, 2012 minutes with a change on the last page, second line, Council Budget Workshop is on August 22nd that should read Council Budget Workshop is on August 20th, passed on a unanimous voice vote. 5. Budget Update by the Citv Manacter: Mr. Minner gave his PowerPoint presentation of the updated proposed Fiscal Year 2013 Budget (see attached). Because of changes in some unresolved issued at the time of the budget preparation he wanted to update the board with what transpired. The four unresolved issues were Health Care, General Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance, Janitorial Services and Ditch and Swale Maintenance. Because of these changes to the budget Mr. Minner was able to offer the board two different options to recommend to Council. One was to change the millage rate to $3.5646 with no asphalt paving program. Two would be to continue with the original recommended millage rate of $3.7166 and include street resurfacing. At the completion of his presentation, Mr. Minner introduced Nancy Veidt to the board and thanked her for all her hard work on preparation of the budget. He then asked for questions from the board. There were no questions from the board. Budget Advisory Meeting August 14, 2012 Page Two 6. Memorandum on Budget Chanqes and Proposed Draft of Budcom Report: Mr. Herlihy asked the board for their pleasure as far as going with the recommendation to Council of a millage rate of $3.7166 leaving in the roads or going with the $3.5646 rate. He asked for questions. Ms. Farmer said she did have a question regarding road resurfacing, she wanted to know if the City would be repaving the roads or patching. Mr. Minner said it depended on the road. He said the south east portion of town needed work. The base was solid, so those roads would be resurfaced unless problems were found. Mr. Minner said the plan was to fill in any pot holes like a patch job then overlay the whole road. Mr. Slaven asked if we don't repave this year, will it cost more next year and the City Manager stated he doesn't know. He feels the longer we ignore the roads the more the base will decay so it could cost more. 7. Committee Comments and Direction on Committee Report to the Citv Council: Mr. Herlihy brought up that he received his tax bill from the County and he said he was amazed at the fact that his property assessed valuation went down 7'/2 % which is above the 6% that was expected and his Sebastian taxes went down. Given the fact that we need to do road repairs, he is for staying with the recommended rate of $3.7166. Mr. Slaven agreed. Mr. Herlihy made an informal motion to recommend to Council to stay at the $3.7166 millage rate. The members agreed. There were no changes to Mr. Herlihy's draft memo to Council. 8. Review of 3rd Quarter Budaet Amendment: Ms. Krueger gave an overview of the Third Quarter Budget Amendment explaining that the departments are at or below 75% of spending which is where they should be. Everything looks good. Building revenues are up from this time last year. There were no questions or comments from the members. MOTION by Mr. Herlihy and SECOND by Ms. Farmer to approve Resolution R-12-22 Third Quarterly Report as submitted and recommended to Council, motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. 9. Other Discussion/Questions bv Committee Members: There were no other comments or questions from the board members. Mr. Minner thanked the members for all their hard work this year on the fiscal 2013 budget. Mr. Minner also thanked Staff and the Department Heads for their hard work in putting together the budget and employees for their hard work. 10. Being no further business, Mr. Herlihy adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m. �� �-' � t--( 1 Citizen Bu e dvisory Board Chairperson ignature Date